I'm 24, and all my wisdom teeth have grow in fully, except one on the bottom. It's always been halfway there, and I think it just started to finish because the gums around it have been really tender and sore for about a week now. The pain seems to be getting better and my dentist has always told me that he didn't think I'd ever need to get them out (never had any pain or problems with the other three). I've found ways to alleviate the pain (clove oil, etc.), but I'm wondering how long the pain takes to fully go away, or if I need to see a dentist? I currently don't have dental insurance (inbetween jobs), so I'm hoping I can just wait it out. Anyone been through this? Does it go away eventually?
Usually the wisdom tooth pain is temporary, it goes away after some time. From http://aches.in/wisdomteeth.html
Thursday, June 23, 2011
I have had a couple teeth that have been bugging me now for a month or so.I think they are both cavaties?
they are not abcessed [trust me I have had 5 abessed teeth, you know and never forget that kind of pain]My question is I have no dental insurance [can not afford it] I have no kids and I'm not on welfare [so no elibilty for medicare] and I cannot come up with the $ on my own.Help me.Ideas???I need to get this fixed because I know what happens when you put this kind of stuff off.But is there a way to do it, money wise????
check around maybe you can find one that will let you on a payment plan. Good Luck, I hope you can get this done before it gets worse.
check around maybe you can find one that will let you on a payment plan. Good Luck, I hope you can get this done before it gets worse.
alliance healthcard= DENTAL PLANS?
Hi, I recently turned 20 years old. my mother never had any health/dental plans for me , and ive only been to the dentist 2 times. I don't live at home anymore, but anyhow three years ago i was told i need a root canal, but was never sent to get one.. Now that im old enough and have a job ..i don't know where to start, insurance plans don't give coverage immediately, so ive decided on a discount dental plan.. one called alliance health card something http://www.dentalplans.com/dentalplans/a… before i sign up for this,.. is this any kind of bad deal? will it actually cover me?... does anyone use this?.. but anyhow my mouth hurts and i need to go to a dentist as soon as i can. thanks... -suzie
Suzi, If you mouth hurts go to the ER instead of the regular dentist for two reasons. 1) Most major MEDICAL policies cover "Emergency Dental" at 100%. (But read your own major medical before going in for solely that reason). 2. Root canals are dental ways of drilling into the center of the tooth's enamel and removing all the living tissue in the root and nerves of that tooth. This procedure is usually only required when a cavity has become infected. The BACTERIA that infect the human mouth have a very nasty habit of getting into our bloodstream and harming, sometimes permanentally damaging the valves in the heart. This can actually lead to heart attack later in life. (google Mitral Valve Prolapse). This bacteria needs to be eliminated from the body as swiftly as possible. You should be on an antibiotic. If the infection is swollen or otherwise too inflammed they won't even perform the rootcanal until it is controlled, so either way go get antibiotices NOW, Today.
Suzi, If you mouth hurts go to the ER instead of the regular dentist for two reasons. 1) Most major MEDICAL policies cover "Emergency Dental" at 100%. (But read your own major medical before going in for solely that reason). 2. Root canals are dental ways of drilling into the center of the tooth's enamel and removing all the living tissue in the root and nerves of that tooth. This procedure is usually only required when a cavity has become infected. The BACTERIA that infect the human mouth have a very nasty habit of getting into our bloodstream and harming, sometimes permanentally damaging the valves in the heart. This can actually lead to heart attack later in life. (google Mitral Valve Prolapse). This bacteria needs to be eliminated from the body as swiftly as possible. You should be on an antibiotic. If the infection is swollen or otherwise too inflammed they won't even perform the rootcanal until it is controlled, so either way go get antibiotices NOW, Today.
Open sore in mouth ...Any dentists in the house ?
I am about 6 months pregnant, the other day I managed to bite the inside of my lower lip extremely hard, the actually cut is on my gums behind my lip but really right across from where the bottom of my teeth are. It is extremely sore and when i look down at the cut it looks white right now. What can I rinse with to make sure it doesnt get infected. People say that oral things can affect pregnancies..Any Dentists in the house ?? What should I do ..no dental insurance..???????????
