I just moved to america and historically had terrible dental health care (I have not seen a dentist in 6 years). I work, but have no benefits and make little money and go to college part time. Two wisdom teeth have broken through (they're not giving me trouble) but I have other teeth that I know will be problems. What the best dental insurance plan out there where I pay the least amount of money for the procedures since I don't have money to spare, but I can afford a dental plan with monthly bill. I live in Tampa Florida.. and I don't really understand the system here. Thank you for any help.
As opposed to the above answer there are individual plans available. You have four options with dental. 1. Visit a local dental school. You can get many procedures done for a reduced price if you're willing to let them practice on you. You can find one here: http://www.yourhealthplanadvisor.com/Den… 2. Insurance - Depending upon the policy: cost $30-$60 per month. You pay a $50 deductible first, they have an annual maximum that they'll pay per year of $750 - $1500, they have a waiting period up to 18 months for major work and then you're paying 50% of the charges. Example - average cost for a root canal in my area is $919. With insurance you pay $460 after paying 18 months of premium (around $800 or $900). Advantage - you can use any dentist with most plans. 3. Discount plans - Cost - $5-$12 per month. No deductible, no annual maximum and no waiting periods. Also, hardly any dentists will accept the plan and when they do you MIGHT get a 10% discount, which is about the same discount you can get by paying cash. Example - average cost for a root canal in my area is $919. With discount plans you pay around $827. Be very wary of these plans because most are scams. The people that sell these plans have little or no knowledge about health & dental insurance and do not need a license to sell them. The plans are not regulated by the state so you have no recourse when you have problems. Some states are starting to ban these plans from being sold. Here is an informative link http://www.insurancejournal.com/news/wes… concerning these plans. 4. Fee for Service discount plans - Cost $7-$15 per month. No deductible, no annual maximum and no waiting periods. Many dentist will accept the plan (check providers first before signing up with any plan). When you use the plan there is a set fee that the dentist will charge you. Example - average cost for a root canal in my area is $919. With fee for service plans you pay as little as $404. I'm an insurance agent and my personal plan is the fee for service plan. I got mine here http://www.dpbrokers.com/default.aspx?lo… specifically the Aetna Dental Access plan but which one you get depends upon your area and comparing the fee schedule to find the best for what you need covered.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
How would I be able to get dental insurance?
I'm 16 almost 17 and in need of dental care. I need a root canal in my two front teeth, they aren't bad, but when I was about 11 I knocked them almost completely out. But anyways, My dad doesn't have dental insurance, nor do we have health insurance. The estimated cost for my two teeth are well over 2,000. And when I turn 18 I will be getting an implant. But so my question is, would I be able to get dental insurance. I can pay for it no problem, it wouldn't be my father paying for it. It would be me. I am currently pregnant, as we speak. I'm almost 6 months. If that has anything to help with. And my mother passed away last year. Do I have to wait until I turn 18? What can I do? Thanks.
The answer could vary by person.It is alway a good idea to hear the suggestion from different sides and try to choose the best one.Here http://www.HealthInsuranceIdeas.info/free-online-health-insurance.htm is a good one i recommend.
The answer could vary by person.It is alway a good idea to hear the suggestion from different sides and try to choose the best one.Here http://www.HealthInsuranceIdeas.info/free-online-health-insurance.htm is a good one i recommend.
I need help getting good and affordable health, life and dental insurance for me and my family-please help?
All I have is Medicaid, I want better dental and health insurance, and my family and I don't have life insurance. When my dad died he didn't have life insurance. I'm a bit concerned because I'm in my 30s and my mom's getting old, and I'm concerned about my little brother. My mother doesn't have dental insurance. I want my brother to have better dental insurance too. I need dental implants. Please help me out.
Try this site http://ginsurance.notlong.com here you can get quotes from different companies for health and life insurance, I hope it helps you.
Try this site http://ginsurance.notlong.com here you can get quotes from different companies for health and life insurance, I hope it helps you.
How would I be able to get dental insurance?
