I had insurance through my old employer the time I went to see my dentist. They claim I never paid the bill. I work at a new place now. How do I go about going back and retreiving all the old information so I can get that off my credit report? It's been a couple of years and I don't remember who my dental insurance was.
First thing you need to do is contact your old job. If there is a human resources department, that is a good number to call. They should have all your information on file. Get the phone numbers for the insurance company, and all the policy information you can. You may find that the dental visit was either not submitted to the insurance company, or rejected by the insurance company. (Sometimes the rejection is an error, sometimes it is due to your company not paying the insurance premiums on time and not letting you know about the coverage lapse.) If it was not submitted, contact the dentist and let them know what happened. They should be able to provide you with the documentation you will need to submit to the insurance company. If it was rejected, you need to pay the dentist as soon as possible. Either way, you may need to get money to the dentist office immediately until this is cleared up. Many now ask for the money up front and let you bill the insurance on your own time. -well wishes
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Hole in my gum above dental implant?
I had a dental implant about 6 years ago. In the past couple months, a small hole has appeared in my gum above the implanted tooth, all the way down to the metal implant. It doesn't hurt much (if at all - it could be my mind playing tricks on me). I have an appointment with the oral surgeon who performed the implant surgery to check it out. The most likely solution is a gum graft. The only problem? My health insurance doesn't cover it, and my dental insurance is not much help either. Does anyone know how expensive these run, or how vitally necessary it is? Has anyone had this problem in the past?
If the hole is towards where the root used to be it as called a dehiscense. This is NOT a good sign. The implant is not surrounded by bone on that surface and the implant is now exposed to all of the bacteria in the mouth. Getting it covered is very important and do it ASAP. Grafting here in MA will run ~$800. Periodontists, gum surgeons, are better at this than oral surgeons.
If the hole is towards where the root used to be it as called a dehiscense. This is NOT a good sign. The implant is not surrounded by bone on that surface and the implant is now exposed to all of the bacteria in the mouth. Getting it covered is very important and do it ASAP. Grafting here in MA will run ~$800. Periodontists, gum surgeons, are better at this than oral surgeons.
i am planning to take dental insurance. can anyone suggest which one is cheap and includes free x-rays.?
and what is the office-visit fees. thanx
FREE Teeth Cleanings (2 per year) FREE Exams FREE X-rays This is a dental plan and other dental work is done with fees that seem to be about 50% off of list price. Go to CompBenefits for more info. The price here in Florida is only $10.14 per month. It has saved me BIG money over the years.
FREE Teeth Cleanings (2 per year) FREE Exams FREE X-rays This is a dental plan and other dental work is done with fees that seem to be about 50% off of list price. Go to CompBenefits for more info. The price here in Florida is only $10.14 per month. It has saved me BIG money over the years.
Some program to help pay child's dental bills?
My husband is in the military and we have United Concordia Dental coverage. Unfortunately, this plan doesn't cover much because we've had to pay over $500 for one child already this year and now we're looking at at least $750 for his brother. Is there any governmnt agency that helps with dental bills? Or is there some other program that I can combine with our dental insurance so we don't pay so much out of pocket? Any help is appreciated!
Hey did you check out that site that I gave you. With that plan you can save up to 60% in dental bills.
Hey did you check out that site that I gave you. With that plan you can save up to 60% in dental bills.
Is there any insurance available for getting braces?
Is orthodontic dental insurance legit? How about medicare, will that cover it???
Yes you can get dental insurance and dental discount plans. With respect to dental insurance make sure the plan you want to get covers not only braces but braces for an adult if you are over the age of 19. In regards to dental discount plans age is not a factor and in general the average discounted saving is around 20% off. Below is a good web site for that check it out if you want more information http://www.drdental.com
Yes you can get dental insurance and dental discount plans. With respect to dental insurance make sure the plan you want to get covers not only braces but braces for an adult if you are over the age of 19. In regards to dental discount plans age is not a factor and in general the average discounted saving is around 20% off. Below is a good web site for that check it out if you want more information http://www.drdental.com
My question is how does someone without insurance, or money get needed dental work done? ADA gave me no help.
Indiviual is on medicare but no other insurance. Has no other financial rescource. Plus she is disabled and not near any dental school which still costs alot and long waiting lists. She has 2 artificial knees so infection is an issue, also. I am also disablied and not able to help with money.
