I was apalled to find out the other day that prisoners get free health and dental care, but yet only deadbeats on the outside can. My job doesn't offer insurance and I don't make enough to purchase outside insurance, so I went to the department of family and children services to inquire about medicaid. Previously, I didn't really know much about it, but I was further apalled to find out that where I live (GA), a family of 3 has to make less than $424 a month to be eligible for low income medicaid. What can of crap is that you can work 20 hours a week at mcdonalds and make more than that, but yet deadbeats that sit at home and bring in wellfare, can get it. This countries priorities are a little upsetting. Does anyone know if these requirements are this stupid in all states?
Prisoners get their health care paid for because they can not pay for it themselves, They can not pay for it themselves because they do not have any income, The do not have any income because they do not have a job, They do not have a job because they are in prison. Kind of obvious really. Annoying perhaps, but it's what happens in civilized societies.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Best cosmetic solution? - Bonding, Veneers, or Crowns?
Hello All! I'm 24 and I don't have any dental/health issues (gingivities, etc), but I would like to improve my smile. I'm not missing any teeth & my teeth or fairly straight... however, my smile can be improved. The edges of my teeth aren't straight - let me try to explain - the part of your teeth that pierces the food isn't straight. When I smile and my top teeth rests on my lower lip, you can't see it. However, if I do a big "teethy" grin you can see that they aren't straight. Could bonding help this? I know veneers and crowns would work b/c it'll just shave down my teeth and give me a whole new set - but is that necc when I just want my teeth smoothed out? I have Aetna dental insurance & don't want to spend a fortune, but I do want an EXCELLENT, straight, white smile for my wedding (which isn't for another yr btw). Serious answers only plz. HELP!! Thanx
First off...if you are concerned about the incisal edge or the part of your teeth that pierces the food not being straight that can sometimes easily be corrected by simply smoothing off the uneven portions. When front teeth first erupt they have three "mamelons" by the edges that generally flatten shortly after. Sometimes they don't flatten (this happened to me) and your dentist can smooth the uneven portions. I attached a website that has picture of these so you can see if this is what you are describing. Depending on how crooked your teeth are Lumineers or bonding may be great options. Vaneers and crowns remove tooth structure and with your age I would not recommend it. I would preserve your natural teeth as long as possible. Dental insurance does not cover "cosmetic" treatment. Sometimes if you have bonding done they will pay but that is on rare occasion. I would check out the websites I've included and then set up a few consultations with the dentists in your area or of choice. Lumineers are not offered in every dental office so I would search their website for one near you. Good luck and congratulations on the wedding plans!
First off...if you are concerned about the incisal edge or the part of your teeth that pierces the food not being straight that can sometimes easily be corrected by simply smoothing off the uneven portions. When front teeth first erupt they have three "mamelons" by the edges that generally flatten shortly after. Sometimes they don't flatten (this happened to me) and your dentist can smooth the uneven portions. I attached a website that has picture of these so you can see if this is what you are describing. Depending on how crooked your teeth are Lumineers or bonding may be great options. Vaneers and crowns remove tooth structure and with your age I would not recommend it. I would preserve your natural teeth as long as possible. Dental insurance does not cover "cosmetic" treatment. Sometimes if you have bonding done they will pay but that is on rare occasion. I would check out the websites I've included and then set up a few consultations with the dentists in your area or of choice. Lumineers are not offered in every dental office so I would search their website for one near you. Good luck and congratulations on the wedding plans!
Is it wrong to say that my family is not interested in paying for your health Insurance?
