I've gone to the dentist two months ago and he said anytime now i will need a root canal. I think the time has come this thing is annoying!!! I have dental insurance, "i'm a state employee", but i can't afford the co-payment fees right now! Comes to a total of 600 for the whole root canal service, cap, and lab fee. I went today to try and get them too finance me but the bank they work with declined me.. I'm really hurting right now.. I'm out of options on what to do for this... What a waste of having dental insurance. Can anyone give me advise on what to do please!!! thanks...
Ok - I can really help you. I have given this site out before because its wonderful. Don't worry your problems will be solved. This dental insurance site is very affordable... but here is the kicker. It covers PRE-EXSISTING conditions. Your Root Canal would be covered under it. Most health insurance companies will not cover pre-exisiting. You can set up monthly payments or whatever you need. I had a gum problem and I signed up and it saved me a lot of out of pocket. This dental insurance will help you. My co-payment is very very low and my gums are getting the treatment they need. Sign up now so you don't waste your money. http://www.dentalplans.com/afftracker.as…
Friday, December 24, 2010
Discount dental and dental insurance question?
Okay I have dental and except for the ortho part its pretty good. I found out my son needs braces of which I was expecting. What I wasn't expecting was the 6 Thousand dollar price tag, Wonder if its cause I live in the Cape, nor was I expecting my insurance to say yeah we'll pay out only $1500 for that. What!?!?!?! Only $1500? So I get stuck paying $4500 outta Pocket that I don't have, but nor do I want to put off the braces cause I've been there done that. It only gets harder as you get older. Ok anyway time for question. I've been looking into secondary insurance to help out but found instead Ameriplan that discounts services. I found an ortho Dr in both my insurance and in Ameriplan. Before I sign up though does anyone know if you can use both in conjunction with one another? Like have the braces discounted the 25% then my insurance pay their portion then I pay mine? Any and all help appreciated and thanks ahead of time!
I would encourage you to visit this great site: www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I paid only $2200 when I was originally quoted $4500. I think it depends where you live. It worked great for my braces and saved me alot. All services are included in this very affordable plan. They even had my very affordable plan active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. My rep is very knowledgeable. hope this helps.
I would encourage you to visit this great site: www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I paid only $2200 when I was originally quoted $4500. I think it depends where you live. It worked great for my braces and saved me alot. All services are included in this very affordable plan. They even had my very affordable plan active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. My rep is very knowledgeable. hope this helps.
Need help with dental insurance!?!?
I recently posted a question for who was the best dental insurance to go through, and I was given this website www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com. I went to the website and was really interested in it but in my town there is no regular dentist that accepts it. Only one orthodontist and one special dentist for special surgeries and what have not. Where can I go to find out what insurance my dentists in my town accept? I have one dentist in mind, but everytime I look to see who the providers are in my area it's always the shittiest ones. Also what are some good websites to go to for dental information in the Roseburg, Oregon area? I have looked at many websites but I don't know a lot about dental insurance or what is the most common for most dental places to accept. This dentist is a pretty big dentist in my town.
If you are not insured right now, I would suggest get a dental plan instead. There are no premium, no deductible and no waiting period. Most dentist participate in the plan network. Check the link below to see if your dentist participate.
If you are not insured right now, I would suggest get a dental plan instead. There are no premium, no deductible and no waiting period. Most dentist participate in the plan network. Check the link below to see if your dentist participate.
Does dental insurance seem like a rip off?
I don't know what to do. I try to get these insurance policies but they are like $45 per month and then they will only cover up to $750 per year. I can get get a dental discout card through aetna for $105 a year and i get the aetna pricing. I had dental insurance once before and they actually priced some services like filligs at 40% off wha the dentist charges. I also looked at a university dental school. However, the charges aren;t really a whole heck of a lot lower and you get rookies doing the work. what should I do?
Healthcare costs in general are a rip off IMO. Under our current system, the only cost-effective way to get dental insurance is through your employer. People who are self-employed, or work for companies who don't offer dental insurance, often go without routine dental care. You could set aside the $45 per month in the bank and use it when you see the dentist. Some community clinics see dental patients at a reduced or sliding-scale fee, but they are not fancy or state-of-the art places. Just don't neglect regular visits if you want to avoid expensive and painful emergencies in the future.
