I live in utah, recently had a baby i was on medicaid but they dont cover dental now that i'm not pregnant we are very low on money but i desperately need braces my jaw is so out of alignment and constantly in pain can anyone think of any foundations or anything to help me thanks!!
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here - health-quotes.isgreat.org
Saturday, January 1, 2011
How much would this dental procedure cost without insurance?
I am missing 2 teeth (the one on either side of my front teeth). I've always been missing them. I never had permanent teeth. Right now, I have a retainer that my old dentsit made for me with 2 plastic teeth on them, and I wear it pretty much 24/7 so no one knows I am missing teeth. I've had the retainer for 5 years. However, recently my retainer has been poking and rubbing and I have all these sores and little cuts in my mouth from it. I don't currently have dental insurance, but I am just so sick and tired of these cuts, and the retainer, and having to take care of it, and I think the plastic teeth are starting to wear away. How much would bridges likely cost without insurance, and do many dentists offer payment plans? Or is there a less expensive procedure?
Most offer payment plans. Call and ask if they can make a free estimate for a replacement. If they can, make an appointment. They may charge something for the exam, because they might need x-rays to determine the health of the teeth. But they should be able to tell you how much that would run up front. Don't wait. You might have a gum disease contributing to the problem with the "cuts." ~
Most offer payment plans. Call and ask if they can make a free estimate for a replacement. If they can, make an appointment. They may charge something for the exam, because they might need x-rays to determine the health of the teeth. But they should be able to tell you how much that would run up front. Don't wait. You might have a gum disease contributing to the problem with the "cuts." ~
I live in PHX. AZ. and I need to find a dental insurance which I can use right away to fix my teeth.?
Here is the deal, I went to a dentist today to have my teeth fixed. I need about 6 crowns done and they are gonna cost about $4,000 and I don't have Dental insurance right now. Is there a Dental insurance or coverage out there that will enable me to use it right away after signing with them without waiting and how much would it cost each month and based on the example above, with this Dental Insurance how much would my total cost be for fixing my teeth. Again I live in the PHX. AZ. area. We have no free dental coverage here like in New York. Let me know the details. thanks
I would encourage you to visit this great website: www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I signed up online over 5 years ago when I was in college and they have saved me thousands of dollars over the years on all services. From fillings, cleanings, xrays,exams..etc. Even my braces! They even had my extremely very affordable benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use them the very same day. Hope this helps and good luck.
I would encourage you to visit this great website: www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I signed up online over 5 years ago when I was in college and they have saved me thousands of dollars over the years on all services. From fillings, cleanings, xrays,exams..etc. Even my braces! They even had my extremely very affordable benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use them the very same day. Hope this helps and good luck.
cost of dental cleaning and check-up with insurance? Is this dentist scamming me?
I have dental insurance that pays 80% of cleaning and prevention. I went to a different dentist to try a new dentist, and all this person did was take x-rays clean my teeth (very crappily) and the dentist checked my mouth as usual. well when i left the dentist that day i paid $130 upfront. well they keep sending me notices saying i still owe then $40 dollars! So I will have paid them $170 in the end.. does this sound about right? I think this dentist is a scam."
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here - health-quotes.talk4fun.net
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here - health-quotes.talk4fun.net
Why did I get a Dental Bill when I have insurance?
I have dental insurance from United Health Care, that pays 70% of everything- but since when does CLEANING and checkup cost? My bill is $146.00!!! That's ridiculous. I shouldn't be paying anything. Unless you have cavities or are getting surgery, Dental Insurance covers cleaning, right? On top of this, I work at a famous museum- and gave my dentist & hygienist each 6 vouchers to go to the place- a $350 value! They both showed up with their friends and of course, I escorted them around and made it great for them. Now I'm getting billed! If anything, the dentist should have said "You know, he did get us those vouchers. Let me cut the bill down." Thoughts?
The insurance is a contract between you and the company. The dentist has nothing to say about what they pay. He just submits his charges and whatever they do not pay or cover, you are responsible for. If they pay 70% of everything, that includes exams, x-rays, and cleanings. They do not state that they pay 100% of those. And the dentist doesn't do them for free. So if you have a complaint call the insurance company and complain.