I'm 16 almost 17 and in need of dental care. I need a root canal in my two front teeth, they aren't bad, but when I was about 11 I knocked them almost completely out. But anyways, My dad doesn't have dental insurance, nor do we have health insurance. The estimated cost for my two teeth are well over 2,000. And when I turn 18 I will be getting an implant. But so my question is, would I be able to get dental insurance. I can pay for it no problem, it wouldn't be my father paying for it. It would be me. I am currently pregnant, as we speak. I'm almost 6 months. If that has anything to help with. And my mother passed away last year. Do I have to wait until I turn 18? What can I do? Thanks.
Yes, you have to be 18. But don't feel bad, I haven't seen ANY private plans that pay out more than they cost.
Yes, you have to be 18. But don't feel bad, I haven't seen ANY private plans that pay out more than they cost.
Is there a reason dental insurance wouldn't pay for this?
My stepdaughter has dental insurance through her mother at the moment. Her mom is in the air force (I don't know if that makes a difference). She was playing on the playground with her friends and fell and broke her front tooth in half. She went to the dentist today to have it repaired. I talked to her later this morning and she said she didn't get it fixed because the insurance wouldn't pay. Now she is going to have to wait until January to get her tooth fixed. This is unacceptable to me. Why should a ten year old have to be embarrassed and walk around with a broken tooth!? I am sure it is also uncomfortable and painful when she eats. Does anyone know why the insurance would deny this?
There are several possible reasons, and it's difficult to narrow down without more information. 1) You mention waiting until January to fix it, so there might be a calendar year maximum on the policy. If it's a household policy and someone else had any reconstructive work done, it would likely cap out the policy for the year. They're usually low enough that a single root canal from a endodontist will cap the policy. 2) What level of "fix" was it? Extraction and replacement? Crown? A simple cosmetic temporary filling? I've had significant reconstructive work done on front teeth, and a cosmetic temp only runs about $100. It's not a permanent fix (I've had one hold for 6 years, another for 6 months), but it should hold until January if she's careful with it. This likely wouldn't be covered by insurance since it's a temporary fix, at best. 3) The fact that it's through the Air Force may have something to do with it. While I'd sincerely hope that military families get better coverage than civilian employees, I know the dental benefits I got when I worked for the IRS were pretty bad.
There are several possible reasons, and it's difficult to narrow down without more information. 1) You mention waiting until January to fix it, so there might be a calendar year maximum on the policy. If it's a household policy and someone else had any reconstructive work done, it would likely cap out the policy for the year. They're usually low enough that a single root canal from a endodontist will cap the policy. 2) What level of "fix" was it? Extraction and replacement? Crown? A simple cosmetic temporary filling? I've had significant reconstructive work done on front teeth, and a cosmetic temp only runs about $100. It's not a permanent fix (I've had one hold for 6 years, another for 6 months), but it should hold until January if she's careful with it. This likely wouldn't be covered by insurance since it's a temporary fix, at best. 3) The fact that it's through the Air Force may have something to do with it. While I'd sincerely hope that military families get better coverage than civilian employees, I know the dental benefits I got when I worked for the IRS were pretty bad.
Individual Dental Insurance?
I am a college student and I need to have a lot of work done on my tooth, My teeth are in atrocious condition and lately I have not been able to get through a meal without extreme pain, I have already had two root canals done which I paid for out of pocket, ($500 each) that did not include caps so those teeth are still uncapped. I still need to have about 3 root canals done which will also need to be capped and my wisdom teeth remove. What should I do? Is there individual dental insurance, I have no dental school near me. I have tried to figure out any way I would be able to pay for it and it just doesn't seem possible. Does anyone have an ideas? I am in serious pain
health-quotes.talk4fun.net - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
health-quotes.talk4fun.net - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
I have some dental insurance plan questions (DMO VS PPO)?
