I have had ongoing problems for years with my husband and control, seeking dominance over me and our children, but I think I have come out of the dark the past couple of years as to what he is doing and how to get around it to maintain my independence and self respect while I figure out how to end this relationship safely and financially for my childrens sake. Right now, I see his grasping at financial control more than ever to maintain his sense of dominance...its all he has left basically. He is refusing to pay his childrens dental bills, health insurance, provide money for school clothes. He will come across occasionally with $100 or so for gas and some groceries (there are 5 children involved). He says that unless his demands are met on how he is treated in this family, he will not pay nothing. Then, he says he is the man of the house and he will pay everything that needs to be bought and provided in his own way..whatever that means. Mean ing if he sees fit. Opionions please....
sack him
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Anyone ever heard of American Income Partners?
I was offered this cause I was once in a Union. They said that this is insurance for Union employees. But I'm trying to find them on the net and I can't find anything except for Life Insurance. I was told by the rep that it was for health and dental along with life. Any info would be greatly appreciated.
I used to work there. American Income (Life insurance company) offers a Partners Program as a supplement benefit. When I worked there, www.bestbenifits.com was the partners program website. Note: It's not insurance, it is a discount program. It is supposed to save you money on co-pays, eyecare, etc. It isn't just for union members either, that is just an advertising ploy to make it sound "special." You might save some money if your Doctor or Dentist is on the carrier list...most likely you won't though. More a less it's a way in the door to sell you life insurance.
I used to work there. American Income (Life insurance company) offers a Partners Program as a supplement benefit. When I worked there, www.bestbenifits.com was the partners program website. Note: It's not insurance, it is a discount program. It is supposed to save you money on co-pays, eyecare, etc. It isn't just for union members either, that is just an advertising ploy to make it sound "special." You might save some money if your Doctor or Dentist is on the carrier list...most likely you won't though. More a less it's a way in the door to sell you life insurance.
Can i apply for medicaid while in NJ Unemployment?
Hey just to explain my situation, im collecting Nj unemployment benfits for past year now, and im still out of work and need dental work and a dermotologist for a huge cyst on back of my head and i have no type of insurance!! My question is can i get medicaid insurance while collecting NJ Unemployment benefits..My income is 325$ weekly. Any information would be great... Thx
No you cannot. You can only get medicaid if you have a pre-existing medical condition. It doesn't apply to all low-income persons. You must also fall under the limit in income in your state. It varies.
No you cannot. You can only get medicaid if you have a pre-existing medical condition. It doesn't apply to all low-income persons. You must also fall under the limit in income in your state. It varies.
Anyone ever heard of American Income Partners?
I was offered this cause I was once in a Union. They said that this is insurance for Union employees. But I'm trying to find them on the net and I can't find anything except for Life Insurance. I was told by the rep that it was for health and dental along with health. Any info would be greatly appreciated.
This is all the www had to offer: http://www.ask.com/web?q=American+Income… best of luck.?
This is all the www had to offer: http://www.ask.com/web?q=American+Income… best of luck.?
Math Homework Help plz?
After a deduction for dental insurance was taken out, Mike's annual net income went from $65,000 to $65,150, If Mike pays 25% of the cost of his dental insurance plan with his employer covering the rest, how much does his employer contribute toward his dental insurance plan per year? This is my work: $150 x 25 = 3750 3750/100 = 37.50 37.50 + 150 = $187.50 Answer = $187.50 is this correct?
I assume you mean went from 65150 to 65000. This leaves 150 as his part. 150 * 4 =600 total cost 600-150 that he pays=450 that the employer pays
I assume you mean went from 65150 to 65000. This leaves 150 as his part. 150 * 4 =600 total cost 600-150 that he pays=450 that the employer pays
Math Homework Help plz?
