I had to take my kid to the dentist and i know its been a long time since i was a kid, but when i was his age i thought they would just pull em. Now the dentist said that my son had 3 small cavities, and 2 (baby root canals) on his baby teeth. I dont know what the heck that means or how the heck he got em concidering he gets his teeth brushed everyday. I asked the dentist to just pull the ones with the root canals, and fix the others, but he said that pulling is a bad idea. I saw the bill and it was quite high. And the insurance only covers 60% on root canals (how conveinient). I asked him how much it would cost me if they were pulled and he wouldnt tellme, but just repeated how bad it would be for the big teeth. I feel they just want to charge money for no reason other then to lace their pockets with money. Anybody else have info or feel the same way.
Root canals and stain steel crowns are very common in the deciduous teeth of small children, even at the age of 3 or 4. The main purpose of this is to restore the teeth involved, getting the child out of pain, maintaining "this space" that is extremely important since it retains the needed space for the permanent tooth's formation that is taking place and to erupt into, also keeping this tooth allows for the arch growth to continue at a normal pattern. There is more to it than just "lining" the dentist pocket; it's for the Childs best interest. Years ago, these teeth were just extracted and not given at thought about. Later, the child would have major dental problems such as; growth of the arches being too small, over bites and under bites, malaligned teeth and crowding. All of which I'm sure you don't want to have to repair with surgery or orthodontic treatment later. Also removing decay and placing fillings to restore the deciduous teeth so they can remain for the years needed maintaining the space for development, is common in small children. Leaving decay to continue to destroy the Childs teeth is what leads to needing root canals and stainless steel crowns work preformed on small children. Children should be seen by a dentist at least by age three, some say at a year old but I think three is fine myself. Parents need to supervise the child's brushing technique twice a day and always follow up with checking and re-brushing areas missed by them. Also the drinks before bed should be only of water after brushing before bed, it's the sugary milk or the acid in juices, that coats the teeth that adds to decay. There are many other things that I could bring up, but I'll leave all of that to your dentist. Over the years we have learned the reasons as to why so many dental problems have occurred and how to prevent them from happening to children now. Your dentist is trying to educate you and help your child so that these problems don't happen to them. What seems expensive now with the needed work is nothing compared to what the repairs later will cost. Take my advice, trust your dentist to take care of you and your family's dental health. Good luck and I hope I've been of some assistance. Additional information: Root canals of deciduous teeth are similar to adult root canals but not as tedious or complicated. The same thing has occured though, the decay has reached the nerve of the tooth and the nerve must be removed to maintain the tooth. The tooth is opened from the top, a medication is placed in the tooth to kill off bacteria, then a filling is placed and the tooth is prepped for a stainless steel crown, with is cemented on permanently for the duration of the life of this tooth.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
I dont have Insurance & live in NV,but currently have a impacted wisdom tooth,how much to remove all 4?
Im thinking about going to Absolute Dental if any ones been and has info that would be much appreciated
I recommend getting a dental discount plan to help you with the cost. AmeriPlan Dental has many dental providers in Nevada, including Adsolute Dental in Las Vegas. The least you will save is 25% on those procedures. See the discounted rates and dental codes below. With Ameriplan there is no waiting period so you can get the plan and have the dental treatment done next week if needed. You will get a membership number and confirmation upon enrollment into the plan. More info at the links below: D7220 Removal of impacted tooth - soft tissue...$150 D7230 Removal of impacted tooth partially bony ..$200 D7240 Removal of impacted tooth completely bony. 25% disc. D7250 Surgical removal of residual tooth roots (cutting procedure) .. 25% disc.
I recommend getting a dental discount plan to help you with the cost. AmeriPlan Dental has many dental providers in Nevada, including Adsolute Dental in Las Vegas. The least you will save is 25% on those procedures. See the discounted rates and dental codes below. With Ameriplan there is no waiting period so you can get the plan and have the dental treatment done next week if needed. You will get a membership number and confirmation upon enrollment into the plan. More info at the links below: D7220 Removal of impacted tooth - soft tissue...$150 D7230 Removal of impacted tooth partially bony ..$200 D7240 Removal of impacted tooth completely bony. 25% disc. D7250 Surgical removal of residual tooth roots (cutting procedure) .. 25% disc.