If your state association does not work with a charity care program (some do - some don't), try your local United Way as a clearing house to direct you to some possible resource for your care. Personally, I had a few bad experiences with my state's charity care screening and I dropped out after about 20 years participation. To replace that, I choose one person a year to get charity care at "up to" 100% reduction in fee. No, I don't have the ability to do a financial review the way they do, but I decided that I can do a better job in my own community of knowing who needs and deserves help and who doesn't. MAYBE you can find a dentist near you with the same attitude. Unfortunately, you might be to "well off" for Medicaid, but it is worth looking into. Side bar: The "final straw" with me and our charity program was when they sent me a patient was was covered by Medicaid, but didn't think she wanted to trust a "Medicaid dentist" with her mouth. She kind of missed the point... The one before that was a resident of a nursing home 45 minutes from me. In my state, the nursing home is required BY LAW to provide dental care for their residents, but the family had heard of me, blah, blah, blah, and found out I was on the charity list and asked if they could be referred to me.
If your state association does not work with a charity care program (some do - some don't), try your local United Way as a clearing house to direct you to some possible resource for your care. Personally, I had a few bad experiences with my state's charity care screening and I dropped out after about 20 years participation. To replace that, I choose one person a year to get charity care at "up to" 100% reduction in fee. No, I don't have the ability to do a financial review the way they do, but I decided that I can do a better job in my own community of knowing who needs and deserves help and who doesn't. MAYBE you can find a dentist near you with the same attitude. Unfortunately, you might be to "well off" for Medicaid, but it is worth looking into. Side bar: The "final straw" with me and our charity program was when they sent me a patient was was covered by Medicaid, but didn't think she wanted to trust a "Medicaid dentist" with her mouth. She kind of missed the point... The one before that was a resident of a nursing home 45 minutes from me. In my state, the nursing home is required BY LAW to provide dental care for their residents, but the family had heard of me, blah, blah, blah, and found out I was on the charity list and asked if they could be referred to me.
Average cost for dental bonding per tooth?
I know it depends on how much work needs to be done but say you already have good teeth and not much work needs to be done and you're just getting them to change the tooth shape or whatever... roughly how much would it cost in that case? I don't have dental insurance through my work yet... can I pay with cash or is that not allowed?
A cosmetic bonding procedure to change the shape of a tooth will run between 3 and 4 hundred dollars. You can pay cash as many insurance companies may consider this as cosmetic and would not pay anyway. Good luck.
A cosmetic bonding procedure to change the shape of a tooth will run between 3 and 4 hundred dollars. You can pay cash as many insurance companies may consider this as cosmetic and would not pay anyway. Good luck.
Taxes: can I write of my dental expenses?
I had a root canal and a crown put in last year that cost me over a grand. I'm a full time student with a full time job. I work with a temp agency so I don't get dental insurance. Can I write this off? I was in major pain and without the dental work wouldn't of been able to go to school or work.
A little late now, but in the future, if your employer offers a cafeteria plan, you can put money each pay period pre-tax and have it reimbursed to you following a procedure. Of course, this plan is use-it-or-lose-it, so a little foresight is required - don't just dump hard-earned money into it if you don't anticipate any medical bills in the same tax year. Once your expenses are reimbursed to you, that's it. Uncle Sam doesn't even look at it. As for this year, you would have to itemize, and you can only deduct expenses above a percentage of your taxable wages. Best of luck.
A little late now, but in the future, if your employer offers a cafeteria plan, you can put money each pay period pre-tax and have it reimbursed to you following a procedure. Of course, this plan is use-it-or-lose-it, so a little foresight is required - don't just dump hard-earned money into it if you don't anticipate any medical bills in the same tax year. Once your expenses are reimbursed to you, that's it. Uncle Sam doesn't even look at it. As for this year, you would have to itemize, and you can only deduct expenses above a percentage of your taxable wages. Best of luck.
Average cost for dental bonding per tooth?
I know it depends on how much work needs to be done but say you already have good teeth and not much work needs to be done and you're just getting them to change the tooth shape or whatever... roughly how much would it cost in that case? I don't have dental insurance through my work yet... can I pay with cash or is that not allowed?
I'm not sure what the price would be but I think your best bet would be to go to a dentist of your choice and sit down and talk to them they should be able to get you a price range and work out a deal or some kind of payment plan, I am sure that they would take cash. If everything is ok with your teeth you may just want to wait till you get some kind of dental insurance, could save you some money doing it that way. Good luck to you in getting the care that you want/need!
I'm not sure what the price would be but I think your best bet would be to go to a dentist of your choice and sit down and talk to them they should be able to get you a price range and work out a deal or some kind of payment plan, I am sure that they would take cash. If everything is ok with your teeth you may just want to wait till you get some kind of dental insurance, could save you some money doing it that way. Good luck to you in getting the care that you want/need!
one of my garden gnomes has chipped his front tooth. I don't have dental insurance on him, can I still get it?