After a deduction for dental insurance was taken out, Mike's annual net income went from $65,000 to $65,150, If Mike pays 25% of the cost of his dental insurance plan with his employer covering the rest, how much does his employer contribute toward his dental insurance plan per year? This is my work: $150 x 25 = 3750 3750/100 = 37.50 37.50 + 150 = $187.50 Answer = $187.50 is this correct?
well actually... i think it would go something more like this... $65,150/25%= $2606 $65150- $2606= $26544 $26,544 would be the final answer... if you put this and its wrong, feel free to blame me if you want ^^ but i belive thats correct... you dont have to put it though
well actually... i think it would go something more like this... $65,150/25%= $2606 $65150- $2606= $26544 $26,544 would be the final answer... if you put this and its wrong, feel free to blame me if you want ^^ but i belive thats correct... you dont have to put it though
pregnant with sore gums please help?
so when i went to the doctor about it he did nothing at all and i mean nothing and i dont have dental insurance so does anyone know anything about how to make my mouth not so sore because oragel anbesol and tylenol arent working and i dont have dental insurance becuase my medicaid only covers things dealing with the baby and that doesnt mean my teeth please help im tired of losing sleep and would like to get some
I am not sure if this is relevant, but they say you lose a lot of calcium when you are pregnant, and maybe that could be affecting your teeth. Try a calcium supplement, but you may just have to suffer until you deliver, because there is nothing strong enough that you can take for the pain. Hope you feel better.
I am not sure if this is relevant, but they say you lose a lot of calcium when you are pregnant, and maybe that could be affecting your teeth. Try a calcium supplement, but you may just have to suffer until you deliver, because there is nothing strong enough that you can take for the pain. Hope you feel better.
Rotting teeth?
I've been with my boyfriend for nearly 5 months and I JUST realized that his few top front teeth are a gray/brown color starting from his gum line. They almost make streaks down his tooth. He stays the night at my house almost every night and I NEVER see him brush his teeth. So I bought him a toothbrush for my house, but still never uses it unless I use mine and force him to do it with me. I love him very much but hygiene is very important to me and I feel slightly grossed out while kissing him. Are his teeth rotting? I don't think he has ever gone to the dentist because his family doesn't have much money nor dental insurance. Is there any NICE way I can break it to him and tell him that he needs to brush more and drink less soda? He has a new job that offers dental insurance, so hopefully they can hel him out.
yes they are rotting.... tell him u want to go to da dentist together n make appointments 4 da both of you n use his insurance.... when dey drill his teeth away be next to him for support n yea juz tell him lets go to da dentist bcuz if he doestnt go he's gonna lose all his teeth n he probably has gum disease
yes they are rotting.... tell him u want to go to da dentist together n make appointments 4 da both of you n use his insurance.... when dey drill his teeth away be next to him for support n yea juz tell him lets go to da dentist bcuz if he doestnt go he's gonna lose all his teeth n he probably has gum disease
Tongue Piercing?
I really want to get my tongue pierced but I have a mild soar throat and I have an incoming wisdom tooth. I also do not have any dental insurance...I have medical but no dental insurance...so should I still get my tongue pierced or should I wait until my soar throat goes away?
wait till your sore throat goes away. you don't want complications through infections. it's best to wait. You don't want the piercing technician to get sick, do you?
wait till your sore throat goes away. you don't want complications through infections. it's best to wait. You don't want the piercing technician to get sick, do you?
New rules of employment?