Both myself and wife work 50-60 hrs a week, we have 1 child in private school...yet we pay for others in public schools and we have no problem doing that. We both put ourselves through college and both have successful careers. We have never broken crimes, we own our own comfortable house that was purchased by our blood sweat & tears and have sacrificed more than I could list here and it's worth around 730K and we owe about 82K on it. We have one child that goes to college in one year. We have planned for this and will pay for her schooling 100% with plenty to spare. We are not rich, we are middle class. I hate that President Obama will be asking me to help pay for others who have not earned health care. We pay about $620 per Month for health care & dental care. Yes it is very expensive...anything worth wild is but don't ask my family to give to others who sit on their azz's...who didn't plan, who had children out of wed-lock, who made bad choices in life that has caused them to be losers in life. I am NOT interested in subsidizing bad behavior. Is it wrong for us who pay around 89k a year in federal taxes, $8,900 in property taxes, 22K in State taxes, $6,300 per year in city taxes, 2.3% in sales tax and numerous other TAXES to pay AGAIN for someone else's health Insurance? It doesn't take an ENTIRE village to raise a child....it takes ONLY two loving, caring parents who are dedicated to THEIR child
Thumbs UP!
Thumbs UP!
i have pain in my bottom lip/teeth/gums?
i woke up yesterday and my gums/teeth hurt really bad, my lip feels a tad swollen, i feel congested too, i feel like this is an allergy related thing, but i'm not sure. i've been gargling saltwater and that eases the pain temporarily. i need an idea of what this could be, i don't have dental insurance or anything. any suggestions/help would be great, thanks!
Medical Discount Plan ideal for those who cannot afford or qualify for traditional health insurance. The companies offer discounted health services for a low monthly fee. Benefits include a range of discounts for doctors, hospitals, dental, vision, prescriptions, vitamins, as well as other health services. I am not gonna say that I am totally sure about the answer.it is really depending on the personal mind.thus it would better for you to try to find the best answer yourself.Here www.HealthInsuranceFree.info is a good resource for reference though.
Medical Discount Plan ideal for those who cannot afford or qualify for traditional health insurance. The companies offer discounted health services for a low monthly fee. Benefits include a range of discounts for doctors, hospitals, dental, vision, prescriptions, vitamins, as well as other health services. I am not gonna say that I am totally sure about the answer.it is really depending on the personal mind.thus it would better for you to try to find the best answer yourself.Here www.HealthInsuranceFree.info is a good resource for reference though.
Would you vote for me if I ran for President of USA? (See details for my views)?
1. The minimum wage will be raised again. 2. Pro- Life 3. Bringing troops home 4. Limitations on immigration 5.Longer jail sentences for child molestors. 6. More tax breaks for the middle and lower class 7. Charter colleges in each state 8. Overtime to be paid after 36 hours instead of 40 9.Every job having affordabe and adequate health and dental insurance for employees 10. Parents are held accountable when they refuse to discipline their children. Not the ones that try. But the ones that think their kids do not wrong and let them run a muck and terrorize every other adult and child. Do I have your vote?
No 1. Doesn't need to be raised again, get a better job. 2. Pro-Choice 3. 3-5k lives is cheap compared to the hundreds of thousands of iraqis we have killed. It's too late to cut and run. 4. We say presidents can't do anything about that 5. Death sentences for child molestors 6. Middle and lower class don't need any more tax breaks. How about less property tax and a more central tax to fund education. 7. No stance 8. That's just plain lazy to start paying at 36. See how your friends love you when one of them gets laid off from too many expenses. 9. Any idea how expensive health insurance is for employers? Had one employee at 48 with history of surgery. My plan was 5k deductible, 100% out of pocket. I would have had to pay 450$/month just for that employee who wouldn't ever reach his 5k deductible compared to 130$/month for me. Too many of us are under the false impression that we save money by giving money to an insurance company instead of saving it ourselves. 10. This is under the false impression that parents have 100% influence over their children through discipline. Mother Theresa could have had a genetic mutant that she would have had no way of getting in check. Yet an innocent life is damned because of the unfounded belief that parents are 100% responsible for the outcome of their child. Vote for a realist.
