I work for myself. I live in Ontario and have a small business. I have no employees and am looking for a health / dental insurance package for myself that is affordable yet robust. Any small business owners out there that can recommend a company and give any details about what sort of premium you pay and what you get out of it? I'm not sick or anything, but I do need to go to a dentist. I haven't been since i started working for myself 4 years ago! I need a package that I won't feel like "Why am i paying this much every month if I'm only getting this..." .. anyway, any advice appreciated.
I haven't ever seen any dental policies that pay out more than they cost. When you're shopping around, I think you'll find the same thing. And in Canada, I thought it was illegal to have private health insurance? I think you're stuck with the state program. But call a few local agents, and ask them.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Where can I get dental care without insurance in NYC?
I have no dental insurance, and an impacted wisdom tooth and possibly vingervitus (sp?). I haven't been to a dentist in about 2 years, and it's pretty urgent that I get to one. I live in East Harlem but I can travel to anywhere in the city. Are there special dental clinics for people with no insurance or just a dentist that won't cost me an arm and a leg?
Check out NYU dental clinic. They're usually less than private dentists
Check out NYU dental clinic. They're usually less than private dentists
I live in PHX. AZ. and I need to find a dental insurance which I can use right away to fix my teeth.?
Here is the deal, I went to a dentist today to have my teeth fixed. I need about 6 crowns done and they are gonna cost about $4,000 and I don't have Dental insurance right now. Is there a Dental insurance or coverage out there that will enable me to use it right away after signing with them without waiting and how much would it cost each month and based on the example above, with this Dental Insurance how much would my total cost be for fixing my teeth. Again I live in the PHX. AZ. area. We have no free dental coverage here like in New York. Let me know the details. thanks
I would encourage you to visit this great website: www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I signed up online over 5 years ago when I was in college and they have saved me thousands of dollars over the years on all services. From fillings, cleanings, xrays,exams..etc. Even my braces! They even had my extremely very affordable benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use them the very same day. Hope this helps and good luck.
I would encourage you to visit this great website: www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I signed up online over 5 years ago when I was in college and they have saved me thousands of dollars over the years on all services. From fillings, cleanings, xrays,exams..etc. Even my braces! They even had my extremely very affordable benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use them the very same day. Hope this helps and good luck.
cost of dental cleaning and check-up with insurance? Is this dentist scamming me?
I have dental insurance that pays 80% of cleaning and prevention. I went to a different dentist to try a new dentist, and all this person did was take x-rays clean my teeth (very crappily) and the dentist checked my mouth as usual. well when i left the dentist that day i paid $130 upfront. well they keep sending me notices saying i still owe then $40 dollars! So I will have paid them $170 in the end.. does this sound about right? I think this dentist is a scam."
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here - health-quotes.talk4fun.net
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here - health-quotes.talk4fun.net
Why did I get a Dental Bill when I have insurance?
I have dental insurance from United Health Care, that pays 70% of everything- but since when does CLEANING and checkup cost? My bill is $146.00!!! That's ridiculous. I shouldn't be paying anything. Unless you have cavities or are getting surgery, Dental Insurance covers cleaning, right? On top of this, I work at a famous museum- and gave my dentist & hygienist each 6 vouchers to go to the place- a $350 value! They both showed up with their friends and of course, I escorted them around and made it great for them. Now I'm getting billed! If anything, the dentist should have said "You know, he did get us those vouchers. Let me cut the bill down." Thoughts?
The insurance is a contract between you and the company. The dentist has nothing to say about what they pay. He just submits his charges and whatever they do not pay or cover, you are responsible for. If they pay 70% of everything, that includes exams, x-rays, and cleanings. They do not state that they pay 100% of those. And the dentist doesn't do them for free. So if you have a complaint call the insurance company and complain.
The insurance is a contract between you and the company. The dentist has nothing to say about what they pay. He just submits his charges and whatever they do not pay or cover, you are responsible for. If they pay 70% of everything, that includes exams, x-rays, and cleanings. They do not state that they pay 100% of those. And the dentist doesn't do them for free. So if you have a complaint call the insurance company and complain.
