let's say there's a bill stating that all college students must receive medical/dental insurance. how would the political party affiliation of each member affect the survival of that bill? And do you think the bill would be able to survive congress? *serious answer only, please. (i need help with an assignment) THANK YOU. :)
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Is there any way...?
my dental insurance would cover a tooth whitening procedure? I know that it's considered cosmetic. But is it possible for me to pay a co-payment instead of the whole payment? Oh and which are better: resin fillings or amalgam fillings? why?
I don't think you're going to find a way to make your insurance company pay for whitening for the reason you described. Resin=white and looks like tooth. sticks to tooth, doesn't work as well if moisture contamination, takes slightly longer. amalgam= silver doesn't look like tooth, needs to be wedged in tooth to stay there. in short: stronger and ugly, plus controversial, usually cheaper. If i was getting fillings i'd want white for looks.
I don't think you're going to find a way to make your insurance company pay for whitening for the reason you described. Resin=white and looks like tooth. sticks to tooth, doesn't work as well if moisture contamination, takes slightly longer. amalgam= silver doesn't look like tooth, needs to be wedged in tooth to stay there. in short: stronger and ugly, plus controversial, usually cheaper. If i was getting fillings i'd want white for looks.
My filling fell/came out!?
I had a filling on my 2nd incisor on the left side of my mouth, upper jaw. Anyhow, a few minutes ago, I was flossing between my teeth, and the floss got stuck inbetween my two incisors, and when I finally dislodged the floss, I realized that my filling came out WITH the floss. I got this filling less than a year ago. Can I get this fixed? And do you think my dental insurance will cover this? Thank you.
Sore teeth during pregnancy???
I know it's normal to have sore gums during pregnancy.. but my case is different. I have a cavity and it hurts a lot. It's been hurting for 3 weeks now. I just got a new job and my medical did not go thru yet. I have to wait one more month for it to get process. Will my cavity hurt my baby or could harm it....I'm thirteen weeks pregnant by the way. Should I just go to the dentist and pay the price.... how much does it usually cost with no dental insurance... (I'm from Hawaii).. Please answer.. thank you...
I had a bad tooth problem in my pregnancy too. I had a wisdom tooth break on me. Unfortunately, my dentist refused to work on it until I delivered because I was in my third trimester. He told me they prefer to do all dental work in the second trimester. I also used Tylenol for the pain, as it was safe, but it didn't help too much. I think you need to contact some local dentists to find out if and when they will treat a pregnant woman, and how much it will cost. They will work with you on the payment if you won't have insurance.
I had a bad tooth problem in my pregnancy too. I had a wisdom tooth break on me. Unfortunately, my dentist refused to work on it until I delivered because I was in my third trimester. He told me they prefer to do all dental work in the second trimester. I also used Tylenol for the pain, as it was safe, but it didn't help too much. I think you need to contact some local dentists to find out if and when they will treat a pregnant woman, and how much it will cost. They will work with you on the payment if you won't have insurance.
wisdom teeth??? painfull problem??? please answer :-(?
HI im 21 years and and never realy had any wisdom teeth problem untill one of them got inpacted well with out dental insurance i got that one removed........ that others seem to be strait but my dentist keeps on telling me that i have no room in my mouth for them and i should get them all removed.... about a year ago i noticed my jaw started clicking sometimes when i eat and it dint realy bother me but now its getting worse and worse does it have somthing to do with my wisdom teeth that i have no room for in my mouth???
It is possible it could have to do w/ your wisdom teeth. Sometime they can throw your bite off causing the TMJ joints to become miss-aligned. Wisdom teeth are very hard to keep clean and people w/ them have more problems with periodontal disease/bone loss. They usually cause more trouble than their worth. Even though it doesn't seem like fun to have them out, it is usually better in the long run. PS over time they may cause your teeth to start crowding /overlapping together b/c of the pressure they cause.
It is possible it could have to do w/ your wisdom teeth. Sometime they can throw your bite off causing the TMJ joints to become miss-aligned. Wisdom teeth are very hard to keep clean and people w/ them have more problems with periodontal disease/bone loss. They usually cause more trouble than their worth. Even though it doesn't seem like fun to have them out, it is usually better in the long run. PS over time they may cause your teeth to start crowding /overlapping together b/c of the pressure they cause.
I need BRACES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
I dont have dental insurance so how much would some braces cost in L.A.?
