Is one allowed to have a private dental insurance while they are on Social Security Disablity or medicare? I know you can get a advantage plan, but that would screw up all my doctors. Can I get a private plan just for a dentist?
Yes, there is nothing to prevent you from getting private dental insurance,Make sure you adequately research the plan you get, many are not what they seem.
Monday, July 18, 2011
adult with baby tooth?
i am 22 years old and i have one baby tooth with an adult tooth right above it in my gums. the baby tooth doesn't bother me but it looks as if i have half a tooth/missing tooth when i smile and it's a bit embaressing. if i pull out the baby tooth, will the adult tooth come down? ps. i have no dental insurance what so ever.
you need to take an x ray then go for the exrtratction of the milk tooth. according to what you ve written , your permanent tooth must ve already erupted but you must visit a dentist to confirm it.
you need to take an x ray then go for the exrtratction of the milk tooth. according to what you ve written , your permanent tooth must ve already erupted but you must visit a dentist to confirm it.
qualify for card and how much?
i am currently without dental insurance due to lay off am starting new job in 2 days have broken tooth that is painful would like to get fixed before start new job
Your densist office probably offers financing with an outside company. Call them up and ask. Ask the doctor to do minimal repair work, and he can do the rest when your insurance kicks in. Do you have anything of value. You could take it to a pawn shop and get a short term loan. You can also do this with family. The shop will give you about 1/3 of the value of the item - fail to pay back - and they keep the item. Musical instruments are of value to them. /
Your densist office probably offers financing with an outside company. Call them up and ask. Ask the doctor to do minimal repair work, and he can do the rest when your insurance kicks in. Do you have anything of value. You could take it to a pawn shop and get a short term loan. You can also do this with family. The shop will give you about 1/3 of the value of the item - fail to pay back - and they keep the item. Musical instruments are of value to them. /
Money or Perks? Which would you choose?
I love my job. My job is less than 5 minutes from my home, and my kids schools. My boss is great and never gives a hard time about sick kids or dr appts and stuff like that. If we're busy and have to work through lunch, he pays and I can eat whatever I want, one time I ordered a steak just to test him and he was like "great get me one too!" He pays for gas if there are errands for me to run. There's more but I won't bore you. The money's not great but I get by. On more than one occasion I have been offered positions that would pay more money but would also involve more stress. Our office is quiet as we are the only ones here during the day. I got a radio in the corner playing jazz and a bit cushy chair. A few of my friends think that I stay here because I'm too comfortable to persue other opportunities. I've had high paying jobs that put me into therapy. I don't mind coming to work every day and I go home happy most days. I also have full medical and dental insurance.
I would probably stick with that job, at least for as long as I needed the flexibility to take care of the kids -- after all, they're the whole point, right? Certainly you have to make enough money to provide for the children, but having a low-stress job with all those other perks (especially the insurance, but also the convenience & privileges) probably allows you to be a more good-natured, attentive parent. A different job might provide more money, but if you don't go home happy the way you do now, that extra money isn't going to override the importance of the good parenting you're able to provide now. Your friends who think you're too comfortable to pursue other opportunities ... Do they realize there's more to life, more that defines us, than the social status achieved by being ambitiously upwardly mobile in our careers? I mean, if you're happy with your job, why shouldn't you be comfortable with that? They just want the best for you, and probably can't understand why anyone would settle for that job when they could make more money at another job. They don't realize that one of the benefits of this job is that it fits in with (rather than interfering with) your other responsibilities. Making less money is a fair trade for being able to say you like your job, it doesn't make you miserable, and it doesn't interfere with your primary responsibility: parenting. You're one of the lucky few who has perspective and balance -- don't let someone else's greed rub off on you & destroy the balance. Once it's out of balance -- you have to make more money to make ends meet, or you start to feel unsatisfied with your job, or you need a new challenge -- cross that bridge when you come to it. For now, be grateful for that balance & stick with it.
