Some background: I'm 25 years old. My teeth have been breaking off in pieces, some large, some small, for about a year and a half now, and it's gotten to the point that I can't chew without pain. Prior to the breakage I've had several teeth extracted due to advanced cavities as a child, and my parents tell me that my dentist wanted to coat my teeth in a type of plastic due to my thin enamel layer, but they never had the money to do it. I've done some research and looked at pictures of different types of decay. I've decided that the cause of mine is acid decay from drinking too much soda. Even though I kept up wih my brushing, the soda weakened my already weak enamel and caused the breaking to start. I suppose I've been lucky in the past, but I woke up on thanksgiving with intense pain and facial swelling on my right side. Did more research and found out I had an abscess. I went to the emergency room (since it was a holiday) and was prescribed two antibiotics and some pain meds. Doctor told me what I already knew: I have to have a full dental extraction, meaning all my teeth have to go. I was a student until last easter, when I had to drop out and work full time to pay for a surgery I had back in January to have my gall bladder removed. My student loans are far past the grace period, I have no insurance, and mounting medical bills from the surgery. I work for $8/hour at Pizza Hut, so I definitely can't afford all this. Is there some government grant or organization that can help with my situation? Thanks in advance for even reading this far.
Call the Health Dept and tell them your getting sick from all your broken teeth. Bad teeth are so damaging to the body, so your not lying, they are effecting your health you just dont know it yet. Call a few dentists offices and speak to the office mgr and ask her what types of Dental Gov coverage is used in your area, you might get some info. Affordable Dentures will make you new teeth for the average of 400 depeding on where you live. Their website has the info, they do not take insurance though, but just so you know, the cost of the dentures might be of a little comfort. Some dental offices have dental plans, so thats another question, and ask if you can apply for that credit line at their office before actually having an appoitment or go to the last office you were a patient at and ask them if they will let you. Sorry, so sorry your having this problem. Dental pain is the worst.
Monday, July 4, 2011
Are Banner Ads a good affiliate do i make them effective as a webmaster?
Are Banner Ads a good affiliate do i make them effective as a webmaster? Lorenzo
Improve the copy or message you wish to convey
Improve the copy or message you wish to convey
Bacterial Endocarditis diagnosis caused by dental abscess/procedures - advice on continued treatment?
I have had dental work from Jan - June 07. I was told about a draining abcess 5 months ago. I don't know how long infection was present. Have been sick on/off with food poisenting type symptons. I went to the Er and was treated and released. Blood culture returned positive for blood infection. 48 hours later hospital calls me to return. More blood cultures taken. Echocardiogram was taken and I was admitted with notes of mitro valve prolapse and possible Bacterial Endocarditis. Vancomyicin was given with reaction and stopped, then gentomycin was given. Lastly Nafcillin was given, but I also had a reaction. I was taken off IV. The hospital misplaced the echocardigram for 5 days. By the time the new blood cultures and IV are repeated then reads negative. After 8 days and a negative reading the insurance co boots me out. Priliminary yesterday says no vegitation. I am waiting for the final report. I still don't feel well.
I don't know If I can answer your question easily... The best source on all things to do with oral and maxillofacial surgery, as well as specialist dentistry, is to go to . This site has all the best information on wisdom teeth, orthodontics, implant dentistry, as well as things to do with oral medicine, oral pathology, jaw correction surgery, facial cosmetic surgery, mucosal diseases, tumours, cysts, and reconstruction surgery. There are also other parts on post-operative care, medications, material types, as well as explanations on Medicare. It is an Australian site, but I highly recommend it for everyone. Good luck with finding out what you are looking for!
I don't know If I can answer your question easily... The best source on all things to do with oral and maxillofacial surgery, as well as specialist dentistry, is to go to . This site has all the best information on wisdom teeth, orthodontics, implant dentistry, as well as things to do with oral medicine, oral pathology, jaw correction surgery, facial cosmetic surgery, mucosal diseases, tumours, cysts, and reconstruction surgery. There are also other parts on post-operative care, medications, material types, as well as explanations on Medicare. It is an Australian site, but I highly recommend it for everyone. Good luck with finding out what you are looking for!
can you change this paragraph into your own words withour changing the meaning???