Healthcare costs in general are a rip off IMO. Under our current system, the only cost-effective way to get dental insurance is through your employer. People who are self-employed, or work for companies who don't offer dental insurance, often go without routine dental care. You could set aside the $45 per month in the bank and use it when you see the dentist. Some community clinics see dental patients at a reduced or sliding-scale fee, but they are not fancy or state-of-the art places. Just don't neglect regular visits if you want to avoid expensive and painful emergencies in the future.
Legal issue and dental insurance?
So here is my question, I have a PPO dental insurance and went to a participating provider, the dental office charged me 99 for a tooth extraction the negotiated amount with my insurance company is only 64. this was done several times in excess of 1,600. also the dental office just did not submit for prosthetics that I am to receive. I have contacted my insurance company and they have agreed that the amount is do to be refunded but dental office has ignored both their request for reimbursement and mine. My question is what options to I have to receive my reimbursement. Any help would be appreciated.
If they are truly " in network" with your insurance and there are no loop holes, like different levels of insurance or something like that, get a lawyer!! good luck!
If they are truly " in network" with your insurance and there are no loop holes, like different levels of insurance or something like that, get a lawyer!! good luck!
Questions about Supplemental Dental Insurance?
I'm hoping someone out there can help me. I have dental insurance through my employer, however I have a lot of dental problems I need to get fixed. I'm interested in purchasing additional dental insurance but don't know where to go now. I've researched on the internet and heard about Dental Discount Plans, but I don't think these will work b/c I already have primary coverage. Does anyone have any additional information on this topic that would help? I'm looking for assistance on the expenses that my primary insurance does not cover. Thanks!!!
Phone a broker to tailor a package for you
Phone a broker to tailor a package for you
Exactly how does Dental insurance coverage work? Never had insurance before. Had medicaid, no insurance though?
I work at Wal-Mart and recently enrolled in their Dental Insurance. It doesn't kick in until January, so until then, I'm uninsured. Anyways, I get paid Bi-weekly and every pay check they take out $6.20 for the insurance, which isn't too bad at all. Anyways, I had Medicaid up until I was 18, then of course it was discontinued. How does dental insurance work? I know for certain things, it says you have to meet your annual deductible before coverage kicks in. What is that? On my handbook, it says the annual deductible is $50 for associates. So what if I have to have teeth filled or anything and the bill is like $800, what would my portion be? Also, with insurance, is it like a discount plan where you would have to pay your portion BEFORE the work is done or how does that all work?
Typically most dental plans work as follows: If there is a deductible, you must pay that amount once a year before the plan will pay a part of the remaining charges. The plan usually has a maximum per year that it will pay towards your dental care. Usually that is between $2,000-$4,000 per year depending on the plan. Usually the plan will cover a certain percentage of your normal dental care (cleaning, fillings, etc.). That percentage is usually about 70%-80% of the cost. Usually plan will cover a smaller percentage of orthodontic or crowns (typically 50%). Usually the dentist will directly bill the insurance company for their share. Example: Plan has a $50 deductible, pays a maximum of $2,000 per year, pays 80% of normal dental work, and pays 50% for crowns. You have the following bill for work done at the dentist over a period of several days. Exam: $40 Cleaning: $100 Filling: $300 Crown $900 Deductible: $50 Plan pays 80% of $390 or $312 Plan pays 50% of $900 or $450 Plan pays a total of $762 Your cost to the dentist is $578 ($50 + $78 + $450) Plan will pay up to $1238 more towards your dental treatment during the rest of the year. The dentist may bill you before you leave his office after each visit or may bill you later. If you can't afford to pay your share when you receive the bill, you should find a dentist that will accept payments. If you have normal work (cleaning, fillings, etc.), the amount you pay will be relatively small but when crowns are down, you generally pay quite a bit. Some plans also pay 100% for the exam and cleaning.