No 1. Doesn't need to be raised again, get a better job. 2. Pro-Choice 3. 3-5k lives is cheap compared to the hundreds of thousands of iraqis we have killed. It's too late to cut and run. 4. We say presidents can't do anything about that 5. Death sentences for child molestors 6. Middle and lower class don't need any more tax breaks. How about less property tax and a more central tax to fund education. 7. No stance 8. That's just plain lazy to start paying at 36. See how your friends love you when one of them gets laid off from too many expenses. 9. Any idea how expensive health insurance is for employers? Had one employee at 48 with history of surgery. My plan was 5k deductible, 100% out of pocket. I would have had to pay 450$/month just for that employee who wouldn't ever reach his 5k deductible compared to 130$/month for me. Too many of us are under the false impression that we save money by giving money to an insurance company instead of saving it ourselves. 10. This is under the false impression that parents have 100% influence over their children through discipline. Mother Theresa could have had a genetic mutant that she would have had no way of getting in check. Yet an innocent life is damned because of the unfounded belief that parents are 100% responsible for the outcome of their child. Vote for a realist.
Is $1,200 enough for cavities? 10 points..?
I dont have dental insurance i was wondering if $1,200 is enough for around 7-8 cavities that some are decayed i wanst at the dentist in so long...or how many cavities can $1,200 fix me.
If all you need are simple fillings, then $1,200 should do it, although a lot depends on where you live. Dentists in big cities tend to charge more than dentists in small towns. One problem is that you can't be sure that simple fillings will be enough. If your cavities are so big that you need something more elaborate, like a root canal and crowns, then it is going to cost quite a bit more than $1,200. The only way to find out for sure is to go to the dentist and ask him for an evaluation and a treatment plan. If the cost looks like more than you can handle all at once, it may be that you can do the worst teeth first and let the other ones wait for a while. That's what I did. I needed a lot of work, and the dentist advised which fillings could wait--they were small and in less-dangerous areas. I just did the most important ones first.
If all you need are simple fillings, then $1,200 should do it, although a lot depends on where you live. Dentists in big cities tend to charge more than dentists in small towns. One problem is that you can't be sure that simple fillings will be enough. If your cavities are so big that you need something more elaborate, like a root canal and crowns, then it is going to cost quite a bit more than $1,200. The only way to find out for sure is to go to the dentist and ask him for an evaluation and a treatment plan. If the cost looks like more than you can handle all at once, it may be that you can do the worst teeth first and let the other ones wait for a while. That's what I did. I needed a lot of work, and the dentist advised which fillings could wait--they were small and in less-dangerous areas. I just did the most important ones first.
My DH is the biggest procrastinator I know!! How do I get him to take care of stuff on time??
He will wait until the absolute last second to take care of stuff. Our 5 year old daughter wasn't on dental insurance for 2 years because he'd never get the paperwork turned in in time. So it cost us even more!! Finally today he's turned it in, but it is the last day they will accept. There is to much to list - that's just today. He says he wants a new palm pilot, blackberry, whatever for Christmas because that's where he keeps track of what he needs done..........but I don't want to spend lots of money on something he thinks helps him but really doesn't. Does anyone know how to take care of my last minute to the second problem (without causing a fight?)
The key is getting that you will never get him to take care of stuff on time. This is an integrity issue, and something that probably goes far back before you ever knew him. Think about it, what kind of a person procrastinates, says they will do something and doesn't, etc? A CHILD. This is the behavior of a child, but the problem is you can never confront him with that or there will definately be a fight. He is actually regressing to a very young age by doing this, and has no clue about it. So the key thing is to determine when (5, 7, 8, etc) something happened that had him think that he has to put things off all the time. I can promise you there is SOME incident that caused it. So what you can do is say something like this, "Honey, I am worried about the safety of myself and the kids. When you put off _______ dental records for two years, it scared me because I was needing to know that she would be protected in the event of an emergency. May I ask, do you have any idea what causes you to put things off like that?" (This is called "Non-Violent Communication") And be genuinely interested. This isn't a problem. but it does create a concern for you, and that concern is the safety of you and your children. This will have most men actually hear you, because deep down we want to protect our familes. Then asking him (honestly) if he knows where this behavior comes from might open him up to seeing why it happens. Then ask him the following question: "Honey, for my sake and the sake of our children, are you willing to determine the root cause of your procrastination?" And reassure him that he is not alone. MILLIONS of people do this, and as I said it is an integrity issue. The key thing is for you to help him to see how it affects you, not just that you are pissed at him, but that you are actually concerned for your daugther's safety. This may spark him to want to shift the behavior. If he is open to transforming it, then e-mail me and I'll give you some suggestions. Hope this helps.
