I have to pull this tooth it hurts more and more and I think it might get infected. I have no money or insurance so I don't know what else to do. I tried to use plyers but its in there so tight. Should I cut through the gum and what can I use to prevent infection besides peroxide. And is there anything that could tenderize the gums so it might loosen up. It feels like I could crush it with the plyers and that would bad. Is there anyone out there that is not quite a dentist and needs some one to practice on? It hurts so bad I am thinking of getting myself convicted cause I think they might do it Im not sure. Its hard to concentrate and think logically right now but I am going crazy and I need to do something. What did people do before dentistry? Please punch me in the face lower left side knock my tooth out. Mental Dental caveman tooth extraction. I'll borrow money from the mob. What should I do cut the gum should I get drunk first then I will slip and cut my whole mouth open.
Do not pull it out yourself. It will get infected. Go and get some clove oil from the pharmacy. That will numb the tooth instantly then go to hospital. If you pull it out yourself you will prob faint with the pain and then you will be in a very sticky situation....
Friday, June 3, 2011
Dental work while on maternity leave...?
I'm currently on EI for illness (health troubles related to the pregnancy) and switching over to maternity leave within the next month. I'm going to need some dental work done soon but I don't have any kind of dental plan or coverage, and I'm wondering if there is some way that employment insurance will cover the cost of that? I've heard that ei covers dental work up to $500 yearly, but I don't actually know if this is true or how to set that up so that I can go to the dentist, as I don't have the money to pay for the work right now
If you are in Canada....no. Employment Insurance provides temporary financial assistance to you while you are unemployed (to those that qualify) but no other medical or dental on top of that.
If you are in Canada....no. Employment Insurance provides temporary financial assistance to you while you are unemployed (to those that qualify) but no other medical or dental on top of that.
Question for those working in the dental field?
Last year, I began seeing a new dentist who participated with my BCBS Dental as well as my Ameriplan discount. My dental benefits were maxed out so I used Ameriplan and told them I'd have full dental coverage the following year. It's time for my annual cleaning and the lady at the dentist's office told me that "Ameriplan must be billed as primary because it is in my name", whereas my BCBS dental is through my husband's employer. I reminded her that Ameriplan is NOT insurance, it's just a discount plan and that I would indeed be utitlizing my insurance coverage instead. She continued to argue with me until I said, "FINE. Get rid of the Ameriplan from my records. Pretend I don't have it because I am NOT paying for something out of pocket when I have insurance to cover it". Is she just stupid or am I missing something here?
The girl at the office would be correct if Ameriplan was an insurance. But because it is a discount plan you are correct and should speak with the office manager or person in charge. The BCBS should be used until maxed out as you stated happened before.
The girl at the office would be correct if Ameriplan was an insurance. But because it is a discount plan you are correct and should speak with the office manager or person in charge. The BCBS should be used until maxed out as you stated happened before.
Whats really good, cheap health insurance?
I need good health insurance that covers everything from medications to doctors visits to dental. I need it cheap though. My father left my family and since the child support and everything stopped, it's just my mom and I. She gets insurance through work, but still can't afford to put me on it with everything we pay on. We went for financial help and they said that she makes to much for anyone to help us. I'm just really worried i'll get really sick one day and then we'll have a ton of doctors bill or even hospital bills to pay. I live in North Carolina if that helps. I honestly have applications in everywhere, but no one will hire me, I have experience and a high school deploma, otherwise i'd have benefits or be able to pay for health insurance on my own. Any ideas? Thanks.
I am on a short term health insurance plan becuase my company doesn't offer insurance and my spouse has to wait 6 months before we can get on her group plan. This might be a good option for you, since you will eventually be covered by a group plan once you find employment. The short term plan is cheap for me, about 160 a month. (That is with a 250 deductible, you can get it cheaper if you had a higher deductible, I think around 50 bucks a month) it covers everything, no co-pays, and comes with a really good discount card for dental and vision and prescriptions and stuff. Then you can get a job where you want, and not settle for some place just cause they offer insurance.
