You are a manager at a large accounting firm. Recently, your insurance provider has offered a new package that you think will be beneficial for your employees and will also save the company money. However, your unionized employees are usually hesitant to allow any changes to their benefits package. You would like to convince them to agree to adopt this new package. The changes to their benefits would include: • Increased yearly allowances for eye glasses • Increased yearly allowances for dental care • Extended benefits for family members • No allowances for homeopathic or massage therapies how to start ??
That wouldn't take any convincing. It's usually a reduction in benefits and/or increase in the employees share of the expenses that generate rebellion, resistance or rejection.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
How can I disenroll in DEERS?
my husband is UA and I need to drop Tricare because I can get a better insurance that covers medical/dental. They are telling me that I cant cancel DEERS or TRICARE. Why is that?
Who is "they"? You don't have to use Tri-Care. You don't have to be enrolled in Tri-Care. Have your husband fill out the paperwork disenrolling you in Tri-Care if that's what you want to do. You DO NOT, however, want to disenroll from DEERS. DEERS is what makes sure you have an ID card. Who told you that you have to drop Tri-Care in order to get another insurance? That's BS. Tri-Care is more than willing to let someone else pay first. In fact, that's what they have to do. If you went to the ER, Tri-Care will be the last insurance company to receive a bill.
Who is "they"? You don't have to use Tri-Care. You don't have to be enrolled in Tri-Care. Have your husband fill out the paperwork disenrolling you in Tri-Care if that's what you want to do. You DO NOT, however, want to disenroll from DEERS. DEERS is what makes sure you have an ID card. Who told you that you have to drop Tri-Care in order to get another insurance? That's BS. Tri-Care is more than willing to let someone else pay first. In fact, that's what they have to do. If you went to the ER, Tri-Care will be the last insurance company to receive a bill.
How much of a discount can you usually get for dental services by paying cash (e.g., fillings, wisdom teeth)?
In case it isn't clear, I mean paying for the procedure entirely out-of-pocket in cash as opposed to having dental insurance. I know it varies, so I'm only looking for estimations. I'm interested in anything from routine exams/cleanings to fillings to wisdom teeth extraction. Thanks for any information!
Our office offers a 5% discount for cash paid on the day of service.
Our office offers a 5% discount for cash paid on the day of service.
im trying to apply for dental insurance.. help?
i need my wisdom teeth taken out but have no insurance.. i have been looking online but im having trouble understanding. can someone please help :( i am 22 years old and a female if that helps... thank you so much
I would encourage you to visit the following website I signed up online about 3 years ago now for all my dental needs and they have saved me thousands. From Root canals, extractions, xrays, exams...etc. All services are included in this very affordable plan. They even had my benefits activein 2 hours and was able to use it the same day. Good Luck and hope this helps
I would encourage you to visit the following website I signed up online about 3 years ago now for all my dental needs and they have saved me thousands. From Root canals, extractions, xrays, exams...etc. All services are included in this very affordable plan. They even had my benefits activein 2 hours and was able to use it the same day. Good Luck and hope this helps
Why do we get our health insurance through our jobs?
I'll tell you. In the 1940s Truman continued wage and price controls well beyond WWII - - not that they worked anyway, as anyone familiar with J.B. Say knows. It was illegal for most employers to give many of their employees a raise!!!!!!! So guess what those employers did? They figured out a way to get AROUND that restriction, and compensate their employees MORE, in order to KEEP them. How? "Fringe benefits" that included health insurance, dental insurance, etc.... Because a group of employees usually is a good pool - people at least functional enough to have jobs - and because it offered the chance to sell policies to hundreds or thousands of people at once - the insurance companies considered this a great idea.
Many many workers do not work for businesses that offer health insurance. And many that do, the employer only pays 20 % or so of the monthly premium (like my comany), Many companies buy the absolute CHEAPEST coverage they can get away with to increase their own profits, and all too many workers who feel comfortable that they have health insurance, come to find out when they or their loved ones do get sick, find out all too late that the insurace refuses to pay for that particular illness/procedure. It's in a shambles.