No, do not use Listerine, the only thing you will do is make yourself miserable from the burning sensation that results from the high alcohol content. Sometimes cuts can look a little white as they begin to heal. The new skin covering can look white compared to the other gum tissue. If it does not heal in about another week see someone to get it checked out. In the meantime, warm salt water rinses will toughen the gum tissue up and make it feel better. Pregnancy is a big time of change in any woman's body. The increased hormone levels can give you a condition called pregnancy gingivitis if you are not brushing and flossing EVERYDAY. You have to do the work. Any bleeding in the mouth is NOT healthy and is a source of infection which is not good for you or the baby. If you have periodontal disease, which is when you start to lose bone level as well as tissue attachment, then this can cause some problems in pregnant women. Some of the problems are low birth weight babies, compromised immune systems in the baby, and systemic problems. It is imperative that you take the best care of your teeth and gums while you are pregnant. The link between infection in the mouth and all kinds of bodily troubles is something that is being studied more and more. Any active infection dental or otherwise is unhealthy and keeps your immune system on a heightened alert all of the time. This in turn means your body is focusing on sending antibodies to the source of infection, and not having the time to do all that a growing baby requires. Do not play with oral health, it will affect more things then you can possibly imagine.
No, do not use Listerine, the only thing you will do is make yourself miserable from the burning sensation that results from the high alcohol content. Sometimes cuts can look a little white as they begin to heal. The new skin covering can look white compared to the other gum tissue. If it does not heal in about another week see someone to get it checked out. In the meantime, warm salt water rinses will toughen the gum tissue up and make it feel better. Pregnancy is a big time of change in any woman's body. The increased hormone levels can give you a condition called pregnancy gingivitis if you are not brushing and flossing EVERYDAY. You have to do the work. Any bleeding in the mouth is NOT healthy and is a source of infection which is not good for you or the baby. If you have periodontal disease, which is when you start to lose bone level as well as tissue attachment, then this can cause some problems in pregnant women. Some of the problems are low birth weight babies, compromised immune systems in the baby, and systemic problems. It is imperative that you take the best care of your teeth and gums while you are pregnant. The link between infection in the mouth and all kinds of bodily troubles is something that is being studied more and more. Any active infection dental or otherwise is unhealthy and keeps your immune system on a heightened alert all of the time. This in turn means your body is focusing on sending antibodies to the source of infection, and not having the time to do all that a growing baby requires. Do not play with oral health, it will affect more things then you can possibly imagine.
Open sore in mouth ...Any dentists in the house ?
I am about 6 months pregnant, the other day I managed to bite the inside of my lower lip extremely hard, the actually cut is on my gums behind my lip but really right across from where the bottom of my teeth are. It is extremely sore and when i look down at the cut it looks white right now. What can I rinse with to make sure it doesnt get infected. People say that oral things can affect pregnancies..Any Dentists in the house ?? What should I do ..no dental insurance..???????????
Okay, just stay calm. Sores in the mouth turn white when they start to heal. Stay away from products for mouth sores. A lot of them contain lidocaine, or a dirivative of it. It numbs the area and help it to feel better, but it definately isn't recommended for pregnant women. The best things to do are as follows. Warm salt water rinses will soothe the area. Stay away from overly sugary foods. Stay away from spicy foods, spices irritate mouth sores. Cool liquids will help, nice cool water is best. Ice cram could be a nice soothing food to eat, and yummy too! :) Stay away from hot food, let your food cool to room temp before eating it until it goes away. Don't brush too hard in that area, but keep your mouth nice and clean. You'll be okay, it really is incouraging that you say it is white in color, it is a sign of healing and you may have a little bit of the skin slough (peel) off, But that is okay. congrats on your pregnancy! much happiness to you :)
Okay, just stay calm. Sores in the mouth turn white when they start to heal. Stay away from products for mouth sores. A lot of them contain lidocaine, or a dirivative of it. It numbs the area and help it to feel better, but it definately isn't recommended for pregnant women. The best things to do are as follows. Warm salt water rinses will soothe the area. Stay away from overly sugary foods. Stay away from spicy foods, spices irritate mouth sores. Cool liquids will help, nice cool water is best. Ice cram could be a nice soothing food to eat, and yummy too! :) Stay away from hot food, let your food cool to room temp before eating it until it goes away. Don't brush too hard in that area, but keep your mouth nice and clean. You'll be okay, it really is incouraging that you say it is white in color, it is a sign of healing and you may have a little bit of the skin slough (peel) off, But that is okay. congrats on your pregnancy! much happiness to you :)
Requesting for additional dental coverage?