Starting salary can be anywhere from $58,010 to $80,530 depending on location and need. In addition to salary, most full-time pharmacists are provided with a full benefits package, which includes paid vacation, medical and dental insurance, and extra pay for overtime. Some employers provides bonuses and profit-sharing plans. thanks in advance.....
Yes - can you?
Yes - can you?
I need help searching for an insurance company/plan suited to my needs... Can you give me some advice?
I am a 20 year old female, and I am taking a break from college right now... I am currently looking for a job that is full time and comes with health benefits, but it is going much more slowly than I expected, and I think I will get knocked off of my parents' insurance either on September 1, when I can no longer qualify as a student, or on September 15, when I turn 21... I need insurance that has prescription coverage, because I take two medications that will be unaffordable for me without insurance... I also need one that allows me to go to the doctor... I don't go to the doctor for much other than my yearly check-ups, but now I go to a few doctors, like a physician, a gynocologist, and the dentist, but I don't so much need dental coverage. I just need help. Thanks for any advice!
Try checking but do so ASAP so that there is no gap in coverage, and you don't get pushed into preexisting. If you can't afford it, before you get dropped, do you Well Woman Exam, get all know medical problems fixed, and get a 90 day supply on all your medications. Since you don't use insurance a lot I would suggest it covers a lot of stuff and everyone can get approved.
Try checking but do so ASAP so that there is no gap in coverage, and you don't get pushed into preexisting. If you can't afford it, before you get dropped, do you Well Woman Exam, get all know medical problems fixed, and get a 90 day supply on all your medications. Since you don't use insurance a lot I would suggest it covers a lot of stuff and everyone can get approved.
I had a lot of dental work done this year. Can I deduct it from my taxes?
I alone spent a little over $14000 in 2007 on dental work and my husband spent about $7500. Can we use this as a tax deduction as we did not have any insurance and paid out of pocket?
If you itemize, you list it as a medical expense. The first 7.5% of your AGI doesn't count.
If you itemize, you list it as a medical expense. The first 7.5% of your AGI doesn't count.
I have custody of my child w/ no child support and she needs braces?
I live in Illinois is there any kind of assistancce I can get. I have no dental Insurance.
You may want to check with a family health center or some type of free clinic and see if she can get them their based on your income. If there are centers like that were you're at, you can pay a small fee at the initial visit and you can make payments on the rest. good luck with that.
You may want to check with a family health center or some type of free clinic and see if she can get them their based on your income. If there are centers like that were you're at, you can pay a small fee at the initial visit and you can make payments on the rest. good luck with that.
Health insurance rates. Switch or stay?
In the past 2 years my family's health care plan (which is offered through my husband's work) has gone from great to way too expensive. We pay 250 a month as a premium, then we have a 1,000 each deductible, then our copays kick in 25 for office visit, 35 for specialty, 100 emergency room visit (must be okayed by dr. first, or they don't pay anything), 100 each day in the hospital. Perscription copays are 25/30/50, and not all things are covered. Two years ago we paid 275/a month and had 20 copays for everything (except hospital stays were always 100 and perscriptions they were 5/10/20). They do not pay for any vision, dental, or contraceptive. Certain (most) perscriptions are not covered. Is this similar to what everyone is paying, or should we start looking outside of his work for insurance?
you don't say how many members make up your family but the coverage sounds reasonable and reasonably priced. remember that your group coverage is not underwritten on an individual basis but an individual policy will be. in other words, any pre-existing conditions will probably be excluded or the coverage not afforded at all. since you seem to be very familiar with all the co-pays and prescription benefits i'm going to assume that you and/or family members have pre-existing conditions. my advise is to stay with the group coverage. you may jump from the frying pan into the fire.
you don't say how many members make up your family but the coverage sounds reasonable and reasonably priced. remember that your group coverage is not underwritten on an individual basis but an individual policy will be. in other words, any pre-existing conditions will probably be excluded or the coverage not afforded at all. since you seem to be very familiar with all the co-pays and prescription benefits i'm going to assume that you and/or family members have pre-existing conditions. my advise is to stay with the group coverage. you may jump from the frying pan into the fire.