Many many workers do not work for businesses that offer health insurance. And many that do, the employer only pays 20 % or so of the monthly premium (like my comany), Many companies buy the absolute CHEAPEST coverage they can get away with to increase their own profits, and all too many workers who feel comfortable that they have health insurance, come to find out when they or their loved ones do get sick, find out all too late that the insurace refuses to pay for that particular illness/procedure. It's in a shambles.
Can i get help to pay for dental work i had done 2 years ago?
im a manager in a small office and dont have dental insurance. i went to the dentist 2 years ago, & still trying to pay it off. my cousin who is on section 8 can go for free. thats just not right. why do lazy people get treated better sometimes? i pay rent, she has an apt for $200. im trying not to be a hater, but come on now!
If you are making payments to the dentist and you can afford those, I would keep making the payments as long as you can. You could apply for some kind of loan but that would have a lot of interest. Which would be worse because usually the dentist doesn't charge interest. That I'm aware of. I have some dental issues that I need to take care of as well, it's going to cost a bundle. I have a lot of empathy for you right now. As for your cousin, yeah...I hear what you're saying, if you sit home and down work, you can get assistance. There are some very low mininmums of income. It does feel very frustrating to see somone who isn't doing anything and you need the help and cant get it. It sucks ... you're making too much, working your behind off. And all you would like is a little break. I hear ya.
If you are making payments to the dentist and you can afford those, I would keep making the payments as long as you can. You could apply for some kind of loan but that would have a lot of interest. Which would be worse because usually the dentist doesn't charge interest. That I'm aware of. I have some dental issues that I need to take care of as well, it's going to cost a bundle. I have a lot of empathy for you right now. As for your cousin, yeah...I hear what you're saying, if you sit home and down work, you can get assistance. There are some very low mininmums of income. It does feel very frustrating to see somone who isn't doing anything and you need the help and cant get it. It sucks ... you're making too much, working your behind off. And all you would like is a little break. I hear ya.
How can anyone trust private insurance?
After paying in to private insurance all my husbands life from the time he was 17 til his death he paid in. Wisconsin Health Fund dropped him when he needed the insurance the most, made him lose his doctor Shapiro. This ability is written in law that they can drop you if you get to sick to work. Despite having insurance I was forced in to hearing after hearing to get them to pay my migraine prescription, and dental, then still didn't pay(Compcare Blue) and now am uninsured and have been turned down for insurance because of preexisting conditions. Public insurance may be bad but this is the worst kind of fraud. You think you have insurance and they do not pay. If nothing else we need the public to keep private insurance honest and provide for us that have paid in all our lives and now have conditions so am being refused health care and insurance.
at age 65, you can get medicare , and then get a medicare supplelent insurance plan, that has pretty good rates, as it supplelents medicare. I bought mine online texas best medicare supplements group at
at age 65, you can get medicare , and then get a medicare supplelent insurance plan, that has pretty good rates, as it supplelents medicare. I bought mine online texas best medicare supplements group at
wisdom teeth need to be pulled. No insurance?
My husband is 24 and desperately needs his wisdom teeth removed ASAP. He hasn't been to the dentist in 12 years and his dental hygiene hasn't been the best (better now sense we have been married lol). His new job offers insurance (but isn't that great for the amount we would have to pay) and I am on maternity leave (no job = no insurance). We applied for Medi-Cal but were told we would have a "Share of Cost" (meaning we would have to pay around $3,200 a month before they would cover anything)... I am not sure if it makes any difference...but... we are in Redding California (no dental schools around here...) Anyways... My questions to you wonderful people are... -Can he get insurance just to have his wisdom teeth pulled? -If he hasn't been to the dentist in YEARS, does he need to see a dentist before the Oral Surgeon or can we just see the Oral Surgeon? -If he can't get insurance, how much is this gonna run us? Thank you for all your help I really appreciate it!
He will probably need a referral from a dentist to see an oral surgeon. I am in a similar bind, I need my wisdom teeth pulled and have no insurance. I looked online and found a few sites that might help. I'm not sure what they are right now, i have them written down at my mother's house, but you could try googling it. It's not really "insurance" but you can get it up to 3 days before you need dental surgery and you basically pay like $145/year and then they'll cover the extractions except you'll have to pay maybe a couple hundred bucks for it. Which would be better than a couple thousand. Edit: another option would be to ask the oral surgeon to remove one or two at a time so you don't have to pay as much right away. you could wait a few months inbetween and try to save up money. also, don't do general anesethesia as it will cost you more. try to do just locally numb it.