I have CIGNA PPO and an annual dental max limit of $1500 - yes, it sucks. I need to get (2) D2740, D6750 and D6240 but clearly it is WAY over the max amount allowed. Has anyone ever asked their HR to increase dental coverage and how did you do this? Or has anyone ever appealed their dental company after something like this was performed? It is major restorative, but the insurance and HR might consider it as cosmetic, but I hate the way my teeth look and it's really affecting the way I am. Any serious answers would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Fight the fight and good luck! Insurance companies have not changed there annual maximums since the 1970...yet their premiums have risen significantly and the material cost of dentistry, like everything else has also went up. Good Luck
Fight the fight and good luck! Insurance companies have not changed there annual maximums since the 1970...yet their premiums have risen significantly and the material cost of dentistry, like everything else has also went up. Good Luck
I want to fix my underbite?
i want to fix my underbite but i dont have dental insurance. ive been going to the local dentist in a small town and he has been just doing cleaning but i need to go to the orthodontist. so how can i afford this? and also i need to get my wisdom teeth removed. is it very painful to get your wisdom teeth removed? i dont think i can handle it!
Well first of all, what do you prefer? Headgear or losing a few teeth? Your orthodontist should be able to correct it with braces wisdom tooth removing depends how much deep it has been impacted..and does iit have curved roots r any any extra roots..but u wont have any pain u will feel only pressure
Well first of all, what do you prefer? Headgear or losing a few teeth? Your orthodontist should be able to correct it with braces wisdom tooth removing depends how much deep it has been impacted..and does iit have curved roots r any any extra roots..but u wont have any pain u will feel only pressure
Health insurance in USA is a complete rip off, scrap it and lets get competitive pricing for national service?
I noticed my old friends in the USA are having a big debate about healthcare, getting a better service for all and at a better price. From some press reports I have read Some of you do not like to look a gift horse in the mouth? maybe you work for insurance companies I suspect! This is why I KNOW that Americans are being scammed and ripped off by the Government, Health insurance and the hospitals. I am from Uk but spent 7 years there in San Diego, Houston and Phoenix and I needed treatment 3 times for various things. On all 3 occasions I was charged a small fortune ($2000) for menial medical work, (a stitch in my lip and check pulse, most of the time I spent waiting to be seen, (hours). When I told them I had no medical insurance they reduced it to $300. Case 2 Blood tests ($940) but if I paid cash $130, Sharps Hospital San diego. Houston local doctors remove a boil on my back $260 but for cash $45. Dentists San diego all treatment less than half price just for having a $50 family discount ticket.(not insurance). I saved thousands off that ticket. Wife had a baby, $10,000, but we had no insurance so we paid $250, (some local tax on tobacco and booze paid the rest. I have heard some say health care in USA is far superior to the free one we have here in uk, WELL IT FRANKLY IS NOT, you have lawsuits over there in USA that prove that healthcare in UK is just as good as USA and its almost free here. True, non urgent things may require an appointment a few weeks forward but anything urgent is dealt with quickly. The ambulance service arrive within minutes of being called and they don't carry invoices or calculators for $2000 taxi ride to hospital! I think you should back your president, get almost free healthcare for all, get better pricing and everyone who works pays a little extra tax just as we do here in Europe, we call it National Insurance contributions, its about 5% of your capped earnings/wages, this covers not only health care but also sickness benefits, retirement pension, dental, optical, unemployment / disability benefit, child and workers tax credits Nobody is ever excluded and there is no CoPay either, They fix you no questions asked, a very comforting thought. Whoever heard of an insurance policy where you go to hospital and have to pay half the f***** bill as well? In the American System the employer pays insurance the employees pay too and then there is copay fees to pay too? who is getting all this money? where the heck is it going? at the prices they charge there should be no copay. For you die hards there is BUPA health insurance that UK has too but that is cheap, a fraction of the USA cost. OK Americans let me know your thoughts do you want an almost free healthcare for all in the USA, similar to UK? if you don't prove to me why your rip off system is better? your system benefits the rich and the scammer hospitals and insurance companies. SUPPORT YOUR PRESIDENT
