Heres the thing I already have health, dental, and vision insurance from work. It provides for me and my wife. It is a very comprehensive plan but if i go to a doctor i have to pay $15 bucks (small fee) and other relativley small copays. Now my wife got a new job about a while ago and is finally being offered a health plan. She gets to choose and we're thinking to get the plan that covers hospital procedures with a 0 copay but doesnt cover doctor visits or drugs. my plan has about a $100 deductible on drugs and $500 for hospital visits. so between both of them we pretty much got everything covered.
-------------------- - here is my health insurance plan. As I remember they can provide such a service.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
I am an American visiting England and need emergency dental care. What can I do?
I don't have any medical insurance and don't qualify for their NHS. Do I just fork over some money and hope someone will help me? I have lost a tooth and I'm pretty panicked. I don't even know how to categorize this question correctly.
Try and find an emergency dentist they'll do it for ya
Try and find an emergency dentist they'll do it for ya
Can someone tell me what it would cost to make around 4 crowns for teeth?
Please note: Have no Dental Insurance
I have a dentist list on my website. go to it and look for providers in your area. after that if you go to, CONTACT US and and fill out the info " totally confidential " I can get u signed up for a discount program, or I can get you more info.…
I have a dentist list on my website. go to it and look for providers in your area. after that if you go to, CONTACT US and and fill out the info " totally confidential " I can get u signed up for a discount program, or I can get you more info.…
How much do braces cost?
And if we had dental insurance, would they cover the cost of them?
/////////// it will not cover the whole cost, it usually cost about 5,000 or so depending on the orthodontist and area
/////////// it will not cover the whole cost, it usually cost about 5,000 or so depending on the orthodontist and area
My husband pays for insurance for his 2 kids and braces for the older one,can his ex keep him from seeing?
My husband and I have been married for 2 yrs. His 2 kids from 1st marriage now live with his ex wife and he is supposed to see them on weekends now. There is no court order for custody and no order for support, however, we carry the medical, dental and eye insurance for them, plus we help make monthly payments for the older one's orthodonture bill, plus her cell phone!! ( ages are 15 and 10). Now on weekends, his ex notifies him by text msgs that the she has plans for the kids and they won't be coming over. This is becoming a regular thing now, he has not seen the kids for 3 weeks! She is doing this to him again as I type this which is what prompted me to seek advice and help from others. Does he have any rights as a father who is paying for his kids? Should we try for something more legal, or would it backfire in his face and he still end up with nothing?
Paying child support has nothing to do with custody and visitation. They are separate things and good parents are entitled to whichever one (or both) if they apply. It would be a shame to involve the courts if they've managed this long without them, but you may have no choice. The father has the right to see the kids. He should try talking to the kids directly about what is going on. It may be that they may have activities or things they want to do that they are afraid their dad would not take them to (even though he might be perfectly fine with it). On the other hand, if they are being withheld from seeing their dad against their will, that is something you will want to know too. You will want to understand what is behind it before you go to court. If the kids are choosing to stay home, going to court could backfire. Have him reach out to the kids and let them know he wants to see them. Encourage him to let them know that he will still take them to their activities, let them see their friends, etc. Good luck!
Paying child support has nothing to do with custody and visitation. They are separate things and good parents are entitled to whichever one (or both) if they apply. It would be a shame to involve the courts if they've managed this long without them, but you may have no choice. The father has the right to see the kids. He should try talking to the kids directly about what is going on. It may be that they may have activities or things they want to do that they are afraid their dad would not take them to (even though he might be perfectly fine with it). On the other hand, if they are being withheld from seeing their dad against their will, that is something you will want to know too. You will want to understand what is behind it before you go to court. If the kids are choosing to stay home, going to court could backfire. Have him reach out to the kids and let them know he wants to see them. Encourage him to let them know that he will still take them to their activities, let them see their friends, etc. Good luck!
how much does underbite surgery cost?
i want to quit my job but i've been sticking it out because they give me med and dental insurance but i've just about had enough but first i want to know the range of the cost for the surgery to see if i could take the financial burden.