I'm thinking about switching over to a more expensive dental plan in Aetna which gives me the benefit maximum of 1000 dollars per year. First, I want to give you some of the coverages Aetna gives me in the more expensive plan: Annual deductible for family: $300 preventive services: 100% basic services: 80% major services: 50% annual benefit maximum: $1000 orthodontic services: 50% orthodontic lifetime maximum: $1000 My current plan is mostly a patient co-pay plan. They cover everything in diagnostic procedures and preventive procedures (except space maintainers), but everything else I pay from about 15 dollars up to 280 dollars. so here I go with my questions: 1. the annual benefit maximum of 1000 dollars means 1000 dollars for each member in the plan, right? 2. what does the annual deductible exactly mean? 3. three of my sibling need braces. so does that mean each of them get 1000 dollars off the braces cost? And because its a LIFETIME maximum, it means that you can't get another 1000 dollars off the following year, right? So if this is true, after each of my siblings use up the 1000 dollars, the insurance will cover for half of the braces cost? 4. since orthodontic maximum and annual benefit maximum are two different things, if you were to get braces and get some restorative procedures done, you'd have 2000 dollars to spend total for that year? (for two of my siblings, after their teeth straightens, the dentist needs to do other things to some of their teeth to completely get rid of the decay) (I just need advice on the following questions) 1. the current insurance plan (DMO) is $16, and the more expensive plan (PPO) is $56...which is cheaper for my family?---is the ppo plan worth it? 2. how expensive are braces in New Jersey or nyc metropolitan area?---would it be cheaper to just keep the current dental plan and go to a dental school for the braces? I know these are a lot of questions...but I really need help to make the right choice here...my parents aren't good at english, so they're relying on me to help them make the right choice. And my family is in a lot of financial strain, but we need to get my siblings' teeth treated as soon as possible or we might have to extract them and give them bridges. it wasn't really their fault that their teeth are decaying...its just that their teeth are so unaligned that there are some surfaces they can't reach with the tooth brush... Please! I'm desperate for help!
health-quotes.isgreat.org - I switched to this health insurance from them, cause it gives much cheaper rates for m?.
health-quotes.isgreat.org - I switched to this health insurance from them, cause it gives much cheaper rates for m?.
Dental Recep. or Manager -Dental Insurance Calculations?
I need to figure out how to calculate dental insurance. For example, what the insurance will pay out and what the Pt's responsibility is. Lets say a Pt has a $2,500 treatment plan his/her yearly max is $1,000 and has not met his/her $50.00 deductible. Their coverage is preventative at 100 percent basic at 80 percent and major is covered at 50 percent. Can anyone give me several different examples of how I can figure out the Pt's portion. Now if the patient has used part of their yearly max again, how will I calculate this? Any help would be great.
1. No benefit will kick in until the $50 deductible is paid. 2. Suppose the pt. gets x-rays ($85), exam ($60) and cleaning ($75)...which are all preventive care....then the total coverage received would be $220. 3. So now, the pt. will be eligible to receive additional benefit of $1000- $220 = $780 for the rest of that year. 4. Suppose it was determined that the pt. would need 5 fillings (basic care) at $100 each covered at 80%. So, for each filling the pt. will receive a benefit of $80 and the copay will be $20. So, in other words, for these 5 fillings pt. will end up receiving a total benefit of $400 5. At this point the pt will have a total benefit of only ($780 - $400) = $380 remaining for that year. 6. If at this point the pt. needs 1 root canal treatments at $900, 1 build up at $300 and 1 crown at $1200.....all of these will be covered by 50%. So, the pt's coverage should be respectively $450/-, $150 and $600. In other words, a total of $1200. But he / she has only $380 benefit remaining. Therefore, even if his / her plan says that for major dental work 50% is covered, the pt. will not receive that coverage because of the annual maximum benefit allowed under the plan. Hope this helped.
1. No benefit will kick in until the $50 deductible is paid. 2. Suppose the pt. gets x-rays ($85), exam ($60) and cleaning ($75)...which are all preventive care....then the total coverage received would be $220. 3. So now, the pt. will be eligible to receive additional benefit of $1000- $220 = $780 for the rest of that year. 4. Suppose it was determined that the pt. would need 5 fillings (basic care) at $100 each covered at 80%. So, for each filling the pt. will receive a benefit of $80 and the copay will be $20. So, in other words, for these 5 fillings pt. will end up receiving a total benefit of $400 5. At this point the pt will have a total benefit of only ($780 - $400) = $380 remaining for that year. 6. If at this point the pt. needs 1 root canal treatments at $900, 1 build up at $300 and 1 crown at $1200.....all of these will be covered by 50%. So, the pt's coverage should be respectively $450/-, $150 and $600. In other words, a total of $1200. But he / she has only $380 benefit remaining. Therefore, even if his / her plan says that for major dental work 50% is covered, the pt. will not receive that coverage because of the annual maximum benefit allowed under the plan. Hope this helped.
