I want to get Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance but I don't know what to get or anything when it talkes about deduction and preimum or anything like that. I am looking for a single one person plan, I'm a part time nanny and they don't have health insurance or dental insurance. I am also going to college and I prob can only spend no more than $150. Can anyone help me? I don't want to call them because I'm afraid there going to make my costs high since I don't know what I'm doing.
Blue Cross has several different plans from which to choose. Visit a local agent that works with Blue Cross as well as the other major companies in your area. The agent can explain how the different plans work and can answer all of your questions. They can find the best plan for your situation and budget. There is no extra charge using an agent so you might as well use their expertise.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Best At-Home Teeth Bleaching Products?
Since I can remember, my teeth have always appeared stained or yellowed. It's not a gross yellowing associated with poor dental care. On the contrary my teeth have always been well cared for and never given me trouble. All my siblings needed braces, but I was lucky and didn't have to go through the pain they suffered due to adjustments or just the pain having a mouth full of metal. I have great alignment and a good bite. Being born in the 60's, when I did have a cavity, it was filled with the silver amalgam mixture of the day (mixture of silver, tin, zinc, copper and mercury. I've been assured the mixture is safe and many dentists still use this product to fill teeth). The fillings have served me well and only a few of the filling have been replaced in my molars. While no dentist (I've probably had four or five due to the fact that my job requires me to move) has ever mentioned the color of my teeth, when I did have to have a root canal a year ago, I was sure my tooth coloring would put me on the bottom row (very yellowed) of crown colors. I was surprised that the color of the porcelain dental crown I needed was only fourth from the first (the first being an almost unnatural white). It's important to know that I have never smoked, never drank coffee or tea. I do have the occasional caramel colored soft drink, but have always preferred Sprite or 7-Up (these facts are as true now as they were 30 years ado). None the less, the color bothers me. I understand that you can get better "whitening" results from a dentist, but most charge $250 to $500 to do this and dental insurance (which I don't have) would not pay for the procedure. I have done some study on the subject and understand that trying to undertake this at home could lead to gum irritation, as well as uneven results. The problem with home whitening products is that they all promise to be the best product on the market . . . guaranteed or your money back. A money back guarantee is not going to do me much good if the guaranteed product leaves me with uneven or spotty results. I also understand that teeth whitening is not a miracle (one application and bam!, I'll have pearly white, movie star colored teeth). I'll settle for two shades lighter. I have always found that in most cases, word of mouth can be the best advertisement hands down. What products have my "Yahoo Ask" friends had the best results with? Thanks.
It sounds like you have done a good job keeping up with your dental care. As people age part of the natural process the enamel of the tooth thins and the dentin which is the layer underneath begins to show through more. The dentin has more of a yellow tint to it so that is why you may notice your teeth changing as you get a little older. The whitners work with peroxide products by opening the enamel up and actually oxygenating the tooth from the inside out. Even with some of the strongest whitening products you will find it necessary to redo it every 1-3 years. Now the most important thing to consider, anywhere that you have composite or porcelain fillings or restorations this area will not bleach. You are correct that bleaching treatments can be pricey, anywhere between $300-$400 in the state I am in due to the cost of getting fitted with a custom tray. You are a good candidate for bleaching because you take good care of your teeth and don't drink much of anything that will stain your teeth. What I would recommend is to try either the White Strips, get the professional strength from your dentist office. Or if you are looking for something a little stronger here is a good website for you with home whitening products. www.smilox.com I would personally recommend the Opalesence products because they are approved by the ADA so that means they will do what they say. Keep in mind if you order any of the bleaching gels you will need a try. You can order the do it yourself trays from that website and mold them at home to your mouth. My best tip for you if you do it that way, is do not overfill the tray. If the gel gets up on your gums it can cause swelling and sensitivity. I hope you find this information helpful and good luck.
It sounds like you have done a good job keeping up with your dental care. As people age part of the natural process the enamel of the tooth thins and the dentin which is the layer underneath begins to show through more. The dentin has more of a yellow tint to it so that is why you may notice your teeth changing as you get a little older. The whitners work with peroxide products by opening the enamel up and actually oxygenating the tooth from the inside out. Even with some of the strongest whitening products you will find it necessary to redo it every 1-3 years. Now the most important thing to consider, anywhere that you have composite or porcelain fillings or restorations this area will not bleach. You are correct that bleaching treatments can be pricey, anywhere between $300-$400 in the state I am in due to the cost of getting fitted with a custom tray. You are a good candidate for bleaching because you take good care of your teeth and don't drink much of anything that will stain your teeth. What I would recommend is to try either the White Strips, get the professional strength from your dentist office. Or if you are looking for something a little stronger here is a good website for you with home whitening products. www.smilox.com I would personally recommend the Opalesence products because they are approved by the ADA so that means they will do what they say. Keep in mind if you order any of the bleaching gels you will need a try. You can order the do it yourself trays from that website and mold them at home to your mouth. My best tip for you if you do it that way, is do not overfill the tray. If the gel gets up on your gums it can cause swelling and sensitivity. I hope you find this information helpful and good luck.
Is this a scam? Honest opinions please.?
Okay, looong story short I have a bf who is in need of dental work and came across that "ineedfinacialhelp.com" thing. I really didn't expect to hear back from anyone that wasn't trying to give me a payday loan or something....but I got an email from a "reverend simon" with holy trinity leaders. I have googled every combination of that with "scam" and nothing has popped up. He has not requested any bank info or strange transactions (so far). So basically I'm trying not to get my hopes up that this may actually work out for us....I put on the listing that we were not looking for a handout, that we would pay back. Any other tips on what to watch out for? I typically am not one to ask for help, but he has just graduated college and has 2 months before his dental insurance kicks in...we are desperate, but we don't want to be involved in a scam either. I am very skeptical of these type of things.. Sidenote:we have researched and researched clinics and low-cost dental places in the area, and he does not qualify for any of it...
Sorry, but I would not touch that with a "Ten Foot Pole." Go to a dentist and ask if he can have antibiotics or pain meds...I don't know what is wrong. Ask for something until you can use dental insurance. I have dental insurance. My experience is that it will still cost you a lot of out of pocket money. Good luck. If you are struggling and have no money and no insurance...I hope you can go to Emergency...the illegals do....I hope you can also. Good luck.
Sorry, but I would not touch that with a "Ten Foot Pole." Go to a dentist and ask if he can have antibiotics or pain meds...I don't know what is wrong. Ask for something until you can use dental insurance. I have dental insurance. My experience is that it will still cost you a lot of out of pocket money. Good luck. If you are struggling and have no money and no insurance...I hope you can go to Emergency...the illegals do....I hope you can also. Good luck.
What can I do to lengthen my gumline?