The insurance is a contract between you and the company. The dentist has nothing to say about what they pay. He just submits his charges and whatever they do not pay or cover, you are responsible for. If they pay 70% of everything, that includes exams, x-rays, and cleanings. They do not state that they pay 100% of those. And the dentist doesn't do them for free. So if you have a complaint call the insurance company and complain.
I need secondary or supplemental Dental insurance?
Does anyone know of any good ones??
I'd be surprised if you could find a dental insurance policy that would work for you. Odds are, it would be more expensive to pay the premiums than it would be just to pay for the balance after your primary dental insurance out of pocket.
I'd be surprised if you could find a dental insurance policy that would work for you. Odds are, it would be more expensive to pay the premiums than it would be just to pay for the balance after your primary dental insurance out of pocket.
What can I do for medical and dental insurance for my family of four?
I am a family of four and need medical and dental insurance. I am the only one working right now I make a total income of $2,900 take home and I dont qualify for medical but healthly families does qualify my two kids but I need to see if maybe there some program for my whole family, I have to see a doctor for myself i'm 31yrs. and have a bleeding disorder issue that is starting to concern me, I can't afford to pay out of pocket because I am left with enough for just gas money to get to and from work after all my monthly bills are taken care of. If anyone knows anything that may help me and my family please give me some info.
YOu are not the only person who have ever met this kind of problem,I met this type of problem before.I have good experience here www.HealthInsuranceFree.info to solve the problem.
YOu are not the only person who have ever met this kind of problem,I met this type of problem before.I have good experience here www.HealthInsuranceFree.info to solve the problem.
My friend Stphani has no heath or dental insurance and has to get 4 wisdom teeth removed?
She woke up in pain the other day with her mouth bleeding and had to go to a dentist and pay outright for the appointment and the x-rays. She has in infection behind one another one has a cyst behind it and the third is growing in sideways and crowding her bottom teeth. She called Medicare and Medicaid none will cover her because she isn't pregnant, doesn't have kids, isn't a child, and isn't disabled. This needs to be an immediate surgery and the pain keeps getting worse for her every day. We live in southern Florida she said she called a couple dental colleges, none will deal with wisdom teeth. Can someone please help me help my friend... with options, places to go, insurance companies that will cover her that aren't too expensive. I would appreciate any and all input. Thank you Briana
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here - health-quotes.isgreat.org
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here - health-quotes.isgreat.org
How much does a periodontal cleaning normally cost with insurance?
I have dental insurance and I have to go in to have my gums cleaned out and my dad says it normally costs $160 or so but my dental place says it costs $814...WITH my insurance. Should I call my insurance company and check up on that?
I just had mine cleaned the total was $915.00.That was for what the dentist called a deep cleaning, but i didn't pay anything with my insurance and i have a co-pay type of insurance.
I just had mine cleaned the total was $915.00.That was for what the dentist called a deep cleaning, but i didn't pay anything with my insurance and i have a co-pay type of insurance.
Is it possible to get my health/dental insurance back again once I go back to being a full time student?
I'm dropping out of two classes so I will only be a part time college student and will lose my medical/dental insurance that I had when I was a full time student. Also my parents were paying for it. Once I go back to becoming a full time student next semester, can I get it back again?
Yes. Up to the age of 25 I believe.
Yes. Up to the age of 25 I believe.
Is it illegal for Sears to keep me off their dental insurance in Ohio?
Hi, I'm a dependent/full-time student living at home in Ohio. I am 25 years old, and my mother works at Sears. According to Ohio law, until the age of 28, I should be on all of her health insurance, including dental. However, Sears claims they have not gotten the plans ready to include people on the insurance. - Is this legal? Aren't they required to cover me by state law? - If this is illegal, what do I do about it? - If this is legal, how long until they have to include me on the insurance? In case anyone's wondering, here is the law: Ohio Rev. Code § 1751.14, as amended by 2009 OH H 1 allows an unmarried, dependent child that is an Ohio resident or a full-time student to remain on parent's insurance up to age 28, or without regard to age if they are incapable of self-sustaining employment due to disability.