I am on a short term health insurance plan becuase my company doesn't offer insurance and my spouse has to wait 6 months before we can get on her group plan. This might be a good option for you, since you will eventually be covered by a group plan once you find employment. The short term plan is cheap for me, about 160 a month. (That is with a 250 deductible, you can get it cheaper if you had a higher deductible, I think around 50 bucks a month) it covers everything, no co-pays, and comes with a really good discount card for dental and vision and prescriptions and stuff. Then you can get a job where you want, and not settle for some place just cause they offer insurance.
Ohip health insurance during waiting period?
Hi, I am a Canadian citizen, however I have been living in the United States for the last 12 years. I am planning on moving back to Ontario, but I understand there is a 3 month waiting period before you are able to obtain your ohip card. Where can I buy health insurance to cover me during the three month waiting period? Please don't tell me "buy private insurance" I already know that. But none of the insurance companies seem to have anything I need. They offer life insruance, dental, supplemental, Travel but I don't see any regular old health insurance. I am sure I am not looking in the correct places or for the correct thing, but I don't know what else to look for! If you could give me specific websites selling the insurance I need PLEASE that would be just splendid!! :-) Thank you very much for your help!
During the waiting period, you can purchase private health insurance through a private insurance company if you meet the company's eligibility requirements. Contact a private insurance company or call the Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association Inc. at 1-800-268-8099. In Toronto, call 777-2344. (or outside Toronto but in an area where the toll free number doesn't work, put 416 in front)
During the waiting period, you can purchase private health insurance through a private insurance company if you meet the company's eligibility requirements. Contact a private insurance company or call the Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association Inc. at 1-800-268-8099. In Toronto, call 777-2344. (or outside Toronto but in an area where the toll free number doesn't work, put 416 in front)
Confused about medical insurance for son?
My young son lives in Indiana with his mother, my ex girlfriend. I live in Michigan. I am court-ordered to have medical insurance on him - which I did until my wife was transferred to another location and I moved with her. My wife has added my son to her medical, dental and vision benefits because my new job doesn't offer insurance for 120 days after start. We didn't want there to be a lapse in my son's coverage. My wife's insurance is also better than mine (it covers 100 percent, $10 copay). The problem is the ex doesn't like that my wife's name is on the insurance card and Blue Cross Blue Shield will only put the policy holders name on the card. So my ex is taking out a private insurance plan on my son and she is paying for it. So my son will be double covered. I think that is OK, but... The ex has told me if I ever wanted to increase visitation or if we had to go back to court, I would have to reimburse her for the additional insurance ($250 month is what she/ her parents are paying for the plan - she doesn't work) since I am not fulfilling the court order to medically insure him; my wife is doing it instead. And the ex says it isn't my wife's responsibility. He is insured and you'd think that is all that matters... Is my ex right? Will I have to pay her back if I want to have more parenting time? Please help.
I'm not a lawyer but I think your ex is full of it. Your wife is fulfilling the medical insurance obligation, yes.. but therefore so are you. You and your wife are considered one identity. Your obligation is being fulfilled, it was your ex's choice to get insurance on him. I don't believe you would have to pay her back however you may want to speak to a lawyer about to be sure.
I'm not a lawyer but I think your ex is full of it. Your wife is fulfilling the medical insurance obligation, yes.. but therefore so are you. You and your wife are considered one identity. Your obligation is being fulfilled, it was your ex's choice to get insurance on him. I don't believe you would have to pay her back however you may want to speak to a lawyer about to be sure.
Besides dental schools, what are other other low cost dental options?
I'm in the DFW area of TX. The nearest dental school does not have weekend appointments. I don't have insurance, I work full-time, and am a full-time student (so I don't make that good of $$). My credit is shot, so I can't get financing, and I'm not a senior citizen or handicap, and I'm 27. Any suggestions DFW residents? I'm at my wits end. I know about Mission Arlington, but I can't afford to take off work to go sit in front of Mission Arl. and most likely get turned away. Thanks!
Does your college's health center have some type of referral service?
Does your college's health center have some type of referral service?
Should i go to a dental school to get my teeth done? Anyone have any personal experiences with that?