It costs thousands of dollars to straighten your teeth. Since this is a cosmetic service, most insurances wouldn't pay for it even you had dental insurance. Can you get a part-time job and save up? Or take out a loan? This is not an inexpensive process.
It costs thousands of dollars to straighten your teeth. Since this is a cosmetic service, most insurances wouldn't pay for it even you had dental insurance. Can you get a part-time job and save up? Or take out a loan? This is not an inexpensive process.
Can I get reimbursement for my braces?
Okay, so well my brother got his braces off last week. He's had braces for about 2 years, and today I called the orthodontic office to ask them if I could get a new retainer filed to my insurance and they say they don't file anything with the insurance, they give receipts to give to the insurance company that they should reimburse you. So that means, I should (or really my brother should) get reimbursed for his braces right? (I got my braces off in October), but we had 2 insurances. We had one which we had since we first got braces to about December, then we got Aetna in about Janruary. My brother got his braces off last week, so would that cover his braces, or at least the last $800 my dad had to pay to get them off, and how about me, will Aetna or the last insurance that we had cover it? Thanks And also, these were dental insurances that I had.
That would depend on if your insurance covers praces and how much they cover. Your dad should know all of this.
That would depend on if your insurance covers praces and how much they cover. Your dad should know all of this.
Home Depot-Benefits???
Do healthcare benefits begin right away for Home Depot employees or is there a waiting period (90days?)? What company is the medical/dental insurance through? Also, I know they are fairly casual, but what is the actual dress code for sales floor employees?
It depends on full/part time. the benefits are outstanding. there is no dress code other than no sweats or pjs. casual... wear tennis shoes! I hated working there as a cashier, my store just did not have good people. It's a great company though... so good luck!
It depends on full/part time. the benefits are outstanding. there is no dress code other than no sweats or pjs. casual... wear tennis shoes! I hated working there as a cashier, my store just did not have good people. It's a great company though... so good luck!
Doo Doo Breath?
So this guy is sooo fine and has really bad breath. He's got an abcess, or something and all the Listerine & gum isn't helping. His dental insurance doesn't kick in for another month. What do I do? I like kickin' it with him. But always have to distance myself, cause I can't handle the breath. What can I do?
If you really like him, you should just give him time until he can see a dentist. You know that it's because he has an abscess, so it's not that he just doesn't take care of himself. And you say that you like kickin' it with him. So, I would tell you to just give him that month that he needs and see what happens. Now if he sees a dentist and gets meds and his breath still stinks, I would have second thoughts about him and his hygiene.
If you really like him, you should just give him time until he can see a dentist. You know that it's because he has an abscess, so it's not that he just doesn't take care of himself. And you say that you like kickin' it with him. So, I would tell you to just give him that month that he needs and see what happens. Now if he sees a dentist and gets meds and his breath still stinks, I would have second thoughts about him and his hygiene.
Toothache... plz help?
i have a bad toothache, but i don't have dental insurance i took aleve it hasn't help, it hurts a lot its pulsating, and i have a bad headache now, what else can i do?
Gum pain : Rub salt over it before sleeping. (basic idea not to get the Salt washed away). Tooth Pain : take a clove and and keep it between the tooth. You can chew it very little to make the juices come ou and make that area numb. You can take other pain killers ( hydro codone). I was suggested this by dentist when I had tooth ache.
Gum pain : Rub salt over it before sleeping. (basic idea not to get the Salt washed away). Tooth Pain : take a clove and and keep it between the tooth. You can chew it very little to make the juices come ou and make that area numb. You can take other pain killers ( hydro codone). I was suggested this by dentist when I had tooth ache.
No other body pains aside from toothache may give you sleepless nights of painful miseries and difficult chewing. And can you help this thing to happen again and again without even knowing that there's a good cure for this irresistible pain? Don't leave this condition in the corner of your health. You don't need to suffer but free yourself from the bondage of toothache and other body pains with the soothing relief tips and information coming from http://www.reliefmd.com/
No other body pains aside from toothache may give you sleepless nights of painful miseries and difficult chewing. And can you help this thing to happen again and again without even knowing that there's a good cure for this irresistible pain? Don't leave this condition in the corner of your health. You don't need to suffer but free yourself from the bondage of toothache and other body pains with the soothing relief tips and information coming from http://www.reliefmd.com/
My husband is a Boilermaker works for a Union and I was wondering how there Dental Insurance is?
Each union has a different plan, and many unions have a variety of plans to choose from. No one here could possibly know which your husband chose.
