Blue Cross Blue Shield??
you will only find what's best for you by spending a couple of weeks getting quotes by everyone then comparing them. Sounds like a lot of work, the alternative is to go with the first one someone suggests and then just hope and that's what most people do.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Dental Insurance in New York??
I NEED BRACES !! and my insurance doesn't cover it !!! You know any plans that will cover this coast.. or cover at least half !!???
Definitely check out this site, Do a search for either your current Dentists, or at least one that is near you, and call them up to see just what it would cost should you use the Ameriplan card & get your braces. Typically the average cost of braces runs anywhere from $5000-5500. When my aunt used the Ameriplan provider and discount to get my cousins done, she only paid $2100 in total. And they also set that up on a payment plan for her. So it's definitely worth checking out. And if you need help or have any questions, feel free to send me a note here and I'd be happy to help.
Definitely check out this site, Do a search for either your current Dentists, or at least one that is near you, and call them up to see just what it would cost should you use the Ameriplan card & get your braces. Typically the average cost of braces runs anywhere from $5000-5500. When my aunt used the Ameriplan provider and discount to get my cousins done, she only paid $2100 in total. And they also set that up on a payment plan for her. So it's definitely worth checking out. And if you need help or have any questions, feel free to send me a note here and I'd be happy to help.
Dental insurance claim, what can I do?
7 months ago I went to the dentist and I had a tooth that needed a peridontist to do surgery on. I went to the peridontist about 4 months later, had an evaluation, and later had the surgery. The insurance paid 80% for the service as promised. Then a month ago I had my 6 month check up, which the insurance only paid a fraction of. I have had this insurance and this dentist for years and haven't had to pay for check-ups so I called up the insurance to ask why. They said part of the claim was called an evaluation and I had an evaluation less than 6 monthes ago. I assured them it had been over 6 months since I'd been to the dentist and they said it was with the peridontist. I explained that was a peridontist and the other was my dentist check up and she said it didn't matter - you can only have one evaluation in 6 months. I asked if I could do anything since this sounded absurd. She gave me a fax # to file a grieviance. Has anyone done this? Do I stand a chance? What should I make sure to include? Thanks!
Go talk to the person at your dentist office who does the billing. Is there another code that could be applied to this visit? If so, can the change it and re-submit the bill?
Go talk to the person at your dentist office who does the billing. Is there another code that could be applied to this visit? If so, can the change it and re-submit the bill?
Dental office who do payment plans in Austin?
I live in Austin, and have a terrible toothache. I don't have dental insurance, and can not get approved for Care Credit. Does anyone know of a dentist in Austin who will work out a payment plan with me? Or of a dental school who does the work for cheaper? Any help is very useful!! Thanks!!
you may want to post this question in the austin section just so you can get more specific answers, but tons of dentists will allow you to be their patient without insurance. dont have insurance and ive had braces, my wisdom teeth pulled, etc. just ask friends, neighbors, family etc.
you may want to post this question in the austin section just so you can get more specific answers, but tons of dentists will allow you to be their patient without insurance. dont have insurance and ive had braces, my wisdom teeth pulled, etc. just ask friends, neighbors, family etc.
I am starting Radiation and Chemo next week. This morning I woke up with a tooth abscessed. I have no dental?
I do not have any dental insurance... and am on Medicaid which doesn't cover dental visits for adults. I also dont have a regular doctor, only a GYN Oncologist. What should I do??
Get in touch with your GYN oncologist and seek their advice first. They may have to delay the Chemo. Maybe they can prescribe something for you. Try to find out from your local Human Resource Dept., if your area has a free clinic. They may have dentists on staff as well. If that is not the case, you can go to the emergency room for some antibiotics to fight the infection. While you are undergoing treatment, it is one of the most important things to keep absolutely impeccable oral hygiene. Brush gently for two minutes after each meal, that usually means more than twice a day, floss at least once, even better would be after each meal. In addidtion you could get a water pik to flush between the teeth in the evenings with some diluted Listerine. Maybe you could even get a fluoride prescription for Prevident or a similar product from one of the doctors. If you cannot, buy Act fluoride rinse and use it every day. Best wishes for your treatments.
