My bf is currently paying out of his check $70 a week for ins and dental, Blue Cross. This includes him and our son. But we barely are making our bills right now. There has got to be another health ins company that Drs will take that is affordable. Please help ;)
Try this site Here you can compare quotes from different companies
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
What "dental service" removes Wisdom teeth?
I am looking to buy insurance and I need my wisdom teeth out. What is that called?? I want to get insurance that will pay pretty well for that service, but I do not know what "type" of service that is. There is Endodontics, Periodontics, Orthodontics (don' think it is that one)... Some Insurance plans pay more for 1 type than another, so which "kind" of dental work is that? Thanks
Oral Surgeons will take them out under general anesthesia. Endodontics are root canal specialists, periodontics is for gum disease and Ortho is braces.
Oral Surgeons will take them out under general anesthesia. Endodontics are root canal specialists, periodontics is for gum disease and Ortho is braces.
How do people afford Dental Care?
I live in Southern California and have Safeguard Dental Insurance. Even with dental insurance, my dental work is breaking me. How do people afford to keep up needed dental care? Is there some type of dental insurance that covers a lot of the cost? All replies are very appreciated.
dental insurance is extremely expensive - the better coverage you want, the higher the premium and/or deductibles and co-pays will be... i'd suggest that you first figure out approximately how much per year it costs you out of pocket (on average) with the coverage you currently have - then shop around and see if there is any coverage plan that will actually save you money after the additional premium and/or increased deductible is factored in...that way, you'll have a much better idea as to whether or not switching plans would be right for you....most likely, unfortunately, it won't - in which case, i'd create a dental budget for the year - each month, set aside 1/12th of your average cost per year for dental expenses....use money from that fund to cover dental expenses first. if you end up having excess funds at the end of the year, you can then apply it toward's next year's monthly dental budget - thereby reducing the amount you need to save each month, and having more money available to spend on other things.
dental insurance is extremely expensive - the better coverage you want, the higher the premium and/or deductibles and co-pays will be... i'd suggest that you first figure out approximately how much per year it costs you out of pocket (on average) with the coverage you currently have - then shop around and see if there is any coverage plan that will actually save you money after the additional premium and/or increased deductible is factored in...that way, you'll have a much better idea as to whether or not switching plans would be right for you....most likely, unfortunately, it won't - in which case, i'd create a dental budget for the year - each month, set aside 1/12th of your average cost per year for dental expenses....use money from that fund to cover dental expenses first. if you end up having excess funds at the end of the year, you can then apply it toward's next year's monthly dental budget - thereby reducing the amount you need to save each month, and having more money available to spend on other things.
Where can I find affordable but good coverage for health insurance?
My bf is currently paying out of his check $70 a week for ins and dental, Blue Cross. This includes him and our son. But we barely are making our bills right now. There has got to be another health ins company that Drs will take that is affordable. Please help ;)
Here's some Government funded health resources.. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, health resources and services administration Federally funded health centers care for you, even if you have no health insurance. You pay what you can afford, based on your income. Health Centers provide health and dental care to people of all ages, whether or not they have health insurance or the money to pay for health care. ======================================… Community Health Center Locator Find community health centers, migrant health centers, public housing primary care projects and other sources of health care funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services through this site. You can search by location, types of program and types of service. ======================================… Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Information Center The HRSA information center provides publications, resources and referrals on health care services for low-income, uninsured individuals and those with special health care needs via a comprehensive Web site or a toll-free number: 1-888-Ask-HRSA. More specifically, users will find detailed listings of facilities that provide free or reduced-cost health services, information on sites that provide comprehensive primary health care services for people living with HIV, listings of dental providers who provide care to people living with HIV, organ donor cards, etc. ======================================… Hill-Burton Free and Reduced Cost Care at Hospitals Did you know that nursing homes and other facilities are required to provide a specific amount of free or below cost health care to people unable to pay? Eligibility is based on the size of your family and your income. You apply for Hill-Burton care at the facility where you were or will be treated.… ======================================… Medicare: Extra Help for People With Limited Income The Social Security Administration and the HHS Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) are working together to provide persons with limited income and resources extra help paying for their prescription drugs. A new Medicare Prescription Drug Program offers help with prescription drug costs. The new program gives you a choice of prescription plans that offer various types of coverage. You may be able to get extra help to pay for the premiums, annual deductible, and co-payments related to the new Medicare Prescription Drug Program - an average of $2,100 in extra help.… tons more government links at:… ======================================… Here you can get quotes for private insurance:… more at: http://www.getinstantcover.motoclassica.…
