Needing advice on what to do. My 10 year old needs braces and our insurance doesnt cover this. A big down payment is out of the question because I'm on disability so any suggestions is greatly appreciated. Oh and this isn't just to look better his mouth is just way to small for all his teeth coming in so this is badly needed. Thank you.
You should wait until ALL of his permanent teeth come in. Orthodontist will work out a payment plan with you at that time. But it's too soon for braces. Wait until he is 13 or so. His face and mouth is going to change a lot over the next few years.
Monday, March 7, 2011
How do I go about getting health insurance for my nanny?
I just hired a full time, live-in nanny and want to provide. Medical, dental and prescription coverage., Does anyone know of an economical place to look? Any company suggestions? Thanks so much!
Here are a couple different options for you. The first, and probably more difficult, is to organize yourself as a corporation (LLC) with your nanny as an employee. Depending on the rules in your state, this may allow you to purchase a group health insurance plan to cover your nanny (and possibly yourself and your dependents). The second option is to encourage your nanny to work through a licensed agent who represents multiple insurance companies in your area and find an individual plan that works for her needs and your budget. Then after your nanny applies for coverage and is accepted you can cover the cost of the monthly health insurance premiums in the form of additional compensation. The only challenge with the second option is that in most states a person with pre-existing medical conditions may be turned down for individual coverage. This is not the case with an employer-based group health insurance plan. In either case, you should work with a licensed agent to get an idea of what's available in your area. You can also visit (where I work) to get free quotes online from a broad selection of companies, compare plans side by side, and apply online. We have licensed agents you can talk to for personal help, toll-free, at 1-800-977-8860. Hope that helps! Amir M, licensed agent
Here are a couple different options for you. The first, and probably more difficult, is to organize yourself as a corporation (LLC) with your nanny as an employee. Depending on the rules in your state, this may allow you to purchase a group health insurance plan to cover your nanny (and possibly yourself and your dependents). The second option is to encourage your nanny to work through a licensed agent who represents multiple insurance companies in your area and find an individual plan that works for her needs and your budget. Then after your nanny applies for coverage and is accepted you can cover the cost of the monthly health insurance premiums in the form of additional compensation. The only challenge with the second option is that in most states a person with pre-existing medical conditions may be turned down for individual coverage. This is not the case with an employer-based group health insurance plan. In either case, you should work with a licensed agent to get an idea of what's available in your area. You can also visit (where I work) to get free quotes online from a broad selection of companies, compare plans side by side, and apply online. We have licensed agents you can talk to for personal help, toll-free, at 1-800-977-8860. Hope that helps! Amir M, licensed agent
How much is this dental work going to cost?
A tooth in the upper back has broken apart and not much is left of it. Maybe a quarter of it and the center is gone---just a hole. Can it be fixed or should it be pulled and how much money will this run? I do not have insurance.
Find a dental school at a college or university. This is how they learn and it's the cheapest
Find a dental school at a college or university. This is how they learn and it's the cheapest
Root Canal without insurance? Tooth #25?
First of all I have no dental insurance.I wen't to a very nice Dentist today and they took an x-ray.He says it looks like I have an abscess on lower tooth # 25 right.I have an appointment tomorrow with an Endodontics Doctor to make sure and said I'll probably have to get a root canal.Do you know about how much this would run with an 18 year old without insurance.Thank you very much
General dentist will charge you about $600. Endodontist will run you about $1000.
General dentist will charge you about $600. Endodontist will run you about $1000.
How much should I pay for health insurance?
I recently started a new job and will soon be eligible for health benefits. Last night I was going through the paperwork to sign up. To my horror I found that for me to sign up (for medical, dental and vision) plus my wife and kids (the family plan) I will be paying nearly $600 every two weeks!
I recommend you this site where you can compare quotes so you can find the best option for you
I recommend you this site where you can compare quotes so you can find the best option for you
Petplan insurance Canada- also dog insurance in general?