I need secondary or supplemental Dental insurance?
Does anyone know of any good ones??
I'd be surprised if you could find a dental insurance policy that would work for you. Odds are, it would be more expensive to pay the premiums than it would be just to pay for the balance after your primary dental insurance out of pocket.
I'd be surprised if you could find a dental insurance policy that would work for you. Odds are, it would be more expensive to pay the premiums than it would be just to pay for the balance after your primary dental insurance out of pocket.
Can someone explain this dental insurance statement for me?
I don't really know what the actual paper's called, but it's kinda like a statement. Here's what it says: Your doctor is billing a total of $3,500.00 for a 30 month treatment plan. The United Concordia allowance is $3,500.00. Deducted from this allowance are: Prior Treatment Costs: $625.00 Coinsurance/Patient Liability: $1,050.00 Amount Exceeding Dental Contract Maximum: $1,200.00 Total Available Prgram Benefits: $625.00 Total Remaining Program Benefits: $625.00 Over the course of treatment 0 quarterly payments of $0.00, and a final payment of $625.00 will be issued. TDP orthodontic quarterly payments are automated; therefore, it is not necessary to submit claims for subsequent quarterly payments. Can someone please explain this to me? Does the insurance cover the entire treatment, or do I still have to pay the rest of the treatment? Thanks
To boil this all down the insurance company has paid $625 and will pay another $625 at the end of the treatment. You are responsible for the rest. The total orthodontic benefit is $1200 and you are responsible for the rest. This is pretty standard for dental insurance which I have found to be not worth the money unless the employer pays a big chunk of the cost.
To boil this all down the insurance company has paid $625 and will pay another $625 at the end of the treatment. You are responsible for the rest. The total orthodontic benefit is $1200 and you are responsible for the rest. This is pretty standard for dental insurance which I have found to be not worth the money unless the employer pays a big chunk of the cost.
Finding help for gum disease/dental problems on a college student's budget? (Or insurance options)?
Growing up, my family never had dental or health insurance. My mother took me to the dentist when I was two or so for a check up, but after that I wasn't able to go again until the sixth grade when I had a cavity the size of a crater in one of my back teeth. It had been hurting my ear more than my mouth, so we thought it had been an ear infection. I ended up getting a root canal and practically rebuilding the tooth, as well as two other small fillings. I didn't feel thing! I was lucky my grandmother was still alive then to foot the bill. I went again at the end of my senior year in high school for a cleaning, filling two cavities, and seeing what could be done about my wonky back (wisdom?) teeth and TMD. (As an aside: I was punched in the jaw accidentally when I was younger, and the doctor told us to see a dentist. The sixth grade dentist told us we'd have to see a doctor about it. The next doctor told us to see a dentist. The senior year dentist said to see a doctor. Can anyone give me some advice on this matter while you're here?) Long story long, I haven't seen a dentist since then. I had a really bad vitamin B12 deficiency last year that no one could figure out, and despite flossing and brushing to an almost obsessive extent and trying to maintain good oral health, my gums kept recessing. I've always had a tooth on my bottom row that was pushed forward when those (still) wonky back teeth grew in. That's where it's the worst. I've been begging my mother to send me to a dentist since then. I even asked for a dentist appointment for Christmas. I'm currently attending school at Western Washington University and have no real income. I do get a refunded check from my financial aid every quarter, but it's all I get for three or so months, and I by the time my books are bought I hardly have enough for groceries. My mother wants to help out, but she's in worse shape than I am. Basically, I need a lot of dental work down, possibly some orthodontics, too, and I need to find a place that will give good service for a low price. Also, any information on dental insurance plans that would be good for my situation is appreciated. I've looked around, but I'm really hopeless when it comes to all of this. I have no idea what I'm doing. If you happen to live in Bellingham and have a good, kind dentist (or if you happen to be one), I'd be thrilled if you'd provide the contact information. Even if the services are not cheap, I'd still like to discuss possible payment methods with a reputable dentist. (I'd really prefer a dentist that is highly skilled. As much as I'm desperate right now, the really cheap dentists that do quick fixes or, worse, end up progressng the problems I already have are something I'd rather avoid.) If you don't live in the area, but you know of some good insurance companies that take pity on currently unemployed, poor college gals, that's great, too! To be honest, I'm actually really embarassed by the state of my teeth. I'd really like it if anyone who answers refrained from ridiculing me or telling me I brought in upon myself or something like that... Believe me when I tell you I would have gone sooner if I had the chance. Thank you, and sorry the details of this question have gone for so long!!
