I am on SSDI, get EBT food stamps, and get some other supports, such as Medicaid to supplement my military insurance (from my estranged husband). The military insurance, so far as I can tell, only covers routine dental work, and pays a percentage of other dental procedures. Last time I had dental work done, I had to have a full cleaning, which ended up costing me $300! There is no way I can afford anything like that again... What options do I have between Medicaid and Tricare (and other options)? I have severe dental problems (I was diagnosed with peridontal disease last year, a direct result of growing up with a mother who never brought me to a dentist, so by the time I was old enough to do it myself, I already had severe gingivitis which quickly became peridontis, even with cleanings and treatments which I couldn't really afford, but tried to get anyway. Basically, I'm going to need a fully cleaning, periodontal assessment, going to have to have many teeth pulled, and get tooth implants, dentures, and/or bridgework. From my own assessment, I have 4 severely decayed teeth, about 10 partially decayed teeth, and a few shwoing signs of leanig that way. My gums have receded a great deal over time, and they are sensitive and bleed when brushed and bleed severely when I floss. I do try to brush and floss every day, though I don't see how it could possibly help now. Please help me figure out a way to fix my mouth...I am, according to others, a very pretty girl, except for my teeth, which are so crooked and messed up...I should've had braces when I was a kid, too, they are so crooked, but my mother refused to believe that...she never cared.
I don't understand what you are asking for or want. You get tons of governmental insurance and welfare programs. I really don't know what more you want people to do because of your neglect?
Monday, May 30, 2011
excellus insurance ?
I just recieved my insurance card in the mail and it is excellus bc plan 304 and bs plan 804 the group code is f. I was wondering if my ins. covers everything like dental and eye care does anyone know . Thank you
You can save up to 60% to 80% with ASP's Health Care and Dental Saving Plan and you call also receive a free Motorola Cell Phone. The lowest price you can ever find for health insurance. Cell Phone: 1. No daily charge 2. NO contract 3. No Long Distance fee 4.No COntract 5.No Overages To here more about this amazing opportunity please call 1-866-870-0560 Make sure to use referral code to get half off own healthcare: 290581
You can save up to 60% to 80% with ASP's Health Care and Dental Saving Plan and you call also receive a free Motorola Cell Phone. The lowest price you can ever find for health insurance. Cell Phone: 1. No daily charge 2. NO contract 3. No Long Distance fee 4.No COntract 5.No Overages To here more about this amazing opportunity please call 1-866-870-0560 Make sure to use referral code to get half off own healthcare: 290581
I'm 14 years old and my wisdom teeth are already killing me, ?
I cannot eat anything cold, yet drink anything cold or it stings really bad, my tooth wakes me up every night... i have no dental insurance... i'm ready to die, it feels like my nerves are bothering me just around that 1 tooth, like there really sensitive. (the 1 in the back right) so please, help me get some sleep :(
do you have any abesol or orajel? take some tylenol, advil, aleve or motrin whichever you have in the house, you sure its your wisdom teeth and not a cavity?? do you have any floss try to floss around the tooth maybe something is caught between the tooth and gum....if your parents will let you, swish your mouth with some liquor the alcohol will help the gums swish it in your mouth and spit it out, dont swallow it.....also take a cup of warm water put 1/2 tsp of salt in it, mix it and rinse your mouth with it, spit out, and repeat til you finish up the whole glass of water, the salt will kill any infection near the gum the tooth might be causing....... so go take the pain relievers first and then do the rest hope you feel better
do you have any abesol or orajel? take some tylenol, advil, aleve or motrin whichever you have in the house, you sure its your wisdom teeth and not a cavity?? do you have any floss try to floss around the tooth maybe something is caught between the tooth and gum....if your parents will let you, swish your mouth with some liquor the alcohol will help the gums swish it in your mouth and spit it out, dont swallow it.....also take a cup of warm water put 1/2 tsp of salt in it, mix it and rinse your mouth with it, spit out, and repeat til you finish up the whole glass of water, the salt will kill any infection near the gum the tooth might be causing....... so go take the pain relievers first and then do the rest hope you feel better
How much can I expect to pay for cobra insurance?