Each union has a different plan, and many unions have a variety of plans to choose from. No one here could possibly know which your husband chose.
teeth help?
My teeth hurt sooooo bad. i am really tring to brush more. Is there anyway I can make brushing more fun? My mom has no dental insurance so i cant go to the dentist. I have many cavities. my teeth are kind of yellowy and crooked. i really wish I had pretty teeth. PLEASE HELP SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
brush them. its not fun, but life is not fun and brushing your teeth is apart of life.
brush them. its not fun, but life is not fun and brushing your teeth is apart of life.
Medical Discount plans? (not insurance )?
I use a dental discount service .Does anyone have links to med discount plans?I found 1 or 2 for Pitt PA .Are there more?
You probably are aware that there is a lot of concern over medical discount plans. They do not provide a level of coverage comparable to health insurance. Several state insurance offices have warned against possible fraud associated with these programs (see links below to a Federal Trade Commission warning and a warning from the Florida Attorney General). You might also be interested the third link, which is to an alert about discount health plans and what to ask when purchasing such a plan. The last link is to a Georgetown University study analyzing the value of medical discount plans. You can see I'm kind of wary of these programs. I'm not sure they really help people save money, and they definitely don't provide the level of financial protection and physician access that health insurance does. Check out MostChoice.com. You can compare Pennsylvania health plans quickly and without obligation. You won't find any plans for the $20 or $30 a month that most medical discount programs cost, but there are individual plans starting at around $75 a month that do provide wide access to physicians and preventive medicine coverage and real financial protection. You can find MostChoice here: http://www.mostchoice.com/health-insuran…
You probably are aware that there is a lot of concern over medical discount plans. They do not provide a level of coverage comparable to health insurance. Several state insurance offices have warned against possible fraud associated with these programs (see links below to a Federal Trade Commission warning and a warning from the Florida Attorney General). You might also be interested the third link, which is to an alert about discount health plans and what to ask when purchasing such a plan. The last link is to a Georgetown University study analyzing the value of medical discount plans. You can see I'm kind of wary of these programs. I'm not sure they really help people save money, and they definitely don't provide the level of financial protection and physician access that health insurance does. Check out MostChoice.com. You can compare Pennsylvania health plans quickly and without obligation. You won't find any plans for the $20 or $30 a month that most medical discount programs cost, but there are individual plans starting at around $75 a month that do provide wide access to physicians and preventive medicine coverage and real financial protection. You can find MostChoice here: http://www.mostchoice.com/health-insuran…
wisdom teeth?
my wisdom teeth are commin in... my job does not offer dental insurance.. can i still go to the dentist... how much will it be? are payments available?
You can still go to the dentist but it will cost alot more, the price varies on if they are impacted or not. Mine were impacted and it was 400 dollars a tooth, but luckaly my parents had health insurance. Think to yourself if you can live with the pain until they come in, I would recommend a dentist trip and see what he has to say.
You can still go to the dentist but it will cost alot more, the price varies on if they are impacted or not. Mine were impacted and it was 400 dollars a tooth, but luckaly my parents had health insurance. Think to yourself if you can live with the pain until they come in, I would recommend a dentist trip and see what he has to say.
Wisdom teeth pulled during pregnancy?
I'm not pregnant yet but I'm working on getting new health insurance that covers dental. The plan I have through work doesn't cover dental so I have to pay for my own plan. I need to have my wisdom teeth pulled. If theres a chance I get pregnant before I can get it done will they still do it? There would be no way I could go through 9 months of this pain. I can't afford to pay cash for the procedure. Has anyone had dental work done while pregnant?
the first and the last trimester of your pregnancy is not safe for any dental treatments. The second trimester is all right ( ie, 4-6 mnths) . But remember to wear a lead jacket before any xrays taken. the radiation affects the baby !
the first and the last trimester of your pregnancy is not safe for any dental treatments. The second trimester is all right ( ie, 4-6 mnths) . But remember to wear a lead jacket before any xrays taken. the radiation affects the baby !
Owwww! I have a HUGE toothache! Help!?