Okay, that is well and good ideas. But tell me who is going to pay for it? The rich? No way, they have their pockets locked shut! The poor? No, they don't have the money, that's why we need it!...No, wait, there is another group that we can jump on...yes...the middle class, they can pay for it. Taxes will go up on everything. And what irks me is, if a couple can't afford 1 kid, why do they heve 4-5-6+ ? There is such a thing as birth control you know! So, now we have a hard working family with 2 kids (2 because they want to go places do things and save some money), They have a health care that they have to pay for every month, hundreds, sometimes up to $1,000 a month. They have co-pays, and have a co-pay for prescriptions, a mortgage, interest, property taxes (which part go to the welfare system already), babysitting fees if the mother works, and probably does. They don't qualify for anything free because they own a house, so any county/city benefits are not open to them. Then the family with 5+ kids who are getting: food stamps (till the kids turn 18 or move out), title 19 medical (until the kids turn 18 or move out), free dental, free babysitting (if they decide to go get a job), rent assistance, and many other things. If you add up all of what they get and reductions, they come close to what the other family is getting. And know what? These people are also living in the same areas as the other middle class people, but they are renting a house. But there are some who fall into the cracks, and those are the ones that concern me. But many of them could get a job if they want to. Yes it would be a chore to get it all straightened out, but is workable. But the old and infirmed, those are the ones that we should care for. They put their time in, and now they are treated badly with insurances. Enough rattling my cage.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What I want to know is: if this is done, does that mean that the middle class family that has been paying ALL along for theirs, are they going to have to pay more??? Or will their amount be reduced to balance out everything? If you say that it would be according to money earned, then it better go the same for the rich and famous also. Actually I am in favor of it. But not if I have to pay out even more than I am now, for you see, I am of the middle class, and I pay property taxes, insurance, co-pays, and I am okay. But I know others aren't. I am sorry for them, but I didn't get anything handed to me, I had to work hard and long to get where I am, which to some people isn't very far. But I am relatively happy where I am. . aa
Okay, that is well and good ideas. But tell me who is going to pay for it? The rich? No way, they have their pockets locked shut! The poor? No, they don't have the money, that's why we need it!...No, wait, there is another group that we can jump on...yes...the middle class, they can pay for it. Taxes will go up on everything. And what irks me is, if a couple can't afford 1 kid, why do they heve 4-5-6+ ? There is such a thing as birth control you know! So, now we have a hard working family with 2 kids (2 because they want to go places do things and save some money), They have a health care that they have to pay for every month, hundreds, sometimes up to $1,000 a month. They have co-pays, and have a co-pay for prescriptions, a mortgage, interest, property taxes (which part go to the welfare system already), babysitting fees if the mother works, and probably does. They don't qualify for anything free because they own a house, so any county/city benefits are not open to them. Then the family with 5+ kids who are getting: food stamps (till the kids turn 18 or move out), title 19 medical (until the kids turn 18 or move out), free dental, free babysitting (if they decide to go get a job), rent assistance, and many other things. If you add up all of what they get and reductions, they come close to what the other family is getting. And know what? These people are also living in the same areas as the other middle class people, but they are renting a house. But there are some who fall into the cracks, and those are the ones that concern me. But many of them could get a job if they want to. Yes it would be a chore to get it all straightened out, but is workable. But the old and infirmed, those are the ones that we should care for. They put their time in, and now they are treated badly with insurances. Enough rattling my cage.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What I want to know is: if this is done, does that mean that the middle class family that has been paying ALL along for theirs, are they going to have to pay more??? Or will their amount be reduced to balance out everything? If you say that it would be according to money earned, then it better go the same for the rich and famous also. Actually I am in favor of it. But not if I have to pay out even more than I am now, for you see, I am of the middle class, and I pay property taxes, insurance, co-pays, and I am okay. But I know others aren't. I am sorry for them, but I didn't get anything handed to me, I had to work hard and long to get where I am, which to some people isn't very far. But I am relatively happy where I am. . aa
Are you a Dental Assistant?