Typically most dental plans work as follows: If there is a deductible, you must pay that amount once a year before the plan will pay a part of the remaining charges. The plan usually has a maximum per year that it will pay towards your dental care. Usually that is between $2,000-$4,000 per year depending on the plan. Usually the plan will cover a certain percentage of your normal dental care (cleaning, fillings, etc.). That percentage is usually about 70%-80% of the cost. Usually plan will cover a smaller percentage of orthodontic or crowns (typically 50%). Usually the dentist will directly bill the insurance company for their share. Example: Plan has a $50 deductible, pays a maximum of $2,000 per year, pays 80% of normal dental work, and pays 50% for crowns. You have the following bill for work done at the dentist over a period of several days. Exam: $40 Cleaning: $100 Filling: $300 Crown $900 Deductible: $50 Plan pays 80% of $390 or $312 Plan pays 50% of $900 or $450 Plan pays a total of $762 Your cost to the dentist is $578 ($50 + $78 + $450) Plan will pay up to $1238 more towards your dental treatment during the rest of the year. The dentist may bill you before you leave his office after each visit or may bill you later. If you can't afford to pay your share when you receive the bill, you should find a dentist that will accept payments. If you have normal work (cleaning, fillings, etc.), the amount you pay will be relatively small but when crowns are down, you generally pay quite a bit. Some plans also pay 100% for the exam and cleaning.
In regards to dental/vision insurance, do they have pre-existing condition clauses? Is it worth it?
I am thinking about getting dental/vision insurance (I'm working a temp job right now) but I'm not sure if it's worth it for a few months until I find full-time employment (with all the benefit goodies). Do they also look at gaps in insurance (I haven't had dental insurance in almost a year; long story) or pre-existing conditions like health insurance does? I haven't visited my dentist in a year and I have mulled over the low-cost/no cost clinics vs. getting dental insurance and paying insane amounts of money just for some guy to irrigate the quadrants of my mouth. Anyone have any information on this?
Take care of your teeth, anyway you can - wait and suffer the consequences! No, Insurance companies do not refuse or penalize people for preexisting conditions - that would be nuts. Start with a teeth cleaning appointment, and pretend to be shocked, yes shocked that your teeth are in such a deplorable condition, and require work.
Take care of your teeth, anyway you can - wait and suffer the consequences! No, Insurance companies do not refuse or penalize people for preexisting conditions - that would be nuts. Start with a teeth cleaning appointment, and pretend to be shocked, yes shocked that your teeth are in such a deplorable condition, and require work.
Good dental insurance?
Dental insurance isn't provided through our jobs, so we are looking for some coverage on our own. Does anyone have personal dental insurance? If so, which companies do you suggest?
Dental coverage purchased as an individual almost never makes sense. Insurance companies could not stay in business if they paid out more in benefits than they take in in premiums. Most dental plans out there are not insurance at all but "discount plans" with unsustainably low fees which dentists often accept to get you in the door. There is then a strong incentive to steer patients to services with uncontrolled fees. Your best bet if you can't get your employers to set up a group is to try to see if medical savings accounts are available. Failing that, if you expect high dental bills see if you can find a dentist who offers financing. Most dentists should be able to prioritize treatment and perform it in stages to make the financial pain more manageable. Good luck, Steve Bornfeld, DDS
Dental coverage purchased as an individual almost never makes sense. Insurance companies could not stay in business if they paid out more in benefits than they take in in premiums. Most dental plans out there are not insurance at all but "discount plans" with unsustainably low fees which dentists often accept to get you in the door. There is then a strong incentive to steer patients to services with uncontrolled fees. Your best bet if you can't get your employers to set up a group is to try to see if medical savings accounts are available. Failing that, if you expect high dental bills see if you can find a dentist who offers financing. Most dentists should be able to prioritize treatment and perform it in stages to make the financial pain more manageable. Good luck, Steve Bornfeld, DDS
Good Dental Insurance?
I want to buy good dental insurance that I can use anywhere in the US pretty much right away. I have allot of stuff that needs to be fixed.
I would strongly encourage you to visit this great site: www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I signed up online over 5 years ago now and they have saved me thousands since. From root canals, xrays, cleanings, exams...etc. All services are included in this very affordable plan. Even cosmetic surgery and orthodontic treatment. They even had my benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. And can be used all over the country. hope this helps.
I would strongly encourage you to visit this great site: www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I signed up online over 5 years ago now and they have saved me thousands since. From root canals, xrays, cleanings, exams...etc. All services are included in this very affordable plan. Even cosmetic surgery and orthodontic treatment. They even had my benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. And can be used all over the country. hope this helps.
19 yr old. Health and dental insurance?
I'm a 19 yr old, white female living in Indiana. I got cut off from insurance when I turned 18. I need affordable health and dental insurance with little or no copay. I currently work part time with no benefits making under 500 a month.
