Im 17, and im from nj..i was wondering how id go about getting health insurance ..mostly dental..i really need it...both of my parents work off of the job doesnt offer anything..does the government issue anything or is there anything id be able to do?
Being 17 you can apply for medicaid for yourself through kids connection which was in my opinion the best thing President Bush did for our children in our country. Go to your local Health and Human Services Department and ask for an application for Medicaid and they will help you fill it out. Best idea is to actually find a job that offers benefits. It's unfortunate now a days that parent's aren't properly providing for our children, but if you find a job with benefits, it's really going to be in YOUR best interest.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Best kind of Private insurance for self employed...?
My husband and I are self employed in Colorado, and we need good health insurance with dental and vision, and lots of good coverage... what is the best insurance company for this?
You will need to contact an independent agent in CO. That agent can shop the market for you to find the best plan. Some states have a guaranteed issue policy for the self employed if you have health issues. The independent agent will know if CO has such a plan. Be careful when looking at "affordable group plans" for the self-employed. Many of those plans have daily limits. For example, they'll only pay $400 or so per day if you go into the hospital. Also the deductible is per occurrence, not per year. So if you have 3 accidents or illnesses in a year you pay the deductible each time. They also have very restrictive limits on how much they pay for many other procedures. On a regular "traditional" health plan you have just one deductible and fewer restrictions. Also stay away from Medical Discount Scams (oops, I meant to say "Medical Discount Plans"). If you can find a doctor that actually accepts the plan you're paying about the same as if you'd paid cash. If you are tempted to get one of these plans make sure to call some of the doctors on the provider list to see if they actually do take the plan. Also, if you're lucky enough to save the 60% or so on hospital bills that they say, if you get hit with a $200,000 hospital bill that leaves you paying $80,000.
You will need to contact an independent agent in CO. That agent can shop the market for you to find the best plan. Some states have a guaranteed issue policy for the self employed if you have health issues. The independent agent will know if CO has such a plan. Be careful when looking at "affordable group plans" for the self-employed. Many of those plans have daily limits. For example, they'll only pay $400 or so per day if you go into the hospital. Also the deductible is per occurrence, not per year. So if you have 3 accidents or illnesses in a year you pay the deductible each time. They also have very restrictive limits on how much they pay for many other procedures. On a regular "traditional" health plan you have just one deductible and fewer restrictions. Also stay away from Medical Discount Scams (oops, I meant to say "Medical Discount Plans"). If you can find a doctor that actually accepts the plan you're paying about the same as if you'd paid cash. If you are tempted to get one of these plans make sure to call some of the doctors on the provider list to see if they actually do take the plan. Also, if you're lucky enough to save the 60% or so on hospital bills that they say, if you get hit with a $200,000 hospital bill that leaves you paying $80,000.
How do you find a decent dentist that will accept your insurance as full pymt?
Need major dental work, & unable to find financing. Dental est. was aprox 3,000.
To add to HeatherS above... Many dentist sign agreements with insurance companies which limit your out-of-pocket expenses. They may pay 50% or 80% of the cost of a procedure, but it will be 50% or 80% of a predetermined amount, and not what the dentist charges... you pay your share of what the insurance company allows, and the dentist writes off the difference... Example: The dentist charges $150 for a certain filling and you have 80% coverage. The insurance company allows only $100 for that filling. They will pay 80% of $100, and you pay 20%, or $20 of the $100... the extra $50 the dentist wants to charge is written off... To find a dentist who has made such an agreement, try calling your dental insurance... they may have a list they can send you. You can also call a dentist and ask if they are a PARTICIPATING PROVIDER with your insurance. USE THAT TERM, since most dentists will say they accept your insurance, but if they don't PARTICIPATE, they can charge that extra $50 I mentioned above to you... Be careful you don't go over the benefit maximum for your year... if you do, you make up ALL the difference... contact your insurance company's Benefits depaartment to clarify what is and isn't covered and what the % of coverage is. Best, Ed, RN
To add to HeatherS above... Many dentist sign agreements with insurance companies which limit your out-of-pocket expenses. They may pay 50% or 80% of the cost of a procedure, but it will be 50% or 80% of a predetermined amount, and not what the dentist charges... you pay your share of what the insurance company allows, and the dentist writes off the difference... Example: The dentist charges $150 for a certain filling and you have 80% coverage. The insurance company allows only $100 for that filling. They will pay 80% of $100, and you pay 20%, or $20 of the $100... the extra $50 the dentist wants to charge is written off... To find a dentist who has made such an agreement, try calling your dental insurance... they may have a list they can send you. You can also call a dentist and ask if they are a PARTICIPATING PROVIDER with your insurance. USE THAT TERM, since most dentists will say they accept your insurance, but if they don't PARTICIPATE, they can charge that extra $50 I mentioned above to you... Be careful you don't go over the benefit maximum for your year... if you do, you make up ALL the difference... contact your insurance company's Benefits depaartment to clarify what is and isn't covered and what the % of coverage is. Best, Ed, RN
Is $1200 a fair price for a crown replacement on a molar, from my dentist?