healthquotes.awardspace.info - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
healthquotes.awardspace.info - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
Is there a waiting period when you switch dental insurance?
When I signed up for my dental insurance, they said since I had insurance with another company already (for the previous 4 yrs) that there was no waiting period, so I end up getting dental work done and then they sold their company to someone else who says the exact opposite, but I have the original app that was submitted online with the original dental card, so can they deny my claim? I am submitting my proof to them, but would like some feedback, thanks.
Refer to the package you received from them after applying. This is something that will be, should be and must be, included in summary of benefits. What ever is stated there is what the deal is, it's written contract basically, usually in most cases you have 10 days to look at it, and decide if you want to keep it or not. There are some companies out there that will waive waiting period if you had prior coverage, so yes it's possible. Good luck.
Refer to the package you received from them after applying. This is something that will be, should be and must be, included in summary of benefits. What ever is stated there is what the deal is, it's written contract basically, usually in most cases you have 10 days to look at it, and decide if you want to keep it or not. There are some companies out there that will waive waiting period if you had prior coverage, so yes it's possible. Good luck.
How can I get dental work done without insurance?
I've been sick for almost a month, now that all the sinus infection symptoms have subsided it feels like I have at least one infected tooth which could be the cause of all my other issues. (The hospital called it a viral upper respiratory infection.) I do not have dental insurance and not made of money. Does anyone know of a dental program in Austin that will take patients asap that uses students or will set up payment plans? I know how serious tooth/jaw/mouth infection can become, I really want to get myself fixed up. Any advice really will be a big help.
Just don't walk into a dentist's office. My suggestion, sign up for one of those discount dental plans. You'll probably save what you paid for it on your first visit. Almost every dentist will take these plans. Also, these plans do have preferred dentists. If a dentist takes these plans, they agree to charge fixed/negotiated fees by the plan. You can sign up virtually or over the phone! There is no "pre-existing" condition, for example, what you're describing. Go to this link: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=dis…
Just don't walk into a dentist's office. My suggestion, sign up for one of those discount dental plans. You'll probably save what you paid for it on your first visit. Almost every dentist will take these plans. Also, these plans do have preferred dentists. If a dentist takes these plans, they agree to charge fixed/negotiated fees by the plan. You can sign up virtually or over the phone! There is no "pre-existing" condition, for example, what you're describing. Go to this link: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=dis…
Can I find out if the custodial parent is providing dental insurance for our child?
I am required to pay for half of our child's dental bills. The custodial parent provides me with a copy of a bill that shows what was paid and then I send a check in the mail for half. I noticed on one of the recent bills that it showed something about estimated insurance. I began suspecting that it may be possible that dental insurance is being provided for our child, the bill is being paid upfront, the bill is then given to me, then a claim is being submitted to insurance to get reimbursed for the full/partial amount after I have already reimbursed half. Due to HIPAA regulations, I know it's not going to be possible for me to ask the dentist if dental insurance is being provided by the custodial parent. Based on past experiences with the custodial parent - if this was happening, I wouldn't be too surprised. I just want to know if there's any way I could go about finding out. I understand I could just go ask the custodial parent, but I already know that's going to be pointless. I was going to go see the dentist and ask if it is possible to be billed separately for half each visit, but I'm not sure if that is possible or not. I was just wondering if anyone else had any ideas or suggestions. Thanks.
health-quotes.talk4fun.net - here is my health insurance plan. As I remember they can provide such a service.
health-quotes.talk4fun.net - here is my health insurance plan. As I remember they can provide such a service.
does braces covered by dental insurance or medical insurance?
i might need braces and i was wondering if it's going to be covered by insurance or maybe pay half? i have local 25 (union) insurance.
