My daughter's new tooth is coming in behind her baby tooth and the baby tooth isn't really getting loose. I'm just wondering what it would cost to have it pulled at a dentist, as I can't get it out. We don't have dental insurance.
if you live in the uk it should be free :)
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Low cost dental care????
I am looking for dental clinics (low-income, free, pay by your income},My husband and I own our own buisness, therefore we have no insurance, his teeth are awful, making him sick on a regular basis. I dont mind paying, but we cannot afford regular dental costs. I live in South Carolina,near Charlotte, so even North Carolina sites would be good.
This would be great for your needs!
This would be great for your needs!
Health Insurance?!?!?
I am having to get my own health insurance for the first time. Can someone help me figure all of this out? What should I be looking for? I am young and healthy, so I would not like to pay that much, but I would like to feel confidant in my coverage. Also, I will need dental coverage-any info there?? Thanks so much!
The dental coverage you can buy out there on a private policy will USUALLY end up costing you more than it will pay out in benefits. When you get your quotes, add up carefully the monthly premiums, and deduct what they cover - keep in mind there are hefty copays and deductibles. You'll usually see that it's cheaper to pay out of pocket for dental. For insurance, go to your local, independent agent - he'll have a pretty good idea who has the best affordable plan in your area, and can also market out a major medical policy if that's more to your taste, AND he can explain the differences in coverage.
The dental coverage you can buy out there on a private policy will USUALLY end up costing you more than it will pay out in benefits. When you get your quotes, add up carefully the monthly premiums, and deduct what they cover - keep in mind there are hefty copays and deductibles. You'll usually see that it's cheaper to pay out of pocket for dental. For insurance, go to your local, independent agent - he'll have a pretty good idea who has the best affordable plan in your area, and can also market out a major medical policy if that's more to your taste, AND he can explain the differences in coverage.
Braces and tricare in the army?
Okay. I am 21. I need to get braces. My last dentist said I would have to wear them about a year to a year and a half. I'll be 22 in August. My husbands in the army. Has anyone gotten braces with tricare dental insurance and if so how long did you have to wear them, and how much were your monthly payments?
Get the ball moving on this now! You are only eligible for braces through Tricare (united concordia) up to age 23 so you need to be done with your braces before August of next year, otherwise any costs once you turn 23 will be on you. The link below lists the cost shares:…
Get the ball moving on this now! You are only eligible for braces through Tricare (united concordia) up to age 23 so you need to be done with your braces before August of next year, otherwise any costs once you turn 23 will be on you. The link below lists the cost shares:…
what to do about an abscess tooth?
dental insurance is unavailable at the time so i am wondering if there is anything safe to take that would help cope with it if not eradicate it if possible maybe like a cream or immune system booster something to make it bearable
Walgreens (if you have that near you) can get you on a plan that can do cheap prescriptions. I know you need a prescription first though, but it might help you to at least get some meds after your emergency exam. But you need an exam my friend.
Walgreens (if you have that near you) can get you on a plan that can do cheap prescriptions. I know you need a prescription first though, but it might help you to at least get some meds after your emergency exam. But you need an exam my friend.
Whats the best pet insurance for my dogs?
I live in Brooklyn, N.Y. I have a 5 year old pure bred Rat Terrier male, and a 9 month old Rat Terrier mixed female. The female was recently hit by a car and suffered a fractured pelvis...cost me about $600. This was Truly a wake up call for me. I want to avoid paying so much, and you never know when you are going to have an emergency like this. I'm in college and rent my own apartment with bills galore so I need some affordable insurance for my dogs. I want insurance that covers vet check ups and shots, accident treatments, dental, heart worm, emergency care, meds and things like that. Which insurance would you recommend for my babies??
In order to get the kind of insurance you are talking about, you're looking at paying about $600+ a year just in premiums, and that's whether anything happens to your dog or not. It's really not worth it. Most insurance only covers emergency procedures and will not cover any preventable disease. The chances of any of that happening are really pretty slim, but you have to keep paying the premiums problems or not... you will almost always lose in the long run. Your best bet - an emergency fund of money you don't touch that is just for the dogs. Then, if you don't need it, it's still there. When you pay premiums every month, that money is gone for good. What ever you do, don't get VPI. Their pay schedule is a complete joke - they pay next to nothing in benefits.
