is there any way, other than you telling them, that one dental insurance company can find out about the other? is the dentist office allowed to disclose that information?
When they submit the bill to the primary insurance they will then submit to the other and it will show what the primary insurance paid. That's how they find out. EDIT: Then what's the purpose of having a secondary insurance then. Because if you plan on submitting to the secondary insurance yourself, they won't pay until they know how much was paid by the primary insurance.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
How long do you have to have orthodontic dental insurance for?
If I want to get like invisalign braces, can I only have the insurace for a year until I don't need it anymore? Or do most insurances make you pay insurance for a certain amount of time?
As a new subscriber, an insurance will often have a waiting period for anything they consider MAJOR work. (Some examples are crowns, bridges and root canals.) I am almost certain that braces would fall into that category. So, just call them up and ask--it could be anywhere from 6 mo to 1 yr, or none at all. No harm in asking, right?
As a new subscriber, an insurance will often have a waiting period for anything they consider MAJOR work. (Some examples are crowns, bridges and root canals.) I am almost certain that braces would fall into that category. So, just call them up and ask--it could be anywhere from 6 mo to 1 yr, or none at all. No harm in asking, right?
Where can I get family dental insurance in Westchester County NY for my family that is affordable?
I have a family or 4 with no dental coverage. I know some dental coverages offer discounts off of the charges, but I need to make sure that I would be saving money by paying the monthly dues and whatever the discount will be on the dentist visit. I have 2 kids 1 and 2.
For my family we have a grea plan. I signed up online over 5 years ago and they have saved me thousands of dollars since on all dental services. I pay only $35 for an initial exam and $35 for cleanings. Im pretty sure that the savings may vary where you live, but they should be great. Even my braces had coverage. They even had my extremely affordable plan active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. There is also a price chart of all the cost somewhere on their website so you can review the dentist in your area. Good luck and hope this helps.
For my family we have a grea plan. I signed up online over 5 years ago and they have saved me thousands of dollars since on all dental services. I pay only $35 for an initial exam and $35 for cleanings. Im pretty sure that the savings may vary where you live, but they should be great. Even my braces had coverage. They even had my extremely affordable plan active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. There is also a price chart of all the cost somewhere on their website so you can review the dentist in your area. Good luck and hope this helps.
Whats the difference between High and Standard Option Dental Insurance?
I have been looking at High and Standard Option Dental Plans. (I work for the federal government). These plans seem to pay about the same for pretty much the dental procedures. Am I missing something? Whats the difference between a high and standard option plan?
For the MetLife Federal dental plan.. the high option has a $3,000 calendar year benefit, standard is $1,200. There is no deductible when staying in-network, and the percentages are.. For preventive or class A both plans offer 100% coverage. For basic dental work, or class B.. high option you pay 30%, standard is 45%. And for major services or class C.. high you pay 50%, standard is 65%. These are all based on the in-network discounted rates. You also have out-of-network coverage.. but at higher percentages. I'd check with your benefits rep, for any detailed or exact information
For the MetLife Federal dental plan.. the high option has a $3,000 calendar year benefit, standard is $1,200. There is no deductible when staying in-network, and the percentages are.. For preventive or class A both plans offer 100% coverage. For basic dental work, or class B.. high option you pay 30%, standard is 45%. And for major services or class C.. high you pay 50%, standard is 65%. These are all based on the in-network discounted rates. You also have out-of-network coverage.. but at higher percentages. I'd check with your benefits rep, for any detailed or exact information
How much is health/dental/car insurance for a married couple (no kids) age 21 and 20?
Planning ahead... Would health insurance through our universities be cheaper? We will both still be attending college (different universities, close to each other). What would the estimated rates be per year for heath, dental, and car insurances?
Try this site Here you can compare quotes from different companies
Try this site Here you can compare quotes from different companies
How much can your dental office bill you if you have dual insurance?