Get in touch with your GYN oncologist and seek their advice first. They may have to delay the Chemo. Maybe they can prescribe something for you. Try to find out from your local Human Resource Dept., if your area has a free clinic. They may have dentists on staff as well. If that is not the case, you can go to the emergency room for some antibiotics to fight the infection. While you are undergoing treatment, it is one of the most important things to keep absolutely impeccable oral hygiene. Brush gently for two minutes after each meal, that usually means more than twice a day, floss at least once, even better would be after each meal. In addidtion you could get a water pik to flush between the teeth in the evenings with some diluted Listerine. Maybe you could even get a fluoride prescription for Prevident or a similar product from one of the doctors. If you cannot, buy Act fluoride rinse and use it every day. Best wishes for your treatments.
What are some low-cost full coverage family dental plans?
My dad makes 10$ an hour and my sister and i are 16 and have never been to the dentist. I need braces,x-rays,cleanings,cavity fillings, and probably a crown or two. do you know of any low cost full coverage dental/orthodontic insurance companies/plans? Please help me, my wisdom teeth are coming in and they HURT!
YOu are not the only one who met this problem,I have met this type of problem before.I have good experience here to solve my similiar problem.
YOu are not the only one who met this problem,I have met this type of problem before.I have good experience here to solve my similiar problem.
Are braces typically covered by insurance?
I've heard they're not. We have Delta Dental insurance. I'm waiting for a reply from them. But is anyone familiar with this?
My insurance paid 50%. The book my mom got from her job had the information of dental and I looked in there and it had it listed 50% for orthodontics. If you know who you are going to use as your orthodontists go to them and give them your card and usually they can find out the coverage for you. When I went to get my counsultation 2 years ago they got the info to give me everything as down payment, payments each month and how long I'll have them on. You just will have to see with who you choose.
My insurance paid 50%. The book my mom got from her job had the information of dental and I looked in there and it had it listed 50% for orthodontics. If you know who you are going to use as your orthodontists go to them and give them your card and usually they can find out the coverage for you. When I went to get my counsultation 2 years ago they got the info to give me everything as down payment, payments each month and how long I'll have them on. You just will have to see with who you choose.
I sell life,dental, cancer insurance, where are good locations to leave my business cards!?
Leaving your card in different places is great. However, your business card is not going to sell the policies for you. You will need to go out and network. I suggest that you join a BNI Group in your area (Business Network International or ) to start networking and getting qualified referrals. If you don't have one of these in your area or there isn't one with a life insurance agent position available, then go as a visitor to a few of them to gain some experience and start your own. Also become active at your local chamber of commerce, consider joining and becoming active at some local charity/volunteer organizations. Consider using seminars or workshops maybe teaming up with a Property & Casualty Insurance Agent and/or an accountant--offer a free workshop on starting your own business & what pitfalls to avoid in terms of taxes and insurance. Make sure that you have good information to give out to people at the workshop that is not necessarily solely on insurance--resources like how to obtain different types of business licenses, who to contact at different city/state government offices, etc.--give your attendees value and they will not only come to your workshop but also consider you first as a resource and therefore someone that they would be willing to buy insurance from. Also consider going to visit Property & Casualty Agents for leads--you might consider getting them licensed in Life so that you can give them a small portion of commission for each referral or see if you can work out a small gift card for each lead (check your state law as to how you can do it so that it is within the law). Visit Commercial Loan Officers either at banks or other financial institutions for referrals for Key Man Life Insurance--i.e. when the banks grant the financing the client will usually be required to obtain this insurance as a condition of the loan. Visit real estate agents for referrals for life insurance for new home buyers. If you want to be successful, you will need to engage your imagination and your passion to network and make the connections that will lead to a never ending source of referrals. I hope this helps. Good Luck!
Leaving your card in different places is great. However, your business card is not going to sell the policies for you. You will need to go out and network. I suggest that you join a BNI Group in your area (Business Network International or ) to start networking and getting qualified referrals. If you don't have one of these in your area or there isn't one with a life insurance agent position available, then go as a visitor to a few of them to gain some experience and start your own. Also become active at your local chamber of commerce, consider joining and becoming active at some local charity/volunteer organizations. Consider using seminars or workshops maybe teaming up with a Property & Casualty Insurance Agent and/or an accountant--offer a free workshop on starting your own business & what pitfalls to avoid in terms of taxes and insurance. Make sure that you have good information to give out to people at the workshop that is not necessarily solely on insurance--resources like how to obtain different types of business licenses, who to contact at different city/state government offices, etc.--give your attendees value and they will not only come to your workshop but also consider you first as a resource and therefore someone that they would be willing to buy insurance from. Also consider going to visit Property & Casualty Agents for leads--you might consider getting them licensed in Life so that you can give them a small portion of commission for each referral or see if you can work out a small gift card for each lead (check your state law as to how you can do it so that it is within the law). Visit Commercial Loan Officers either at banks or other financial institutions for referrals for Key Man Life Insurance--i.e. when the banks grant the financing the client will usually be required to obtain this insurance as a condition of the loan. Visit real estate agents for referrals for life insurance for new home buyers. If you want to be successful, you will need to engage your imagination and your passion to network and make the connections that will lead to a never ending source of referrals. I hope this helps. Good Luck!
