I am a family of four and need medical and dental insurance. I am the only one working right now I make a total income of $2,900 take home and I dont qualify for medical but healthly families does qualify my two kids but I need to see if maybe there some program for my whole family, I have to see a doctor for myself i'm 31yrs. and have a bleeding disorder issue that is starting to concern me, I can't afford to pay out of pocket because I am left with enough for just gas money to get to and from work after all my monthly bills are taken care of. If anyone knows anything that may help me and my family please give me some info.
YOu are not the only person who have ever met this kind of problem,I met this type of problem before.I have good experience here www.HealthInsuranceFree.info to solve the problem.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
My friend Stphani has no heath or dental insurance and has to get 4 wisdom teeth removed?
She woke up in pain the other day with her mouth bleeding and had to go to a dentist and pay outright for the appointment and the x-rays. She has in infection behind one another one has a cyst behind it and the third is growing in sideways and crowding her bottom teeth. She called Medicare and Medicaid none will cover her because she isn't pregnant, doesn't have kids, isn't a child, and isn't disabled. This needs to be an immediate surgery and the pain keeps getting worse for her every day. We live in southern Florida she said she called a couple dental colleges, none will deal with wisdom teeth. Can someone please help me help my friend... with options, places to go, insurance companies that will cover her that aren't too expensive. I would appreciate any and all input. Thank you Briana
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here - health-quotes.isgreat.org
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here - health-quotes.isgreat.org
root canal needs to be redone in my molar tooth, but I have no dental insurance and just lost my job?
I did a root canal on one of my molars 2 years ago, everything was fine, but recently I have started to experience a pain when I drink something hot. My general dentists advised me to see a specialist, but I don't have money to do it. I started drinking antibiotics and pain and sensitivity went away for 3 months. Now the tooth hurts more, I can feel hot and cold water, and sometimes it hurts in the evenings too. I wonder if there is some good dental plan I can buy, that can help me to save money on health insurance in California, or maybe there is some dental insurance I can buy. I am from Ukraine, so I am thinking maybe i should buy a ticket home and fix my tooth there, however I am registered for classes in the university and I don't want to put my life on hold because of this trip. To cut a long story short, I just really need a good advice on what should I do. I want to save a tooth, and I am not even thinking about pulling it out so don't advice me that option please.
If you are under 21, you can apply for Medi-Cal and Denti-Cal. http://www.dhcs.ca.gov/services/medi-cal… "Drinking antibiotics" is bad for your body, and if you keep doing it, your body will build up an immunity to the antibiotics.
If you are under 21, you can apply for Medi-Cal and Denti-Cal. http://www.dhcs.ca.gov/services/medi-cal… "Drinking antibiotics" is bad for your body, and if you keep doing it, your body will build up an immunity to the antibiotics.
Does buying "health insurance" cover both medical and dental?
Or would you have to get 2 different insurances, one for medical and the other for dental? If you can provide links and sources please. Thank you.
This depends on what plan you get. Some plans are just medical while others come with both and sometimes you can choose to add dental or not. When talking with the insurance agent ask thorough questions about what is covered in the dental insurance (whether it's included or not), some can be really good deals others can cover barely anything. Usually health insurance plans with low premiums and high deductibles cover very little when it comes to dental OR don't have dental at all. Blue Cross Blue Shield however is a good deal in my opinion.
This depends on what plan you get. Some plans are just medical while others come with both and sometimes you can choose to add dental or not. When talking with the insurance agent ask thorough questions about what is covered in the dental insurance (whether it's included or not), some can be really good deals others can cover barely anything. Usually health insurance plans with low premiums and high deductibles cover very little when it comes to dental OR don't have dental at all. Blue Cross Blue Shield however is a good deal in my opinion.
How do I find a dental company that covers adult braces?
I have dental insurance in cobra but it does not cover adult braces. I am looking for a dental ins. that individuals can buy. I also heard there is ortho ins. as well. I have decided to try to buy the ins on my own because most group plans do not cover adult braces. I am not looking for those discount programs. This is a really hard topic to find on the internet! Any help would be appreciated.
Ph a broker, and ask them to find one for you or simply phone a few insurance companies
Ph a broker, and ask them to find one for you or simply phone a few insurance companies
Dental Insurance Threw The State?
I currently don't have a job or insurance. I am currently looking so no comments please. I have a cavity and its really starting to affect me. Im getting headaches from it and can barely eat anything. Is there anyways I can get like insurance or something from the state? I'm in washington state in king county.
health-quotes.talk4fun.net - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
health-quotes.talk4fun.net - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
Is it possible to get a bank loan to pay for dental work?