what is a good dental insurance in NYC?
witch will cover basically most of the dental work including implants in NYC
Ameriplan discount card is the best benefit I ever had for dental. It's 19.95 /mo. for entire family. There are no deductible or co-payments. Ex: I have braces now ($5000) and my regular insurance DO NOT cover it and with Ameriplan you save hundreds. You pay only ~$2300 for braces. Check out the site www.mybenefitsplus.com/SGregory344. It is nationwide. Good luck :)
Ameriplan discount card is the best benefit I ever had for dental. It's 19.95 /mo. for entire family. There are no deductible or co-payments. Ex: I have braces now ($5000) and my regular insurance DO NOT cover it and with Ameriplan you save hundreds. You pay only ~$2300 for braces. Check out the site www.mybenefitsplus.com/SGregory344. It is nationwide. Good luck :)
Help me choose which dental insurance product~?
I am in NY and trying to purchase a Delta Dental Insurance. But there are so many to choose from! I am getting the insurance for me, my husband, and our toddler. Me and our kid have no problems now, but my husband need at least 2 root canals, 2 crowns, removal of 1 or 2 wisdom teeth. Out of the following products, whcih would be the best for us? Please vote~~~~ 1. Delta Dental Premier 2. Delta Dental PPO 3. Delta Dental PPO plus Premier 4. DeltaCare USA
Out of my personal experience I had Delta Dental PPO but could not afford all the limits they put on my plan. So I had to find some other or supplemental plan. Then I did, www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I signed up online over 5 years ago now for all my dental needs and they have saved me thousands of dollars from Root canals, crowns, extractions, xrays...etc. They saved me over $2000 on my son's braces. I personally have liked the plan because there are no deductibles and no limits. They even had my very affordable benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. Good luck and research all your options.
Out of my personal experience I had Delta Dental PPO but could not afford all the limits they put on my plan. So I had to find some other or supplemental plan. Then I did, www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I signed up online over 5 years ago now for all my dental needs and they have saved me thousands of dollars from Root canals, crowns, extractions, xrays...etc. They saved me over $2000 on my son's braces. I personally have liked the plan because there are no deductibles and no limits. They even had my very affordable benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. Good luck and research all your options.
i have a minor chip on my front tooth and have no dental/health insurance, how much to get it fixed?
its just a tiny one, its only noticable when someone is a few feet away but i feel like its getting worse and worse. i got it chipped a few years ago, it got a little worst when i fell a few months ago, and today my friend hit my face with a waterbottle on accident but kind of hard and it chipped barely barely a tiny bit more, any guess about aproximately how much it will cost to get filled in?
A composit filling should be cheap, depends on where you are getting it done.
A composit filling should be cheap, depends on where you are getting it done.
what company offers cheap dental and/or vision insurance?
i work at publix, and im aware of the superior coverage they offer for like 2 dollars a week. i am eligible, but the problem was that i was handed the forms to enroll 2 days before registration ended so i didnt get a chance to enroll through publix. open enrollment comes around in september, but if i can find the same kind of deals else where, that would be great..... can yall help me?
healthplans.bebto.com - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
healthplans.bebto.com - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
Illinois Dental Office claimed procedures covered by insurance, then recanted after procedures were completed.?
Hello. We provided our dental insurance information to a dentist three weeks prior to any procedures being performed. The dental office stated that all procedures were covered by insurance. However, upon leaving the last procedure, the personal stated that each procedure that had been done cost an additional $100 over what the insurance covered. I even asked the employee why they did not inform us of this information prior to the procedures being completed. They had no answers for us, only that we had to pay $300 immediately. I was unable to do so, and so we have been sent to collections. I am looking for information as to if this is disputable. Any information will be appreciated. Thank you.
The dental office can get preauthorization from your insurance to provide an ESTIMATE of coverage. (Notice how I emphasized the word ESTIMATE.) So this probably means that once they actually submitted the claim, the coverage wasn't as good as they thought. Another scenario is that the office raised their fees at the start of the new year. If this was the case, then they should have honored the original price they quoted you. You wouldn't have been sent to collections if you would have at least made and effort to pay the bill you owe or try to get a better explanation. It's not too late to figure it out. Good luck.