Can I buy a good dental plan?
I am a 27 year old who has over 10,000 worth of work that needs to be done on my teeth. My job does not offer dental, and i really can not afford to pay cash. I have been to a few places that work out payment plans but i don't have any credit so i don't qualify. I really would rather have insurance even if i have to buy it but I'm not sure how that works or if its even worth it? I have had one tooth pulled that could of been saved but i couldn't afford a root canal and i am about to pull another tooth!!!! I did go to Mexico to check out there dentist but i ended up walking away from all of them. I checked out the dentistry school around here but they are still pretty pricey. I'm desperate! Does any one have any ideas on the best possible way to get my teeth fixed!!!
I think you should try to rephrase your question. Depending where you live, ask if someone knows any dentist that accepts in house payment plans in your situation. I seen many question like that with many answers. It may work. Try this site: I signed up online over 5 years ago and have saved thousands since. From root canals, xrays, exams, my braces and even cosmetic surgery. They even had my very affordable plan active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. Sounds like your in a tough situation, hope this helps.
I think you should try to rephrase your question. Depending where you live, ask if someone knows any dentist that accepts in house payment plans in your situation. I seen many question like that with many answers. It may work. Try this site: I signed up online over 5 years ago and have saved thousands since. From root canals, xrays, exams, my braces and even cosmetic surgery. They even had my very affordable plan active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. Sounds like your in a tough situation, hope this helps.
How soon is open bite treatment needed?
I have an anterior open bite and there is some interferance by some of teeth. As a result, my jaw gets sore at times. I need to see an orthodontist about this, but I am a student right now and do not have any dental insurance so I was wondering how soon this needs to be treated. Can it wait a year?
You should get an anterior open bite fixed with a combination of dental orthodontics to line up your teeth, and with jaw corrction surgery to get your jaws properly aligned so that your front teeth can normally overlap, allowing you to bite into things. To find out more on jaw correction surgery (or orthognathic surgery), go to
You should get an anterior open bite fixed with a combination of dental orthodontics to line up your teeth, and with jaw corrction surgery to get your jaws properly aligned so that your front teeth can normally overlap, allowing you to bite into things. To find out more on jaw correction surgery (or orthognathic surgery), go to
How much will my tooth filling cost me at a new dentist?
My dental insurance is not kicking in with my new company until October 1st. I need to get a white filling in one of my front, top teeth, however. I imagine I probably shouldn't wait until October! I just moved here, so I will need to see a new dentist, and pay out of pocket. This probably means they'll take x-rays and stuff too. Any idea how much it'll be?
A temporary filling may be possible, the cost is going to be based on many variables...... the area you live, the size of the filling, the location (which tooth), and the dentist you see because some of them are more willing to work with people financially than others. You should also look into the idea of a Dental School or clinic in your area because many of these are looking for patients to do work on at a MUCH cheaper rate than a regular dentist, and the work is just as good. My cousin went to a Dental School in VA to have extensive dental work done for considerably less money.
A temporary filling may be possible, the cost is going to be based on many variables...... the area you live, the size of the filling, the location (which tooth), and the dentist you see because some of them are more willing to work with people financially than others. You should also look into the idea of a Dental School or clinic in your area because many of these are looking for patients to do work on at a MUCH cheaper rate than a regular dentist, and the work is just as good. My cousin went to a Dental School in VA to have extensive dental work done for considerably less money.
Is it necessary for adults to get adult fluoride treatments from their dentist?