My birthday was yesterday and I'm old enough to realize I made a big mistake in not going to University when I was younger. I've worked every day but always in some kind of retail setting and in life insurance (but only as support, not as an agent). I was thinking maybe Dental Assitant? I enjoy the medical field although I've neither the time nor the inclination to be an actual doctor. So if you're a Dental Assistant I have some questions..... 1)how much money do you make a year? (In Canada-Ontario) 2)do you get a discount at all on your kids dental needs? 3)do you like the field? 4)would you do it again or would you do something different?
I was a dental assistant for 3 years. I loved it, I was learning something new every day. I did on the job training so I only had to take a class for x-ray certification (the dentist paid for this). I started out at $10/hr but was making $15/hr within 2 years. The dentist I worked for treated us and dependants for free. I would do it again if I knew I would like the doctor.
I was a dental assistant for 3 years. I loved it, I was learning something new every day. I did on the job training so I only had to take a class for x-ray certification (the dentist paid for this). I started out at $10/hr but was making $15/hr within 2 years. The dentist I worked for treated us and dependants for free. I would do it again if I knew I would like the doctor.
Bait and Switch Dental Group?
I lost my job and needed to get into a dentist ASAP. I called Anthem, and the Docs they suggested no longer accepted the insurance. So I went down the list on Anthem's site and found one who said they took the insurance. It turns out that only a few docs there were covered, and the one that they assigned me wasn't. They ended up doing a bunch of unnecessary work after I told them I ONLY wanted what was covered. They were very unprofessional and my teeth still bother me a month later. I was billed for a ton of money and the insurance company is not sure they can help due to their "disclaimers." Also, the dental office in question is no longer on their site - only the Docs that are covered were there. Any suggestions? I can't afford a lawyer obviously.
If you r insurance does not pay you pay its simple, get a better plan, but most dont pay in full, you have to
If you r insurance does not pay you pay its simple, get a better plan, but most dont pay in full, you have to
Do you MUST give your social security number at doctor's office?
The same for dental or eye glass shops where we use our insurance. I think they'll say they need it for filing my insurance claims, but can you refuse? Also, are they legally bound to protect your SS# and and your personal info?
You do not have to give out you SS# if you don't want to. It used to be insurance companies used this number as your ID#, but now they should only be using the last 4 digits of you SS#. Dr's offices, banks, etc have privacy policies.
You do not have to give out you SS# if you don't want to. It used to be insurance companies used this number as your ID#, but now they should only be using the last 4 digits of you SS#. Dr's offices, banks, etc have privacy policies.
Common Insurances?
Hi, i'm a young man who is about to move out on his own really soon, and i'm just curious to find out what type of insurances am i really going to need to survive with on my own. For example, health insurance, medicare insurance, dental insurance and i don't know the rest................
You need to sit down and talk to the guy that writes your CAR insurance. Medicare is welfare health insurance for the elderly and disabled. Dental costs more than you get, you're better off without. Generally, you're going to need renters insurance, health insurance and car insurance.
You need to sit down and talk to the guy that writes your CAR insurance. Medicare is welfare health insurance for the elderly and disabled. Dental costs more than you get, you're better off without. Generally, you're going to need renters insurance, health insurance and car insurance.
Can I qualify for medicaid?
I am 19 years old. My parents do not have health insurance and I have nasal polyps and asthma. I need surgery to get rid of them and doctor visits are very expensive. I am a full time college student but I really need insurance and also need dental insurance
Talk to the student services person or student affairs director at your college. There are low-cost options available for college students. You would not qualify for Medicaid.
Talk to the student services person or student affairs director at your college. There are low-cost options available for college students. You would not qualify for Medicaid.
My husband has to fill out form I-751........?
When he first moved here everything was in my name and I really didn't even think about adding his name. He has a line on my cell phone service. He has dental insurance under my insurance plan. We have filed taxes together ever since he's been here. Our car insurance is under both our names. We don't have a joint checking account because he doesn't believe in that. Also our apartment is only in my name. Would this be enough for proof?
Sounds like you're way too controlling. Your "husband" doesn't have enough proof to let anyone know he's alive.
Sounds like you're way too controlling. Your "husband" doesn't have enough proof to let anyone know he's alive.
I was wondering If I have Kaiser for helath Insurance would i be able to apply for Medi-cal so I could get ?
dental treatments .....