I was recently offered a job that pays much more than my current job. The downfall is the employer is small and does not currently offer an employee insurance plans. I'm 30 years old and I've never had any major health issues. I know I can keep the insurance from my former job thru cobra law. But what will i expect to pay. Currently as an employee I pay 26.35 per each pay period (2 week pay periods) for medical insurance and 9.53 a pay period for dental. In summary i pay roughly 71 dollars a month to cover myself only (no dependents). the company i work for has 7000 employees worldwide. probably 2-3000 u.s. employees. How much can I expect to pay for cobra?
"I know I can keep the insurance from my former job thru cobra law." Nobody has mentioned that COBRA benefits last for only 18 months. As you say your young and have no health issues I would apply for a new individual health policy now the difference between what you will pay under COBRA and your own policy that is customized for your financial situation will be significant. I've done that many times for my clients
"I know I can keep the insurance from my former job thru cobra law." Nobody has mentioned that COBRA benefits last for only 18 months. As you say your young and have no health issues I would apply for a new individual health policy now the difference between what you will pay under COBRA and your own policy that is customized for your financial situation will be significant. I've done that many times for my clients
getting insurance?
I am self employed. For a long time i did not have health insurance. Well i talked to someone today and he told me i could get some. It would be $247 a month. thats also includes dental and vision. my friend says thats too much, but to be honest i am not sure how much people usually pay. Is that a good price per month? thanks.
That is an excellent price. I'd be very leery of it. What does it cover? Private health insurance (depending on your risk factors, deductibles, etc.) would normally run at least $400 a month. Insurance does not cover everything. It might cover a PERCENTAGE of everything. What is your co-pay and deductibles? What are the annual and lifetime limits it pays? What procedures are included/excluded? Lots of variables in insurance. Again, this sounds too good to be true.
That is an excellent price. I'd be very leery of it. What does it cover? Private health insurance (depending on your risk factors, deductibles, etc.) would normally run at least $400 a month. Insurance does not cover everything. It might cover a PERCENTAGE of everything. What is your co-pay and deductibles? What are the annual and lifetime limits it pays? What procedures are included/excluded? Lots of variables in insurance. Again, this sounds too good to be true.
Dental Bonding for a Diastema?
hello, i have a gap between my front teeth and i'm wondering if it can be closed by dental bonding also i want to know how much it costs this bonding ? and if my college insurance can afford that for me? thank you
Bonding will definitely work to close the gap. As far as costs and insurance goes, I can't tell you a set price. Call your dental office (or if you don't have a dentist you see regularly, then phone a couple of offices and ask what the prices are and then you can pick and choose which one you want to go to). As I'm not from the states (I'm from Canada) I can't even estimate a price for you, but here, it's not too pricey (approx. $150-$200). And you'll also have to call your insurance company and ask, as every insurance company has different policies on what they cover and how much. Hope this helps!
Bonding will definitely work to close the gap. As far as costs and insurance goes, I can't tell you a set price. Call your dental office (or if you don't have a dentist you see regularly, then phone a couple of offices and ask what the prices are and then you can pick and choose which one you want to go to). As I'm not from the states (I'm from Canada) I can't even estimate a price for you, but here, it's not too pricey (approx. $150-$200). And you'll also have to call your insurance company and ask, as every insurance company has different policies on what they cover and how much. Hope this helps!
Will Kaiser Permanente take out my Wisdom Teeth?
I haven't called yet but I don't wanna feel stupid when I do :/ My dental won't cover me anymore cuz I'm not a full time student so my next option is my medical which covers me regardless of student status. I know kaiser doesn't have dental will they take out my wisdom teeth if I need them to? they aren't going to sit and wait til someone takes them out I've already called around to other dental insurance and so far its a no go
I would contact Kaiser and find out. If your wisdom teeth will create other health problems, then they might take them out. If it's for purely cosmetic reasons, ie it will mess up your smile, my guess they won't. As for all those people who poo poo Kaiser, let me state that you have to be forceful and assertive with Kaiser and take charge of your own health care. Be informed and educated. Kaiser is a "cattle" outfit; however, it does offer health coverage for a lot less.
I would contact Kaiser and find out. If your wisdom teeth will create other health problems, then they might take them out. If it's for purely cosmetic reasons, ie it will mess up your smile, my guess they won't. As for all those people who poo poo Kaiser, let me state that you have to be forceful and assertive with Kaiser and take charge of your own health care. Be informed and educated. Kaiser is a "cattle" outfit; however, it does offer health coverage for a lot less.