A new dental office (part of a national chain) I went to seem to be suggesting a lot of potentially unnecessary treatments not covered by my dental insurance? They indicate that all of their adult patients should get an adult fluoride treatment in conjunction with the dental cleaning (costing about $35)? I am trying to find out if this is legitimate or unnecessary and they are just trying to "rip me off"?
Adults NEED fluoride treatments if they have gum recession with exposed root surfaces! The cementum on your root is not as mineralized as the enamel, and if that surface is exposed you definitely need a fluoride treatment because that area IS likely to develop a cavity! Also, people that are taking medications that cause dry mouth, or a reduction in saliva should also have fluoride treatments done, because they too are likely to develop cavities.
Adults NEED fluoride treatments if they have gum recession with exposed root surfaces! The cementum on your root is not as mineralized as the enamel, and if that surface is exposed you definitely need a fluoride treatment because that area IS likely to develop a cavity! Also, people that are taking medications that cause dry mouth, or a reduction in saliva should also have fluoride treatments done, because they too are likely to develop cavities.
How much does it cost to fix a chipped front tooth?
I am in the Louisiana area and a dog jumped on me and chipped my front tooth this morning. I don't have dental insurance so I am just wondering how much this is going to cost.
Fees for fixing a chipped tooth vary depending on 2 things - 1. Area of the country and 2. extent of the damage. I am a dentist in the Northeast. Fees in my area are a bit higher than where you live. Fixing a simple chip here may run 100 - 150 for a bonded resin filling. This will match nicely, but over time it will stain and tend to wear and require replacement after a few years. The extent of the damage is also important. A small chip can be easily bonded. Larger breaks may require a laminate veneer or even crown (cap). This can run around 1000 in my region. Also please keep in mind that anything hitting your tooth hard enough to break a piece of it off (tooth enamel is the hardest substance in the body) may also cause damage to the tooth's nerve inside the tooth. A large chip may be close to the nerve and problems are seen immediately. A smaller chip, even though it may not be painful or symptomatic now, can result in slow nerve death which may require root canal treatment sometime in the future. The dentist should explain this to you. So, remember, it is possible that you can repair a small chip in the tooth for relatively little cost, but sometime in the future - and it could be years later - the tooth's nerve could die from the trauma and require root canal treatment. I hope this helps you. Good luck
Fees for fixing a chipped tooth vary depending on 2 things - 1. Area of the country and 2. extent of the damage. I am a dentist in the Northeast. Fees in my area are a bit higher than where you live. Fixing a simple chip here may run 100 - 150 for a bonded resin filling. This will match nicely, but over time it will stain and tend to wear and require replacement after a few years. The extent of the damage is also important. A small chip can be easily bonded. Larger breaks may require a laminate veneer or even crown (cap). This can run around 1000 in my region. Also please keep in mind that anything hitting your tooth hard enough to break a piece of it off (tooth enamel is the hardest substance in the body) may also cause damage to the tooth's nerve inside the tooth. A large chip may be close to the nerve and problems are seen immediately. A smaller chip, even though it may not be painful or symptomatic now, can result in slow nerve death which may require root canal treatment sometime in the future. The dentist should explain this to you. So, remember, it is possible that you can repair a small chip in the tooth for relatively little cost, but sometime in the future - and it could be years later - the tooth's nerve could die from the trauma and require root canal treatment. I hope this helps you. Good luck
What is the most affordable way to whiten a tooth that can't be whitened with whitening strips?
I have a front tooth that was hit at some point and has turned slightly yellow from it being partly dead. Because it is not a surface stain, it cannot be whitened with white trip of any kind. I have dental insurance but its only preventative so I need to cover it on my own so I'd like it as inexpensive as possible. Thanks so much :)
you could go to the dentist and ask for a white filling(tooth colored filling) and they can lighten it that way(cheapest) nothing else like whitening toothpaste or crest whitestrips will do it because its internal...otherwise you would have to get a crown(not cheap, looks best)tooth colored filling would be the cheapest:)
you could go to the dentist and ask for a white filling(tooth colored filling) and they can lighten it that way(cheapest) nothing else like whitening toothpaste or crest whitestrips will do it because its internal...otherwise you would have to get a crown(not cheap, looks best)tooth colored filling would be the cheapest:)
How much will it cost me to have 1 wisdom tooth pulled?