Seems very high to me, especially considering even a good dental insurance plan typically only picks up 1/2 of the overall cost. Wanted input from anyone "in the know."
Hmmmm...that does seem rather expensive. That was how much I paid (with insurance subsidy) for a root canal AND crown on a bicuspid. My average cost for a crown is about $950, including a core buildup for a porcelain on high-nobel (and I live in SoCal).
Hmmmm...that does seem rather expensive. That was how much I paid (with insurance subsidy) for a root canal AND crown on a bicuspid. My average cost for a crown is about $950, including a core buildup for a porcelain on high-nobel (and I live in SoCal).
bleeding swollen gums under 2 teeth after flossing?
I hadn't flossed in a long time so I flossed my teeth yesterday and then woke up this morning and the gums underneath 2 of my bottom teeth were swollen, red and bled a little after brushing my teeth, which sorta hurt a little. Could this swelling. Just be because I hadnt flossed in a while? Advice please. And I have no dental insurance so dont just say go to the dentist.. that won't help.
DEFINITELY. Bleeding is a sign of inflammation and flossing is essential. Continue flossing daily and swelling will subside. When you flossed you disrupted bacterial biofilm and now your body is fighting with it-that's why swelling. You'll be fine-just floss daily.
DEFINITELY. Bleeding is a sign of inflammation and flossing is essential. Continue flossing daily and swelling will subside. When you flossed you disrupted bacterial biofilm and now your body is fighting with it-that's why swelling. You'll be fine-just floss daily.
Dental Problem?
Hi, I have severe pain with my wisdom teeth, its half broken and its half beneath the skin, I dont have a dental health insurance , can you please guide me what will be best suited to releive my pain and how much will it cost to remove it including all xrays and other costs ,( I live in Bloomfield, NJ )?
Okay, first of all, you may have an infection. Wisdom teeth hurt as it is because, unfortunately, most adults don't have enough room in thier mouth for those 4 extra teeth.. So, naturally, they hurt when they are coming in. But if one of yours is broken and is poking through your skin, you are at risk for an infection (if you don't already have one) and should get this treated right away. As for the cost, you'll probably have to see a specialist. I'm not familiar with state average in your area, but I know here (in AZ) it's a couple hundred bucks per tooth to remove wisdom teeth... The more impacted (embedded in your gums or under your gums) they are, the worse it's going to get price wise. I have a good dental plan that saved me quite a bit when I got my wisdoms pulled.. Luckilly I only had 3 to pull.. Check them out, they really helped me a lot and are GREAT for people who don't have any dental insurance... If you are in THAT much pain, you should take yourself to urgent care or to the ER. They could give you something to take away the pain.. Otherwise, make an appointment with a GENERAL DENTIST (not a specialist, they are more expensive) and have them check for infection and if there is any, they'll give you antibiotics and pain pills.. This isn't too expensive to do without insurance.. You'll just be going in for an exam and you'll have to pay for the medication... Then you can wait till you're on a plan to get them pulled...