I would probably stick with that job, at least for as long as I needed the flexibility to take care of the kids -- after all, they're the whole point, right? Certainly you have to make enough money to provide for the children, but having a low-stress job with all those other perks (especially the insurance, but also the convenience & privileges) probably allows you to be a more good-natured, attentive parent. A different job might provide more money, but if you don't go home happy the way you do now, that extra money isn't going to override the importance of the good parenting you're able to provide now. Your friends who think you're too comfortable to pursue other opportunities ... Do they realize there's more to life, more that defines us, than the social status achieved by being ambitiously upwardly mobile in our careers? I mean, if you're happy with your job, why shouldn't you be comfortable with that? They just want the best for you, and probably can't understand why anyone would settle for that job when they could make more money at another job. They don't realize that one of the benefits of this job is that it fits in with (rather than interfering with) your other responsibilities. Making less money is a fair trade for being able to say you like your job, it doesn't make you miserable, and it doesn't interfere with your primary responsibility: parenting. You're one of the lucky few who has perspective and balance -- don't let someone else's greed rub off on you & destroy the balance. Once it's out of balance -- you have to make more money to make ends meet, or you start to feel unsatisfied with your job, or you need a new challenge -- cross that bridge when you come to it. For now, be grateful for that balance & stick with it.
Wisdom Teeth Problem PLEASE HELP?
HI im 21 years and and never realy had any wisdom teeth problem untill one of them got inpacted well with out dental insurance i got that one removed........ that others seem to be strait but my dentist keeps on telling me that i have no room in my mouth for them and i should get them all removed.... about a year ago i noticed my jaw started clicking sometimes when i eat and it dint realy bother me but now its getting worse and worse does it have somthing to do with my wisdom teeth that i have no room for in my mouth???
It could be. If ur dentist suggest you take them out, I would do it. I ignore mines thinking there's enough room but when the pain comes, it keeps building up. Finally, my jaw kept throbbing and even keeping me from staying asleep. Get them check out before they get worse. Good luck!
It could be. If ur dentist suggest you take them out, I would do it. I ignore mines thinking there's enough room but when the pain comes, it keeps building up. Finally, my jaw kept throbbing and even keeping me from staying asleep. Get them check out before they get worse. Good luck!
I have a severe toothache?
But no dental insurance, what do i do?
pay health is very important. decay leads to infection which poisons the blood and is carried throughout your body potentially causing several other problems even ultimately death. Its like 65.00 to get a tooth fixed, maybe another 25.00 to pull it, aren't you worth it?
pay health is very important. decay leads to infection which poisons the blood and is carried throughout your body potentially causing several other problems even ultimately death. Its like 65.00 to get a tooth fixed, maybe another 25.00 to pull it, aren't you worth it?
Help...this would be funny if it happened to someone else..I was eating jelly bellies while driving and?
I noticed one of my crowns was missing...think I swallowed it...Do you think it will all come out in the end? When? and can I rescue it and clean it up (maybe dish detergent and boil it?) and maybe the dentist can glue it back on? I don't have dental insurance...and it cost me about $800 total with the root canal...
omg!!! thats something that would happen to me!! i wonder if after you rinse it and brush it with toothpaste is to maybe buy some cleaning stuff for dentures..those tablets that you put in a glass with water and leave it or...maybe better aguafresh has tooth brush cleaner tablets that kills germs called aqua blast...then you can use the rest for your toothbrushes ( instead of never using the denture cleaner tablets. or if you have it allready chuck it in a cup of listerine.....................good luck dont forget to buy some gloves................
omg!!! thats something that would happen to me!! i wonder if after you rinse it and brush it with toothpaste is to maybe buy some cleaning stuff for dentures..those tablets that you put in a glass with water and leave it or...maybe better aguafresh has tooth brush cleaner tablets that kills germs called aqua blast...then you can use the rest for your toothbrushes ( instead of never using the denture cleaner tablets. or if you have it allready chuck it in a cup of listerine.....................good luck dont forget to buy some gloves................
Speaking from experience, which would you say is the best health insurance for individual plans (i.e., not EEs
Including dental and vision benefits...I currently have Humana but have left my employee and am working self employed thus I need individual. THanks for ur feedback
Find a good, independent agent in your area to help you with this. The markets are different from state to state, so I don't want to answer without more specific information.
Find a good, independent agent in your area to help you with this. The markets are different from state to state, so I don't want to answer without more specific information.
Aggregate supply - 10 pts to best answer =)?