My gumline had receded a noticeable level and the teeth now looks longer. What can I do to restore my gumline back to where it was? Also I hadn't been to the dentist in 5 years (mostly because I don''t have dental insurance) and finally went last week to a dental school to get x-rays and cleaning done by a supervised student. They looked at the x-ray films and told me I have periodontal (gum) disease. My premolar and molar pockets measured between 4mm-5mm with one 6mm and one 8mm pocket around the first molar on top left. They treated it with a scaling and rooting planning treatment(deep cleaning). Now my entire mouth feels much healthier. My gums didn't bleed anymore and my mouth even taste better. I was told that if I did my homework (daily efficient brushing and flossing) and had regular dental checkups then the disease can be arrested and my gums will heal and attach again making the pockets smaller. Their bigger concern was the 8mm pocket which they are referring me to a specialist for. I made an appointment with one the next day but the appointment isn't for another 4 weeks. Do you think the specialist list can do anything for my disease? I would like to keep all my teeth. I have promised myself I will brush and floss daily along with using mouthwash and have regular checkups with my dentist from now on.
I think it's fabulous that you've taken the step to sort out the problem with your teeth. I know it can be a very costly business but the health benefits are priceless! Brushing and flossing of teeth should be done at least twice a day to prevent gingivitis (gum disease). Yes, I really do recommend consulting a periodontist to help you with your problem concerning deep gum pockets. Reducing pocket depth and eliminating existing bacteria are important to prevent damage caused by the progression of periodontal disease and to help you maintain a healthy smile. Eliminating bacteria alone may not be sufficient to prevent disease recurrence. Deeper pockets are more difficult for you and your dental care professional to clean, so it's important for you to reduce them. Reduced pockets and a combination of daily oral hygiene and professional maintenance care increase your chances of keeping your natural teeth – and decrease the chance of serious health problems associated with periodontal disease.
I think it's fabulous that you've taken the step to sort out the problem with your teeth. I know it can be a very costly business but the health benefits are priceless! Brushing and flossing of teeth should be done at least twice a day to prevent gingivitis (gum disease). Yes, I really do recommend consulting a periodontist to help you with your problem concerning deep gum pockets. Reducing pocket depth and eliminating existing bacteria are important to prevent damage caused by the progression of periodontal disease and to help you maintain a healthy smile. Eliminating bacteria alone may not be sufficient to prevent disease recurrence. Deeper pockets are more difficult for you and your dental care professional to clean, so it's important for you to reduce them. Reduced pockets and a combination of daily oral hygiene and professional maintenance care increase your chances of keeping your natural teeth – and decrease the chance of serious health problems associated with periodontal disease.
I have part of tooth #30 broken off but is still not at the nerve so why is my only choice crown or pull it?
The dentist said it either has to be pulled or crowned. I only have basic dental insurance and its still 1000 dollars I mean come on!!! Please!!! I was wondering if Tufts dental school would do it for less? Why do crowns cost so much? The tooth isn't dead and I just feel I need a filling. What can I do? Anyone know where I can get dental care for less? There must be someone or someway to just fill the missing part of the tooth...I hate to pull a tooth that is still viable because I don't have the money now that does NOT seem fair! I NEED HELP! ANYONE KNOW A CHEAPER WAY? I don't want to pull the tooth b/c I cant afford the cost...its crazy!
You can get a second opinion but there may not be enough tooth left to hold a filling. If the dental school would take you for a patient, the cost would be 1/3 - 1/2 of the other dentist. But you may have to wait a long time and the decay may go into the nerve and require a root canal. I think you are right about not wanting to have this tooth removed, when it is possible to fix. Good luck.
You can get a second opinion but there may not be enough tooth left to hold a filling. If the dental school would take you for a patient, the cost would be 1/3 - 1/2 of the other dentist. But you may have to wait a long time and the decay may go into the nerve and require a root canal. I think you are right about not wanting to have this tooth removed, when it is possible to fix. Good luck.
If you are a veterinarian or almost one, please click on this!!!!!!!!!?
I have to interview a veterinarian and ask a few questions... but it's been SOOO hard to find one that wasn't busy so I'm just going to bs it. If you can, please answer as many questiosn you know!!!!!!! 1. What are your duties and responsibilities? 2. What are the responsibilities of your department? 3. How are computers used in this career? 4. What type of training or education will I need to get a job in this career in the future? 5. Why did you decide to do this type of work? 6. What do you like most about your job? 7. What do you like least about your job? 8. Will there be many jobs like yours available in the future? Why? 9. What is the typical salary range for someone in this field? Entry level: Mid-level: Top level: 10. Which of these benefits are typically offered in this occupation? health insurance? dental insurance? life insurance? bonuses? overtime? paid holidays? paid vacations? On site child care? profit sharing? (can you please type yes or no to each question) 11. What other benefits are generally available for this type of job? 12. What physical demands does this occupation require? long periods of sitting? long periods of standing? some lifting? climbing? walk or be able to move around? stoop, bend, or kneel regularly? regular lifting of 50+ pounds? other? 13. What are the working conditions in this occupation? indoor work? outdoor work? cold working environment? warm working environment? wet, humid environment? noisy environment? hazards? other?
