Friday, January 28, 2011

Dental Office Billing/Insurance problems...?

I had oral surgery in January 2009. The billing to me and to my insurance carrier has been hopelessly confused and confusing. Originally I was given and signed a "treatment plan" by the dental office that covered (and they acknowledged this) many possibilities for my oral surgery, most of which did not end up happening. At the time of the procedure I paid $244.60, my "co pay". What portions of my procedures this covered and how it breaks out has never been made clear to me. In fact, one person in the office today said that she wasn't sure where that amount came from! Over the next few months, I'd receive statements from the office with a large balance due, but none of these showed more than some small payments by my insurer, so I figured that the insurance payments just hadn't caught up. I called the dentist several times to ask what was going on, and was told that they still had to submit some documentation to the insurer. When I called the insurer, they would say that they were waiting for information from the dentist office. The Dental office put my account into collections in May, saying that I'd never contacted them regarding my account. This, however, is NOT the issue. I pointed out to them that I had contacted them several times, that at least part of my charges that had been denied by the insurer were being appealed and they ended the collection attempt. NOW, note that it's DECEMBER, the insurer keeps saying that they haven't gotten the documentation they need from the dentist, the dentist says that they have sent, again and again, the documentation the insurer is asking for and I'm at this point totally confused as to what I might actually owe. I have "account history" ledger printouts from the dental office that in one case does not agree with earlier copies of the same history (one amount has been changed). I'm not clear on what I'm supposed to be paying, since they've billed some items differently to me and the insurer. How can I get help sorting out what I actually owe? Thanks,
I would say that it is up to your dentist to give you a complete brake down of the services and charges they are sending to your insurance company. Your insurance company is only going by what they get from your dentist. If your dentist is changing that all the time well I can see the confusion.. Tell you dentist you want the brake down it is your right to have it. Tell them you want them to list all the ADA Codes that they are billing your insurance company for and their cost. Knowing your ADA codes is the key to this mess. Number Do Not Change. How they may word things may. ADA codes tell everyone from the dentist to the insurance carrier what it is that you had done. Once you have that complete list call your insurance carrier get the name of the person you are talking to and try to only deal with one person. If they change people on you make sure you write down their name and any extensions they may have. Tell them you are going to fax the statement to them. And that you will be calling a back to confirm that they got your fax. That will stop them from saying to you that they did not get what the need. From there you can address what is and what is not getting covered under your plan. Address services listed on the billing by their ADA codes therefore there is no confusion on what it is you are talking about. If they say something is not covered like you thought it should be ask them were it shows that in your policy. (note make sure you have your policy when calling) Never raise your voice.. and try not to get upset. Showing them that you know what you are talking about will help you out 100%, Question your dental office if the billing does not look right have them explain why they are charging you for every line item if you have to. It sounds like they are totally messed up over there. Make sure you understand what they are charging you for so that you can address that with your insurance company. It is sad that you have to get in the middle of this mess but if you just go with the flow you are the one that is losing out.

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