He will probably need a referral from a dentist to see an oral surgeon. I am in a similar bind, I need my wisdom teeth pulled and have no insurance. I looked online and found a few sites that might help. I'm not sure what they are right now, i have them written down at my mother's house, but you could try googling it. It's not really "insurance" but you can get it up to 3 days before you need dental surgery and you basically pay like $145/year and then they'll cover the extractions except you'll have to pay maybe a couple hundred bucks for it. Which would be better than a couple thousand. Edit: another option would be to ask the oral surgeon to remove one or two at a time so you don't have to pay as much right away. you could wait a few months inbetween and try to save up money. also, don't do general anesethesia as it will cost you more. try to do just locally numb it.
Hi i have a dental question and I am very worried,?
Hi i never had insurance to go to dentists on a regular basis and one day i got a cavity on my bottom tooth. I let this problem go as i did not have insurance or the money to see a dentist and i thought it would be ok as long as i brushed my teeth daily. The cavity ended up getting worse and got so bad that half of my tooth ended up breaking in half an the inside of the tooth where the cavity was also fell out. I know i am stupid for what i am about to type but even after this happened i still did not see a dentist i just kept brushing my teeth daily as usual. One day i started getting a severe throbbing pain almost an unbearable sharp shooting pain in the root of the tooth and i could not even chew on the right side of my mouth and still to this day i can't or else it hurts severely when i bite down on that side. The sharp throbbing pain finally went away after about 3 straight days of agonizing pain but the problem now is all of my lymph nodes are swollen (the node on left side of my face on jaw line and the node under my jaw right above adams apple) both of these have been swollen without going away for at least almost a year and i recently went to the doctors thinking this was cancer related because i also lost some weight but i got a CT/PET scan and everything came back normal. Until recently as in this past week i had no idea about how a dental issue can lead to swollen lymph nodes and also read that if left untreated it can lead to bacterial infection of different parts of the body such as the brain and that is when this really started to scare me. I read that when lymph nodes show up and it's dental related to something such as a tooth decay then it means it is in a very serious stage. Please any information or advice on this problem will really be appreciated such as what do you think this issue is and if it is very serious or not. I just recently got on MassHealth and as soon as my car gets fixed in 3 days i am scheduling a dentist appointment as i am very scared and freaked out with what i was reading.
Well, whatever you do, try not to freak out so much because you're only suppressing your immune system. I think I had similar case just without the swollen lymph. I actually had to get a root canal since cavity went in deep.. but in your case, it does sound like an infection and yes they can end up in your brain if left untreated. Once you go to dentist, I'm sure doctor will give you antibiotics and that should probably do the trick. Also, try to go to dentist often. Our mouth is the most filthiest place on our body where it attracts lots of bacteria. And didn't the regular doctor take a sample of the lymph area to get it tested to see for type of infection?
Well, whatever you do, try not to freak out so much because you're only suppressing your immune system. I think I had similar case just without the swollen lymph. I actually had to get a root canal since cavity went in deep.. but in your case, it does sound like an infection and yes they can end up in your brain if left untreated. Once you go to dentist, I'm sure doctor will give you antibiotics and that should probably do the trick. Also, try to go to dentist often. Our mouth is the most filthiest place on our body where it attracts lots of bacteria. And didn't the regular doctor take a sample of the lymph area to get it tested to see for type of infection?
In Extreme Pain, Need Root Canal, No Insurance, No Job, What Can I Do ?
My son who is 35 years old has a dental problem, that I can't afford or able to provide any monetary help. I only get $339.00 a month to live on, because of a heart attack and diabetes among other things. He went to the free dental clinic of SW Washington State and was told he needed 2 Root Canals. But the Free Dental Clinic does not have equipment to do root canals. He has No Insurance, No Money, No Job. He is doing good to excellent on getting his life back on track from meth addiction and the courts have have his time tied up each week with 1 court date, 3 AA meetings and 3 Clinic counseling meetings. My suggestion to him was why don't he have them pull them and he said they won't. He has been on an antibiotic and he is in extreme pain, what can he do ? Any Suggestions ?