It is covered under your dental insurance, if your plan has that type of coverage. Call your dental insurance company and ask them, because every policy is different. You probably will have a deductible, then a percentage that you have to pay, and sometimes insurance only covers up to a maximum (like 1000 or 2000 dollars) you really just have to call and ask.
It is covered under your dental insurance, if your plan has that type of coverage. Call your dental insurance company and ask them, because every policy is different. You probably will have a deductible, then a percentage that you have to pay, and sometimes insurance only covers up to a maximum (like 1000 or 2000 dollars) you really just have to call and ask.
Questions about dental work, cost with insurance.?
I realize this is a very general question and without more details it would be hard to say, but I am looking for some estimates on how much it would cost to fix my teeth. I have not been to a dentist in years. I had a tooth crack, and had a root canal done. The tooth has since broken off completely and is missing. I have 2 seriously chipped teeth and a few others slightly chipped. I do not have dental insurance yet, but my provider through my job would be Blue Cross and Blue Shield. I am looking for how much it would cost Me out of my pocket to fix my teeth once I am insured. Any help whatsoever would be appreciated.
You can look up the average cost of all sorts of dental procedures - including the root canal and chipped tooth at http://www.smarthealthbuyer.com. They have average prices, as well as reviews of dentists. All the prices are for out-of pocket prices. Dental costs vary widely by geography, so best to put in your Zip code and use the dental cost calculator in your area. The root canal will probably cost $500, depending on the tooth, and you will probably need a crown as well for the broken tooth - say $800 depending on the materials used - porcelain, gold etc.
You can look up the average cost of all sorts of dental procedures - including the root canal and chipped tooth at http://www.smarthealthbuyer.com. They have average prices, as well as reviews of dentists. All the prices are for out-of pocket prices. Dental costs vary widely by geography, so best to put in your Zip code and use the dental cost calculator in your area. The root canal will probably cost $500, depending on the tooth, and you will probably need a crown as well for the broken tooth - say $800 depending on the materials used - porcelain, gold etc.
anyone know of any affordable dental insurance? ?
i work full time, and want to have some dental work done, i was looking online, not having any luck.
I would strongly encourage you to visit this site: www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I signed up online over 5 years ago now and they have saved me thousands of dollars since. From root canals, fillings, xrays, exams..etc. All services are included in this very affordable plan. Cosmetic surgery, orthodontics and even dentures are also included. They even had my benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day.hope this helps
I would strongly encourage you to visit this site: www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I signed up online over 5 years ago now and they have saved me thousands of dollars since. From root canals, fillings, xrays, exams..etc. All services are included in this very affordable plan. Cosmetic surgery, orthodontics and even dentures are also included. They even had my benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day.hope this helps
I can't seem to find out how to get dental insurance without needing medical also.?
I have a health insurance plan with work but can' t seem to get the dental coverage as there aren't others willing to take it. I need to get some. How in the midwest can I get seperate dental insurance? NOT dental plans that pay a part of it but aren't insurance as I need the insurance. Those often have a waiting time and only pay a small part the first year of it. I have soft enamel teeth and need ongoing or repeat dentist visits to keep the teeth later on. I did an online search and they want a ton of info to send a quote just or they don't offer an actual insurance coverage. IF anyone has a great coverage that is nationwide please let me know. I have a dire need for this.
I have a dental plan thats covers everyone in my house for one price. I have found it to be useful, it saves me and my family alot of money. I was able to find a dentist in my home town that will accept this plan and the denist that I take my children to is only about 20 minutes away so it work out well for me 1-877-483-1830 REF# 227810 that is the number that you can call
I have a dental plan thats covers everyone in my house for one price. I have found it to be useful, it saves me and my family alot of money. I was able to find a dentist in my home town that will accept this plan and the denist that I take my children to is only about 20 minutes away so it work out well for me 1-877-483-1830 REF# 227810 that is the number that you can call
I want to buy dental insurance but don't know what to go with. Help?