Dental Insurance Question))))))?
I got dental insurance but I think my company is going to let me go soon. If I go to the dentist and begin to have work done and the company let's me go will I need to pay the difference or does the insurance pay out before the start the work???
if its like my insurance, which is through work, than they wont pay til after. as usually the dentist needs to wait til the works actually done, although when u go for a consult they should tell you exactly what they want to do and list how much everything costs and then list how much they ESTIMATE insurance will pay on it and how much you will have to pay after insurance has paid. Mine usually took 2-3 weeks for the insurance to pay as the dentist has to bill insurance, which then has to be filed and then ins will turn around and pay the % covered by them and then you will get a bill for what insurance did not pay for because of their policies or your plan. Now if you get released, lets say in 2 weeks from now. you will still be having that insurance payment coming out of your check for that time, therefore if you get the work done in 2 weeks (before you "might" get released) then they would still pay for it.
if its like my insurance, which is through work, than they wont pay til after. as usually the dentist needs to wait til the works actually done, although when u go for a consult they should tell you exactly what they want to do and list how much everything costs and then list how much they ESTIMATE insurance will pay on it and how much you will have to pay after insurance has paid. Mine usually took 2-3 weeks for the insurance to pay as the dentist has to bill insurance, which then has to be filed and then ins will turn around and pay the % covered by them and then you will get a bill for what insurance did not pay for because of their policies or your plan. Now if you get released, lets say in 2 weeks from now. you will still be having that insurance payment coming out of your check for that time, therefore if you get the work done in 2 weeks (before you "might" get released) then they would still pay for it.
I need dental insurance,,,?
I'm trying to get braces and my insurance at work doesn't cover any expense...please help.
If another form of health insurance is not an option for you, you might try looking into Care Credit. Its a form of credit card used specifically for medical care including dental work. You can apply online at You simply pay back the total balance in increments and most doctors offices, after seeing that you use Care Credit, will offer discounts on the total cost of the doctors visit and treatments needed. I got a small $1,000 limit for a root canal I needed earlier this year (you can get a much larger limit than that if you need it) and it was kind of a god-send because we didn't have the time or the money to apply and get approved for dental insurance and my dental situation was urgent. And my favorite part is that Care Credit can even be used at some vet's offices, so now that we have this Care Credit card, if we ever have any emergencies with our little pet Boston terrier, we have no worries about making sure we can pay for whatever she needs! :) Hope that helps....
If another form of health insurance is not an option for you, you might try looking into Care Credit. Its a form of credit card used specifically for medical care including dental work. You can apply online at You simply pay back the total balance in increments and most doctors offices, after seeing that you use Care Credit, will offer discounts on the total cost of the doctors visit and treatments needed. I got a small $1,000 limit for a root canal I needed earlier this year (you can get a much larger limit than that if you need it) and it was kind of a god-send because we didn't have the time or the money to apply and get approved for dental insurance and my dental situation was urgent. And my favorite part is that Care Credit can even be used at some vet's offices, so now that we have this Care Credit card, if we ever have any emergencies with our little pet Boston terrier, we have no worries about making sure we can pay for whatever she needs! :) Hope that helps....
No Insurance and have to go to the dentist?
I have a chipped tooth, I think it might be a wisdom tooth, and it needs to be pulled. Its causing me a lot of problems. I don't have any dental insurance though. How much do you think it would cost and do I find a good dentist for someone with no insurance?
MetLife Dental Insurance...?
Does anyone know how this insurance actually works? I got this insurance through my employer (haven't had insurance in a LONG time!!), and from what I'm sounds like you have to pay for services up front, and then they reimburse you?? Is this how it works, or am I mistaken? I'm so confused, and really want to go get a general cleaning and exam....but don't have the money to pay for it when I go!