Okay, first of all, you may have an infection. Wisdom teeth hurt as it is because, unfortunately, most adults don't have enough room in thier mouth for those 4 extra teeth.. So, naturally, they hurt when they are coming in. But if one of yours is broken and is poking through your skin, you are at risk for an infection (if you don't already have one) and should get this treated right away. As for the cost, you'll probably have to see a specialist. I'm not familiar with state average in your area, but I know here (in AZ) it's a couple hundred bucks per tooth to remove wisdom teeth... The more impacted (embedded in your gums or under your gums) they are, the worse it's going to get price wise. I have a good dental plan that saved me quite a bit when I got my wisdoms pulled.. Luckilly I only had 3 to pull.. Check them out, they really helped me a lot and are GREAT for people who don't have any dental insurance... If you are in THAT much pain, you should take yourself to urgent care or to the ER. They could give you something to take away the pain.. Otherwise, make an appointment with a GENERAL DENTIST (not a specialist, they are more expensive) and have them check for infection and if there is any, they'll give you antibiotics and pain pills.. This isn't too expensive to do without insurance.. You'll just be going in for an exam and you'll have to pay for the medication... Then you can wait till you're on a plan to get them pulled...
What's The Next Big Thing To Hit The Football World?
Besides the usual of SOME Club [Not naming any] making their Jerseys rainbow and supporting Gay Pride In the EPL, Real Madrid buying another player from another club, Barcelona not paying the Dental Insurance for their players, Footballers getting the hard knock life of slaves, ect.
No female football allowed unless played like this (turn speakers to the top before licking, trust me)…
No female football allowed unless played like this (turn speakers to the top before licking, trust me)…
What can my friend do about this ?
Yesterday my friend was walking by himself to the store and he got into a fight and one dude punched his two front teeth out of his mouth and he dont have dental insurance. where can he go to get some replacable teeth for cheap or put in his mouth. thanks for the help and please give a star thank you.
maybe he can get some grillz, but that might cost some money. I say he should have made a report so this person could have gotten caught if it wasn't your friends fault. then this loser would have to pay for your friend's teeth and for any other damages.
maybe he can get some grillz, but that might cost some money. I say he should have made a report so this person could have gotten caught if it wasn't your friends fault. then this loser would have to pay for your friend's teeth and for any other damages.
Can I get a refund from a dentist for a crown that doesn't fit properly?
I live in NJ. In March 2006 I had a dentist crown one of my molars. Last week I went to a new dentist who took Xrays of my mouth. He found that the crowned tooth was in trouble because the crown my last dentist put on didn't fit the tooth properly. Now, in order to avoid decay (a root canal in the future) I need to have the crown replaced with one that fits. I don't have dental insurance so I paid for that crown with my Visa card. Do I have any recourse? Can I get the price of the crown refunded to me?
From my experience, you probably wont be able to get a refund, but I think you should be able to get the dentist that did a bad job redo the tooth and all of the resulting problems. If he refuses to do it-you can always write or call the American Dentistry Board. Dentists have to follow their rules and they dont much like being reported. Good luck.
From my experience, you probably wont be able to get a refund, but I think you should be able to get the dentist that did a bad job redo the tooth and all of the resulting problems. If he refuses to do it-you can always write or call the American Dentistry Board. Dentists have to follow their rules and they dont much like being reported. Good luck.
im 21 and have a 28th tooth coming in that is extremely painful!?
Im 21 and am gettin a molar on my bottom right that is partially out but mostly covered by gum. its not a wisdom tooth as itb is only tooth nunber 28, it is very swollen and causing quite i bit of pain. anyone have any advice on pain relife or what to do about it??? i dont have dental insurance so any advice is appreciated. thanks!
YOu are not the only person who have ever met this kind of problem,I met this type of problem before.I have good experience here to solve the problem.
YOu are not the only person who have ever met this kind of problem,I met this type of problem before.I have good experience here to solve the problem.
My father's teeth are falling out, are there programs for the destitute?
He can't afford to pull them, fix them, etc. Its effecting his overall health. He needs to get them pulled and needs new teeth essentially. Are there programs in SoCal for people with no dental insurance and no money?