I need major work done on my teeth. I have quite a few cavities. I need a DEEP cleaning and hopefully I will have lucked out on getting a root canal. I just could never afford getting my teeth worked on and I was much younger in college and really didnt' think it was a big deal if I put it off well now I am paying for it. So please help. I never have had dental insurance only before I was married and was under my mother's insurance.
health-quotes.talk4fun.net - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
health-quotes.talk4fun.net - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
Is There Any Good Dental Insurance out there?
Okay, my brother and I were planning on getting braces. My dad had good insurance for it. (Humana and Harvard Pilgrim). My dad lost his job a while ago and we pretty much wasted a lot of time with consultations with the orthodontist. My mom is the only one working right now and her plan is Blue Cross and Blue Shield which doesn't cover dental cost. Is there anything else I can look up or do to get dental insurance? My parents are don't really know much about this stuff, since they were born in a different country many years ago. I'm not having much luck finding anything and I would like to have my braces on already.
health-quotes.isgreat.org - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
health-quotes.isgreat.org - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
How to get Major Dental work done? I have know job and know money or insurance...?
I Have a cracked back tooth. that is beyond saving, the dentist said it would cost 3,000 dollars to fix.. and that with out that tooth all my teeth would get messed up. Is there a way i can get a dental loan, or something.. please help.
I would see another Dentist and get a second opinion.... ? Dental Assistant
I would see another Dentist and get a second opinion.... ? Dental Assistant
No dental insurance, but a huge problem. Please help.?
Okay, so my boyfriend (20 yrs old) does not have dental insurance, but chipped one of his back teeth about a year ago. Since, a lot more has chipped off of his tooth, causing him extreme discomfort when eating or drinking anything. I'm worried that it will absess, or some sort of infection could occur if he leaves this untreated for much longer. He also has some sensitivity in his other teeth, despite being very hygienic. Is there any way he can go to the dentist, without having to pay such an extreme fee to fix his tooth/teeth? If not, how much might it cost to fix his main issue: the chipped and decaying tooth?
If the tooth hurts when he eats or drinks, he may have nerve exposure. To treat this he needs a root canal or extraction. Root canals can cost 500-1000 to do. If he has it pulled it will be 80-300 depending on where he goes. Community Health Centers are now starting dental centers where you can get a great discount on treatment. Most offices do give discounts if paying cash and some take payments.
If the tooth hurts when he eats or drinks, he may have nerve exposure. To treat this he needs a root canal or extraction. Root canals can cost 500-1000 to do. If he has it pulled it will be 80-300 depending on where he goes. Community Health Centers are now starting dental centers where you can get a great discount on treatment. Most offices do give discounts if paying cash and some take payments.
No dental insurance for my 18 month old? Emergency!?
My 18 month old needs to see a dentist right away, but we literally JUST took him off our dental insurance. (He's my first, I never foresaw something like this or we wouldve never been so stupid!) We were in the ER last night after he fell off a toy and busted his right front tooth. I need to make an appointment for him today, are there any places that are low cost or do I need to just make him an appointment at a regular pediatric dentist? Please help! Thanks. Sincerely, Worried Mommy
Take him to a pediatric dentist. They will likely give you a price quote for the initial visit on the phone, because the initial visit is typically just an exam and maybe x-rays. After the exam the dentist will give you an estimate based on what needs to be done. Most dentists today have some type of financing program available if you have decent credit, so you can ask them about that - it's not through the dentist directly, but with a finance company that has special programs set up for dental work.
Take him to a pediatric dentist. They will likely give you a price quote for the initial visit on the phone, because the initial visit is typically just an exam and maybe x-rays. After the exam the dentist will give you an estimate based on what needs to be done. Most dentists today have some type of financing program available if you have decent credit, so you can ask them about that - it's not through the dentist directly, but with a finance company that has special programs set up for dental work.