The key is getting that you will never get him to take care of stuff on time. This is an integrity issue, and something that probably goes far back before you ever knew him. Think about it, what kind of a person procrastinates, says they will do something and doesn't, etc? A CHILD. This is the behavior of a child, but the problem is you can never confront him with that or there will definately be a fight. He is actually regressing to a very young age by doing this, and has no clue about it. So the key thing is to determine when (5, 7, 8, etc) something happened that had him think that he has to put things off all the time. I can promise you there is SOME incident that caused it. So what you can do is say something like this, "Honey, I am worried about the safety of myself and the kids. When you put off _______ dental records for two years, it scared me because I was needing to know that she would be protected in the event of an emergency. May I ask, do you have any idea what causes you to put things off like that?" (This is called "Non-Violent Communication") And be genuinely interested. This isn't a problem. but it does create a concern for you, and that concern is the safety of you and your children. This will have most men actually hear you, because deep down we want to protect our familes. Then asking him (honestly) if he knows where this behavior comes from might open him up to seeing why it happens. Then ask him the following question: "Honey, for my sake and the sake of our children, are you willing to determine the root cause of your procrastination?" And reassure him that he is not alone. MILLIONS of people do this, and as I said it is an integrity issue. The key thing is for you to help him to see how it affects you, not just that you are pissed at him, but that you are actually concerned for your daugther's safety. This may spark him to want to shift the behavior. If he is open to transforming it, then e-mail me and I'll give you some suggestions. Hope this helps.
I have a health problem and no credit to work with to fix it.I am looking for someone to help me?
I have serious dental problems a car accedent broke all my teeth and the insurance company won't fix them.All i need is a loan for a lousy 7000.00 to get them done but I can't get one
GET A LAWYER!! seriously they can't screw you like that I'm sure. Call Balkin and Doran. There are some places advertised on regular cable (2 or 3 am that's all you see) that will pay up front and you don't have to pay them back if you lose. You only pay them if you win.
GET A LAWYER!! seriously they can't screw you like that I'm sure. Call Balkin and Doran. There are some places advertised on regular cable (2 or 3 am that's all you see) that will pay up front and you don't have to pay them back if you lose. You only pay them if you win.
tooth decay or something else?
i had little black areas between my teeth pop up overnight. i just poked and proded them with a toothpich and they are like hard deposits in between my teeth. they are not sensitive and they don't hurt. i am a smoker. i haven't seen a dentist in years dur to lack of dental insurance but take of my teeth. is this tooth decay or some kind of buildup the dentist can scrape off? i'm very concerned.
Likely tartar buildup however if it has been awhile since the dentist it may be cavities. Being a smoker your more likely to develop cavities also. I would recommend seeing a denist and getting xrays and a cleaning. Just ask them to take xrays and scale your teeth, forget the polishing and flouride if you are on a limited income. Please don't leave it though, you may not feel pain now but you if and when you do it is too late and you will require extensive work or tooth loss from extraction.
Likely tartar buildup however if it has been awhile since the dentist it may be cavities. Being a smoker your more likely to develop cavities also. I would recommend seeing a denist and getting xrays and a cleaning. Just ask them to take xrays and scale your teeth, forget the polishing and flouride if you are on a limited income. Please don't leave it though, you may not feel pain now but you if and when you do it is too late and you will require extensive work or tooth loss from extraction.