I lost my insurance last year that i had under my parents because well... i turned 21 (rolls eyes) Anyway for a year now i just have not been able to get a freaking job and even if i did it would be some small time retail job that wouldn't even offer me insurance. I do want to go back to school but under certain circumstances i have to work first then go to school. Or else i would have went last year and been extended on the insurance until i was 24. I been looking online hearing about going to dental schools to get work done? Which idk how bad my situation is if i should wait till i come across some money or not. Before my insurance ran out (literally right before) I had one root canal done and several fillings. I was okay for awhile... until now. Whenever i eat all of sudden my back teeth are now hurting. Anything cold is PAINFUL and if i suck in air it hurts as well. I had such a PAINFUL time at the dentist with all that work but at the end of the day through all of that apparently a problem can still arise. Has anyone had any personal experience going to the dental students? Or heard anything about that? I'm a little nervous about it and i CAN NOT afford if something goes wrong. I can't even afford to go! But if i muster up the money to do it i wanna know about it first. I think it is the bottom back teeth more then the top. My right top tooth in the back has a crown on it
OUCH!!! Sounds like you are miserable. If you do not have dental insurance, there is anything wrong with going to a dental school to have treatment done. Another thing you might consider is going to a small dental practice....maybe an "older, small-town" kind of dentist that would take an initial down payment and let you make payments for the remainder (yes, these do exist, my MIL sees one and she has no dental insurance). I would suggest you call around and also ask friends/extended family who their dentist is and if they don't have dental coverage, inquire if their dentist works out arrangements. Sorry you're having teeth issues, best wishes in getting it resolved. Sounds like some trolls or a jackazz or two got to your question before someone with a decent answer did....there is nothing remotely "spoiled" or "uneducated" about your question!
OUCH!!! Sounds like you are miserable. If you do not have dental insurance, there is anything wrong with going to a dental school to have treatment done. Another thing you might consider is going to a small dental practice....maybe an "older, small-town" kind of dentist that would take an initial down payment and let you make payments for the remainder (yes, these do exist, my MIL sees one and she has no dental insurance). I would suggest you call around and also ask friends/extended family who their dentist is and if they don't have dental coverage, inquire if their dentist works out arrangements. Sorry you're having teeth issues, best wishes in getting it resolved. Sounds like some trolls or a jackazz or two got to your question before someone with a decent answer did....there is nothing remotely "spoiled" or "uneducated" about your question!
prison vs. insurance?
can anyone please reply with a logical answer as to why hard working persons ,or even disabled persons , such as I , cannot get proper dental care , yet ,on a t.v. program I was watching about those in prison are given dentures at the taxpayers expense as it was clearly expressed that these poor , incarcerated , crack freaks teeth had rotted away ? (mush mouth ? ) I believe it is called .The serious medical disease I have , due to numerous prescribed medications have in essence destroyed what fragments of teeth I still have , yet , in the great state of wisconsin , those disabled or unfortunate ones who either cannot afford or don't have insurance offered to them are the ones suffering often very severely in pain , unable to eat much but bananas and jello , as prison inmates get new dentures and can enjoy probably one of the most satisfying things (barring sex ) in our lives ,as our health continues to deteriorate due to the lack of proper nutrition ,leading to more health problems ?
Altatraz had the following saying: "You are entitled to food, shelter and medical attention. Everything else is a priviledge." It hasn't changed. -MM
Altatraz had the following saying: "You are entitled to food, shelter and medical attention. Everything else is a priviledge." It hasn't changed. -MM
question about insurance?
Hi I just was hired and will be doing landscaping, so I will only be working about 6/7 months or so and needed some dental work done and my employer doesnt have any benefits.. What is the best way to go with insurance for this? (I am 24)
You will have to purchase private dental insurance. Contact a local agent for assistance. However, be aware that you'll have a waiting period before you can get many procedures covered. Also, dental insurance has limits which, along with the waiting period, means that in most cases you'll be paying out as much or more in premium than you receive in benefits. You may want to try a dental school, where you can get good service for a reasonable cost. You can find the nearest dental school here: http://www.yourhealthplanadvisor.com/Den…
You will have to purchase private dental insurance. Contact a local agent for assistance. However, be aware that you'll have a waiting period before you can get many procedures covered. Also, dental insurance has limits which, along with the waiting period, means that in most cases you'll be paying out as much or more in premium than you receive in benefits. You may want to try a dental school, where you can get good service for a reasonable cost. You can find the nearest dental school here: http://www.yourhealthplanadvisor.com/Den…
orthodontics insurance?
does anyone know a good insurance policy that covers some orthodontics cost? i need a website or a phone number b/b i haven't been able to find any dental plans that cover it.