***Aggregate supply will increase, decrease or remain the same for each of the follwing? A New sources of silicon are located in Wyoming. B New laws result in an influx of highly educated immigrants. C. A hurricane destroys 50% of the nation's oil refining capability. D. A new process for producing glass revolutionizes the industry. E. If government regulations force employers to provide dental insurance, the SRAS? F. Congress votes to increase farm subsidies by 15%. G. Congress votes to substantially increase the minimum wage.
A: Increase (more natural resources) B: Increase (more labor) C: Decrease (less capital - less output) D: Increase (better technology) E: Decrease (higher costs of production) F: Increase (lower costs) G: Decrease (higher costs)
A: Increase (more natural resources) B: Increase (more labor) C: Decrease (less capital - less output) D: Increase (better technology) E: Decrease (higher costs of production) F: Increase (lower costs) G: Decrease (higher costs)
Have you had a root canal or surgery for a cavity? DOES IT HURT?
I don't have $400 which is what it will cost under my mom's insurance. So I want to apply for Medi-Cal Insurance because I'm a poor college student. Then go to like Western Dental and get it done there. 1. Does anyone know about how much it costs there? 2. Does it hurt really bad? 3. How long will my face be all puffy?
If your dentist knows what he's doing, you shouldn't feel a thing during surgery or root canal. A root canal may be a bit achy afterward, but not much. Surgery is surgery, and you have stitches and blood and, naturally pain, but the dr. should give you pain meds and you'll feel much better in 2-3 days. No puffy face unless they're pulling your wisdom teeth. No idea on the price, but if there's a dental school nearby, they'll treat you very inexpensively. TX Mom
If your dentist knows what he's doing, you shouldn't feel a thing during surgery or root canal. A root canal may be a bit achy afterward, but not much. Surgery is surgery, and you have stitches and blood and, naturally pain, but the dr. should give you pain meds and you'll feel much better in 2-3 days. No puffy face unless they're pulling your wisdom teeth. No idea on the price, but if there's a dental school nearby, they'll treat you very inexpensively. TX Mom
Okay, bizarre dental question.. any adults with baby teeth?
I'm pretty embarrassed to admit it, but when I was young, I had a loose baby tooth. I was too scared to get it pulled and my parents didn't seem to care. I'm 23 years old and have never been to a dentist. I still have a baby tooth behind the adult tooth. It doesn't hurt, but the adult tooth is seriously misshapen and misplaced. I'm getting insurance soon and would like to have it extracted. Is there anyone else who has had the same experience? Any advice you can give me? Thanks!
I still have some baby teeth and I'm going to be 34 next month. The permanent ones can be seen up in my gums on the dental Xrays. I would suggest going to the dentist as you are already planning because he/she will give you his/her opinion on what should be done about it. Good luck.
I still have some baby teeth and I'm going to be 34 next month. The permanent ones can be seen up in my gums on the dental Xrays. I would suggest going to the dentist as you are already planning because he/she will give you his/her opinion on what should be done about it. Good luck.
Health care you adults 22, 24, 26?
Have 3 adult children 22, 24, 26 who are in need of health care and dental insurance. Live in Misssouri. Any suggestions?? all healthy, but never know what will happen
You'll need to visit a local independent agent to see what is available in your area. The agent knows the market and can find the best health plan for their individual situations. Each person will need their own policy and the best policy and company may be different for each. Some policies have dental as an option but usually that option is not the best choice. You have four options with dental. 1. Visit a local dental school. You can get many procedures done for a reduced price if you're willing to let them practice on you and is usually the best option if they only need a yearly cleaning and checkup. 2. Insurance - Depending upon the policy: cost $30-$60 per month. You pay a $50 deductible first, they have an annual maximum that they'll pay per year of $750 - $1500, they have a waiting period up to 18 months for major work and then you're paying 50% of the charges. Example - average cost for a root canal in my area is $829. With insurance you pay $414 after paying 18 months of premium (around $800 or $900). Advantage - you can use any dentist with most plans. 3. Discount plans - Cost - $5-$12 per month. No deductible, no annual maximum and no waiting periods. Also, hardly any dentists will accept the plan and when they do you MIGHT get a 10% discount, which is about the same discount you can get by paying cash. Example - average cost for a root canal in my area is $829. With discount plans you pay around $746. Be very wary of these plans because most are scams. The people that sell these plans have little or no knowledge about health & dental insurance and do not need a license to sell them. The plans are not regulated by the state so you have no recourse when you have problems. Some states are starting to ban these plans from being sold. Here is an informative link… concerning these plans. 4. Fee for Service discount plans - Cost $7-$15 per month. No deductible, no annual maximum and no waiting periods. Many dentist will accept the plan (check providers first before signing up with any plan). When you use the plan there is a set fee that the dentist will charge you. Example - average cost for a root canal in my area is $829. With fee for service plans you pay as little as $404. I'm an insurance agent and my personal plan is the fee for service plan. I got mine here… specifically the Aetna Dental Access plan but which one you get depends upon your area and comparing the fee schedule to find the best for what you need covered.
