I am 12 years old and I have a black cavity on my top molar, I don't remember if I had ever lost a molar in my life. I have no dental insurance so my dad refuses to take me to a dentist. Does this tooth with the cavity fall out!? or do I have it forever? Also my teeth aren't falling out as fast as an average 12 year olds should I still have quite a but of teeth that need to fall, help please
The back top tooth should be either your 6 year molar or your 12 year molar. Both are permanent teeth and are meant to last a lifetime. You need to have it fixed.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
how to stop severe aching?
I did a root canal 6 years ago, and just got a crown on it 2 months ago. and now there is excruciating pain on the tooth. I am on pain killers, but the meds arent lasting long. I am a student and i do not have dental insurance and cannot pay $2000 for it to be redone. I am goin back home to burma in 7 days - until then HOW CAN I STOP THE THROBBING PAIN AND ACHING???? what pain killers can i get? and if i should get them can i go to the university clinic and ask for a prescription??? please advice.. its 3 am and i cannot sleep cause of the pain...
can't you just extract the tooth? it can't be expensive and they can give you the prescription take care
can't you just extract the tooth? it can't be expensive and they can give you the prescription take care
Are root canals expensive?
I have great dental insurance.
Yeah, you bet! Although dental insurance covers a good portion, its the CROWN that goes over it that will clean out your wallet. Most insurances pay only 50% of crown - leaving you with a couple hundred to pay off.
Yeah, you bet! Although dental insurance covers a good portion, its the CROWN that goes over it that will clean out your wallet. Most insurances pay only 50% of crown - leaving you with a couple hundred to pay off.
Does anyone have an over-the-counter?
remedy for tmj. Unable to afford dental insurance at this time and I believe I have tmj; because, it runs in my family. Thanks
see a chiropractor let him adjust your neck and jaw , works for me , DDS only gives you MOuth guard and motrin for swelling so chiro is key for me
see a chiropractor let him adjust your neck and jaw , works for me , DDS only gives you MOuth guard and motrin for swelling so chiro is key for me
Tooth extraction - chances of teeth shifting??
I broke my tooth a few weeks back (it is the very last one on my top right side). I went to the dentist who said I can have a root canal and get a filling, and eventually a crown if I choose, or have the tooth extracted. I currently do not have dental insurance, and will not have it until February. The root canal and filling will cost me a lot more than the extraction, but I'm concerned that if I get my tooth pulled, my other teeth will shift, causing a gap in my teeth. Has anyone had a tooth pulled on the top of their mouth and had their teeth shift? I know keeping my teeth is the best option, but it's the very last one and will not be noticeable...but I do not want any gaps in my teeth either! What are the chances this will happen?? Thanks in advance.
Yes over time your teeth will move. Any time you have a tooth pulled this will happen. The tooth below will move up until it has something to touch and the tooth in front of that will move as well. The dentist does not tell people to keep there teeth just because he wants to make more money. He is telling you this because it is the best thing to do to keep your teeth looking the way they are. I understand how hard it is when you don't have any insurance to cover anything but you should talk to your dental office about a payment plan so you don't have to get your tooth extracted. Most offices are willing to work with you. Good Luck with whatever you choose to have done.
Yes over time your teeth will move. Any time you have a tooth pulled this will happen. The tooth below will move up until it has something to touch and the tooth in front of that will move as well. The dentist does not tell people to keep there teeth just because he wants to make more money. He is telling you this because it is the best thing to do to keep your teeth looking the way they are. I understand how hard it is when you don't have any insurance to cover anything but you should talk to your dental office about a payment plan so you don't have to get your tooth extracted. Most offices are willing to work with you. Good Luck with whatever you choose to have done.
My Teeth Are Curving In?
The teeth towards the back of my mouth are starting to curve in towards my tongue. It looks like they are shifting that way anyways and I have been experiencing pain in the back of my mouth as well. Anyone know what the could be? I dont have dental insurance either so I guess I am pretty much screwed.
google "dental insurance" and feel better. Good luck!
google "dental insurance" and feel better. Good luck!
pale teeth at the gumline?
my 2 front upper teeth are a paleish white color near the gumline. it looks like plaque but its not. there is nothing on my teeth at all. besides the strange coloring. i dont know if its a receding gumline or what. and i dont have dental insurance so i cant make regular check ups. i was wondering if this is something i should o see the dentist about.