SICKNESS AND RELATED LEAVE: We will no longer accept a doctor statement as proof of sickness. If you are able to go to the doctor, you are able to come to work. SURGERY: Operations are now banned. As long as you are an employee here, you need all your organs. You should not consider removing anything. We hired you intact. To have something removed constitutes a breach of employment. BEREAVEMENT LEAVE: This is no excuse for missing work. There is nothing you can do for dead friends, Relatives or coworkers. Every effort should be made to have non-employees attend to the arrangements. In rare cases, where employee involvement is necessary, the funeral should be scheduled in the late afternoon. We will be glad to allow you to work through your lunch hour and subsequently leave one hour early, provided your share of the work is done enough. YOUR OWN DEATH: This will be accepted as an excuse. However, we require at least two weeks notice as it is your duty to train your own replacement. RESTROOM USE: Entirely too much time is being spent in the restroom. In the future, we will follow the practice of going in alphabetical order. For instance, all employees whose names begin with ''''''''''''''''A'''''''''''''''' will go from 8:00 to 8:10, employees whose names begin with ''''''''''''''''B'''''''''''''''' will go from 8:10 to 8:20 and so on. If you''''''''''''''''re unable to go at your allotted time, it will be necessary to wait until the next day when your turn comes again. In extreme emergencies employees may swap their time with a coworker. Both employees'''''''''''''''' supervisors in writing must approve this exchange. In addition, there is now a strict 3-minute time limit in the stalls. At the end of three minutes, an alarm will sound, the toilet paper roll will retract, and the stall door will open. PAYCHECK GUIDE: The following helpful guide has been prepared to help our employees better understand their paychecks: Item Amount Gross pay $1,222.02 Income tax $244.40 Outgo tax $45.21 State tax $11.61 Interstate tax $61.10 County tax $6.11 City tax $12.22 Rural tax $4.44 Back tax $1.11 Front tax $1.16 Side tax $1.61 Up tax $1.08 Down tax $1.14 Tic-Tacs $1.98 Thumbtacks $3.93 Carpet tacks $0.98 Stadium tax $0.69 Flat tax $8.32 Surtax $2.23 Ma''''''''''''''''am tax $1.23 Corporate tax $2.60 Parking fee $5.00 F.I.C.A. $81.88 T.G.I.F. Fund $9.95 Life insurance $5.85 Health insurance $16.23 Dental insurance $4.50 Mental insurance $4.33 Disability $2.50 Ability $0.25 Liability $3.41 Coffee $6.85 Coffee Cups $66.51 Floor rental $16.85 Chair rental $0.32 Desk rental $4.32 Union dues $5.85 Union don''''''''''''''''ts $3.77 Cash advance $0.69 Cash retreats $121.35 Overtime $1.26 Undertime $54.83 Eastern time $9.00 Central time $8.00 Mountain time $7.00 Pacific time $6.00 Time Out $12.21 Oxygen $10.02 Water $16.54 Heat $51.42 Cool air $26.83 Hot air $20.00 Miscellaneous $113.29 Various $8.01 Sundry $12.09 ------- Net Take Home Pay $0.02 Thank you for your loyalty to our company. We are here to provide a positive employment experience. Therefore, all questions, comments, concerns, complaints, frustrations, irritations, aggravations, insinuations, allegations, accusations, contemplations, consternations, or input should be directed elsewhere. Have a nice week. The Management
I'm with smila, think i worked for them and they still owe me hehehe Have a star xxxxxxxxxx
I'm with smila, think i worked for them and they still owe me hehehe Have a star xxxxxxxxxx
What's going on in my mouth?!?
I woke up yesterday morning with a sore mouth. My right side teeth both top and bottom are sensitive to cold (VERY sensitive) and hurt. It starts at my 3rd tooth back on both the top and bottom and hurts. Yesterday they were just sensitive and hurt a bit, but today as the day has went on they have slowly started hurting even more. I have a tooth on the bottom that had been filled, but the filling came out. It's been that way fror about two years, but I don't have dental insurance so I couldn't get it fixed. Sometimes food gets down where the filling was in between my teeth and it hurts but i just floss and it stops.Can't tell if my face is puffy or anything but my jaw kinda off and on feels tired. My gums are swelled on the top inside but I don't know if that's where I flossed earlier or not. I don't have dental insurance but I do need to know what to do or take.Right now it is a moderate and tolerable pain but I don't want it to keep getting worse. Can you go to a regular dr for this
The area where you lost your filling has been unprotected all this time. The inner layer of a tooth is not as hard as the enamel and therefore easier to breakdown. Most likely you have new decay in that area and it could possibly be deep enough now that it has effected the nerve. You possibly are grinding on your teeth at night and that is why the top and bottom both hurt. You may have also cracked that weakened tooth from grinding on it. It could be several things. The main thing is that it is talking to you and the problem won't go away until you see a dentist. You can take some Ibuprofen for now to ease the pain and don't use tartar control toothpaste or whitening toothpaste. They make your teeth more sensitive to colds. Check into getting a night guard to wear during sleeping. You can start with the soft ones you buy in the stores, but a hard one made for you by the dentist is easier to wear. Hope this helped.
