And if I work more than 30 hours a week, I would usually be entitled to benefits, right? What exactly do people mean by "benefits"? Health Insurance, Dental? Give me general examples.
You need to check with your employer to make sure you are not a "contract employee". If you are, the risk you are taking is that you will have to pay all your social security and medicare tax (plus any income tax owed) in April 2008. You can pay estimated taxes throughout this year to cover next years taxes. Also, if you are a contract employee, you are considered self employed and would most likely not be entiled to any find of "fringe" benefits, no matter how many hours you worked. One easy way to determine if you are a contract worker is to look at your paycheck stub (if you get one). The statement should show withholdings for SSI and Medicare (sometimes called FICA) and your paycheck is less than the horly wage times the number of hours worked. If you don't see anything like this when you get paid, your probably a contract worker. If you are an employee, the comment about having a risk to owe taxes next April may have been a reation to your W-4 form that you turned into the boss when you got hired. If you put an unusally large number of exemptions, or wrote in the word EXEMPT on the form, you will have very little taken out of your paycheck. Your boss does not know what your individual tax situation will be for the entire year and they will use your W-4 to calculate withholding tax. It's not their responsibility to ensure your taxes are paid, you are! If you are unsure about what you put on the W-4, your boss should be able to tell you what you turned in. I would then suggest you visit an tax preperation firm that also helps with financial advice (like H&R Block, etc.) where they can look at your entire tax situation and help you fill out the form correctly.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Anyone Familiar with Minnesota Care health care program/insurance?
I had MN Care, which isn't Medical Assistance through the county, but more like a program for people who are under income guidlines but over the income guidlines for Medical Assistance (free health insurance throught county) for a few months, paid my premiums on time, then my husband was suppose to get new insurance through work and I let my insurance cancel, as in I just didn't pay anymore. Now I want to redo it but I'm not sure if I have to reapply or can I renew? I'm not sure what to do, but I have a LOT of dental work coming up and need this approved ASAP.
You will have to reapply. Anytime coverage lapses, you will have to reapply for it. Do you currently have insurance with your husband? If you do, it doesn't appear you would qualify any longer. Here is information re: MinnesotaCare:… and… Are you sure you'll be covered under the dental program?
You will have to reapply. Anytime coverage lapses, you will have to reapply for it. Do you currently have insurance with your husband? If you do, it doesn't appear you would qualify any longer. Here is information re: MinnesotaCare:… and… Are you sure you'll be covered under the dental program?
I need a orthodontist in Redding California that take Delta Dental?
So I need braces but am having a hard time finding a good Orthodontist that takes my insurance. . . I really need to get my teeth fixed before I turn 18 please help!
Call the toll free number for Delta Dental and speak to a customer service rep. Ask her to give you a list of their providers for ortho in your area.
Call the toll free number for Delta Dental and speak to a customer service rep. Ask her to give you a list of their providers for ortho in your area.
Has anyone had dental scaling done in one visit?
If so, how did you feel afterwards? Were you able to go out and do stuff? I have to get it done and they said they could do it in one or two appointments so I would rather do it in one and get it over with! Has anyone got that done in addition to fillings at the same time? I have to go back on Monday to meet with the billing office so they can review my insurance policy with what is covered and what isn't so just asking in advance if anyone had similar experiences!
Sounds like you've got a deep cleaning coming. That's exactly what it is, a deep cleaning. They are trying to scrape off the plaque that has gripped your teeth below the gum line. It's done normally in more sessions, one section of the mouth at a time. You may not need that intensity. You can go out after. You will bleed at the office, but just like you bleed if you haven't brushed your teeth in months and give it a try. The gums are clearing out the gunk. It's normal and good. Your insurance SHOULD cover it, but every policy has the potential to be different. It is a deregulated country, after all. Fillings in the same visit? Possible, but we don't usually schedule like that.
Sounds like you've got a deep cleaning coming. That's exactly what it is, a deep cleaning. They are trying to scrape off the plaque that has gripped your teeth below the gum line. It's done normally in more sessions, one section of the mouth at a time. You may not need that intensity. You can go out after. You will bleed at the office, but just like you bleed if you haven't brushed your teeth in months and give it a try. The gums are clearing out the gunk. It's normal and good. Your insurance SHOULD cover it, but every policy has the potential to be different. It is a deregulated country, after all. Fillings in the same visit? Possible, but we don't usually schedule like that.