I wouldn't quit anytime soon! We are going through the same thing with our son. Right now he's in braces and will be for 3 yrs. Then at the age of 18 he still may need to have his jaw broke due to the severity of his under bite. Right now our cost is around $3500, if he has to have his jaw additional $10,000!!! That's the cost of the surgery now. Who knows what the cost will be in 5 yrs. when he's 18.
I wouldn't quit anytime soon! We are going through the same thing with our son. Right now he's in braces and will be for 3 yrs. Then at the age of 18 he still may need to have his jaw broke due to the severity of his under bite. Right now our cost is around $3500, if he has to have his jaw additional $10,000!!! That's the cost of the surgery now. Who knows what the cost will be in 5 yrs. when he's 18.
I want to offer my employees some healthcare benefits besides health insurance...what are my options?
Ideally, I would like to offer a "bank" of $1000 for each employee. This money can be used for doctor visits, dental care, gym memberships, vitamins, prescriptions, etc. Am I allowed to do this, or is there a specific program or plan that I must follow? Any information is greatly appreciated!
Yes, you are allowed to do this and yes, there are specific rules and regulations. Depending on your health plan you can set up an HSA, MSA, HRA, or FSA, among other less used plans. Here is the IRS publication with more information and links to more details about each type:
Yes, you are allowed to do this and yes, there are specific rules and regulations. Depending on your health plan you can set up an HSA, MSA, HRA, or FSA, among other less used plans. Here is the IRS publication with more information and links to more details about each type:
question on changing health insurance policy?
hi i have a insurance from my empoyer, that doesnt cover dental and vision,as i didnt opt for it.. am getting married in couple of months.. and want to change my insurance to a family insurance, so that it covers both me and my wife.. please let me know, what are the things to consider while changes the policy from single to family, how to get a best rate, and how to have good coverage.....
First of all...all you have to do is add her to your employer group policy as a dependant. No problem there. But if you want to get you own family policy, you have to becareful with "Pre-Existing" condition. You want to make sure that the policy you switch to doesnt decline any condition you may be experiencing at that time. If both of you are on no medications, then that should not be a problem As far as good coverage, ask for the most comprhensive coverage. It cost more but you will be covered properly especially if you start a family. See how much it would cost to add her on to your group policy Then call an agent to see how much a policy on your own would be. Sometimes it is cheaper on your own because if the group you are in is unhealthy and the group is rated high, then you would be paying a large premium for their claim activities Congrats on the marriage!
First of all...all you have to do is add her to your employer group policy as a dependant. No problem there. But if you want to get you own family policy, you have to becareful with "Pre-Existing" condition. You want to make sure that the policy you switch to doesnt decline any condition you may be experiencing at that time. If both of you are on no medications, then that should not be a problem As far as good coverage, ask for the most comprhensive coverage. It cost more but you will be covered properly especially if you start a family. See how much it would cost to add her on to your group policy Then call an agent to see how much a policy on your own would be. Sometimes it is cheaper on your own because if the group you are in is unhealthy and the group is rated high, then you would be paying a large premium for their claim activities Congrats on the marriage!
5 year old has lots of cavities and has never seen a dentist-advice on finding a dentist that won't judge us?
We just got dental insurance and her teeth are not good we also live in a weird-o state that doesn't put flouride in the water. We didn't know that for 4 years! Please don't tell me I'm a bad mom, I feel terrible about it as it is.
Don't feel bad, fluoride isn't nearly as good for you as you might think. While it can prevent cavities it can also damage your thyroid. Some water levels contain dangerous amounts but no one tells you that. Some kids just have softer teeth and sometimes genetics plays a role no matter what kind of preventive measures are taken. You are not a bad mom. I would highly recommend looking for a pediatric dentist or a family dentist that takes special interest in children. I think they'll be more sensitive to your concerns rather than making you feel judged. Schedule a no fear "getting to know you" visit, just as a meet and greet . A good dentist will do this. They will want to do this during a non peak time of the day when they can take time to answer questions and give you more personal attention. The dentist is providing a health service. your daughter is a patient and you are a customer. You are in charge.