YOu are not the only one who met this problem,I have met this type of problem before.I have good experience here www.HealthInsuranceIdeas.info to solve my similiar problem.
YOu are not the only one who met this problem,I have met this type of problem before.I have good experience here www.HealthInsuranceIdeas.info to solve my similiar problem.
Best health and dental insurance for students in California?
I've never purchased insurance before. I'm a 20 year old female. Currently my wisdom teeth are impacted and that has caused a few other dental issues. The wisdom teeth extraction procedure costs much more than I can afford and other dental work on top of that needs to be done. My school offers an insurance plan only for the international students. I would like to find the best dental and health insurance plan for the most reasonable price. If anyone has any suggestions. Other than the problems with my teeth I'm a healthy, non-smoking, active young woman with no pre-existing medical conditions. Thanks!
These are few insurance in CA Anthem Blue Cross of California Blue Shield of California Aetna PacifiCare Kaiser Permanente HealthNet
These are few insurance in CA Anthem Blue Cross of California Blue Shield of California Aetna PacifiCare Kaiser Permanente HealthNet
Independent Contractor Dental Insurance?
I need a lot of dental work done but I don't have insurance. I plan on getting 6 Month Braces that I'm going to save up money to just pay cash for if I have to (had braces in the past but wisdom teeth caused crowding)... However, I need other stuff done first... Possibly a deep cleaning, wisdom teeth extraction (above gums), whitening, maybe a filling or two. I have no dental insurance since I'm an Independent Contractor. Saving to pay full price is doable but would take a long time, and to be honest the longer I wait the worse it will get. - Saving for the braces is ok since I'll need to go through everything else first (I'll have enough time to save atleast make 1/2 down payment - if not all of it). So what are my options? I've never had insurance before.. If they know I need work done with they refuse me? Do you make monthly payments or just pay the difference? Either way is fine, but I would want to know ahead of time.
You need to look at the coverages. I've never seen any private dental insurance that pays out (covers) more than it costs, for an individual. Between deductibles, copays, coverage limits, it's probably not worth it. Look, on a FANTASTIC plan, you might have a one year wait for wisdom teeth, and 50% coverage, UP TO $1000. You could easily be left paying $3,000 out of pocket, for all four, if they are impacted and in sideways. MOST people only want to buy dental insurance, when they need work done. That's why private plans don't cover orthodontics, have long waits, and extreme coverage limitations. Your best bet, is to find a local dental school. You'll get the work done for cash, at a fraction of the cost, under strict supervision, by a dental student, with six others crowding around to watch.
You need to look at the coverages. I've never seen any private dental insurance that pays out (covers) more than it costs, for an individual. Between deductibles, copays, coverage limits, it's probably not worth it. Look, on a FANTASTIC plan, you might have a one year wait for wisdom teeth, and 50% coverage, UP TO $1000. You could easily be left paying $3,000 out of pocket, for all four, if they are impacted and in sideways. MOST people only want to buy dental insurance, when they need work done. That's why private plans don't cover orthodontics, have long waits, and extreme coverage limitations. Your best bet, is to find a local dental school. You'll get the work done for cash, at a fraction of the cost, under strict supervision, by a dental student, with six others crowding around to watch.
Help! I dont have dental insurance and I need dental work....?
I really dont want to pay an arm and a leg for the work, it costs so much, and I dont quatilfy for medical. What can I do?
Look up a dental college and give them a call or walk in. We use to sit there all day if they said there was no space. Sometimes someone cancels. I've had several things done at very low cost. Another option is to get a dental credit card. It's long term at low interest. Or ask if you dentist offers payment plans. If you are a student, ask if they offer any discounts. My sister asked and they offered 10% off the bill, she just had to provide proof. Glad she asked. =) Also look to see if they offer plans. Places like western dental. Or ask about dental plans from medical insurance companies (kaiser, blue cross, delta dental, etc.) I have Blue Cross and it costs $18 a month but some are cheaper. Good luck!
Look up a dental college and give them a call or walk in. We use to sit there all day if they said there was no space. Sometimes someone cancels. I've had several things done at very low cost. Another option is to get a dental credit card. It's long term at low interest. Or ask if you dentist offers payment plans. If you are a student, ask if they offer any discounts. My sister asked and they offered 10% off the bill, she just had to provide proof. Glad she asked. =) Also look to see if they offer plans. Places like western dental. Or ask about dental plans from medical insurance companies (kaiser, blue cross, delta dental, etc.) I have Blue Cross and it costs $18 a month but some are cheaper. Good luck!