Yes you can go to a dental school
Yes you can go to a dental school
My front tooth hurts when I put pressure on it (touch with finger or bite on something) what should I do?
-I don't have dental insurance for another month. -I think I banged it through my lip but I had slight problems with it before then. -I've been using my old invisalign to stabilize it and it helps it feel painless but as soon as I take them out and it hits my bottom tooth it aches again. -It might be slightly looser than originally but if so, not much.
You have the classic symptoms of the beginning of the nerve starting to die. It sounds like you will need a root canal to save the tooth. I understand your insurance concerns, but in all honesty, to wait another month you run the risk of swelling up your face and much more severe pain. II don't know if you want to chance it. I wish you good luck.
You have the classic symptoms of the beginning of the nerve starting to die. It sounds like you will need a root canal to save the tooth. I understand your insurance concerns, but in all honesty, to wait another month you run the risk of swelling up your face and much more severe pain. II don't know if you want to chance it. I wish you good luck.
Are there any insurance companies that are reasonably priced that will do co pays and help w/ prescriptions?
I currently work part time and I don't have any benefits. I am having a hard time paying for doctor and dental visits and paying for prescriptions that I need often. Any help is appreciated. =)
If you mean private insurance, not on the job and you have pre-existing conditions, you will most likely be turned down. You are on prescriptions, so unless you are just talking birth control you have little chance. If your pre-existing is something minor, you have a better chance. More than 1/3 of companies do not offer insurance to their employees in the US. If you live in a fairly large city, they may offer health care services, meaning insurance for the basics. Call your municipal office, even if your city is not large. In NYC we offer benefits to working people. Your situation is yet another reason we need Universal Health-care. I'm sorry I could not be more positive.
If you mean private insurance, not on the job and you have pre-existing conditions, you will most likely be turned down. You are on prescriptions, so unless you are just talking birth control you have little chance. If your pre-existing is something minor, you have a better chance. More than 1/3 of companies do not offer insurance to their employees in the US. If you live in a fairly large city, they may offer health care services, meaning insurance for the basics. Call your municipal office, even if your city is not large. In NYC we offer benefits to working people. Your situation is yet another reason we need Universal Health-care. I'm sorry I could not be more positive.
Can I use more than one dental discount plan per visit?
I need major work done right away, and I do not have insurance. I do not want to pay too much out of pocket, so would I be able to use several discount plans at once to take care of my bill?
how does the health care plan benefit people like my friend?
My friend doesn't have medical or dental insurance. For some reason she doesn't qualify for health insurance programs at her job and she makes just enough to cover her monthly expenses and sometimes that isn't enough. She really needs insurance. Specially dental because she has a really bad rotting tooth that seems to need serious attention because she's always complaining about it and he mouth is always bleeding. All the dental clinics want hundreds of dollars for half done procedures and she can't afford to dish out that kind of money with her income. She's getting discouraged and its really bothering me as her friend because I myself have been in her shoes. My question is... what is this new health care plan going to do for people in her position? I have been trying to keep up with it on the news but somethings just aren't clear to me as far as what exactly will be done. Can someone please explain it in "simple terms" I would really appreciate it and I'm sure it will be helpful to my friend as well. Thanks :)
The new health care bill is meant for General health issues.Not Dental. I am getting ready to sign up with Humana dental insurance.I found it only because I have the Medicare D prescription plan with them and they offered the dental plan. Do some internet research on dental insurance.
The new health care bill is meant for General health issues.Not Dental. I am getting ready to sign up with Humana dental insurance.I found it only because I have the Medicare D prescription plan with them and they offered the dental plan. Do some internet research on dental insurance.
Does medicaid or medicare cover my dental expenses?
I'm 20 and I live in California. I've always had a medicaid card because my parents don't work. Do I stop having insurance after I turn 21? I'm still a college student. I want to go to the dentist one more time before I turn 21. Will I still be covered?
You should be covered, but call up the dental office and tell them to run an eligibility report.
You should be covered, but call up the dental office and tell them to run an eligibility report.
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