In order to get the kind of insurance you are talking about, you're looking at paying about $600+ a year just in premiums, and that's whether anything happens to your dog or not. It's really not worth it. Most insurance only covers emergency procedures and will not cover any preventable disease. The chances of any of that happening are really pretty slim, but you have to keep paying the premiums problems or not... you will almost always lose in the long run. Your best bet - an emergency fund of money you don't touch that is just for the dogs. Then, if you don't need it, it's still there. When you pay premiums every month, that money is gone for good. What ever you do, don't get VPI. Their pay schedule is a complete joke - they pay next to nothing in benefits.
I need a dentist bad & no where will help!!!!?
i have no dental insurance & I live in NH i cannot find anywhere to help me. The only places i find are for children, elderly, dentures, or to have them pulled. & the other dentists wont take me unless i have money up front i cant afford all money at once i can only do payments i have tried everyone.
wander to massachusetts or your local emergency room in the hospital...most will allow you to do payment plans.... how old are you? call mass health in massachusetts..they might have a list of self pay dentists in nh good luck also look at colleges....i know cape cod community college..they have a dental clinic...since they have a pre dental major course work. it is cheap and operated and overlooked by real dentists..they might have a number for you...or it might be worth the trip to see them...just a thought!
wander to massachusetts or your local emergency room in the hospital...most will allow you to do payment plans.... how old are you? call mass health in massachusetts..they might have a list of self pay dentists in nh good luck also look at colleges....i know cape cod community college..they have a dental clinic...since they have a pre dental major course work. it is cheap and operated and overlooked by real dentists..they might have a number for you...or it might be worth the trip to see them...just a thought!
Non Impacted Wisdom Teeth Removal?
All 4 of my wisdom teeth are non-impacted. I'm going to have 2 of them removed soon. 1 of them is kind of chipped in the back, but the majority of the tooth is still up. I'm sure they're both pretty rotten. My question is, will they be able to remove these teeth with only local anaesthesia (novacain shots)? Will they have to cut into my gums and remove bone? I dont have dental insurance, and am trying to have this done as cheaply as possible. Thanks.
if your wisdom teeth are not impacted, it will come out very easly. Simple LA should do.
if your wisdom teeth are not impacted, it will come out very easly. Simple LA should do.
How2 negotiate lower Dentist fee?
Hubby wants me to ask Dentist for a discount on routine dental care for 2 children. We have no dental insurance & have to pay cash. How does one go about asking for a dentist to lower fees or charge less for routine dental exam? I hate haggling & don't do so. When purchasing car I decide how much I can pay, tell dealer so, & don't go over my alloted amount.
I know that where i work the dentists will give discounts but im not sure how they figure it out. You should probably call and ask to talk to someone in Financial and ask if there are any discounts you could get.
I know that where i work the dentists will give discounts but im not sure how they figure it out. You should probably call and ask to talk to someone in Financial and ask if there are any discounts you could get.
Health Insurance-Fairmont Premier Ins. Co.?
Does anyone have a policy with this company? I'm trying to find new family health insurance because the premiums through work are very high. This health insurance through Premiere quoted me $459.85 per month (me, husband and son). They give you a drug card for Rx's through BCBS of Oregon and its a $15 copay (which is excellent). They also cover a portion of dental through Aetna Dental. She said something about we would be billed a portion of the pre-negotiated bill for a doctor visit after Fairmont pays. Anyway, does anyone have coverage through Fairmont? Are you satisfied with it? Do you end up paying more than you thought?
The company may be OK, although the A.M. Best rating is only B+. The plans are hospital certificates, not major medical. This means they are very limited as to what they pay. For example, if you need an ambulance ride they only pay $50. The average ride in my state is $1000 so you pay $950. They only pay $50 for ONE emergency room visit per year. The average in my state is $1500 so you pay $1450. The average hospital stay in my state is 5 days and cost $15,000. They will pay up to $1000 per day which leaves you paying $10,000. The doctor network is very limited. If you sign up with this plan make sure to search a doctor first to verify that they're still on the plan and that they're accepting new patients. My advice would be to visit a local independent agent. This person can compare the plans available in your area to find out the best plan for your situation and budget. They don't charge any extra for the service.