The area where you lost your filling has been unprotected all this time. The inner layer of a tooth is not as hard as the enamel and therefore easier to breakdown. Most likely you have new decay in that area and it could possibly be deep enough now that it has effected the nerve. You possibly are grinding on your teeth at night and that is why the top and bottom both hurt. You may have also cracked that weakened tooth from grinding on it. It could be several things. The main thing is that it is talking to you and the problem won't go away until you see a dentist. You can take some Ibuprofen for now to ease the pain and don't use tartar control toothpaste or whitening toothpaste. They make your teeth more sensitive to colds. Check into getting a night guard to wear during sleeping. You can start with the soft ones you buy in the stores, but a hard one made for you by the dentist is easier to wear. Hope this helped.
Pet insurance in canada?
I am looking into adopting 2 retired racing greyhounds and am interested in pet insurace for them. I live in Canada and would want this insurace to cover all accidents (hit by a car) and some surgery and dental care costs as well. What are the best ones?
hi there i have pet insurance with a company called trupanion that is available in the us and canada. i heard good recs from others about it so i got it for my dog and it is a great company. the claims process is very fast. they also just changed it to unlimited payout which is fantastic. check em out!
hi there i have pet insurance with a company called trupanion that is available in the us and canada. i heard good recs from others about it so i got it for my dog and it is a great company. the claims process is very fast. they also just changed it to unlimited payout which is fantastic. check em out!
I need your help!?
Ink Inc., a publishing firm, offers its 899 employees a cafeteria approach to benefits, in which employees can enroll in the benefit plan of their choice. Seven hundred thirteen employees have health insurance, 523 have dental insurance, and 489 have both health and dental insurance. (a) What is the probability p that one of the employees has either health or dental insurance? (b) What is the probability p that one of the employees has health insurance but not dental insurance?
a) To find the total number of employees with health or dental insurance, add the number with health insurance (713) and the number with dental insurance (523), then subtract the number with both (489) since they would have been counted twice. 713 + 523 - 489 = 747. Divide this number by the total number of employees to get the probability. b) To find the number of employees with health but not dental insurance, subtract the number with both (489) from the total number with health insurance (747). Again divide this by the total number of employees to get the probability.
a) To find the total number of employees with health or dental insurance, add the number with health insurance (713) and the number with dental insurance (523), then subtract the number with both (489) since they would have been counted twice. 713 + 523 - 489 = 747. Divide this number by the total number of employees to get the probability. b) To find the number of employees with health but not dental insurance, subtract the number with both (489) from the total number with health insurance (747). Again divide this by the total number of employees to get the probability.
Please help me with the AND and OR Logic please?
