My husband and I have been married for 2 yrs. His 2 kids from 1st marriage now live with his ex wife and he is supposed to see them on weekends now. There is no court order for custody and no order for support, however, we carry the medical, dental and eye insurance for them, plus we help make monthly payments for the older one's orthodonture bill, plus her cell phone!! ( ages are 15 and 10). Now on weekends, his ex notifies him by text msgs that the she has plans for the kids and they won't be coming over. This is becoming a regular thing now, he has not seen the kids for 3 weeks! She is doing this to him again as I type this which is what prompted me to seek advice and help from others. Does he have any rights as a father who is paying for his kids? Should we try for something more legal, or would it backfire in his face and he still end up with nothing?
Paying child support has nothing to do with custody and visitation. They are separate things and good parents are entitled to whichever one (or both) if they apply. It would be a shame to involve the courts if they've managed this long without them, but you may have no choice. The father has the right to see the kids. He should try talking to the kids directly about what is going on. It may be that they may have activities or things they want to do that they are afraid their dad would not take them to (even though he might be perfectly fine with it). On the other hand, if they are being withheld from seeing their dad against their will, that is something you will want to know too. You will want to understand what is behind it before you go to court. If the kids are choosing to stay home, going to court could backfire. Have him reach out to the kids and let them know he wants to see them. Encourage him to let them know that he will still take them to their activities, let them see their friends, etc. Good luck!
Friday, April 8, 2011
how much does underbite surgery cost?
i want to quit my job but i've been sticking it out because they give me med and dental insurance but i've just about had enough but first i want to know the range of the cost for the surgery to see if i could take the financial burden.
I wouldn't quit anytime soon! We are going through the same thing with our son. Right now he's in braces and will be for 3 yrs. Then at the age of 18 he still may need to have his jaw broke due to the severity of his under bite. Right now our cost is around $3500, if he has to have his jaw additional $10,000!!! That's the cost of the surgery now. Who knows what the cost will be in 5 yrs. when he's 18.
I wouldn't quit anytime soon! We are going through the same thing with our son. Right now he's in braces and will be for 3 yrs. Then at the age of 18 he still may need to have his jaw broke due to the severity of his under bite. Right now our cost is around $3500, if he has to have his jaw additional $10,000!!! That's the cost of the surgery now. Who knows what the cost will be in 5 yrs. when he's 18.
Help me I am in tremendous pain with my teeth?
I have 4 eeth that are broken at the gum...I cant get a regular extraction..I need oral surgery ...right now my face is so swelled if I could cut my head off I would...I have no dental insurance and I dont qualify for a GE money card due to being laid off from job and getting poor credit...are there any oral surgeons in ky ...or wva that do pro bono surgery .........You cant imagine the pain I am in
Your best bet would be to approach the nearest dental school, and hope that your situation qualifies you for an even more reduced fee in their oral surgery clinics. I highly doubt you will find an oral surgeon who does pro bono work.
Your best bet would be to approach the nearest dental school, and hope that your situation qualifies you for an even more reduced fee in their oral surgery clinics. I highly doubt you will find an oral surgeon who does pro bono work.
Teeth growing over baby teeth, will I need braces?
I'm kind of young... (I'm not saying how old I am, lol) so I didn't lose all my baby teeth yet... Well my adult teeth sure want to grow in a hurry. Two of my adult teeth are growing over my baby teeth that didn't fall out yet! :/ I don't have dental insurance yet, so I don't know what will happen yet... Will I need braces, or will they just pull out my baby tooth? Or will they pull out my baby tooth, then give me braces?
Normally the dentist might pull out the baby teeth so the new teeth can come in properly. In my case they didn't do braces but that was a longggggggggggggg time ago. They just had me push on the new tooth to help move it back into place gradually. This was not a total solution and there is no way to tell if you would need braces or not. You do need to go see your dentist to get this taken care of though. Without seeing your mouth there is no way to tell what will happen once they pull the baby teeth.