The company may be OK, although the A.M. Best rating is only B+. The plans are hospital certificates, not major medical. This means they are very limited as to what they pay. For example, if you need an ambulance ride they only pay $50. The average ride in my state is $1000 so you pay $950. They only pay $50 for ONE emergency room visit per year. The average in my state is $1500 so you pay $1450. The average hospital stay in my state is 5 days and cost $15,000. They will pay up to $1000 per day which leaves you paying $10,000. The doctor network is very limited. If you sign up with this plan make sure to search a doctor first to verify that they're still on the plan and that they're accepting new patients. My advice would be to visit a local independent agent. This person can compare the plans available in your area to find out the best plan for your situation and budget. They don't charge any extra for the service.
Dental Work?
Is there a way to get dental work done for free or very low cost for someone with limit cash flow and no insurance in NY?
You might want to check with a college of medicine that has dentistry section. Your worked on by interns who are tops in their class and are supervised. Normally the students are in the top 1 - 3% and are using this experience to get just a better grip on the real world of dentistry. Check your yellow pages for the name and number under colleges, medical schools etc. I know that in Houston it is UTMB I do not however know what the schools name would be for your area. Good luck.
You might want to check with a college of medicine that has dentistry section. Your worked on by interns who are tops in their class and are supervised. Normally the students are in the top 1 - 3% and are using this experience to get just a better grip on the real world of dentistry. Check your yellow pages for the name and number under colleges, medical schools etc. I know that in Houston it is UTMB I do not however know what the schools name would be for your area. Good luck.
Aspen Dental- Scam?
I am 29 and I had to get a full upper denture, it has been nothing less than a painful experience. To start, they were all nice when I went in and came up with a treatment plan, went over the insurance coverage and even gave me a 5% discount for paying my portion ($1,680.00) in advance. It seemed great, until the day of the extractions. I got a lady who did not speak english to well, spend 4 hours in the chair getting teeth pulled. She numbed me only to walk away for about 20 mins and then started working, even after I told her I wasnt numb anymore. After 4 hours of gripping the chair and the assistant urging her to give me more numbing shots, I looked like I went 25 rounds with a boxer. Now I get a bill stating I owe another 1,200.00 that no one can explain. My EOB from the INS says they owe me 1,000, however in the true "Aspen Shuffle" as I now dub it, I get a new answer and new person each time I call, just like their dentists. They run more of a dental farm than dental office.
I would call the office and get a ledger from them which would show all the services (charges) and all your payments and the insurance payments. Then I would compare the EOBs you have received from your insurance company to their bill. The easiest way to do this is by date of service. So total the charge for each date of service, then subtract out your payment, your insurance payment, and any contract adjustments. (If your dentist is contracted with your insurance company they can only charge the allowable,PDP,Contract allowance,or UCR fee- the difference between their fee and the contracted fee is a write off and you are not responsible to pay it.) After you do your calculations if all the services have been paid for and there is a credit the office owes you, then I would contact them with that information. Due to the "Aspen Shuffle" you may not get very far, this is when I would contact your insurance company, they can then do a 3-way call with you and their billing department to get your bill all worked out. If your insurance denied something or did not pay as estimated then you could still have a balance, but after doing the math you will know for sure. It sounds very frustrating, I hope that helps and good luck!
I would call the office and get a ledger from them which would show all the services (charges) and all your payments and the insurance payments. Then I would compare the EOBs you have received from your insurance company to their bill. The easiest way to do this is by date of service. So total the charge for each date of service, then subtract out your payment, your insurance payment, and any contract adjustments. (If your dentist is contracted with your insurance company they can only charge the allowable,PDP,Contract allowance,or UCR fee- the difference between their fee and the contracted fee is a write off and you are not responsible to pay it.) After you do your calculations if all the services have been paid for and there is a credit the office owes you, then I would contact them with that information. Due to the "Aspen Shuffle" you may not get very far, this is when I would contact your insurance company, they can then do a 3-way call with you and their billing department to get your bill all worked out. If your insurance denied something or did not pay as estimated then you could still have a balance, but after doing the math you will know for sure. It sounds very frustrating, I hope that helps and good luck!
Ways to pay for expensive dental procedures?
