My dental insurance doesn't cover orthodontal, so before I go I want to know now what types of treatments/options I wont be covered by, I mean like braces, etc....what else?
retainers, braces, anything that makes your teeth strighter. they dont do cavity removal or anything like that. most likely if your older and you have insurance you dont need an orthodontist.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Chlorhexidine, is it safe to use instead of locally injected antibiotics for deep cleanings?
Being that the dental insurance does not cover the injections
If you were told that you need antibiotics injected in your gum tissue there is a difference. The antibiotic you are talking about is called Arestin. This is used when you have deep pockets around your tooth, or you have irritation in that area due to a number of things. This works differently because it is injected into the socket, then it promotes healing over a long period or time. The rinse is something that they give you to use on a daily basis, or after a deep cleaning to also promote healthy gum tissue, there is a difference between the two. The rinse can cause staining over time. But both are for gum disease
If you were told that you need antibiotics injected in your gum tissue there is a difference. The antibiotic you are talking about is called Arestin. This is used when you have deep pockets around your tooth, or you have irritation in that area due to a number of things. This works differently because it is injected into the socket, then it promotes healing over a long period or time. The rinse is something that they give you to use on a daily basis, or after a deep cleaning to also promote healthy gum tissue, there is a difference between the two. The rinse can cause staining over time. But both are for gum disease
Health/Dental Insurances?
Does anyone know which is a good Health/ Dental Insurances. Need one soon. Really dont want to pay much out of pocket.
I'm in the process of researching health insurance and… gave me a lot of prices and plans to compare. I haven' t picked one out yet but you will be able to see which ones cost the least. For dental use to compare plans and prices. These sites helped me the most. Hope they help you.
I'm in the process of researching health insurance and… gave me a lot of prices and plans to compare. I haven' t picked one out yet but you will be able to see which ones cost the least. For dental use to compare plans and prices. These sites helped me the most. Hope they help you.
What is the difference between dental cleaning and dental scaling?
My health insurance through work covers "8 units of scaling" per year. What does this mean?
How to look for health insurance?
I have a new job but they don't offer any benefits, medicial, vision, dental... how should I go about looking for an insurance company / ploicy to pay for myself? I am a single 24 year old woman with no children. I do have glasses. Thanks
You can search online, but the best option is to find a local, independent insurance agent who has access to many carriers in your area. There are many options that suit a variety of people. A local agent will help you determine which is best to fit your needs.
You can search online, but the best option is to find a local, independent insurance agent who has access to many carriers in your area. There are many options that suit a variety of people. A local agent will help you determine which is best to fit your needs.
Dental care?
I am 60 and take care of my grandsons, so I have little money to use towards dental care. I need a root canal and crown badly on a tooth that shows when I smile. It looks black because I broke part of it off. Do not tell me to get dental insurance as they do not work for 1 yr. Is there a place someone like me can go to get cheaper dental work?
One option available to you is to go to a dental school. They will perform the procedure on you at little cost to you due to them needing you as a patient to test/qualify a particular student (DDS). No idea where you live. So you're going to have to find a dental school on your own. Most large universities have dental schools.
One option available to you is to go to a dental school. They will perform the procedure on you at little cost to you due to them needing you as a patient to test/qualify a particular student (DDS). No idea where you live. So you're going to have to find a dental school on your own. Most large universities have dental schools.
pl advise, dentist charged me $1100 with insur. for a crown,on the phone they said $900 without insurance?
Is it normal that they charge you more if you have dental insurance than if you don't have it. In my chart from insurance conpany it says that crown should only cost me $165.00. My husband also went to the same dentis (his molar toth broke) and they told him that to remove that tooth with our insurance he will have to pay $1800.00 because insurance does not cover anestesia. Please advise if he really needs anast. and how to fight them againt those outraged prices
If I were you, I would get a 2nd opinion. And when doing so- Do not tell the dentist you are seeing about any of the prices you've already been quoted. The price $900.00 is about right for a crown, compared to my dental office (where I work). Let me tell you that $1800 for one tooth to be extracted is ridiculous!! It is more expensive with being put under with the anestesia. But if your husband is comfortable being at the dentist and he can handle being awake, I would advise him to go without the anestesia. Extracting a tooth doesn't take that long. Most of the time is used waiting on the numbess to settle in enough so he will feel no pain. I hope I helped!