Normally the dentist might pull out the baby teeth so the new teeth can come in properly. In my case they didn't do braces but that was a longggggggggggggg time ago. They just had me push on the new tooth to help move it back into place gradually. This was not a total solution and there is no way to tell if you would need braces or not. You do need to go see your dentist to get this taken care of though. Without seeing your mouth there is no way to tell what will happen once they pull the baby teeth.
i am looking for a walk inn dental office?
I am from atlanta, Ga. working in the Houston Texas area, looking for a good dental office that i can walk inn, have a tooth removed and pay with cash..... no insurance
try one of the chains
try one of the chains
I need health insurance. Calgary...Alberta?
I used to have health insurance (Great West Life) with my previous employer in Ontario. Now I moved to Calgary and I'm working as a consultant. My husband is a self employee as well. And we need a health insurance to cover drug, eye, dental, etc. for just in case. We barely used it but it is always good to have it. You'll never know right? Anybody knows how / where to get it? Because we are a couple do we have to pay more than we used to pay when we were working? Also which insurers would you recommend? Thanks
One insurer that I know of and that advertises frequently is "Flex Care" from Manulife Financial. They advertise as affordable supplementary health care for self-employed people. You can also select the kinds of coverage that you want, and that allows you to customize your coverage to your needs. I'm sure there are other plans which also allow this kind of coverage. Blue Cross is a Canada-wide insurer that offers supplementary coverage. You can actually get quotes from a variety of insurers online, using Health Insurance Quotes Canada. Their site is:… Another place to get quotes: http://www.canadian-family-medical-plans…
One insurer that I know of and that advertises frequently is "Flex Care" from Manulife Financial. They advertise as affordable supplementary health care for self-employed people. You can also select the kinds of coverage that you want, and that allows you to customize your coverage to your needs. I'm sure there are other plans which also allow this kind of coverage. Blue Cross is a Canada-wide insurer that offers supplementary coverage. You can actually get quotes from a variety of insurers online, using Health Insurance Quotes Canada. Their site is:… Another place to get quotes: http://www.canadian-family-medical-plans…
Can anyone help me with this medical/dental problem? Its important!!!?
My brother had or still has a hole in his tooth, and a while ago it was causing him great pain, but he never went to the dentist for it because a) hes an idiot and b) he doesn't have dental or medical insurance. Now his gum where the tooth is EXTREMELY swollen but he says it doesn't hurt. I looked at his tooth in the back ( first molar on the right bottom) and there was a hole and some yellowish liquid (most likely puss duh) coming out of it. Im going to make him go to the doctor first chance i get tomorrow but i am curious as to what i can do to help with the swelling, it literally looks like hes got a huge gum ball in his mouth but its just his gum swelling, any suggestions to help the swelling or what i can do besides get him checked out at the doctor or dentist?
Yep sounds like an abscess. That's the word for a bunch of bacteria feeding off the blood supply under a tooth in the gums. I've had a few of them. The dentist will always prescribe anti-bacterial medicine before working on it (they can also give a localized shot of the same so it's not a wasted visit). Wait a week - if it goes away, congratulations, just come back for a cavity fill. If it only shrinks a bit but stays - the only thing the dentist can do is a root canal. Roughly 1k without insurance because they usually crown it too. For now, use Listerine often and gurgle salt water.
Yep sounds like an abscess. That's the word for a bunch of bacteria feeding off the blood supply under a tooth in the gums. I've had a few of them. The dentist will always prescribe anti-bacterial medicine before working on it (they can also give a localized shot of the same so it's not a wasted visit). Wait a week - if it goes away, congratulations, just come back for a cavity fill. If it only shrinks a bit but stays - the only thing the dentist can do is a root canal. Roughly 1k without insurance because they usually crown it too. For now, use Listerine often and gurgle salt water.
How much do fillings cost?
Because I'm getting 2-4 (can't remember how many) in Sept. I have Delta Dental insurance, just curious if anyone knows how much dental insurance usually covers for that. And I'm getting another x-ray of a tooth, apparently I have to pay for that out of pocket. If anyone knows how much that costs that would be great also.
