I have a tooth that is broke in half and has been this way for a long time now, and it hurts really bad, I need it pulled and I also have a lot of tartar build up on one of my back upper teeth that causes me more pain than anything. I think my gum is infected. I have only had 1 other cavity my whole life and I am 32 yrs old. My teeth are going to hell and I just dont have insurance through my job, and money is really tight. Any help would be appreciated!
If you can't afford insurance try a discount company. Ameriplan is a good one. $19.95/mo. for the entire household related or not. This is not insurance so you can go to the dentist within 24hrs of enrolling and you can check for providers in your area right on the website. Hope this helps!
Friday, March 25, 2011
Where in the US is an expensive place to travel to for dental work?
I was rejected from a university clinic because the bridge I need to get has already had some work started (posts were inserted a few years ago which probably need to be replaced by now anyways but the dentists don't want to work on something that's already begun). I was quoted $3,000 for a bridge and for almost 4 years have not gotten one and only chew on one side of my mouth, and I think this is shifting my jaw. I am desperate, somebody where can I go? I don't have dental insurance and can't afford much. (I'm in Los Angeles so the closer to LA the better).
Federally funded health centers care for you, even if you have no health insurance. You pay what you can afford, based on your income. Health Centers provide health and dental care to people of all ages, whether or not they have health insurance or the money to pay for health care. http://findahealthcenter.hrsa.gov/ ----------- Free or low cost dental care United States http://www.nidcr.nih.gov ----------- Dental Services Contact http://hab.hrsa.gov/programs/dentallist.… ----------- If it helps you out please remember me :)
Federally funded health centers care for you, even if you have no health insurance. You pay what you can afford, based on your income. Health Centers provide health and dental care to people of all ages, whether or not they have health insurance or the money to pay for health care. http://findahealthcenter.hrsa.gov/ ----------- Free or low cost dental care United States http://www.nidcr.nih.gov ----------- Dental Services Contact http://hab.hrsa.gov/programs/dentallist.… ----------- If it helps you out please remember me :)
Can I use my Health Savings Account to pay my portion of a dental visit?
I have a high deductible health plan and a Health Savings Account, but I don't know what it covers. How would I find out? Do I ask at the credit union or the health insurance provider?
IRS publication 502 Mecial and Dental Expenses states: "You can include in medical expenses the amounts you pay for the prevention and alleviation of dental disease. Preventive treatment includes the services of a dental hygienist or dentist for such procedures as teeth cleaning, the application of sealants, and fluoride treatments to prevent tooth decay. Treatment to alleviate dental disease include services of a dentist for procedures such as X-rays, fillings, braces, extractions, dentures, and other dental ailments. But see Teeth Whitening under What Expenses Are Not Includible, later."
IRS publication 502 Mecial and Dental Expenses states: "You can include in medical expenses the amounts you pay for the prevention and alleviation of dental disease. Preventive treatment includes the services of a dental hygienist or dentist for such procedures as teeth cleaning, the application of sealants, and fluoride treatments to prevent tooth decay. Treatment to alleviate dental disease include services of a dentist for procedures such as X-rays, fillings, braces, extractions, dentures, and other dental ailments. But see Teeth Whitening under What Expenses Are Not Includible, later."
Where can I go for indigent dental care?
I am unemployed and have no insurance. Today, about a third of a molar broke off. Now it is rubbing my tounge and I want to just have it yanked out.
You may be qualified for some type of aid, like medicaid. If not, then google the list of dentist in your area and call them to ask how much it might be. Most will want to examine you before they tell you a price on pulling. If it broke off in the gums and its too difficult then you may need an oral surgeon. Only an x-ray can tell. Some charity hospitals handle this type of thing to if you dont mind waiting serveral hours to be seen
You may be qualified for some type of aid, like medicaid. If not, then google the list of dentist in your area and call them to ask how much it might be. Most will want to examine you before they tell you a price on pulling. If it broke off in the gums and its too difficult then you may need an oral surgeon. Only an x-ray can tell. Some charity hospitals handle this type of thing to if you dont mind waiting serveral hours to be seen
what to do if you dont have health insurance?
i cant afford health or dental insurance right now. what can i do?
Most counties has a clinic that is sliding fee based. Call your welfare department or public aid department and get information.
Most counties has a clinic that is sliding fee based. Call your welfare department or public aid department and get information.
Tax Implications for Adding Girlfriend to My Health Insurance?