Here's some Government funded health resources.. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, health resources and services administration Federally funded health centers care for you, even if you have no health insurance. You pay what you can afford, based on your income. Health Centers provide health and dental care to people of all ages, whether or not they have health insurance or the money to pay for health care. ======================================… Community Health Center Locator Find community health centers, migrant health centers, public housing primary care projects and other sources of health care funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services through this site. You can search by location, types of program and types of service. ======================================… Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Information Center The HRSA information center provides publications, resources and referrals on health care services for low-income, uninsured individuals and those with special health care needs via a comprehensive Web site or a toll-free number: 1-888-Ask-HRSA. More specifically, users will find detailed listings of facilities that provide free or reduced-cost health services, information on sites that provide comprehensive primary health care services for people living with HIV, listings of dental providers who provide care to people living with HIV, organ donor cards, etc. ======================================… Hill-Burton Free and Reduced Cost Care at Hospitals Did you know that nursing homes and other facilities are required to provide a specific amount of free or below cost health care to people unable to pay? Eligibility is based on the size of your family and your income. You apply for Hill-Burton care at the facility where you were or will be treated.… ======================================… Medicare: Extra Help for People With Limited Income The Social Security Administration and the HHS Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) are working together to provide persons with limited income and resources extra help paying for their prescription drugs. A new Medicare Prescription Drug Program offers help with prescription drug costs. The new program gives you a choice of prescription plans that offer various types of coverage. You may be able to get extra help to pay for the premiums, annual deductible, and co-payments related to the new Medicare Prescription Drug Program - an average of $2,100 in extra help.… tons more government links at:… ======================================… Here you can get quotes for private insurance:… more at: http://www.getinstantcover.motoclassica.…
What dental plan can I get coverage with if my relative is my dentist.?
I currently have Amthem and they wont cover any work done by a blood relative who is your dentist. They offered to send me a list of dentist but that is stupid, why would i change to a different dentist when it has been my family member for my entire life. Are there any insurance plans that allow your regular dentist to bill them for services if you are related to them? I am in MO.
call the insurance commissioner...i have never heard of such a thing how would they even know your related?
call the insurance commissioner...i have never heard of such a thing how would they even know your related?
I was wondering if this should be reported?
Child's teeth are rotting out and parents keep putting off taking him to get them fixed. They make good money and have dental insurance. Child is four years old. He constantly uses bad words. I think the parents may be doing inappropriate things in front of him. He has asked me when I was going to break him off a piece...? Both parents drink almost every day. The mother has no license so therefore they sit and watch tv alllll day. I feel that it is WRONG and so sad, but don;t know if its considered abuse or neglect?
Call social services and tell them. They may do nothing, but at least it has been reported. In the future if it is reported again,they willsurely do something. If you have any doubts whatsoever, it could'nt hurt to call.Someone may already investigating it. Believe me when he starts to school they will get to the bottom of it!
Call social services and tell them. They may do nothing, but at least it has been reported. In the future if it is reported again,they willsurely do something. If you have any doubts whatsoever, it could'nt hurt to call.Someone may already investigating it. Believe me when he starts to school they will get to the bottom of it!
How much do cavity filling/root canals cost in Bristol, CT?
I'm an international student and I will move to Bristol, CT really really soon. I think, I might need cavity filling, or worse root canals for my mandibular second premolar. Do you know, where to find a good & affordable dentist in/near Bristol, CT? Can an international student has dental insurance? Which one do you recommend? Real answers from real dentists are very much welcome!
You are going to have two canals in that tooth. I would recommend Delta Dental insurance. An international student can get it. Almost all the dentists are good, affordable is another matter. Get it fixed as soon as you can. The sooner the better. I hope I have been helpful.
You are going to have two canals in that tooth. I would recommend Delta Dental insurance. An international student can get it. Almost all the dentists are good, affordable is another matter. Get it fixed as soon as you can. The sooner the better. I hope I have been helpful.