Well, i'm not a vet, but my parents both are, so i'll try to answer best i can for them. 1. My mom sees clients and runs blood tests and prescribes medicines. My dad does surgery and stuff like that. If you were a receptionist you would enter files about the animals and answer the phones. And, then the assistants basically assist the vets with whatever they need help with. (holding pets, etc..) They walk the dogs and clean cages mainly. 2. Refer to question 1 3. Computers help keep information about clients and their pets. 4. My parents had to go to college, then pre-vet, then vet school. Basically 8-10 years of schooling. However the receptionists need more of a business degree and the assistants are basically college and high school kids who work part-time. 5. I'm not sure why they decided to be vets...There are many reasons someone would though. Do NOT become a vet just because you "love animals" It's a very hard job and also if you hate seeing animals die, then you won't last very long in this career field. 6. My dad loves helping animals. My mom....dunno. Probably the same. 7. Clean-up and seeing animals die of course. 8. I think so, because there can never be enough vets. Plus there are tons of different kinds of vets to be and that are needed: Small animal (cats and dogs) Equine(horses) Exotics (rodents, ferrets, rabbits, ect...) Higher exotics (wild animals) Birds Emergency vets 9. Bosses - top level once you make it, but as you start out it would be very low. Receptionists - mid-level Assistants - low-mid Agian, it really depends on where you work, and what you do. 10. health insurance? yes dental insurance? i think so life insurance? yes bonuses? i think so overtime? yes paid holidays? ..yes paid vacations? with time, yes On site child care? depends profit sharing? i don't think so 11. depends 12. long periods of sitting? NO long periods of standing? yes some lifting? YES climbing? not really walk or be able to move around? Absolutely, except receptionists stoop, bend, or kneel regularly? Definitely regular lifting of 50+ pounds? YES 13. indoor work? yes outdoor work? yes cold working environment? in winter warm working environment? in summer wet, humid environment? where we live, yes noisy environment? YES hazards? sometimes, i suppose I hope I helped!!! Edit - Hey! My dad's name is Dr. Steve Smelley :)
Well, i'm not a vet, but my parents both are, so i'll try to answer best i can for them. 1. My mom sees clients and runs blood tests and prescribes medicines. My dad does surgery and stuff like that. If you were a receptionist you would enter files about the animals and answer the phones. And, then the assistants basically assist the vets with whatever they need help with. (holding pets, etc..) They walk the dogs and clean cages mainly. 2. Refer to question 1 3. Computers help keep information about clients and their pets. 4. My parents had to go to college, then pre-vet, then vet school. Basically 8-10 years of schooling. However the receptionists need more of a business degree and the assistants are basically college and high school kids who work part-time. 5. I'm not sure why they decided to be vets...There are many reasons someone would though. Do NOT become a vet just because you "love animals" It's a very hard job and also if you hate seeing animals die, then you won't last very long in this career field. 6. My dad loves helping animals. My mom....dunno. Probably the same. 7. Clean-up and seeing animals die of course. 8. I think so, because there can never be enough vets. Plus there are tons of different kinds of vets to be and that are needed: Small animal (cats and dogs) Equine(horses) Exotics (rodents, ferrets, rabbits, ect...) Higher exotics (wild animals) Birds Emergency vets 9. Bosses - top level once you make it, but as you start out it would be very low. Receptionists - mid-level Assistants - low-mid Agian, it really depends on where you work, and what you do. 10. health insurance? yes dental insurance? i think so life insurance? yes bonuses? i think so overtime? yes paid holidays? ..yes paid vacations? with time, yes On site child care? depends profit sharing? i don't think so 11. depends 12. long periods of sitting? NO long periods of standing? yes some lifting? YES climbing? not really walk or be able to move around? Absolutely, except receptionists stoop, bend, or kneel regularly? Definitely regular lifting of 50+ pounds? YES 13. indoor work? yes outdoor work? yes cold working environment? in winter warm working environment? in summer wet, humid environment? where we live, yes noisy environment? YES hazards? sometimes, i suppose I hope I helped!!! Edit - Hey! My dad's name is Dr. Steve Smelley :)
Abscess? What is it that I have?
Hi, I posted a question yesterday about my dental pain. I have been having severe pain in my teeth (one of the front few) since Wednesday. Touching or any contact hurts like hell and it keeps hurting even when there is no activity on that teeth. I managed to meet a dentist on Friday morning and he took an xray and let me know that the infection was at the tip of the root. The teeth is not decayed and I have never had any dental problems till date. He gave me antibiotics (amoxycillin) and pain killers. I have taken 5 dosages of the antibiotics now and the pain hasnt reduced. There also seems to be some kind of a swelling in the gum below the teeth and the teeth appears to have moved off from the gum. What should I do if the pain and infection does not reduce by Monday? Should I go to another dentist? I dont have a dental insurance so can you tell me how much this procedure will cost? Can i have my teeth extracted? When do the antibiotics normally take effect? Please please please advice! I am in severe pain...
Abscess is, in general terms, pus-production. Your x-rays confirmed that you have some kind of infection and the antibiotics should be enough to slowly diminish it. The movement of the tooth is due to the accumulation of the pus and the infection underneath the gums. Antibiotics work, but they do not work in just one day. Going to the dentist on friday and having no decrease in swelling today saturday does not mean that you went to a bad dentist. Antibiotics need to be absorbed by the body and a specific amount of it needs to be present to have the effect needed. This is why they are usually prescribed in specific dosages with specific timing as to when to take them. My suggestion would be to give it a few days. If by day 4 or 5, there is no reduction in swelling and/or pain, then I would contact your dentist and explain the situation. You may need a higher dosage of antibiotics or a different type of antibiotic. Also, antibiotics do not reduce the pain directly. They reduce the infection which then causes a decrease in pain. The pain killers will work better to reduce your pain. And you should take your antibiotics and pain killers in combination. Hope this helps!
Abscess is, in general terms, pus-production. Your x-rays confirmed that you have some kind of infection and the antibiotics should be enough to slowly diminish it. The movement of the tooth is due to the accumulation of the pus and the infection underneath the gums. Antibiotics work, but they do not work in just one day. Going to the dentist on friday and having no decrease in swelling today saturday does not mean that you went to a bad dentist. Antibiotics need to be absorbed by the body and a specific amount of it needs to be present to have the effect needed. This is why they are usually prescribed in specific dosages with specific timing as to when to take them. My suggestion would be to give it a few days. If by day 4 or 5, there is no reduction in swelling and/or pain, then I would contact your dentist and explain the situation. You may need a higher dosage of antibiotics or a different type of antibiotic. Also, antibiotics do not reduce the pain directly. They reduce the infection which then causes a decrease in pain. The pain killers will work better to reduce your pain. And you should take your antibiotics and pain killers in combination. Hope this helps!
Who In This Age (65+)Group Has Medicare?
My aunt turned 65 last year and they sent her all this Medicare information. She is living off of her husband's social security and did not apply for part A last year. I called for her this year to see what part B covered, she needs a few teeth pulled, and they told me they don't cover normal extractions. To get a tooth pulled it has to be part of a more severe problem. I also found out for her she will not get any cost of living raise this year, the benefits will go up and my aunt will be penalized for not signing up last year. I could not believe what they were telling me. My aunt cannot get any private, affordable low cost health or dental insurance because they all want you to have part B of Medicare. The government has this thing on lock. My aunt didn't sign up last year because part B was going to take $97 dollars from her check and she could not afford it, plus the supplement insurance companies have their own plans where you might not pay for certain things but you will have to pay certain cost for others which means my aunt will not only have the money taken out of her check but still be on the hook for other things even though it would not be a large amount. Her own SS benefits are lower than her deceased husband benefits which is why she kept his. She is thinking about returning to work part time(she's in good health with the exception of the few teeth problems) to help cover the cost of getting part B and whatever she would have to pay with the supplement companies. Has anyone else out there had this problem? Do you know of any other solutions she could take besides getting part B? If she has to get part B, from your own experience, which supplement company is the best. This is scary. She does have part A. The government is literally forcing people, 65 and older, to take this insurance but are not making it easy for them to live a decent lifestyle.
I have Medicare, but I only use it for hospitalization. I am on Medicaid as well, but don't use it ex- cept for dental care. I found that many dentists I have called will not accept just the coverage of Medicare on tooth extractions. They want around $100.00 more in cash, which I don't have, nor the same amount for Medicare's full coverage. I wonder if your aunt qualifies for Medicaid, to get basic coverage on dental care. If so maybe she can find a dentist that will take the Medicaid coupon or use both Medicaid and Medicare to pay the complete cost for her extractions. It seems each dentist has their own guidelines on their costs, so don't assume they all are the same. I found one out of four that accepts the coupon, without wanting more money. I know I need to get my work done, before he decides to go with the flow of other dentists.