Don't feel bad, fluoride isn't nearly as good for you as you might think. While it can prevent cavities it can also damage your thyroid. Some water levels contain dangerous amounts but no one tells you that. Some kids just have softer teeth and sometimes genetics plays a role no matter what kind of preventive measures are taken. You are not a bad mom. I would highly recommend looking for a pediatric dentist or a family dentist that takes special interest in children. I think they'll be more sensitive to your concerns rather than making you feel judged. Schedule a no fear "getting to know you" visit, just as a meet and greet . A good dentist will do this. They will want to do this during a non peak time of the day when they can take time to answer questions and give you more personal attention. The dentist is providing a health service. your daughter is a patient and you are a customer. You are in charge.
I live in Dc area.. [ DC MD VA ] and i would like to know... how much does a dental implant! [molar] PLEASE! i have no insurance =(
I'm not positive, but my dad was told once that if he wanted once of his teeth removed and replaced, i'd be around $3,000. I don't wanna shock you, cause, again, not entirely sure, but the cost is pretty up ther, at least $1,000, but probably a lot more without insurance =/
I'm not positive, but my dad was told once that if he wanted once of his teeth removed and replaced, i'd be around $3,000. I don't wanna shock you, cause, again, not entirely sure, but the cost is pretty up ther, at least $1,000, but probably a lot more without insurance =/
Hi i paid for premiums for health, life, and disability insurance and was wondering where i would file them on my tax return and can my health insurance be filed as a deduction under medical and dental expenses? please tell me what form and under what category
Life insurance is not a tax deduction because if you were to die the policy would pay out tax free.
Life insurance is not a tax deduction because if you were to die the policy would pay out tax free.
Why do people think that they shouldn't have to pay for their own dental work?
"i don't have insurance"...quit whining. if you're sick you go to the doctor whether you have insurance or not. so why do people avoid dental treatment knowing that it's gonna cause agonizing pain just because they don't have insurance. here's another one. why do you think that you deserve new teeth without paying for it? you let you teeth go bad (cause you didn't have insurance, right) and now you want some charitable organization to pay for your extreme makeover. it's by far the most common question on here. your tooth problems are always your own fault so it's time to take on the personal and financial resposiblity to do something about it. put the soda and candy bar down and pick up some floss so you don't have future problems.
why are you always so negative? I think you should start enjoying life rather then rant and rave about negative things in your life...
why are you always so negative? I think you should start enjoying life rather then rant and rave about negative things in your life...
Looking for an inexpensive Dentist in Dallas for Molar Extraction.?
My husband is needs his two upper molars removed and we have been quoted 344.00 per tooth and 500 for the anesthesia. Our insurance won't cover very much, does anyone know of a Dentist in the Dallas are that takes Dental Select Insurance, and works at a lower price. We aren't worried about a pretty waiting room at this point, just getting these painful teeth OUT. Thank you in advance for your answers.
call monark dental or some of the other retail dentist.
call monark dental or some of the other retail dentist.
My Aetna Insurance isnt paying their agreed share of my bills!?