How can I stop the pain?
I have this really bad toothache which I had for about 3 days my jaw is swollen and I have to keep popping Tylenol Pm just to dull the pain so I can take care of my children,I do not have any dental insurance so seeing a dentist is not an option right now,Do you know of any home remedies that really work?
You must take 500 mg of penicillin each 8 hours for 8 days because you have an abscess and must go to the dentist to either take it off or have treatment which is very expensive. I just had to take my tooth off and it cost me $200
You must take 500 mg of penicillin each 8 hours for 8 days because you have an abscess and must go to the dentist to either take it off or have treatment which is very expensive. I just had to take my tooth off and it cost me $200
I have been told my #31 tooth (back molar) is fractured and needs oral surgery. What does this cost?
I have dental insurance but it covers $2000 a year and I have a feeling this could be more expensive. Is it worth having an implant put in? How much does that cost? I live in California.
when i had oral surgery for the same thing, i was put to sleep, they had to do it. but it cost me around $1,250. $750.00 to be put asleep, and about $500.00 for the procedure.
when i had oral surgery for the same thing, i was put to sleep, they had to do it. but it cost me around $1,250. $750.00 to be put asleep, and about $500.00 for the procedure.
can a hospital pull a hurting tooth ?
I dont have dental insurance and i have a very bad tooth ache, can a doctor at the emergency room pull it ?
It will cost more in the long run to go to ER. Call some dentists in your area. I am sure one of them will help you and take payments or know of a dental agency that will. Try the colleges some might have practicing dentists earning credits.
It will cost more in the long run to go to ER. Call some dentists in your area. I am sure one of them will help you and take payments or know of a dental agency that will. Try the colleges some might have practicing dentists earning credits.
Can you help me with my dental issue?
I had a rooth canal done a few years ago on a back molar. They took off a corner of my tooth and filled the root and then covered the corner of my tooth back up. Well when I was eating one day that corner they took off and replaced broke off. Soon after my insurance would no longer cover me because my dad lost his job. I'm now in intense pain and I don't know what to do. I don't have insurance and I don't have the money out of pocket. Can anyone help me please?
I am sorry about your tooth and your financial trouble. It seems more and more people are having diffculty making ends meet. Well the thing I can suggest you do is go to the dentist or a local hospital and ask if there is some sort of program or aid that will allow you to fix your dental needs. I believe, but I am not sure, that there must be some sort of help or aid for people who cannot pay immediately out there. Besides this, I also suggest looking at your spendings. Cutting back on luxury items can definetly increase your extra cash. Let me elaborate on my definition of "luxury items". Luxury items means anything that is not necessary for normal living. Buying a cheap ipod, going out to eat to some fancy restaurant, watching a flick or two, etc are not essential parts of life. They are enjoyable events in life but if you are in a money crunch, try cutting back a bit. Additionally, when it comes to important things like food, look for weekly specials on the ads that come in the mail. Doing these little things really adds up. Of course your tooth will probably not wait for these changes to take effect so I suggest taking my advice on what I said above.
I am sorry about your tooth and your financial trouble. It seems more and more people are having diffculty making ends meet. Well the thing I can suggest you do is go to the dentist or a local hospital and ask if there is some sort of program or aid that will allow you to fix your dental needs. I believe, but I am not sure, that there must be some sort of help or aid for people who cannot pay immediately out there. Besides this, I also suggest looking at your spendings. Cutting back on luxury items can definetly increase your extra cash. Let me elaborate on my definition of "luxury items". Luxury items means anything that is not necessary for normal living. Buying a cheap ipod, going out to eat to some fancy restaurant, watching a flick or two, etc are not essential parts of life. They are enjoyable events in life but if you are in a money crunch, try cutting back a bit. Additionally, when it comes to important things like food, look for weekly specials on the ads that come in the mail. Doing these little things really adds up. Of course your tooth will probably not wait for these changes to take effect so I suggest taking my advice on what I said above.
Cobra Dental retroactive due from the Date? (not worried about the money aspect of it)?