I'm a college student with very little money and no way of getting financial help from my family. I have school insurance, which would only cover wisdom tooth extraction; all other dental procedures would have to be managed out of pocket. I'm long overdue for a cleaning, and i need two broken teeth pulled...but the scariest thing is that I have an untreated abscess on one of the broken teeth. It's been left untreated for a while since I cant afford to have it treated...and now on top of a very painful tooth and swollen gum I have a chronically sore, hard lymph node on the same side of my neck. I'm terrified of the complications that I'm facing from this abscess, but there really is no way I can pay for these procedures out of pocket. Can I find a way to get this treatment at a manageable cost? I've looked into dental discount cards, but even with those I'd have to pay upfront. I'm in boston, but will be visiting family on long island for another week or so. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated, as well as any ideas as to how much i might end up spending on this.
you can get carecredit if the dental provider accepts it or you can ask to make a payment plan.
you can get carecredit if the dental provider accepts it or you can ask to make a payment plan.
A question for employers and those who know about job pay - why is it that some jobs are paid so minimally?
For example, the other day I came across a job for a dental receptionist. This poor woman had 25 tasks to do everyday, work 6 days a week and always have a smile on her face - to only make $10 an hour! These tasks all dealt with other people, insurance and billing companies - it wasn't like she'd be painting her nails all day long. It really burns me that a dentist will make in access $300 or more an hour but can't afford to pay the receptionist at least $18 an hour. Is it really that difficult to throw the office staff some decent pay? This is why I hate everything corporate - some old man at the top, who can't even work a fax machine or copier is getting millions and meanwhile the hard working people on the bottom get paid literally nothing. If you don't get married these days, you can't even afford your own place - not on $10 an hour. I want to know what employers figure in making salaries for their employees?
absolutely agree with you. it seems that the more money that is associated with the job/industry, the more pay. so the fact that people are paying loads of money for dental work, means the dentist rakes it in, but this doesn't get passed on. anything that involves looking after people also seems to mean low pay... take a look at childcare workers. here in australia, they are one of the lowest paid occupations. salary has nothing to do with how important the job really is in terms of improving / saving lives.
absolutely agree with you. it seems that the more money that is associated with the job/industry, the more pay. so the fact that people are paying loads of money for dental work, means the dentist rakes it in, but this doesn't get passed on. anything that involves looking after people also seems to mean low pay... take a look at childcare workers. here in australia, they are one of the lowest paid occupations. salary has nothing to do with how important the job really is in terms of improving / saving lives.
can i get free dental work in new jersey?
have no insurance..
Alrighty...none of these answers were helpful in the least, and I'm sorry. Try AmeriPlan. I have them and you can save up to 80 per cent on dental care, even specialists. I wish I would have signed up this month, because the full medical program (with vision, hearing, chiro) is $3 per month for 3 months.
Alrighty...none of these answers were helpful in the least, and I'm sorry. Try AmeriPlan. I have them and you can save up to 80 per cent on dental care, even specialists. I wish I would have signed up this month, because the full medical program (with vision, hearing, chiro) is $3 per month for 3 months.
demos do you relize that most of us with health insurance 86%?
are happy with what we have.we dont have issues with coverage for those who dont have it we just dont want ours messed cant tell me obama and pelosi dont know that and that its unreasonable to want to keep what works for you not to have the government screw with it.are they to backward and thick headed to understand this or do they think they have the right to impose their decisions on our care when were happy with what we insurance is from my employer its good not the best but very good for what it cost me 128.00 for health .dental eye.disability its a fine value.
Precisely. Now we will hand it over to the people who brought you the DMV. Thanks idiots.
Precisely. Now we will hand it over to the people who brought you the DMV. Thanks idiots.
Will betadine stain my teeth?
I was told by a dentist at a dental school to rinse with it for one minute once per month, due to having cavities that I can't afford to take care of. (no dental insurance)
No it will not stain your teeth. Though you should not do this if you have thyroid problems.
No it will not stain your teeth. Though you should not do this if you have thyroid problems.
HELP! Now my daughter is terrified of going to the dentist! :-(?
Hello: My daughter who is almost eight years old,is terrified of going to the dentist now,because she has had to have four baby teeth extracted on two different dental visits to make room for her permanent teeth to come in. My husband and I are always telling her how brave she is and how the dentist is our friend because they help to keep our teeth healthy and pain free,but she is still scared to death to go. We have a WONDERFUL woman dentist who is very patient and kind and so is her assistants and office staff as well. We don't have dental insurance and both times that the dentist pulled our daughter's teeth,she didn't use gas or any pain killers before the procedure. I don't know if it was the fact that the dentist knew that using gas or pain killers was very expensive and she wanted to save us the extra cost? We don't want our daughter to be scared of the dentist,but there are some procedures that have to be done. Please share any tips or suggestions that you may have.