You'll need to visit a local independent agent to see what is available in your area. The agent knows the market and can find the best health plan for their individual situations. Each person will need their own policy and the best policy and company may be different for each. Some policies have dental as an option but usually that option is not the best choice. You have four options with dental. 1. Visit a local dental school. You can get many procedures done for a reduced price if you're willing to let them practice on you and is usually the best option if they only need a yearly cleaning and checkup. 2. Insurance - Depending upon the policy: cost $30-$60 per month. You pay a $50 deductible first, they have an annual maximum that they'll pay per year of $750 - $1500, they have a waiting period up to 18 months for major work and then you're paying 50% of the charges. Example - average cost for a root canal in my area is $829. With insurance you pay $414 after paying 18 months of premium (around $800 or $900). Advantage - you can use any dentist with most plans. 3. Discount plans - Cost - $5-$12 per month. No deductible, no annual maximum and no waiting periods. Also, hardly any dentists will accept the plan and when they do you MIGHT get a 10% discount, which is about the same discount you can get by paying cash. Example - average cost for a root canal in my area is $829. With discount plans you pay around $746. Be very wary of these plans because most are scams. The people that sell these plans have little or no knowledge about health & dental insurance and do not need a license to sell them. The plans are not regulated by the state so you have no recourse when you have problems. Some states are starting to ban these plans from being sold. Here is an informative link… concerning these plans. 4. Fee for Service discount plans - Cost $7-$15 per month. No deductible, no annual maximum and no waiting periods. Many dentist will accept the plan (check providers first before signing up with any plan). When you use the plan there is a set fee that the dentist will charge you. Example - average cost for a root canal in my area is $829. With fee for service plans you pay as little as $404. I'm an insurance agent and my personal plan is the fee for service plan. I got mine here… specifically the Aetna Dental Access plan but which one you get depends upon your area and comparing the fee schedule to find the best for what you need covered.
my teeth hurt and i need advice! and my filling is coming off along with/ 1 tooth has a sharp pain?
i only have one sharp pain in 1 tooth! INFO: alright i dont have dental insurance and so we went to the top of the line dentist clinic in MEXICO!!! no i never ever want to go there agian!! this is because the dentist fixed and filled 4 TEETH. i had 3 cavities and had to be filled with some white filling. BAD THINGS: my teeth feel like the are uneven 2 molars on my right are slightly higher that the molars to the left. THE PAIN is on my top molar to the left and somehow it came out CRACKED!!! i dont know why but i had it like that for my whole life and she filed it (like your nails) and filled the outside with white filling. So is it normal for some of the fillings to crack off to fit and are ALL THE FILLINGS LIKE THAT?? and why does my top molar hurt so bad i want to cry?? is it a nerve because the top has a sharp pain on the TOOTH every time i touch it soft. will it go away?? thank you for reading and any answers will help
this is what it sounds like: 1. your teeth were overfilled on one side, which is misaligning your bite. you need to have the overfilled teeth grinded down to match the other teeth. 2. A cracked filling will likely become infected and need a root canal. If it's not infected, maybe you can get a sealant put over it to cover the crack. 3. The top molar might hurt if the dentist overdrilled the tooth. I had very painful dental pain from a filling and when i went for a 2nd opinion, it turned out the filling was pressing on a nerve so i was in chronic pain. I ended up with chronic earaches, sinus infection, dizziness, and later on, an abscess in my gum thanks to my dentist's mistake. If you can't go to the dentist, try calling your local dental school and they can help you out or offer some resource.
this is what it sounds like: 1. your teeth were overfilled on one side, which is misaligning your bite. you need to have the overfilled teeth grinded down to match the other teeth. 2. A cracked filling will likely become infected and need a root canal. If it's not infected, maybe you can get a sealant put over it to cover the crack. 3. The top molar might hurt if the dentist overdrilled the tooth. I had very painful dental pain from a filling and when i went for a 2nd opinion, it turned out the filling was pressing on a nerve so i was in chronic pain. I ended up with chronic earaches, sinus infection, dizziness, and later on, an abscess in my gum thanks to my dentist's mistake. If you can't go to the dentist, try calling your local dental school and they can help you out or offer some resource.