I am having much difficulty in getting an answer that makes sense from my dental office insurance biller. I had dual insurance at the time I had services. In my experience billing medical items, we always wrote off anything that a contracted insurance provider stated we had to write off. If they had co-insurance remaining per the EOB, then and only then did we bill the secondary. 1) My dental office isn't writing off anything per the primary insurance EOB with which they are contracted. 2) The are billing different dollar amounts for the same procedures to the 2 different insurances, 3) They are trying to tell me that if the insurance didn't allow for something they can bill me more than the EOB states is my responsibility- ie. if insurance allowed for only amalgam filling vs. resin composite (I think this might be fraudulent since they are a participating provider), 4) CDA's website states only balance billing up to the lowest contracted fee, office is saying 2nd ins is controlling.
These are actually several different questions. 1. If the primary EOB states there is a write-off, the dentist is allowed to collect that write-off from the secondary. Thus, they bill the entire fee to the secondary. 2. If, after the secondary pays, there is still an amount owing, the write-off MUST be substracted first before billing the patient. 3. On amalgam vs. composite: if the insurance plan pays for a less expensive alternative (amalgam), USUALLY the dentist may charge the patient the difference between the cheap stuff and the more expensive composite material. MOST dental offices will inform the patient of this when using composite material on posterior (back) teeth. Even a PPO contract will allow the dentist to charge for non-covered procedures (such as composite posterior fillings). 4. There are literally hundreds of ways secondary insurance can coordinate benefits when the primary provicer is a contracted PPO plan. Many dentists I know of have refused to accept secondary insurance because of the confusing way insurance companies handle this. I don't blame them. In many cases, a dental office waits up to six months to get paid. Write to me if you want more detailed information. This is sorta my area.
These are actually several different questions. 1. If the primary EOB states there is a write-off, the dentist is allowed to collect that write-off from the secondary. Thus, they bill the entire fee to the secondary. 2. If, after the secondary pays, there is still an amount owing, the write-off MUST be substracted first before billing the patient. 3. On amalgam vs. composite: if the insurance plan pays for a less expensive alternative (amalgam), USUALLY the dentist may charge the patient the difference between the cheap stuff and the more expensive composite material. MOST dental offices will inform the patient of this when using composite material on posterior (back) teeth. Even a PPO contract will allow the dentist to charge for non-covered procedures (such as composite posterior fillings). 4. There are literally hundreds of ways secondary insurance can coordinate benefits when the primary provicer is a contracted PPO plan. Many dentists I know of have refused to accept secondary insurance because of the confusing way insurance companies handle this. I don't blame them. In many cases, a dental office waits up to six months to get paid. Write to me if you want more detailed information. This is sorta my area.
Can someone recommend a dental insurance that i can purchase in addition to what i already have from work.?
My insurance threw work on dental has limited coverage. they only pay for one crown every 5 years but i need to get a few more crowns so i am thinking of purchasing another insurance plan or a discount card so i can get the additional work done that my dental insurance threw work will not cover since I used up the crown benifit of 1. I am in Kansas City, MO
I would encourage you to visit this great website: I signed up online over 5 years ago and they have saved me thousands of dollars on all of my dental services since. From exams, extractions, xrays, fillings, Cleanings..etc They even had my very affordable benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use them the very same day. Good luck and Hope this helps
I would encourage you to visit this great website: I signed up online over 5 years ago and they have saved me thousands of dollars on all of my dental services since. From exams, extractions, xrays, fillings, Cleanings..etc They even had my very affordable benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use them the very same day. Good luck and Hope this helps
Question about getting a secondary dental insurance?
I'm on a PPO through my job with my vision/health/dental included. Could I probably get a secondary dental insurance because that one is through western dental and i don't like going there....
YOu are not the only person who have ever met this kind of problem,I met this type of problem before.I have good experience here to solve the problem.
YOu are not the only person who have ever met this kind of problem,I met this type of problem before.I have good experience here to solve the problem.
I need a dental work done..anyone know of a good cheap dental insurance provider?
i need to get dental work done..and im not rich..if i get a insurance..will the dentist usually accept payment plan?or do they want all the money up front for what is being done?
-------------------- - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
-------------------- - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
How can I get Dental Insurance ?
I live in USA. I am unemloyed & too old to work & not able to do any business. I need some dental work done. Can I get Dental insurance ? I will be paying for insurance from my savings. If I do not qualify for dental insurance, what other choices do I have ? Any & all help is appreciated. Thank You
sure you can get dental insurance but be aware there isnt a such thing as comprehensive dental insurance and they run about 300-400 a month on i hope you are well off
sure you can get dental insurance but be aware there isnt a such thing as comprehensive dental insurance and they run about 300-400 a month on i hope you are well off
abbscessed tooth where can i go? no dental insurance and no job?