I am going to get it this time since it will be cheaper, my question is will it still remain that I had coverage for three years (prior to being laid off and couldnt afford it since November)? I need a crown and if it goes back to waiting period of a year to get discounts on the crown then there is really no reason to get dental again, because Obama is only allowing it for 9 months, right?? Someone please help. I had insurance with my company three years prior... Anyone know the answer?
Your employer should be sending you a letter about the new stimulus rules for Cobra. The Cobra will be retroactive to the date you left, but you'll have to pay those premiums. However, this means the waiting period for the crown will be not be reset, you will be OK. good luck
Your employer should be sending you a letter about the new stimulus rules for Cobra. The Cobra will be retroactive to the date you left, but you'll have to pay those premiums. However, this means the waiting period for the crown will be not be reset, you will be OK. good luck
Do corporations exploit their workers for personal gain?
Most major corporations offer workers, In addition to a wage, Profit sharing opportunities, Performance bonuses, Matching 401k plans, Health and dental insurance, Education assistance, Company vehicles, Sick days, Vacation time, Funeral leave, etc. So how are they exploited?
No. Unless you believe that paying someone to actually work is exploitation.
No. Unless you believe that paying someone to actually work is exploitation.
is it possible to cut out your wisdom teeth yourself?
my wisdom teeth are killing me and i dont have dental insurance. i have a high, high tolerance for pain and i want to cut my wisdom teeth out myself. it is only the ones on the bottom that are hurting. also, i have some amoxicillin 500mg capsules and 5 levaquin 750mg, so i am not worried about getting an infection. do you think this is do-able, and how would one go about doing this? thanks for your help
O,O What the fruit, dude... That's a no no. I wouldn't do that... It's not the same as cutting your own hair. It's like performing brain surgery on yourself! I would leave it to a professional. I'm sorry. I just don't want you to get hurt. Plus, you need stitches in the end AND there's loads of blood and I don't think it would be very good to swallow it all... Sell some crap from your house in a garage sale! I mean, come on. Everyone has crap in their home! Kay
O,O What the fruit, dude... That's a no no. I wouldn't do that... It's not the same as cutting your own hair. It's like performing brain surgery on yourself! I would leave it to a professional. I'm sorry. I just don't want you to get hurt. Plus, you need stitches in the end AND there's loads of blood and I don't think it would be very good to swallow it all... Sell some crap from your house in a garage sale! I mean, come on. Everyone has crap in their home! Kay
how much would it coast to fix my chipped front tooth in new jersey.?
i chipped my tooth 6 months ago i got shot in the mouth with a bb gun. i dont have dental insurance. so i am wondering how much it would coast for me to get the tooth fixed. I am in North Jersey. any price ideas.
university hospital in newark has a dental school that will work on teeth for a fraction of the cost. call 411 for the number
university hospital in newark has a dental school that will work on teeth for a fraction of the cost. call 411 for the number
Can my husband put my sister under his Tricare Prime Insurance? (Military)?
My sister lives with us now. She does not have any disabilities. Is there a way that we can say that we are taking care of my sister so that we can get her under my husbands Tricare Prime insurance? What about dental?
no unless you and him adopt
no unless you and him adopt
Just a rough estimate of dental procedures?
Hi everyone, First and foremost, thank you for all your inputs. I know that dental procedures can NEVER be at an exact estimate because it really depends on how bad or how much work needs to be done. But I am looking for people who have HAD similar procedures done and can kind of give me a ballpark price. I am not sure if age makes a difference..well I know it does but MUCH of a difference, I am 19, turning 20 on April 9. I WILL have dental insurance but I am just looking at prices that YOU received so I can expect the price to be around there. I am needing to go to the dentist because I really need to get these procedures done: 1) New fillings. My old ones are starting to deteriorate. I can actually see a hole in the side of one in one of my back molars. I also read that if the filling is too deep, the dentist might have to do a crown because drilling away all the tooth with little to no base for the new filling is not good. Is that true? 2) I have a lot of little tiny black dots on my new molars that grew in and 2 large black holes in other molars. Cavities! One of them already has a filling on it and the other one doesnt. 3) Braces/Invisilign
i got my teeth deep cleaned by quadrants. and its $250 each quadrant. the fillings is 75 each tooth. then.. will get my braces for about 6000 , i had to take 3 wisdom teeth out for 1300, then 3 teeth from the front [incisor or premolars] forgot what they are called for 510, i think that braces would be better because invisilign. it may turn yellow. but then its less to be noticed. good luck
i got my teeth deep cleaned by quadrants. and its $250 each quadrant. the fillings is 75 each tooth. then.. will get my braces for about 6000 , i had to take 3 wisdom teeth out for 1300, then 3 teeth from the front [incisor or premolars] forgot what they are called for 510, i think that braces would be better because invisilign. it may turn yellow. but then its less to be noticed. good luck
How much would I make as a Certified Dental Assistant if I am already certified in business management?