If I were you, I would get a 2nd opinion. And when doing so- Do not tell the dentist you are seeing about any of the prices you've already been quoted. The price $900.00 is about right for a crown, compared to my dental office (where I work). Let me tell you that $1800 for one tooth to be extracted is ridiculous!! It is more expensive with being put under with the anestesia. But if your husband is comfortable being at the dentist and he can handle being awake, I would advise him to go without the anestesia. Extracting a tooth doesn't take that long. Most of the time is used waiting on the numbess to settle in enough so he will feel no pain. I hope I helped!
Insurance for braces?
My child will be needing braces soon, and with todays economy 4,000 - 8,000 is a great deal of money. Our dental plan does not cover Orthodontics, because they see it as cosmetic. Does anyone know of dental Insurance that helps to cover this cost? We are in NC, and BCBSNC has nothing.
I would encourage you to visit this site: I signed up online over 5 years ago now and they have saved me thousands. My braces only cost $2000 because of this great plan. All services are included in this very affordable plan. Root canals, xrays, exams, cleanings...etc. They even had my benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. Good luck.
I would encourage you to visit this site: I signed up online over 5 years ago now and they have saved me thousands. My braces only cost $2000 because of this great plan. All services are included in this very affordable plan. Root canals, xrays, exams, cleanings...etc. They even had my benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. Good luck.
dental xray on just one tooth? cost?
can i just get an xray on one of my tooth ? I dont have dental insurance so i dont wanna pay for a full mouth xray...if i could do that, how much would it cost?
In my office for a new patient it would cost $125.00. I know you say you can't afford the whole set, but just take note to remember this, without seeing what the condition of all your teeth are, the dentist may not be able to give you the best treatment options. If you intend to just tell him to pull it, then it is fine, but if you want it fixed, you might think about getting the full set. The reason being, your teeth are part of a set, and you need to make sure the set is good before you start fixing them one by one. For example: What if you have 10 other teeth in your mouth, that would require so much work done on them, that the price to fix your teeth would be enormous, or fixing them would just be a waste of time and money, because they were all in such bad shape. You wouldn't want him to do an extensive amount of work on that one tooth, only to discover later that alot of your teeth were in really bad shape, and you could have saved the money on that one, by knowing what was wrong with the others. That way you could have elected to put that money towards other teeth that might have been in better condition and cheaper to fix, instead of sinking all of it into just one tooth.
In my office for a new patient it would cost $125.00. I know you say you can't afford the whole set, but just take note to remember this, without seeing what the condition of all your teeth are, the dentist may not be able to give you the best treatment options. If you intend to just tell him to pull it, then it is fine, but if you want it fixed, you might think about getting the full set. The reason being, your teeth are part of a set, and you need to make sure the set is good before you start fixing them one by one. For example: What if you have 10 other teeth in your mouth, that would require so much work done on them, that the price to fix your teeth would be enormous, or fixing them would just be a waste of time and money, because they were all in such bad shape. You wouldn't want him to do an extensive amount of work on that one tooth, only to discover later that alot of your teeth were in really bad shape, and you could have saved the money on that one, by knowing what was wrong with the others. That way you could have elected to put that money towards other teeth that might have been in better condition and cheaper to fix, instead of sinking all of it into just one tooth.
dental advice please?
half of my tooth broke off yesterday and i wanted to know if it would be better to pull it or get it filled in, also which option is cheaper because i do ot have dental insurance. thanks :]
Without question it is ALWAYS better to save the tooth. When a tooth is extracted, it will cause the rest of your teeth to shift, the bone over the extraction site will slowly resorb (dissolve away), and the tooth or teeth immediately below will grow upwards (super erupt). All these changes will happen over a long period of time and will cause periodontal problems.
Without question it is ALWAYS better to save the tooth. When a tooth is extracted, it will cause the rest of your teeth to shift, the bone over the extraction site will slowly resorb (dissolve away), and the tooth or teeth immediately below will grow upwards (super erupt). All these changes will happen over a long period of time and will cause periodontal problems.