I would encourage you to visit this site: www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I signed up online over 5 years ago and the rep is extremely knowledgeable. They have saved me thousands since. From my braces, to xrays, exams, cleanings..etc. All services are included in this very affordable plan. My benefits were active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. Hope this helps.
I would encourage you to visit this site: www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I signed up online over 5 years ago and the rep is extremely knowledgeable. They have saved me thousands since. From my braces, to xrays, exams, cleanings..etc. All services are included in this very affordable plan. My benefits were active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. Hope this helps.
Pressure in back of jaw when bending over... wisdom teeth?
I just started noticing pressure in my upper jaw on both sides when I bend over. I am getting over a cold/allergies but I was wondering if this has to do with my wisdom teeth? (I'm 26) The pressure kind of builds slowly as I'm bent down. I have two small children so I am bending all the time. I need to make an appointment with a dentist but I was wondering if anyone else had this problem with their wisdom teeth. (I dread going because next to no dentists in my area take dental insurance)
The pressure can be because of your cold and allergies also as sinus is very near to upper teeth and during cold you feel pressure or pain sometimes in the upper teeth. You should visit your dentist to get the checkup done for wisdom teeth. For your information you can visit the following website for more information on wisdom teeth http://www.identalhub.com/Article_UNDERS… They also have the facility of free dental consultation
The pressure can be because of your cold and allergies also as sinus is very near to upper teeth and during cold you feel pressure or pain sometimes in the upper teeth. You should visit your dentist to get the checkup done for wisdom teeth. For your information you can visit the following website for more information on wisdom teeth http://www.identalhub.com/Article_UNDERS… They also have the facility of free dental consultation
Starting over..any advice on career choices? Educated as Dental assistant..please read Thanks!?
Hi I live in Ontario CAN..2 yrs ago i went to CDI college and obtained my diploma in Dental Assisting. I did my co-op and graduated with honours. Then I got pregnant with my second child and my then husband didnt want me working . We are now seperated and I have the girls on my own. Since I havent really worked in the field, havent written the certification test and my ex will not return my texts so that I can write the exam I am trying to figure out what to do. I have considered volunteering but have no daycare even if I could find a place to do that. I didnt really like the dental assisting anyhow and I need a career that I can potentially make good money in and have medical benefits. Any suggestions about what i can do with my education? I have considered the insurance industry cause we learned how to fill out the dental claim forms but have no idea what is required to do that education wise. So Im kind of all over the place but bottom line I need to make a decent living ..HELP?
Hi I hope you keep your head above the clouds! Any kind of sales position would be good, Make sure they have benefits. but you can make very good money. get a job at a local Cell phone place. you can make 50,000 on up! If your hustling and getting people to sign up.
Hi I hope you keep your head above the clouds! Any kind of sales position would be good, Make sure they have benefits. but you can make very good money. get a job at a local Cell phone place. you can make 50,000 on up! If your hustling and getting people to sign up.
this may sound strange but it is true and I could use some advice?
I live on a very tight budget with no medical or dental insurance. My teeth arent the greatest. I know I need a dentist but I cant afford it right now. Anyway, One of my back teeth flairs up occassionally causing some discomfort. I take asparin for it and it goes away in a few days. the asparin helps alot to dull the pain. It seems to flair up the most when I am sick or am cold. does anyone else have a similar problem and what do you do about it
It could be an infection. Try to get to a dentist or a dental clinic as soon as you can. Some dentists offer free evaluations and the dental clinics at Dental Universities are cheap if not free.