I'm a Registered Dental Assistant: Any time anything in your mouth hurts as bad as you say it does. It's time for you to go see the Dentist. I understand you don't have insurance, but once you let them know they will work w/you and put you on a payment plan. You don't have to pay the whole fee at once. You can start out w/small payments. They'll explain everything to you before anything it's done. So you don't have to feel obligated. Honey, please take care of your precious teeth. They're the only ones you get. Plus, teeth are a huge part of you when someone starts losing their teeth it affects them emotionally. You're tooth may be dying & may need a root canal. Since nothing has been done about it the pain/discomfort is traveling to the teeth next to it. Until a Dentist look at & tell you what's going on or tell you what to do about the pain. You will keep feeling pain. You mentioned they're sensitive to hot & cold. Try SENSODYNE toothpaste. You can buy @ Target or Wal Mart. I'm currently working @ a Periodontist office, and patients come see us because they either have gum disease and their teeth are loose. Please don't wait until it's too late. You may end up losing your teeth. They may still be safe. By the way, I'm going to school to become a Dental Hygienist. So trust me, I know what I'm talking about.
I'm a Registered Dental Assistant: Any time anything in your mouth hurts as bad as you say it does. It's time for you to go see the Dentist. I understand you don't have insurance, but once you let them know they will work w/you and put you on a payment plan. You don't have to pay the whole fee at once. You can start out w/small payments. They'll explain everything to you before anything it's done. So you don't have to feel obligated. Honey, please take care of your precious teeth. They're the only ones you get. Plus, teeth are a huge part of you when someone starts losing their teeth it affects them emotionally. You're tooth may be dying & may need a root canal. Since nothing has been done about it the pain/discomfort is traveling to the teeth next to it. Until a Dentist look at & tell you what's going on or tell you what to do about the pain. You will keep feeling pain. You mentioned they're sensitive to hot & cold. Try SENSODYNE toothpaste. You can buy @ Target or Wal Mart. I'm currently working @ a Periodontist office, and patients come see us because they either have gum disease and their teeth are loose. Please don't wait until it's too late. You may end up losing your teeth. They may still be safe. By the way, I'm going to school to become a Dental Hygienist. So trust me, I know what I'm talking about.
I choose life, do you?
Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family. Choose a ******* big television, Choose washing machines, cars, compact disc players, and electrical tin openers. Choose good health, low cholesterol and dental insurance. Choose fixed- interest mortgage repayments. Choose a starter home. Choose your friends. Choose leisure wear and matching luggage. Choose a three piece suite on hire purchase in a range of f**king fabrics. Choose DIY and wondering who you are on a Sunday morning. Choose sitting on that couch watching mind-numbing sprit- crushing game shows, stuffing ******* junk food into your mouth. Choose rotting away at the end of it all, pishing you last in a miserable home, nothing more than an embarrassment to the selfish, ******-up brats you have spawned to replace yourself. Choose your future. I choose life Do you?
Why would I want to do a thing like that? I chose not to choose life. I chose somethin' else. And the reasons? There are no reasons. Who needs reasons when you've got heroin?
Why would I want to do a thing like that? I chose not to choose life. I chose somethin' else. And the reasons? There are no reasons. Who needs reasons when you've got heroin?
Severe pain.....help (tooth infection)?
I was experiencing some major tooth pain so I went to the doctors (because I don't have dental insurance right now). She gave me some amoxicillin/antibiotics and naproxen but right now it feels worse then it did three days ago. I thought by now the amoxicillin would have kicked in.........at least enough to ease the pain! And besides that, the naproxen just barely (and I do mean JUST barely) makes it bearable. Right now I'm sick to my stomach and quivering (crying too)....... help!!! Please.
If the infection is too bad and has spread no amount of antibiotic will stop your pain. Also, naproxen has nasty stomach side effects. Try 800 mg of ibuprofen (do not bother with more it won't help you) with an Excedrin headache pill. The caffeine in that pill seems to be effective for tooth pain. You need dental care just as soon as you can get it. I'm very sorry about your pain. I've been there my friend. Do you have a homeless shelter near by? I know that sounds awful but I've actually had to take dental care from there in my past.
If the infection is too bad and has spread no amount of antibiotic will stop your pain. Also, naproxen has nasty stomach side effects. Try 800 mg of ibuprofen (do not bother with more it won't help you) with an Excedrin headache pill. The caffeine in that pill seems to be effective for tooth pain. You need dental care just as soon as you can get it. I'm very sorry about your pain. I've been there my friend. Do you have a homeless shelter near by? I know that sounds awful but I've actually had to take dental care from there in my past.
wisdom tooth problem!?