Humana Insurance?
I was wondering if this Humana Insurance is good? I need dental insurance but not quite sure which route to take, If anyone can inform me on good dental insurance Aenta, Delta Dental etc please leave a comment, thanks!
Humana is good company. If you not Medicare, they have good insure. For medicare they riased price this year for medicines. My aunt go from $10 month to 19 month for same thing. but if you not old, they can be good.
Humana is good company. If you not Medicare, they have good insure. For medicare they riased price this year for medicines. My aunt go from $10 month to 19 month for same thing. but if you not old, they can be good.
Do wealthier people have better health insurance than poorer people?
I am researching insurance, but do wealthier people have better insurance than poorer people? I went to a dentist and I have a few cavities and one tooth has to be extracted. The total dental bill isn't too much money for me. How do I afford a $3000 + tooth implant or two set bridge? . My parents can afford that, but I can't. Do cheap insurance plans cover $30000 + dental operations? I called a local insurance agent and he said $244.50/month insurance is the best he can do. That is way too much money for me. Ultimately, this is all my fault. I have not been to a dentist in 10years and I was unaware that I must visit a dentist every year.
Not always. Wealthier individuals can afford the $3000 + tooth implant while others cannot. It also depends on your job--my husband isn't wealthy by any means, but our insurance is wonderful.
Not always. Wealthier individuals can afford the $3000 + tooth implant while others cannot. It also depends on your job--my husband isn't wealthy by any means, but our insurance is wonderful.
Dental Bridge Costs?
I have to go to the oral surgeon tomorrow and get an impacted wisdom tooth cut out and one of my front teeth pulled. He suggested a bridge or an implant for the front tooth. Anybody have any ideas on how much a bridge would cost me, total, in NC? I have dental insurance that would pay half the cost. And do you know if a regular dentist can do it, or would I have to go to a specialist?
Hi Check out this link:… It is a comparison between a bridge and dental implants. Hope you find this helpful - good luck
Hi Check out this link:… It is a comparison between a bridge and dental implants. Hope you find this helpful - good luck
Dental Help!?
I am only 20 years old and I am very, very concerned about my teeth. My teeth are very hard to take care of in the first place, but I had a bad accident a few years ago in gymnastics and chipped a lot of my teeth, which have now turned to cavities or bigger gaps. I brush my teeth and floss and use the mouth wash that has been recommended to me by a former dentist. My job does not offer dental insurance, where can I get good dental insurance or find a decently priced dentist to help me with my problem? I've been told the work will cost close to $7,000.00 Please help, I want to be able to smile again!
Sometimes if there is a reputable dental school in your city they will offer free dental care or low cost dental care. Since it would be a dental/medical school all of the work is supervised and very closely monitored. It sounds like you need crowns and possibly orthodontic work. Best of luck to you.
Sometimes if there is a reputable dental school in your city they will offer free dental care or low cost dental care. Since it would be a dental/medical school all of the work is supervised and very closely monitored. It sounds like you need crowns and possibly orthodontic work. Best of luck to you.
what's better for extensive dental work small loan or credit card.?
Ok im 20 with poor credit, i need a lot of dental work done and i have no insurance. would it be easier to get a small loan or credit card?
Like stated above you can often workout some form of payment plan with dentist which can last for up to 2-3 yrs. I have personally done this with doctors in the past and they make the payment comfortable and on a date of your choosing. Otherwise you need to compare interst rates via the credit card and the small loan.
Like stated above you can often workout some form of payment plan with dentist which can last for up to 2-3 yrs. I have personally done this with doctors in the past and they make the payment comfortable and on a date of your choosing. Otherwise you need to compare interst rates via the credit card and the small loan.
A medical question regarding not having insurance?