Guys...for the idiots who answered before...nowhere in this persons question does she mention not using a local anesthetic. Pain killers is not the same as an anesthethic and most likely an anesthetic was used...oh and it probably it wasn't novacaine since novacaine isn't used anymore...hasn't been used for years. As for your daughter, unfortunatley she probably does need to this dentist about your issues. If they do not offer sedation (most general dentists do not offer it) then you may want to consider someone who does. Most often they will give her something to drink and she will fall asleep and they will take her back. Nitrous is minimally effective, it helps those who are not nervous not care as much about the pain involved in the procedure. It doesn't anethitize a tooth or get rid of pain...just helps you care less about it. The toughest thing for you will be forcing her to go. She won't want to go...Nobody WANTS to go have teeth worked on. Continue the accolades when she does well at the office and things will get better. Good Luck!!
Guys...for the idiots who answered before...nowhere in this persons question does she mention not using a local anesthetic. Pain killers is not the same as an anesthethic and most likely an anesthetic was used...oh and it probably it wasn't novacaine since novacaine isn't used anymore...hasn't been used for years. As for your daughter, unfortunatley she probably does need to this dentist about your issues. If they do not offer sedation (most general dentists do not offer it) then you may want to consider someone who does. Most often they will give her something to drink and she will fall asleep and they will take her back. Nitrous is minimally effective, it helps those who are not nervous not care as much about the pain involved in the procedure. It doesn't anethitize a tooth or get rid of pain...just helps you care less about it. The toughest thing for you will be forcing her to go. She won't want to go...Nobody WANTS to go have teeth worked on. Continue the accolades when she does well at the office and things will get better. Good Luck!!
Does Healthnet Or Aetna Cover Jaw Surgery for Over bite?!?!?!?! 10 Points?
I Have health net health insurance and aetna dental insurance and i am in San Diego, California. I was wondering if either one covers corrective jaw surgery. Because i have a severe overbite, i can stick two fingers in between my teeth and multiple dentist have said braces wont fix it. So im interested in getting this Surgery done but i know i cant't afford through my pocket. Any piece of information helps.
Having worked with many insurance companies, I bet they tell you it's cosmetic, and they don't cover cosmetic surgery. I hope I'm wrong.
Having worked with many insurance companies, I bet they tell you it's cosmetic, and they don't cover cosmetic surgery. I hope I'm wrong.
Is there any help for a single, low-income woman with depression and no children living in the home?
I need help! I have clinical depression, no insurance, no job, and no bank account. Does any place exist that can offer very affordable insurance for someone like me (general, mental, perscription, dental, and e.r.)? I also need help with finding an affordable yet competent counselor or theropist. I was going to my local mental health clinic, but the only real help I was getting was the medication, the counseling sucked rocks (was more confused with couseling than trying to figure things out on my own). I haven't got a clue where to go or what to do. I'm not married, I can't find a job, my sons don't live with me, I live with my grandfather because I can't afford to take care of myself let alone live alone, a lying jerk over-drafted my bank account and got me in so much debt that I had to cancel it, I have not one friend, and there is no one I can turn to for help in my family. If anyone can stear me in some kind of direction, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you.
You really need to contact your local health department. They may very well be able to help you with health concerns and they can also direct you to somewhere that can help with depression. Someone you can make appointments with to go and talk to them on a regulas basis. Both places work with low income/no income. Good luck. and really try contacting them. It helped me.
You really need to contact your local health department. They may very well be able to help you with health concerns and they can also direct you to somewhere that can help with depression. Someone you can make appointments with to go and talk to them on a regulas basis. Both places work with low income/no income. Good luck. and really try contacting them. It helped me.
New job at Starbucks... I was wondering what the insurance is going to cost??
After 3 months I can get insurance... I have 3 children ages 3, 8, and 9. I want to cover them and myself for med. dental and vision. Can someone who works there, or used to work there give me a "guesstimate" on what this will cost per month?