hey, It is really important to have health insurance these days. Visit: this web site to get the cheapest price. I saved 30% last month. http://GoldHealthInsurance.Info Hope this will help
hey, It is really important to have health insurance these days. Visit: this web site to get the cheapest price. I saved 30% last month. http://GoldHealthInsurance.Info Hope this will help
how can i get my girlfriend health or dental insurance?
my girlfriend and i have been living together for a little over five years, we share a baby and an apartment. i have a good job that offers both health and dental although we must be married for her to be added. now truthfully i cant afford to pay for any insurances and she only works about 18 hrs a week so therefor she cant afford insurance either. we tried to apply with medicade and affinity and both denied her because i make to much money on paper. what other options do i have, im 21 and she 22 and already she has lost two teeth because of the breast feeding. pls help!
Hi, Check out this site: www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I signed up online over 5 years ago now and they have saved me thousands since. From cleanings, fillings, xrays, exams..etc. All services are included in this very affordable plan for the entire family. Married or unmarried. Orthodontics and cosmetics surgery is also included. They even had my benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. Good luck and hope this helps.
Hi, Check out this site: www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I signed up online over 5 years ago now and they have saved me thousands since. From cleanings, fillings, xrays, exams..etc. All services are included in this very affordable plan for the entire family. Married or unmarried. Orthodontics and cosmetics surgery is also included. They even had my benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. Good luck and hope this helps.
how much would it cost to have a dental abscess treated without insurance?
i fear i have a dental abscess. ive been suffering thru an infection and tho the pains more manageable thanks to the penicillin VK ive been taken, i feel its advanced.. i now have swelling and tenderness, and ive been suffering from loss of appetite and having difficulty keeping foods down. (pepto has become a godsend) all my symptoms point to a dental abscess in my upper jaw. including the slight swelling of the lymph node and difficulty swalowing, something i never had problem doing im making an emergency appointment don't get me wrong, but the MAIN problem is that i have NO dental insurance. so how much would abscess treatment cost? can i get it treated while put to sleep? if so how much would the anesthesia cost? i have a VERY low threshold for pain. (it takes usually 3xs the Novocaine to get a filling taken care of)
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here - health-quotes.talk4fun.net
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here - health-quotes.talk4fun.net
What to look when I am trying to get medical and dental insurance?
In the last couple of months I've been trying to get medical and dental insurance. I don't have much problem with my health but my wife gets medicine and needs some dental work. In my country everything works different when talking about insurance, I've been into a couple of websites, doing some researches but I still have some doubts about what exactly to look and get. I want an affordable and good insurance so I can help my wife with her medicines and stuff, when she gets pregnant and in the future just in case of emergency.
Hi Have you tried talking to a local agent in your area? This is usually a good approach because they will know the insurance companies and their plans well. They should be a great resource for you in your search. If you want to connect with an agent in your area, complete the form below and one will call you and help get you started. Good luck! http://www.insureme.com/landing.aspx?Ref… Jared Balis http://www.utahinsurance.org
Hi Have you tried talking to a local agent in your area? This is usually a good approach because they will know the insurance companies and their plans well. They should be a great resource for you in your search. If you want to connect with an agent in your area, complete the form below and one will call you and help get you started. Good luck! http://www.insureme.com/landing.aspx?Ref… Jared Balis http://www.utahinsurance.org
does braces covered by dental insurance or medical insurance?
i might need braces and i was wondering if it's going to be covered by insurance or maybe pay half? i have local 25 (union) insurance.
It is covered under your dental insurance, if your plan has that type of coverage. Call your dental insurance company and ask them, because every policy is different. You probably will have a deductible, then a percentage that you have to pay, and sometimes insurance only covers up to a maximum (like 1000 or 2000 dollars) you really just have to call and ask.
It is covered under your dental insurance, if your plan has that type of coverage. Call your dental insurance company and ask them, because every policy is different. You probably will have a deductible, then a percentage that you have to pay, and sometimes insurance only covers up to a maximum (like 1000 or 2000 dollars) you really just have to call and ask.
Questions about dental work, cost with insurance.?