I only need 1 pulled, and I need to find a decent dentist in the Lafayette, LA area. I don't have dental insurance so I need to find one that is fairly inexpensive, as I will be paying out of pocket. I've tried looking online, but there isn't a whole lot of info for my area. Help please?
well find that dentist by the yellow pages or online, google it. RE:… this is a keyword search for your region pertaining to available oral sugeons. ------------------------------------- then call around the area to see what these ORAL SURGEONS charge for this service. you're looking for an oral surgeon, dentists don't do this sort of thing.
well find that dentist by the yellow pages or online, google it. RE:… this is a keyword search for your region pertaining to available oral sugeons. ------------------------------------- then call around the area to see what these ORAL SURGEONS charge for this service. you're looking for an oral surgeon, dentists don't do this sort of thing.
What is the cheapest way to whiten my teeth ? My teeth have really yellowed?
I have very little money and no dental insurance.
Brush with baking soda, rinse with hydrogen peroxide (don't swallow). You have to rinse again afterward, but it works.
Brush with baking soda, rinse with hydrogen peroxide (don't swallow). You have to rinse again afterward, but it works.
How much does teeth cleaning cost on average?
I don't have dental insurance and I'm a college student with a limited income. I was just wondering how steep is the cost of getting your teeth cleaned and if I would be able to afford it?
Depends on whether you can take your teeth out at night , then you put them in a glass of water with some "Steredent" powder and they will be clean by morning. :) :)Or your dentist will charge you anything from $30.00 to $50.00. call and ask first then you won't be embarrassed
Depends on whether you can take your teeth out at night , then you put them in a glass of water with some "Steredent" powder and they will be clean by morning. :) :)Or your dentist will charge you anything from $30.00 to $50.00. call and ask first then you won't be embarrassed
Where can I go in Orlando, Florida to have a couple of tooth extractions done for cheap?
I have dental insurance, but the remaining cost is still somewhat expensive. I tried applying for the care credit card and that didnt work. I really need this done and even with my insurance I cannot afford it. Unless my dentist is trying to screw me, how much does a tooth extraction usually cost?
Try going to a College or University that teaches dental to students. Where I live the students learn on you for a cheaper price but are very supervised by their professors. Good Luck.
Try going to a College or University that teaches dental to students. Where I live the students learn on you for a cheaper price but are very supervised by their professors. Good Luck.
HOw would I start out getting my teeth fixed?
I don't have dental insurance. Does insurance cover cosmetic dental procedures? I have crooked teeth and I'll need braces plus I grind my teeth too so some of my teeth are chipped. Should I just go straight to an orthodontist or can I get insurance from somewhere first and then go.
Most insurance does not cover cosmetic dental procedures. The first step is always consulting an orthodontist-- or better yet, several in your area if you have the time. This way, you can get several opinions about any treatment plans and a general idea of what to expect. Initial consultations SHOULD be free at any legitimate ortho office.
Most insurance does not cover cosmetic dental procedures. The first step is always consulting an orthodontist-- or better yet, several in your area if you have the time. This way, you can get several opinions about any treatment plans and a general idea of what to expect. Initial consultations SHOULD be free at any legitimate ortho office.
What are the most painful dental procedures in order?
I am in my early 20's and have a relatively good dental health recored. I have never experienced any major procedures. Now, due to my own fault of letting several years pass since visiting, I find that I may need the following treatment: 1. A deep cleaning below the gums. 2. A couple cavities 3. 2 wisdom tooth extraction 4. Possibly a root canal. So I need to decide what will be done when and I have good insurance but not sure it will cover all this. Most important could you place these procedures in order of what will hurt the most? Thanks everyone!