Half of my tooth fell out, help me.?
Half of my tooth fell out and I don't have dental insurance, nor can I afford to get it fixed. It is killing me and I don't know what to do. Please help me. The pain is hooting all the way up into my head.
Go 2 a dentist asap. If not u will have 2 deal wit more bigger problems.
Go 2 a dentist asap. If not u will have 2 deal wit more bigger problems.
tooth ache. Dental profs. please!!!?
I have been having a tooth ache (it hasnt hurt in a week or so) but now its hurting right below my cheek bone. could this be from the tooth ache or something completely different. Dont tell me to go the the dentisit. I dont have anymoney I dont have insurance. My grandparents will pay but only for my front teeth not my back teeth to be fixed! any home remedies for tooth aches? I wont have the money for a few months to go see a dentist.
as a temporary pain stopper,I read this and I thought it was a crock until I tried it,try taking a mouthful of Listerine and keeping it in your mouth for couple minutes soaking the affected area,or until pain dissipates,pain will never fully go away,but could be made temporarily tolerable.get it pulled if it cant be fixed due to finances,also if not allergic to anti biotic such as penicillin it could help kill the infection,in turn giving short term relief in about 3 or 4 days when it gets into your sustem.listerine is not meant as a cure,only a temporary pain reliever
as a temporary pain stopper,I read this and I thought it was a crock until I tried it,try taking a mouthful of Listerine and keeping it in your mouth for couple minutes soaking the affected area,or until pain dissipates,pain will never fully go away,but could be made temporarily tolerable.get it pulled if it cant be fixed due to finances,also if not allergic to anti biotic such as penicillin it could help kill the infection,in turn giving short term relief in about 3 or 4 days when it gets into your sustem.listerine is not meant as a cure,only a temporary pain reliever
Does taking 4 classes make me a Full time or Part Time Student? Health Insurance Cancelled?
A week I have 4 classes and I have fri, sat, sun off. I have College Writing:2hrs 45min Psychology 1hr 15 min two times a week. Math 1hr two times a week and Sociology 2 hrs once a week.I need to kow because my Health Insurance crapped out on me and told me I NEED to apply for QSHIP or SHIP and I CAN'T afford it. It says 2,000$ a year, deposit of 250$ with co pays of 30$ d it DOESNT even GIVE ANY dental coverage. I want my free Mass Health Back PLEASE HELP!?
Generally, it's counted by credit hours, not number of classes. If you take four one credit classes, that's not full time. Most of the time, it needs to be 12 credit hours. Mass Health wasn't free. It was very expensive, but paid for by the people paying taxes, in MA. Welfare health insurance for kids, covers limited dental. Welfare health insurance for adults, usually doesn't. And it sounds like you no longer qualify for welfare health insurance. Welcome to the world of being an adult!
Generally, it's counted by credit hours, not number of classes. If you take four one credit classes, that's not full time. Most of the time, it needs to be 12 credit hours. Mass Health wasn't free. It was very expensive, but paid for by the people paying taxes, in MA. Welfare health insurance for kids, covers limited dental. Welfare health insurance for adults, usually doesn't. And it sounds like you no longer qualify for welfare health insurance. Welcome to the world of being an adult!
Tooth/gum abscess home remedy?
I have an abscess on my gum just under my tooth..The pain is horrible,throbbing and very fragile to the touch of the gum. I have tried the salt water rinses,ice packs,sucking ice,tylenol *im pregnant,thats all i can take* brushing,mouthwash,flossing etc..I was just wondering if any of u know any GOOD WORKING home remedies? what can i do to help the abscess drain itself? p.s i dont have dental insurance so right now the dentist is far away for me...dont judge please,kind answers only..