I live in Austin Texas and need medical attention don't have barely any money to pay for expenses. I have thousands of dollars worth of unpaid medical bills and no insurance I try to pay them off as soon as I can but I can't pay it anytime soon. I have a problem on my leg and the more I work the more it hurts and causes more problems. Is there a way sort of like (this is for dental and vision that I know of) but for medical insurance where it is really cheap? I just got sent home from work today cuz this pallet just scraped me in the leg and I got alot of pain from it. It is a red wound that a few years back was wide open for the whole year of '05 from January to January it was severe open wound. They say it is cellulitis also with varicose veins. I am 29 years old, male. I don't know does anyone else know of this and if there is affordable insurance out there? Sorry it was really long but I do feel the need to ask?
One option is called a Health Savings Account Insurance Plan. You buy a policy with a high deductible, and you can put aside money into an account that is to be used only for medical expenses. That money is tax deductible, and some of the banks who offer these accounts will pay you interest on your money. It will probably get you a bigger refund on your taxes, and you can use that refund to pay some of your past medical bills. As for the immediate treatment of your injury, have you looked in your area for a free medical clinic? Is there a place where you can walk into an emergency room or acute care center and get treatment even if it means more bills? You don't want to lose your leg or the use of it because that will put you in further financial problems.
One option is called a Health Savings Account Insurance Plan. You buy a policy with a high deductible, and you can put aside money into an account that is to be used only for medical expenses. That money is tax deductible, and some of the banks who offer these accounts will pay you interest on your money. It will probably get you a bigger refund on your taxes, and you can use that refund to pay some of your past medical bills. As for the immediate treatment of your injury, have you looked in your area for a free medical clinic? Is there a place where you can walk into an emergency room or acute care center and get treatment even if it means more bills? You don't want to lose your leg or the use of it because that will put you in further financial problems.
whats the best health insurance?
im 20 and looking for health insurance vision and dental. what do you recommend. thanks for your feed back.
You should visit a local independent agent who works with all the major plans in your area. There are hundreds of plans available; the plan that's best for you may not be best for me. The agent can find the best plan for your situation and budget. Be very wary of medical discount cards like was suggested in a previous answer. They are not regulated by the Department of Insurance nor do the people that sell them need to be licensed. This means you have little recourse when you have problems with the plan. If you are tempted by the low price and claims of "save up to 80%" be aware that very few doctors actually take these cards. It does you little good if you have to drive 4 hours to find a doctor that will accept the card. Montana couldn't find any doctors in the whole state that actually took the card and only one dentist who was on probation for unlawful activities so they banned the sale of the card and fined the company. See this link… for more information. Many other states are starting to ban these cards as well. Before signing up with any discount plan get a list of doctors. If they won't give you a list consider it to be a scam. Call the doctors on the list to make sure they're still taking the card (many don't even know that they're listed as a provider) and that they're accepting new patients. Do not try to do this over the internet either. It'll take you several days to intelligently compare all the plans available. Also, if you have any pre-existing conditions that might add a rider to the policy or cause you to be declined or if you are out of the height and weight guidelines you won't know until you've applied and gone through the underwriting process.
You should visit a local independent agent who works with all the major plans in your area. There are hundreds of plans available; the plan that's best for you may not be best for me. The agent can find the best plan for your situation and budget. Be very wary of medical discount cards like was suggested in a previous answer. They are not regulated by the Department of Insurance nor do the people that sell them need to be licensed. This means you have little recourse when you have problems with the plan. If you are tempted by the low price and claims of "save up to 80%" be aware that very few doctors actually take these cards. It does you little good if you have to drive 4 hours to find a doctor that will accept the card. Montana couldn't find any doctors in the whole state that actually took the card and only one dentist who was on probation for unlawful activities so they banned the sale of the card and fined the company. See this link… for more information. Many other states are starting to ban these cards as well. Before signing up with any discount plan get a list of doctors. If they won't give you a list consider it to be a scam. Call the doctors on the list to make sure they're still taking the card (many don't even know that they're listed as a provider) and that they're accepting new patients. Do not try to do this over the internet either. It'll take you several days to intelligently compare all the plans available. Also, if you have any pre-existing conditions that might add a rider to the policy or cause you to be declined or if you are out of the height and weight guidelines you won't know until you've applied and gone through the underwriting process.
How did you straighten your teeth?
