How much is the deductable and how long do you have to have it?
check out this website. I have had them for over 5 years, and had never dissapointed me. I have save alot of money on all kinds of work. Hope this helps
Monday, November 22, 2010
what is a good dental insurance that you don,t have to wait 12 months to use?
my teeth are getting bad and i wont to get them fixed what insurance should i get that i don,t have to wait a long time to use wont to get it done soon as possible?
No Dental insurance! My Wisdom teeth are growing in so what can I do?
How much will it cost to just get on tooth pulled? Is there places that work with people with no dental?
I would encourage you to visit this great website: I signed up online over 5 years ago when I was in college and they have saved me thousands of dollars on all services. From extractions, cleanings, xrays..etc. Even oral surgeons are included. They even had my very affordable plan active in 2 hours and was able to use them the very same day. Good luck and hope this helps.
I would encourage you to visit this great website: I signed up online over 5 years ago when I was in college and they have saved me thousands of dollars on all services. From extractions, cleanings, xrays..etc. Even oral surgeons are included. They even had my very affordable plan active in 2 hours and was able to use them the very same day. Good luck and hope this helps.
How does not having insurance affect getting dental treatment?
I've never been to the dentist in my life. I've got a cavity I want to take care of, but I really don't know where to start. I mean, I found a dental place near home, but I just simply don't know what to ask or look for. Ex: fees, do I need to make an appointment, etc. One main thing I'm worried about is not having insurance and possibly being denied treatment.
As long as you have money they will take care of you. But expect to pay up front for the services. Also, for some reason they have a higher rate for those paying cash instead of insurance. I only found that out, after I no longer had insurance, and when to the dentist office to get some work done. They said they would give me the insurance rate to get it done. Seems to me they would charge less for those paying cash than for insurance.
As long as you have money they will take care of you. But expect to pay up front for the services. Also, for some reason they have a higher rate for those paying cash instead of insurance. I only found that out, after I no longer had insurance, and when to the dentist office to get some work done. They said they would give me the insurance rate to get it done. Seems to me they would charge less for those paying cash than for insurance.
Does anyone know if there are any affordable dental insurance online that cover dental surgery?
on impacted teeth and removal of wisdom teeth.I'm desperate here.I dont have alot of money and Im in alot of pain and am on a non-solid food diet.PLEASE HELP.Im in agony! I only have medicare and I know they dont cover it.
-------------------- I signed up online over 5 years ago now and they have saved me thousands of dollars on all services. Including cosmetic and oral surgeons. And all of the other dental services. They even had my very affordable benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. Hope this helps.
-------------------- I signed up online over 5 years ago now and they have saved me thousands of dollars on all services. Including cosmetic and oral surgeons. And all of the other dental services. They even had my very affordable benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. Hope this helps.
I just reviewed my new dental insurance and I have a choice of silver or composite fillings, which one is best?
They are the two covered at 100%.
You would be getting a better payment from the insurance company for composite fillings if they pay 100%. They are usually 2-3 times more than silver. The trend is away from silver fillings and into composites. They look better, and offer the tooth more strength when the bond together. That said, they may not last as long as silver because their physical strength is not as great. Also they can be very technique sensitive, and as a result ,they are often temperature sensitive for a while after they are placed. But if the fillings are medium or small, I would opt for the composite fillings. By the way, the danger from the metal fillings is very highly exaggerated .
You would be getting a better payment from the insurance company for composite fillings if they pay 100%. They are usually 2-3 times more than silver. The trend is away from silver fillings and into composites. They look better, and offer the tooth more strength when the bond together. That said, they may not last as long as silver because their physical strength is not as great. Also they can be very technique sensitive, and as a result ,they are often temperature sensitive for a while after they are placed. But if the fillings are medium or small, I would opt for the composite fillings. By the way, the danger from the metal fillings is very highly exaggerated .
how much does it cost to get all 4 wisdom teeth extracted? I dont have dental insurance?
I was given a price of 1400 for all 4. Is this a good deal?
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here -
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here -
is there a dental plan for individuals who dont have dental insurance and there employer doesnt offer dental i?
i live in upstate new york and my employer doesnt offer dental, is there any individual dental plans out there that covers most dentists and areas of upstate new york?