1. Do you have insurance for your dog in general? Why or why not? 2. If you do how much is your monthly premium? Do you feel like you get your money's worth? 3. Anyone in Canada have a company they would recommend? Is it normal for my dog's insurance to start at $420/year and go up to $980 for a 24lb mutt? The $980 plan covers 6 months of flea, tick, heartworm preventative, annual shots and more dental than the others. Am I better to start with a cheaper plan and move up the next year if I find it worthwhile? Am I maybe better just to have money saved in quickly cashed-in investments for emergencies? $420 a year seems like a lot of money considering it doesn't cover his shots, preventatives, etc- which is mostly why I go to the vet now (he's had 1 throat infection= $100- which wouldn't have been covered if it was the only thing to happen because of the deductible). Any opinions?
I refuse to waste my money on pet insurance. More often than not, I would not spend the amount that insurance premiums charge and the chances of something big happening are not that great. I would prefer to take those premiums and tuck them away into a savings account, year after year, and then use that money when needed, if needed. If something big did happen, I would use an emergency only credit card, or work a payment plan out with my vet if I didn't have the cash on hand. I do believe that tho some have benefited from this, most will spend more on premiums than what they will get in return in actual medical coverage. That's how all insurance companies make a profit tho.
I refuse to waste my money on pet insurance. More often than not, I would not spend the amount that insurance premiums charge and the chances of something big happening are not that great. I would prefer to take those premiums and tuck them away into a savings account, year after year, and then use that money when needed, if needed. If something big did happen, I would use an emergency only credit card, or work a payment plan out with my vet if I didn't have the cash on hand. I do believe that tho some have benefited from this, most will spend more on premiums than what they will get in return in actual medical coverage. That's how all insurance companies make a profit tho.
how much does invaslign cost compare to a metal braces?
im 18 and i dont have dental insurance but i want to get invaslign instead of bracese so i was wondering that the price difference? i live in western australia and is invaslign better than bracese ?
Hi :) Metal braces are a lot less discreet and so cost a lot less than Invisaligns. They both work in exactly the same way, with exactly the same effort except it'll feel like the Invisaligns took a lot less time to correct your teeth because you're not worrying about the unsightly silver brackets! If you're conscious about your image, use Invisaligns. If you can't afford them, use metal braces on your lower jaw (less visible) and invisible ones on your upper jaw.
Hi :) Metal braces are a lot less discreet and so cost a lot less than Invisaligns. They both work in exactly the same way, with exactly the same effort except it'll feel like the Invisaligns took a lot less time to correct your teeth because you're not worrying about the unsightly silver brackets! If you're conscious about your image, use Invisaligns. If you can't afford them, use metal braces on your lower jaw (less visible) and invisible ones on your upper jaw.
About how much will ceramic braces cost?
I'm 20 years old and have been considering getting ceramic braces to correct the gap I have in my teeth. I have good dental insurance and am wondering about how much I should be expecting to pay? Also about how long will I have to wear them? My teeth are strait I just have a gap in between my front teeth. Thanks. And before anyone tells me to ask the dentist, I've made an appointment already.
i was just at the orthodontist today... it obviously won't be the same for you, but for the 20-22 months my dentist suggested, the braces were about 5-6 thousand and the ceramic was 850 extra. you wont have to wear them nearly as long as i do. my orthodontist says i have severe issues. try invisilign...probably the same price as porcelain braces, but less visible. maybe 7-12 months.
i was just at the orthodontist today... it obviously won't be the same for you, but for the 20-22 months my dentist suggested, the braces were about 5-6 thousand and the ceramic was 850 extra. you wont have to wear them nearly as long as i do. my orthodontist says i have severe issues. try invisilign...probably the same price as porcelain braces, but less visible. maybe 7-12 months.
How much does getting wisdom teeth removed cost?
I need an estimate on how much generally it costs for all 4 wisdom teeth to be removed....i have dental insurance, but it doesn't cover much i know...
I had mine removed about 2 years ago and it costed about 600 after the insurance covered for half. without insurance it could cost1200 dollars.
I had mine removed about 2 years ago and it costed about 600 after the insurance covered for half. without insurance it could cost1200 dollars.
Does anyone have an idea of the fee to replace a filling?
I don't want a chek up or anything and hope they won't make me, I haven't been to the dentist in a couple years and don't have dental insurance; a filling broke out just now and I want it replaced. I know it varies depending on the dentist, I just want some sort of idea.