Yes, you should see the dentist. You can get decay initiating in that area..
Yes, you should see the dentist. You can get decay initiating in that area..
if you have no bottom dentures?
will it ruin the shape of your mouth, i am unwell and lost many capped teeth, have no dental insurance
If you can get certain help threw your government that might help you do what you need done. And is possible, if you're young to definitely get some partials for your bottom teeth, it does not hurt and is not too bad. So unless you can afford implants or end up with dentures, I hope this pretty much answers your question. Good Luck, whatever you do
If you can get certain help threw your government that might help you do what you need done. And is possible, if you're young to definitely get some partials for your bottom teeth, it does not hurt and is not too bad. So unless you can afford implants or end up with dentures, I hope this pretty much answers your question. Good Luck, whatever you do
My child stays with me at least 50% of the time, do I still have to give child support to the mom?
CA resident. Never married. I understand that I'm at least responsible for his health/dental insurance (which what I've been taking care of), but does the mom require more? I provide just as much as she. She's married & has another child. I'm single. I have huge projects I want to do to benefit my son (11yrs old), but it would require every cent to put into? Want to file for joint-custody stay, but trying to avoid all drama possible.
AS far as I know, when parents have 50/50 custody, they do not have to pay support. Child support is to make up for the time that you are not there to provide housing and clothing costs.
AS far as I know, when parents have 50/50 custody, they do not have to pay support. Child support is to make up for the time that you are not there to provide housing and clothing costs.
i've reconnected with a man from the past..he's wonderfull but missing front teeth..?
he's a country redneck .and i'm not..but he's a wonderfull man...i like everything about about him but that and some harsh language....should i end it or say something? we are in our late 50's and he has dental insurance..makes enough money..we were just brought up differently ...thanks
You are like a kiddies pool - SHALLOW! ;)
You are like a kiddies pool - SHALLOW! ;)
My daughter needs braces?
If I have dental insurance on my daughter and so does my ex. Will both insurance companies pay the amounts? My BC/BS insurance pays 50% and his CIGNA also pays 50%. Can someone explain to me if they both can be used towards the cost of the braces?
It would be best if you speak with the dental office directly and ask them what their policy on this is. Most often it's up to the provider to decide whether or not they will allow both to be used or not. Hopefully it will work out for you!
It would be best if you speak with the dental office directly and ask them what their policy on this is. Most often it's up to the provider to decide whether or not they will allow both to be used or not. Hopefully it will work out for you!
I need to see a dentist. I have no insurance.?
I have been to the dentist 3 times in my life that I can recall. I am also in debt so financing dental treatment is not an option. I am a 26 year old college student. I have tried Utah state programs and have been rejected each time. I don't know what else to do. I am in dire straights. Any advice?
Hi there! There is an awesome dental program that my family has had for 10 years and we have saved $1,000snds with it! www.deliveringonthepromise.com/40327136 Ameriplan is a dental discount program and they just added Medical in December! It's just wonderful, so check it out and hope it goes well with you. hmm, I don't know if the website link will show up all the way so just in case it doesn't make sure you add "/40327136" after the ".com"
Hi there! There is an awesome dental program that my family has had for 10 years and we have saved $1,000snds with it! www.deliveringonthepromise.com/40327136 Ameriplan is a dental discount program and they just added Medical in December! It's just wonderful, so check it out and hope it goes well with you. hmm, I don't know if the website link will show up all the way so just in case it doesn't make sure you add "/40327136" after the ".com"
Dental work?
How does anyone afford it. I have insurance and I still have to max out my credit card to pay for the procedures I need. Yes, my teeth are bad, and I need them fixed, but it looks like they;ll be getting worse until I have enough money to afford the work
I can sympathize ! I just went to my dentists office to get some work done and I was nailed for almost $5,000 !!! Granted I don't want my dentist making min. wage but I had to take out a loan to get this work done & my dentists rates are about middle of the pack . If your brave you can try to find a teaching dentistry office in your area they will be less expensive but you will have a student working in your mouth .( yikes !!) Good luck and I hope you can get your teeth fixed soon !!