If I do, will it be covered or will this be considered a preexisting condition? How carefully do I need to screen the dentist? I heard of some situations where the dentist gives laughing gas and then takes the clothes off the patient when he/she is unconcious...O my...WHATEVER shall I do???
Ummm...no...that would be considered a "Pre-existing" condition...lol
Ummm...no...that would be considered a "Pre-existing" condition...lol
Better dental insurance?
cigna is not helping one bit because it helps pay for what it wants to pay for...my family can't afford anything too high like a root canal or even braces!! what can i do??
What your insurance doesn't cover, you must. That is reality.
What your insurance doesn't cover, you must. That is reality.
Why did the Social Security Administration discontinue Denti-Cal Insurance?
I recently got approved for SSDI benefits, and also found out that the California Dental Insurence benefits coverage was discontinued from Social Security. So my question is, why was it discuninued? All I got was a medi-care card, can I get dental insurance with it?
SS doesn't handle Denti-Cal. Those are two seperate programs. CALIFORNIA discontinued the program, because the state of California can't afford it. They're way, WAY in the red, for all the freebies they hand out.
SS doesn't handle Denti-Cal. Those are two seperate programs. CALIFORNIA discontinued the program, because the state of California can't afford it. They're way, WAY in the red, for all the freebies they hand out.
Which medical insurance plan should I get?
Right now I have medical insurance. I'm worried that my husband and I are going to get a divorce and I am planning to buy my own insurance. I am particularly interested in gastro and Ob/Gyn insurance. I was diagnosed with acid reflux and I'm taking Nexium. No other problems. I don't care for dental. Which insurance should I get?
healthplans.my-age.net - here is my health insurance plan. As I remember they can provide such a service.
healthplans.my-age.net - here is my health insurance plan. As I remember they can provide such a service.
Dental insurance ? worth it? Any suggg.?
Curious if anyone else can relate
The best way to get affordable dental insurance in my opinion is to go to this site http://www.dentalplans.com/afftracker.as… It has helped so many people on here and continues to be my dental provider. It is simple to sign up for and very affordable. Has a wide variety of plans for you to choose. I have given it to friends and family. (Out of college) Good luck.
The best way to get affordable dental insurance in my opinion is to go to this site http://www.dentalplans.com/afftracker.as… It has helped so many people on here and continues to be my dental provider. It is simple to sign up for and very affordable. Has a wide variety of plans for you to choose. I have given it to friends and family. (Out of college) Good luck.
I'm in need major dental work. I have no insurance. What can I do?
Some of the things I need are a root canal, currently in pain from this. I also have a major overbite, and missing tooth, and probably other problem. I really want it all fixed up but unfortunately don't have insurance available, and my credit score isn't the best. What can I do?
Join the club ..at the moment i need 14 teeth pulled ..most of which are so infected im at risk of dieing ...i need one root canal ..top dentures ..bottom partials .. Ive had 20,000 dollars of work done on my teeth ..im in constant pain ..and guess what I HAVE DENTAL INSURANCE! ..Problem is after i get done paying for the insurance i cant afford to go to the dentist! They want all money up front ..and i have terrible credit because i lost my house, car and job when my daughter died ..so yea ..um it sucks ..ive tried calling my local dentist college ..and it may take up to 6 months to a year to get in ..it just isnt right ..when people in prison and people on welfare can get dental ..but the working man and woman cant :( good luck
Join the club ..at the moment i need 14 teeth pulled ..most of which are so infected im at risk of dieing ...i need one root canal ..top dentures ..bottom partials .. Ive had 20,000 dollars of work done on my teeth ..im in constant pain ..and guess what I HAVE DENTAL INSURANCE! ..Problem is after i get done paying for the insurance i cant afford to go to the dentist! They want all money up front ..and i have terrible credit because i lost my house, car and job when my daughter died ..so yea ..um it sucks ..ive tried calling my local dentist college ..and it may take up to 6 months to a year to get in ..it just isnt right ..when people in prison and people on welfare can get dental ..but the working man and woman cant :( good luck
are there any celeberties willing to help people with dental bills?