Lab 15 AND and OR Logic USING AND LOGIC When you write Visual Basic programs, you can use the AND operator (And) to make multiple comparisons in a single decision statement. Remember when using AND logic that all expressions must evaluate to true for the entire expression to be true. The Visual Basic code that follows illustrates a decision statement that uses the AND operator (And) to implement AND logic: Dim medicalPlan As String = "Y" Dim dentalPlan As String = "Y" If medicalPlan = "Y" And dentalPlan = "Y" Then System.Console.WriteLine("Employee has medical insurance" & " and also has dental insurance.") Else System.Console.WriteLine("Employee may have medical insurance " & "or may have dental insurance, but does " & "not have both medical and dental " & "insurance.") End If In this example, the variables named medicalPlan and dentalPlan have both been initialized to the string constant "Y". When the expression medicalPlan = " Y" is evaluated, the result is true. When the expression dentalPlan = "Y" is evaluated, the result is also true. Because both expressions evaluate to true, the entire expression medicalPlan = " Y" And dentalPlan = "Y" evaluates to true. Because the entire expression is true, the output generated is "Employee has medical insurance and also has dental insurance. If you initialize either of the variables medicalPlan or dentalPlan with a value other than "Y", then the expression medicalPlan = "Y" And dentalPlan = "Y" evaluates to false, and the output generated is "Employee may have medical insurance or may have dental insurance, but does not have both medical and dental insurance." USING OR LOGIC You can use OR logic when you want to make multiple comparisons in a single decision statement. Of course, you must remember when using OR logic that only one expression must evaluate to true for the entire expression to be true. The Visual Basic code that follows illustrates a decision statement that uses the OR operator (Or) to implement OR logic: Dim medicalPlan As String = "Y" Dim dentalPlan As String = "N" If medicalPlan = "Y" Or dentalPlan = "Y" System.Console.WriteLine("Employee has medical insurance" & " or dental insurance or both ") Else System.Console.WriteLine("Employee does not have medical" & " insurance and also does not have dental insurance.") End If In this example, the variable named medicalPlan is initialized to the string constant "Y", and the variable named dentalPlan is initialized to the string constant "N". When the expression medicalPlan = "Y" is evaluated, the result is true. When the expression dentalPlan = "Y" is evaluated, the result is false. The expression medicalPlan = "Y" Or dentalPlan = "Y" evaluates to true because when using OR logic, only one of the expressions must evaluate to true for the entire expression to be true. Because the entire expression is true, the output generated is "Employee has medical insurance or dental insurance or both." If you initialize both of the variables medicalPlan and dentalPlan to the string constant "N", then the expression medicalPlan = "Y" Or dentalPlan = "Y" evaluates to false, and the output generated is "Employee does not have medical insurance and also does not have dental insurance." In this exercise, you use what you have learned about OR logic to study a complete Visual Basic program that uses OR logic in a decision statement. This program was written for a marketing research firm that wants to determine if a customer prefers Coke or Pepsi over some other drink. Take a few minutes to study the code that follows, and then answer Questions 1-4. 'CokeOrPepsi.vb - This program determines if a customer ' prefers to 'drink Coke or Pepsi or some other drink. Module CokeOrPepsi Sub Main() Dim customerName As String ' Customer's name Dim drink As String = "" ' Customer's favorite drink customerName = InputBox$("Enter customer's name: ") drink = InputBox$("Enter customer's drink preference: ") If drink = "Coke" Or drink = "Pepsi" Then System.Console.WriteLine("Customer Name: " & customerName) System.Console.WriteLine("Drink: " & drink) Else System.Console.WriteLine(customerName & " does not prefer Coke or Pepsi.") End If End Sub End Module 1. What is the exact output when this program executes if the customer's name is Sally Preston and the drink is Coke? Answer: Customer Name: Sally Preston Drink: Coke 2. What is the exact output when this program executes if the customer's name is Sally Preston and the drink is Pepsi? Answer: Customer Name: Sally Preston Drink: Pepsi 3. What is the exact output from this program when If drink = "Coke" Or drink = "Pepsi" is changed to If drink = "Coke" And drink = "Pepsi" and the customer's name is still Sally Preston and the drink is still Coke? Answer: Sally Preston does not prefer Coke or Pepsi. (Why?) 4. What is the e
What on earth is the point of taking a course and posting the entire question on Answers so that someone else can anwer it for you? Save your parents' or the taxpayer's money and drop the course. You obviously have no interest in learning.
What on earth is the point of taking a course and posting the entire question on Answers so that someone else can anwer it for you? Save your parents' or the taxpayer's money and drop the course. You obviously have no interest in learning.