I can sympathize ! I just went to my dentists office to get some work done and I was nailed for almost $5,000 !!! Granted I don't want my dentist making min. wage but I had to take out a loan to get this work done & my dentists rates are about middle of the pack . If your brave you can try to find a teaching dentistry office in your area they will be less expensive but you will have a student working in your mouth .( yikes !!) Good luck and I hope you can get your teeth fixed soon !!
Great & Affordable Dentist in Portland, Oregon?
My dental insurance coverage begins in October and I am looking for a great dentist for me & my daughter. She had a horrible dentist in the past, so I am looking for a very gentle dentist for her (she is 6, and please do not suggest Gentle dental as thats where the horrible one works). My insurance covers 100% basic, 80% minor, and 50% major work, and I have much to be done so I'm definitely looking for someone reasonable.
We use a wonderful Pediatric Dentist, my children actually look forward to their appointments. His name is Marshall Ruby D.M.D. and his office is on Cedar Hills Blvd. in Portland, close to Beaverton. Everyone in his office is so sweet and I think he's smart, and really likes what he does.
We use a wonderful Pediatric Dentist, my children actually look forward to their appointments. His name is Marshall Ruby D.M.D. and his office is on Cedar Hills Blvd. in Portland, close to Beaverton. Everyone in his office is so sweet and I think he's smart, and really likes what he does.
Unexpected Hospital Bill, I don't have insurance.?
I recently had a dental surgery. The surgeon told me we needed to book ambulatory time at the local hospital, because the operation could have been to complicated to do in his studio. I was told by my surgeon and the staff at the hospital that my total bill for the hospital would be $2200, and I paid it in full before the operation. After the operation I received few bill from the hospital for a total of 8000. Is there any way to fight it? Thanks
Even though you don't want to pay it at all, while you are trying to figure out what you can do about this, start paying a monthly amount. This will show you have intent to pay and you aren't hiding from them. You probably signed papers that said you would pay any additional fees incurred etc... Try to keep calm about it and contact the billing offices to get copies of everything you signed, if you don't have copies of them. You need to see all the fine print of whatever you signed before you proceed. If you signed it and agreed to it all, then there really isn't much recourse. The only consolation is that this experience has taught you something at a cost of $8,000. It could save you much, much more money in the future that you have learned this now. On the other hand, if you see that you didn't sign papers to agree to pay any costs incurred, then you have something to run with. Some lawyers will give you a free consultation, so if you get all the paperwork together to lay out all the facts/proof you have in chronological order, perhaps they can help you. Some only get paid if they win the case for you. Another option...if you are able to pay cash, medical offices/hospitals/doctors would rather have cash in hand rather than payments each month, so you could (in writing) ask if they will accept a lesser payment in cash NOW, like $4,000 instead of $8,000 over time by your payments. They often will go for this, because having the cash in hand and not having to bill and go after someone for payment saves them money. Just make sure you get their agreement/response to this in writing. If they accept it, you can save as much as 50% off your bill.
Even though you don't want to pay it at all, while you are trying to figure out what you can do about this, start paying a monthly amount. This will show you have intent to pay and you aren't hiding from them. You probably signed papers that said you would pay any additional fees incurred etc... Try to keep calm about it and contact the billing offices to get copies of everything you signed, if you don't have copies of them. You need to see all the fine print of whatever you signed before you proceed. If you signed it and agreed to it all, then there really isn't much recourse. The only consolation is that this experience has taught you something at a cost of $8,000. It could save you much, much more money in the future that you have learned this now. On the other hand, if you see that you didn't sign papers to agree to pay any costs incurred, then you have something to run with. Some lawyers will give you a free consultation, so if you get all the paperwork together to lay out all the facts/proof you have in chronological order, perhaps they can help you. Some only get paid if they win the case for you. Another option...if you are able to pay cash, medical offices/hospitals/doctors would rather have cash in hand rather than payments each month, so you could (in writing) ask if they will accept a lesser payment in cash NOW, like $4,000 instead of $8,000 over time by your payments. They often will go for this, because having the cash in hand and not having to bill and go after someone for payment saves them money. Just make sure you get their agreement/response to this in writing. If they accept it, you can save as much as 50% off your bill.
i've received and offer for a new job. is vision included in medical insurance?
they listed out medical, dental, disability and 401k. is vision usually included in medical plans?