I work for red lion hotel, I signed up in November of 2009 for health, dental and medical insurance though Aetna. They take exactly $8.90 out for Dental, $17.02 out for Medical and $2.00 for vision from every one of my paychecks. So I Pay $55.84 per month for my insurance. I have seen a gyno and an eye dr. I called Aetna to make sure I was covered before I went to my appointments they said "yes"! I got a bill in the mail for my gyno app and I have to pay the entire Bill of about $200.00 I also have to pay the whole bill for my eye dr of $130.00. I called Aetna to find out why they will not pay the bills, they said well the gyno will not be covered because Aetna doesn't cover preventative care! I had an annual exam! They won't pay it! They said they'd only cover it if I was SICK!!! WTF! The Eye Dr. Appointment will not be covered because its not IN THEIR NETWORK! WTF I asked these jerks if they'd cover these appointments before I had them and they all said yes now they all tell me they will not pay after I had them! Of coarse I'm going to cancel my insurance but can I request to have all the money they have taken out from my paychecks back? since they didn't cover any of my bills and i never use the insurance? they have received $233.36 from my paychecks to pay for the insurance! I feel since they will not pay my medical bills like they had said they would I should get all that money back since I never got to use any of it! I also never used any of there services! My other problem is the hotel I work at doesn't really have an HR anymore they do but they don't so it's not easy to talk to my employer about this. The girl who was the previous HR didn't even give me my Insurance Cards, I had to ask the Accounting department to help me, they are just cards you rip out of the back of the packet. This company doesn't send you cards like Blue Cross Blue Sheild or othe companies do... Also I never got an ID # I was told to use my SOS, well that doesn't work either. I hate Aetna!
-------------------- - I switched to this health insurance from them, cause it gives much cheaper rates for m?.
-------------------- - I switched to this health insurance from them, cause it gives much cheaper rates for m?.
Does anyone know a place near Tampa where i can get my tooth removed at a fair price?
Does anyone know where i can get my tooth fixed or removed near Tampa,or Saintpetersburg Florida at a low cost?I dont know if it is true but i heard that dental colleges and universities does it at low cost if this is true please tell me places i can get help,it is very expensive to see a regular dentist expecially if your insurance doesnt cover dental.I am hurting please help.
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here -
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here -
Liberals please answer the following questions?
1. Do you believe that the government should pay for health insurance for every american? 2. Do you believe that the government should pay for dental insurance? 3. Do you believe that the government should pay for everyone's college? 4. If a person wants to work, and does not have a vehicle do you believe that the government should pay for transportation to work? 5. If a person wants to work, and does not have child care do you believe that the government should pay for child care? 6. If a person wants to work and does not have money to pay for an apartment do you believe the government should pay for a place for them to live? 7. If you answered yes to these, who will pay for this?
good luck getting a real answer there cus there is no answer for number7 besides "ughh we will pay for it"
good luck getting a real answer there cus there is no answer for number7 besides "ughh we will pay for it"
My daughter had surgery to remove an impacted tooth. Did I get cheated?
The dentist/oral surgeon wanted to do the operation at a hospital instead of his office. Everything went great untill I had to pay for it. I got stuck with the entire bill, because my dental insurance said "it was a medical proceadure" and my medical insurance said "it was a dental proceadure. What can I do to make these dead beat insurance anancys pay their part?
No, you have to appeal it. I'm assuming your daughter was pretty young, and needed a general anesthesia. I actually had to have a dental procedure done on one of my babies for medical reasons - he was born severely tongue tied. Same thing. It took six months of followups to get paid. Dental denied as voluntary, medical denies as dental, lots of letter writing and phone calls, but there was a feeding issue so it had to be done. And it got done. Just stay polite when you talk to the morons at the insurance company, and you'll get farther, faster.
No, you have to appeal it. I'm assuming your daughter was pretty young, and needed a general anesthesia. I actually had to have a dental procedure done on one of my babies for medical reasons - he was born severely tongue tied. Same thing. It took six months of followups to get paid. Dental denied as voluntary, medical denies as dental, lots of letter writing and phone calls, but there was a feeding issue so it had to be done. And it got done. Just stay polite when you talk to the morons at the insurance company, and you'll get farther, faster.
Health insurance. Is it worth it? Wouldn't it be cheaper to pay out of pocket?
My job does not offer insurance and even my husbands job offers expensive insurance that would cost us over $115 a month for health and dental for us. All we want is two dental cleanings a year and one or two visits to the doctor for when we get the flu (which we do get, every year). Wouldn't it be cheaper just to pay for the doctor visit instead of paying hundreds to an insurance company only to get half off at the doctor?