My daughter (4 year old) has a cavity in two teeth . I took her to the dentist and he said it would cost?
My daughter (4 year old) has a cavity in two teeth . I took her to the dentist and he said it would cost $1088 to fix it . I and my husband have dental insurance but did not take dental insurance for both my kids . I did not think a 4 year old would have a dental problem . $1088 is too much for me . Any suggestions
This dentist wants you to pay $1088 to fix two cavities in what I'm guessing are still primary (or baby teeth) that she will loose in a year or so? More than likely the dentist wants to cap the teeth that have cavities in an effort to preserve the permanent teeth (or adult teeth) still under the gum line. It's a practice many dentist now use (or maybe what they try to "sell" you on) based on removing (pulling) the baby tooth that has a cavity before the adult tooth pushes it out CAN cause the adult tooth still under the gum line to shift, come in crooked or completely mess up the alignment of her adult teeth. What mom wants a child with crooked teeth??? The procedure is to drill out the cavity or rot in the tooth, the hole left is then packed with a temporary filling almost like clay, then a metal cap is fitted and molded over the tooth (much like a adult crown). As her adult tooth comes in, it will push the cap off and usually the baby tooth is pulled by the child in a week. Some dentist will not fill a primary tooth with a permanent filling , stating it's a waste since the child will soon loose the tooth naturally. But how is that any different than the cap procedure other than putting more money in the dentist's pocket. Now if the dentist wants $1088 to place permanent fillings in her teeth, tell him to go make is house payment or alimony payments off someone else. $544 for a child's filling on a primary tooth is not even explainable. For the heck of it, I googled "national average cost to have tooth filled". The national average cost $131. You need to find a dentist who will fill the tooth and prevent the cavity from spreading to the nerve endings and causing her pain. I'm sure there are plenty of parent's at her daycare or your friends who can give you the name of a good dentist who will do the work (on both teeth) for half of the $1088. When enrollment time rolls around get her insured, BUT check with the insurance provider, because many will not cover the cost to cap a primary tooth. Geez, I just had a root canal done on a molar for $945! Good Luck!!
This dentist wants you to pay $1088 to fix two cavities in what I'm guessing are still primary (or baby teeth) that she will loose in a year or so? More than likely the dentist wants to cap the teeth that have cavities in an effort to preserve the permanent teeth (or adult teeth) still under the gum line. It's a practice many dentist now use (or maybe what they try to "sell" you on) based on removing (pulling) the baby tooth that has a cavity before the adult tooth pushes it out CAN cause the adult tooth still under the gum line to shift, come in crooked or completely mess up the alignment of her adult teeth. What mom wants a child with crooked teeth??? The procedure is to drill out the cavity or rot in the tooth, the hole left is then packed with a temporary filling almost like clay, then a metal cap is fitted and molded over the tooth (much like a adult crown). As her adult tooth comes in, it will push the cap off and usually the baby tooth is pulled by the child in a week. Some dentist will not fill a primary tooth with a permanent filling , stating it's a waste since the child will soon loose the tooth naturally. But how is that any different than the cap procedure other than putting more money in the dentist's pocket. Now if the dentist wants $1088 to place permanent fillings in her teeth, tell him to go make is house payment or alimony payments off someone else. $544 for a child's filling on a primary tooth is not even explainable. For the heck of it, I googled "national average cost to have tooth filled". The national average cost $131. You need to find a dentist who will fill the tooth and prevent the cavity from spreading to the nerve endings and causing her pain. I'm sure there are plenty of parent's at her daycare or your friends who can give you the name of a good dentist who will do the work (on both teeth) for half of the $1088. When enrollment time rolls around get her insured, BUT check with the insurance provider, because many will not cover the cost to cap a primary tooth. Geez, I just had a root canal done on a molar for $945! Good Luck!!
Did I pay a fair price for a root canal and a crown?
I went to the dentist today because I had a huge abcess in one of my front tooth (insicor tooth). My doctor took an xray and told me I need a root canal. He said the total price for the root canal and the crown was $700. He is experienced and I trust him, I don't have dental insurance so that is what I am paying up front. Any thoughts???