Vision care--meaning glasses and contacts--are not. But if you have a disease of the eyes it would be covered.
Vision care--meaning glasses and contacts--are not. But if you have a disease of the eyes it would be covered.
i've received and offer for a new job. is vision included in medical insurance?
they listed out medical, dental, disability and 401k. is vision usually included in medical plans?
Vision care--meaning glasses and contacts--are not. But if you have a disease of the eyes it would be covered.
Vision care--meaning glasses and contacts--are not. But if you have a disease of the eyes it would be covered.
I think I have gingivitis (or even worse)...?
About four years ago I visited the dentist and had my last cleaning (I've been 95% cavity-free all my life), but had to return to see a hygenist and get my gums "scraped" (great fun that was). I went back to school for three years and now am having problems again. My gums bleed ALL the time, especially when I brush or floss (I brish often but, admittedly, have slacked off on the flossing the last couple of years). In addition, I have "old man" breath and it's getting to be embarrassing since I work in customer service. I will be getting dental insurance in about three months and want to wait to see the dentist until then. In the meantime, there are small white puffy patches above my two front teeth. The best temporary solution I can find is rinsing with hydrogen peroxide, but that's only temporary. What can I do in the meantime until I'm eligible for dental insurance?
First off stop using the hydrogen peroxide as a mouthwash. I am currently a Dental Hygiene student in my final semester, and have seen more gingival damage done with hydrogen peroxide than with anything else. It's okay to use OCCASSIONALLY but not as a permanent mouthwash. We DO NOT recommend it at all. Second, you need to see a dentist. He will be the only one who can tell you exactly what is wrong. Please do not let this go undiagnosed.
First off stop using the hydrogen peroxide as a mouthwash. I am currently a Dental Hygiene student in my final semester, and have seen more gingival damage done with hydrogen peroxide than with anything else. It's okay to use OCCASSIONALLY but not as a permanent mouthwash. We DO NOT recommend it at all. Second, you need to see a dentist. He will be the only one who can tell you exactly what is wrong. Please do not let this go undiagnosed.
When do I need to get a crown, and how much should I pay?
I recently had a root canal and crown lenghtening done on a molar. My endodontist told me that after the dentist places a permanent filling in the tooth, I can potentially wait up to six months before getting a crown put on. Well, I saw my dentist the other day, and he told me that he wanted to do the filling and the crown together. Since he could still see my stiches from the crown lenghtening, he decided not to go ahead with the procedure. Instead, he replaced another crown that I had received from my previous dentist because he said it was too big. Even with insurance, I was charged $500 for this crown! I wasn't expecting that, and now I don't think I can afford the crown on the tooth I had came in to fix in the first place. I have two questions: Can I really wait six months to get the crown on that tooth? I think I'll have to now. And..are crowns really this expensive? I thought they were around $600 BEFORE insurance, but the dental assistant told me that they are 1000.
Dental surgery is very safe nowadays. My cousin got her dental implants and lasik surgery in India by a company called Forerunners Healthcare. The Price for dental and lasik surgery is very less in India. She paid 25% of the price she was quoted in America. Forerunners Healthcare is very famous in India They arrange Dental surgery, jaw surgery, lasik eye surgery, Dental Implants etc for foreign patients in India. I read a lot about them in the Newspapers and magazines- about their patient stories. They arrange financing for USA, Canadian, UK and other international patients who plan to have surgery abroad for low cost, as dental and eye surgery is not covered by insurance. They also have photos pasted of their International patients. You can checkout their website. There are huge cost savings. As a doctor I personally believe that surgery can be easily handled in India, as the quality of healthcare available In India is simply best in the world. The surgeons are USA/UK trained and facilities are 5 star. http://www.forerunnershealthcare.com Hope this helps.