It could be an infection. Try to get to a dentist or a dental clinic as soon as you can. Some dentists offer free evaluations and the dental clinics at Dental Universities are cheap if not free.
what do dental office front desk ppl do?
im finna start a new job && i kinda know softdent, all else i really know is like making appointments, perio charting, putting up op schedules, filing, answering phones, i dnt yet fully understand the insurance claims but what other things do they do??
Appointments, billing, filing, schedules, insurance, phones, charts, etc. They usually want you to have school as a dental secretary or assistant. A lot of times the secretary is the fill in assistant if one is busy.
Appointments, billing, filing, schedules, insurance, phones, charts, etc. They usually want you to have school as a dental secretary or assistant. A lot of times the secretary is the fill in assistant if one is busy.
Dental billing question about root canal?
I do medical billing for a living so I'm familiar with the process of filing claims and how we are allowed to bill patients. However, with dental it seems much different and I am curious if my dentist's office is being shady or not. I have insurance and they paid my dentist for the following: 1.) 50% of my crown ---$356.00 2.) 50% of crown build-up---$73.00 3.)80% of root canal---$499.00 total of $ 928.00 My dentist charge me $350.00 for "canal preparation" and $210.00 for "post fibercore", but never filed either of these with my insurance. I called my insurance today and they said these are typically not covered because they are included in the price they pay the dentist for root canal procedure. They also told me to have my dentist file these claims with them because they shouldn't be billing me for something that my insurance company hasn't been made aware of. I called my dentist's office and they got very angry and defensive about not filing the claim and said they would do it, but that my insurance wouldn't cover the procedures. In the medical world, you cannot charge patients for something the insurance says is not covered or medically necessary. What are these two procedures for and are they really necessary outside of what my insurance has already paid? I have paid $1100.00 to the dentist, so overall he's made $2000.00 + for my root canal.
First of all his fees are very reasonable. A post fibercore is a state of the art build up to strengthen the tooth and make a better base for the crown to fit on. My only question is what is meant by canal preparation. Insurance is a contract made between the patient and the insurance company. If they do not pay for a procedure that needs to be done, it becomes the patients responsibility to pay what the insurance does not. It is different than medical insurance when often the treatment is determined by the insurance company and not the doctor. $2000 for a root canal, post build up, and a crown. Good questions Clargy7
First of all his fees are very reasonable. A post fibercore is a state of the art build up to strengthen the tooth and make a better base for the crown to fit on. My only question is what is meant by canal preparation. Insurance is a contract made between the patient and the insurance company. If they do not pay for a procedure that needs to be done, it becomes the patients responsibility to pay what the insurance does not. It is different than medical insurance when often the treatment is determined by the insurance company and not the doctor. $2000 for a root canal, post build up, and a crown. Good questions Clargy7
Is there a dentist out there that is willing to fix my entire mouth?
Ever since I was 5 yrs old I have been afflicted with tooth pain (due to spinal menenchitus my teeth came out mushy.) I am now 40 yrs old and on the verge of becomming a dental handicap. but even that's to costly. I have insurance. Everyday for the past ten years or so I have had toothache pain. I am willing to be a guinnea pig if thats what it takes to use my smile again. Currently my teeth are either missing, have incomlete root canals, abcessed or crazy glued back in. If there is a dentist out there that is willing to work with me because they care about teeth and is not in it for a whole lot of money, please here my cry.