I realize this is a very general question and without more details it would be hard to say, but I am looking for some estimates on how much it would cost to fix my teeth. I have not been to a dentist in years. I had a tooth crack, and had a root canal done. The tooth has since broken off completely and is missing. I have 2 seriously chipped teeth and a few others slightly chipped. I do not have dental insurance yet, but my provider through my job would be Blue Cross and Blue Shield. I am looking for how much it would cost Me out of my pocket to fix my teeth once I am insured. Any help whatsoever would be appreciated.
You can look up the average cost of all sorts of dental procedures - including the root canal and chipped tooth at http://www.smarthealthbuyer.com. They have average prices, as well as reviews of dentists. All the prices are for out-of pocket prices. Dental costs vary widely by geography, so best to put in your Zip code and use the dental cost calculator in your area. The root canal will probably cost $500, depending on the tooth, and you will probably need a crown as well for the broken tooth - say $800 depending on the materials used - porcelain, gold etc.
You can look up the average cost of all sorts of dental procedures - including the root canal and chipped tooth at http://www.smarthealthbuyer.com. They have average prices, as well as reviews of dentists. All the prices are for out-of pocket prices. Dental costs vary widely by geography, so best to put in your Zip code and use the dental cost calculator in your area. The root canal will probably cost $500, depending on the tooth, and you will probably need a crown as well for the broken tooth - say $800 depending on the materials used - porcelain, gold etc.
anyone know of any affordable dental insurance? ?
i work full time, and want to have some dental work done, i was looking online, not having any luck.
I would strongly encourage you to visit this site: www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I signed up online over 5 years ago now and they have saved me thousands of dollars since. From root canals, fillings, xrays, exams..etc. All services are included in this very affordable plan. Cosmetic surgery, orthodontics and even dentures are also included. They even had my benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day.hope this helps
I would strongly encourage you to visit this site: www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I signed up online over 5 years ago now and they have saved me thousands of dollars since. From root canals, fillings, xrays, exams..etc. All services are included in this very affordable plan. Cosmetic surgery, orthodontics and even dentures are also included. They even had my benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day.hope this helps
I can't seem to find out how to get dental insurance without needing medical also.?
I have a health insurance plan with work but can' t seem to get the dental coverage as there aren't others willing to take it. I need to get some. How in the midwest can I get seperate dental insurance? NOT dental plans that pay a part of it but aren't insurance as I need the insurance. Those often have a waiting time and only pay a small part the first year of it. I have soft enamel teeth and need ongoing or repeat dentist visits to keep the teeth later on. I did an online search and they want a ton of info to send a quote just or they don't offer an actual insurance coverage. IF anyone has a great coverage that is nationwide please let me know. I have a dire need for this.
I have a dental plan thats covers everyone in my house for one price. I have found it to be useful, it saves me and my family alot of money. I was able to find a dentist in my home town that will accept this plan and the denist that I take my children to is only about 20 minutes away so it work out well for me 1-877-483-1830 REF# 227810 that is the number that you can call
I have a dental plan thats covers everyone in my house for one price. I have found it to be useful, it saves me and my family alot of money. I was able to find a dentist in my home town that will accept this plan and the denist that I take my children to is only about 20 minutes away so it work out well for me 1-877-483-1830 REF# 227810 that is the number that you can call
Gradeschooler's broken tooth and dental insurance?
My stepdaughter has dental insurance through her mother at the moment. Her mom is in the air force (I don't know if that makes a difference). She was playing on the playground with her friends and fell and broke her front tooth in half. She went to the dentist today to have it repaired. I talked to her later this morning and she said she didn't get it fixed because the insurance wouldn't pay. Now she is going to have to wait until January to get her tooth fixed. This is unacceptable to me. Why should a ten year old have to be embarrassed and walk around with a broken tooth!? I am sure it is also uncomfortable and painful when she eats. Does anyone know why the insurance would deny this?
Well, if she cant get it fixed now why is she going to be able to get it fixed in Jan.? That is the real question, is the insurance going to cover it then? This may be a waiting peroid, or maybe she has already met the yearly max amount of coverage.