Alternative to braces?
So just my front two teeth are crooked slightly, the rest of my teeth are straight. I doubt I'd have to get braces for just two teeth? What WOULD I have to get? Would any alternatives to braces be too hard on my teeth? Or would they be as safe as braces? How much would the alternative cost with dental insurance? thanks!
LUMINEERS ® BY CERINATE ® are porcelain veneers that offer the painless way to a permanently whiter and perfectly aligned smile. Your LUMINEERS dentist can apply these contact lens-thin "smile shapers" to teeth without any grinding or shaving, transforming teeth into a naturally beautiful smile that looks perfect for every individual. LUMINEERS can even be placed over existing crown or bridgework without having to replace them. LUMINEERS are contact lens-thin and are placed over existing teeth without having to remove painful tooth structure (unlike traditional veneers.) LUMINEERS is the painless, permanent cosmetic solution for stained, chipped, discolored or misaligned teeth. LUMINEERS can only be made from patented Cerinate porcelain unavailable anywhere other than the Cerinate Smile Design Studio. In just 2-3 visits to your LUMINEERS dentist, you can have a custom-made smile that is clinically proven to last over 20 years - and it is completely reversible since your natural tooth structure is still intact! Get your perfect smile today! Call 1-877-LUMINEERS for a dentist near you
LUMINEERS ® BY CERINATE ® are porcelain veneers that offer the painless way to a permanently whiter and perfectly aligned smile. Your LUMINEERS dentist can apply these contact lens-thin "smile shapers" to teeth without any grinding or shaving, transforming teeth into a naturally beautiful smile that looks perfect for every individual. LUMINEERS can even be placed over existing crown or bridgework without having to replace them. LUMINEERS are contact lens-thin and are placed over existing teeth without having to remove painful tooth structure (unlike traditional veneers.) LUMINEERS is the painless, permanent cosmetic solution for stained, chipped, discolored or misaligned teeth. LUMINEERS can only be made from patented Cerinate porcelain unavailable anywhere other than the Cerinate Smile Design Studio. In just 2-3 visits to your LUMINEERS dentist, you can have a custom-made smile that is clinically proven to last over 20 years - and it is completely reversible since your natural tooth structure is still intact! Get your perfect smile today! Call 1-877-LUMINEERS for a dentist near you
Dental implants - am I being overcharged?
I had to have an implant done. I paid the DDS who put in the implant just over $2000 and insurance paid $900. That brings total cost to about $3000. My general DDS is now charging $400 for tissue conditioning, $800 for the post and $800 for the crown. This seems a little much. Total price is now $5000 for one tooth (out of pocket approx. $3200)! I guess my question is "if we suppose an implant should cost around $3500, is this price before or after insurance payments?"
part of the price depends on your zip code. bigger cities have bigger prices. i usually tell patients to expect about $3000 out of posket mainly because insurance rarely covers implants. i'd say you didn't get the best deal but you were'nt unfairly charged.
part of the price depends on your zip code. bigger cities have bigger prices. i usually tell patients to expect about $3000 out of posket mainly because insurance rarely covers implants. i'd say you didn't get the best deal but you were'nt unfairly charged.
Alternative to braces?
So just my front two teeth are crooked slightly, the rest of my teeth are straight. I doubt I'd have to get braces for just two teeth? What WOULD I have to get? Would any alternatives to braces be too hard on my teeth? Or would they be as safe as braces? How much would the alternative cost with dental insurance? thanks!