I had one done for $116 with insurance. I have a friend who paid $86 at the same dental office, without insurance.
I had one done for $116 with insurance. I have a friend who paid $86 at the same dental office, without insurance.
I broke a tooth & I have no money or insurance. What do I do?
I started my biz a year ago and still have yet to take any type of pay. I need dental work really, really bad and do not have insurance or that type of money (even $200 bucks is way too much). What options do I have? I'm completely MAXED on credit, so a loan is definitely not an option. Is there anything the state of Illinois can help me with like cheap insurance or something? Thanks!
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here -
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here -
I have two composite resin fillings that have started to turn gray.Why are they doing this?
The first filling got a small gray spot that has expanded to the entire filling and the second one just started to do the same thing. I saw a dentist a year ago and he said there might be some decay but didnt say anything else about it. I don't have dental insurance so I am trying to prevent anything expensive in the future.
Sometimes the fillings get discolored if those are not smooth enough. Ask your dentist to polish first to see if the filling can be restored. However, if there is decay then most likely you will need to get the fillings replaced. Make sure you get the fillings polished nicely after those are done to prevent quick discoloration.
Sometimes the fillings get discolored if those are not smooth enough. Ask your dentist to polish first to see if the filling can be restored. However, if there is decay then most likely you will need to get the fillings replaced. Make sure you get the fillings polished nicely after those are done to prevent quick discoloration.
Is it safe to chew on aspirin on a sore tooth, to releive toothache?
I have this tooth that I cracked a while ago. Unfortunately I just found out I am getting laid off, and I have no dental insurance... my tooth is THROBBING and feels like the nerve is dying... someone suggested to grind up or chew an aspirin on the tooth, and it will help with the pain. Is this true? Also, I am nursing still... is aspirin safe to cehw while nursing?
DO NOT CHEW ON AN ASPIRIN. Swallow an anti-inflammatory. Double up on the dosage prescribed on the bottle. That will be prescription strength. And get to a Dentist ASAP. A broken tooth with an infection is worse for your baby than an aspirin. You need to get this taken care of soon.
DO NOT CHEW ON AN ASPIRIN. Swallow an anti-inflammatory. Double up on the dosage prescribed on the bottle. That will be prescription strength. And get to a Dentist ASAP. A broken tooth with an infection is worse for your baby than an aspirin. You need to get this taken care of soon.
I am looking for pet insurance that doesn't cost a arm and leg.?
I have 2 cats and would like to know of a trusted pet insurance carrier. It would have to be one that covers dental also. I am hoping to find one that is not a ton of money and has a low deductible. My cats are 13 yrs old. Can anyone help me here?
I know it is very confusing when shopping for pet insurance. There are too many information out there and cause a case of information overload. No pet insurance are the same and you need to find one that tailors to your cat's need. You have to be careful when choosing because some insurance company place a low cap on their reimbursement even though you are paying for higher premiums. Some will have low deductibles but will not cover much illness or low coverage for accidents and diagnosis. Many insurance companies will not cover pre existing conditions. I cannot recommend one that stood out from the rest because what my cat needs might be different from what you need. However, there is a site with a lot of good and useful reviews on the insurance available that you can look into. Some guidelines:- How old is your pet? The best time to purchase a pet health insurance policy is when your pet is young. Most pet health problems happen in the last two years of your pet's life. So, the younger your pet is, the better Is your breed prone to medical problems? While policy premiums are generally not based on breed, certain hereditary conditions are excluded. For instance, Persian cats are prone to polycystic kidney disease (PKD). You can still buy pet insurance for your Persian; just don't be surprised if it fails to cover related issues (some pet insurance policies may cover this, so check with your provider to make sure before you buy). Is your pet already sick? Most pet insurance providers won't cover pre-existing conditions. However, if you can prove your pet had a condition that has been cured, that may be covered. Can you choose your own veterinarian? For many pet owners, vet choice is key, and for good reason. Some pet insurance companies require you to use veterinarians on their own network. Others don't. As always, check with your provider regarding your choice of veterinarian. What is your pet's lifestyle? If your dog or cat spends most of his time outdoors, that will increase his/her risk of illness or injury. What is covered? Many pet owners purchase pet health insurance policies to protect themselves from the high cost of future medical problems. Others want regular pet care such as annual physical exams and routine checkups and cleanings. Just be advised that most standard pet insurance policies cover catastrophic accidents and illnesses. Routine vet visits tend to come as add-ons and/or riders. What State do you Live In? If you are searching on the internet for pet health insurance, you need to check this. Just because a provider does business online doesn't mean it services your state. Check The Insurance Company's Track Record Every state in the U.S. has an insurance commissioner. If the insurance company you are considering has had legal/ethical issues that should cause you concern, the insurance commissioner's office in your state or province should know about it. Check with them before you buy.