I would strongly encourage you to visit this great website: I signed up online over 5 years ago when I was in college and they have saved me thousands of dollars on all dental services since. From extractions, xrays, exams, fillings, Cleanings, root canals, crowns and even my braces. They even had my extremely affordable plan active in 2 hours and was able to use them the very same day. hope this helps and good luck
I would strongly encourage you to visit this great website: I signed up online over 5 years ago when I was in college and they have saved me thousands of dollars on all dental services since. From extractions, xrays, exams, fillings, Cleanings, root canals, crowns and even my braces. They even had my extremely affordable plan active in 2 hours and was able to use them the very same day. hope this helps and good luck
Dental insurance or plan for invisalign ?
Hi, I would like to have invisalign in boston. I dont have dental insurance. Could you please tell me which dental plan/insurance is good for invisalign? and also do u suggest any dentist in boston? Thankyou very much.
If you get dental insurance that covers adult braces, the very good insurance plans will only pay around $1000 of your orthodontic treatment be it invisalign or regular metal braces. Most times it isn't worth paying the insurance premium. A side note about's not for everyone, it doesnt work for all cases. Most importantly it's an active treatment meaning you have to wear these for 22 hours per day only taking them out to eat. So YOU have to be able to put them in yourself everyday, and frankly I wouldn't be good at this, and I'm a dental professional. This treatment also usually takes longer then wearing regular braces, and of course if you don't put them in and wear them all day and night like you're supposed to this will increase the amount of time you wear them. So look closely into this before you say "I want invisalign"
If you get dental insurance that covers adult braces, the very good insurance plans will only pay around $1000 of your orthodontic treatment be it invisalign or regular metal braces. Most times it isn't worth paying the insurance premium. A side note about's not for everyone, it doesnt work for all cases. Most importantly it's an active treatment meaning you have to wear these for 22 hours per day only taking them out to eat. So YOU have to be able to put them in yourself everyday, and frankly I wouldn't be good at this, and I'm a dental professional. This treatment also usually takes longer then wearing regular braces, and of course if you don't put them in and wear them all day and night like you're supposed to this will increase the amount of time you wear them. So look closely into this before you say "I want invisalign"
Does the new Health care law say any thing about Dental and Vision insurance?
Does the new Health care law say any thing about Dental and Vision insurance? What does it say about those things Dental and vision? Is it going to make them cheaper and require them to cover more, like almost 100% of the bill for those services? When will this take affect? Will it require us to have them to? Will it give us more affordable options for Dental and Vision plans? What are they going to call affordable on those? I need a plan that will cover 100% of my Dental and Optical visits.
Dental services are not typically considered medical care, that is why they are always riders (add ons ) to the usual medical policy. Dental insurance can be actually very inexpensive as a stand alone policy. Vision is similar in that medical eye problems (glaucoma, etc) treated by an ophthalmologist are usually billed under medical services; glasses (& optometry visits for this) are usually stand alone. Poor vision is not considered health care historically. Glasses are a relative new invention in the scheme of things and were considered a luxury not a necessity. Many aspects of the health care bill do not start for 4 or more years anyway. Explore dental & vision plans on your own-some are really cheap. Cost co and other places do vision; dental schools provide cheap dental services if you need that.
Dental services are not typically considered medical care, that is why they are always riders (add ons ) to the usual medical policy. Dental insurance can be actually very inexpensive as a stand alone policy. Vision is similar in that medical eye problems (glaucoma, etc) treated by an ophthalmologist are usually billed under medical services; glasses (& optometry visits for this) are usually stand alone. Poor vision is not considered health care historically. Glasses are a relative new invention in the scheme of things and were considered a luxury not a necessity. Many aspects of the health care bill do not start for 4 or more years anyway. Explore dental & vision plans on your own-some are really cheap. Cost co and other places do vision; dental schools provide cheap dental services if you need that.
How do i get dental insurance?
Because my i need to pay $800 for fillings and $4,100 for braces and it's just too much.
Two ways I know of. Get a job with benifits. But the coverage. Probably cheaper in the long run to pay for it though.
Two ways I know of. Get a job with benifits. But the coverage. Probably cheaper in the long run to pay for it though.
do you know of a dental insurance plan with no "missing tooth clause"?
I am wanting to get a bride to cover a missing tooth and wanted to see if I can sign up for a dental plan with no missing tooth clause. I understand there are waiting periods, but would like to get things moving.
Most insurance plans can tailor a plan to you. It will be more expensive to cover missing teeth, but I see those plans every day. Check with all the major companies. At least one of them can do it.