Well I don't have insurance so I am not sure how much your insurance would cover, but when I had to get fillings I got like 5 and it cost me around $300, but it depends on the Dental office and what they charge. For they x-rays I think I paid like $150 or somewhere around in that price range. Hope this helps and good luck w/ the fillings.
Well I don't have insurance so I am not sure how much your insurance would cover, but when I had to get fillings I got like 5 and it cost me around $300, but it depends on the Dental office and what they charge. For they x-rays I think I paid like $150 or somewhere around in that price range. Hope this helps and good luck w/ the fillings.
Concerned Consumer - please Advice ? Business Dental Works Inc. in North Carolina ripping consumers off ?Back?
Back in Jan. 08 - my wife given a estimate for new dentures from Dental Works. My insurance to pay $1500 ,her $1400 (already paid ) . April 08 still no dentures, company wanting to charge her another $887 more. already billed her. She was not told ahead of time of this extra amount. Consumers beware ? Her appointments in excess , customers other than her are getting ripped off. what can be done by the BBBureau or legal actions . Her consumer rights have been violated I feel anf God knows who else in the general public. Please advice I feel she should not be liable for the xtra charge . Going to try to start a consumer watch to let people know of this situation !! would appreciate anyones help or has been involved in similiar situation. thank you - American citizen Steve
The BBB really can't do squat. All they can do is say "naughty, naughty, play nice" and only to their member companies. You need to contact the state consumer advocate or the Attorney General of your state. Also, contact your insurance company Dental works may be in violation of their agreement with the insurance company.
The BBB really can't do squat. All they can do is say "naughty, naughty, play nice" and only to their member companies. You need to contact the state consumer advocate or the Attorney General of your state. Also, contact your insurance company Dental works may be in violation of their agreement with the insurance company.
Why is dentistry always entirely separate from the rest of health care system?
Why is oral health largely ignored at the doctor's office? Why do I need both a dental plan and health insurance? They should be mutual.
possess as much information as you could maybe is one of the options,however it is quite time consuming,here is the resource i have ever had good experience.
possess as much information as you could maybe is one of the options,however it is quite time consuming,here is the resource i have ever had good experience.
Does Tricare Standard have optical and dental?
My husband was recalled by the US Army this January, and all I know is now I have Tricare Standard insurance. Does anybody know if it has optical or dental?
Dental is not covered in your Tricare prime or standard. You have to go to Tricare to get a form for dental and send a your fist payment with the form and it usually can take anywhere from 2 weeks to a month to be enrolled in dental. From there on out you have to pay like 11 dollars a month for individual dental and like 20 for family and it will be taken directly from you marines pay.
Dental is not covered in your Tricare prime or standard. You have to go to Tricare to get a form for dental and send a your fist payment with the form and it usually can take anywhere from 2 weeks to a month to be enrolled in dental. From there on out you have to pay like 11 dollars a month for individual dental and like 20 for family and it will be taken directly from you marines pay.
My daughter had surgery to remove an impacted tooth. Did I get cheated?
The dentist/oral surgeon wanted to do the operation at a hospital instead of his office. Everything went great untill I had to pay for it. I got stuck with the entire bill, because my dental insurance said "it was a medical proceadure" and my medical insurance said "it was a dental proceadure. What can I do to make these dead beat insurance anancys pay their part?
No, you have to appeal it. I'm assuming your daughter was pretty young, and needed a general anesthesia. I actually had to have a dental procedure done on one of my babies for medical reasons - he was born severely tongue tied. Same thing. It took six months of followups to get paid. Dental denied as voluntary, medical denies as dental, lots of letter writing and phone calls, but there was a feeding issue so it had to be done. And it got done. Just stay polite when you talk to the morons at the insurance company, and you'll get farther, faster.