I have Medicare, but I only use it for hospitalization. I am on Medicaid as well, but don't use it ex- cept for dental care. I found that many dentists I have called will not accept just the coverage of Medicare on tooth extractions. They want around $100.00 more in cash, which I don't have, nor the same amount for Medicare's full coverage. I wonder if your aunt qualifies for Medicaid, to get basic coverage on dental care. If so maybe she can find a dentist that will take the Medicaid coupon or use both Medicaid and Medicare to pay the complete cost for her extractions. It seems each dentist has their own guidelines on their costs, so don't assume they all are the same. I found one out of four that accepts the coupon, without wanting more money. I know I need to get my work done, before he decides to go with the flow of other dentists.
What do you think of Hiring Joe Legal versus Hiring Jose Illegal!!!?
Here is an example of why hiring illegal aliens is not economically productive for the State of California ...You have 2 families..."Joe Legal" and "Jose Illegal". Both families have 2 parents, 2 children and live in California . "Joe Legal" works in construction, has a Social Security Number, and makes $25.00 per hour with payroll taxes deducted.... "Jose Illegal" also works in construction, has "NO" Social Security Number, and gets paid $15.00 cash "under the table". Joe Legal...$25.00 per hour x 40 hours $1000.00 per week, $52,000 per year Now take 30% away for state federal tax. Joe Legal now has $31,231.00. Jose Illegal...$15.00 per hour x 40 hours $600.00 per week, $31,200.00 per year. Jose Illegal pays no taxes... Jose Illegal now has $31,200.00 Joe Legal pays Medical and Dental Insurance with limited coverage $1000.00 per month [$12,000.00 per year]. Joe Legal now has $19,231.00. Jose Illegal has full Medical and Dental coverage through the state and local clinics at a cost of $0.00 per year. Jose Illegal still has $31,200.00. Joe Legal makes too much money is not eligible for Food Stamps or welfare. Joe Legal pays for food. $1,000.00 per month [$12,000.00 per year]. Joe Legal now has $ 7,231.00 Jose Illegal has no documented income and is eligible for Food Stamps and Welfare. Jose Illegal still has $31,200.00. Joe Legal pays rent. $1,000.00 per month [$12,000.00 per year]. Joe Legal is now in the hole minus (-) $4,769.00. Jose Illegal receives a $500 per month Federal rent subsidy. Jose Illegal pays rent. $500.00 per month (section 8 housing). $6,000.00 per year. Jose Illegal still has $25,200.00. Joe Legal now works overtime on Saturdays or gets a part time job after work. Jose Illegal has nights and weekends off to enjoy with his family (and eat out!). Joe Legal's and Jose Illegal's children both attend the same school. Joe Legal pays for his children's lunches while Jose Illegal's children get a government sponsored breakfast & lunch, and they also qualify to be "bused to school" at tax payer expense. Jose Illegal's children have an after school ESL program. Joe Legal's children have to find a way to get to school and go home after school as, "latch-key kids" with no adult supervision. Joe Legal and Jose Illegal both enjoy the same Police and Fire Services, but Joe paid for them and Jose did not pay. Jose Illegal can send most of his money back home to build a new home for retirement, and have money to buy a new truck (and still have Medi-Cal benefits while living in a foreign country; until someone turns him in to authorities....if they ever find out!!) Joe will be lucky if he has any money for retirement, a new vehicle, medical/dental benefits, or a place to live. I have done the math, all you have to do is to look at it yourself. Don't hire illegal aliens.....Don't vote for any politician that supports illegal aliens.....And most important of all, write your politicians and let them know how you feel PS: You forgot, Jose illegal's wife claims "single, no head of Household" and collects additional benefits that Joe legal's wife cannot claim. No wonder our country is in trouble!! Think about it!
I was living in Reno going to the Reno VA trying to get my knees fixed. Finally gave up and moved to Arizona to try there. The illegal aliens were building five of the subdivisions going up while the Americans were building only two. About the same thing was happening in Phoenix too. It is correct to say a lot of the homes now on the market were built by illegal aliens while George Bush said... uuuum. They are going home now. The welfare is running out and so are the jobs. There are no significant new home starts, and the unemployment lines with American Workers is going to get very long now. They are suggesting we won't see the top of the unemployment for another year, and that it will be two years before the number is back down to 8% where it may stay for a very long time. We need a national ballot initiative or we will lose control of this government.
I was living in Reno going to the Reno VA trying to get my knees fixed. Finally gave up and moved to Arizona to try there. The illegal aliens were building five of the subdivisions going up while the Americans were building only two. About the same thing was happening in Phoenix too. It is correct to say a lot of the homes now on the market were built by illegal aliens while George Bush said... uuuum. They are going home now. The welfare is running out and so are the jobs. There are no significant new home starts, and the unemployment lines with American Workers is going to get very long now. They are suggesting we won't see the top of the unemployment for another year, and that it will be two years before the number is back down to 8% where it may stay for a very long time. We need a national ballot initiative or we will lose control of this government.
Why do I keep getting cavities?
Ever since I was a child I have had terrible problems with my teeth, especially with cavities. While I admit my dental health was not the best as a child, I am now extremely fastidious about brushing and flossing my teeth daily. The last time I visited my dentist she even remarked that I had the cleanest teeth she had ever seen and in the next breath chastised me for having six cavities. What opinions do you have on the subject (especially medical professionals)? Contributing factors: -Bad dental hygiene as a child. -Was constantly fed high sugar foods in adolescence (I am now extremely careful with my diet). -Did not have dental insurance and saw the dentist infrequently. -Had trench mouth when I was eight years old. -While my orthodontist did a fabulous job on giving me an aesthetically pleasing smile, she didn't teach me how to properly clean my braces or headgear. Is there any advice on how to prevent future damage to my teeth?
Sounds like you are doing the right thing now. Brush 3x day for 2 minutes and floss every night. People who are high cavity risk should be getting extra flouride. Ask your dentist for a prescription flouride toothpaste... two popular ones are Prevident and ClinPro (you need a prescription because you cant get these in the store). Then, you should also get flouride treatments in office twice a year. Also, use a flouride mouthrinse at home. Then, look at your diet. Don't sip on sugary or acidic beverage all day (coke, tea, lemonade, and even orange juice) Drink these with meals and brush your teeth afterwards. Also, helps to drive these with a straw to bypass your teeth. Then, drink water between meals so your teeth aren't in an acidic environment. If you are doing all this then it probably is just genetic!
Sounds like you are doing the right thing now. Brush 3x day for 2 minutes and floss every night. People who are high cavity risk should be getting extra flouride. Ask your dentist for a prescription flouride toothpaste... two popular ones are Prevident and ClinPro (you need a prescription because you cant get these in the store). Then, you should also get flouride treatments in office twice a year. Also, use a flouride mouthrinse at home. Then, look at your diet. Don't sip on sugary or acidic beverage all day (coke, tea, lemonade, and even orange juice) Drink these with meals and brush your teeth afterwards. Also, helps to drive these with a straw to bypass your teeth. Then, drink water between meals so your teeth aren't in an acidic environment. If you are doing all this then it probably is just genetic!