Wow...if you got a RCT, and a crown for $700 total...that is cheap. Not sure of the geographic location of your dentist, which does have an impact on prices...but I work for a DDS in MD, and we charge $600 for a root canal on a central alone. Then you have to factor in the cost of a post (of which you didnt mention- make sure to ask him whether or not that includes placing a post) which is around $300, and finally the crown which is a little under $1000.00. Word of advice...make sure he places a post (it provides the stability to hold/support the crown since the tooth is no longer vital), and request an all ceramic/porcelian crown opposed to a PFM crown. If you've ever seen someone with that dark/grey outline along their gumline, its from a PFM crown...and if your investing money to save the tooth, you want it to look as esthetically pleasing as possible. Good luck.
Wow...if you got a RCT, and a crown for $700 total...that is cheap. Not sure of the geographic location of your dentist, which does have an impact on prices...but I work for a DDS in MD, and we charge $600 for a root canal on a central alone. Then you have to factor in the cost of a post (of which you didnt mention- make sure to ask him whether or not that includes placing a post) which is around $300, and finally the crown which is a little under $1000.00. Word of advice...make sure he places a post (it provides the stability to hold/support the crown since the tooth is no longer vital), and request an all ceramic/porcelian crown opposed to a PFM crown. If you've ever seen someone with that dark/grey outline along their gumline, its from a PFM crown...and if your investing money to save the tooth, you want it to look as esthetically pleasing as possible. Good luck.
Can you only have one wisdom tooth taken out or do they try to get you to do all four?
I'm 30 years old and for over a year now one lower wisdom tooth has been slowly coming in but it is impacted. Can I just have the one removed or will they want me to do all four? I'm not having any problems with the other ones. Are the odds high that the other ones will start to come in too? Thanks! ps - what does it usually cost? I have no dental insurance.
You can have one taken out. You don't have to have all of them removed. They can recommend that you have all of them removed, but ultimately the decision is yours. If your tooth is impacted, you will likely have to be knocked out in order to have ti removed. I'm not sure what the cost is, but your dentist will discuss that and any payment plans with you upfront before scheduling the procedure. I have only one wisdom tooth that has come in and one that is partial through. I have two that are still under the gums. My dentist told me to have them removed to prevent future problems and that was about 6 years ago. I still have them all and no problems. So, only remove the one that is causing you problems.
You can have one taken out. You don't have to have all of them removed. They can recommend that you have all of them removed, but ultimately the decision is yours. If your tooth is impacted, you will likely have to be knocked out in order to have ti removed. I'm not sure what the cost is, but your dentist will discuss that and any payment plans with you upfront before scheduling the procedure. I have only one wisdom tooth that has come in and one that is partial through. I have two that are still under the gums. My dentist told me to have them removed to prevent future problems and that was about 6 years ago. I still have them all and no problems. So, only remove the one that is causing you problems.
are you given a choice as to what fillings to have?
why is it that porcelin fillings are not covered by dental insurance and the fillings that are covered dentists don't use anymore?
Composite fillings are usually paid for when they are on your front teeth, otherwise they are considered cosmetic. A lot of dentists don't use amalgam (silver/mercury fillings) anymore because they have A LOT of mercury in them, they have to drill a HUGE hole in your tooth to place them (even if your cavity is tiny), and eventually they expand and break your tooth causing you to have to get crowns later on. Usually offices bill for the silver fillings that are placed in the back of the mouth, and then whatever is left that the insurance didn't pay for, you pay the difference. Some offices don't do silver fillings, so you won't have a choice. I would go to a dentist who ONLY does white/composite fillings.
Composite fillings are usually paid for when they are on your front teeth, otherwise they are considered cosmetic. A lot of dentists don't use amalgam (silver/mercury fillings) anymore because they have A LOT of mercury in them, they have to drill a HUGE hole in your tooth to place them (even if your cavity is tiny), and eventually they expand and break your tooth causing you to have to get crowns later on. Usually offices bill for the silver fillings that are placed in the back of the mouth, and then whatever is left that the insurance didn't pay for, you pay the difference. Some offices don't do silver fillings, so you won't have a choice. I would go to a dentist who ONLY does white/composite fillings.
CSEA UNion Vision and dental benefits?
i tried contacting my union for benefits which they provide but its sat and theyre not open to give me more info. i wanted to make an appointment to a dentist... what do i need to bring in to my apponintment in order to get my benefits through them. i also have nys empire plan insurance but they dont cover vision and dental. do i still need to bring my nyship card / (empire plan card*) to this appointment?