I am already Certified in Business Management. However, I am not finding the job/pay I was expecting with my certification. I have worked in the dental insurance field for over 3 years and am already very familiar with denistry. I am considering becoming a Certified Dental Assistant and was curious as to how much I would make and also if my Certificate in Business Managment would contribute to me possibly making more money as the Dental Assistant. Thanks to all the responses in advance! :0)
It's unlikely your BM cert will matter or help you in terms of pay as a Dental Assistant.
It's unlikely your BM cert will matter or help you in terms of pay as a Dental Assistant.
Where can I get financia assistance for my dental bill?
I have dental insurance, but it has a $2k yearly max which is very easily maxed out since dental is so expensive. I also need some services that are just not covered by my group plan. I tried to look for some dental assistance but am not really seeing anything.. does anyone know of anything like that? Thanks
Ask your dentist about monthly payment. My dentist provided me Chase Help ...something like that, and thay let me pay in 12 months w/out interest, or you can negociate for 18 months plan. Good luck
Ask your dentist about monthly payment. My dentist provided me Chase Help ...something like that, and thay let me pay in 12 months w/out interest, or you can negociate for 18 months plan. Good luck
Is there any hope for the regular man in a dental office?
My regular dentist sent me to a periodontist to get two of my teeth supported as the roots had died and they were loose. My regular dentist wanted to do some more work on one he had performed a root canal on but wanted it and the other loose tooth next to it stabilized before he did any more drilling on it. So, I went, the periodontist looked them over, told me what he would do and some other nonsense he wanted to do that had nothing to do with the tooth stabilization and we scheduled an appointment. I was led to believe that my dental insurance would cover it, I was wrong. After I had the work done there was no mention of a charge on that day, not even a copy, nothing. I then went back to my regular dentist and he in essence told me the work was for not becasue he had now decided what I really needed to do was to have two implants put in at a cost of $2,600.00 each. When I told him no way was that going to happen he said he would do a 4 tooth bridge for $600.00 per tooth but that the insurance would help pay so I was at that visit going to take the bridge route. When I went back to the periodontist he said that bridge would not last because it would be anchored on one side to one of my front teeth and it would not stand the strain of supporting the bridge for very long. He wanted to do implants but when I told him what I thought of the cost of the implants, which I think they are rediculous, he then suggested he would do one implant of a front tooth and my regular doctor could then do a three tooth bridge to the implant and he would discount the implant to around $2,000.00. He said he would discuss that with my regular dentist and I set up an appointment to have some oral surgery on my gums and some scraping or something with the periodontist. Anyway, when I went to the office help to schedule the additional work they did some calculations and told me my next visit would be $62.00, still no mention of a cost for the work he did the last time. So, it's three weeks later and I went in to get the scraping done and the receptionist asked me if I knew what this visit was supposed to cost and I told her yes, $62.00. She then asked me if I wanted to pay right now or wait until after the service, which is strange, but I said OK. She then shoved a piece of paper in front of me and asked if I knew why I had $572.00 balance due on my account and I was amazed, not I don't have much of a clue. She turned me over to the accounts receivable people who said my insurance had denied the plastic work the periodontist had done to support the teeth and I was left with the bill. 1- Do I have any recourse against my regular dentist for telling me to have this work done and then leaving me high and dry and making no use of the work? 2- Do I have any point to argue that the periodontist hid the cost of the support work for my teeth until after it was done. I really was under the impression my insurance would cover it as they had covered all other periodontist work I had done? 3- If I can't recover my money who can I report this to? Angry in Alabama
You need a Lawyer in Alabama.....
You need a Lawyer in Alabama.....