I would like to get dental implants. My dental insurance only pays 1000.00 per year. I can not afford the cost on my own
It appears that the question period has expired. If you have received an answer that meets your needs, please choose one of those as a 'best answer.' If you haven't received a good answer for your question, you may want to consider the following, 1) Re-post your question. Newer questions get more activity on Yahoo! Answers than old ones. 2) If you do re-post your question, consider why it wasn't answered the first time. Could it be more specific? Could it be worded better? Were there grammatical or spelling errors? Was it in the best category? If it doesn't seem likely that re-posting your question will help you, then here's a listing of my favorite 'answer sites'. Maybe one of them will help you. Answers.com http://www.answers.com/ Bartleby http://www.bartleby.com/ Yahoo Reference http://education.yahoo.com/reference/ HowStuffWorks http://www.howstuffworks.com/ Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page Since I really haven't answered your question, it is not necessary to give me any points. Regards.
It appears that the question period has expired. If you have received an answer that meets your needs, please choose one of those as a 'best answer.' If you haven't received a good answer for your question, you may want to consider the following, 1) Re-post your question. Newer questions get more activity on Yahoo! Answers than old ones. 2) If you do re-post your question, consider why it wasn't answered the first time. Could it be more specific? Could it be worded better? Were there grammatical or spelling errors? Was it in the best category? If it doesn't seem likely that re-posting your question will help you, then here's a listing of my favorite 'answer sites'. Maybe one of them will help you. Answers.com http://www.answers.com/ Bartleby http://www.bartleby.com/ Yahoo Reference http://education.yahoo.com/reference/ HowStuffWorks http://www.howstuffworks.com/ Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page Since I really haven't answered your question, it is not necessary to give me any points. Regards.
How much Milan Dental Clinic Boise Charges ?
I dont have dental insurance and was wondering how much Milan Dental charges ?? Can anybody help here
Charge for what? here's an idea--Why don't you call them and ask?
Charge for what? here's an idea--Why don't you call them and ask?
i paid my dental bill in full but they still filed the claim to my insurance company and got reimbursement che
i paid my dental bill in full but the dentist still filed on my insurance. my reimbursement check was sent to the dentist also. isnt that a crime? why should they even file the claim if they have already been paid. i told them i would file for my reimbursement myself. i feel like they are ripping me off and getting paid twice
If you paid your bill in full, and your dental insurance paid it's share, you should have a credit balance on your account, which should be refunded to you. While submitting insurance claims is time-consuming and can be frustrating at times, there is no reason your benefits should have been assigned to the denist....unless of course your signature was forged. Get a copy of the EOB (explanation of benefits) from the dental office and request a check in full for the amount due you.... it should match the EOB amount, so you won't be ripped off a second time. If the claim was submitted electronically, someone still had to be sitting at the keyboard and hit 'go', so it's not a standard submission. Whoever did it needs to pay more attention to what they're doing......... Best of luck!
If you paid your bill in full, and your dental insurance paid it's share, you should have a credit balance on your account, which should be refunded to you. While submitting insurance claims is time-consuming and can be frustrating at times, there is no reason your benefits should have been assigned to the denist....unless of course your signature was forged. Get a copy of the EOB (explanation of benefits) from the dental office and request a check in full for the amount due you.... it should match the EOB amount, so you won't be ripped off a second time. If the claim was submitted electronically, someone still had to be sitting at the keyboard and hit 'go', so it's not a standard submission. Whoever did it needs to pay more attention to what they're doing......... Best of luck!
I have a cavity and no insureance . Do dental offices take payment plans ?
Im 23 and make very little the most i could pay out is like 25 bucks a week and I have a cavity in my upper tooth towards the back. Do you know of a dental office or dental insurance place that will work with me ? Please help me.
Call around to local dentists in your area to find out what they charge and whether or not you can make monthly payments. Most dentists will accept monthly installments instead of requiring an upfront payment. Sometimes they may add a small fee for allowing you to pay out your balance over time. Filling a cavity in one tooth should not be that expensive anyway. My dentist charges about $60 per filling. Don't just get the tooth pulled, though, unless the dentist tells you that the tooth cannot be saved. It is sometimes (not always) cheaper to have it pulled but removing a permanent tooth can cause your other teeth to shift or bone deterioration in your jawbone where the tooth was removed, and especially at your age, you don't want that. Definitely let the dentist check it out and make a recommendation as to what you should do. Then make a decision based on what you can afford.
Call around to local dentists in your area to find out what they charge and whether or not you can make monthly payments. Most dentists will accept monthly installments instead of requiring an upfront payment. Sometimes they may add a small fee for allowing you to pay out your balance over time. Filling a cavity in one tooth should not be that expensive anyway. My dentist charges about $60 per filling. Don't just get the tooth pulled, though, unless the dentist tells you that the tooth cannot be saved. It is sometimes (not always) cheaper to have it pulled but removing a permanent tooth can cause your other teeth to shift or bone deterioration in your jawbone where the tooth was removed, and especially at your age, you don't want that. Definitely let the dentist check it out and make a recommendation as to what you should do. Then make a decision based on what you can afford.