How can you get dental insurance when you can't afford dental insurance?
My husband and I have health coverage, but it doesn't include dental insurance. So we have to pay our dental bills out of pocket. That was okay until I started needed expensive procedures, like root canals and crowns. Last year we paid for a root canal ($1000) and this year we paid for a root canal ($1100) and both of those teeth still need crowns (which will cost $1000 apiece). Since we were still paying the bills on my root canals I put off having the crowns done until those bills were clear. Now today my tooth broke so I'm going to have to have that crown done. Is there ANY way to escape this? I feel like I'll lose my teeth just because I'm not lucky enough to be rich. Do you know of any kind of affordable dental insurance that will take care of procedures like root canals or crowns or oral surgery? (My dentist wants me to have THAT done too for an impacted wisdom tooth.) I want a healthy mouth. But I can't afford it. Is there anyone that helps people like me? Thank you. Nita
I work for Ameriplan, a health benefits company. We offer dental care for the price of just $14.95 per month for individual or $19.95 per month for your entire household. You may choose the dentist of your choice in the AmeriPlan network and save 25% to 80% savings on dental procedures performed by a Program dentist. You can read more about it here: www.mybenefitsplus.com/areed If you are intrested call me at: 903-692-9854 or send me an email at: AReed@ameriplan.net
I work for Ameriplan, a health benefits company. We offer dental care for the price of just $14.95 per month for individual or $19.95 per month for your entire household. You may choose the dentist of your choice in the AmeriPlan network and save 25% to 80% savings on dental procedures performed by a Program dentist. You can read more about it here: www.mybenefitsplus.com/areed If you are intrested call me at: 903-692-9854 or send me an email at: AReed@ameriplan.net
Tricare Dental Insurance---need wisdom teeth out asap!?
First of all, I am not a service member, I am a dependent, so please don't tell me to go to Dentac.I know this is all my fault for waiting until something was wrong to start doing something to fix the problem, but oh well. Ok, so my two wisdom teeth NEED to come out asap. They are hurting my jaw, pushing into my back molars and one of them is grey(I suppose it is dead/decaying). Problem is, I did not enroll in the tricare dental program until two days ago. Their information packet said that if I applied after the 20th of the month, that my coverage wouldn't be effective until the first of the SECOND month. So since I applied on the 24th of July, I apparently won't be covered until September 1st.... well that's a BIG problem. I need them out NOW. I tried calling the ER to ask if they would do it under my medical insurance and they said they absolutely do not pull teeth like that. Ugh. Also, the family dentist here on post does not pull teeth period. Now how the hell a I supposed to get them taken out? I called Military One Source, and they seem to think my coverage is immediate... but I doubt that. At this point I don't even care if I have to pay out of pocket and set up a payment plan,,, I just want the gone. How do I do this? Do I still have to go through the dentist here on post and have them refer me? Or can I just call up a civilian dentist and just tell them I don't have dental insurance yet and would like to have it done with a payment plan?
Http://www.tricaredentalprogram.com to find a dentist near you that accepts United Concordia. You will still have to pay out of pocket the only thing free with it is 2 cleanings a year. Depending on your area it could be up to $700 that you need to pay or more if your coverage hasn't started. They can make a claim to them but no guarantees. You do not need a referral
Http://www.tricaredentalprogram.com to find a dentist near you that accepts United Concordia. You will still have to pay out of pocket the only thing free with it is 2 cleanings a year. Depending on your area it could be up to $700 that you need to pay or more if your coverage hasn't started. They can make a claim to them but no guarantees. You do not need a referral
Are there any good dental plans out there for people without insurance?
My job unfortunately doesn't offer any and my live in bf just got a new job which offers benefits for their employees domestic partner. But we're not sure if that includes me. What exactly is a domestic partner?
Call your county health department. They should have a list of dentists who work with low income people. Some dental schools have students who do the work while in training.
Call your county health department. They should have a list of dentists who work with low income people. Some dental schools have students who do the work while in training.
Help with dental insurance?