If I add my gf to my health and dental insurance what are the tax implications? Am I just taxed on her portion of the premiums? Do I need to claim her as a dependant on my tax return?
Assuming that the policy permits you to do that (highly unusual), there are no direct tax implications. Since this isn't a family member the premiums cannot be deducted as part of a Section 125 plan so you'd pay taxes on at least whatever her premiums were. And unless you could claim her as a dependent, you could not take an itemized deduction for the premiums that you do pay. You can claim an unrelated individual as a dependent if they live with you ALL year, you provide more than 50% of their total support, they have less than the personal exemption amount ($3,500 in 2008) in gross income, and your relationship doesn't violate local law (even if the law isn't enforced) and they are not a qualifying child of another taxpayer and don't file a joint return with another taxpayer.
Assuming that the policy permits you to do that (highly unusual), there are no direct tax implications. Since this isn't a family member the premiums cannot be deducted as part of a Section 125 plan so you'd pay taxes on at least whatever her premiums were. And unless you could claim her as a dependent, you could not take an itemized deduction for the premiums that you do pay. You can claim an unrelated individual as a dependent if they live with you ALL year, you provide more than 50% of their total support, they have less than the personal exemption amount ($3,500 in 2008) in gross income, and your relationship doesn't violate local law (even if the law isn't enforced) and they are not a qualifying child of another taxpayer and don't file a joint return with another taxpayer.
what is the best company for small business health insurance?
I have a small business and want to offer my employees medical, dental and vision coverage. What is the best health coverage company to go with. I live in california and my business is in california. I have a corperation...and want them to have a nice copay, like $10. Thanks for the help
Wow, be prepared to spend A LOT. You'll see, when you start getting quotes, that the average cost if you have at least 25 employees, for the kind of coverage and copay you're looking for, is going to run in excess of $500 per month, per employee. If you want to add maternity coverage, or cover families, it's going to be a lot more than that. You need to start, by talking to the agent that writes the rest of your business insurance. If they can't do group health, they'll be able to give you the name and number of a LOCAL agent, that they recommend, to help you price this out.
Wow, be prepared to spend A LOT. You'll see, when you start getting quotes, that the average cost if you have at least 25 employees, for the kind of coverage and copay you're looking for, is going to run in excess of $500 per month, per employee. If you want to add maternity coverage, or cover families, it's going to be a lot more than that. You need to start, by talking to the agent that writes the rest of your business insurance. If they can't do group health, they'll be able to give you the name and number of a LOCAL agent, that they recommend, to help you price this out.
How much does braces cost ?
What's the average cost of braces for upper & lower teeth ? I would like to get the porcelain braces or invisalign if possible.. but my overbite is pretty bad.. also I may have to have my teeth extracted because the first time I had my braces I didn't have enough spaces to fix my overbite. Also I was wondering if there is a dental insurance that covers this type of procedure...
Usually, they are 4,000 to 5,000 for top and bottom.. but they do cost less with an insurance plan.... It also costs more if you get invisalign or special kinds like glow in the dark ones.
Usually, they are 4,000 to 5,000 for top and bottom.. but they do cost less with an insurance plan.... It also costs more if you get invisalign or special kinds like glow in the dark ones.
These two questions are not related, I just want to save points?
One is that I got in a fight with my wife, who is right? And the second question, if she broke her tooth, is that covered with dental insurance? Also, can a dentist fix black eyes?
There is a chemistry problem here between you and your wife - I think - YES? As to Question 1) Who won? Answer: The one that suffered the less. As to Question 2) Tooth? - Yes, dental insurance covers breaking of teeth, but it depends on your plan. You may or may not have to pay so of the costs yourself - you'll have to call them to figure out how much they are going to cover, and how much you will have to spend. Question 2) Dentist - Black eyes - I guess they could - but I doubt they would. They get paid a lot more for fixing teeth than anything else and your insurance wouldn't pay for it; really only time heals a black eye. If it's real serious you'll need to see a GP; get stiches if it's bleeding or bloody, and get a script for antibiotics.
There is a chemistry problem here between you and your wife - I think - YES? As to Question 1) Who won? Answer: The one that suffered the less. As to Question 2) Tooth? - Yes, dental insurance covers breaking of teeth, but it depends on your plan. You may or may not have to pay so of the costs yourself - you'll have to call them to figure out how much they are going to cover, and how much you will have to spend. Question 2) Dentist - Black eyes - I guess they could - but I doubt they would. They get paid a lot more for fixing teeth than anything else and your insurance wouldn't pay for it; really only time heals a black eye. If it's real serious you'll need to see a GP; get stiches if it's bleeding or bloody, and get a script for antibiotics.