No, you have to appeal it. I'm assuming your daughter was pretty young, and needed a general anesthesia. I actually had to have a dental procedure done on one of my babies for medical reasons - he was born severely tongue tied. Same thing. It took six months of followups to get paid. Dental denied as voluntary, medical denies as dental, lots of letter writing and phone calls, but there was a feeding issue so it had to be done. And it got done. Just stay polite when you talk to the morons at the insurance company, and you'll get farther, faster.
Health insurance. Is it worth it? Wouldn't it be cheaper to pay out of pocket?
My job does not offer insurance and even my husbands job offers expensive insurance that would cost us over $115 a month for health and dental for us. All we want is two dental cleanings a year and one or two visits to the doctor for when we get the flu (which we do get, every year). Wouldn't it be cheaper just to pay for the doctor visit instead of paying hundreds to an insurance company only to get half off at the doctor?
If you don't go to the doctors often, do not get it, Your wasting your money. If you do go the doctor often, every year, then I suggest having it. Out of pocket in the end will be more expensive with the cost of medication. .
If you don't go to the doctors often, do not get it, Your wasting your money. If you do go the doctor often, every year, then I suggest having it. Out of pocket in the end will be more expensive with the cost of medication. .
A piece of plastic lodged in my gums?
A few months ago, I was picking at my gums with a plastic toothpick, and tip got lodged in my gums. I tried pushing it out at the time, but it was too deep to get out. Eventually, time passed and I forgot about it, but now it's starting to hurt again. How can I get it out myself? I don't have any health or dental insurance so I can't just go and get help.
the gum will reject the foreign body & will try to push it out. take some antibiotic & painkiller.
the gum will reject the foreign body & will try to push it out. take some antibiotic & painkiller.
I need a tooth pulled, havent been to dentist in years, do i have to have all the x-rays and cleaning done?
2nd molar upper right, is loose and has moved. No dental insurance, don't make much money, just want it pulled none of the other stuff. will it be required?
Considering you have not been to a dentist in years you have saved enough to have your teeth taken care of. In regard to the x-ray, cleaning , etc. How else can the dentist pay for his vacation to Bermuda?
Considering you have not been to a dentist in years you have saved enough to have your teeth taken care of. In regard to the x-ray, cleaning , etc. How else can the dentist pay for his vacation to Bermuda?
My brother has a VERY bad cavity thats giving him major pain, what should he do?
He doesnt have dental insurance and all the dentist are closed...he's in bad pain. What can he do to stop the pain???
There are topical anesthetics that will reduce the pain temporarily. Some are specifically for toothaches. Ask a pharmacist to recommend one.
There are topical anesthetics that will reduce the pain temporarily. Some are specifically for toothaches. Ask a pharmacist to recommend one.
I want braces but not sure about cost?
Hello I am 23 years old support myself and live on my own. And I do not have dental insurance and finally want to get my teeth straight. I have no clue about paying or how to pay for braces. Like all the money up front ect... Any help would be great I want to get started soon as I can thank you.
most orthodontists will work with you on a payment plan over months/years...that being said if you do pay it in full up front, many will give you a discount hth! =)
most orthodontists will work with you on a payment plan over months/years...that being said if you do pay it in full up front, many will give you a discount hth! =)
How can I get Free Braces?
I've been having a problem since i was little, i always wanted to get braces. But since i am not from the US i cant. I don't have Social Security Number, i cants have a dental insurance, so i was wondering how can i get free braces? Can my school help? Or i just have to pay for them? PLEASE HELP ME!
Your parents can apply for the childrens health program in your state and also for Medicaid because they will pay for braces. You dont have to be a citizen. If your parents have some documents they can take you. Look at the state website where you live and look for social services. Call and ask them about braces or an organization that will pay for them.
Your parents can apply for the childrens health program in your state and also for Medicaid because they will pay for braces. You dont have to be a citizen. If your parents have some documents they can take you. Look at the state website where you live and look for social services. Call and ask them about braces or an organization that will pay for them.
An Orthodontist is asking us to pay $1300 for a procedure done 4 years ago.?