LUMINEERS ® BY CERINATE ® are porcelain veneers that offer the painless way to a permanently whiter and perfectly aligned smile. Your LUMINEERS dentist can apply these contact lens-thin "smile shapers" to teeth without any grinding or shaving, transforming teeth into a naturally beautiful smile that looks perfect for every individual. LUMINEERS can even be placed over existing crown or bridgework without having to replace them. LUMINEERS are contact lens-thin and are placed over existing teeth without having to remove painful tooth structure (unlike traditional veneers.) LUMINEERS is the painless, permanent cosmetic solution for stained, chipped, discolored or misaligned teeth. LUMINEERS can only be made from patented Cerinate porcelain unavailable anywhere other than the Cerinate Smile Design Studio. In just 2-3 visits to your LUMINEERS dentist, you can have a custom-made smile that is clinically proven to last over 20 years - and it is completely reversible since your natural tooth structure is still intact! Get your perfect smile today! Call 1-877-LUMINEERS for a dentist near you
LUMINEERS ® BY CERINATE ® are porcelain veneers that offer the painless way to a permanently whiter and perfectly aligned smile. Your LUMINEERS dentist can apply these contact lens-thin "smile shapers" to teeth without any grinding or shaving, transforming teeth into a naturally beautiful smile that looks perfect for every individual. LUMINEERS can even be placed over existing crown or bridgework without having to replace them. LUMINEERS are contact lens-thin and are placed over existing teeth without having to remove painful tooth structure (unlike traditional veneers.) LUMINEERS is the painless, permanent cosmetic solution for stained, chipped, discolored or misaligned teeth. LUMINEERS can only be made from patented Cerinate porcelain unavailable anywhere other than the Cerinate Smile Design Studio. In just 2-3 visits to your LUMINEERS dentist, you can have a custom-made smile that is clinically proven to last over 20 years - and it is completely reversible since your natural tooth structure is still intact! Get your perfect smile today! Call 1-877-LUMINEERS for a dentist near you
Dental implants - am I being overcharged?
I had to have an implant done. I paid the DDS who put in the implant just over $2000 and insurance paid $900. That brings total cost to about $3000. My general DDS is now charging $400 for tissue conditioning, $800 for the post and $800 for the crown. This seems a little much. Total price is now $5000 for one tooth (out of pocket approx. $3200)! I guess my question is "if we suppose an implant should cost around $3500, is this price before or after insurance payments?"
part of the price depends on your zip code. bigger cities have bigger prices. i usually tell patients to expect about $3000 out of posket mainly because insurance rarely covers implants. i'd say you didn't get the best deal but you were'nt unfairly charged.
part of the price depends on your zip code. bigger cities have bigger prices. i usually tell patients to expect about $3000 out of posket mainly because insurance rarely covers implants. i'd say you didn't get the best deal but you were'nt unfairly charged.
Anyone know a good Dentist in NYC???
I'm moving to New York City in one week and I just found out a need a crown, so there's not enough time to get one with my dentist here. I'm wondering if anyone knows of a good dentist...especially if you've had a good experience with getting a crown. I have dental insurance, so cost isn't an issue. Thanks a lot!
call your insurance company. they will give you a list of dentists in ny that take your insurance.
call your insurance company. they will give you a list of dentists in ny that take your insurance.
Money or Perks? Which would you choose?
I love my job. It's is less than 5 minutes from my home, and my kids schools. My boss is great and never gives a hard time about sick kids or dr appts and stuff like that. If we're busy and have to work through lunch, he pays and I can eat whatever I want, one time I ordered a steak just to test him and he was like "great get me one too!" He pays for gas if there are errands for me to run. There's more but I won't bore you. The money's not great but I get by. On more than one occasion I have been offered positions that would pay more money but would also involve more stress. Our office is quiet as we are the only ones here during the day. I got a radio in the corner playing jazz and a big cushy chair. A few of my friends think that I stay here because I'm too comfortable to persue other opportunities. I've had high paying jobs that put me into therapy. I don't mind coming to work every day and I go home happy most days. I also have full medical and dental insurance.
I have one of those jobs you are talking about. It is great to have a good boss like that and I've been fortunate. I've changed my schedule about 3 times already and he has no problems with it. I sometimes bring my 7 year old to work and he is okay with it. Honestly, a peace of mind is the greatest thing in the world. They will have to kick me and restle me out of this job and that is the only way I would leave.
I have one of those jobs you are talking about. It is great to have a good boss like that and I've been fortunate. I've changed my schedule about 3 times already and he has no problems with it. I sometimes bring my 7 year old to work and he is okay with it. Honestly, a peace of mind is the greatest thing in the world. They will have to kick me and restle me out of this job and that is the only way I would leave.