I know it is very confusing when shopping for pet insurance. There are too many information out there and cause a case of information overload. No pet insurance are the same and you need to find one that tailors to your cat's need. You have to be careful when choosing because some insurance company place a low cap on their reimbursement even though you are paying for higher premiums. Some will have low deductibles but will not cover much illness or low coverage for accidents and diagnosis. Many insurance companies will not cover pre existing conditions. I cannot recommend one that stood out from the rest because what my cat needs might be different from what you need. However, there is a site with a lot of good and useful reviews on the insurance available that you can look into. Some guidelines:- How old is your pet? The best time to purchase a pet health insurance policy is when your pet is young. Most pet health problems happen in the last two years of your pet's life. So, the younger your pet is, the better Is your breed prone to medical problems? While policy premiums are generally not based on breed, certain hereditary conditions are excluded. For instance, Persian cats are prone to polycystic kidney disease (PKD). You can still buy pet insurance for your Persian; just don't be surprised if it fails to cover related issues (some pet insurance policies may cover this, so check with your provider to make sure before you buy). Is your pet already sick? Most pet insurance providers won't cover pre-existing conditions. However, if you can prove your pet had a condition that has been cured, that may be covered. Can you choose your own veterinarian? For many pet owners, vet choice is key, and for good reason. Some pet insurance companies require you to use veterinarians on their own network. Others don't. As always, check with your provider regarding your choice of veterinarian. What is your pet's lifestyle? If your dog or cat spends most of his time outdoors, that will increase his/her risk of illness or injury. What is covered? Many pet owners purchase pet health insurance policies to protect themselves from the high cost of future medical problems. Others want regular pet care such as annual physical exams and routine checkups and cleanings. Just be advised that most standard pet insurance policies cover catastrophic accidents and illnesses. Routine vet visits tend to come as add-ons and/or riders. What State do you Live In? If you are searching on the internet for pet health insurance, you need to check this. Just because a provider does business online doesn't mean it services your state. Check The Insurance Company's Track Record Every state in the U.S. has an insurance commissioner. If the insurance company you are considering has had legal/ethical issues that should cause you concern, the insurance commissioner's office in your state or province should know about it. Check with them before you buy.
What level of insurance should the federal government provide?
This question goes out to those who believe in UHC of any kind. If you think that the government should stay out please state that, but my target for this question is for those who want UHC. What do you think should be provided? Premiums? How much? Deductible? Co-pay? How much? Health? Maximum? Dental? Vision? Chiropractic?
National Security insurance and that's it.
National Security insurance and that's it.
Cheap dental In Butler County Ohio?
Need dentures, Have Dental Insurance Please help
I am sorry that I have no answer to your question just saying hello! I was born and raised in Fairfield. Hello fellow butler county Ohioan. (grin)
I am sorry that I have no answer to your question just saying hello! I was born and raised in Fairfield. Hello fellow butler county Ohioan. (grin)
How much does it cost to have dental bleaching trays made?
I previously had some many years ago when my braces were removed and they have since been lost. Does anyone know the approximate cost to go to the dentist and have a set made? I have no insurance so this will be solely out of pocket.
Prices vary from practice to practice. Your best bet would be to contact the offices in your area and ask them. I would think that you could have them made for $100.00 or less. Good luck
Prices vary from practice to practice. Your best bet would be to contact the offices in your area and ask them. I would think that you could have them made for $100.00 or less. Good luck
Dental Cleaning - Bringing X-ray?