Most insurance plans can tailor a plan to you. It will be more expensive to cover missing teeth, but I see those plans every day. Check with all the major companies. At least one of them can do it.
Is there a low cost medical/dental Insurance company anywhere in Michigan or worldwide?
I haven't had insurance Since I was 18. im 27 now. It really sucks. Im a stay at home Step mother ( well.. step girlfriend ).. and I have no income. My boyfriend has a really good job and he supports me. but we arent married so I cant be on his insurance. Anyone have any info for me?
I have a discount medical benefits plan, it helps me save on my doctor's visits, lab work, and good savings on my dental work. It is not insurance, but the savings are good. The website should have more info for you.....
I have a discount medical benefits plan, it helps me save on my doctor's visits, lab work, and good savings on my dental work. It is not insurance, but the savings are good. The website should have more info for you.....
Is there any way I can buy Dental Insurance that covers Braces for an adult ?
I'm in need of braces and other ortho/protho work, but need help with paying. Besides office payment plans, what options might I have ?
There are affordable dental discount plans. To compare various plans, go to
There are affordable dental discount plans. To compare various plans, go to
Does care credit work with dental discount cards or dental insurance?
I've heard about care credit and that it will allow to make payments to pay off your dental bills but will they still allow you to use care credit if you are using a dental discount card too. Also does care credit charge an annual fee for using their services like some credit cards?
Care credit works exactly like a credit card. They often let you finance medical procedures at 0% financing for up to a year or more. So the answer to your question is, yes you can use it to pay whatever your dental insurance does not pay and you can use it in conjunction with your discounts and insurance card. They do not charge an annual fee.
Care credit works exactly like a credit card. They often let you finance medical procedures at 0% financing for up to a year or more. So the answer to your question is, yes you can use it to pay whatever your dental insurance does not pay and you can use it in conjunction with your discounts and insurance card. They do not charge an annual fee.
whats an elimination period in insurance, particularly how might it work in dental insurance?
I'm taking another jab at this for a good answer, prefer answers from insurance professionals but all answers welcome
Well , i see it has been 8 hrs. and no answer. I don't know answer, but I believe if you call the dentist's office and ask to speak to the insurance specialist, you will get the answer. Never saw an office without an insurance specialist, and they are very knowledgable.
Well , i see it has been 8 hrs. and no answer. I don't know answer, but I believe if you call the dentist's office and ask to speak to the insurance specialist, you will get the answer. Never saw an office without an insurance specialist, and they are very knowledgable.
What do I do with no Dental Insurance?
I had a piece of my tooth fall out. It doesn't hurt except when I eat. What will a dentist do and how much will it cost with no insurance? I live in Pennsylvania if that makes a difference. Is there anywhere cheap I can go? And how long can I go before it becomes a major problem?
If you don't get it taken care of right away, it will probably get infected, and then it will be very painful. Call around to a few different dentists and see what their pricing is. Also let them know that you don't have insurance and that you would need to work out a payment plan. Most dental offices I've been to when I had no insurance were totally understanding and let me make monthly payments. Hope this helps and good luck!
If you don't get it taken care of right away, it will probably get infected, and then it will be very painful. Call around to a few different dentists and see what their pricing is. Also let them know that you don't have insurance and that you would need to work out a payment plan. Most dental offices I've been to when I had no insurance were totally understanding and let me make monthly payments. Hope this helps and good luck!
how much does doral dental insurance cost?
im in tennessee and i have blue care tenncare insurance because i am pregnant i need to get my teeth checked out they bleed a lot, how much does doral dental insurance cost? i have a number for them on the back of my blue care insurance card but its 5:00 so i wont get an answer.
Be honest,It will take a while to find the ideal answer for the your question.provide a relevant resource here for your reference,hope it helps.
Be honest,It will take a while to find the ideal answer for the your question.provide a relevant resource here for your reference,hope it helps.
Does zero deductible dental insurance exist?
I need 9000.00 in dental work my plan only covers 1500 per year. Ive been looking all morning but i can not find anything. Also with a short waiting period.
-------------------- - here is my health insurance plan. As I remember they can provide such a service.
-------------------- - here is my health insurance plan. As I remember they can provide such a service.
Are there any legitimate dental insurance plans for self employed people?
Are there any legitimate dental insurance plans for self employed people? Not "discount programs", but true blue, real dental insurance programs for people whom are self employed? I have combed the internet and cannot find any except the "bogus" discount programs. Surely it exists.