You will need to take your benefit card if you have one. This provides the office with the address to send claims to. If you have any current x-rays, bring them with you as well. If the office you go to is a provider for CSEA (in network) they will likely have a fee schedule and know what it covered under your plan. A pre-treatment estimate will be sent to insurance company for any major work you may need. Good luck!
You will need to take your benefit card if you have one. This provides the office with the address to send claims to. If you have any current x-rays, bring them with you as well. If the office you go to is a provider for CSEA (in network) they will likely have a fee schedule and know what it covered under your plan. A pre-treatment estimate will be sent to insurance company for any major work you may need. Good luck!
My company offers health insurance but its a dumb plan?
well they dont have like a set insurace. They have this guy who sells insurance policies and he signed me up for one but it sucks. I have like this $5000 deductible and they are real strick and what not. My job pays 50% and I pay the other. My boss said I am allowed to find a different insurance if I want and they will still pay 50%. I would like one that doesnt have a deductible and like offers dental also. Any ideas? Thank you.
I don't think you're going to find any policy on your own that's affordable, has no deductible and coves dental. You have a wonderful boss, btw. Most companies wouldn't help you pay your premium from a different plan. I'd call an insurance broker. They can go through various plans to help you find one that you like better. Good luck. My insurance premiums went from under $40 to over $200 per month, and my deductible goes up every year. I hope you find something better for yourself in your area.
I don't think you're going to find any policy on your own that's affordable, has no deductible and coves dental. You have a wonderful boss, btw. Most companies wouldn't help you pay your premium from a different plan. I'd call an insurance broker. They can go through various plans to help you find one that you like better. Good luck. My insurance premiums went from under $40 to over $200 per month, and my deductible goes up every year. I hope you find something better for yourself in your area.
My dentist said I need a root canal and it will be $2,600! Any idea how to get this on the cheap?
I have dental insurance, but it is not very good.
That's exceedingly high. Does this include an immediate crown? Even then, it sounds REALLY high by about 500$, minimum. Try calling other endodontists and comparing out of pocket cost. My crowns, porcelian over noble metal, were 500$ roughly. My root canals were covered, but my boyfriend currently needs a root canal and we've been getting out of pocket quotes for roughly 1,000$. The tooth only abscesses or breaks apart if a crown is not applied within a reasonable amount of time. Both of my front teeth were crowned almost 10 years ago and I have had no trouble what so ever from the root canals or crowns. Once the tooth starts turning color after the root canal has been done, you will need a crown fairly shortly. It doesn't always have to be done immediately. A root canal is intended as preperation for a crown to save the tooth.
That's exceedingly high. Does this include an immediate crown? Even then, it sounds REALLY high by about 500$, minimum. Try calling other endodontists and comparing out of pocket cost. My crowns, porcelian over noble metal, were 500$ roughly. My root canals were covered, but my boyfriend currently needs a root canal and we've been getting out of pocket quotes for roughly 1,000$. The tooth only abscesses or breaks apart if a crown is not applied within a reasonable amount of time. Both of my front teeth were crowned almost 10 years ago and I have had no trouble what so ever from the root canals or crowns. Once the tooth starts turning color after the root canal has been done, you will need a crown fairly shortly. It doesn't always have to be done immediately. A root canal is intended as preperation for a crown to save the tooth.
Is it to late to get this cavity filled?
If i have a cavit that hurts slightly is it to late to fill it, b/c my parents can't afford a route canal no (dental insurance) and i dont want to get it pulled
Cavities that only hurt slightly are usually able to get filled. Just try not to chew on the side where the cavity is until you see the dentist on Thursday. Good luck. P.S. Always remember to floss your teeth. Not flossing regularly is the number one reason for cavities.
Cavities that only hurt slightly are usually able to get filled. Just try not to chew on the side where the cavity is until you see the dentist on Thursday. Good luck. P.S. Always remember to floss your teeth. Not flossing regularly is the number one reason for cavities.
Do chefs get any benefits such as medical, dental,etc?
I Am interested in becoming a chef and I would like to know what kind of benefits you get from being a chef like health insurance and stuff.It would be cool if a chef could actually answer this but if you are for sure you know then please let me know as soon as possible.