AHHH! So without getting into too much detail, basically I'm wondering If anyone knows why I can't get a dentist to pull it out!! I've been in pain the last six months, and have NO dental insurance and keep getting blown off by clinics and dentist's i've called. They aren't taking new customers blah blah. i can make payments, but am on a low budget. Anyone have any phone numbers OR something!?!
God, where do you live? I'm a Dental Nurse and if someone walked in off the street in pain we will find a time to atleast see what their problem is. Thats what dentists are for. Unfortunately with anything these days its all just for money. I work in Sydney, Australia so I don't know if thats any good for you. You shouldn't have to put up with pain for six months. Maybe you should have been saving some money in that time so you could pay for it in cash. Our Public hospitals usually have trainee dental practices also. Look into that. Good luck!
God, where do you live? I'm a Dental Nurse and if someone walked in off the street in pain we will find a time to atleast see what their problem is. Thats what dentists are for. Unfortunately with anything these days its all just for money. I work in Sydney, Australia so I don't know if thats any good for you. You shouldn't have to put up with pain for six months. Maybe you should have been saving some money in that time so you could pay for it in cash. Our Public hospitals usually have trainee dental practices also. Look into that. Good luck!
wisdom tooth?
I broke my wisdom tooth in half and i have been afraid to go get it pulled b/c of the pain but lately its been very painful and my gum is swelling and my tooth is going into my gum i really think my tooth is infected I have no dental insurance so what to do???
I feel your pain I have the same problem and you really need to get that checked out. Some quick fixes are clove oil which you can buy in any grocery store, nutmeg or crushed cloves which you can chew spit the cloves out but nutmeg is a natural narcotic and should stop the pain for a short while. You can also try to gargle with peroxided. Please don't dig around in it if it has an abscess and you burst it sallow it then the pus which is infection will make you very ill. Remember people have died for toothaches there are many organizations that will help you have you tried Medicade/Medicare or call a dentist one that takes payments and talk to them some doctors do still care.
I feel your pain I have the same problem and you really need to get that checked out. Some quick fixes are clove oil which you can buy in any grocery store, nutmeg or crushed cloves which you can chew spit the cloves out but nutmeg is a natural narcotic and should stop the pain for a short while. You can also try to gargle with peroxided. Please don't dig around in it if it has an abscess and you burst it sallow it then the pus which is infection will make you very ill. Remember people have died for toothaches there are many organizations that will help you have you tried Medicade/Medicare or call a dentist one that takes payments and talk to them some doctors do still care.
job corp????????????
ok i have really bad cavities...and was worried about when i go to job corp that i am going to be in there for maybe a lil more that a year with these cavities..what happens if i need to go to the dentist..do they have a dentist available? and do i need to sign up for dental insurance b4 go if they do have a dentist? and when they say you have to meet income requirements i am 18 and live with my parents are they going to look at my income or my moms?
Since you are a dependent it will go by your medical insurance. All of your medical needs including dental will be taken care of./
Since you are a dependent it will go by your medical insurance. All of your medical needs including dental will be taken care of./
Is Invisalign...?
Is Invisalign ever (at least partially) covered by dental insurance?
it all depends on your dental coverage. If you have ortho coverage then it should cover at least a little of it. Most dental insurance usually cover 50% up to a certin dollar amount and certin age. Insurance can also downgrade invisalign. Best way to go about it contact a dentist and go in for a consult they are usually free of charge to see what they will charge you.
it all depends on your dental coverage. If you have ortho coverage then it should cover at least a little of it. Most dental insurance usually cover 50% up to a certin dollar amount and certin age. Insurance can also downgrade invisalign. Best way to go about it contact a dentist and go in for a consult they are usually free of charge to see what they will charge you.
I need braces.(embarassed to show picture) we have dental insurance but it doesnt cover any type of orthodontics because that is considered cosmetic. due to the economy my dad who makes 15k a year selling cars cant afford braces. we are a family of six. what can i do cause some people at school are teasing me.
You might be able to look into a discount dental plan for an individual or even for your whole family (or your parents could). I have located a website that you can compare discount dental plans, as I only have personal experience with Ameriplan. I will list both sites below so that you and your parents can look at the plans and compare them. I would compare their monthly premiums, number of local providers, and savings on your orthodontics. Good luck.
You might be able to look into a discount dental plan for an individual or even for your whole family (or your parents could). I have located a website that you can compare discount dental plans, as I only have personal experience with Ameriplan. I will list both sites below so that you and your parents can look at the plans and compare them. I would compare their monthly premiums, number of local providers, and savings on your orthodontics. Good luck.
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