Pity you are not in Thailand. Extractions and root canals are dirt cheap and are professionally done in places like Chiang Mai.What about Mexico? I am assuming you are American Extractions are relatively easy procedure. Surely there is some compassionate dentist who will do the job. If it is a non essential teeth like the wisdom then extraction is the go. If they are important teeth then well it is better to do a RCT
Pity you are not in Thailand. Extractions and root canals are dirt cheap and are professionally done in places like Chiang Mai.What about Mexico? I am assuming you are American Extractions are relatively easy procedure. Surely there is some compassionate dentist who will do the job. If it is a non essential teeth like the wisdom then extraction is the go. If they are important teeth then well it is better to do a RCT
Is health insurance worth having?
I have been shopping for health insurance and I'm finding it hard to actually sign up. I have never had an issue with the public health system. I have not had to wait very long on a waiting list when I have needed operations. All of the major surgeries happen in the public hospital (in my city) anyway so hospital cover seems to be a waste of money. The service I received in the public hospital was as good as I have seen family members be treated in a private hospital. The only thing the public health system lacks in is dental and optical (you can get emergency dental with public health and eye tests and a small choice of frames with public). Looking at some of the health covers some are $2500 per year per couple and that only covers $1600 dental. Is it easier just to pay for a medical service if you need it as you need it?? Does anyone swear by private health insurance? Am I being a fool? Should I sign up?
I read the first two answers, and I'm pretty sure they're from the U.S. Nothing is free here. A hospital stay + operation here runs into many thousands of dollars. An ambulance can be $1,000. Don't listen to us!! You need to ask Australians. Go to your local library. Here, the "Reference Department" of the library helps with questions like yours. They have more information than just a computer. That's my recommendation to you. :)
I read the first two answers, and I'm pretty sure they're from the U.S. Nothing is free here. A hospital stay + operation here runs into many thousands of dollars. An ambulance can be $1,000. Don't listen to us!! You need to ask Australians. Go to your local library. Here, the "Reference Department" of the library helps with questions like yours. They have more information than just a computer. That's my recommendation to you. :)
I chipped my front tooth last night, no insurance or money?
i have about $200 on me which is no where near enough, i am a full time college student and work part time, and dont have dental. Does any one know if there is some sort of program or much cheaper way of me getting this fixed before it turns black? thanks
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here -
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here -
suing a dental doctor. can we win?
We go to this dental place and currently we are suing them for fraud and bad injuries. They took money from our insurance company twice and claim that they didn't when we have the evidence. We are wondering if this can help us win our case. We spend so much money and I'm getting side effects which can lead to cancer (the doctor told us). If we told the insurance company, what would they do? can this help us with our case? is there any cheap lawyers that could help us because we don't have that much money. ? this isn't a simple tooth care it's a really big.... the doctor told us that it could lead to cancer and it's a problem because i live in america with 2 daughters and my husband is in different country. thank you and please help
I can't imagine what a dentist would do that would lead to cancer. YOu would have to give more information on that but as far as the insurance fraud... you won't get money from that but your insurer would certainly like to know so they can do a fraud investigation.
I can't imagine what a dentist would do that would lead to cancer. YOu would have to give more information on that but as far as the insurance fraud... you won't get money from that but your insurer would certainly like to know so they can do a fraud investigation.
Can an employer make an employee have insurance to continue with employment?
I'll try to make this short and sweet. If you need more detailed information, or know where to point me in regards of asking the right person, feel free to send me an email. Thanks for your help! So, I recently got a job working with developmental disabled adults. I make $9/hour, work 40 hours a week (full time employee). I recently completed my 90-day probation period and am now eligible for the insurance my company offers. Yesterday, I went to pick up my paycheck and was handed all the paperwork to fill out. I was looking through it and I came across this form that said that I am giving my company permission to deduct $91 from my check every month to cover my portion of the medical/dental premium. Previous jobs I've had I've always paid for insurance every month that I never use (I hardly get sick, I don't have kids) So in all actuality, I'd rather not have insurance. My boss then asked me today if I had my paperwork ready to go and I told her I wasn't interested, she then told me that I can't work there if I don't have insurance. That seems weird to me. I was never disclosed this when I was hired at all. And I didn't have insurance from hire day 1 to hire day 90. So what's the difference now? Basically I want to know if it's fair/legal that I MUST have insurance to keep my job?! I work in Washington State.