Well, if she cant get it fixed now why is she going to be able to get it fixed in Jan.? That is the real question, is the insurance going to cover it then? This may be a waiting peroid, or maybe she has already met the yearly max amount of coverage.
is there a dental insurance that covers for braces for teens?
okay use this as a guide.. http://www.drdefelice.com/images/Diagram… so what if your lateral incisors is almost underneath your Central incisors and your canines are up, which looks like fangs, and your first permolars are pushed out and your second permolars are pushed in and it keeps going like a wave. my friend was too embarrassed to ask, so i'm asking for her, just in case if your wondering.. so if your teeth look like that, is there any insurance that will pay for all of it because your in real need of straight teeth?
i have CIGNA insurance (traditional) and it covers a lot of it... im getting braces and its original price is 5000 dollars but covered by the insurance is id say.,... hmm///.... a meer 2500?
i have CIGNA insurance (traditional) and it covers a lot of it... im getting braces and its original price is 5000 dollars but covered by the insurance is id say.,... hmm///.... a meer 2500?
I want to buy dental insurance but don't know what to go with. Help?
I need major work done on my teeth. I have quite a few cavities. I need a DEEP cleaning and hopefully I will have lucked out on getting a root canal. I just could never afford getting my teeth worked on and I was much younger in college and really didnt' think it was a big deal if I put it off well now I am paying for it. So please help. I never have had dental insurance only before I was married and was under my mother's insurance.
health-quotes.talk4fun.net - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
health-quotes.talk4fun.net - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
where can i find individual dental ppo insurance in tx?
I am looking for individual dental insurance, i want a ppo plan, i have a dentist and i don't want to change. I have done so much research and call so many isurance companies but all they have is discount plans or hmo plans. I don't want either, can anybody help. I've been to so many sites and like i said spent hours and hours on the phone talking to all these companies and am having no luck. I just want the dental and i know that i would have better luck if i combine medical and dental but right not financially that is not an option. any help would be very much appreciated!
healthplans.bebto.com - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
healthplans.bebto.com - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
Dental Insurance?
Does anybody know an inexpensive yet good dental insurance in Northern CA? I am on a tight budget. The cheapest one I saw is Deltacare for $97/year but I don't know if it's any good. Help please. Thanks!
The problem with getting dental insurance on your own rather than as part of a group is that you're going to pay through the nose (or should I say, pay through the mouth!). I've been selling dental coverage for over seven years now and in my unbiased opinion, most private dental insurance policies are not worth the money they charge If you are intent on getting traditional dental insurance, I would strongly suggest you call up a reputable insurance agent and ask them for their help in finding you good dental insurance. However, you might consider the option of joining a "discount dental plan" which can cost as little as $7 or $8 per month. These are not actual insurance plans but rather like shopper's clubs (i.e. Costco, Sam's Club, etc.) where members receive substantial discounts (on average 33%) on all dental work providing they go to a dentist that accepts that plan. If all else fails, contact the California Dental Health Society and see if they can give you any advice. They are in the phonebook.
The problem with getting dental insurance on your own rather than as part of a group is that you're going to pay through the nose (or should I say, pay through the mouth!). I've been selling dental coverage for over seven years now and in my unbiased opinion, most private dental insurance policies are not worth the money they charge If you are intent on getting traditional dental insurance, I would strongly suggest you call up a reputable insurance agent and ask them for their help in finding you good dental insurance. However, you might consider the option of joining a "discount dental plan" which can cost as little as $7 or $8 per month. These are not actual insurance plans but rather like shopper's clubs (i.e. Costco, Sam's Club, etc.) where members receive substantial discounts (on average 33%) on all dental work providing they go to a dentist that accepts that plan. If all else fails, contact the California Dental Health Society and see if they can give you any advice. They are in the phonebook.
In the national guard and have a problem with my dental insurance?
I am in the national guard and am enrolled with tri-carte united concoria dental insurance. I enrolled about 2 months ago and paid my initial monthly payment. Problem is that it has been 2 months and I am yet to get a bill in the mail. I understand that there is a 12 month obligation when having this dental insurance. What are the possibilities of missing a monthly payment? Am I permenently shut out from this insurance, or can I pay the back payment and continue my coverage? Also, does tri care concordia often mail out bills for there monthly payment, or do they only do paperless? Thank you
health-quotes.talk4fun.net - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
health-quotes.talk4fun.net - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
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