Friday, January 28, 2011

If you didn't have dental insurance would you...?

pay the $785 to put a crown on the fractured tooth, or just pull the tooth out?
Pay for the crown. If you have the tooth extracted you may develop the followng problems: 1. the teeth beside the space may shift and lean into the void which will impact on their stability and your chewing ability and future options if you choose to replace the tooth with an implant or bridge in the future. 2. the tooth that occludes (bites) with the missing tooth may start to over erupt (grow up into the space) which will impact your bite and your options should you choose to replace the tooth in the future. 3. An implant to replace the missing tooth is probably 4 or 5 times as expensive as the crown 4. A bridge that crowns the teeth on either side of the hole and puts a "falsie" into the space is about 3 times as expensive as the crown 5. A denture is only 25% as effective at chewing as a natural or crowned tooth. Most dental offices will either offer you payment options or put you in touch with a financing company that can spread the payment pain out over a few months.

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