Dental surgery is very safe nowadays. My cousin got her dental implants and lasik surgery in India by a company called Forerunners Healthcare. The Price for dental and lasik surgery is very less in India. She paid 25% of the price she was quoted in America. Forerunners Healthcare is very famous in India They arrange Dental surgery, jaw surgery, lasik eye surgery, Dental Implants etc for foreign patients in India. I read a lot about them in the Newspapers and magazines- about their patient stories. They arrange financing for USA, Canadian, UK and other international patients who plan to have surgery abroad for low cost, as dental and eye surgery is not covered by insurance. They also have photos pasted of their International patients. You can checkout their website. There are huge cost savings. As a doctor I personally believe that surgery can be easily handled in India, as the quality of healthcare available In India is simply best in the world. The surgeons are USA/UK trained and facilities are 5 star. http://www.forerunnershealthcare.com Hope this helps.
The Dental Plan is so expensive now. Will I get Dental Plan from Obama soon?
How about Auto Insurance?? Life Insurance???
Nope - probably not dental. We might get dental in time as they have in Britain and other civilized countries, but I think it will come out of your pocket for a long time to come. You can thank your republican friends for this. We've needed this healthcare reform for the past 100 years, but the republicans have always been able to wreck it. Keeps the republicans' Billionaire Masters buying that special champagne they like so much!
Nope - probably not dental. We might get dental in time as they have in Britain and other civilized countries, but I think it will come out of your pocket for a long time to come. You can thank your republican friends for this. We've needed this healthcare reform for the past 100 years, but the republicans have always been able to wreck it. Keeps the republicans' Billionaire Masters buying that special champagne they like so much!
Funny outrageouse people suing companies for a dumb reason?
The "Stella Awards" are named after the 81-year-old woman, Stella Liebeck, who spilled hot coffee on herself and success-fully sued McDonald's in New Mexico for 2.9 million dollars. Ever since, the name "Stella Award" has been applied to any wild, outrageous, or ridiculous lawsuits - including bogus cases! Here are this year's winners… 7th Place - Kathleen Robertson of Austin, Texas, was awarded $80,000 by a jury of her peers after breaking her ankle when she tripped over a toddler who was running inside a furniture store. The owners of the store were understandably surprised at the verdict, considering that the misbehaving little toddler was Ms. Robertson's son. 6th Place - Nineteen-year- old Carl Truman of Los Angeles won $74,000 and medical expenses when his neighbor ran over his hand with a Honda Accord. Mr. Truman apparently didn't notice there was someone at the wheel of the car when he was trying to steal his neighbor's hubcaps. 5th Place - Terrence Dickson of Bristol, Pennsylvania, was leaving a house he had just finished robbing by way of the garage. He was not able to get the garage door to go up since the automatic door opener was malfunctioning. He couldn't re-enter the house because the door connecting the house and garage locked when he pulled it shut. The family was on vacation, so Mr. Dickson found himself locked in the garage for eight days. He subsisted on a case of Pepsi he found, and a large bag of dry dog food. He sued the home owners' insurance company, claiming the situation caused him undue mental anguish. The jury agreed to the tune of $500,000. In my opinion, this is SO outrageous that it should have been 2nd Place. 4th Place - Jerry Williams of Little Rock, Arkansas, was awarded $14,500 and medical expenses after being bitten on the buttocks by his next-door neighbor's beagle. The beagle was on a chain in its owners' fenced yard. The award was less than originally sought, because the jury felt that the dog might have been just a little provoked at the time by Mr. Williams who had climbed over the fence into the yard and was shooting it repeatedly with a pellet gun. 3rd Place - A Philadelphia restaurant was ordered to pay Amber Carson of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, $113,500 after she slipped on a soft drink and broke her coccyx (tail bone). The beverage was on the floor because Ms. Carson had thrown it at her boyfriend 30 seconds earlier during an argument. 2nd Place - Kara Walton of Claymont, Delaware, successfully sued the owner of a night club in a neighboring city when she fell from the bathroom window to the floor and knocked out her two front teeth. This occurred while Ms. Walton was trying to sneak through the window in the ladies' room to avoid paying the $3.50 cover charge. She was awarded $12,000 and dental expenses. 1st Place (drum roll, please) - This year's runaway winner was Mrs. Merv Grazinski of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Mrs. Grazinski purchased a brand-new, 32-foot-long Winnebago motor home. On her first trip home from an OU football game - having driven onto the freeway - she set the cruise control at 70 mph and calmly left the driver's seat to go into the back to make herself a sandwich. Not surprisingly, the RV left the freeway, crashed and overturned. Mrs.Grazinski sued Winnebago for not advising her in the owner's manual that she couldn't actually do that. The jury awarded her $1,750,000 plus a new motor home. The company actually changed its manuals on the basis of this law suit, just in case there were any other complete morons around.