I had dental insurance and a few weeks before my wedding last year i went to the dentist and was diganosed with begginging signs of paradontal disease, and that was a year ago, also i had like 4-5 cavaties and needed a deep cleaning thing, however by thte time the insurance took care of it, i was married and lost my insruance, and no idk what to do. I have no dental insurance and my teeth hurt, and i can't afford to go to the dental schools, i know about the dental discount plans but those really arn't that cheap. Are there any places i could apply for something like carecredit, they wont approve me and my husband on 22,000 a year, i really need help =(
I know of a great dental plan that is cheap and has no waiting periods. Most insurance companies make you wait 6 months before they cover major stuff, but this one does not. Plus you can see any dentist. It is a comprehensive dental plan, not a discount plan. We had applied for care credit in the past and were only approved for 500 bucks, but you could see about getting a co-signer on the app that might up your credit limit. If you wanna check out the dental plan, its www.BestForLessDental.com and you can apply right on line. Good luck to you. I know the agony of sore teeth!
I know of a great dental plan that is cheap and has no waiting periods. Most insurance companies make you wait 6 months before they cover major stuff, but this one does not. Plus you can see any dentist. It is a comprehensive dental plan, not a discount plan. We had applied for care credit in the past and were only approved for 500 bucks, but you could see about getting a co-signer on the app that might up your credit limit. If you wanna check out the dental plan, its www.BestForLessDental.com and you can apply right on line. Good luck to you. I know the agony of sore teeth!
I have two dental insurance plans. Why do I still have to pay a lot for the procedures that I did?
I have dual dental insurance. One is under myself and the other one is through my spouse. I just did some fillings and deep cleaning with my dentist. Both insurance companies covers 80% for those procedures. The dentist is in the network of my primary insurance which is under myself, but not in the network of my secondary insurance. For example, my dentist charges me 200 for a filling. Since it is in the network of my primary insurance, they only allow him to charge 100 for the filling, and the insurance company paid 80 for it, leaving 20 to my responsibility. Then the dentist charge the secondary insurance 200 again. The secondary insurance covers 80%, with the coordination from the primary insurance, they paid (200 * 0.8 - 80) = 80. Now my dentist says that I still own them (200 - 80 - 80) = 40. Is this right? It sounds like if I end up paying more with dual insurance than with single insurance.
health-quotes.isgreat.org - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
health-quotes.isgreat.org - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
dental insurance vs dental plans?
I have to go to the dentist and possibly have some work done on my teeth. I want to get some sort of insurance or a dental plan to help me pay because i know its going to cost a arm and a leg. So does anyone know anything about dental plans? from what i read they are a lot better than insurance? and they seem cheaper too? but this seems too good to be true! so does anyone have one or know anything about them? i was told to go here.. http://www.dpbrokers.com/default.aspx?locationid=20349 i dont get what the difference is between discount plans and fee for service discount plans? how will i know which one im getting? and making sure im not being ripped off??
You need to be cautious about any dental plan. You will want to contact some of the dentist on the list to make sure they are taking the plan. If no list is provided consider it a scam. Discount plans just give you a discount on the normal fee that a dentist will charge. There is no control over what the discount is. Very few dentist will actually accept a discount plan. A fee-for-service discount plan has a schedule of fees that a participating dentist can charge, so you know before going in how much the charge will be, similar to the co-pay on your health insurance. These plans also publish this schedule so you will know what to expect before purchasing the plan. With both plans no waiting period applies. Not so with regular dental insurance. With insurance there will be a waiting period before some procedures are covered. A typical plan will have a 6 month waiting period for basic services such as a filling to 18 months for major services such as a root canal. They also have a deductible and co-insurance that you will need to pay.
You need to be cautious about any dental plan. You will want to contact some of the dentist on the list to make sure they are taking the plan. If no list is provided consider it a scam. Discount plans just give you a discount on the normal fee that a dentist will charge. There is no control over what the discount is. Very few dentist will actually accept a discount plan. A fee-for-service discount plan has a schedule of fees that a participating dentist can charge, so you know before going in how much the charge will be, similar to the co-pay on your health insurance. These plans also publish this schedule so you will know what to expect before purchasing the plan. With both plans no waiting period applies. Not so with regular dental insurance. With insurance there will be a waiting period before some procedures are covered. A typical plan will have a 6 month waiting period for basic services such as a filling to 18 months for major services such as a root canal. They also have a deductible and co-insurance that you will need to pay.