Does anyone know of any
Cheap dental insurance? I work but can only afford it for my kids, I know I need to go to the dentist but they are so expensive, I take care of my teeth but thats just not enough, now I have a broken tooth that needs to be fixed and it's gonna cost me almost a thousand dollars, someone told me to check out dental schools but I can't find any near me HELP
Can you post around where you live? i could help you better.
Can you post around where you live? i could help you better.
Would you date a guy with missing front tooth.?
cuz i am missing one. I dont have dental insurance right now got layed off and lost it. I do plan geting it fix when i do got insurance. if any 1 wants to let me have 1,000 i can get it fix now. lol i lost it playing Hockey .
Depends - do you show off the fact you lost it and brag about the big hit during the game or does it affect you because you don't smile and try to hid the fact it is missing? A closed mouth frown would definitely be a turn off but so could a full open mouth smile. Regardless, get it fixed as soon as you can - most dentist will accept partial payments or credit card payments.
Depends - do you show off the fact you lost it and brag about the big hit during the game or does it affect you because you don't smile and try to hid the fact it is missing? A closed mouth frown would definitely be a turn off but so could a full open mouth smile. Regardless, get it fixed as soon as you can - most dentist will accept partial payments or credit card payments.
Stepson needs braces?
I just started a job and will be eligible for dental insurance. I'm going to put my step son on my insurance (he already has medical from his fathers work) My question is when my step son goes for braces can my husband put that towards his half of the payment. I called the mother to help with the preimum payment she refused. We wish we could afford to pay for the whole cost of the braces but we really cannot.
First check with your insurance company and make sure that the dental covers orthodontic treatment and what restrictions they have on the treatment. Some dental insurance will not cover braces for 12months or only pay a small portion. Also, find out what exactly your husband's dental coverage includes for his son. Get lists of orthodontists and start asking around too... as word of mouth is often better than anything else! Make the calls yourself FIRST, then start calling around for evaluations your step-son. At the eval appointment, provide the insurance information you have collected and the office will call to verify all benefits. Evals are usually free and last between 30-60 minutes. If the eval is free, go elsewhere... trust me... and be sure to get at least 2 evaluations. Everyone will have a different viewpoint on how to treat your step-son and the price will vary depending on what type of braces you decide with (clear/ ceramic brackets, self-ligating brackets, traditional braces, invisigln, etc...). Many offices also have payment plans you can work out with them too, especially if the insurance will not cover everything. Call and ask and go in and visit and become as informed as you possibly can as a parent. Not all orthodontists are equal and be sure you do your homework about the orthodontists you visit (look them up online, call dentists office for recommendations or your local dentist, check out their website, read or request to view comment cards from patients). My orthodontist office consists of a team, a family team, of orthodontists. They both work on all of the patients and you never know who will see when you go in for a visit. They have a binder full of comment cards up front, have all of their certifications posted, have been in the city for 25yrs, and come highly recommended from not only my personal dentist -- but also from friends and church members. They had a payment plan, work around crazy work schedules/ school schedule, and have an emergency phone line you can even all on a weekend! Their staff knew me by name within a visit or two and even remembered me between my eval and actual "brace day" too. They even have transportation available to their students, to and from school, so their parents do not have to take off work to get them to the ortho. My office has contests and prizes you can win for having good hygeine, making it on time to appointments, etc... which is a great incentive. Another thing to check for is make sure EVERYTHING is included in the price, especially retainers and after-care. Not all ortho's quote the retainers and or follow-up care in their initial quote... so watch :) Good luck in making this important decision for your son. It will change his life!