It depends where they work. Chefs in large hotels in Las Vegas do get benefit packages. In small family owned businesses they often don't (my family owned a restaurant for years, but the cost of offering benefits went up every year until it became impossible to continue to offer them). Plan on working in a large city in a corporate owned restaurant and you will get benefits.
It depends where they work. Chefs in large hotels in Las Vegas do get benefit packages. In small family owned businesses they often don't (my family owned a restaurant for years, but the cost of offering benefits went up every year until it became impossible to continue to offer them). Plan on working in a large city in a corporate owned restaurant and you will get benefits.
If you work in a dental office or have had IV sedation please answer this question?
I am going to have to have like 5 teeth pulled (4 wisdom and 1 regular.) My "insurance" will cover the actual extractions and the X-rays and such, but I don't think they will cover IV sedation. Sorry, but I am a chicken and I will not have anything done unless I am asleep because of a bad past experience. 1) How much average does it cost to have IV sedation done? (This is an office the takes mostly Medicaid patients and that's what my insurance is.) 2) If I paid for like half of it and they billed me a few months for the rest do you think the oral surgeon would do it? (I could pay for the whole thing if it was under $200)
Hi! I had my wisdom teeth out almost a year ago. Like you,my insurance would not cover the sedation. It was so worth it though. They put the needle in and I was asleep in seconds.When I woke up it was all done. The fee was 85 dollars.The dentist let me do payments on the total that my insurance did not cover.Most offices are usually pretty good with payments.
Hi! I had my wisdom teeth out almost a year ago. Like you,my insurance would not cover the sedation. It was so worth it though. They put the needle in and I was asleep in seconds.When I woke up it was all done. The fee was 85 dollars.The dentist let me do payments on the total that my insurance did not cover.Most offices are usually pretty good with payments.
My dental plates, specifically the upper are sensitive. I can feel the vacuum. Anchored plates,does it help?
I had a calcium deficiency as a kid and consequently had multiple fillings in every tooth. In early adulthood I received four fixed permanent bridges and several crowns. The cost was almost as much as my first home. I lost my insurance coverage just as they were beginning to fail. I now wear dental plates. They don't hurt but, they are annoying. I only take them out to brush and frequently, Part of the problem ? Please, serious answers to the above question.
How much does a toddler cavity cost to get filled?
I have a 23month old whose front four teeth all have visible cavities. I had a similar problem when I was a baby, with my teeth and some birth disorder that caused it.I have been brushing his teeth 3-4 times a day but they are still there. I just got dental and health insurance but not much money left after paying that so I need to know how much it would cost to get it fixed so I can save up money or apply for credit. Anyone know how much it will cost.
Your toddler needs extra calcium, it may be a calcium deficiency. Each dentist will have their price. You need to talk to your insurance company about how much they will cover. Good luck, sorry to hear about your baby's teeth.
Your toddler needs extra calcium, it may be a calcium deficiency. Each dentist will have their price. You need to talk to your insurance company about how much they will cover. Good luck, sorry to hear about your baby's teeth.
will ohio medicaid pay for my dental work?
i lost my two front teeth in a car accident about 7 years ago i was 17 so my parents insurance payed for everything but the Porcelain now i'm all grown up and temporarily on medicaid my crowns are both broken and need replacing i know it wont pay for the crowns but will they pay for the work to get done ? if not is there some place i can go that wont charge and arm and a leg ?
Not if you are older then 18.
Not if you are older then 18.
Medical bills with no insurance?
I went to the emergency room after having pain in my side for a week a few months ago. They did standard tests, including CAT scan, and they said they didn't find anything serious. A week later I received a bill for over 5 thousand dollars. I sent them what they requested for a payment plan (bank statements, etc). I am willing to repay this debt but the problem is I have no medical insurance and I am a full time graduate student. I plan to graduate in june of 08 and hope to get a job soon afterwards. I am living off of a student loan but any money I have left over every month I would like to save for an emergency (car repairs, dental bills, etc) that may come up. My question is, do you think the hospital would allow me a moratorium (suspension of payments) until I graduate and secure a job (which would be in june of 08)? I am just afraid that if I can't pay them now they will sue me or take me to court.
They may still report you to a credit bureau, but if you are attempting to make monthly payments (even if they are small), you can at least prove that you are trying to pay. Let them know your situation, see how small of an amount they will allow you to pay, and take it from there. At least try to send $5.00. It won't stop the calls from them, but I don't think they can turn you over to collections as long as you are paying them...but I don't know that for sure. Good luck!