It depends, are you working full time or part time. Starbucks has really good benefits, even better since you only have to work part time to qualify. The cost per month wouldn't be valid unless you asked someone that works in your area, costs vary state by state. You can call the Benefits line and just ask for a quote. Then you might want to get insurance quotes from other companies to compare it to. If your only income is Starbucks or you fall within guidelines - why don't you sign up for government benefits? You are one person that would definitely deserve the help, and that is what they are there for - hard times. Through Starbucks you pay 25% of the premium, Starbucks pays 75%. But, I have to mention, hopefully you are working in a productive store with lots of business. Starbucks announced Howard D. Schultz has taken on another role as Chief Executive and is still going to keep his place as Chairman. The Starbucks stock has plummeted from bad business moves and competition. But, he is going to close underperforming Starbucks locations and halt the rapid growth of Starbucks within the US.……
It depends, are you working full time or part time. Starbucks has really good benefits, even better since you only have to work part time to qualify. The cost per month wouldn't be valid unless you asked someone that works in your area, costs vary state by state. You can call the Benefits line and just ask for a quote. Then you might want to get insurance quotes from other companies to compare it to. If your only income is Starbucks or you fall within guidelines - why don't you sign up for government benefits? You are one person that would definitely deserve the help, and that is what they are there for - hard times. Through Starbucks you pay 25% of the premium, Starbucks pays 75%. But, I have to mention, hopefully you are working in a productive store with lots of business. Starbucks announced Howard D. Schultz has taken on another role as Chief Executive and is still going to keep his place as Chairman. The Starbucks stock has plummeted from bad business moves and competition. But, he is going to close underperforming Starbucks locations and halt the rapid growth of Starbucks within the US.……
I am having a huge issue with our Military insurance TRICARE Prime. I am getting nothing but the run around?
on a claim for reimbursement from a emergency "medically necessary" surgery that I had in april. My claim was mailed to tricare in July. I've spoke to several reps that tell me differently 'I can't find it" or "I found everything - but we need this" I've faxed over and over and had several reps say they would call me back. Today I went to my local office, who could only place a call in to Tricare to explain, and the rep she spoke with couldn't find anything. So she re-faxed. I called 2 hours after leaving the local office and asked for a supervisor, she saw my original claim that the other couldn't find, and the re-faxed claim that the local office sent in. Now what do u think i was told?- " we can not enter your claim until you write a letter stating that the 2 dr's that performed my surgery were partnered" Not like she couldn't note the account. Then she said the golden words, "soon as you send that in, we can enter your claim, and send you a denial letter" WONDERFUL - let me do all this extra stuff so you can deny it. And the reason they want to deny it is because the dr. did not have time to gain a pre-authorization (emergency) which at the min can take 72 hours to request. But last year my regular dr tried to get a referral from tricare to have the surgery..but they denied the referral stating they do not cover dental... i tried to appeal that several times, but got the same answer. But I attempted..and now that it was life or death, they want to deny refunding me my out of pocket cost of $21,000 because no pre-authorization. Like I said, I've heard several reasons from rep, and different request for more information...I'VE HAD IT with them. My question is... what can I do? Does anyone know who I could report this to on the GOV side, as far as, who do I complain to with authority on the Military side? After all, the GOV pays Tricare to provide medical insurance to the Military and benificaries. Any help, and guidance would be very helpful.
Time to contact your congressman. Open the link. All you need is your zip code. I hate to see posts like this. We do have a senate armed forces committe, you know. I'd like to know wtf they do with themselves.
Time to contact your congressman. Open the link. All you need is your zip code. I hate to see posts like this. We do have a senate armed forces committe, you know. I'd like to know wtf they do with themselves.
What do I do? teeth hurt?
What do you do when you can't afford dental work?....and your teeth really hurt. I was told I'll need a root canal by the dentist last time - but then my dental insurance ran out.
Depending on you age, you can go to your local health department or check your colleges in your area to be volunteer as a patient. Don't worry about going to a college, because they are taught and watched over by their teacher's whom are certified or a Dr. The students have to learn somewhere. Give it a try.
Depending on you age, you can go to your local health department or check your colleges in your area to be volunteer as a patient. Don't worry about going to a college, because they are taught and watched over by their teacher's whom are certified or a Dr. The students have to learn somewhere. Give it a try.
What does annual maximum mean ?
What does annual maximum of 1500$ in my dental insurance plan mean?If a dental procedure cost 100$ and insurance pays 60$ and i pay 40$, does full 100$ is counted toward 1500$ annual maximum, or just 60$ (as insurance company has paid only 60)
As far as I know, it only counts what Insurance pays. So, it should be $60 towards your plan.
As far as I know, it only counts what Insurance pays. So, it should be $60 towards your plan.
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