I am 25 and am thinking about getting braces, and am looking for a dental plan that will cover atleast 50%.?
My problem is really based on the fact that most insurance companies only cover expenses for braces up until the age of 21.
I have a great dental plan! It is not insurance but a dental discount plan. No limits on visits or services, no age limit, no waiting period, specialists included! This plan does have their own providers but a very broad selection. Save anywhere from 50% to 80 on most utilized dental procedures such as exams, x-rays, teeth cleanings, fillings, root canal, and even crowns! Members can also save 50% or more on Braces! The plan is only $11.95 a month for an individual or $19.95 a month for household. You also get 3 additional benefits free with the plan vision, RX, & chiropractic! Get more information at: http://www.wehavebenefits.com At this same website you will be able to find out what dental providers are in your area that accepts this plan, just click on the tab at the top of the page that says Find a Provider. Let me know if you can't locate the website or have some questions!
I have a great dental plan! It is not insurance but a dental discount plan. No limits on visits or services, no age limit, no waiting period, specialists included! This plan does have their own providers but a very broad selection. Save anywhere from 50% to 80 on most utilized dental procedures such as exams, x-rays, teeth cleanings, fillings, root canal, and even crowns! Members can also save 50% or more on Braces! The plan is only $11.95 a month for an individual or $19.95 a month for household. You also get 3 additional benefits free with the plan vision, RX, & chiropractic! Get more information at: http://www.wehavebenefits.com At this same website you will be able to find out what dental providers are in your area that accepts this plan, just click on the tab at the top of the page that says Find a Provider. Let me know if you can't locate the website or have some questions!
I want to offer employees an annual amount of $ for them to allocate to the benefit costs of their choice.?
Am I restricted in which benfits I can allow them to contribute to? For example: I allocate $6000 to each employee. They can choose to cover all or parts of their health, dental , Life, STD insurance premiums etc. What about putting it into the 401k? I need some direction and need to have a starting place for my research. Can you help?
This is a good question to discuss with a tax accountant. You are not restricted to anything, but some things may be tax-deductible, others may not be, and yet others would only be tax-deductible uo to a certain limit, which could be either an absolute number or a percentage of employee's earnings...
This is a good question to discuss with a tax accountant. You are not restricted to anything, but some things may be tax-deductible, others may not be, and yet others would only be tax-deductible uo to a certain limit, which could be either an absolute number or a percentage of employee's earnings...
Dentists...Chain (Aspen Dental) vs. Local?
My BF needs to get to a dentist ASAP We don't have insurance so I'm looking to do this as cheaply as possible. He has several visible cavities and is aware that some major work needs to be done. Will he save money by going through Aspen Dental as it's a chain type place with offices all over or to go to a reputable dentist in the area who only works at his own practice? Thanks in advance!
Thanks for considering Aspen Dental. Here's a little more information about our dental offices. Although Aspen Dental operates under a common name, our fully licensed and credentialed dentists operate independently and follow the same guidelines for their standard of care as independent dentists. By working together to provide support services to each office like billing, insurance processing and purchasing of dental supplies, they are able to reduce costs and offer dental services at a more affordable price. In most cases, Aspen Dental fees and services are lower than the average market fees. Your BF can get a better idea by going to the Aspen Dental office in your area. If your BF does not have insurance, his exam and xrays are free. I hope you have found this helpful. Feel free to email me if you have anymore questions. Allie
Thanks for considering Aspen Dental. Here's a little more information about our dental offices. Although Aspen Dental operates under a common name, our fully licensed and credentialed dentists operate independently and follow the same guidelines for their standard of care as independent dentists. By working together to provide support services to each office like billing, insurance processing and purchasing of dental supplies, they are able to reduce costs and offer dental services at a more affordable price. In most cases, Aspen Dental fees and services are lower than the average market fees. Your BF can get a better idea by going to the Aspen Dental office in your area. If your BF does not have insurance, his exam and xrays are free. I hope you have found this helpful. Feel free to email me if you have anymore questions. Allie
I need Dental Work?
I need to get a lot of dental work done. And I have a low income job and no insurance. I live in Villa Park Il. Any ideas of were I can go? I can pay just not a lot.