I have very bad credit, are there dentists that will finance needed dental work?
I can't wear my lower partial because of tooth lose. The upper is getting worn out. Are there dentists that would finance the exam, x-rays, fillings, upper partial and lower denture(held in by implants?) for someone with bad credit. I do not have insurance of any kind and work as a server. My remaining top teeth seem fine, and want to hang on to them as long as I can. They are fine with the partial.
I have heard some good things about Mexico.It depends on how much you need done if you need 4000 dollars done here it would be half that there.So If you lived in Texas its a viable option.Do lots of research. good luck.
I have heard some good things about Mexico.It depends on how much you need done if you need 4000 dollars done here it would be half that there.So If you lived in Texas its a viable option.Do lots of research. good luck.
How to get Insurance?
I have two children in my previous marriage. They are both US Citizens and in NEED of medical attention (nothing serious). Their father is a deadbeat and shows no interest of supporting my children. My current spouse is willing to add them both on his insurance but his insurance will not accept them due to the fact that they are not his children and not adopted. How can I get insurance for both? I applied for the DHSS (WA) also declined. I am a stay at home mom so there is no way i can get one for them. I need to get a doctor to check on them, especially my son who has a little rash on his penis and need serious dental attention. Please help. I am going nuts already from trying to get support from their father...
If your family income is less than 200% of the federal poverty level (fpl), they qualify for medicaid. They would be covered under schip (requires a monthly co-premium) up to 250% of the FPL. I assume you are already using DSHS Support Enforcement to collect on the child support? I see at least three options: a) Reapply to DSHS if your income meets the requirements (<250% of fpl); b) Have your husband adopt the children; c) Purchase a policy for the children or pay out of pocket for the vist. And the rash probably deserves a visit asap.
If your family income is less than 200% of the federal poverty level (fpl), they qualify for medicaid. They would be covered under schip (requires a monthly co-premium) up to 250% of the FPL. I assume you are already using DSHS Support Enforcement to collect on the child support? I see at least three options: a) Reapply to DSHS if your income meets the requirements (<250% of fpl); b) Have your husband adopt the children; c) Purchase a policy for the children or pay out of pocket for the vist. And the rash probably deserves a visit asap.
Scared to go to dentist? Does getting cavities filled hurt?
Well since my parents had lost dental insurance, i haven't been to the dentist in a few years. After we lost dental insurance there was a period where i just didn't care about brushing my teeth. And now i really regret it. My teeth have gotten the yellow color but thankfully its not HORRIBLE, but it's still embarrassing. And i'm pretty sure i have cavities. Does getting cavities filled hurt?
Here's the deal, when you go to get your cavities filled, they HAVE to do things to you that will hurt a little bit. But the pain is TEMPORARY and minor. There is nothing to be afraid of when it comes to pain because it only lasts a brief period of time, and then it'll be over. They'll numb your gums with a anesthetic cream and then give you some shots in your nerves to deaden them (The medicine stings a little, that's the worst part to be honest with you, and it's really not that bad and it's over quickly.) If you continue to neglect your teeth, they could get infected and KILL YOU. Yes, I'm not kidding, dental infections can be fatal. Going and getting your teeth fixed, and hurting a little bit for a very short period of time is totally worth it, because I'd rather go through getting my teeth filled than DYING. Think about that.
Here's the deal, when you go to get your cavities filled, they HAVE to do things to you that will hurt a little bit. But the pain is TEMPORARY and minor. There is nothing to be afraid of when it comes to pain because it only lasts a brief period of time, and then it'll be over. They'll numb your gums with a anesthetic cream and then give you some shots in your nerves to deaden them (The medicine stings a little, that's the worst part to be honest with you, and it's really not that bad and it's over quickly.) If you continue to neglect your teeth, they could get infected and KILL YOU. Yes, I'm not kidding, dental infections can be fatal. Going and getting your teeth fixed, and hurting a little bit for a very short period of time is totally worth it, because I'd rather go through getting my teeth filled than DYING. Think about that.