I have MetLife through my employer too! It is not a reimbursement plan. If you're going in for a cleaning, it should be covered at 100%, and your dentist office will not charge you anything. I just had my cleaning appt in November, 1st time with this insurance, and it was totally free. I did have to pay $15 for the prescription toothpaste they gave me, because that's not covered by insurance. But I wasn't charged for the cleaning, bitewings, etc. If you need fillings or anything that isn't covered at 100% at a later appointment, they will charge you the portion that you are responsible for, and bill the rest to your insurance. If there's a difference later, you'll get a bill from Metlife for it. Just make sure you go with a dentist that is part of their plan, you can find their names on MetLife's website, which your employer should have provided you with. But definitely go for that cleaning, you shouldn't be charged anything at your appointment. Good luck.
I have MetLife through my employer too! It is not a reimbursement plan. If you're going in for a cleaning, it should be covered at 100%, and your dentist office will not charge you anything. I just had my cleaning appt in November, 1st time with this insurance, and it was totally free. I did have to pay $15 for the prescription toothpaste they gave me, because that's not covered by insurance. But I wasn't charged for the cleaning, bitewings, etc. If you need fillings or anything that isn't covered at 100% at a later appointment, they will charge you the portion that you are responsible for, and bill the rest to your insurance. If there's a difference later, you'll get a bill from Metlife for it. Just make sure you go with a dentist that is part of their plan, you can find their names on MetLife's website, which your employer should have provided you with. But definitely go for that cleaning, you shouldn't be charged anything at your appointment. Good luck.
Can anyone recommend HSA Dental Insurance!?
I've seen a few good plans but the £17 a month HSA seems the best! Does anyone have this or have dealt with them before and can give me confidence before getting a plan with them?! Thanks so much!
Try this one - - I personally have their health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
Try this one - - I personally have their health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
please I need your advice I don't have enough money and no dental insurance?
I would strongly encourage you to visit this site: I signed up online over 5 years ago now and they have saved me thousands of dollars since. From root canals, extractions, xrays, exams...etc. all services are included in this very very affordable plan. They even had my benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. hope this helps.
I would strongly encourage you to visit this site: I signed up online over 5 years ago now and they have saved me thousands of dollars since. From root canals, extractions, xrays, exams...etc. all services are included in this very very affordable plan. They even had my benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. hope this helps.
i dont have dental insurance, but i need braces!!?
i have one crooked tooth. thats it. its annoying.. and i really want braces.. wut else could i do to fix it.. or not pay a crazy huge bill.
I'm not sure where you live but maybe you can try a dental school. That's what I did. The students work on you (properly supervised) and depending on the type of work what year student you get too. The down turn may be that you have to have more than one visit but it is so much more inexpensive.
I'm not sure where you live but maybe you can try a dental school. That's what I did. The students work on you (properly supervised) and depending on the type of work what year student you get too. The down turn may be that you have to have more than one visit but it is so much more inexpensive.
Insurance for Dental Implants?
Does anyone know of any insurance company in Canada that has a policy of any kind for dental implants? Even if it only covers a small percentage? Thanks :)
Not sure of Canada, but some insurers in the US will pay for the implants if it's the result of root decay/disease or trauma to your mouth and teeth. I was missing 2 teeth congenitally and had to have implants for those, and I paid the full cost out of pocket (OUCH!). I'd never had wisdom teeth pulled, never even had a cavity, and I still had to pony up all of the money for everything from X-rays to the crowns at the end of the procedure. Insane.
Not sure of Canada, but some insurers in the US will pay for the implants if it's the result of root decay/disease or trauma to your mouth and teeth. I was missing 2 teeth congenitally and had to have implants for those, and I paid the full cost out of pocket (OUCH!). I'd never had wisdom teeth pulled, never even had a cavity, and I still had to pony up all of the money for everything from X-rays to the crowns at the end of the procedure. Insane.
I would strongly encourage you to visit this great site: I signed up online over 5 years ago now and they have saved me thousands on all services. From extractions, xrays, exams, bridges...etc. all services are included in this very affordable plan. Even my braces were covered. They even had my benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. good luck and hope this helps.
I would strongly encourage you to visit this great site: I signed up online over 5 years ago now and they have saved me thousands on all services. From extractions, xrays, exams, bridges...etc. all services are included in this very affordable plan. Even my braces were covered. They even had my benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. good luck and hope this helps.
Health Insurance covering the cost of braces?
I'm just wondering if there is anyone out there that has had health insurance cover their braces. My husband is major need of teeth repair, and he has broken through the upper lip on both side from different things. - - - he's dental insurance will cover 1/2 of it, i was just wondering in health insurance ever considered covering braces. He has two different dental plans, if health insurance doesn't cover it, could the other plan (through military) cover the other 1/2? thanks for any answers~
See if the health insurance will pay for it, IF IT IS medically required (dr authorizes it, as for his physical well being/necessary)
See if the health insurance will pay for it, IF IT IS medically required (dr authorizes it, as for his physical well being/necessary)
Does Anyone Know If The AllKids Health Insurance Pays For Dental Braces???