First check with your insurance company and make sure that the dental covers orthodontic treatment and what restrictions they have on the treatment. Some dental insurance will not cover braces for 12months or only pay a small portion. Also, find out what exactly your husband's dental coverage includes for his son. Get lists of orthodontists and start asking around too... as word of mouth is often better than anything else! Make the calls yourself FIRST, then start calling around for evaluations your step-son. At the eval appointment, provide the insurance information you have collected and the office will call to verify all benefits. Evals are usually free and last between 30-60 minutes. If the eval is free, go elsewhere... trust me... and be sure to get at least 2 evaluations. Everyone will have a different viewpoint on how to treat your step-son and the price will vary depending on what type of braces you decide with (clear/ ceramic brackets, self-ligating brackets, traditional braces, invisigln, etc...). Many offices also have payment plans you can work out with them too, especially if the insurance will not cover everything. Call and ask and go in and visit and become as informed as you possibly can as a parent. Not all orthodontists are equal and be sure you do your homework about the orthodontists you visit (look them up online, call dentists office for recommendations or your local dentist, check out their website, read or request to view comment cards from patients). My orthodontist office consists of a team, a family team, of orthodontists. They both work on all of the patients and you never know who will see when you go in for a visit. They have a binder full of comment cards up front, have all of their certifications posted, have been in the city for 25yrs, and come highly recommended from not only my personal dentist -- but also from friends and church members. They had a payment plan, work around crazy work schedules/ school schedule, and have an emergency phone line you can even all on a weekend! Their staff knew me by name within a visit or two and even remembered me between my eval and actual "brace day" too. They even have transportation available to their students, to and from school, so their parents do not have to take off work to get them to the ortho. My office has contests and prizes you can win for having good hygeine, making it on time to appointments, etc... which is a great incentive. Another thing to check for is make sure EVERYTHING is included in the price, especially retainers and after-care. Not all ortho's quote the retainers and or follow-up care in their initial quote... so watch :) Good luck in making this important decision for your son. It will change his life!
Visiting the dentist?
Tomorrow i will visit the dentist in order to get a dental check up about how much my braces will cost and how much of my payment will be payed by my dental insurance (LACare), if it is even accepted. Is there anything that i could say or should be prepare for that could influence how much i pay out of my pocket. Thanks.
each have different charges
each have different charges
mexico dentists?
I want to travel to mexico to have extensive dental work done, the expense is much less than in usa and i have no dental insurance. any suggestions or advice for me? I really do not know where to start to find a dentist in mexico. thanks
Check out RevaHealth.com for some information on Mexico and the dentists there. I might also suggest contacting some local dentists in your area ( probably with Spanish names) and see if they have any contacts or referrals for you that are in Mexico. Wouldn't hurt to contact some churches also and get their input. I would certainly want to spend the time and do some research before I put my mouth and teeth into someone elses hands. Good luck, and share with me what you find out.
Check out RevaHealth.com for some information on Mexico and the dentists there. I might also suggest contacting some local dentists in your area ( probably with Spanish names) and see if they have any contacts or referrals for you that are in Mexico. Wouldn't hurt to contact some churches also and get their input. I would certainly want to spend the time and do some research before I put my mouth and teeth into someone elses hands. Good luck, and share with me what you find out.
Orthodontics and Dental questions?
Hi all..Okay first off..about a year or so ago, I went to the dentist to get an exam and xrays..i needed cavities filled as well asl ike 2 root canels..At that time, I had NO money and no insurance. Now, I changed dentists, i have very LITTLE $$ and very LITTLE insurance. This new dentist wants even more cavities and well as a ton more root canals. I wouldn't think my mouth would have gotten that worse in only a year. I am really wanting braces also. If I visit an orthodontist, would he be able to tell me exactly what I need done in order to have braces put on? I'm thinking the 2nd dentist i went to, is only in it for the $$, so maybe the orthodontist can tell me how it is and what i need done..any info would be great! thanks guys!
There is good news! Even though you do not have dental insurance, you can join a discount dental plan and save on the filings, root canals, crowns and braces. In most metropolitan areas your savings will be about 50% on restorative dental work.
There is good news! Even though you do not have dental insurance, you can join a discount dental plan and save on the filings, root canals, crowns and braces. In most metropolitan areas your savings will be about 50% on restorative dental work.
Before the romantic notion hit you to have a baby...did you think?