You should do what I did. Get a Cheap Dental Plan, not insurance. It offers HIGH SAVINGS ON DENTAL WORK. For Example, instead of paying $50 for teeth cleaning, with the plan, it will be $17. Its really cheap, $6.95/month. You can cancel anytime. THIS is NOT a scam. I researched them before I joined. CareINGTON is under the Better BusinessBureau. Type in this Referal code when you join:1DENTZ21824R Go to 1Dental.com I'm sooo happy I found out about them. I saved about $1000 on my two root canals I needed. Check them out.
You should do what I did. Get a Cheap Dental Plan, not insurance. It offers HIGH SAVINGS ON DENTAL WORK. For Example, instead of paying $50 for teeth cleaning, with the plan, it will be $17. Its really cheap, $6.95/month. You can cancel anytime. THIS is NOT a scam. I researched them before I joined. CareINGTON is under the Better BusinessBureau. Type in this Referal code when you join:1DENTZ21824R Go to 1Dental.com I'm sooo happy I found out about them. I saved about $1000 on my two root canals I needed. Check them out.
Need to find the best dental plan?
Needs to be great need to find good quality insurance
There is no such thing as the best dental plan. There is no such thing as good quality insurance. It all depends on what you want really. So tell us more.
There is no such thing as the best dental plan. There is no such thing as good quality insurance. It all depends on what you want really. So tell us more.
I'm searching for dental implants in Los Angeles?
I have several thousand dollars saved to get some implants.I'm looking for a dentist who will give a break to cash pay vs the insurance companies.If anyone has strong knowledge of a dentist in Los Angeles,CA,I'd appreciate it.Or even willing to travel if the procedure can be expedited.
Dental and Dental Implants surgery is very safe nowadays. My cousin got her dental implants and lasik surgery in India by a company called Forerunners Healthcare. The Price for dental and lasik surgery is very less in India. She paid 25% of the price she was quoted in America. Forerunners Healthcare is very famous in India They arrange Dental surgery, jaw surgery, lasik eye surgery, Dental Implants etc for foreign patients in India. I read a lot about them in the Newspapers and magazines- about their patient stories. They arrange financing for USA, Canadian, UK and other international patients who plan to have surgery abroad for low cost, as dental and eye surgery is not covered by insurance. They also have photos pasted of their International patients. You can checkout their website. There are huge cost savings. As a doctor I personally believe that surgery can be easily handled in India, as the quality of healthcare available In India is simply best in the world. The surgeons are USA/UK trained and facilities are 5 star. http://www.forerunnershealthcare.com Hope this helps.
Dental and Dental Implants surgery is very safe nowadays. My cousin got her dental implants and lasik surgery in India by a company called Forerunners Healthcare. The Price for dental and lasik surgery is very less in India. She paid 25% of the price she was quoted in America. Forerunners Healthcare is very famous in India They arrange Dental surgery, jaw surgery, lasik eye surgery, Dental Implants etc for foreign patients in India. I read a lot about them in the Newspapers and magazines- about their patient stories. They arrange financing for USA, Canadian, UK and other international patients who plan to have surgery abroad for low cost, as dental and eye surgery is not covered by insurance. They also have photos pasted of their International patients. You can checkout their website. There are huge cost savings. As a doctor I personally believe that surgery can be easily handled in India, as the quality of healthcare available In India is simply best in the world. The surgeons are USA/UK trained and facilities are 5 star. http://www.forerunnershealthcare.com Hope this helps.
Anyone Have/Had a Misaligned Jaw?
I have a misaligned lower jaw and I would like to get a surgery to correct this. As far as I know, I need to see a maxillofacial surgeon but I don't have health insurance or dental insurance of any sort. It's not just cosmetic, there are other difficulties I have because of this. What options are open for me? :s Do you guys/gals have any tips? What can I do? Approximately how much would this surgery cost? :s Thanks a ton!
The best thing to do, which could help you avoid having to have surgery all together, is go to a chiropractor who specializes in TMJ problems. You can find one here: http://www.kevinhearon.com/CEA/cceplocat… . Sometimes just one visit is all it takes.