No judgement here, only kindness :) I'm a dental hygienist. First off, before anyone else starts answering this, I'm gonna tell you right now..DO NOT USE ASPIRIN. I don't know if you can anyhow since you're pregnant (I doubt it, unless things have changed since I had my babies) but folks are still trying to endorse that old wives tale of putting an aspirin on your tooth or gums. DON'T DO IT!! It causes an acid burn on the tissue and you'll be in alot worse pain later on! You need to call your OB/GYN and have them give you an antibiotic. An abcess is an infection and you have to get rid of it. It sounds like you've done all the other things to treat the symptoms but you need to get rid of the source. An antibiotic will get rid of the infection FOR AWHLE but until you can get find what's causing the abcess and fix it you will be at risk for the abcess to continue. An abcess can "tunnel" a way through the tissue and drain itself, looks kinda like a little pimple on the gum tissue that will leak a little bit of pus if you push on it (sorry to be gross!) If it's draining, there usually isn't any pain. The problem is when the abcess isn't draining, it's basically a ball of pus inside the bone under the tooth that is trying to expand and swell but it can't because it's surrounded by hard bone, so it's the pressure of this swelling that causes such horrible pain. The first thing any dentist would do for you, after an xray and exam, is prescribe antibiotics, so you can can skip right to that part via your OB/GYN. Then, you need to find dental treatment that you can afford. Check with your local health dept. to see if they can recommend anyone. Also, if you live anywhere near a dental school, please check them out. The students do excellent work and it's usually free or very low cost. Good luck to you!
No judgement here, only kindness :) I'm a dental hygienist. First off, before anyone else starts answering this, I'm gonna tell you right now..DO NOT USE ASPIRIN. I don't know if you can anyhow since you're pregnant (I doubt it, unless things have changed since I had my babies) but folks are still trying to endorse that old wives tale of putting an aspirin on your tooth or gums. DON'T DO IT!! It causes an acid burn on the tissue and you'll be in alot worse pain later on! You need to call your OB/GYN and have them give you an antibiotic. An abcess is an infection and you have to get rid of it. It sounds like you've done all the other things to treat the symptoms but you need to get rid of the source. An antibiotic will get rid of the infection FOR AWHLE but until you can get find what's causing the abcess and fix it you will be at risk for the abcess to continue. An abcess can "tunnel" a way through the tissue and drain itself, looks kinda like a little pimple on the gum tissue that will leak a little bit of pus if you push on it (sorry to be gross!) If it's draining, there usually isn't any pain. The problem is when the abcess isn't draining, it's basically a ball of pus inside the bone under the tooth that is trying to expand and swell but it can't because it's surrounded by hard bone, so it's the pressure of this swelling that causes such horrible pain. The first thing any dentist would do for you, after an xray and exam, is prescribe antibiotics, so you can can skip right to that part via your OB/GYN. Then, you need to find dental treatment that you can afford. Check with your local health dept. to see if they can recommend anyone. Also, if you live anywhere near a dental school, please check them out. The students do excellent work and it's usually free or very low cost. Good luck to you!
my wisdom tooth is coming out i think?
okay i could se my tooth coming out but in between my gum and cheek i notice i have a bump and it hurts i don't have any dental insurance right now what can i do to stop the pain
Take a pain releiver, anduse oragel.
Take a pain releiver, anduse oragel.
What does a retainer do? Do I need one.?
I have gapped teeth. I ordered "Teeth Effects" from www.teethgap.com, and was amazed to see, my teeth moved together in one night. I took off the band, and my gap reopened. I called the place and they said get a retainer. What does a retainer do? Do I need one? Does dental insurance cover that.?
a retainer keeps the teeth in place after they have just moved. That's why people that just had there braces removed typically wear them for a couple of months.
a retainer keeps the teeth in place after they have just moved. That's why people that just had there braces removed typically wear them for a couple of months.
How do I find out if my prescriptions are covered under my new insurance plan? It is an Anthem HSA plan.?