It Says On There WebSite, That It Covers All The Health That A Kid Could Have Includeing Dental And Eye Exams. But It Doesnt Say If It Covers Braces Or Not. So If Anyone Who Has Allkids Health Insurance Knows Please Let Me Know. - Thanks
Per their website… Orthodontic Services: Orthodontia (Coverage limited to children meeting or exceeding a score of 42 from the Modified Salzmann Index)
Per their website… Orthodontic Services: Orthodontia (Coverage limited to children meeting or exceeding a score of 42 from the Modified Salzmann Index)
does anyone know of a good dental insurance?
my tooth needs pulled really bad
My family have this health insurance - It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
My family have this health insurance - It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
21 Y.O. soon to be college student with no dental insurance and terrible teeth - what are my options?
Aside from the obvious which would be getting a job with dental benefits (I have 30 year old family members who graduate college and have trouble getting such a thing =P) I'm REALLY ashamed of my bad teeth. I've had crooked teeth since childhood but would never get braces and now they're just mangled. I didn't take care of or brush them enough either but that's another problem. What exactly are my options? If I did come into some money what would be the best way to "start over" and try to make my teeth look better? Because they're really too far gone to be fixed by braces or a cleaning. =\ Thanks!
Ou are not the only person who have ever met this kind of problem,I met this type of problem before.I have good experience here to solve the problem.
Ou are not the only person who have ever met this kind of problem,I met this type of problem before.I have good experience here to solve the problem.
free dental services in the contra costa county?
okay i am in desperate need of wisdom teeth extractions and i know that they are extremely costly. i have no insurance what so ever and i have been searching for the longest time ever for health and dental insurance. i am a full time student with no source of income, is there any programs or anything out in the contra costa county that will help. i know many have told me to go to dental schools and they offer services there, but not at a reasonable price. they practically charge and arm and a leg just for x-rays of my teeth. i just want to know if there are any dental services that help with the cost of dental services or even free dental services. oh and i've tried contacting a lot of the offices of the contra costa health programs but i am not 21 yet and they won't help until i am. where else can i turn?
Take a look at this program
Take a look at this program
Where can i get free dental?
I have an impacted wisdom tooth that is causing my gland to swell and a lot of pain in my jaw and throat. I do not have dental insurance and was wondering if anyone knows of any programs in Wisconsin that offer assistance?
Medical assistance or Badger Care offer free dental services. The biggest problem is finding dental providers.
Medical assistance or Badger Care offer free dental services. The biggest problem is finding dental providers.
[Emergency Help] I am a full time student without a job or dental insurance?
I live in the Columbus Ohio area, and i have always had cavities i've been ignoring hoping to get a better job after college and take care of things then. Well now on two of my teeth the enamel is almost completely gone and now i cracked/broke one of my lower teeth and it hurts/bleeds badly.... lately I've been feeling really sick and i think its because of my tooth. I can't even eat without it hurting badly now. I've tried calling OSU medical center but they are trying to tell me it's going to cost over 1000$ to fix 4 teeth and perform the work it may need. Then they referred me to "Dental Options" which supposedly does free dental work, i called them... they asked for my name and address and said have a nice day... wouldn't even listen to me. So next i tried Franklin county health department, they said they have NOTHING to help with dental and referred me to COLUMBUS health department... i call them and it says they aren't accepting any new patients until august 11th and that even if they did get me in on an emergency that they could only pull the teeth, not fix clean or fill. So now I've looked all over the internet and called other places only to be told they don't accept new patients or payments of any kind. I don't have thousands of dollars, summer quarter just started and financial aid and my school loans only cover enough for my books tuition and gas to get there... i have a whole 112.00$ in my bank account that's supposed to last me the next three months. What makes matters worse is that i need to be put under (put to sleep) because I've always had a bad gag reflex or phobia of things near my throat. I'm out of options, in pain and tears from frustration that nobody can seem to help me. I feel sick and i'm not sure what else i can try or do. I just want help with my teeth. Can anyone help me with suggestions or referrals?
Can you buy dental insurance through the university? They often will offer plans to graduate students. It may be expensive, but it sounds like you need this work done.
Can you buy dental insurance through the university? They often will offer plans to graduate students. It may be expensive, but it sounds like you need this work done.
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