I have an abscessed tooth. I don't have dental insurance and i have no idea if and where there is somewhere i can get immediate care. it is painful and gives me headaches. Should i go to the ER? or is there another place?
Find a dental school, or college in your area. They offer no, or low cost care as their students, who are supervised, do most of the work. It helps them learn, and helps you save money. If that doesn't work, go to the emergency room at a hospital. Your condition sounds serious and could threaten your overall health, so a hospital might help you. Call a few hospitals, first, to find one that might help. Finally, there might be a dentist in your area willing to help you out through a payment plan or for a nominal fee. Good luck. Drink ginger tea in the meantime, and rub the area with aloe gel from the plant to kill bacteria.
Find a dental school, or college in your area. They offer no, or low cost care as their students, who are supervised, do most of the work. It helps them learn, and helps you save money. If that doesn't work, go to the emergency room at a hospital. Your condition sounds serious and could threaten your overall health, so a hospital might help you. Call a few hospitals, first, to find one that might help. Finally, there might be a dentist in your area willing to help you out through a payment plan or for a nominal fee. Good luck. Drink ginger tea in the meantime, and rub the area with aloe gel from the plant to kill bacteria.
Is there a dental insurance available for the self-employed?
I am a at home caregiver and I need a dental insurance that is affordable and covers most procedures...please help
--------------------… Delta Dental has all sorts of dental insurance available. If you don't find something specifically listed on their site, you can call and ask about discounts for self-employed. When I got my health insurance through Blue Cross, they had available a rate for self-employed which was not listed on their website.
--------------------… Delta Dental has all sorts of dental insurance available. If you don't find something specifically listed on their site, you can call and ask about discounts for self-employed. When I got my health insurance through Blue Cross, they had available a rate for self-employed which was not listed on their website.
Required to carry dental insurance - not offered through employer?
When I got divorced my employer offered dental insurance. I lost that job and now my new employer does not offer dental insurance. My ex says I have to have it for our daughter according to our agreement but from my understanding and individual policy in MN is impossible to get. Is this true? He also throws this fact at me when he gets unhappy with our current custody arrangement. :-(
-------------------- - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
-------------------- - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
Does anyone know the difference between dental plan and dental insurance.?
I need dental insurance and I searched the internet and found several, but when I put in my dentist name they did not accept the insurance. I thought all dentist accept dental plans.
I would encourage you to visit this great website: I signed up online over 5 years ago and they have saved me thousands of dollars on all of my dental needs. From extractions, xrays, fillings, root canals...etc. Even my braces. They even had my very affordable benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use them the very same day. Good luck and Hope this helps. There is also a great video that explains it very well to get a better understanding.
I would encourage you to visit this great website: I signed up online over 5 years ago and they have saved me thousands of dollars on all of my dental needs. From extractions, xrays, fillings, root canals...etc. Even my braces. They even had my very affordable benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use them the very same day. Good luck and Hope this helps. There is also a great video that explains it very well to get a better understanding.
where's a good place to go if have cavaties and no dental insurance at the moment?
i'm taking a semester off (enrolled in college but not currently attending) and i just graduated h.s. and my dental insurance cut off my moms plan. They discovered 2 cavities and they i'd like to get them taken care of before i go away to college is there anywhere i could go for cheaper or that would accet paymnet plans at a semi-affordable price?