My son's orthodontist just recently asked us to pay $1300 for a procedure done four years ago claiming that my wife's insurance company denied the claim because of a secondary insurance, which is mine. I'm not really sure if I do included my son, at that time, on my dental insurance beacause we cannot find any document to prove it, and I know that I don't cover them for most of the time. Do I have a chance to contest this and not pay the claim. Who should be liable for everything.
Seems like there should be some statute of limitations here, I mean four years ago... why wasn't that caught sooner... this is just my opinion, however, as I have no legal knowledge what so ever... but it does not seem right...
Seems like there should be some statute of limitations here, I mean four years ago... why wasn't that caught sooner... this is just my opinion, however, as I have no legal knowledge what so ever... but it does not seem right...
How much do u think a high school student should earn in a dental office?
assisting the administrator putting data into the computer and billing health insurance ..approval requestiong..etc..?
If you're a student your problems can be many and varied, from Choosing your career road to hunting for a temporary job. The resource in the box below has plenty of tips and tricks for students, and they have things about job seeking aswell.
If you're a student your problems can be many and varied, from Choosing your career road to hunting for a temporary job. The resource in the box below has plenty of tips and tricks for students, and they have things about job seeking aswell.
About how much will a dental implant cost?
Do health insurance cover it?
around 4000$ with the crown each, no its not cover, considered elective treatment (non necessary).Prices in canada.
around 4000$ with the crown each, no its not cover, considered elective treatment (non necessary).Prices in canada.
Is it OK from the health perspective if a dentist in Maryland starts and finishes 4 RCT's on one patient in th?
4 Root canals therapies performed on one patient in the same day. The starting and the finishing treatment on 2 bicuspits and 2 enterior teeth. How does OSHA and dental insurances view the quality/ethics/law of that kind of treatment? What about the patient's rights?
What is the ethical problem if they were done properly and with the patients consent? OSHA deals with occupational safety in the workplace for workers. Insurance deals with payments of claims. Was the patient coerced or tied down and had the work done under protest? I don't know what you are getting at.
What is the ethical problem if they were done properly and with the patients consent? OSHA deals with occupational safety in the workplace for workers. Insurance deals with payments of claims. Was the patient coerced or tied down and had the work done under protest? I don't know what you are getting at.
can you get your chipped tooth fixed on the first dental visit?
i have had a chipped tooth for about hmm 2 years!!!! and i finally found a dentist that takes my insurance? can my dentist fix my tooth on the first visit i cant bare to have this awkward smile for much longer!!!
i would put my money on him not fixing it on the first visit . He hasn´t seen you before and most dentists will just use the first appointment to assess a situation. They don´t like to book "blind" time i.e booking time for a patient without knowing what needs doing and how long they anticipate it needs to fix a problem. It might just need 1/2 hour to do a filling, or longer 1 hour to prepare for a crown, or maybe it just needs a 3 minute smooth. You would have to be seeing a very expensive dentist if they can book an hour and a half for something that might just take them 15 minuttes. a chipped tooth which you have lived with for 2 years isn't an emergency so, sorry i doubt that they will do anything on the first visit. I would ring them and see what they say - love to know what they say..plese post it ! good luck and let us all know!
i would put my money on him not fixing it on the first visit . He hasn´t seen you before and most dentists will just use the first appointment to assess a situation. They don´t like to book "blind" time i.e booking time for a patient without knowing what needs doing and how long they anticipate it needs to fix a problem. It might just need 1/2 hour to do a filling, or longer 1 hour to prepare for a crown, or maybe it just needs a 3 minute smooth. You would have to be seeing a very expensive dentist if they can book an hour and a half for something that might just take them 15 minuttes. a chipped tooth which you have lived with for 2 years isn't an emergency so, sorry i doubt that they will do anything on the first visit. I would ring them and see what they say - love to know what they say..plese post it ! good luck and let us all know!
i want to go universitie in australia what will i need to sort out?
visa? health insurance? work visa? dental insurance? any imformation you could give me would be helpful me and my mate want to go we are staying with her uncle so living is sorted
I would learn how to spell university first!
I would learn how to spell university first!
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