They may still report you to a credit bureau, but if you are attempting to make monthly payments (even if they are small), you can at least prove that you are trying to pay. Let them know your situation, see how small of an amount they will allow you to pay, and take it from there. At least try to send $5.00. It won't stop the calls from them, but I don't think they can turn you over to collections as long as you are paying them...but I don't know that for sure. Good luck!
Dental help for free?
no insurance no money serious dental problem
if ur in serious pain...or have facial swelling then u need to go to the emergency room. facial swelling can affect ur breathing. or most dental offices offer a chance to apply for a medical credit card called carecredit. u would pay low monthly fees to the credit card company and the dentist gets their money up front. good luck
if ur in serious pain...or have facial swelling then u need to go to the emergency room. facial swelling can affect ur breathing. or most dental offices offer a chance to apply for a medical credit card called carecredit. u would pay low monthly fees to the credit card company and the dentist gets their money up front. good luck
My husband got hit in the mouth with a shovel, now his tooth is loose, what do we do?
My husband was digging a hole outside, when the shovel handle came back and hit him in the mouth. Now his lower front tooth is loose! We don't have a dentist, or even dental insurance, but is this an emergency? Will the tooth heal by itself?? Please help, I'm very worried!!
Chances are the tooth won't heal if it is loose already. Any trauma that loosens a tooth has the high probability of causing the nerve to die, if the tooth isn't fractured already. It would be best for him to see a dentist; if the tooth doesn't die from the trauma, he may be able to splint the tooth to the two adjacent teeth, giving the loose tooth extra support until its supporting ligaments have time to heal and hopefully the tooth will survive as well. Don't play with or move the tooth excessively, avoid any hard foods or ones that he would have to bite into. Also take an Ibuprofen such as Advil or Motrin 600 mg every 4 to 6 hours; this is to reduce the inflammation and pain, helping the tooth to settle down until you can get an emergency appointment with a dentist. Additional information: Even without insurance this is a necessary trip to the dentist. If the tooth can be saved by splinting, it will first need to be x rayed to make sure it isn't fractured; this is about 15 to 20 dollars for a periapical x ray. The exam and office visit for a new patient is about $100.00 then the splinting is approximately $50-100 depending on the dentist and the area. So it could be as little as $220.00 unless the tooth has suffered irreversible nerve damage, then it will require a root canal and a little later a crown with a post and core build up. First your dentist will want to make sure the tooth tightens up in the socket so it can be retained before proceeding with a root canal and crown, if this is necessary. If the nerve is inflamed due to the trauma, he may treat it with an antibiotic therapy, to help it heal, if at all possible or he may do a pulpotomy removing the nerve giving it time to heal and tighten up before proceeding with the completion of the root canal and then the crown. The least is about the $220.00 for the splinting and the highest would be about $1500.00 to $1800.00 for the root canal and crown. You may be able to set up a payment plan for either, again this will depend upon the dentist and his office policy. I wouldn't advise waiting on having this tooth examined; its possible it can be saved with minor treatment or it may be inevitable that it will demand treatment later with a good deal of pain from an abscess or fractured tooth that could be avoided.
Chances are the tooth won't heal if it is loose already. Any trauma that loosens a tooth has the high probability of causing the nerve to die, if the tooth isn't fractured already. It would be best for him to see a dentist; if the tooth doesn't die from the trauma, he may be able to splint the tooth to the two adjacent teeth, giving the loose tooth extra support until its supporting ligaments have time to heal and hopefully the tooth will survive as well. Don't play with or move the tooth excessively, avoid any hard foods or ones that he would have to bite into. Also take an Ibuprofen such as Advil or Motrin 600 mg every 4 to 6 hours; this is to reduce the inflammation and pain, helping the tooth to settle down until you can get an emergency appointment with a dentist. Additional information: Even without insurance this is a necessary trip to the dentist. If the tooth can be saved by splinting, it will first need to be x rayed to make sure it isn't fractured; this is about 15 to 20 dollars for a periapical x ray. The exam and office visit for a new patient is about $100.00 then the splinting is approximately $50-100 depending on the dentist and the area. So it could be as little as $220.00 unless the tooth has suffered irreversible nerve damage, then it will require a root canal and a little later a crown with a post and core build up. First your dentist will want to make sure the tooth tightens up in the socket so it can be retained before proceeding with a root canal and crown, if this is necessary. If the nerve is inflamed due to the trauma, he may treat it with an antibiotic therapy, to help it heal, if at all possible or he may do a pulpotomy removing the nerve giving it time to heal and tighten up before proceeding with the completion of the root canal and then the crown. The least is about the $220.00 for the splinting and the highest would be about $1500.00 to $1800.00 for the root canal and crown. You may be able to set up a payment plan for either, again this will depend upon the dentist and his office policy. I wouldn't advise waiting on having this tooth examined; its possible it can be saved with minor treatment or it may be inevitable that it will demand treatment later with a good deal of pain from an abscess or fractured tooth that could be avoided.