You might see if there is a dental teaching college in your area. They will likely have a clinic and greatly reduced prices. Sometimes you will find even a community college will be able to offer this if they have a dental hygienst program because in training the hygienists they have them work with dentists with real patients. In both cases, there will be waiting lists. It's 1:30 a.m. where I am, so I can't call, but I do happen to know that a dental cleaning at our local CC with a clinic is $25 for an adult. A dentist in my area with a new practice charges $95 for the procedure, so you can see savings can be significant. Not sure where you live, but if you're anywhere close to the border of Mexico, the border towns are filled with dentists and the prices are far less than the US. They are perfectly competent. My parents both had extensive dental work over many years and never had a single problem--and yes, they do speak English. Finally, shop around. Seriously. Yesterday I had a bad crown job from over a decade ago redone and I am paying $500 for the porcelain crown--both visits and crown included. Crowns normally are around $950 out here. That dentist told me that was the average price and I believe him because my brother who lives near me uses a dentist on his "dental plan" and the crowns there are a grand. Even if it's a bit much, DO get it taken care of. Clearly cavities can't heal and bad dental health takes a toll on your entire body. Do also be aware if you're in a place where you just can't get a good rate that the payment plan is WITH THE DENTIST. There's a terrifying BusinessWeek cover story that is primarily about doctors and hospitals, but there is NO reason some dentists wouldn't do the same thing where you end up with a 27% interest "credit card" debt for medical work. See the story here:…
You might see if there is a dental teaching college in your area. They will likely have a clinic and greatly reduced prices. Sometimes you will find even a community college will be able to offer this if they have a dental hygienst program because in training the hygienists they have them work with dentists with real patients. In both cases, there will be waiting lists. It's 1:30 a.m. where I am, so I can't call, but I do happen to know that a dental cleaning at our local CC with a clinic is $25 for an adult. A dentist in my area with a new practice charges $95 for the procedure, so you can see savings can be significant. Not sure where you live, but if you're anywhere close to the border of Mexico, the border towns are filled with dentists and the prices are far less than the US. They are perfectly competent. My parents both had extensive dental work over many years and never had a single problem--and yes, they do speak English. Finally, shop around. Seriously. Yesterday I had a bad crown job from over a decade ago redone and I am paying $500 for the porcelain crown--both visits and crown included. Crowns normally are around $950 out here. That dentist told me that was the average price and I believe him because my brother who lives near me uses a dentist on his "dental plan" and the crowns there are a grand. Even if it's a bit much, DO get it taken care of. Clearly cavities can't heal and bad dental health takes a toll on your entire body. Do also be aware if you're in a place where you just can't get a good rate that the payment plan is WITH THE DENTIST. There's a terrifying BusinessWeek cover story that is primarily about doctors and hospitals, but there is NO reason some dentists wouldn't do the same thing where you end up with a 27% interest "credit card" debt for medical work. See the story here:…
tricare dental. do you need a card for proof of insurance?
I have tricare dental insurance and was wondering if you have an insurance card for it.. or if it is just your military id. I cannot remember if i received one in the mail or not. I need to see the dentist asap. My wisdom teeth have started coming through (for some odd reason) and I need them pulled. I have had coverage for about a year and haven't used it yet. what is the percentage that i have to pay?
I have tricare and my dental insurance is through United Concordia. If you are the service member then it's different, but if you are a beneficiary, it is something you (or your sponsor) set up for you separately. I do have a card for United Concordia, but it basically just says their phone number and my sponsor's social security number. I think you might be able to print a card out from online. And I believe the percentage you have to pay depends on your sponsor's status (active duty, retired, reserve, etc.) Here is that website:… Hope that helps!
I have tricare and my dental insurance is through United Concordia. If you are the service member then it's different, but if you are a beneficiary, it is something you (or your sponsor) set up for you separately. I do have a card for United Concordia, but it basically just says their phone number and my sponsor's social security number. I think you might be able to print a card out from online. And I believe the percentage you have to pay depends on your sponsor's status (active duty, retired, reserve, etc.) Here is that website:… Hope that helps!
How to find Dental Insurance?
How do you find dental insurance and what do you look for when looking at dental insurance programs? Any recommendations? Thank you!
-------------------- - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
-------------------- - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
How do people with no dental insurance get dental work done?
I have no insurance and no money. I need to go to a oral surgeon and get an extraction. so much pain. is there payment plans or discounts available? do people who have teeth problems and no insurance just suffer through the pain?
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here -
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here -
Required to carry dental insurance - not offered through employer?
When I got divorced my employer offered dental insurance. I lost that job and now my new employer does not offer dental insurance. My ex says I have to have it for our daughter according to our agreement but from my understanding and individual policy in MN is impossible to get. Is this true? He also throws this fact at me when he gets unhappy with our current custody arrangement. :-(
Individual dental policies CAN be bought, they're just a bad deal. They don't pay out more than they cost. You can always go back to court and get the support order changed to require HIM to carry the dental coverage, since your employer no longer offers it.