I need a lot of dental work and im sure i am going to be looking at a hefty bill.Probably between 3 to 6 grand.Which i do not have.sure i do have a good job and i do have dental insurance but it isn't that good.
You would have to apply for an unsecured personal loan. There are no "dental loans" per se. An alternative might be to work out a payment plan with the dentist. Another alternative, if your condition permits, is to stretch out the work over multiple years - that might result in your insurance picking up a larger total. Remember that most dental plans have annual ceilings on payments.
You would have to apply for an unsecured personal loan. There are no "dental loans" per se. An alternative might be to work out a payment plan with the dentist. Another alternative, if your condition permits, is to stretch out the work over multiple years - that might result in your insurance picking up a larger total. Remember that most dental plans have annual ceilings on payments.
A question about my teeth? im in a LOT of pain and dont have dental insurance?
well to put it strait i cringe when i think of candy. i am a 13 year old girl who has an EXTREMELY BAD ADDICTION to candy.i LOVE IT SO MUCH! well since easter of april 09 wen i put a peice of candy into my mouth it kills so bad i want too cry! i have had dentaphobia all my life and now im just sick of the tooth pains. i want candy again and oreos hurt my teeth too. i miss all these foods so i want to see a dentist ... but my dad has harvard pilgrim insurance and only covers children 11 and younger for dental insurance. i tried to tell my dad but hes all like *mhm uh huh yupp...* and says i probably have a cold and i KNOW i dont. mass health insurance covers dental but if he makes over 45000 a year we cant have it and he does make over that amount. so we have to flat out pay it, HOW DO I GET TO THE DENTIST!!!!!!!
if you are looking to find a dentist with lower fees, try dental school around where you live. also can you add more detail about the pain you are experiencing now? does it hurt when you chew?is it only one tooth or more than one? is it sensitive to coldt? does it keep you awake at night? more detail, better. Have that check out by a dentist. Ask your dad if you can at least just see a dentist to be sure about this. you can get a consultation for cheaper price just to see what is going on with the tooth and then decide if you want to pay more to fix it. There are alway cheaper price dental clinics around especially for kids. also dental schools have lower fee with great services. Good Luck.
if you are looking to find a dentist with lower fees, try dental school around where you live. also can you add more detail about the pain you are experiencing now? does it hurt when you chew?is it only one tooth or more than one? is it sensitive to coldt? does it keep you awake at night? more detail, better. Have that check out by a dentist. Ask your dad if you can at least just see a dentist to be sure about this. you can get a consultation for cheaper price just to see what is going on with the tooth and then decide if you want to pay more to fix it. There are alway cheaper price dental clinics around especially for kids. also dental schools have lower fee with great services. Good Luck.
Where can I find a good dental plan for myself?
I am currently a full time student who works part time. Unfortunately, working part time does not give me health benefits including vision and dental. However, my school covers me for health and vision but not dental. Where can I get affordable dental insurance?
I don't have dental insurance, but I have a discount plan. The website where you can check providers in your area and sign up is http://www.HealthPlans4U.info
I don't have dental insurance, but I have a discount plan. The website where you can check providers in your area and sign up is http://www.HealthPlans4U.info
Is there anyone who could help me with my dental problems. I have no insurance and am a member of the VA, They?
I need a denture and a partial and a couple of fillings. I live on s,s, only.I could pay 100.00 a month.
Richard have you checked with a VA hospital? Many of them have dental services offered free of charge for vets. Good luck.
Richard have you checked with a VA hospital? Many of them have dental services offered free of charge for vets. Good luck.
whats the difference in dental plan and dental insurance? which is better and why?
self employeed and living in louisiana
A dental plan sells you a list. They don't PAY anything. They don't COVER anything. Allegedly, the providers on the list will give you a "discount" on services rendered, but if they won't, you don't get your money back from the "plan". Dental insurance COVERS you. They PAY, a limited amount. I haven't seen a private dental insurance policy that pays out more than it takes in. When I did NOT have access to group dental insurance, and I "ran the numbers", I was better off paying out of pocket.
A dental plan sells you a list. They don't PAY anything. They don't COVER anything. Allegedly, the providers on the list will give you a "discount" on services rendered, but if they won't, you don't get your money back from the "plan". Dental insurance COVERS you. They PAY, a limited amount. I haven't seen a private dental insurance policy that pays out more than it takes in. When I did NOT have access to group dental insurance, and I "ran the numbers", I was better off paying out of pocket.
What kind of health insurance should i get?