Why are dentists....?
Why are dentists such jerks? Every dentist I've ever been to acts as if they have a stick up their butt. They are all rude and evil and cruel. I've even seen dentists answering questions on here and they are downright mean sometimes. They treat people like crap....their job is to help people with dental problems, but if someone has bad teeth they automatically think that person is the scum of the earth. Do you so-called dentists not realize that some people grew up with no dental insurance at all?? Do you not realize that some times peoples lives are complete hell and maybe they weren't as privileged as you and able to receive the proper dental care? So WHY ARE ALL OF YOU DENTISTS JACKASSES?
They are not all jerks... there are some caring and compassionate dentists out there.. but may hire staff who are jerks.. LOL You need to find one that caters to you and not your bank account...they don't all treat people like crap, as you say. Those who think that patients with bad teeth are the scum of the earth must have slept through their humanities classes... and don't deserve to be called 'Dr.'. You'll find one who meets your needs... and hopefully will take payment arrangements so you can get back on your feet and be happy with the way you look. Best of luck to you~
They are not all jerks... there are some caring and compassionate dentists out there.. but may hire staff who are jerks.. LOL You need to find one that caters to you and not your bank account...they don't all treat people like crap, as you say. Those who think that patients with bad teeth are the scum of the earth must have slept through their humanities classes... and don't deserve to be called 'Dr.'. You'll find one who meets your needs... and hopefully will take payment arrangements so you can get back on your feet and be happy with the way you look. Best of luck to you~
Crown lengthening ~ anyone had this done?
Let me start by saying I am a dental COWARD. I think I'm about as bad as can be, just short of avoiding the dentist altogether. One of my teeth broke a few months ago. Yesterday the dentist told me I would need to be referred to a peridontist who could do a crown lengthening - he says I need to have a piece of bone removed so he's better able to fit a crown. Altogether, even WITH dental insurance, this is expected to cost me around $800 or more. SO. My questions are.... 1. How painful is this? 2. Is it worth it? I mean, extractions are FREE on my dental plan, so I kind of wonder if I should just have it pulled. It's the second molar on my bottom left side. 3. How well did it work for you?? 4. Would you do it again?? THANK YOU!!
Firstly, most people are worried about going to the dentist. Even I am and want to be one. 1. Just the prick of the needle and you may not even feel this. 2. Depends on many factors: eating- do you think you will want a tooth their to chew your food with. age- if you are getting older then is it worth doing or could you do without. look- having a tooth looks nicer. If you extract and you later want a tooth. then you are looking at an implant or a bridge (both expensive). 3. Sorry none for me. 4. see #4 :)
Firstly, most people are worried about going to the dentist. Even I am and want to be one. 1. Just the prick of the needle and you may not even feel this. 2. Depends on many factors: eating- do you think you will want a tooth their to chew your food with. age- if you are getting older then is it worth doing or could you do without. look- having a tooth looks nicer. If you extract and you later want a tooth. then you are looking at an implant or a bridge (both expensive). 3. Sorry none for me. 4. see #4 :)
Running after a dentist visit?
I've recently had a lot of dental work done (I previously didn't have dental insurance, so I'm catching up now). Due to some complications and pain, I've taken a lot of time off here and there from my running. Today I had a root canal to deal with an abscessed tooth. I think I'm finally out of the woods with my teeth. I had plans for a big summer of 5k racing, but my training is now way behind, and I'm eager to get back on track. Has anyone had experiences running after dental procedures? What did you have done, and how long did you wait before you started back into your running routine?
I haven't had any dental procedures, however I did have health issues (yet again) that lead to 2 surgeries (incisions) abdominally on the 31st and was supposed to take 4-6 wks off to recover however I haven't at all. Was out next day to run bc I too have a 5k Trail race on May 15th...with pain, I just took extra strength tylenol...can't let little things complicate/interfere with my life.
I haven't had any dental procedures, however I did have health issues (yet again) that lead to 2 surgeries (incisions) abdominally on the 31st and was supposed to take 4-6 wks off to recover however I haven't at all. Was out next day to run bc I too have a 5k Trail race on May 15th...with pain, I just took extra strength tylenol...can't let little things complicate/interfere with my life.
What options are they to pursue regarding a necessary medical procedure that I cant afford?? ?
I have a congenital disorder called Reiger's syndrome. It causes dental deformalities (or in my case, my adult teeth never existed) I was 18 when we began the dental implants. I was on my fathers military medical ins and they agreed to pay for the titanium posts and bone graft (i have 6 implants and a partial on the top). I am now 22 and desperately need to finish this process before its too late. The total cost for the spacers, procelain crowns, and permanent partial is about $20,000. My dental insurance only covers 50% and my medical (if they agree to pay out for reconstructive procedure) pays at 80%. I cant afford these residual costs. My prostodontic requires 1/2 of my portion before the procedure and the rest right after. Are the avenues I can pursue in regards to paying for this? My teeth with begin to shift and thus rendering the original procedure worthless.
If all else fails go abroad for the dental procedures you need. There are groups online who seek the best doctors in Mexico, Thailand or somewhere else and they surgery done for a fraction of what costs in the USA, and in clinics that look more like spas. Look into it. There are certified dental surgeons overseas too who have the same or better skills of their american counterparts. Even the retired are getting medications from Canada because it's the same but much, much, much cheaper.
If all else fails go abroad for the dental procedures you need. There are groups online who seek the best doctors in Mexico, Thailand or somewhere else and they surgery done for a fraction of what costs in the USA, and in clinics that look more like spas. Look into it. There are certified dental surgeons overseas too who have the same or better skills of their american counterparts. Even the retired are getting medications from Canada because it's the same but much, much, much cheaper.
I have an abcessed tooth............Help!?
Ok on christmas eve I started having this horrible pain in my mouth, it was so bad that I had to go to the ER, all they did was give me pills and sent me home. Course I couldn't go to the dentist til after christmas, but the day of christmas I noticed that the pain wasn't so bad, and by the next day I noticed that I wasn't in any pain since the night of going to the ER. Well anyways the other day I went to a dentist that I went to my whole life b4 I got off my dad's insurance, and he gave me an x-ray and found that I have an abcessed tooth, he said it's # 12 on the top, he said I would have to get a root canal if I want to save it, thing is........it'd cost over 1,300.00 and I don't have the money and of course I lost my dental insurance, I think I would like to get it pulled cause then I wouldn't have to deal with anything else in the future. Anyways I tried going to other dentist to see if they were cheaper...which is hard, and whenever they look at my teeth I swear they are not looking at the same tooth, and they don't give me an x-ray to see and make sure they are looking at the right one. I am so scared that i'm waiting to long and that my abcessed is going to spread to other teeth. I really do want to get it pulled by the one dentist that I trust but I don't have the money now but i'm thinking that if I just save up all my money that I could just get it pulled and have a fake tooth and then it'll be done with. I was talking to my friend and she said that she's had an abcessed tooth for years, I almost died, she said it's so horrible cause she doesn't have the money or insurance to get it fixed. I only found out about this abcess less than a week ago and i'm freaking out that if I don't get this done within this month i'm gonna get really sick. What should I do? I am taking penicillan and pain bills from the doctors but they aren't gonna last forever? I'm so scared.:(
don't procrastinate, the sooner you get rid of the problem the better. trust me, it will get worse over time. the meds aren't gonna last forever. it should be taken for like at least two weeks. it mostly works to lessen the chance of infection once they've actually taken out the tooth. if you delay, the infection is gonna find it's way out, spread to other tooth or the gum to which the tooth is attached will get swollen, and it is gonna be painful. even if there's no pain now, it will come back over and over again, increasing in intensity.