I just switched to a new insurance plan through Anthem. It is one of those HSA plans so I have a large deductible before most things are covered. I just hit the deductible and am not trying to figure out how to get prescriptions filled. There is no formulary published with the plan or on Anthem's web site. So, I don't know if my current (or any new) drugs are covered. I tried to ask through an email and was told that I would have to call customer service and ask about each one. That isn't workable. "The term Prescription Drug means drugs, biologicals, and compounds which can be dispensed legally only upon written authorization by a Physician, which are required by law to bear the legend "Caution: Federal Law prohibits dispensing without a prescription," and which are listed in one or more of the following publications: United States Pharmacopeia, The National Formulary, or Accepted Dental Remedies." Where do I find these? Has anyone worked with this plan?
Why can't you call up customer service? You really need to do this to know for sure. Try googling: fda.org orange book & look up drugs.but it won't tell you if it's covered by your insurance. You might try asking your pharmacist, though they might not be able to tell without actually filling the prescriptions. Good luck
Why can't you call up customer service? You really need to do this to know for sure. Try googling: fda.org orange book & look up drugs.but it won't tell you if it's covered by your insurance. You might try asking your pharmacist, though they might not be able to tell without actually filling the prescriptions. Good luck
Cheapest place to get an Eye Exam w.o Optical Insurance ?!?
I have medical / dental but for some stupid reason it won't cover a routine eye exam. cheapest places to have it done ?
america's best, you get the exam plus 2 generic pair of glasses for $70 http://www.twopair.com/
america's best, you get the exam plus 2 generic pair of glasses for $70 http://www.twopair.com/
how much does it cost on average, in medical bills, to have a baby (no insurance)?
My wife and I are searching for good insurance, we live in San Diego, CA. My wife and I both need medical and dental (I have a lot of work I need to have done on my teeth), and she also needs vision and maternity. Any good leads or good ball park figures of what this will cost us monthly??
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here - healthquotes.awardspace.info
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here - healthquotes.awardspace.info
is there a website like a charity or similar that could help me pay for my emergency dental work?
I need a website where either a charity or people who want to help others gets matched up with people like me who need help paying for their teeth work. I am in need of some dentist to do the work for free like a donation or for some one or charity to help me because i have no insurance and all my money goes to my baby. this is not a salisitaion question, i am asking for a web address for a charity or helping people out site where I can seek help for my emergency dental work bills i have and the ones i have to get.
There is a thing called CareCredit which is a credit card. You can use it at the doctor, dentist or even the vet. I've never used it because I've always been fortunate enough to have insurance... I know it's not the best (who the heII needs more credit???) but it's a nationally accepted (and legit) thing and worst case scenario at least you can get it done and pay it off. Also, some (few) will do payment plans. Good luck. I hope this helps.
There is a thing called CareCredit which is a credit card. You can use it at the doctor, dentist or even the vet. I've never used it because I've always been fortunate enough to have insurance... I know it's not the best (who the heII needs more credit???) but it's a nationally accepted (and legit) thing and worst case scenario at least you can get it done and pay it off. Also, some (few) will do payment plans. Good luck. I hope this helps.
HELP! My teeth are falling out and I can't get insurance!?
Okay so here is whats going on: When I was 14 (I am now almost 20), my father had braces put on me. Well, he is a deadbeat and only paid for the first 2 adjustments. Basically, I was stuck with dormant braces on for about 5 years before I met my current fiance and he helped me pry them off with pliers and a fork (FYI it costs $1500 to have them removed). ANYWAY, my teeth are in HORRIBLE condition now... with 5 bands still stuck on in the back molars and the cement still on my teeth. I went to a dentist soon after removing them to find out that I don't have ONE tooth without a cavity and one that needs a root canal (this was about a year and a half ago), but I cannot afford to get any work done. Mom's insurance dropped me because I'm out of school, can't afford my own plan and I don't work because I have to watch my son all day. My fiance falls under the medicaid income guidelines but they don't offer anything for dental work. I am at a loss of what to do at this point. My teeth are literally falling apart and there is NO help out there... that I know of. I live in Houston, TX if anyone can PLEASE help me!