The dental office can get preauthorization from your insurance to provide an ESTIMATE of coverage. (Notice how I emphasized the word ESTIMATE.) So this probably means that once they actually submitted the claim, the coverage wasn't as good as they thought. Another scenario is that the office raised their fees at the start of the new year. If this was the case, then they should have honored the original price they quoted you. You wouldn't have been sent to collections if you would have at least made and effort to pay the bill you owe or try to get a better explanation. It's not too late to figure it out. Good luck.
Can you deny use of your dental insurance even if you are covered?
I have crappy dental insurance thru my company. The thing is, my dental is attached to my medical, which I need so I can't opt out of it. Last month, I went to have 2 wisdom teeth pulled out. I had to pay $800 out of pocket, my insurance company paid the dentist an additional $500 and I've been paying $60/mth just for the prevelige of having this crap insurance. I've asked in different places how much a people without insurance paid for removal of two wisdom teeth and I received answers that varied from $500-$900. I would gladly just pay (even $900) to the dentist upfront and just cut out the insurance. Because of them, dentist think its ok to charge whatever for a procedure that the known shouldn't cost more than a few hundred. Plus, as true to course, my insurance denied the claim, now saying I owe $2K to the dentist! $2K! So now I have to fight for months to get it paid, and back to the original $800. Can I just go to dentists and say, I don't have insurance- what will you charge me cash up front? Even if I go to dentists I've already been to and they know I have it? Do I have to use my insurance?
health-quotes.talk4fun.net - here is my health insurance plan. As I remember they can provide such a service.
health-quotes.talk4fun.net - here is my health insurance plan. As I remember they can provide such a service.
Can a dental office submit claims to insurance LATER?
I went to my dentist yeaterday. I supposed to have dental insurance trough my wife's work (actually we paid for it), and HR ar her work told her that the insurance will kick in Nov 01/2007. Yes, but when I went to the office they checked with the insurance company and said to me that there is no insurance under our name. When my wife double checked with Human Resources they told her that the insurance actually will kick in Dec 01/2007 (one month later). I didn't pay the bill. The dentist said to me to clarify the problem and call them bak. I am going to call the office tomorrow. Is it possible for them to claim the work they did after Dec 01/2007 or I have to pay cash AGAIN. It is so painful paying cash and insurance at the same time, isn't it?
They can pretend that you got the work done on Dec. 7 instead of Nov. 7, but its technically insurance fraud. however, if they are willing to do it, let them do it.
They can pretend that you got the work done on Dec. 7 instead of Nov. 7, but its technically insurance fraud. however, if they are willing to do it, let them do it.
Is There Any Good Dental Insurance out there?
Okay, my brother and I were planning on getting braces. My dad had good insurance for it. (Humana and Harvard Pilgrim). My dad lost his job a while ago and we pretty much wasted a lot of time with consultations with the orthodontist. My mom is the only one working right now and her plan is Blue Cross and Blue Shield which doesn't cover dental cost. Is there anything else I can look up or do to get dental insurance? My parents are don't really know much about this stuff, since they were born in a different country many years ago. I'm not having much luck finding anything and I would like to have my braces on already.
health-quotes.isgreat.org - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
health-quotes.isgreat.org - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
How to get Major Dental work done? I have know job and know money or insurance...?
I Have a cracked back tooth. that is beyond saving, the dentist said it would cost 3,000 dollars to fix.. and that with out that tooth all my teeth would get messed up. Is there a way i can get a dental loan, or something.. please help.
I would see another Dentist and get a second opinion.... ? Dental Assistant
I would see another Dentist and get a second opinion.... ? Dental Assistant
No dental insurance, but a huge problem. Please help.?
Okay, so my boyfriend (20 yrs old) does not have dental insurance, but chipped one of his back teeth about a year ago. Since, a lot more has chipped off of his tooth, causing him extreme discomfort when eating or drinking anything. I'm worried that it will absess, or some sort of infection could occur if he leaves this untreated for much longer. He also has some sensitivity in his other teeth, despite being very hygienic. Is there any way he can go to the dentist, without having to pay such an extreme fee to fix his tooth/teeth? If not, how much might it cost to fix his main issue: the chipped and decaying tooth?