Medi-cal does not cover dental. But if you needed help with co-pays or deductibles for covered services, you could apply for medi-cal to help with those. In other words, you can have health insurance and still qualify for medi-cal. But medi-cal will only help with services that are a covered benefit. Also, since you are 18, you would need to meet the eligibility as an adult and would have to have children or be disabled.
Medi-cal does not cover dental. But if you needed help with co-pays or deductibles for covered services, you could apply for medi-cal to help with those. In other words, you can have health insurance and still qualify for medi-cal. But medi-cal will only help with services that are a covered benefit. Also, since you are 18, you would need to meet the eligibility as an adult and would have to have children or be disabled.
my boyfriend`s job offers health insurance can he add me to this or no since i need insurance?
i have tried to apply for medicare last year but was denied since they said i made too much but now im am currently unemployed and trying to go back to school. And neither me nor my boyfriend can cover my medical bills for dental work done to me
Most likely not since you two aren't married. Most companies wont allow you to add none legal dependents to insurance. I believe mainly due to too too much insurance fraud in the past.
Most likely not since you two aren't married. Most companies wont allow you to add none legal dependents to insurance. I believe mainly due to too too much insurance fraud in the past.
I have to take my ex to court and I am nervous. Can Anyone tell me what to expect?
I have to take my ex back to court because he technically contempt of court. Per our divorce decree he is to keep our kids covered under medical/dental insurance until they are 19. He recently quit his job with full benefits to take a job that does not have any medical or dental coverage. He says he cannot afford to pay COBRA. He has it is his head that a judge is just going to say "Oh well" because he isn't going to cover them, but I am praying that it isnt the case. I dont have insurance of my own, I am on Medical Assistance and am trying to get my kids on there as well, but I just dont think it's fair that he can just get off scott free. We havent been to court since the day our divorce was finalized so I am a little nervous. Any advice you have will be helpful.
The judge will review both of your incomes and recommend an order. The order will require one of you, depending on the income in balance, that insurance will need to be acquired in x amount of days for the children.
The judge will review both of your incomes and recommend an order. The order will require one of you, depending on the income in balance, that insurance will need to be acquired in x amount of days for the children.
Which job would you choose?
I need some good opinions here folks. Please star! My dad is discouraging me to take this new job delivering mail for the post office. So now I need other people's opinions because i am confused. I have a current job. I have medical/dental insurance on me and my family. I make about 5 dollars less an hour at my current job then I would at my new one. I am very burnt out of my previous job and fell like I will never move up. I applied and been ignored. I now have an offer with the post office. It pays 5 dollars more an hour plus 30 dollars a day for wear and tear on your car. But untill you go permanent (approx 2or3 years) you dont have medical insurance. Now i can get All Kids probably for my children. Me and my husband wouldn't have insurance if I changed. He can pick up insurance at his job but it's about 200 dollars extra a month than i pay at my current job. My dad's points are these: You have to have your own vehicle. You will have to replace brakes & other often.
in two years $600 x 52 weeks x 30 years $936,000 more pay for 30 years, pays for a lot of cars and other stuff..............and that is not counting raises and possible promotions,,,,,,,,
in two years $600 x 52 weeks x 30 years $936,000 more pay for 30 years, pays for a lot of cars and other stuff..............and that is not counting raises and possible promotions,,,,,,,,
I have to take my ex to court and I am nervous. Can Anyone tell me what to expect?
I have to take my ex back to court because he is contempt of court. Per our divorce decree he is to keep our kids covered under medical/dental insurance until they are 19. He recently quit his job with full benefits to take a job that does not have any medical or dental coverage. He says he cannot afford to pay COBRA. He has it is his head that a judge is just going to say "Oh well" because he isn't going to cover them, but I am praying that it isnt the case. I dont have insurance of my own, I am on Medical Assistance and am trying to get my kids on there as well, but I just dont think it's fair that he can just get off scott free. We havent been to court since the day our divorce was finalized so I am a little nervous. Any advice you have will be helpful.
Don't worry. He is in contempt and the judge will ask him why, etc. You may be asked to speak with a mediator, but I doubt it. Try not to be nervous, it should go in your favor with very little for you to say or do, just that your present and offer proof on your behalf.
Don't worry. He is in contempt and the judge will ask him why, etc. You may be asked to speak with a mediator, but I doubt it. Try not to be nervous, it should go in your favor with very little for you to say or do, just that your present and offer proof on your behalf.