NO they are NOT allowed to require you to accept their company provided insurance, especially in light of the fact that they are asking you to pay for part of it. Not that it's illegal or even wrong that they are asking you to cover some of the costs, but they cannot require you to sign up for something that costs you money! Before going to the dept. of labor, talk to your HR person first. Make sure that your boss is correct that they REQUIRE you to take their benefits before you jump the gun on this one. However, if you verify that they DO require it, take my suggestion listed below: Go to the Washington State Dept. of Labor & Industries page (see link below). This link will take you to the FAQ's page regarding what is acceptable regarding deductions from pay. It explains that the deductions listed (medical is included here) are acceptable as LONG AS THEY ARE AGREED TO. Contact the dept. of labor and tell them your employer is threatening to fire you for not taking their benefits. Although they do not regulate benefits, they do regulate unlawful deductions and this sounds like it would not be voluntary if they are threatening to fire you!… Good luck to you!
NO they are NOT allowed to require you to accept their company provided insurance, especially in light of the fact that they are asking you to pay for part of it. Not that it's illegal or even wrong that they are asking you to cover some of the costs, but they cannot require you to sign up for something that costs you money! Before going to the dept. of labor, talk to your HR person first. Make sure that your boss is correct that they REQUIRE you to take their benefits before you jump the gun on this one. However, if you verify that they DO require it, take my suggestion listed below: Go to the Washington State Dept. of Labor & Industries page (see link below). This link will take you to the FAQ's page regarding what is acceptable regarding deductions from pay. It explains that the deductions listed (medical is included here) are acceptable as LONG AS THEY ARE AGREED TO. Contact the dept. of labor and tell them your employer is threatening to fire you for not taking their benefits. Although they do not regulate benefits, they do regulate unlawful deductions and this sounds like it would not be voluntary if they are threatening to fire you!… Good luck to you!
Bad Teeth and extremely painful gums with swelling?
Well this is kind of weird but I was born and never have had enamal on my teeth and they rot easy I have had almost every tooth capped filled or something to that effect and i'm only 20. I recently moved to texas and my job does not offer dental insurance i only make 5.50 an hour and cant afford to just go now ive got a tooth that is broke to the point you can see the root and is very painful and another tooth that doing the same and my front tooth has broke. Then to top it off now the area around the broken teeth is swollen and my entire face is swollen and it is extremely painful to the point of tears to eat smile or even talk. Any one have a clue where to go to get free or cheep dental work or a place to get insurance that is really cheep or for extremely low income? and what is causing the swelling so bad?
Check with your city's health dept to see if they offer free dental clinics, or check to see if there are any dental schools close by to where you are.
Check with your city's health dept to see if they offer free dental clinics, or check to see if there are any dental schools close by to where you are.
No insurance, Rotted tooth, horrible toothache, what to do?
I don't have insurance and I have a tooth to where the filling from Western Dental came out about a few months ago. Now I can feel the pain coming on. It's hollowed out and pretty much rotting, gross I know. How can I stop the pain? Is there any way I can go to a dentist because this isn't my only problem tooth. My mouth is kinda messed up always has been since I was little. Help please!