Does it cost a lot to get a filling?
Okay, so I am kinda sure that I'll need one, or hoping to God that's the case. I am 22 and I am under my Mom's Dental Insurance Plan. In other cases, I don't have medicaid. Does it cost a lot to get a filling? Or am I doomed to getting my tooth pulled? I am not afraid of the pain, I have had wisdom teeth pulled out of my mouth.
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here - health-quotes.isgreat.org
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here - health-quotes.isgreat.org
is there any way i can close the gap in my teeth without braces?
i have a gap in my front two teeth that is not that big or anything but it is still kind of bothering. i want braces and i have dental insurance but i dont want to waste money on braces if there is a way to close the gap without them.
those night time mouth peices, i know someone who has one but it will take alot longer than braces will. braces arnt so bad after the first week or 2
those night time mouth peices, i know someone who has one but it will take alot longer than braces will. braces arnt so bad after the first week or 2
Does this dental charge about deep scaling seem valid?
Insurance pays 100% for DEEP scaling and root planing. But the dentist says he will charge for accompaning "irrigation". Does this sound like a normal charge? It's going to be $240.00 for the entire mouth. Thank you.
Where can I get an inexpensive NTI Dental Device?
I had a NTI device created for my teeth to stop nighttime grinding....my dog ate it and insurance won't cover the cost of a new one. Does anyone have recommendations for where I can get a new one or a similar device?
NTI-tss cannot be purchased at a pharmacy. That appliance must be fabricated by a dentist. Unfortunately they are not cheap and as you well know pets love them. Good Luck
NTI-tss cannot be purchased at a pharmacy. That appliance must be fabricated by a dentist. Unfortunately they are not cheap and as you well know pets love them. Good Luck
Which insurance plan should I choose?
my job offers three different plans: 1. an HMO that has a $20 copay at the doctors office 2. Lumenos basic-no copay at the doctor, and the company gives me $1000 toward doctors office visits, preventative care such as mammograms and pap smears do not come off that $1000, when that $1000 is used I have a deductible of $1000, then the plan pays 80% 3. Lumenos enhanced-same as above only the deductible is $500, then the plan pays 80% If I don't use the whole $1000, it rolls over to the next year when they add another $1000. With my life insurance, dental plan, and vision, the total out of each paycheck would be $20 with the HMO, $17 with the Lumenous basic, and $25 with the Lumenous enhanced. I went with Lumenous basic, but I have 30 days to change my mind, if anyone has Lumenous, how do you like it?
The HMO is best if it covers 100 percent of your medical care should you become sick or injured. If the HMO pays less than 80 percent then plan number 2 is your best option.
The HMO is best if it covers 100 percent of your medical care should you become sick or injured. If the HMO pays less than 80 percent then plan number 2 is your best option.
Does anyone know how much would it cost to get a dental implant?
I do not have insurance coverage as the implant will be replacing a baby tooth
I don't know your age but usually it's not recommended that you replace a baby tooth with an inplant as that you should get an adult tooth to replace it unless told otherwise by your dentist. If it is indeed an adult tooth it does depend where you go. I believe you have to see and Oral Surgeon to put in implant. The General Dentist does the crown. Unless things have changed. Your looking anywhere between $1000 to $3000 depending on where you go.
I don't know your age but usually it's not recommended that you replace a baby tooth with an inplant as that you should get an adult tooth to replace it unless told otherwise by your dentist. If it is indeed an adult tooth it does depend where you go. I believe you have to see and Oral Surgeon to put in implant. The General Dentist does the crown. Unless things have changed. Your looking anywhere between $1000 to $3000 depending on where you go.
Financial help with dental work for my daughter....?
Does anyone know of any place/organization/person/etc. that provides financial assistance for dental work? My daughter needs some dental work done and our insurance will not cover the costs for the procedures. She lacks the protective coating on her baby teeth the we have when we start getting our teeth. Therefore, her teeth are decaying rapidly. It is only her top teeth. So she needs all of them to be capped. To do this she will need to be put out - completely put under because she is only 6 years old... that is where the expense comes in. Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Taking out a loan is out of the question due to bad credit.
Do you qualify for Medicaid? Try to see if you do. Medicaid would become the secondary insurance. Your dentist would need to submit a treatment plan for authorization to your first insurance, then Medicaid. Then do the same with all the billings.