3,2,1 & 4. It should not hurt you after the anesthesia but post operative, it will hurt.
3,2,1 & 4. It should not hurt you after the anesthesia but post operative, it will hurt.
Emabrrassed, ashamed, and in pain?
I'm 31 years old and my teeth are in terrible condition. I have so many cavities and abcesses, but we can't afford dental insurance or to go to the dentist. Through the years I have had one tooth at a time pulled, but I can rarely afford even that. My husband makes just enough over the level for Medicaid. I feel so ashamed and embarrassed about my mouth, and I am so worried about infections and heart related issues. My top row is the worst...what can I ever do to get help for my mouth?
See if the nearest University has a dental school. And ask if their students can help you for the experience. That's just a guess from me to you. Take the students some flowers from your garden, or some apple sauce you made, just to show your appreciation.
See if the nearest University has a dental school. And ask if their students can help you for the experience. That's just a guess from me to you. Take the students some flowers from your garden, or some apple sauce you made, just to show your appreciation.
Should I keep my old dental crowns?????
Ok simple's what happened. A few months ago I had two front crowns over my two front teeth, which were shaved down to fit the crowns. Well like a dummy, I tried to open a bag of frozen fish with my hand and when that didn't work I used my teeth to open it and RIP!!!!!!! My crowns (along with my remaining teeth) were ripped out and I only had nubs remaining of my old teeth, which had to be removed (since there wasn't enough room obviously to put crowns back) I currently wear a dental flipper and the only options (so i've been told) is to get a post partial denture, a bridge, or implants. With the post partial I can eat but I don't like the idea of removable dentures. The bridge is what I want but it costs so much, even with insurance and the implants are just out of this world expensive. I still have my old crowns and was just wondering if I should keep them in case there's a procedure I don't know about where I can use the old crowns to somehow attach to the upper gums where it can at least be cheaper. If you know of anything like this please advise. (I miss my teeth so much)
You were given all of the options, implants being the best and the removable partials the worst. Your old crowns are unusable for anything except the value of any gold they may contain. They will never be placed back into your mouth. Good luck on your decision.
You were given all of the options, implants being the best and the removable partials the worst. Your old crowns are unusable for anything except the value of any gold they may contain. They will never be placed back into your mouth. Good luck on your decision.
Can you get Medicaid in NY if you have other Insurance?
I recently lost my job, so my income is now within the range to qualify for Medicaid. However, I have other insurance (not COBRA, a policy thru Healthy NY), but that doesn't cover dental, vision, mental health, etc. Dental benefits would really help. Can I have both if I otherwise qualify for Medicaid? I am in NY.
Yes, you can have Medicaid and another type of health insurance, if you qualify. Keep in mind, typically Medicaid doesn't cover regular dental stuff, for adults.
Yes, you can have Medicaid and another type of health insurance, if you qualify. Keep in mind, typically Medicaid doesn't cover regular dental stuff, for adults.
Gums are sore and swollen on one side HELP!?
I have very bad teeth and need help. I have what feels like a sore at the very top of my gums on one side of my mouth. There is a tooth there with a cavity I think and the gum around that took is swollen and recessing. I dont have dental insurance and I'm getting married in one week... what could be the problem, and is there anything I can do to postpone the problem for apprx a month? Will i be ok?
i have the same problem but i cant afford a dentist right now so i have a way to help....swish hydrogen peroxide n water in ur mouth before brushing.then brush,n swish some mint flavored mouthwash around...for unknown reasons the mouthwash stops ur gums from swelling...oh yeah floss too.then take 2 aleves pain reliever
i have the same problem but i cant afford a dentist right now so i have a way to help....swish hydrogen peroxide n water in ur mouth before brushing.then brush,n swish some mint flavored mouthwash around...for unknown reasons the mouthwash stops ur gums from swelling...oh yeah floss too.then take 2 aleves pain reliever
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