Did you think of the costs to the Environment, which we all bear the buden of? Did you think of the long term needs of a child? Like, health insurance, dental insurance, education expenses...etc, not just diapers, clothes and shoes? Did you think about anything past the right now and what you wanted? Does any child deserve to be brought into a life of uncertainty and lack of anything he needs to thrive and survive properly?
thats why me and my husband won't have kids for a while, i want them to go to private school and have everything they need to have a great life
thats why me and my husband won't have kids for a while, i want them to go to private school and have everything they need to have a great life
my tooth is killing me?
My wisdom tooth has been growing in but not hurting me!! well now its hurting me! Like my tooth is rotten and I cant eat chew anything and that really sucks because I am really hungry!! lol anyways the point of ths question is: I just found out I dont have dental insurance anymore. In 05 I ran into a glass door and messed up my two front teeth! Yes you may laugh! lol anyways After my mom got them fixed she stopped our dental insurance because she said she really wasnt saving anything!! The pont is does anyone know how much it will cost to get a wisdom tooth pulled without insurance?!?!?!
I know of low cost benefits that I have and will truly save you money. It saves you up to 80% on all your dental work. You also get, Free Prescription, Free Chiropractic Care and Free Vision!! It cost $11.95 a month for an indivdual and $19.95 for an entire household. Below are a few exsamples of the savings. The average cost for a cleaning $117.00 With Benefits $47.00 Dollars Average cost for Oral Exam $118.00 With Benefits $37.00 Dollars I wish you the best of luck and if you want send me your zip code and I can tell you how many providers are in your area and the addresses to them. Be careful though when looking into health benefits that are not insurance. Some do not save you money or have any providers in your area. The company I am with has been in business for 14 years, BBB member and has over 1.5 million customers
I know of low cost benefits that I have and will truly save you money. It saves you up to 80% on all your dental work. You also get, Free Prescription, Free Chiropractic Care and Free Vision!! It cost $11.95 a month for an indivdual and $19.95 for an entire household. Below are a few exsamples of the savings. The average cost for a cleaning $117.00 With Benefits $47.00 Dollars Average cost for Oral Exam $118.00 With Benefits $37.00 Dollars I wish you the best of luck and if you want send me your zip code and I can tell you how many providers are in your area and the addresses to them. Be careful though when looking into health benefits that are not insurance. Some do not save you money or have any providers in your area. The company I am with has been in business for 14 years, BBB member and has over 1.5 million customers
Dentist in San Diego?
I really need to see a dentist and I dont have dental insurance. I bought one of those prepaid dental plans and saw a dentist on their list and it was a horrible experience (smilecare dental group..stay away). Does anybody know a good dentist in San Diego that would take me without insurance. I'm not rich so it would have to also be affordable. Shot it the dark but im desperate. Thanks.
There is a good and experienced dentists in San Diego at Gentle Dental chain of dental offices in San Diego. Check out affiliated dentists at http://www.gentle1.com/gentledentals/san_diego_county/.
There is a good and experienced dentists in San Diego at Gentle Dental chain of dental offices in San Diego. Check out affiliated dentists at http://www.gentle1.com/gentledentals/san_diego_county/.
My husband does not want to combine our money. I don't think it is right!?
He pays the mortgage and has almost 250.00 a week for his self. I pay for pretty much everything else! utilities, car payment, Medical insurance, dental, car insurance, home insurance, food, stuff for the kids, cell phones and groceries. Plus we have two loans i pay on. Sometimes I only can pay a little on each bill because I can't pay them in full. He is always broke...I don't know what to do.
Why dont you two take all the bills you have between the two of you, figure out the monthly total, then both contribute half to a joint bank account.. Anything you have left over individually stays in your own respective accounts for whatever you please.
Why dont you two take all the bills you have between the two of you, figure out the monthly total, then both contribute half to a joint bank account.. Anything you have left over individually stays in your own respective accounts for whatever you please.
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