I just finished college and work at a job that does not pay for my medical or dental insurance. I am perfectly healthy right now, but you never know what can happen, so I want insurance. I am looking for a new job that offers better benefits, but in the mean time I don't want to take the risk. There are soo many places to get insurance I just want to know what would be a good place to get a cheap 6 month plan. I don't just want just hospitalization covered and I would also like it to include dental. Where should I go and what kind of costs should I expect?
You may want to try a website that compares multiple companies at once to get you the best price. I am paying less than ½ after I did. Go to: http://www.insureme.com/landing.aspx?Ref… Take care, Casey
You may want to try a website that compares multiple companies at once to get you the best price. I am paying less than ½ after I did. Go to: http://www.insureme.com/landing.aspx?Ref… Take care, Casey
I've broken a tooth and don't have dental insurance! Help please!?
Several months ago (6-7?), I started experiencing a sharp, aching pain on the lower left side of my mouth. It was so bad that a sympathy pain had started on the top of the same side. I self-treated with Orajel for a few days before going to a dentist who told me I had simple gum inflamation and prescribed antibiotics. He said the pain would go away, and it did, sort of--at least it wasn't crippling agony anymore. So fast-forward to two days ago. I was eating lunch and felt like I had something stuck between my teeth. Upon going to the bathroom to floss it out, a chunk of my tooth fell out! I don't have dental insurance, and I've been looking for a job for the past two months. I freaked and called my mom, but she didn't have any advice. Then this afternoon, I felt another part of the tooth loosen and fall out! Now instead of only a chip gone, it's 1/3! I've been covering it with gauze until I can talk to a dentist about what I can do, but I'm very freaked out. Any advice?
Talk to your dentist. Explain your situation. I know my dentist is super cool and she would make arrangements with me to pay it off at some point. Talk to the billing people at your dentist office. Ask if you can make very small monthly payments to start, meanwhile, look for a job where you can pay more and more each month. I wouldn't put it off though. And I wouldn't get the tooth pulled in order to deal with it later. If you need a root canal and a crown now, do it. Or, get a 0% interest credit card, charge it on that, have your parents help with small payments to start.
Talk to your dentist. Explain your situation. I know my dentist is super cool and she would make arrangements with me to pay it off at some point. Talk to the billing people at your dentist office. Ask if you can make very small monthly payments to start, meanwhile, look for a job where you can pay more and more each month. I wouldn't put it off though. And I wouldn't get the tooth pulled in order to deal with it later. If you need a root canal and a crown now, do it. Or, get a 0% interest credit card, charge it on that, have your parents help with small payments to start.
I have delta dental insurance through a factory in Russellville, Ky.Our plan changes 2007 & i need to know how
The factory is Carpenter Company, and my family has the high dental plan.
If you aren't sure of what the changes are or how they will affect your family, talk to your Human Resources person...they should be able to fill you in on the details!! Good luck!
If you aren't sure of what the changes are or how they will affect your family, talk to your Human Resources person...they should be able to fill you in on the details!! Good luck!
need root canal, whats the best dental insurance for it?
what type of insurance or plan do you recommend getting where id pay the least? or any other suggestions. thanks
You may not be able to have the root canal covered by insurance. Often when you get a new policy, they will have a waiting period for major work. And if you've been diagnosed as needing a root canal, it will definitely be considered a pre-existing condition.
You may not be able to have the root canal covered by insurance. Often when you get a new policy, they will have a waiting period for major work. And if you've been diagnosed as needing a root canal, it will definitely be considered a pre-existing condition.
where is a cheep dental office in houston or a cheep dental insurance.?
i have 13 cavaities and i rotten tooth. im living off of orajel and im only 18. i need to get them fixed befor i look horable. pleese help
In your situation, I recommend becoming a patient at the dental school at the University of Texas Health Center in Houston. The UT Houston dental school charges fees about half that of a regular dentist, and the quality of care provided by the dental students there (who are of course supervised) are quite good. You do have to give up a bit of time though-- 3 hours in the chair is typical. Hope this helps.
In your situation, I recommend becoming a patient at the dental school at the University of Texas Health Center in Houston. The UT Houston dental school charges fees about half that of a regular dentist, and the quality of care provided by the dental students there (who are of course supervised) are quite good. You do have to give up a bit of time though-- 3 hours in the chair is typical. Hope this helps.
I am in the reserves and i just got the dental insurance provided for us.?
I am in the reserves and i just gopt the dental insurance provided for us. I need to get my wisdon teeth? pulled and i see they dont cover most of anything? im actually unsure of what tehy pay for. has anyone has their wisdom teeth pulled?if i do it in a active duty base will i still ahve to pay teh same way?