omg, that's horrible! for the sake of your health (you do know that crazy glue is toxic, right?) please go see the best dentist in your area and get the treatment you deserve! Go to this website to find someone in your area who can perform dental implant surgery: www.1stdentalimplants.com here an except from www.ada.org/public/topics/implants.asp : "Crowns and conventional bridges or dentures may not be your only options when replacing missing teeth. For some people, dental implants offer a smile that looks and feels very natural. Surgically placed below the gums over a series of appointments, implants fuse to the jawbone and serve as a base for individual replacement teeth, bridges or a denture. Implants offer stability because they fuse to your (jaw)bone. Integration of the implants into your jaw also helps your replacement teeth feel more natural and some people also find the secure fit more comfortable than conventional substitutes. Candidates for dental implants need to have healthy gums and adequate (jaw)bone to support the implant. A thorough evaluation by your dentist will help determine whether you are a good candidate for dental implants." "What is involved in placing implants? First, surgery is performed to place the anchor. Surgery can take up to several hours, and up to six months may be required for the bone to grow around the anchor and firmly hold it in place. Some implants require a second surgery in which a post is attached to connect the anchor to the replacement teeth. With other implants, the anchor and post are already attached and are placed at the same time. After the gums have had several weeks to heal, the next step is begun. The artificial teeth are made and fitted to the post portion of the anchor. Because several fittings may be required, this step can take one to two months to complete. Implant surgery can be done either in a dental office or in a hospital, depending upon a number of factors. A local or general anesthetic may be used. Usually pain medications and, when necessary, antibiotics are prescribed. Your dentist will give you instructions on diet and oral hygiene." hope this helps! ^_^
omg, that's horrible! for the sake of your health (you do know that crazy glue is toxic, right?) please go see the best dentist in your area and get the treatment you deserve! Go to this website to find someone in your area who can perform dental implant surgery: www.1stdentalimplants.com here an except from www.ada.org/public/topics/implants.asp : "Crowns and conventional bridges or dentures may not be your only options when replacing missing teeth. For some people, dental implants offer a smile that looks and feels very natural. Surgically placed below the gums over a series of appointments, implants fuse to the jawbone and serve as a base for individual replacement teeth, bridges or a denture. Implants offer stability because they fuse to your (jaw)bone. Integration of the implants into your jaw also helps your replacement teeth feel more natural and some people also find the secure fit more comfortable than conventional substitutes. Candidates for dental implants need to have healthy gums and adequate (jaw)bone to support the implant. A thorough evaluation by your dentist will help determine whether you are a good candidate for dental implants." "What is involved in placing implants? First, surgery is performed to place the anchor. Surgery can take up to several hours, and up to six months may be required for the bone to grow around the anchor and firmly hold it in place. Some implants require a second surgery in which a post is attached to connect the anchor to the replacement teeth. With other implants, the anchor and post are already attached and are placed at the same time. After the gums have had several weeks to heal, the next step is begun. The artificial teeth are made and fitted to the post portion of the anchor. Because several fittings may be required, this step can take one to two months to complete. Implant surgery can be done either in a dental office or in a hospital, depending upon a number of factors. A local or general anesthetic may be used. Usually pain medications and, when necessary, antibiotics are prescribed. Your dentist will give you instructions on diet and oral hygiene." hope this helps! ^_^
Dental system in US - is this how it works?
My wife had a bit of bad gum in her mouth and she got some deep cleaning stuff done. Since then when she goes to get her regular cleaning done, the dentist office categorizes her cleaning as Periodontal Maintenance which my insurance doesn't cover unless some sort of Periodontal surgery was performed before while she was covered by this insurance company. Like I said, she got some sort of deep cleaning done last year but we had different insurance company, so I am guessing my current insurance company won't be covering this Periodontal Maintenance. This much I can accept... However, when I called my dentist office and ask them to perform just a regular cleaning instead of this Periodontal Maintenance because my wife tells me she doesn't see them doing anything different from regular cleaning and since insurance doesn't cover the periodontal maintenance, but then the dentist office tells me that just because the dentist labeled her as someone needing Periodontal maintenence, they cannot just do a regular cleaning even if the regular cleaning is what we want! Is this how the US dental system works? Or are we getting ripped off? We are the one that's paying the money, so why can't we get the service that we want? I don't get that??? So I am thinking about switching to a new dentist and not transferring any of her record and start fresh, and if she gets identified as someone needing Periodontal Maintenance, I am hoping they will be doing something first so that the Periodontal Maintenance will get covered.. Does this sound like a good idea? So.. 2 questions here.. 1. Is his how US dental system works? 2. Does switching to a new dentist sound like a good idea?
If you tell them that your insurance will not pay with that designation, they will generally change it to meet your needs. If the receptionist is stubborn, talk to the Dentist.