Individual dental policies CAN be bought, they're just a bad deal. They don't pay out more than they cost. You can always go back to court and get the support order changed to require HIM to carry the dental coverage, since your employer no longer offers it.
Do you buy your own own dental insurance?
Is it good? What plan is it? We are self employed and I have heard there is no good dental insurance we can buy.
Check with whoever you have your medical insurance through.. they probably have a dental insurance policy as well. You can also look into United Concordia, and if you're 50+, AARP has one through Delta Dental.... Good luck, I hope you find one that suits your needs. FYI: If you opt for a dental discount plan, you may have a difficult time finding a dentist that participates with it, so you'll need to do some homework.
Check with whoever you have your medical insurance through.. they probably have a dental insurance policy as well. You can also look into United Concordia, and if you're 50+, AARP has one through Delta Dental.... Good luck, I hope you find one that suits your needs. FYI: If you opt for a dental discount plan, you may have a difficult time finding a dentist that participates with it, so you'll need to do some homework.
Does the health care bill cover dental insurance for the disabled?
Does the health care bill help people on social security disability recieve dental insurance?
-------------------- - here is my health insurance plan. As I remember they can provide such a service.
-------------------- - here is my health insurance plan. As I remember they can provide such a service.
good dentist and good dental insurance in SF?
I am new in SF and my crown fell off/broken while I was eating two days ago. I have a need of finding a very good new dentist and a new dental insurance. I used to have Delta Dental. Any advice would be very helpful. Thanks!
Well I can suggest you with a good dentist in SF but do not have any knowledge about dental insurance. Consult Gentle Dental Community San Francisco the best dental services chain throughout the US.
Well I can suggest you with a good dentist in SF but do not have any knowledge about dental insurance. Consult Gentle Dental Community San Francisco the best dental services chain throughout the US.
Purchase dental insurance, get teeth checked, cancel dental insurance?
I want to get my teeth checked, but I don't have dental insurance. I was wondering if I could purchase dental insurance, get my teeth checked, and then immediately afterwords cancel my dental insurance? Are there rules/laws regarding when I purchase dental insurance, and the time that it will actually kick in?
You will just have to read the terms and conditions of the plan you are looking at. Some Insurance have long term waiting periods that may effect you. You may buy a Discount plan that is set up for one year term depending on who is selling it. I would advise on getting or looking for a discount plan that is monthly or one that you can cancel with a 30 day notice. I have listed a website for that. I hope that you only need a check up since you do not want to maintain any plan.
You will just have to read the terms and conditions of the plan you are looking at. Some Insurance have long term waiting periods that may effect you. You may buy a Discount plan that is set up for one year term depending on who is selling it. I would advise on getting or looking for a discount plan that is monthly or one that you can cancel with a 30 day notice. I have listed a website for that. I hope that you only need a check up since you do not want to maintain any plan.
I am looking for dental insurance?
I am looking for dental insurance that accepts only dental and can be just one person. I have been doing some research to get me some insurance, but I am told I have to be part of a company or group, or they require signing up for medical to get the dental. Arent there any companies that just do dental insurance for regular people? Thanks!
I have a great dental plan! It is not Insurance but a great discount plan! Save anywhere from 50% to 80% on most services and even 25% when you have to go to a specialist. I love it! Recently I went to dentist and had x-rays, teeth cleaning and some polishing, my total bill came out to $197 but I only paid $59, so I save $138 bucks on that one visit! The plan is only $11.95 a month for an individual or $19.95 a month for household. You also get 3 additional benefits free with the plan vision, RX, & chiropractic! Get more information at: Let me know if you can't locate the website or have some questions!
I have a great dental plan! It is not Insurance but a great discount plan! Save anywhere from 50% to 80% on most services and even 25% when you have to go to a specialist. I love it! Recently I went to dentist and had x-rays, teeth cleaning and some polishing, my total bill came out to $197 but I only paid $59, so I save $138 bucks on that one visit! The plan is only $11.95 a month for an individual or $19.95 a month for household. You also get 3 additional benefits free with the plan vision, RX, & chiropractic! Get more information at: Let me know if you can't locate the website or have some questions!
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