Question about dental insurance and preexisting conditions?
I have a tooth that is hurting badly and needs a root canal or an extraction. I went to a dental center for a free consultation and got x-rays and a prescription. A few days later I talked to my dad and he told me he could provide me with dental and health insurance. So my question is, once he adds me to his preexisting plan, will they cover my root canal, or will they know about me going to this free consultation and deem it a preexisting condition?
Report thjis condition before you get your policy if you don't then it will be fraud which means alot of trouble. Many times if you have a preexisitng they will not cover your for a certain time period then coverage will begin.
Report thjis condition before you get your policy if you don't then it will be fraud which means alot of trouble. Many times if you have a preexisitng they will not cover your for a certain time period then coverage will begin.
Chicago~~No dental Insurance, No money, Needs several teeth pulled now...HELP!?
My boyfriend who is laid off and on unemployment has no dental insurance, no money, and needs several teeth pulled. He has at least one abscess going on in there... and he has been up for 36hrs now because he is in pain. He has been to the urgent care, they referred him to the hospital, and the hospital set him up an appointment at UIC. From what I understand UIC used to have a first come first serve basis of care set up, where i think they would take care of you for free, but now apparently they charge $150 per tooth. Does anyone know where he could go in the chicago area to get completley FREE dental care. He needs several teeth pulled very soon! He does have an anti biotic and pain killers and thats not helping with the swelling or the pain yet... :( Any suggestions would be great...thank you!
Try this: http://www.communityhealth.org/becoming_… Are you still gonna love your boyfriend with missing teeth?
Try this: http://www.communityhealth.org/becoming_… Are you still gonna love your boyfriend with missing teeth?
How does my Canadian health insurance and dental cards work?
I live in Ontario and I got the first permanent job in my life, so I finally have benefits for once, but I don't know how to use my health insurance and dental insurance. Do I have to pay up front then get compensated later, or will the insurance be able to immediately take care of the cost of trips to the dentist or doctor? I'm hoping the cost can be taken care of right away because I can't afford to pay for expensive visits to the dentis up front, even if I will get the money back later. How much does the average dental check up cost in Canada because I haven't been to one since I was a teenager? I need new glasses, so would this be covered under my insurance too? Thanks for any info, preferably from fellow Canadians.
Its going to depend. My employer and my wife's employer both use the same company. However the policies both companies have are different with regards to payouts. Trips to the doctor should be covered by OHIP. Most plans will not cover optometrist visits. For the dentist give your card to their admin, they can figure it out. My policy pays for their portiion of the coverage right away and I only have to pay for the remainder on the spot. My wife's plan she has to pay 100% at the dentist, but the covered amount is direct deposited to her bank in 1-2 business days. Most dentists take credit cards now. Check your plan formulary for eyeglass coverage. My plan has $0 coverage and my wife's is $200 every two years. (You'd think a tech company would have eyeglass coverage since 80% of the staffing complement is nerds) The dentist is going to try and get you to do a full set of xrays and possibly two cleanings if you don't regularly floss (there might be a lot of build up). You might be looking at $300 in the Toronto area.
Its going to depend. My employer and my wife's employer both use the same company. However the policies both companies have are different with regards to payouts. Trips to the doctor should be covered by OHIP. Most plans will not cover optometrist visits. For the dentist give your card to their admin, they can figure it out. My policy pays for their portiion of the coverage right away and I only have to pay for the remainder on the spot. My wife's plan she has to pay 100% at the dentist, but the covered amount is direct deposited to her bank in 1-2 business days. Most dentists take credit cards now. Check your plan formulary for eyeglass coverage. My plan has $0 coverage and my wife's is $200 every two years. (You'd think a tech company would have eyeglass coverage since 80% of the staffing complement is nerds) The dentist is going to try and get you to do a full set of xrays and possibly two cleanings if you don't regularly floss (there might be a lot of build up). You might be looking at $300 in the Toronto area.
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