If you tell them that your insurance will not pay with that designation, they will generally change it to meet your needs. If the receptionist is stubborn, talk to the Dentist.
Dental trade for massage?
I am a massage therapist in Dallas TX and I am in desperate need of dental work. Like most others in my profession I do not have insurance and I never know what my income will be. Are there any dentist in the area that would not mind getting massage therapy in trade for dental work? I have 7 or so years of experience as a registered massage therapist on top of a lifetime of study (my Dad was a therapist as well). I am experienced in swedish, deep tissue, myo-fascial release, soft tissue techniques and reflexology (for feet and hands). I do have clients that would be happy to give their opinion and a reference as well. If you are a dentist or know a destist that would work with me please let me know, I will be eternally greatful!
I wish you lived in San Francisco!
I wish you lived in San Francisco!
Cost to have a child's tooth pulled?
My daughter's new tooth is coming in behind her baby tooth and the baby tooth isn't really getting loose. I'm just wondering what it would cost to have it pulled at a dentist, as I can't get it out. We don't have dental insurance.
if you live in the uk it should be free :)
if you live in the uk it should be free :)
Low cost dental care????
I am looking for dental clinics (low-income, free, pay by your income},My husband and I own our own buisness, therefore we have no insurance, his teeth are awful, making him sick on a regular basis. I dont mind paying, but we cannot afford regular dental costs. I live in South Carolina,near Charlotte, so even North Carolina sites would be good.
This would be great for your needs! http://everyonebenefits.com/40374893
This would be great for your needs! http://everyonebenefits.com/40374893
Health Insurance?!?!?
I am having to get my own health insurance for the first time. Can someone help me figure all of this out? What should I be looking for? I am young and healthy, so I would not like to pay that much, but I would like to feel confidant in my coverage. Also, I will need dental coverage-any info there?? Thanks so much!
The dental coverage you can buy out there on a private policy will USUALLY end up costing you more than it will pay out in benefits. When you get your quotes, add up carefully the monthly premiums, and deduct what they cover - keep in mind there are hefty copays and deductibles. You'll usually see that it's cheaper to pay out of pocket for dental. For insurance, go to your local, independent agent - he'll have a pretty good idea who has the best affordable plan in your area, and can also market out a major medical policy if that's more to your taste, AND he can explain the differences in coverage.
The dental coverage you can buy out there on a private policy will USUALLY end up costing you more than it will pay out in benefits. When you get your quotes, add up carefully the monthly premiums, and deduct what they cover - keep in mind there are hefty copays and deductibles. You'll usually see that it's cheaper to pay out of pocket for dental. For insurance, go to your local, independent agent - he'll have a pretty good idea who has the best affordable plan in your area, and can also market out a major medical policy if that's more to your taste, AND he can explain the differences in coverage.
Braces and tricare in the army?
Okay. I am 21. I need to get braces. My last dentist said I would have to wear them about a year to a year and a half. I'll be 22 in August. My husbands in the army. Has anyone gotten braces with tricare dental insurance and if so how long did you have to wear them, and how much were your monthly payments?
Get the ball moving on this now! You are only eligible for braces through Tricare (united concordia) up to age 23 so you need to be done with your braces before August of next year, otherwise any costs once you turn 23 will be on you. The link below lists the cost shares: http://www.tricaredentalprogram.com/tdpt…
Get the ball moving on this now! You are only eligible for braces through Tricare (united concordia) up to age 23 so you need to be done with your braces before August of next year, otherwise any costs once you turn 23 will be on you. The link below lists the cost shares: http://www.tricaredentalprogram.com/tdpt…
what to do about an abscess tooth?
dental insurance is unavailable at the time so i am wondering if there is anything safe to take that would help cope with it if not eradicate it if possible maybe like a cream or immune system booster something to make it bearable
Walgreens (if you have that near you) can get you on a plan that can do cheap prescriptions. I know you need a prescription first though, but it might help you to at least get some meds after your emergency exam. But you need an exam my friend.
Walgreens (if you have that near you) can get you on a plan that can do cheap prescriptions. I know you need a prescription first though, but it might help you to at least get some meds after your emergency exam. But you need an exam my friend.
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