List of Dentists or Organizations that Do Charity Dental Work?
Does anyone have a list of organizations or dentists who do charity dental work? I am on the board of a nationwide organization that helps formerly homeless women with children get employment and get back on their feet. Many of them have dental issues (with no insurance) and the cost to fix their teeth is prohibitive. One example: a woman had her two front teeth knocked out by an abusive husband. She left him and is doing well, but is having difficulty finding a job because she has teeth missing. You can not imagine how this is affecting her self-esteem. We encounter hundreds of women like this all the time. Does someone know any dentists or organizations that can provide tax-deductible charity dental work? Material costs can be covered. Can someone help?
"Give Back A Smile" is a programme which provides charitable dental work for survivors of domestic abuse. The link is below.
"Give Back A Smile" is a programme which provides charitable dental work for survivors of domestic abuse. The link is below.
Auto Insurance/attorney.?
I was involved in a parking lot accident about a month ago. I was backed into while i was trying to park in the parking spot next to the car backing. She literally did not look behind her and cut her wheel before she started backing instead of backing straight out of the spot and gunned it. Common sense tells me if you back up into something its your fault because you should have seen it, however her insurance has placed me at fault because she said I hit her (I was trying to back up but only managed to put my car into neutral because there wasn't enough time and I didn't honk because my reaction was to move out of the way) I have about $2000 dollars worth of damage to the side fender of my car (how can i hit someone with the side of my car?) So I've missed a months worth of income and I can now go back to work but not with my full time status only part time because my employer only has part time to offer me now. I am still going to the doctor and paying out of pocket for it, I'm taking prescriptions i have to pay for, and also physical therapy three times a week. My lawyer told me today that it may not be worth going after. So I'm left with a broke car, medical bills, and lost wages because someone was negligent and backed into me? I am not prepared to let someones negligence cost me a vehicle (which will not run because the radiator is busted),who knows what in medical costs, and my full time job status, along with my benefits (health, dental, vision, prescription, life insurances) . Has anyone been in this srt of situation or can anyone offer some advice? I mean really, how can i hit another vehicle with the side of my car while it is in neutral?
If you have a good insurance company, they should have handled the situation for you. That really is the difference between good auto insurance and cheap insurance. I've been in the same situation before, and after going through all the bs (and switching to a legit insurance company), I feel a civil lawsuit is the only way to get things done anymore.. Which is sad. Good luck.
If you have a good insurance company, they should have handled the situation for you. That really is the difference between good auto insurance and cheap insurance. I've been in the same situation before, and after going through all the bs (and switching to a legit insurance company), I feel a civil lawsuit is the only way to get things done anymore.. Which is sad. Good luck.
My husband carries insurance on his son , but the mom won't use it and has him on medicade, is this fraud?
He provides good quality dental, health, and vision insurance for his son. She has other children that don't have insurance so she signed up for Medicade and put all her children on there so she would only have to deal w/ one thing. My step son wears glasses and she gets them from the Shriners because she can't afford them. I just get so frustrated that we provide this for him and it is good insurance and I am paying for it again w/ tax dollars. Do we have any recourse?
I would think that you could pose this question to the insurance department in your state. Additionally, if his care is being neglected his father could go to court and file for full custody on those grounds alone.
I would think that you could pose this question to the insurance department in your state. Additionally, if his care is being neglected his father could go to court and file for full custody on those grounds alone.
Cobra Insurance quitting a job?
Do I need to have health, or can I just take the dental? How long can I extend my dental through Cobra? Do I have the same discounts or whatever as I would with Delta Dental? Or do I pay more out of pocket for the insurance itself, and more out of pocket to my dentist?