don't procrastinate, the sooner you get rid of the problem the better. trust me, it will get worse over time. the meds aren't gonna last forever. it should be taken for like at least two weeks. it mostly works to lessen the chance of infection once they've actually taken out the tooth. if you delay, the infection is gonna find it's way out, spread to other tooth or the gum to which the tooth is attached will get swollen, and it is gonna be painful. even if there's no pain now, it will come back over and over again, increasing in intensity.
What is the point of having kids?
I am 20 years old now. I dont plan to get married or have kids anytime soon. But I want to ask all you guys out there. Why have kids? When I was a kid, I know I was a trouble maker for my parents and drove them mad several times. I would never do my homework, I would always question their authority, I would break things around the house(well this was when i was a baby), and I would just do so many things that would annoy my parents. Not only that, I was a major expense for my parents- especially college tuition, private schooling, car insurance, health insurance, dental insurance, lots of food(I was a chubby kid) Why do people want kids when they give you lots of trouble and are a drain on your finances?
Do you know how many times a day my kids make me laugh? Many. They are also fun to snuggle. It is awesome watching them grow. Having a child is like pulling your heart out of yourself and putting legs on it. lol. You just love them that much. To create a FAMILY, a group in which you belong and you make them a part of. You all contribute. When they say I love you, or make you a card, or do something that you know is great for them or that they put a lot of effort into you feel so proud. Yes there are times they are maddening and you want to pull your hair out, but it's worth it. I'm sure your parents feel the same about you....Parents forgive quickly and genuinely want their kids to have the best spiritual, financial, emotional life possible. Babies, kids, teens, young adults, grown up children.....you love them through it all, thick or thin, good times and in bad. It's wonderfully messy, hectic and deep :)
Do you know how many times a day my kids make me laugh? Many. They are also fun to snuggle. It is awesome watching them grow. Having a child is like pulling your heart out of yourself and putting legs on it. lol. You just love them that much. To create a FAMILY, a group in which you belong and you make them a part of. You all contribute. When they say I love you, or make you a card, or do something that you know is great for them or that they put a lot of effort into you feel so proud. Yes there are times they are maddening and you want to pull your hair out, but it's worth it. I'm sure your parents feel the same about you....Parents forgive quickly and genuinely want their kids to have the best spiritual, financial, emotional life possible. Babies, kids, teens, young adults, grown up children.....you love them through it all, thick or thin, good times and in bad. It's wonderfully messy, hectic and deep :)
Can I do something about this dentist bill?
I previously had dental coverage through HealthNet (Safeguard?) and found a dentist near my house through their online system. I had a routine check-up as well as had a tiny hole in my tooth filled. A few weeks after my visit I recieve a letter from HealthNet showing the procedures that were done and how much they were going to pay. It also said on the letter that if I went to a contracted provider, I was not responsible for the difference between how much they were going to pay and how much the provider charged. The difference amount is about $266. Since I found the dentist through their online system I assumed they were a contracted provider so I disregarded the letter. A few weeks after that I receive a letter from the dentist saying that I owe them $266. So I called my health insurance and they told me that since if I went to a contracted provider I wouldn't have to worry about any difference owed. I then spoke to the dental office and they said they only recieved a check for $90
Wow, that really sucks. Unfortunately, you are responsible for the bill. Trying to argue with an insurance company is always a losing battle. Anytime a dental office verifies eligibility through the dental insurance the insurance company always states that there is no guarantee of payment. Which means, if you called up HealthNet and asked them if a certain procedure was a covered benefit and they said "yes it is and its covered at 100%", they could STILL turn around and deny the claim, pay nothing, and your stuck with the bill. Every insurance company does it. No exceptions. They can change your coverage plan at any time. Its frustrating for dental offices and patients. So even though it was wrong that they mislead you there is nothing you can legally do. Did it for sure list them as a participating provider online or did it just give their name? Many insurance companies recommend dentists that are both in and out of network. Always make sure to ask the dentist if they are a participating provider and double check with your insurance company before scheduling an appointment. The only thing you can do to try and get out of the bill is sweet talk the dentist. Sit down and write them a letter. Send them a copy of what you printed from HealthNets web page. Explain that you were under the impression that they were in network. And if I were you, I would throw in that you really want to keep coming to their office and referring your friends and family but just cant afford to pay co-pays that high. Most dental offices will understand and work with you. It costs them money to send accounts to collection so they try to avoid it. By saying you will refer them new patients gives you some bargaining power and makes you valuable to their office. They will want to make you happy and keep you. If all else fails, ask them to set up payment arrangements. Again, collections costs them big bucks so any other way is better. Good luck
Wow, that really sucks. Unfortunately, you are responsible for the bill. Trying to argue with an insurance company is always a losing battle. Anytime a dental office verifies eligibility through the dental insurance the insurance company always states that there is no guarantee of payment. Which means, if you called up HealthNet and asked them if a certain procedure was a covered benefit and they said "yes it is and its covered at 100%", they could STILL turn around and deny the claim, pay nothing, and your stuck with the bill. Every insurance company does it. No exceptions. They can change your coverage plan at any time. Its frustrating for dental offices and patients. So even though it was wrong that they mislead you there is nothing you can legally do. Did it for sure list them as a participating provider online or did it just give their name? Many insurance companies recommend dentists that are both in and out of network. Always make sure to ask the dentist if they are a participating provider and double check with your insurance company before scheduling an appointment. The only thing you can do to try and get out of the bill is sweet talk the dentist. Sit down and write them a letter. Send them a copy of what you printed from HealthNets web page. Explain that you were under the impression that they were in network. And if I were you, I would throw in that you really want to keep coming to their office and referring your friends and family but just cant afford to pay co-pays that high. Most dental offices will understand and work with you. It costs them money to send accounts to collection so they try to avoid it. By saying you will refer them new patients gives you some bargaining power and makes you valuable to their office. They will want to make you happy and keep you. If all else fails, ask them to set up payment arrangements. Again, collections costs them big bucks so any other way is better. Good luck
Dental Vineers? Anybody have them?