Call Western Dental Center or wherever it was that filled to tooth.. then do this exactly .. ...tell then "The filling that you guys put in my tooth fell out" they will ask how long ago...tell them "right after he did it" ..then say .." I just kept thinking maybe the pain would go away....but it's getting worse...can I please just come in and let him look at this tooth.." If you say those things exactly like I've written should be given appointment for a look. Once you get there and he "looks" he will have all kinds of ideas about what needs to be done with your teeth. At this point ask the dentist "can we pay for that in payments like every 2 weeks?" He will probably say that something can be worked out with the girls at the desk. made the phone got the appointment.. 3. you skirted around the money thing "I just want him to look at this tooth.." 4. you get to the dentist 5. he looks at you tooth and can't help but see all the others.. 6. he will arrange to re-fill the one with the missing filling....he may even do that right then. 7. when he talks about the other problems with your teeth. say to him ..."we don't have very much money...can we pay you every 2 weeks?" 8. Hopefully he will be o.k. with that and say "You can work out something with the girls at the desk. sooooo... 9. YOU have your tooth fixed!! 10..YOU have a PLAN!!! you just have to approach the situation for what it is..they put the filling fell out. good luck!!! ?
Call Western Dental Center or wherever it was that filled to tooth.. then do this exactly .. ...tell then "The filling that you guys put in my tooth fell out" they will ask how long ago...tell them "right after he did it" ..then say .." I just kept thinking maybe the pain would go away....but it's getting worse...can I please just come in and let him look at this tooth.." If you say those things exactly like I've written should be given appointment for a look. Once you get there and he "looks" he will have all kinds of ideas about what needs to be done with your teeth. At this point ask the dentist "can we pay for that in payments like every 2 weeks?" He will probably say that something can be worked out with the girls at the desk. made the phone got the appointment.. 3. you skirted around the money thing "I just want him to look at this tooth.." 4. you get to the dentist 5. he looks at you tooth and can't help but see all the others.. 6. he will arrange to re-fill the one with the missing filling....he may even do that right then. 7. when he talks about the other problems with your teeth. say to him ..."we don't have very much money...can we pay you every 2 weeks?" 8. Hopefully he will be o.k. with that and say "You can work out something with the girls at the desk. sooooo... 9. YOU have your tooth fixed!! 10..YOU have a PLAN!!! you just have to approach the situation for what it is..they put the filling fell out. good luck!!! ?
How i can help my aunt find a dentist?
Hi i am looking for some help for my aunt. She needs a lot of dental work done but she has no job or insurance so please help me find dentist that are willing to pro bono work in Kansas City Missouri if there is any one that can help
Call a local county dental society. Many of them offer free clinics. Finding a dentist to do work for free in his office will be very difficult due to liabilities and overhead costs.
Call a local county dental society. Many of them offer free clinics. Finding a dentist to do work for free in his office will be very difficult due to liabilities and overhead costs.
a dentists answer or dental assistance or someone who this has happen to
My bf broke one of his front teeth in half horizontally. I need to know how much it could cost to repair it, if it could just be bonded and reformed.he doesn't have the other half. or even temporally capped or would he need a veneer. he doesn't have insurance but i found a dentist office that has financing or payment plans hes in a lot of pain so how long could it take to get an appointment at most places ? just a day or could it take a week? well. thank you to whom ever answers :)
well this happened to my mom a few months ago. it is expensive to get veneers. but for now, a temporary cap is a pretty good way to go. that's what she did. the only way to find out how fast you can get in is to call, explain the situation, and schedule
well this happened to my mom a few months ago. it is expensive to get veneers. but for now, a temporary cap is a pretty good way to go. that's what she did. the only way to find out how fast you can get in is to call, explain the situation, and schedule
Am I understanding this CHIP insurance program correctly?
Being a Utah resident most my life, I'm often embarrassed by the fact that the state cares so little about poor people. For example, a family of 5 is disqualified from Medicaid if their income is greater than $777 per month! Who makes only $777 per month? Virtually nobody. Yet Utah legislators are constantly obsessed with illegal aliens, having passed some of the strictest laws in that country. Where are their priorities? Then today someone brought to my attention the Utah CHIP insurance program for children who have no insurance coverage. It covers virtually everything including surgery and hospital stays, prescriptions, and even dental! Wow, I was impressed and found that I had to re-evaluate the conscience of my home state. But then, as I was glancing through the copay information sheet, I found this statement: MAXIMUM BENEFIT: $1000 per year - Preventive, Basic & Major services per child, per year. Huh? $1000 per year? Are you kidding me? What kind of insurance has a maximum benefit of only $1000 per year? That's an insult to people like me who care about people in need. What's the point of covering hospital and surgical services, when the person will end up owing nearly as much as if they didn't even have insurance? Am I misunderstanding this maximum? Or is it for real? If it's real, the CHIP program is nothing to brag about! I read on their web site how the CHIP program could lower the number of uninsured kids in Utah significantly if only their parents would sign up. Well, yeah... if you consider $1000 real insurance! (P.S. Yes, the insurance does provide a little relief and recipients should be thankful. But it really is a token expression of compassion.)