COBRA continuation healthcare coverage allows you to keep your healthcare coverage when you leave a job for up to 18 months after leaving. However, you are responsible for the entire monthly premium, the employer pays none of it after you no longer work there. I am not sure if you can take just the dental, you will have to ask the employer. Everything will stay exactly as it is now, except that you are paying the whole monthly premium.
COBRA continuation healthcare coverage allows you to keep your healthcare coverage when you leave a job for up to 18 months after leaving. However, you are responsible for the entire monthly premium, the employer pays none of it after you no longer work there. I am not sure if you can take just the dental, you will have to ask the employer. Everything will stay exactly as it is now, except that you are paying the whole monthly premium.
insurance company that covers all my insurance needs?!?
would like to send one simple payment to one company for all or atleast most of my insurance needs. is there such a company and i am located in texas if that means anything.....thanks (car, motorcycle, home, medical, dental, life, etc...)
Sounds expensive and also there is no insurance for all of the above combined.
Sounds expensive and also there is no insurance for all of the above combined.
What do you guys think I should do?
Ok, I accepted a new job making twice my current wages, plus I'll have (company paid) medical/dental/vision insurance. I told my new boss (who is actually friends with my old boss) that I needed 2 weeks notice for my current employer, and he was fine with that. Well, I got home from work tonight to a message on my voicemail that he'd like for me to start training next week. My new boss just found out at 5 this evening that they're going to be having some special 3 day training, and he thinks it'd be perfect for me. Well, I'm kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place, because my current bosses are friends of my family, and have been for about 10 years, and I'd really like to stick out the 2 weeks, even though I'm really excited about this new job and would have no qualms about starting tomorrow. The only thing I've come up with is to request those 3 days off so that I can do training at the new job, and finish off my 2 weeks at the old job.
Your solution sounds very mature and responsible and both parties involved should accommodate you. You seem to have come up with a clever, mutually beneficial solution.
Your solution sounds very mature and responsible and both parties involved should accommodate you. You seem to have come up with a clever, mutually beneficial solution.
What is an inexpensive way to get my teeth fixed?
I need some dental work done, and I have insurance at my work, but the type of dental work I need is going to still be expensive. Is there an inexpensive way to do this without running up my credit cards?
hammer and screwdriver
hammer and screwdriver
Questions about transitioning from active to reserves?ETS?
I don't know too much about it, so I was hoping you guys could fill me in. Is it better to save up leave(what is the max?) to get terminal leave or just ETS? Con's and pro's? Bigger question is do you still get full benefits(medical,full BAH during that time, etc) while on terminal leave? How long does AD medical/dental coverage last after ETS?My husband will be in the reserves after. Do we still get on-post priviledges?How does reserves' medical and dental insurance work?Please give any useful info. Thanks.
Terminal leave is alot better than selling unused leave back. Terminal leave is just like regular leave, you still get paid everything, bah, bas, any special pays, etc. Where if you sell leave back, you only receive your base pay. If your husband deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan, then he is eligible for 2 years of priority treatment at the VA after his discharge. Other than that, the military does allow you to purchase a health insurance plan that last for 30 days after your discharge. There are no medical or dental benefits after that. The Reserves and National Guard do not offer medical or dental benefits, unless they are called to active duty, then the benefits are the same as the active force receives. You will have to get medical and dental through his employer or your employer just like any other civilian.
Terminal leave is alot better than selling unused leave back. Terminal leave is just like regular leave, you still get paid everything, bah, bas, any special pays, etc. Where if you sell leave back, you only receive your base pay. If your husband deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan, then he is eligible for 2 years of priority treatment at the VA after his discharge. Other than that, the military does allow you to purchase a health insurance plan that last for 30 days after your discharge. There are no medical or dental benefits after that. The Reserves and National Guard do not offer medical or dental benefits, unless they are called to active duty, then the benefits are the same as the active force receives. You will have to get medical and dental through his employer or your employer just like any other civilian.
Cost of going to the dentist?