Do you qualify for Medicaid? Try to see if you do. Medicaid would become the secondary insurance. Your dentist would need to submit a treatment plan for authorization to your first insurance, then Medicaid. Then do the same with all the billings.
What is The Overall PROCESS and Experience of Invisalign? Financially as well?
I am an 18 year old college student on a tight budget yet have been wanting to close my minor gaps for many years. I went to a dentist who offered to do OrthoClear for $4000 but OrthroClear was recently bought out during a lawsuit with invisalign, no longer and option. I travelled to many other dentists and the lowest offer I got was $8000 for invisalign; too high for my small budget. Luckly i contacted the dentist that offered my $4000 for the orthoclear and can perform invisalign for my minor corrections for $4,500. I will still call other offices to see if they can beat that price though this dentist is a good one so i'll most likely stick with him. Can someone fill me in on the overall process I will have to undergo from the moment I step into the dentists office? Payment plans? (I dont have dental insurance) and such? Will it truly be $4500 or much more if there needs to be other exams and charges? I just dont wanna end up paying more. Thanks! Also the invisalign treatment.
Check this out: http://www.invisalign.com/generalapp/us/ After you have your impressions taken, they are scanned into a computer. A virtual model of your teeth is created in the computer. Very small movements are done on this virtual model. From this computer image, a real model of your teeth is made. Some more very small movements are made on the virtual model, and so on. This keeps up until a whole series of thin plastic appliances is created to guide your teeth to the desired end position. The plastic is thin, but pretty strong. When it first goes in, it feels tight, because it is pressing on the places on your teeth where they have to move. After a few days, the tighness goes away and you know your teeth have moved. You change appliances every two weeks until your case is done. In my rural Mid-Atlantic general practice, I charge $3,000 for most Invisalign cases, which is less than traditional braces in most cases. I have heard that some charge more for Invisalign than they do for braces, though. The thing is, I am not a specialist and I choose to do only "easy" cases that will not require extra devices to be used in conjunction with Invisalign. This can add to the fee significantly.
Check this out: http://www.invisalign.com/generalapp/us/ After you have your impressions taken, they are scanned into a computer. A virtual model of your teeth is created in the computer. Very small movements are done on this virtual model. From this computer image, a real model of your teeth is made. Some more very small movements are made on the virtual model, and so on. This keeps up until a whole series of thin plastic appliances is created to guide your teeth to the desired end position. The plastic is thin, but pretty strong. When it first goes in, it feels tight, because it is pressing on the places on your teeth where they have to move. After a few days, the tighness goes away and you know your teeth have moved. You change appliances every two weeks until your case is done. In my rural Mid-Atlantic general practice, I charge $3,000 for most Invisalign cases, which is less than traditional braces in most cases. I have heard that some charge more for Invisalign than they do for braces, though. The thing is, I am not a specialist and I choose to do only "easy" cases that will not require extra devices to be used in conjunction with Invisalign. This can add to the fee significantly.
How much will be dental work be?
On the left side, one of my fillings came out so I need to get that refilled. One the right side of my mouth I have another filling. I've been having intense pain and I know I need a root canal. My insurance covers 70% so I was just wondering about how much I will pay out of pocket for a filling, crown, and root canal.
The full price will be about, 4000 us dollars so you will pay about 1200 us dollars
The full price will be about, 4000 us dollars so you will pay about 1200 us dollars
Is there a specific dental term for teeth pulling?
Reason I ask is because I noticed that there are 2 bumps that look like teeth coming out of the inside of my mouth next to my regular teeth. I need to be sure my insurance covers teeth pulling but I'm not sure what the procedure is called. I want to get this done asap. Thanks!
Extraction= tooth is erupted Surgical Extraction= tooth needed to be sectioned prior to removal Soft Tissue Extraction= some gums needed to be cut away to access tooth prior to extraction Boney Impaction Extraction= some gums and bone needed to be removed prior to extraction... Hope this helped! :)
Extraction= tooth is erupted Surgical Extraction= tooth needed to be sectioned prior to removal Soft Tissue Extraction= some gums needed to be cut away to access tooth prior to extraction Boney Impaction Extraction= some gums and bone needed to be removed prior to extraction... Hope this helped! :)
How much should I pay for health insurance?