I need immediate dental care, but I only work part-time and live in Los Angeles, what are my options?
I am a low-income resident of Los Angeles who needs immediate dental care. I would like to know of low cost or no cost dental plans/insurance for people in my area.
Go to Mexico
Go to Mexico
dental insurance question, please help!?
I have an impacted wisdom tooth trying to come in, and I have braces. If i dont get this tooth out, it will ruin my straight teeth thats taken 4 YEARS to accomplish. I have no insurance, because I recently got dropped off my moms policy. A lot of insurance companies ive called do not offer insurance right away, you have to wait a month or so before its "effective". Does anybody know of a good company I can go through that i will not have to "wait" for. Please help, i dont have a lot of time to wait, and my wisdom tooth is KILLING me.:(
Don't worry about your braces because nothing will happen to your braces because of wisdom tooth eruption . getting removed wisdom tooth is a surgical procedure so you can approach dentist &tell him about this,so that they can plan to remove tooth surgically ,for that u need to get admitted ,which will cover the insurance
Don't worry about your braces because nothing will happen to your braces because of wisdom tooth eruption . getting removed wisdom tooth is a surgical procedure so you can approach dentist &tell him about this,so that they can plan to remove tooth surgically ,for that u need to get admitted ,which will cover the insurance
No dental insurance afterall, am I in trouble?
I am currently working at a hospital a total of 20 hours a week. You need to work at least 24 hours a week to be elidegable for insurance. My boss said that I would be getting "more hours soon" so I called the hospital and they sent me the paper work for the insurance. Shortly after, I had a root canal done. This root canal cost $807. No crown. I told him about my situation and he said he would hold off on charging me and would see if the insurance would cover it in a few months. Well, the insurance didn't go through after all and I am stuck with the bill which I am hoping my family will help me with. Can I get in trouble for any of this? I am only asking because the secretary keeps calling me and she sounds mean. :-( She doesn't understand what it's like to be a poor college student.
Well, you're going to have to pay. So what does "get in trouble" mean? If you don't pay the bill, eventually they'll send it to collections, and get a judgement against you. Then they'll be able to collect interest, too, and get an attachment against any wages - current OR future.
Well, you're going to have to pay. So what does "get in trouble" mean? If you don't pay the bill, eventually they'll send it to collections, and get a judgement against you. Then they'll be able to collect interest, too, and get an attachment against any wages - current OR future.
Help! I need dental insurance immediately?
i need some asap. but i am unemployed and don't have the funds to pay. I live in Chicago. Can anyone help. any suggestions would be good.
Hello..Ok, first, your not going to get immediate dental insurance that will pay for dental services anytime soon...So..what you need to do is call the "Out Patient Clinic" of the nearest Dental School. That Clinic provides dental services to the public and the fee will be between FREE and very low depending on your financial status. Good luck and I wish you well. The Denture Pro.
Hello..Ok, first, your not going to get immediate dental insurance that will pay for dental services anytime soon...So..what you need to do is call the "Out Patient Clinic" of the nearest Dental School. That Clinic provides dental services to the public and the fee will be between FREE and very low depending on your financial status. Good luck and I wish you well. The Denture Pro.
Will dental insurance or california dental plans cover the removal of my braces?
I was wondering if a california dental plan will cover the cost of getting my braces removed. I got them put on last year around July or August and they've only been tightened 2 to 3 times within those months. My mom stopped paying for them because she couldn't afford the monthly anymore and so I want them off now. I can't get them removed at Western Dental, where I originally got them put on because my mom now owes $2,000 plus there. My account there has been sent somewhere else. I went to an orthodontist a few days ago to find out the price of having my braces removed and the cost is around $350. My mom can't even afford that because she doesn't have a job nor does my dad. We aren't currently recieving cash aid because my dad has been recieving cash for unemployment but he stopped getting that this month too. Anyways, with the amount my dad got,$1,000 or less,we still did not have enough to pay for the removal of my braces because there were bills to pay and payment for house rental. Since none of my parents have jobs, will california dental plans cover the cost of the removal of my braces? I really want them off for they have been bothering me for a long time.
healthquotes.awardspace.info - here is my health insurance plan. As I remember they can provide such a service.
healthquotes.awardspace.info - here is my health insurance plan. As I remember they can provide such a service.
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