I think you're misreading. Here, I see what you're quoting. It's under dental. Maximum benefit under dental is $1000. That should be plenty to cover routine exams and the occasional cavity/filling.
I think you're misreading. Here, I see what you're quoting. It's under dental. Maximum benefit under dental is $1000. That should be plenty to cover routine exams and the occasional cavity/filling.
Inflammation in my joints and in a month wont have insurance?
Inflammation in my joints but in a month I wont have insurance? Okay, Im 21, and as of Jan 1 I wont be on my parents insurance any longer, because I wont be in school anymore. My boyfriend and I got our own apartment because he has a great job so we moved out of our parents houses and closer to his work. He has insurance now, and now I wont. Anyways, for a few months I've been having extreme joint and muscle pain and I went to the rheumatolgist and he told me I have carpal tunnel in both wrists and I have been in so much pain with it I can barely sleep at night or do housework. Anyways, I also have pain in my legs and feet as well so they did bloodwork. I talked to him yesterday and he told me that I have inflammation and is prescribing me anti inflammatory medicine. He wants to re-do the bloodwork in 6 weeks with a bone scan...but by then I wont have insurance...what do i do???? PS- I know I need to get a job to get insurance, which ive been trying to do since august since i graduated dental assisting school and ive been trying to get a job since then but everywhere wants someone with more experience, so i might go to a phlebotomy training workshop in janaury. I have been looking like crazy tho for a job that offers insurance. And usually you have to wait like 3-6 months after working anyway. Thanks for everyones answers!
You should see if his insurance policy covers domestic partners. I know Blue Cross Blue Shield, Aetna, United Healthcare, and CIGNA all do. As long as you're both over the age of 18, not married to anyone else, have been together for 12 months, and live together you should be able to be added onto his insurance. You might have to fill out a domestic partner form, but you should definately check that out. And if not then I would suggest trying to find a full time job to get insurance even if it's just temporary or try to find a private insurance that doesn't have a pre-existing condition exclusion. Good luck and I hope you feel better!
You should see if his insurance policy covers domestic partners. I know Blue Cross Blue Shield, Aetna, United Healthcare, and CIGNA all do. As long as you're both over the age of 18, not married to anyone else, have been together for 12 months, and live together you should be able to be added onto his insurance. You might have to fill out a domestic partner form, but you should definately check that out. And if not then I would suggest trying to find a full time job to get insurance even if it's just temporary or try to find a private insurance that doesn't have a pre-existing condition exclusion. Good luck and I hope you feel better!
Dental Practice?
So in december i had a root canal and i had a crown put on to fill that space. this cost well needless to say alot of money but thankfully my insurance paid for it all. A few days after i got the premanent crown it fell of. i wasnt eating one of the items the doctor prohibited me from or anything. the damn thing just pops off. i lost the crown and now they want me to pay out of pocket for another one (since my insurance will only cover the cost of the crown once on the same tooth). The dentist refuses to give me anything off the crown or even to just do the procedure for free (with me paying only for the crown) I think this is grossly unfair because it was the detist fault that the crown was not properly attched. what would have happended if i actually swalloed the thing when i was asleep? Anyhow what recourse can i take against this dental practice?
The dentist should make good on it. Contact your dental insurance co first as they are the ones who paid for it. They can put pressure on your dentist.
The dentist should make good on it. Contact your dental insurance co first as they are the ones who paid for it. They can put pressure on your dentist.
Dental claim Question?