Easy answer question,no.Not solvable question,no.Browse this information,your answer may be here http://www.InsuranceFreeTip.info/insurance-for-free.htm
Easy answer question,no.Not solvable question,no.Browse this information,your answer may be here http://www.InsuranceFreeTip.info/insurance-for-free.htm
How do I find a dental company that covers adult braces?
I have dental insurance in cobra but it does not cover adult braces. I am looking for a dental ins. that individuals can buy. I also heard there is ortho ins. as well. I have decided to try to buy the ins on my own because most group plans do not cover adult braces. I am not looking for those discount programs. This is a really hard topic to find on the internet! Any help would be appreciated.
Ph a broker, and ask them to find one for you or simply phone a few insurance companies
Ph a broker, and ask them to find one for you or simply phone a few insurance companies
Dental Insurance Threw The State?
I currently don't have a job or insurance. I am currently looking so no comments please. I have a cavity and its really starting to affect me. Im getting headaches from it and can barely eat anything. Is there anyways I can get like insurance or something from the state? I'm in washington state in king county.
health-quotes.talk4fun.net - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
health-quotes.talk4fun.net - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
Is it possible to get a bank loan to pay for dental work?
I need a lot of dental work and im sure i am going to be looking at a hefty bill.Probably between 3 to 6 grand.Which i do not have.sure i do have a good job and i do have dental insurance but it isn't that good.
You would have to apply for an unsecured personal loan. There are no "dental loans" per se. An alternative might be to work out a payment plan with the dentist. Another alternative, if your condition permits, is to stretch out the work over multiple years - that might result in your insurance picking up a larger total. Remember that most dental plans have annual ceilings on payments.
You would have to apply for an unsecured personal loan. There are no "dental loans" per se. An alternative might be to work out a payment plan with the dentist. Another alternative, if your condition permits, is to stretch out the work over multiple years - that might result in your insurance picking up a larger total. Remember that most dental plans have annual ceilings on payments.
Does anyone know how to get a cheap dental cleaning in San Diego?
I don't have dental insurance or anything. I think my teeth are in decent health, but I want to get a routine cleaning and checkup done. Any suggestions?
Southwestern College in National City has a free dental hygiene clinic. All services are free and you would be helping a student meet their requirements for graduation! Win, win! They are closely supervised by faculty and have to do a lot of preparation before they are allowed to work on actual people so you don't have to worry about some one being totally clueless! The only down side is that sometimes it takes a little longer since they are students and have to go through a lot of protocol. If you are interested call (619) 216-6665
Southwestern College in National City has a free dental hygiene clinic. All services are free and you would be helping a student meet their requirements for graduation! Win, win! They are closely supervised by faculty and have to do a lot of preparation before they are allowed to work on actual people so you don't have to worry about some one being totally clueless! The only down side is that sometimes it takes a little longer since they are students and have to go through a lot of protocol. If you are interested call (619) 216-6665
Can my ex wife make me pay for half of my kids braces before insurance?
My Ex is remarried and carriers dental insurance on our kids through her work insurance and her new husbands insurance. She is stating that I owe half of the amount for braces without her new husband using his insurance. I told that is fine if she doesn't submit it to his insurance, but if she does and his insurance pays then I should only owe half of the out-of-pocket costs. Does anyone know if I am right?
Actually you need to check with the provisions of your divorce decree. I found out that since braces are "cosmetic" that my ex-husband could refuse to pay for any of it, which he did. I paid for all out-of-pocket expenses for my son's braces all by myself. Sounds like she's trying to get over on you!
Actually you need to check with the provisions of your divorce decree. I found out that since braces are "cosmetic" that my ex-husband could refuse to pay for any of it, which he did. I paid for all out-of-pocket expenses for my son's braces all by myself. Sounds like she's trying to get over on you!
What's best dental coverage for white composite fillings?
Many dental insurance or dental plans do not offer coverage for white composite fillings except for front teeth. If I needed fillings repaired or new ones, I only want composite, non mercury based fillings. Any direction on plan type or specific companies to look at that are cost effective is appreciated? Thanks.
I just pay for them -approx £30-100 as an additional extra - cheaper for me as I don't have insurance. If you ask your dentist you should be able to book a fully private non plan covered appointment for not much extra.
I just pay for them -approx £30-100 as an additional extra - cheaper for me as I don't have insurance. If you ask your dentist you should be able to book a fully private non plan covered appointment for not much extra.
How much would braces cost if we dont have insurance?
Okay, so basically my mom keeps saying she's going to look into braces for me since my teeth are really messed up. I'm 14, and I don't have dental insurance but I really want to get my teeth fixed. How much do you think on average it would cost if she were to pay a monthly payment?
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here - health-quotes.isgreat.org
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here - health-quotes.isgreat.org
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