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here - health-quotes.talk4fun.net
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here - health-quotes.talk4fun.net
I need to get my wisdom tooth pulled and i cant afford insurance and i need to find a cheap dentist ASAP!?
My wisdom tooth has been bothering me for four months now and i can't take the pain any longer. I cannot afford insurance and I dont have any benifits from work. So if anyone knows a good dentist i REALLY need one. Also, do dental students do wisdom teeth? And how long will it take to get an appointment? Please, can someone help me? I need to get this tooth out ASAP. I have been putting ice on it and i have taken so many medicines they dont do anything. I only get two hours of sleep at night and thats if I'm lucky. I live in San Marcos texas, so if anyone knows any cheap good dentist, please let me know!!
Most dental schools will extract wisdom teeth. I included a link below with US dental schools (I'm not sure if they are close to your area). You can also try looking for a public health clinic. Many states have public health dental clinics that will treat you for a reduced rate, or maybe even free. I included a link below for some public health clinics as well. If not, many private offices will treat you for a discount even if you don't have insurance, or you can try applying for Care Credit.
Most dental schools will extract wisdom teeth. I included a link below with US dental schools (I'm not sure if they are close to your area). You can also try looking for a public health clinic. Many states have public health dental clinics that will treat you for a reduced rate, or maybe even free. I included a link below for some public health clinics as well. If not, many private offices will treat you for a discount even if you don't have insurance, or you can try applying for Care Credit.
tell me the good dentist in California , USA?
Hi, Who is the good dentist in CALIFORNIA, USA, for crowning etc........and how does dental insurance work. Is it free. How much the insurance company pay for dental service. and which one is the good insurance company for dental care in CA.
There are so many great plan out there. For my family we have this great plan. I would encourage you to visit this great site: www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I signed up online over 5 years ago now and they have saved us thousands of dollars since. From root canals, xrays, exams...to my braces. They even had my very affordable benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use them the very same day. good luck and hope this helps.
There are so many great plan out there. For my family we have this great plan. I would encourage you to visit this great site: www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I signed up online over 5 years ago now and they have saved us thousands of dollars since. From root canals, xrays, exams...to my braces. They even had my very affordable benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use them the very same day. good luck and hope this helps.
I need a Dentist in Santee Ca?
My dental insurance provider is Access Dental and I just needed to find a dentist that accepts my insurance and if you guys have any recommendations that would be great thank you for your time and I really need your help
Hey I was in Santee last week, my uncle lives there! right near the lakes like on mast blvd! if you see a short fat guy wobbling down the street to the package store, it's prolly him.
Hey I was in Santee last week, my uncle lives there! right near the lakes like on mast blvd! if you see a short fat guy wobbling down the street to the package store, it's prolly him.
Do i also need to puchase dental and vision ? Or should I just buy a Cadillac 100% plan to meet the mandatory requirements ? It would be easier if congress bought and provided the insuance and simply deducted the cost from my paycheck. Let's see if insurance costs $1,000 per month that would only be a $250 per week deduction. Hummm I take home $500 now less the $250 NO WAY!
If you only earn $500 per week ($26,000 per year), then you will qualify for a massive subsidy of your insurance costs in 2014. The government (by which I mean me, since my taxes will be funding the subsidies) will be paying more of it than you will. To meet the requirements, you will not need to pay $1000 per month or anything remotely close to that.
If you only earn $500 per week ($26,000 per year), then you will qualify for a massive subsidy of your insurance costs in 2014. The government (by which I mean me, since my taxes will be funding the subsidies) will be paying more of it than you will. To meet the requirements, you will not need to pay $1000 per month or anything remotely close to that.
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