I have a tooth that is a bit worn down from years of grinding my teeth at night. It is a bit shorter than the other (one of my front teeth) and i am self-consciencous about my smile. Do you know anything about vineers? Are they really pricey? Does insurance cover them? thanks in advance.
Well that does present a problem, veneers tend to run between 500-1,300 for porcelain veneers per tooth you may also choose composite veneers which tend to be cheaper and not as strong as porcelain counterparts. Also since veneers are purely cosmetic your insurance probably does not cover it but you can call and ask. Although you do have the option of having that tooth bonded. Grandpa walleye does have a point consider investing some money in a night guard, they don't tend to be very expensive unless you get a custom made one by your dentist. Also to answer your additional question bonding is a composite resin filling placed in the back teeth as well as the front teeth. Composites are the solution for restoring decayed teeth, making cosmetic improvements and even changing the color of your teeth or the reshaping of teeth. Bonding will lighten any stains you may have, close up minor gaps and can be used to correct crooked teeth. Basically, bonding will cover any natural flaws applying a thin coating of a plastic material on the front surface of your teeth. After this, your dentist will apply a bonding material and sculpt, color and shape it to provide a pleasing result. A high-intensity light then hardens the plastic, and the surface is finely polished. Composite resin bonds tend to last between 7 and 11 years. hope this helps, 3rd Year Dental Student
Well that does present a problem, veneers tend to run between 500-1,300 for porcelain veneers per tooth you may also choose composite veneers which tend to be cheaper and not as strong as porcelain counterparts. Also since veneers are purely cosmetic your insurance probably does not cover it but you can call and ask. Although you do have the option of having that tooth bonded. Grandpa walleye does have a point consider investing some money in a night guard, they don't tend to be very expensive unless you get a custom made one by your dentist. Also to answer your additional question bonding is a composite resin filling placed in the back teeth as well as the front teeth. Composites are the solution for restoring decayed teeth, making cosmetic improvements and even changing the color of your teeth or the reshaping of teeth. Bonding will lighten any stains you may have, close up minor gaps and can be used to correct crooked teeth. Basically, bonding will cover any natural flaws applying a thin coating of a plastic material on the front surface of your teeth. After this, your dentist will apply a bonding material and sculpt, color and shape it to provide a pleasing result. A high-intensity light then hardens the plastic, and the surface is finely polished. Composite resin bonds tend to last between 7 and 11 years. hope this helps, 3rd Year Dental Student
What do you think of pre-fight trash talking?
Two dudes are gonna fight... "You better have some good health insurance, 'cause you're gonna need it when I get done with you!" - Dude 1 "I Got it, you better have a great life insurance policy, 'cause your family is gonna need it, B__Ch!" - Dude 2 "I Got it, But Do you have a dental plan?!" - Dude 1 says as his punches Dude 2 in the mouth!
those were pretty cheesy lines but i would have laughed if i were there.
those were pretty cheesy lines but i would have laughed if i were there.
How much do xrays and teeth cleaning cost?
im 20 and not on my parents insurance anymore. i have a parttime job making about about 100 dollars a week and no dental insurance of my own. the last time i had my teeth cleaned was last march and after that my dentist basically took me off his patient list or whatever without telling me, i guess because i was no longer on my parents insurance. so i want to find a new one and know that xrays and all that good stuff are usually involved when seeing a dentist for the first time. so im just wondering how much this might cost without insurance? im in kentucky if that matters.
Sorry this is longggggg I'm not sure how it is in other states, but here in Massachusetts, the dental insurance companies started to make it so we could buy dental insurance because here in Massachusetts, we have to have health insurance or we get fined close to the cost of what it would have cost to have the insurance when doing taxes. So the dental insurance companies started to compete with dental insurance offered by health insurance companies...OK To GET to the POINT.......... Try googling delta dental. I'm currently unemployed and it costs me $48 bucks a month for dental insurance with a 1000. yearly limit. But:: I am pretty sure most dentist charge 125.00 for the initial appt., and 100. plus....for the exrays. Try googling Univ. of Kentucky dental school or Unvi of Lousiville dental school Bcuz colleges are way cheaper....i go to tufts dental school in boston, ma and it cost 71 bucks for a full mouth exrays so it's prob. 140 at a reg. dentist BUT PLEASEEEEEEEEEE MAKE SURE YOU GO AND GET XRAYS AND CLEANING BECAUSE WHAT MIGHT cost you 100 bucks now might cost you 10,000 in a yr im serious
Sorry this is longggggg I'm not sure how it is in other states, but here in Massachusetts, the dental insurance companies started to make it so we could buy dental insurance because here in Massachusetts, we have to have health insurance or we get fined close to the cost of what it would have cost to have the insurance when doing taxes. So the dental insurance companies started to compete with dental insurance offered by health insurance companies...OK To GET to the POINT.......... Try googling delta dental. I'm currently unemployed and it costs me $48 bucks a month for dental insurance with a 1000. yearly limit. But:: I am pretty sure most dentist charge 125.00 for the initial appt., and 100. plus....for the exrays. Try googling Univ. of Kentucky dental school or Unvi of Lousiville dental school Bcuz colleges are way cheaper....i go to tufts dental school in boston, ma and it cost 71 bucks for a full mouth exrays so it's prob. 140 at a reg. dentist BUT PLEASEEEEEEEEEE MAKE SURE YOU GO AND GET XRAYS AND CLEANING BECAUSE WHAT MIGHT cost you 100 bucks now might cost you 10,000 in a yr im serious
Applying for job and need to talk HR about Benefits.?
Your Open QuestionShow me another » What are typical Employee benefits? I am interested in a job and I am going to call the HR Director tomorrow to discuss employee benefits. What should I ask about (even if I don't think they offer it)? I just want to make sure all my bases are covered. Here's what I'm thinking: 1) Holidays paid off? Which ones? 2) Vacation - how many days? How are they accrued? 3) Health Insurance - HMO vs. PPO? Monthly deduction? How much? *Waiting period (i.e. 30, 60, 90 days). 4) Dental Insurance - HMO vs. PPO? Monthly deduction? How much? 5) Vision Insurance? 6) Short Term Disability? 7) Long Term Disability? 8) Life Insurance? 9) Any Profit sharing? or 401K? 10) Personal Days and/or Sick Days? Any thing else that I'm not thinking of???
Well, you pretty much got it covered. However wait till they offer you a job or you have gone through a couple of interviews before asking these type of questions, rather focus on questions about the company; 1. What are the goals for the company in the next 90 days to 5 yrs? 2. How would you describe the management style in this dept? 3. How many people have held this position? 4. Why was the last person who held this position no longer here or why did they leave? So I think you get the idea. While they could have great benefits if you don't enjoy working there benefits will become worthless. And honestly if you asked me these questions on the first day I wouldn't offer you a job.