The best thing to do, which could help you avoid having to have surgery all together, is go to a chiropractor who specializes in TMJ problems. You can find one here: http://www.kevinhearon.com/CEA/cceplocat… . Sometimes just one visit is all it takes.
dental school that does dental work for discount in norfolk va.?
i have a cyst in my mouth that is leaking in my mouth and has been for 3 weeks i am getting worried and i had heard a few people talking about a dental school that will do dental work for a deeply discounted price for letting them work on you i have been layed off and have no kind of insurance if you have any suggestions or know the school that i am talking about it would be greatly appreciated.thanks
Well we all do understand your situation and I will see what I can do for you, First of all you have this dental school in richmond http://www.dentistry.vcu.edu/about/direc… Also you have this free dental clinic http://maps.google.com/maps/place?client… Either one should be able to provide the services you require and get you back on your feet, good luck. hope this helps, 3rd Year Dental Student
Well we all do understand your situation and I will see what I can do for you, First of all you have this dental school in richmond http://www.dentistry.vcu.edu/about/direc… Also you have this free dental clinic http://maps.google.com/maps/place?client… Either one should be able to provide the services you require and get you back on your feet, good luck. hope this helps, 3rd Year Dental Student
what does UCF stand for?dental?
i got a dental treatment plan print out from my dentists office and the prices are written under UCF collum. i just lost my insurance and wanted to make sure that wasn't my insurance price. for example: a filling is 248 UCF price and 168 patient price
UCF - Usual and Customary Fee. It is an average of the dentists fees for a particular service in a particular area of the country. Insurance companies however will not reveal how they come up with this fee.
UCF - Usual and Customary Fee. It is an average of the dentists fees for a particular service in a particular area of the country. Insurance companies however will not reveal how they come up with this fee.
Is it okay to sign up for new insurance while continuing previous coverage through COBRA?
Ok, here's the situation. I've recently switched jobs and I have the option of keeping my old insurance through COBRA or signing up for insurance with my new company. For medical insurance, I'm definately going to switch to the new provider but for dental, I'd kind of like continue through COBRA until I reach my max pay-out and then switch to the new plan. (I have lots of dental work ahead of me, so I'll probably reach that limit in a few months.) The only problem is, I have to enroll to the new plan by the end of January or I'll have to wait an entire year before I can sign up again. So what I'd like to do is continue using my previous coverage, but sign up for new plan so that it's waiting for me when I cancel my old plan. I have not intention of submitting claims to both providers, nor do I intend to inform my dental office of the new insurance until the old plan is cancelled.
You can have more than one insurance and in your situation. Any current treatments would be excluded for 1 year on your new plan. So I think I would consider looking into what you have going also. I actually have coverage from both my wife's and my employers for dental an vision so that we can maximize coverage. I have 3 kids coming up on Braces. Good Luck
You can have more than one insurance and in your situation. Any current treatments would be excluded for 1 year on your new plan. So I think I would consider looking into what you have going also. I actually have coverage from both my wife's and my employers for dental an vision so that we can maximize coverage. I have 3 kids coming up on Braces. Good Luck
Dental xrays and switching dentist?
I visited a new dentist for a second opinion. I decided to switch to this dentist but the doctor requested I have the last dental office send over the xrays from two years ago (which was the last time I went). I find it strange that the new doctor would want old xrays. The doctor said it was so that I would only need to take 4 instead of 6 xrays or something like that. Is it to save my time from taking more xrays? Isn't two years kinda of old? Is the new doctor trying bill the insurance company for xrays not taken?
Also, adding to the previous answer from the dentist himself :) If you had a full mouth series of x-rays taken within 2 years, your insurance (granted that it hasn't changed) may not pay for another set. The FMX is usually good for 3 years. The new dentist will probably take bitewings (4 films) and combined with the previous x-rays be able to see what he needs to. It sounds like a normal procedure to me!
Also, adding to the previous answer from the dentist himself :) If you had a full mouth series of x-rays taken within 2 years, your insurance (granted that it hasn't changed) may not pay for another set. The FMX is usually good for 3 years. The new dentist will probably take bitewings (4 films) and combined with the previous x-rays be able to see what he needs to. It sounds like a normal procedure to me!
where to get dental x-rays in new york city (look at details section)?
Hello. I was wondering where I can get panoramic(cephalogram) and panoramic x-rays of my teeth in the new york metro area. i dont have insurance so i am willing to pay with cash. hopefully something under $100 would be nice. Most of the dentists i found online require you to do a cleaning or check-up... i just want damn X-rays. PS: If you dont know the answer dont just comment to get points.