periodontal disease...any home remedies that work?
I have Gum Disease (very painful), and I do not have a Dentist or any Dental Insurance. I had a "free exam" and found this out. I am looking for Home Remedies that I can do until I can get the $$ to get this fixed. My Mom says that Green tea will help? Any advice?
Oh, I don't think so. It's not called periodontal disease until it's really a disease. You know, like damaged? You have got to take this more seriously, forget home remedies! Brush your gums like heck!
Oh, I don't think so. It's not called periodontal disease until it's really a disease. You know, like damaged? You have got to take this more seriously, forget home remedies! Brush your gums like heck!
insurance california?
hi I'm an international student who goes to college in Iowa. I have a college insurance and I guess it convers most of meetings with doctors. Now, I'm taking 3 months-summer session at University of California. I think I 've heard some stuff that I need to have "Californian" insurance to stay here. What is this? Is it wrong? Plus, my wisdom teeth is coming out recently. It starts to hurt. Does insurance in America covers dental work?
You should check your student plan.. have your adviser go over it with you. Usually the insurance is paid for annually. if you go "off campus" for additional studies the coverage should follow you. BUT the student policies are very different depending on what company is writing the coverage. Dental coverage is not usually covered unless you had that added and pay additional for that policy, it's a separate coverage. If you're going to be in California, check with a company called SmileSavers. They have a monthly premium, the coverage goes into effect immediately (it did when I had it) and the coverage was pretty good. make sure you check to see if the coverage will still be good when you go to Iowa.
You should check your student plan.. have your adviser go over it with you. Usually the insurance is paid for annually. if you go "off campus" for additional studies the coverage should follow you. BUT the student policies are very different depending on what company is writing the coverage. Dental coverage is not usually covered unless you had that added and pay additional for that policy, it's a separate coverage. If you're going to be in California, check with a company called SmileSavers. They have a monthly premium, the coverage goes into effect immediately (it did when I had it) and the coverage was pretty good. make sure you check to see if the coverage will still be good when you go to Iowa.
Is there any home remedies for an abcessed tooth.?
I believe I have an abcessed tooth. I do not get dental insurance for at least one month and half. Is there any home rememdy i can do to keep this from hurting.
I have tried this, and it worked, put a raw tea bag on your abcess, and the tea bag will draw out your puss, and poision.
I have tried this, and it worked, put a raw tea bag on your abcess, and the tea bag will draw out your puss, and poision.
Question about divorce and insurance...?
Prior to us getting married, my husband was on a county health program (for free healthcare and rx coverage)...and because I have excellent benefits, I added him to my medical, dental, vision and rx insurance I get through the company I work for. To be honest, I was afraid that due to my income, it would be considered fraud for him to accept free health coverage when my benefits were offered to him...this has increased my premium $100 extra out of each paycheck. Now he and I have only been married since Feb 15 of this year but heading towards divorce now. And he just informed me he went to the doctor (but his doctor is out of network so my health insurance company will not pay for it) which means he MUST be using that old, county health program. I am afraid they might get us both for fraud. And the other thing, I am having to pay for his premiums (and my benefits center won't allow me to make any changes to my benefits unless I get a divorce)...cont...
you can ask for it but if he was getting free everything ! well it will be hard...... also you need to get a legal seperation so you don't get any more bills..... about the fraud issue go to the place where he got free help and tell them the story ... it's best to do that than have them find out ... that way you look better in this issue!
you can ask for it but if he was getting free everything ! well it will be hard...... also you need to get a legal seperation so you don't get any more bills..... about the fraud issue go to the place where he got free help and tell them the story ... it's best to do that than have them find out ... that way you look better in this issue!
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