How does it feel to post something that was debunked six years ago? If I did it, and it was pointed out in front of everyone, I'd feel pretty stupid. Limestoner62, and anyone else who missed it, and whoever gave me the thumbs down if it was someone else, nobody paid out a dime in any of these cases, as none of these cases actually happened. They're all made up. Not true. Lies. Phonies. False. Mythical. I'm not sure how else to say it. They didn't happen!!!
How does it feel to post something that was debunked six years ago? If I did it, and it was pointed out in front of everyone, I'd feel pretty stupid. Limestoner62, and anyone else who missed it, and whoever gave me the thumbs down if it was someone else, nobody paid out a dime in any of these cases, as none of these cases actually happened. They're all made up. Not true. Lies. Phonies. False. Mythical. I'm not sure how else to say it. They didn't happen!!!
Need estimate costs for crown, root canal & crown lengthening?
I live in Los Angeles. I went to my dentist this week & had 2 root canals (teeth #20 &21) done. I was charged $460 for each root canal and $ 670 for each crown. Since I needed crown lengthening for my tooth # 20, I have to pay for another $650. Besides this, I need to have deep cleaning before having the crown lengthening which will cost me for another $850 (antibact included). I don't have dental insurance although they offer 1 year interest free financing. If I could run from that dental clinic & not go back but I had no choice because of my dreaded toothache. I wanted to have my tooth extracted so I won't have to pay this much. But they wanted to save my tooth. Did the dentist charge me too much? help... serious answers please. Thank you!
Those fees sound pretty average for a private-practice dentist. If money is an issue, how about going to one of the three dental schools in the LA area? UCLA, USC and Loma Linda all have dental schools, and their fees are about half what a private dentist charges. You do have to give up more time though, since a dental student has to ask an instructor dentist to check each step of the work he is doing. As far as whether or not saving those teeth is worth it, keep in mind #20 and #21 are near the front of your bottom jaw (the pre-molars). You can have them extracted, but that may leave an unsightly gap. Also, extracted teeth may cause situations such as spaces opening up between your remaining teeth or the opposing teeth on the other arch rising out of their sockets once they have nothing to bite against, and would end up costing you even more money to fix in the future. Replacing missing teeth (especially those that leave unsightly gaps near the front) costs money too-- partial dentures, bridges, implants. You can have your #20 and #21 extracted, but you should make an informed decision rather than believing some drivel about how dentists "don't make money on extractions." Hope this helps, and good luck.
Those fees sound pretty average for a private-practice dentist. If money is an issue, how about going to one of the three dental schools in the LA area? UCLA, USC and Loma Linda all have dental schools, and their fees are about half what a private dentist charges. You do have to give up more time though, since a dental student has to ask an instructor dentist to check each step of the work he is doing. As far as whether or not saving those teeth is worth it, keep in mind #20 and #21 are near the front of your bottom jaw (the pre-molars). You can have them extracted, but that may leave an unsightly gap. Also, extracted teeth may cause situations such as spaces opening up between your remaining teeth or the opposing teeth on the other arch rising out of their sockets once they have nothing to bite against, and would end up costing you even more money to fix in the future. Replacing missing teeth (especially those that leave unsightly gaps near the front) costs money too-- partial dentures, bridges, implants. You can have your #20 and #21 extracted, but you should make an informed decision rather than believing some drivel about how dentists "don't make money on extractions." Hope this helps, and good luck.
tooth extraction help?
I need to have a tooth pulled out before it causes problems but the problem is my dental insurance recently expired so now I have no dental care and I live in california can anybody help me?
there are about 5 (2 San Fran and 3 in SoCal) dental schools in Cali and several oral surgery programs affiliated with hospitals. Get busy on the computer and search out where you can get inexpensive extractions done.
there are about 5 (2 San Fran and 3 in SoCal) dental schools in Cali and several oral surgery programs affiliated with hospitals. Get busy on the computer and search out where you can get inexpensive extractions done.
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