My parents don't have dental insurance, so I can't even remember the last time I had my teeth cleaned. My parents are also a bit old-fashioned and really don't seem to think going to the dentist is very necessary. Now that I'm 18, I am going to make my own appointment to have my teeth cleaned, x-rayed, etc. About how much will it cost without insurance? Also, if I need to have my wisdom teeth out, how much would that cost? I live in New Hampshire, USA, if that makes a difference. Thank you very much for any answers!
I would be very leery of the plans that people above are posting. They both link up to a company called Ameriplan and Tony, it seems, is not really who he says he is. This is a multi-level marketing company that doesn't seem to act in your best interest. They offer discounts and shouldn't be confused with insurance. Do some research first and look at the link below of all the Ameriplan complaints from the Rip-Off Report. I wouldn't do it if I were you, it seems like a waste of time and money and the saving they advertize may not be actual. It's not insurance, it's a discount, and this industry operates largely unregulated. If you can't get dental insurance through an employer or school - you can't get it (or at least it's very very difficult). They simply don't want your business unless it's subsidized by a group of people (the people that see the dentist is offset by the people who don't in the group plan - it's all calculated in the insurance company's favor). It wouldn't make sense to get dental insurance by yourself anyway because they know you will use it if you have it, tell me one insurance company willing to pay out more than what you pay in? Your best option is to self insure with your own savings or a pre-tax savings account (FSA, HSA, MSA - there's a lot of different names for it). Essentially, you contribute a portion of every paycheck into a savings account. That money is not taxed by the IRS so the average person saves about 20%. Not bad, but depends on your income and your tax rate. The other thing to do is to just ask around and get quotes, different dentists charge different prices. Universities are also worth checking out if there is a dental school near you. If you don't make that much money you should also check to see if there are any state or city benefits available to you. Take a trip to city hall and ask around or look through their website - there is usually some kind dental relief in the form of low cost clinics (with good, concerned dentists about the lack of health care), low interest loans for dental procedures, or discounts and maybe actual insurance. Taking care of your teeth is very important, good luck to you!
I would be very leery of the plans that people above are posting. They both link up to a company called Ameriplan and Tony, it seems, is not really who he says he is. This is a multi-level marketing company that doesn't seem to act in your best interest. They offer discounts and shouldn't be confused with insurance. Do some research first and look at the link below of all the Ameriplan complaints from the Rip-Off Report. I wouldn't do it if I were you, it seems like a waste of time and money and the saving they advertize may not be actual. It's not insurance, it's a discount, and this industry operates largely unregulated. If you can't get dental insurance through an employer or school - you can't get it (or at least it's very very difficult). They simply don't want your business unless it's subsidized by a group of people (the people that see the dentist is offset by the people who don't in the group plan - it's all calculated in the insurance company's favor). It wouldn't make sense to get dental insurance by yourself anyway because they know you will use it if you have it, tell me one insurance company willing to pay out more than what you pay in? Your best option is to self insure with your own savings or a pre-tax savings account (FSA, HSA, MSA - there's a lot of different names for it). Essentially, you contribute a portion of every paycheck into a savings account. That money is not taxed by the IRS so the average person saves about 20%. Not bad, but depends on your income and your tax rate. The other thing to do is to just ask around and get quotes, different dentists charge different prices. Universities are also worth checking out if there is a dental school near you. If you don't make that much money you should also check to see if there are any state or city benefits available to you. Take a trip to city hall and ask around or look through their website - there is usually some kind dental relief in the form of low cost clinics (with good, concerned dentists about the lack of health care), low interest loans for dental procedures, or discounts and maybe actual insurance. Taking care of your teeth is very important, good luck to you!
I have been informed by my dentist that i am in need of a deep cleaning.?
he says that in addition to the scaling i will need some sort of laser preventative treatment that will go deeper in the gums than the scaling is able to go. This procedure is not covered by my dental insurance and will cost me an additional $1524.00. Should i ask for the pocket numbers so i can tell the severity of my condition. I feel like the dental office is scamming me to get more money out me. I am covered by one of the best health coverage plans in the united states and find it shocking that this is such an important procedure and is not covered by my health care provider. Does anyone know what this procedure might be called. Do you think i should pay the money and get what they are suggesting or are they scamming me. I don't mind spending the money if it will help bu i certainly dont want to be scammed.