If the tooth hurts when he eats or drinks, he may have nerve exposure. To treat this he needs a root canal or extraction. Root canals can cost 500-1000 to do. If he has it pulled it will be 80-300 depending on where he goes. Community Health Centers are now starting dental centers where you can get a great discount on treatment. Most offices do give discounts if paying cash and some take payments.
If the tooth hurts when he eats or drinks, he may have nerve exposure. To treat this he needs a root canal or extraction. Root canals can cost 500-1000 to do. If he has it pulled it will be 80-300 depending on where he goes. Community Health Centers are now starting dental centers where you can get a great discount on treatment. Most offices do give discounts if paying cash and some take payments.
No dental insurance for my 18 month old? Emergency!?
My 18 month old needs to see a dentist right away, but we literally JUST took him off our dental insurance. (He's my first, I never foresaw something like this or we wouldve never been so stupid!) We were in the ER last night after he fell off a toy and busted his right front tooth. I need to make an appointment for him today, are there any places that are low cost or do I need to just make him an appointment at a regular pediatric dentist? Please help! Thanks. Sincerely, Worried Mommy
Take him to a pediatric dentist. They will likely give you a price quote for the initial visit on the phone, because the initial visit is typically just an exam and maybe x-rays. After the exam the dentist will give you an estimate based on what needs to be done. Most dentists today have some type of financing program available if you have decent credit, so you can ask them about that - it's not through the dentist directly, but with a finance company that has special programs set up for dental work.
Take him to a pediatric dentist. They will likely give you a price quote for the initial visit on the phone, because the initial visit is typically just an exam and maybe x-rays. After the exam the dentist will give you an estimate based on what needs to be done. Most dentists today have some type of financing program available if you have decent credit, so you can ask them about that - it's not through the dentist directly, but with a finance company that has special programs set up for dental work.
Question about dental insurance and preexisting conditions?
I have a tooth that is hurting badly and needs a root canal or an extraction. I went to a dental center for a free consultation and got x-rays and a prescription. A few days later I talked to my dad and he told me he could provide me with dental and health insurance. So my question is, once he adds me to his preexisting plan, will they cover my root canal, or will they know about me going to this free consultation and deem it a preexisting condition?
Report thjis condition before you get your policy if you don't then it will be fraud which means alot of trouble. Many times if you have a preexisitng they will not cover your for a certain time period then coverage will begin.
Report thjis condition before you get your policy if you don't then it will be fraud which means alot of trouble. Many times if you have a preexisitng they will not cover your for a certain time period then coverage will begin.
Chicago~~No dental Insurance, No money, Needs several teeth pulled now...HELP!?
My boyfriend who is laid off and on unemployment has no dental insurance, no money, and needs several teeth pulled. He has at least one abscess going on in there... and he has been up for 36hrs now because he is in pain. He has been to the urgent care, they referred him to the hospital, and the hospital set him up an appointment at UIC. From what I understand UIC used to have a first come first serve basis of care set up, where i think they would take care of you for free, but now apparently they charge $150 per tooth. Does anyone know where he could go in the chicago area to get completley FREE dental care. He needs several teeth pulled very soon! He does have an anti biotic and pain killers and thats not helping with the swelling or the pain yet... :( Any suggestions would be great...thank you!
Try this: http://www.communityhealth.org/becoming_… Are you still gonna love your boyfriend with missing teeth?
Try this: http://www.communityhealth.org/becoming_… Are you still gonna love your boyfriend with missing teeth?
How does my Canadian health insurance and dental cards work?
I live in Ontario and I got the first permanent job in my life, so I finally have benefits for once, but I don't know how to use my health insurance and dental insurance. Do I have to pay up front then get compensated later, or will the insurance be able to immediately take care of the cost of trips to the dentist or doctor? I'm hoping the cost can be taken care of right away because I can't afford to pay for expensive visits to the dentis up front, even if I will get the money back later. How much does the average dental check up cost in Canada because I haven't been to one since I was a teenager? I need new glasses, so would this be covered under my insurance too? Thanks for any info, preferably from fellow Canadians.