At least you have the discountplans figured out. Good for you. Delta is selling individual plans in SOME states, so see if they have one for you. You will not generally find good dental insurance for individuals. The thing is, insurance companies are in BUSINESS and they want to make a PROFIT. They know exactly how much any given group is going to spend for their dental needs, so they construct a fee schedule for that group and decide how much premium that they will need to charge to pay out those fees for that group and still make money. Dental insurance can be a big loser for the insurance companies, because EVERYONE has dental problems. Not everyone has a heart attack.
At least you have the discountplans figured out. Good for you. Delta is selling individual plans in SOME states, so see if they have one for you. You will not generally find good dental insurance for individuals. The thing is, insurance companies are in BUSINESS and they want to make a PROFIT. They know exactly how much any given group is going to spend for their dental needs, so they construct a fee schedule for that group and decide how much premium that they will need to charge to pay out those fees for that group and still make money. Dental insurance can be a big loser for the insurance companies, because EVERYONE has dental problems. Not everyone has a heart attack.
My problem is teeth broken off at gum line and No dental insurance. Solutions?
I have 3 broken teeth (a stub remains) I make fakes out of Sculpy clay. What are crowns etc. made of, and where can I buy it? I know, sounds really weird , but they look pretty good and can last for over a month or more. I figure, if I use the right medium, they will look and last even better. Any suggestions?
You are being very creative but you are putting yourself in a situation to develop a very bad infection. as much as you don't want to hear it but you will eventually need to see a dentist and then you might end up paying more for your treatment. find a dentist and go for a visit before it is too late. there might be a chance that you can use these teeth for a crown and if you wait longer you might not be able to do so and you will loose them. crowns can be made of metals such as gold or steel or they can be made of porceline or combination of both. you can't just buy a crown from outside bcause dentist has to make some changes to your tooth and then lab will make one special to fit your tooth perfectly. Hope this helps and good luck.
You are being very creative but you are putting yourself in a situation to develop a very bad infection. as much as you don't want to hear it but you will eventually need to see a dentist and then you might end up paying more for your treatment. find a dentist and go for a visit before it is too late. there might be a chance that you can use these teeth for a crown and if you wait longer you might not be able to do so and you will loose them. crowns can be made of metals such as gold or steel or they can be made of porceline or combination of both. you can't just buy a crown from outside bcause dentist has to make some changes to your tooth and then lab will make one special to fit your tooth perfectly. Hope this helps and good luck.
How do I find dental insurance?
I' self employed, don't have alot of money, but I need some extensive work done. Where do I even begin? Thanks!
i had the same question in mind about a year ago.. i discovered that some dental insurance only cover things like cavities, cleans and check ups, and the ones that cover more dental work often only pay a percentage of the bill, and the dental insurance that cover every dental need want a arm and leg for the cost of insurance...
i had the same question in mind about a year ago.. i discovered that some dental insurance only cover things like cavities, cleans and check ups, and the ones that cover more dental work often only pay a percentage of the bill, and the dental insurance that cover every dental need want a arm and leg for the cost of insurance...
Without dental insurance,about how much would it cost to remove two molars?
i would also like to know the range of how much braces would cost for my bottom teeth.the molars have been pushing my teeth together and have made them crooked.thanks guys.
if you're concerned about the cost you may want to check out it's a dental discount program you can find dentists in your area and even view a fee schedule my husband just saved a lot of money when he had a filling fall out and needed it replaced...he was so impressed he's now going back to have more procedures done which he avoided before because of the price. here's a link to more testimonials…
if you're concerned about the cost you may want to check out it's a dental discount program you can find dentists in your area and even view a fee schedule my husband just saved a lot of money when he had a filling fall out and needed it replaced...he was so impressed he's now going back to have more procedures done which he avoided before because of the price. here's a link to more testimonials…
I need extensive and expensive dental work. I have no dental insurance, and dental schools are too far away.?
There are no dental schools close by. I am running out of time. Any dentists out there who can help?
more than likely it will be cheaper for you to travel to a dental school than using a physician near your home. i went to Mexico to get my dental work done and stayed there one week and saved money in the long run. the work was okay but not great. we get what we pay for
more than likely it will be cheaper for you to travel to a dental school than using a physician near your home. i went to Mexico to get my dental work done and stayed there one week and saved money in the long run. the work was okay but not great. we get what we pay for
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