Help with my five year old daughter teeth! Please!?
Okay I need some advice because her baby teeth are still in, but there is two teeth that are on the bottom that are growing in behind them. It is so weird! This is my first so maybe I am overreacting but I know it is not right. Should I pull the baby teeth and let the new teeth behind them grow in? I had dental insurance for her but not anymore which really really really sucks :(
The adult teeth will grow in anyway, and should push out the baby teeth - or at least make them loose enough that your daughter can wiggle them until they come out. Once they are loose enough they will come out - if you can see that they are really loose but she just can't seem to do that last little bit maybe she will let you give them a gentle twist. But if they stay solid, then you are going to need to go to the dentist to do it.
The adult teeth will grow in anyway, and should push out the baby teeth - or at least make them loose enough that your daughter can wiggle them until they come out. Once they are loose enough they will come out - if you can see that they are really loose but she just can't seem to do that last little bit maybe she will let you give them a gentle twist. But if they stay solid, then you are going to need to go to the dentist to do it.
Sons Fused Teeth/ Adult teeth coming in behind?
My son is 7 yrs old, last year I took him to the dentist and he told me his teeth were fused, he pulled out the top two... They still have not grown in, and he has not lost any teeth. Now an adult tooth is came up behind botton left tooth... I dont have dental insurance only medical and cannot afford to take him to dentist...but do not qualify for medicaid. Hoping to find a home cure... If not will save up and take him early next year.... any suggestions please!?!?
The dentist will have to take out the baby teeth to allow the permanent teeth to be pushed forward into proper position with the tongue (assuming there is enough space for them).
The dentist will have to take out the baby teeth to allow the permanent teeth to be pushed forward into proper position with the tongue (assuming there is enough space for them).
My gums/jaw was hurting when I moved it so I..?
Brushed that spot really hard, then like a layer of it came off and I'm not sure what it is? It bleed a bit. But I guess now it stopped. But now it hurts even when I don't do it. It's 9:15 at night so no the dentist is out of the question, also my dental insurance doesn't start again until December because I maxed out on it for the year. What is it? I rinse with mouthwash after words too and it burned(obviously).
Sounds like a layer of superficial tissue come off. DO NOT use mouthwash or hydrogen peroxide to rinse, and do not brush the underlying and exposed tissue. You'll just blister it, but rather use some salt water to rinse, which will help to clean and toughen the new tissue. (Can use 1/2 tsp salt to 1/2 glass of water, and only rinse about every 3 to 4 hrs to give the tissue time to heal). good luck......
Sounds like a layer of superficial tissue come off. DO NOT use mouthwash or hydrogen peroxide to rinse, and do not brush the underlying and exposed tissue. You'll just blister it, but rather use some salt water to rinse, which will help to clean and toughen the new tissue. (Can use 1/2 tsp salt to 1/2 glass of water, and only rinse about every 3 to 4 hrs to give the tissue time to heal). good luck......
cavity cost to fix?
I have a cavity between my two front teeth. It has been there for a few years and I can't afford to get it fixed but I am getting older and I dont want it to affect my job and how people look at me, how much will it cost to fix it without dental insurance? Its right between my two front teeth but only one tooth has the cavity on it. Please help, I am broke and need it fixed...
If you can get an NHS dentist it will cost £43.60
If you can get an NHS dentist it will cost £43.60
Root canal or extraction?
I have a cracked tooth that needs a root canal and crown ($2200) or it can be extracted for $300. It's an upper molar, second from the last. Both my husband and I were laid off recently and we of course have no dental insurance. What should I do??
I would strongly encourage you to visit this great site: I signed up online over 5 years ago now and they have saved me thousands on all dental services.. From root canals, extractions, cleanings, exams,xrays, ...etc. Even my braces. They even had my extremely affordable plan active in 2 hours and was able to use them the very same day. Hope this helps.
I would strongly encourage you to visit this great site: I signed up online over 5 years ago now and they have saved me thousands on all dental services.. From root canals, extractions, cleanings, exams,xrays, ...etc. Even my braces. They even had my extremely affordable plan active in 2 hours and was able to use them the very same day. Hope this helps.
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