Its going to depend. My employer and my wife's employer both use the same company. However the policies both companies have are different with regards to payouts. Trips to the doctor should be covered by OHIP. Most plans will not cover optometrist visits. For the dentist give your card to their admin, they can figure it out. My policy pays for their portiion of the coverage right away and I only have to pay for the remainder on the spot. My wife's plan she has to pay 100% at the dentist, but the covered amount is direct deposited to her bank in 1-2 business days. Most dentists take credit cards now. Check your plan formulary for eyeglass coverage. My plan has $0 coverage and my wife's is $200 every two years. (You'd think a tech company would have eyeglass coverage since 80% of the staffing complement is nerds) The dentist is going to try and get you to do a full set of xrays and possibly two cleanings if you don't regularly floss (there might be a lot of build up). You might be looking at $300 in the Toronto area.
Its going to depend. My employer and my wife's employer both use the same company. However the policies both companies have are different with regards to payouts. Trips to the doctor should be covered by OHIP. Most plans will not cover optometrist visits. For the dentist give your card to their admin, they can figure it out. My policy pays for their portiion of the coverage right away and I only have to pay for the remainder on the spot. My wife's plan she has to pay 100% at the dentist, but the covered amount is direct deposited to her bank in 1-2 business days. Most dentists take credit cards now. Check your plan formulary for eyeglass coverage. My plan has $0 coverage and my wife's is $200 every two years. (You'd think a tech company would have eyeglass coverage since 80% of the staffing complement is nerds) The dentist is going to try and get you to do a full set of xrays and possibly two cleanings if you don't regularly floss (there might be a lot of build up). You might be looking at $300 in the Toronto area.
is dental insurance worth the money?
I need to have a 2 teeth bridge put in and some other work done. I went to Queen Elisabeth Hospital today because my surgeon reffered me ( have got facial paralysis on left side) . I went to the dentistry dept and was told every thing I need doing, and then the dentist told me that they can't do it and my NHS dentist has to do it. Problem being is that my NHS dentist won't do the work on the NHS!! I want to know if dental insurance is a good idea or whether because it is a pre existing condition it wont be covered. Please help, beside myself as my smile is shocking anyway, just want to make it as good as it can be. I have had this problem for 12 years and am 'only' 35!
I would encourage you to visit this great site healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I signed up online over 6 years ago and they have saved me thousands of dollars over the years on all procedures. From root canals, xrays, exams, extractions...even my braces were covered. They even had my very affordable benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use them the very same day. Good luck and hope this helps.
I would encourage you to visit this great site healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I signed up online over 6 years ago and they have saved me thousands of dollars over the years on all procedures. From root canals, xrays, exams, extractions...even my braces were covered. They even had my very affordable benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use them the very same day. Good luck and hope this helps.
Help with dental insurance?
My wisdom teeth are starting to come through, and i will need them removed. My job does offer dental, but from what I hear it's crap, and aflac is way too expensive. I'm not too great at choosing insurance, I don't know a thing about it; So looking for some help here. What would be my options as far as dental, something not too expensive, but also something that will cover a good portion of any oral exams or operations. I know I have to keep a plan for a while before I can receive benefits towards operations, and that's fine, my teeth aren't going anywhere and growing in painstakingly slow.
I have a terrific dental plan that I found after months of searching and comparison shopping. Try to avoid dental discount plans or indemnity plans, they cannot guarantee what kind of discount you will get and they are usually a sham. Mine is a comprehensive plan that offers the same coverage for groups as well as individuals. It has no network, so you can see any dentist you want, and it has NO WAITING PERIODS for services, diagnostic, preventative, basic, major, etc. You can get it for under 30 bucks a month, and you can apply online at www.BestForLessDental.com~ another cool thing about the plan is it has a 100$ deductible that you only have to meet once, not every year, and it has an annual benefit of $1,250 bucks. much higher than anything else I found.
I have a terrific dental plan that I found after months of searching and comparison shopping. Try to avoid dental discount plans or indemnity plans, they cannot guarantee what kind of discount you will get and they are usually a sham. Mine is a comprehensive plan that offers the same coverage for groups as well as individuals. It has no network, so you can see any dentist you want, and it has NO WAITING PERIODS for services, diagnostic, preventative, basic, major, etc. You can get it for under 30 bucks a month, and you can apply online at www.BestForLessDental.com~ another cool thing about the plan is it has a 100$ deductible that you only have to meet once, not every year, and it has an annual benefit of $1,250 bucks. much higher than anything else I found.
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