I recently started a new job and will soon be eligible for health benefits. Last night I was going through the paperwork to sign up. To my horror I found that for me to sign up (for medical, dental and vision) plus my wife and kids (the family plan) I will be paying nearly $600 every two weeks! This is almost a third of my take home. Does this sound right? At my previous job I was paying a little more that $200 every two weeks. Maybe I should go back to the old job...
It sounds a little steep. However, nobody here knows how rich the benefits are, how big the group is, the ages and health conditions of the group, or how much the employer is kicking in. It sounds like the plan is very rich with little or no deductible or co-payment and that the employer is paying very little. You should call an independent agent to compare what an individual policy would be. Generally, a group plan is less expensive but if you don't need or want the benefits why pay for it.
It sounds a little steep. However, nobody here knows how rich the benefits are, how big the group is, the ages and health conditions of the group, or how much the employer is kicking in. It sounds like the plan is very rich with little or no deductible or co-payment and that the employer is paying very little. You should call an independent agent to compare what an individual policy would be. Generally, a group plan is less expensive but if you don't need or want the benefits why pay for it.
Can really bad infected teeth affect the rest of your health?
I have some really bad teeth... I have six teeth left on on the top part of my mouth and one of those is about 3/4 of the way gone,I have one that the back of it is all but gone. and one on the bottom that is really bad. the rest of the teeth on top have cavities. When the teeth flare up, my chin and the cheek on my left side get sores and things like bad acne on them...these are very tender and sore. I ahve no dental insurance. and I was wondering if all the infection in my teeth could be causing my health problem, and if so would I be able to have health insurance pickup for the pulling of the teeth and dentures.
Please see your dentist. Those areas that are swelling are abcesses (infections). You need to be placed on antibiotics, and YES, those teeth can affect your general health. In addition, dental decay/abcesses can affect your heart by producing bacteria bacteria that gets into the bloodstream. Dental insurance is tough to come by in most areas unless you have an employer who offers it. Health insurance might cover some of the cost of the extractions but not for dentures. You could try your county dept. of social services and see if they will approve you for Medicaid. Then find a dentist who accepts it. You need to get this taken care of because it will cause other problems later on.
Please see your dentist. Those areas that are swelling are abcesses (infections). You need to be placed on antibiotics, and YES, those teeth can affect your general health. In addition, dental decay/abcesses can affect your heart by producing bacteria bacteria that gets into the bloodstream. Dental insurance is tough to come by in most areas unless you have an employer who offers it. Health insurance might cover some of the cost of the extractions but not for dentures. You could try your county dept. of social services and see if they will approve you for Medicaid. Then find a dentist who accepts it. You need to get this taken care of because it will cause other problems later on.
I need help finding good medical insurance for my and my spouse?
Any Ideas. Also with dental would be good. we don't want a deductible.
You're not going to find dental without a deductible, and you won't find private dental that pays out more than it costs. You need to talk to a local agent, to find the medical insurance. Private policies are likely not going to cover stuff that's already wrong with you.
You're not going to find dental without a deductible, and you won't find private dental that pays out more than it costs. You need to talk to a local agent, to find the medical insurance. Private policies are likely not going to cover stuff that's already wrong with you.
Discount Dental Plan?
I haven't been to the dentist in a few years and now I really need to go. I probably have at least a few cavities and may need some crowns and/or root canals. I don't have any dental insurance so I would like to pay as little as possible while at the same time getting quality care. Can anyone recommend a good dental discount plan or dental insurance plan that I could buy that would take effect immediately? I also need to find a good dentist locally (Austin, TX) - so can anyone recommend a dentist or tell me a good place to look for one online? Thanks.
Hi Stephen, Here's my website, http://www.affordabledentalandmedical.co… We are a discount plan, and we have really great savings in the Austin area. You can do a provider search and enroll, both from the site. Please call or email me, if you have any questions. You can reach me toll free at 877-303-4065. Sincerely, Joelle
Hi Stephen, Here's my website, http://www.affordabledentalandmedical.co… We are a discount plan, and we have really great savings in the Austin area. You can do a provider search and enroll, both from the site. Please call or email me, if you have any questions. You can reach me toll free at 877-303-4065. Sincerely, Joelle
Do you need to get a fluoride treatment after a dental cleaning?
I am an adult. And it costs now $35.00 that my insurance will not cover. I just can't afford it. Please tell me if I need to and exactly why. What is the benefit.
We charge $20 in our office so that is high.... No you do not HAVE to get it.....
We charge $20 in our office so that is high.... No you do not HAVE to get it.....
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