Well, you pretty much got it covered. However wait till they offer you a job or you have gone through a couple of interviews before asking these type of questions, rather focus on questions about the company; 1. What are the goals for the company in the next 90 days to 5 yrs? 2. How would you describe the management style in this dept? 3. How many people have held this position? 4. Why was the last person who held this position no longer here or why did they leave? So I think you get the idea. While they could have great benefits if you don't enjoy working there benefits will become worthless. And honestly if you asked me these questions on the first day I wouldn't offer you a job.
Tramadol how many is to many? What if the pain won't stop addiction?
I have tooth problems but no dental insurance. I do have Kaiser health insurance I was able to get Tramadol which i've taken before recently with antibiotics. But, my jaw and neck are hurting like crazy. In an eight hour time period i've taken nine 50mgs of the tramadol. I read on a message board of an addict taking 30 a day without fatal complication or seizure. I'm not sure if i've built up a tolerance or the pain is just that awful. Anways, i'm weary of going back to the doctor to ask for something stronger. One because she's a family doctor treating a dental problem. And, two she just prescribed me 60 tramadol. I already know about the increased seizure risk. Any help would so much be appreciated I can't sleep its 12:30am pacific time i'll be by my email :(
I found Tramadol to be a completely ineffective pain reliever as well. However, taking more is not going to give you increased analgesic effects. The maximum dosage a day is 400mg-you took 450mg today? And you are still in pain, so its obviously not working for you, so stop taking it. As far as becoming "addicted" to Tramadol, that is highly unlikely-Tramadol has a low potential for abuse-it is not related to traditional opiates, but does has some aciton at the mu-opiate receptors, and on norepinephrine, so that may explain why some people report that they feel "high" or "euphoric" when taking it in large amounts. Addiction must be differentiated from physical dependence and tolerance. Tramadol can cause physical dependence with long term usage (even at doses prescribed by the doctor)-that's just the way your body works. It is associated with severe withdrawal symptoms as well, so you don't want to abruptly discontinue it. If you are taking Tramadol for other purposes than to acheive pain relief, than yes, that could possibly lead to psychological delpendence. But it sounds like you are in extreme pain, and you took more than you should not to get high, but to feel better. You need to ask you doctor for Vicodin-stronger and safer than Tramadol, and usually that is what dentists prescribe after procedures anyway, so why she gave you Tramadol is beyond me. You have every right to be comfortable and pain free-just go in a be blunt, explain, and ask. Good luck!
I found Tramadol to be a completely ineffective pain reliever as well. However, taking more is not going to give you increased analgesic effects. The maximum dosage a day is 400mg-you took 450mg today? And you are still in pain, so its obviously not working for you, so stop taking it. As far as becoming "addicted" to Tramadol, that is highly unlikely-Tramadol has a low potential for abuse-it is not related to traditional opiates, but does has some aciton at the mu-opiate receptors, and on norepinephrine, so that may explain why some people report that they feel "high" or "euphoric" when taking it in large amounts. Addiction must be differentiated from physical dependence and tolerance. Tramadol can cause physical dependence with long term usage (even at doses prescribed by the doctor)-that's just the way your body works. It is associated with severe withdrawal symptoms as well, so you don't want to abruptly discontinue it. If you are taking Tramadol for other purposes than to acheive pain relief, than yes, that could possibly lead to psychological delpendence. But it sounds like you are in extreme pain, and you took more than you should not to get high, but to feel better. You need to ask you doctor for Vicodin-stronger and safer than Tramadol, and usually that is what dentists prescribe after procedures anyway, so why she gave you Tramadol is beyond me. You have every right to be comfortable and pain free-just go in a be blunt, explain, and ask. Good luck!
A few questions about Orthodontics?
1. I recently found an Orthodontist that offers a payment plan that consists of no down payment, low monthly payments and 0% financing. I have just recently scheduled a consultation with them regarding my financial issues but I thought I'd see what opinions you might have to offer first; I have no dental insurance, so my first question is this; Do you think that the payment plan described above can still apply to me even though I am without dental insurance? 2. [Keep in mind that I am 18 years old.] According to my orthodontist I still have two baby teeth. One of which is loose and could come out at any moment. How embarrassing is that?!?! Anyway, before I get off topic, my second question is this; Is this abnormal? Thanks for your time and answers! -Tara K.
It is most abnormal to still have 2 baby teeth. Maybe you do not have permanent teeth to succeed those baby teeth...I don't know. I would make sure the orthodontist has a plan regarding the loss of those baby teeth. In other words...If he has those baby teeth pulled, does he intend to close those spaces with the orthodontic treatment??? If so, great! If he can't close those spaces, then you need to have a plan with a general dentist to close the spaces. You may need implants or bridge work. Either way, make sure you account for each scenario. That way you know the cost from beginning to end. Regarding your payment plan: it doesn't matter if you have insurance or not.
It is most abnormal to still have 2 baby teeth. Maybe you do not have permanent teeth to succeed those baby teeth...I don't know. I would make sure the orthodontist has a plan regarding the loss of those baby teeth. In other words...If he has those baby teeth pulled, does he intend to close those spaces with the orthodontic treatment??? If so, great! If he can't close those spaces, then you need to have a plan with a general dentist to close the spaces. You may need implants or bridge work. Either way, make sure you account for each scenario. That way you know the cost from beginning to end. Regarding your payment plan: it doesn't matter if you have insurance or not.
Brush floss and mouthwash?
I had not been to the dentist in two years due to well...laziness... and for one year didn't have dental insurance. I got dental insurance and went. Had a cavity and had a root canal done. I am now obsessed with not allowing myself to ever have a tooth that needs a root canal done due to not going for regular cleanings exams and good oral hygiene. My dentist prescribed me a fluoride tooth paste to use for only one week because I complained about a little sensitivity. NOW to my question... Is it HEALTHY to Brush twice a day rinse with listerine after brushing and of course flossing? My concern is that TOO much flouride is BAD. so if I brush than rinse with flouride is this doing more harm than good? Is just brushing with crest twice and flossing good enough? Sorry if I sound like a freak lol
You should brush twice a day for two minutes using an ADA accepted toothpaste. Crest is good. Floss daily at night before bed to get all of the food and plaque between your teeth out before you sleep. I personally do not rinse, but I recommend it to many of my patients. Rinsing with a mouthrinse that has fluoride in it is safe because you are not swallowing it. I usually only recommend it to patients who have a high risk of cavities (kids, sugar addicts, people on many meds, or recession). Sounds like you are doing everything right. I would be happy with a patient who cares as much!
You should brush twice a day for two minutes using an ADA accepted toothpaste. Crest is good. Floss daily at night before bed to get all of the food and plaque between your teeth out before you sleep. I personally do not rinse, but I recommend it to many of my patients. Rinsing with a mouthrinse that has fluoride in it is safe because you are not swallowing it. I usually only recommend it to patients who have a high risk of cavities (kids, sugar addicts, people on many meds, or recession). Sounds like you are doing everything right. I would be happy with a patient who cares as much!
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