I will be getting braces soon. My orthodontist gave me a paranomic xray of my teeth (general overview). I will take it to an oral surgeon to remove my wisdom teeth. But I will be switching to another dentist for regular cleaning. Should I bring this x-ray to my new dentist in case they want another set of xrays? Because I don't have dental insurance so it would definitely save me some $$... I'm not sure if they want full x-rays for new patients.
By all means take them. They will find them useful. Good luck with everything.
By all means take them. They will find them useful. Good luck with everything.
Is there a way to afford dental work or get financial assistance?
I am looking at approximately $2000.00 additional cost for a bridge replacement (after my insurance pays) I am a single mom, in debt aproximately $20,000 from the divorce. I cannot get approved for any more loans. Where do I go to find help or financial assistance? Please no rude comments, jsut sincere help. Thanks
You could try dental schools in your area. The students do the work for the cost of materials, labor is free. It's good practice for them for the "real" world after school. Also, ask your dentist about payment plans, how long they are willing to run one for you. The longer that they will run one, the cheaper the monthly bill would be. As far as I know, there is no government funded dental assistance for adults. The private programs I know of are discount programs, you pay a monthly fee for % off medical bills.
You could try dental schools in your area. The students do the work for the cost of materials, labor is free. It's good practice for them for the "real" world after school. Also, ask your dentist about payment plans, how long they are willing to run one for you. The longer that they will run one, the cheaper the monthly bill would be. As far as I know, there is no government funded dental assistance for adults. The private programs I know of are discount programs, you pay a monthly fee for % off medical bills.
Pregnancy & Dental Plan?
Why do people suggests that pregnant woman should have dental insurance plan? Do pregnant woman use dental insurance more than non-pregnant woman or what's the purpose? Someone who knows what they are talking about, please explain.
I think it's because you can lose calcium during pregnancy and this can affect your teeth and because gingivitis (gum disease) can cause pre-term labor.
I think it's because you can lose calcium during pregnancy and this can affect your teeth and because gingivitis (gum disease) can cause pre-term labor.
Nationwide dental plans!?
I am currently using United Concordia Tricare Dental Program, (Dental insurance through the military). My question is what is the best supplemental dental program to join to get added coverage on dental treatments? I am keeping United Concordia just need a little extra help.
no, dont use that
no, dont use that
How much would it cost for dental restoration?
I've been grinding my teeth for too long and definitely caused some damage. My teeth are worn and I've got some staining that I would like to get rid of (bleaching didn't work). What procedure(s) would be done, and how much would they cost? Would insurance cover any of it?
Dental question?
If a person has alot of dental probems and no way of paying for dental work what do they do?In Spokane Washington you either pay for the work at the time of service or have your teeth pulled out.This person with the teeth problems is only 19 and has had problems all their life and now have major dental probems.Having no dental insurance has been a problem all along.Help,D.Bonanno.
The U.S. military will be happy to pay for dental work as long as you dont mind giving them a few years of work.
The U.S. military will be happy to pay for dental work as long as you dont mind giving them a few years of work.
What insurance is my wisdom teeth filed under if the teeth are impacted?
The receptionist told me that if they are impacted they will be filed under my health. My dental covers 80% of wisdom teeth, My health will cover None. What decides this my teeth or the dentist?
There are some medical plans that does cover oral surgery. however, from my experience there are not a lot of them out there. If there are not any oral surgery benefits then the surgery will have do go to dental if ur dental plan covers it. now there is a possibility (depending on who your insurance company is) that you can get the facility and anes charges covered under your medical but will need to be pre authorized more than likely. check with your medical plan yourself and see if you have the oral surg ben if not ask them about the fac and anes charges! good luck!
There are some medical plans that does cover oral surgery. however, from my experience there are not a lot of them out there. If there are not any oral surgery benefits then the surgery will have do go to dental if ur dental plan covers it. now there is a possibility (depending on who your insurance company is) that you can get the facility and anes charges covered under your medical but will need to be pre authorized more than likely. check with your medical plan yourself and see if you have the oral surg ben if not ask them about the fac and anes charges! good luck!
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