If it were me, I would get a second opinion before I spent that kind of money. That place very well could be scamming you. Talk to some friends or co-workers and find another dentist to give you an complete exam and their opinion. Tell the new dentist what the other dentist has suggested and see what the new one thinks. Be smart with your money as well as your health. By the way, my dentist told me he thought I should have a deep cleaning too but did tell me that I might be able to reverse some of the damage by really flossing well each time I brushed. Long story short, flossing worked for me and no deep cleaning.
If it were me, I would get a second opinion before I spent that kind of money. That place very well could be scamming you. Talk to some friends or co-workers and find another dentist to give you an complete exam and their opinion. Tell the new dentist what the other dentist has suggested and see what the new one thinks. Be smart with your money as well as your health. By the way, my dentist told me he thought I should have a deep cleaning too but did tell me that I might be able to reverse some of the damage by really flossing well each time I brushed. Long story short, flossing worked for me and no deep cleaning.
Is it to late to get this cavity filled?
If i have a cavit that hurts slightly is it to late to fill it, b/c my parents can't afford a route canal no (dental insurance) and i dont want to get it pulled
Cavities that only hurt slightly are usually able to get filled. Just try not to chew on the side where the cavity is until you see the dentist on Thursday. Good luck. P.S. Always remember to floss your teeth. Not flossing regularly is the number one reason for cavities.
Cavities that only hurt slightly are usually able to get filled. Just try not to chew on the side where the cavity is until you see the dentist on Thursday. Good luck. P.S. Always remember to floss your teeth. Not flossing regularly is the number one reason for cavities.
how do i find insurance threw work force services that is 25.00 a year?
this is offered at 25.00 a year & covers aprox. 70 % of dental 70 % health this is limited and on timer that ends at the end of the month TODAY
Yep, you need a lot more details on this. They aren't offering 70% of dental and medical costs. This is a scam. You're not seeing the clauses that read "you must use only our office" or "we don't pay anything" or "coverage limited to maximum payout of $25 a year". You can't even buy into a discount plan at that cost. So this is just a scam to get your $25 and run.
Yep, you need a lot more details on this. They aren't offering 70% of dental and medical costs. This is a scam. You're not seeing the clauses that read "you must use only our office" or "we don't pay anything" or "coverage limited to maximum payout of $25 a year". You can't even buy into a discount plan at that cost. So this is just a scam to get your $25 and run.
Do chefs get any benefits such as medical, dental,etc?
I Am interested in becoming a chef and I would like to know what kind of benefits you get from being a chef like health insurance and stuff.It would be cool if a chef could actually answer this but if you are for sure you know then please let me know as soon as possible.
It depends where they work. Chefs in large hotels in Las Vegas do get benefit packages. In small family owned businesses they often don't (my family owned a restaurant for years, but the cost of offering benefits went up every year until it became impossible to continue to offer them). Plan on working in a large city in a corporate owned restaurant and you will get benefits.
It depends where they work. Chefs in large hotels in Las Vegas do get benefit packages. In small family owned businesses they often don't (my family owned a restaurant for years, but the cost of offering benefits went up every year until it became impossible to continue to offer them). Plan on working in a large city in a corporate owned restaurant and you will get benefits.
If you work in a dental office or have had IV sedation please answer this question?
I am going to have to have like 5 teeth pulled (4 wisdom and 1 regular.) My "insurance" will cover the actual extractions and the X-rays and such, but I don't think they will cover IV sedation. Sorry, but I am a chicken and I will not have anything done unless I am asleep because of a bad past experience. 1) How much average does it cost to have IV sedation done? (This is an office the takes mostly Medicaid patients and that's what my insurance is.) 2) If I paid for like half of it and they billed me a few months for the rest do you think the oral surgeon would do it? (I could pay for the whole thing if it was under $200)
Hi! I had my wisdom teeth out almost a year ago. Like you,my insurance would not cover the sedation. It was so worth it though. They put the needle in and I was asleep in seconds.When I woke up it was all done. The fee was 85 dollars.The dentist let me do payments on the total that my insurance did not cover.Most offices are usually pretty good with payments.