If you don't go to the doctors often, do not get it, Your wasting your money. If you do go the doctor often, every year, then I suggest having it. Out of pocket in the end will be more expensive with the cost of medication. .
If you don't go to the doctors often, do not get it, Your wasting your money. If you do go the doctor often, every year, then I suggest having it. Out of pocket in the end will be more expensive with the cost of medication. .
A piece of plastic lodged in my gums?
A few months ago, I was picking at my gums with a plastic toothpick, and tip got lodged in my gums. I tried pushing it out at the time, but it was too deep to get out. Eventually, time passed and I forgot about it, but now it's starting to hurt again. How can I get it out myself? I don't have any health or dental insurance so I can't just go and get help.
the gum will reject the foreign body & will try to push it out. take some antibiotic & painkiller.
the gum will reject the foreign body & will try to push it out. take some antibiotic & painkiller.
I need a tooth pulled, havent been to dentist in years, do i have to have all the x-rays and cleaning done?
2nd molar upper right, is loose and has moved. No dental insurance, don't make much money, just want it pulled none of the other stuff. will it be required?
Considering you have not been to a dentist in years you have saved enough to have your teeth taken care of. In regard to the x-ray, cleaning , etc. How else can the dentist pay for his vacation to Bermuda?
Considering you have not been to a dentist in years you have saved enough to have your teeth taken care of. In regard to the x-ray, cleaning , etc. How else can the dentist pay for his vacation to Bermuda?
My brother has a VERY bad cavity thats giving him major pain, what should he do?
He doesnt have dental insurance and all the dentist are closed...he's in bad pain. What can he do to stop the pain???
There are topical anesthetics that will reduce the pain temporarily. Some are specifically for toothaches. Ask a pharmacist to recommend one.
There are topical anesthetics that will reduce the pain temporarily. Some are specifically for toothaches. Ask a pharmacist to recommend one.
I was chosen as best answer for a question, and when I went to look at the question it was deleted?
My answer was totally legitimate, boring, non offensive, non-spam answer about dental insurance. It was a good and thorough answer and the Asker chose it as best answer. When I went to look at the question today, it is gone. Not in my activity details or anything. I don't care about whether I get ten pts or not, I just want to know why the question got deleted.
Maybe someone decided that the question was too "chatty." It's a broad term that they use whenever they choose. If you didn't get a notice of violation, then it was probably the question that got a notice of violation and you get to keep the 10 points for "best answer."
Maybe someone decided that the question was too "chatty." It's a broad term that they use whenever they choose. If you didn't get a notice of violation, then it was probably the question that got a notice of violation and you get to keep the 10 points for "best answer."
How can i get braces?
I am on medicaid, and my mom keeps telling me that if you are on it that you can't get braces. I really need them. I'm 17 and about to be a senior. I really wanna get them before i go to college. Can someone help me. Also, would it be possible if I got health-dental insurance for me, would that cover the costs of braces?
I paid only $2000 for mine that usually cost around $4-5 thousand. That's because of this great plan that I have: I signed up online over 4 years ago now and they have saved me thousands on all services. Cosmetic surgery and dentures are also included. Cleanings, Root canals, xrays, exams...etc. They even had my very affordable plan active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. Good luck.
I paid only $2000 for mine that usually cost around $4-5 thousand. That's because of this great plan that I have: I signed up online over 4 years ago now and they have saved me thousands on all services. Cosmetic surgery and dentures are also included. Cleanings, Root canals, xrays, exams...etc. They even had my very affordable plan active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. Good luck.
I need a cheap dentist in Denver, Colorado?
I had a root canal done, which maxed out my Dental Insurance. I still need a crown lenthening done and crown put on the tooth.
Try the Dental School around Colfax and Ursula right by the Fitzimons Medical Center. My wife had her teeth done there and they did a great job at a huge discounted price. Great little secret that most people don't think about.
Try the Dental School around Colfax and Ursula right by the Fitzimons Medical Center. My wife had her teeth done there and they did a great job at a huge discounted price. Great little secret that most people don't think about.
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