My company was bought out in May 2007. My insurance provider before we were bought out was Delta. Under the new care, we have Aetna, and basically thrown into a dental plan as a hew hire.(Technally weren't new hire's though). So, in early November, I had oral surgery done. My Dentist wants over $1100. I was under the impression that my insurance would cover it. WOW. Was I wrong. Apparently I have to be with Aetna for a year, before having major work done. NOBODY Informed me of this. I have the documentation that I was given, and nowhere does it state must wait a year. Can you give me any suggegtions/advice for when I submit my claim letter. I really don't feel like I should have to pay. Thanks in advance ;)
Interesting. You can write an appeal letter. It never hurts. If you've gotten your EOB, and I'm assuming you have, you'll need to reference the claim number, date of service and all that. Include that along with a copy of your insurance handbook. I'd word it something like this: Dear Appeals Department; I'd like to appeal the decision not to pay my claim for oral surgery on November 2nd, 2007. (See attached explaination of benefits.) The reason stated for denial is "insured must be with Aetna for 1 year prior to major work being done." However, as you can see in the enclosed copy of my handbook, that rule is not listed and I was not made aware of it prior to the date of service. Please reconsider this denial. Sincerely; Me Patient ID 123456 They will have to respond to you. If you haven't already, contact Aetna to get the correct address for the appeal. Also, ask your dentist to do the same. Perhaps he could give you a narrative as to why the work was done and why it was important that you didn't wait until 5/08. Good luck!
Interesting. You can write an appeal letter. It never hurts. If you've gotten your EOB, and I'm assuming you have, you'll need to reference the claim number, date of service and all that. Include that along with a copy of your insurance handbook. I'd word it something like this: Dear Appeals Department; I'd like to appeal the decision not to pay my claim for oral surgery on November 2nd, 2007. (See attached explaination of benefits.) The reason stated for denial is "insured must be with Aetna for 1 year prior to major work being done." However, as you can see in the enclosed copy of my handbook, that rule is not listed and I was not made aware of it prior to the date of service. Please reconsider this denial. Sincerely; Me Patient ID 123456 They will have to respond to you. If you haven't already, contact Aetna to get the correct address for the appeal. Also, ask your dentist to do the same. Perhaps he could give you a narrative as to why the work was done and why it was important that you didn't wait until 5/08. Good luck!
How to create my own job or career?
I want to create my own job/career for myself and my roommate. What kind of business could I create for myself and my roommate with these things and how could I start it? I have all these things: Computer Insurance License Web Design experience Access to a car Own home Free medical/dental Unlimited cell phone I'm single so I have a lot of time on my hands
You need to know what you like to do. If you start something you're not passionate about then you will be unhappy. Is there a hobby you have that you enjoy and can turn into a career? Maybe teaching others the hobby?
You need to know what you like to do. If you start something you're not passionate about then you will be unhappy. Is there a hobby you have that you enjoy and can turn into a career? Maybe teaching others the hobby?
Inflammation in my joints but in a month wont have insurance?
Inflammation in my joints but in a month I wont have insurance? Okay, Im 21, and as of Jan 1 I wont be on my parents insurance any longer, because I wont be in school anymore. My boyfriend and I got our own apartment because he has a great job so we moved out of our parents houses and closer to his work. He has insurance now, and now I wont. Anyways, for a few months I've been having extreme joint and muscle pain and I went to the rheumatolgist and he told me I have carpal tunnel in both wrists and I have been in so much pain with it I can barely sleep at night or do housework. Anyways, I also have pain in my legs and feet as well so they did bloodwork. I talked to him yesterday and he told me that I have inflammation and is prescribing me anti inflammatory medicine. He wants to re-do the bloodwork in 6 weeks with a bone scan...but by then I wont have insurance...what do i do???? PS- I know I need to get a job to get insurance, which ive been trying to do since august since i graduated dental assisting school and ive been trying to get a job since then but everywhere wants someone with more experience, so i might go to a phlebotomy training workshop in janaury. I have been looking like crazy tho for a job that offers insurance. And usually you have to wait like 3-6 months after working anyway. Thanks for everyones answers!
Try to get your doctor to run as many tests as he can now, let him know you insurance runs out soon. The worst part is your carpal tunnel and joint problems may be considered previous conditions that your new insurance won't cover.
Try to get your doctor to run as many tests as he can now, let him know you insurance runs out soon. The worst part is your carpal tunnel and joint problems may be considered previous conditions that your new insurance won't cover.
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