Question About Chipped Tooth?
Recently i noticed alot of pain coming from one of my bottom left hand side teeth, looked in the mirror and sure enough, i had chipped it, and its a pretty decently large sized chip on the corner of one of my bigger teeth, now ive had minor chips before but this one hurts..all day long..so i asked sum1 and they told me its probably becuase i have an exposed nerve, well im waiting for my dental insurance to kick in(In 3 months) before i go and have an operation done i was wondering if anyone knew any tricks to relieve pain to a nerve while i wait for my dental insurance to clear, id be very appreciative, thanks!
Use a straw to drink out of, avoid biting with that tooth as much as possible, especially really cold or really hot items. And Ibuprofin!
Use a straw to drink out of, avoid biting with that tooth as much as possible, especially really cold or really hot items. And Ibuprofin!
I have really bad dental issues; what can I do?
I have horrible teeth, and no insurance. I'm (nearly) suicidal over it. What can I do? Please.
Well I have AWFUL teeth as well but I have kept them beautiful through the years despite having 7 root canals, a ttoth cut out, braces retainers, cavities, etc. Just last week I had a tooth break off! I have dental insurance now and that helps a LITTLE BIT, but not too too much. When I had a job that didnt offer insurance I actually took on a waitressing job a few nights a week and paid for a lot of dental work I needed done at the time. Now I have BC/BS and it isn't that great. Dental probs can be painful and are very expensive. I know how you feel. Find a dentist that will let you make payments or maybe get a credit card to pay for some work on! Good luck honey!!!
Well I have AWFUL teeth as well but I have kept them beautiful through the years despite having 7 root canals, a ttoth cut out, braces retainers, cavities, etc. Just last week I had a tooth break off! I have dental insurance now and that helps a LITTLE BIT, but not too too much. When I had a job that didnt offer insurance I actually took on a waitressing job a few nights a week and paid for a lot of dental work I needed done at the time. Now I have BC/BS and it isn't that great. Dental probs can be painful and are very expensive. I know how you feel. Find a dentist that will let you make payments or maybe get a credit card to pay for some work on! Good luck honey!!!
Whats the best pet insurance for my dogs?
I live in Brooklyn, N.Y. I have a 5 year old pure bred Rat Terrier male, and a 9 month old Rat Terrier mixed female. The female was recently hit by a car and suffered a fractured pelvis...cost me about $600. This was Truly a wake up call for me. I want to avoid paying so much, and you never know when you are going to have an emergency like this. I'm in college and rent my own apartment with bills galore so I need some affordable insurance for my dogs. I want insurance that covers vet check ups and shots, accident treatments, dental, heart worm, emergency care, meds and things like that. Which insurance would you recommend for my babies??
In order to get the kind of insurance you are talking about, you're looking at paying about $600+ a year just in premiums, and that's whether anything happens to your dog or not. It's really not worth it. Most insurance only covers emergency procedures and will not cover any preventable disease. The chances of any of that happening are really pretty slim, but you have to keep paying the premiums problems or not... you will almost always lose in the long run. Your best bet - an emergency fund of money you don't touch that is just for the dogs. Then, if you don't need it, it's still there. When you pay premiums every month, that money is gone for good. What ever you do, don't get VPI. Their pay schedule is a complete joke - they pay next to nothing in benefits.
In order to get the kind of insurance you are talking about, you're looking at paying about $600+ a year just in premiums, and that's whether anything happens to your dog or not. It's really not worth it. Most insurance only covers emergency procedures and will not cover any preventable disease. The chances of any of that happening are really pretty slim, but you have to keep paying the premiums problems or not... you will almost always lose in the long run. Your best bet - an emergency fund of money you don't touch that is just for the dogs. Then, if you don't need it, it's still there. When you pay premiums every month, that money is gone for good. What ever you do, don't get VPI. Their pay schedule is a complete joke - they pay next to nothing in benefits.
Is my 3 year old son responsible for an accident that happened in the neighborhood?
My 3 year old son was playing with a group of kids in the neighborhood. They were playing with plastic swords and he accidentally hit another child in the mouth, chipping his tooth. His parents obviously feel we're responsible to pay all dental and medical bills. I'm willing to pay some money, but wondering what we're legally obligated to do, if anything? Absolutely no malicious intent. This did not happen on our property, whether that matters or not. We do have homeowner's insurance.