It is up to a dentist to decide whether you get that x-ray, and he would probably do a digital radiograph instead. What people need to do is establish a relationship with a dentist that includes cleanings and regular check-ups, so it would be unethical for me to recommend anything different. If you can't afford good dental care, but have lots of free time, call the NYU dental school or the Columbia University dental school. You get worked on by the students and faculty but it costs like half as much.
It is up to a dentist to decide whether you get that x-ray, and he would probably do a digital radiograph instead. What people need to do is establish a relationship with a dentist that includes cleanings and regular check-ups, so it would be unethical for me to recommend anything different. If you can't afford good dental care, but have lots of free time, call the NYU dental school or the Columbia University dental school. You get worked on by the students and faculty but it costs like half as much.
Do I really need teeth Desensitizer?
My dentist found two cavities that I need to have filled and has recommended a desensitizer treatment for each tooth which isn't covered by my dental insurance. The reality is I don't have any sensitivity to cold or hot, should I really get the treatment regardless? How long would that be good for? Thanks so much!
RIP OFF. I'd ask for more details. Sounds like a scam. I've never been offered that even when I had sensitivity to hot & cold. You aren't possibly in CA where a lot of the dentists are crooks are you?
RIP OFF. I'd ask for more details. Sounds like a scam. I've never been offered that even when I had sensitivity to hot & cold. You aren't possibly in CA where a lot of the dentists are crooks are you?
How much is invisalign cost/?
Hi, i just want to know how much does invisalign cost without having dental insurance with my teeth? thank you http://www.mypicx.com/07082010/teeth/
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here - health-quotes.talk4fun.net
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here - health-quotes.talk4fun.net
Should I get my impacted wisdom teeth removed?
Lately the gums above my wisdom teeth have felt kind of strange. Not so much painful as they are itchy....like I want to chew on things back there. (Almost as if I'm teething) It doesn't hurt or anything...it's just an annoying feeling. I can feel them underneath my gums. Should I get them removed? I'm not sure if it would be worth the money and/or pain. Also, how much does it generally cost to do? (I don't have Dental Insurance) Thanks : )
I don't know how much it will cost, because I had dental insurance when it was done. i can assure it's probably around 100-300.00 a tooth to extract. It also depends if you are going under or going to be awake. However, I got all 4 wisdoms taken out when the one on the bottom left was coming in wrong affecting my whole mouth. I would get them pulled, it's not work the pain, and it's not going to change the way you live or chew your food. Also I would advise, if you have the money, to get them all taken out at the same time, even if the others aren't bothering you. It's a possiblity they will be bothering you later and you will have to go through the process all over again. GOOD LUCK!
I don't know how much it will cost, because I had dental insurance when it was done. i can assure it's probably around 100-300.00 a tooth to extract. It also depends if you are going under or going to be awake. However, I got all 4 wisdoms taken out when the one on the bottom left was coming in wrong affecting my whole mouth. I would get them pulled, it's not work the pain, and it's not going to change the way you live or chew your food. Also I would advise, if you have the money, to get them all taken out at the same time, even if the others aren't bothering you. It's a possiblity they will be bothering you later and you will have to go through the process all over again. GOOD LUCK!
i have dark brown/black lines between 3 of my front teeth?
that just started to appear. they do not hurt not even when brushing or flossing. i smoke ( i know i should quit) and drink lots of tea and dark pop. could those lines just be stains? i do not have dental insurance or money so i really cannot afford to go to the dentist. i do brush my teeth 3 times a day too. please help! thanks
Have you been using Crest prohealth? I read an article recently that it can cause staining in some...If you stop using it, the stains will go away as gradually as they appeared
Have you been using Crest prohealth? I read an article recently that it can cause staining in some...If you stop using it, the stains will go away as gradually as they appeared
I have the worst teeth in the world. If any Dentist want to use me as example and work on my teeth?
If you want to use me for gene pig. I will be happy to be. I don't have money and times are tough. My dental insurance sucks. But if you want to experiment on my teeth I will be glad. I need lot of work. contact me via email. browsethisone@yahoo.com
Hey, check out any university that teaches dentistry. Definitely worth looking into.
Hey, check out any university that teaches dentistry. Definitely worth looking into.
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