Anyone with dental experience, esp root canals? Need honest answers please.?
I went to the dentist a couple weeks ago because of severe pain that I was having from an upper tooth. I told them that I also had another tooth that the filling came out of and I needed a new filling in it. All they did was one x-ray on my upper tooth and the dentist came in saying that I would need a root canal. She then took a look at my tooth and tapped on it a little and there was some pain from her doing that. Anyway, she prescribed me Cephalexin 500mg and Ibupofen 800mg. I was set up with an appointment and sent on my way. I took the Cephalexin until it was gone but haven't had to take any pain meds at all since the day I went to the dentist. I do still have a little bit of pain in that tooth but not even close to as bad as it was. I only have a couple days left until I'm supposed to go back and have been reading a little online about root canals. I'm starting to wonder if I really do need one or if the dentist is just trying to get my money? She didn't do a nerve test or a hot/cold test like I have read that they are supposed to do. They also didn't seem the slightest bit concerned about the tooth that I said needed a filling put back in. They just went with the tooth that was causing me the pain. She said that she wanted to do a root canal and mentioned something about a filling or a crown for that tooth and also said that she knew that those things can be quite expensive. I have no dental insurance and really can't even afford to have the root canal. I definitely cannot afford both a root canal and a crown and don't want to get the tooth extracted. My question is, do you think that I should cancel my appointment for the root canal and just look for another dentist so I can get a second opinion? I still have a couple days left so I can cancel in time to avoid a cancellation fee. I'm just having alot of doubts about the whole thing. She didn't even look in my mouth before telling me that I needed a root canal. She didn't perform either of the tests that I read about. It's not like I just have the money to spend. The procedure will wipe out the little bit of money I do have and I'll have to borrow the rest to get it done. I don't want to go through with the root canal if it's not really necessary. I also have read that root canals can make the tooth weaker and cause more problems. I'm just looking for an honest answer to my question because I really can't afford to get ripped off. Thanks.
It seems that she depended on the x-rays mainly..but u also said that she tappeed ur tooth (which means she looked at it :p), which is also a way of knowing if the tooth needs a root canal or not; so she might be experienced enuf and doesn't need to do all the tests...i do recommend, however, that u see another dentist for a second opinion just in case ;)
It seems that she depended on the x-rays mainly..but u also said that she tappeed ur tooth (which means she looked at it :p), which is also a way of knowing if the tooth needs a root canal or not; so she might be experienced enuf and doesn't need to do all the tests...i do recommend, however, that u see another dentist for a second opinion just in case ;)
Why does insurance disallow Osseous Graft when done in conjunction with Apicoectomy?
My dental insurance plan does not cover osseous graft (code D42634) when done in conjunction with an apicoectomy (code D3410). The retrograde filling (D3430) was allowed. It seems to me the osseous graft was medically necessary, so I am trying to understand the logic of disallowing it when done in conjunction with the surgery. The insurance company customer service representative was no help... all she could do is read the statement in the guidelines, but she could not explain the reason behind the guideline. My dentist just says it was a medically necessary procedure and can't explain why my insurance company has that restriction.
What kind of health insurance do you have?
... from your job? Major medical? Dental? Vision? And how much does your company make you contribute? I contribute about $80/mo for major medical with a deductible of over $2000/year.
I have everything covered 100%, in Canada! Even my prescriptions.
I have everything covered 100%, in Canada! Even my prescriptions.
Why am I being charged for a Dental Exam?
My dentist had me make an appointment with an Oral Surgeon for a tooth extraction which I did and I went in the surgeon came in, numbed it up, pulled it and that was all. Now I got a notice from the insurance for the claim and there are 2 line items, one for Extraction and one for Dental Exam. He did not examine the rest of my teeth or do an x-ray or anything of that nature it was straight to pulling the tooth and getting out. Should I fight that charge?!
It is required by law that they examine the area they are treating. An exam clarifies that you have a problem & lets the dentist know what they need to do. If they do not do the exam and you end with a problem or wrong treatment, the dentist can be sued.
It is required by law that they examine the area they are treating. An exam clarifies that you have a problem & lets the dentist know what they need to do. If they do not do the exam and you end with a problem or wrong treatment, the dentist can be sued.
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