You may be found responsible for paying some on the bills but since it was a 3 year old and only playing the courts may rule that you aren't responsible at all. They could however find the adult responsible that was suppose to be supervising such young children at fault for some of it. It is really hard to say how the judge will rule and really depends on witness testimony and evidence in the case. I would either have an agreement wrote up stating a set amount you will pay them and see if they will sign it (have it notarized) if they will not sign and agreement then i would just have it go to court and see what happens. If it was just an accident (I have two boys I know accidents happen) then there is no reason for your to have to pay all the bills and sounds more like they just want someone else to have to pay. I know with having my boys and being around other children things happen. My son had his tooth chipped too by another kid while they were wresting around but I didn't go after the parents because I know accidents happen.
You may be found responsible for paying some on the bills but since it was a 3 year old and only playing the courts may rule that you aren't responsible at all. They could however find the adult responsible that was suppose to be supervising such young children at fault for some of it. It is really hard to say how the judge will rule and really depends on witness testimony and evidence in the case. I would either have an agreement wrote up stating a set amount you will pay them and see if they will sign it (have it notarized) if they will not sign and agreement then i would just have it go to court and see what happens. If it was just an accident (I have two boys I know accidents happen) then there is no reason for your to have to pay all the bills and sounds more like they just want someone else to have to pay. I know with having my boys and being around other children things happen. My son had his tooth chipped too by another kid while they were wresting around but I didn't go after the parents because I know accidents happen.
Health insurance?!when....?
i need to know if any of you know any low cost (student ) health insurance for low income family. plz help i need to get surgery and 2 dental operations...plz serious answers only... im 18 yrs old any little thing helps thanks
You should look into Medicaid to see if you qualify. Here is the website: http://www.medi-cal.ca.gov/ I hate to be the bearer of bad news but if you have impending surgery no insurance company will accept you and pay for the surgery no matter what the premium. That's like trying to get homeowners insurance after your house burns down. It just isn't going to happen. Since you are a student can you get on your parent's policy? If not Medi-cal is your only viable option. Medi-cal does cover some dental as well, you can find out that information of their website. You may get spam answers here concerning medical discount cards. Be very wary of these cards. They are not regulated by the Department of Insurance nor do the people that sell them need to be licensed. This means you have little recourse when you have problems with the plan. If you are tempted by the low price and claims of "save up to 80%" be aware that very few doctors actually take these cards. It does you little good if you have to drive 4 hours to find a doctor that will accept the card. Montana couldn't find any doctors in the whole state that actually took the card and only one dentist who was on probation for unlawful activities so they banned the sale of the card and fined the company. See this link http://www.insurancejournal.com/news/wes… for more information. Many other states are starting to ban these cards as well. Before signing up with any discount plan get a list of doctors. If they won't give you a list consider it to be a scam. Call the doctors on the list to make sure they're still taking the card (many don't even know that they're listed as a provider) and that they're accepting new patients.
You should look into Medicaid to see if you qualify. Here is the website: http://www.medi-cal.ca.gov/ I hate to be the bearer of bad news but if you have impending surgery no insurance company will accept you and pay for the surgery no matter what the premium. That's like trying to get homeowners insurance after your house burns down. It just isn't going to happen. Since you are a student can you get on your parent's policy? If not Medi-cal is your only viable option. Medi-cal does cover some dental as well, you can find out that information of their website. You may get spam answers here concerning medical discount cards. Be very wary of these cards. They are not regulated by the Department of Insurance nor do the people that sell them need to be licensed. This means you have little recourse when you have problems with the plan. If you are tempted by the low price and claims of "save up to 80%" be aware that very few doctors actually take these cards. It does you little good if you have to drive 4 hours to find a doctor that will accept the card. Montana couldn't find any doctors in the whole state that actually took the card and only one dentist who was on probation for unlawful activities so they banned the sale of the card and fined the company. See this link http://www.insurancejournal.com/news/wes… for more information. Many other states are starting to ban these cards as well. Before signing up with any discount plan get a list of doctors. If they won't give you a list consider it to be a scam. Call the doctors on the list to make sure they're still taking the card (many don't even know that they're listed as a provider) and that they're accepting new patients.
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