Hi! I had my wisdom teeth out almost a year ago. Like you,my insurance would not cover the sedation. It was so worth it though. They put the needle in and I was asleep in seconds.When I woke up it was all done. The fee was 85 dollars.The dentist let me do payments on the total that my insurance did not cover.Most offices are usually pretty good with payments.
What salary should a 2008 Management graduate expect for an entry level logistics position?
I am interviewing for an entry level global logistics agent position at a 3PL logistics company and was told that the starting salary would be $28,000 but that there was no cost for medical, dental, and vision insurance. Is this compensation package reasonable for this type of entry level position? The job posting is in the Minneapolis-St. Paul metropolitan area if the location/cost of living makes a difference in your answer...
around 35K to start
around 35K to start
My dental plates, specifically the upper are sensitive. I can feel the vacuum. Anchored plates,does it help?
I had a calcium deficiency as a kid and consequently had multiple fillings in every tooth. In early adulthood I received four fixed permanent bridges and several crowns. The cost was almost as much as my first home. I lost my insurance coverage just as they were beginning to fail. I now wear dental plates. They don't hurt but, they are annoying. I only take them out to brush and frequently, Part of the problem ? Please, serious answers to the above question.
How much does a toddler cavity cost to get filled?
I have a 23month old whose front four teeth all have visible cavities. I had a similar problem when I was a baby, with my teeth and some birth disorder that caused it.I have been brushing his teeth 3-4 times a day but they are still there. I just got dental and health insurance but not much money left after paying that so I need to know how much it would cost to get it fixed so I can save up money or apply for credit. Anyone know how much it will cost.
Your toddler needs extra calcium, it may be a calcium deficiency. Each dentist will have their price. You need to talk to your insurance company about how much they will cover. Good luck, sorry to hear about your baby's teeth.
Your toddler needs extra calcium, it may be a calcium deficiency. Each dentist will have their price. You need to talk to your insurance company about how much they will cover. Good luck, sorry to hear about your baby's teeth.
will ohio medicaid pay for my dental work?
i lost my two front teeth in a car accident about 7 years ago i was 17 so my parents insurance payed for everything but the Porcelain now i'm all grown up and temporarily on medicaid my crowns are both broken and need replacing i know it wont pay for the crowns but will they pay for the work to get done ? if not is there some place i can go that wont charge and arm and a leg ?
Not if you are older then 18.
Not if you are older then 18.
Medical bills with no insurance?
I went to the emergency room after having pain in my side for a week a few months ago. They did standard tests, including CAT scan, and they said they didn't find anything serious. A week later I received a bill for over 5 thousand dollars. I sent them what they requested for a payment plan (bank statements, etc). I am willing to repay this debt but the problem is I have no medical insurance and I am a full time graduate student. I plan to graduate in june of 08 and hope to get a job soon afterwards. I am living off of a student loan but any money I have left over every month I would like to save for an emergency (car repairs, dental bills, etc) that may come up. My question is, do you think the hospital would allow me a moratorium (suspension of payments) until I graduate and secure a job (which would be in june of 08)? I am just afraid that if I can't pay them now they will sue me or take me to court.
They may still report you to a credit bureau, but if you are attempting to make monthly payments (even if they are small), you can at least prove that you are trying to pay. Let them know your situation, see how small of an amount they will allow you to pay, and take it from there. At least try to send $5.00. It won't stop the calls from them, but I don't think they can turn you over to collections as long as you are paying them...but I don't know that for sure. Good luck!
They may still report you to a credit bureau, but if you are attempting to make monthly payments (even if they are small), you can at least prove that you are trying to pay. Let them know your situation, see how small of an amount they will allow you to pay, and take it from there. At least try to send $5.00. It won't stop the calls from them, but I don't think they can turn you over to collections as long as you are paying them...but I don't know that for sure. Good luck!
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