Veneers covered by dental insurance?
I would like to know if veneers could be covered fully under dental insurance. I know veneers are usually not covered as they are primarily cosmetic, but because I am young and do not want to lose the tooth structure by getting porcelain crowns [root canals are done on teeth before getting crowns] I would really like to get veneers instead. I would have to have them maintained every decade or so, and because I'm only 18, I'm afraid to get crowns as they are MUCH harder to replace. I have a genetic condition called Amelogenesis Imperfecta. I have had composite veneer on my teeth to give them enough surface area for orthodontic brackets, and I have had braces for a year and a half. My ortho brought up two teeth that never came in and has moved my teeth in proper placement for the veneers to now be done. I always assumed, even though it's genetic and is not my fault, that my dental reconstruction would be at my expense. I don't have dental insurance right now, so I'm also curious if I could even get it now, being in the middle of my treatment of a genetic condition. Wouldn't that be like a cancer patient applying for health insurance after they are diagnosed with cancer? Or is dental insurance different?
possess as much information as you could maybe is one of the options,however it is quite time consuming,here www.HealthInsuranceIdeas.info is the resource i have ever had good experience.
possess as much information as you could maybe is one of the options,however it is quite time consuming,here www.HealthInsuranceIdeas.info is the resource i have ever had good experience.
Questions About Dental Insurance?
I'm currently 18 and I am a full-time student at a state college. I didn't take care of my teeth very much when I was younger so this past year I've really cracked down on getting them fixed. I have no dental insurance for myself, I'm currently using my moms dental insurance which allows $1500 of dental work per year. Now to the questions, I went to the dentist today and they laid out a full treatment plan for me, fillings, root canals, crowns, extractions, the works. Since my mom's insurance only covers $1500, and I've used up at least $1100 of that $1500, chances are I'm going to have to start paying the full amount of my dental care out-of-pocket real quick, so my question is, is there a plan that I can get that starts immediately where I pay a yearly fee?
Yes ameriplan
Yes ameriplan
Dental Insurance Payment?
3 months I had some dental work done for which I paid in full at the time. But today I received a letter from the dental provider saying that I still owe them money. Apparently the insurance didn't pay them enough; it seems that some of the work was priced above the maximum covered. The provider however knew all along what my dental insurance covers and what it doesn't. Is it my responsibility to pay now? What could happen if I just ignore them? It's not about the money (it's only $70 or so), it's just that I think it's unfair, looks almost like a scam.
If your dentist is a contracted provider with your insurance company then you are not obligated to pay the balance, in fact, there is a specific and unbreachable clause regarding the practice of billing patients above their contracted co-pay. Call your insurance company before you do anything else and find out the truth. If your dentist is not a contracted provider then you owe the money and, your dentist deserves to be paid for the work performed. Also, it is very possible that you misunderstood, which is why dentists provide patients with treatment plans, even for one tooth, so that there are no misunderstandings later. If more dentists did this there would be no complaints of this nature.
If your dentist is a contracted provider with your insurance company then you are not obligated to pay the balance, in fact, there is a specific and unbreachable clause regarding the practice of billing patients above their contracted co-pay. Call your insurance company before you do anything else and find out the truth. If your dentist is not a contracted provider then you owe the money and, your dentist deserves to be paid for the work performed. Also, it is very possible that you misunderstood, which is why dentists provide patients with treatment plans, even for one tooth, so that there are no misunderstandings later. If more dentists did this there would be no complaints of this nature.
Dental individual insurance plans in NYC?
I am needing an individual insurance plan, due to that I need have some work done, however I dont have insurance through my employer. What should I do? I live in Staten Island NYC
I would encourage you to visit this site: www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I signed up online about 3 years ago now for all my dental needs and they have saved me thousands. From Root canals, extractions, xrays, exams...etc. All services are included in this very affordable plan. Im 100% sure that this in you area. They even had my benefits activein 2 hours and was able to use it the same day. Good Luck and hope this helps.
I would encourage you to visit this site: www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I signed up online about 3 years ago now for all my dental needs and they have saved me thousands. From Root canals, extractions, xrays, exams...etc. All services are included in this very affordable plan. Im 100% sure that this in you area. They even had my benefits activein 2 hours and was able to use it the same day. Good Luck and hope this helps.
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