So I have an overjet. Although braces, and invaslign are an option, I can't consider them right now since they are costly and I have no dental insurance. This question goes out to the people who had a similiar dental problem, but the question is if they had bad teeth before, how did they fix it? Someone told me before that using your thumb to push them back will work......any other suggestions? Thanks!
Medical Discount Plan ideal for those who cannot afford or qualify for traditional health insurance. The companies offer discounted health services for a quite low monthly fee. Benefits include a range of discounts for doctors, hospitals, dental, vision, prescriptions, vitamins, as well as other health services. I am not gonna say that I am totally sure about the is really depending on the personal mind.thus it would better for you to try to find the best answer yourself.Here is a good resource for reference though.
Medical Discount Plan ideal for those who cannot afford or qualify for traditional health insurance. The companies offer discounted health services for a quite low monthly fee. Benefits include a range of discounts for doctors, hospitals, dental, vision, prescriptions, vitamins, as well as other health services. I am not gonna say that I am totally sure about the is really depending on the personal mind.thus it would better for you to try to find the best answer yourself.Here is a good resource for reference though.
Wisdom teeth & insurance ?s?
so i havent been to the dentist recently so i dont know where my wisdom teeth are but my jaw has been hurting/stiff the past few days and my neck. it kind of comes and goes so i was wondering if anyone else had this happen? my gums dont hurt but it feels like it could be closer to my jaw bone ....and i am 18. and my mom recently became unemployed so i had to go on government insurance unison (i live in pa) so idk if i have dental insurance or just heatlh
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here -
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here -
Dental wk. needed but person is a low income patient....?
Does have Humana but no dental insurance. Free clinic turned her down. She's getting desperate. Where or how can she get dental help.
Humana has a website... all your friend needs to do is type in her state and zip code, and a list of participating providers with Humana will come up... Best of luck to your friend~ :)
Humana has a website... all your friend needs to do is type in her state and zip code, and a list of participating providers with Humana will come up... Best of luck to your friend~ :)
HELP! need inexpensive dental care, can't live with this pain anymore!?
Mother was an alcoholic, so my teeth were bad from the start! At 19 yrs, had cancer, and the chemo destroyed what little I did have. At 44 yrs, I can't live without help. Never had dental insurance, can't afford the cost of repairs now, every minute of life is excruciating! Can someone help?
I had a friend who had the some of the same problems, all her teeth where rotted out, she needed all of them cut out and she could not afford to go to a dentist either. She found out that our local university had a dental clinic for the dentistry students to learn and practice. Well she went there and got all the work done cheap, they even set up a payment plan; she didn't need credit either because she does not have any. Worked out, she paid the payments took her about a year though. I would check there.
I had a friend who had the some of the same problems, all her teeth where rotted out, she needed all of them cut out and she could not afford to go to a dentist either. She found out that our local university had a dental clinic for the dentistry students to learn and practice. Well she went there and got all the work done cheap, they even set up a payment plan; she didn't need credit either because she does not have any. Worked out, she paid the payments took her about a year though. I would check there.
Cost of braces only for the bottom teeth?
I am fully aware that the cost of dental procedure varies depending on the dentist. But...If I were to have braces only for the 6 bottom front teeth, would I expect the cost to be about half of the typical estimate cost (=cost of braces which I find online)? Ex; i can look up the estimate cost of braces on my dental insurance provider's website. If it says like $5000, then if it's only the bottom teeth, could it be about the half of it?
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here -
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here -
Where can I find the best dental care?
I'm a foreigner living here and I need your advice I have a medical insurance in the following hospitals in Malaysia and I want to know which one has'got the best dental care and the best dentists as well 1-Ampang Puteri Specialist Hospital 2-Damansara Specialist Hospital 3-Selangor Medical Center 4-KPJ Kajang Specialist Hospital 5-Tawakal Hospital 6-Sentosa Medical Center and another question Are there Syrian or Lebanese Dentists?
I don't live in the area so unfortunately I can't be of help. But I do feel complied to tell you that not all Malaysians are like Living a Life, who doesn't even know that Lebanon and Syria are parts of Asia. *roll eyes* Whatever he just said, well seems like he is describing himself. Dont mind him. As a foreigner living on others' land, I understand how you may prefer to obtain services from people who have the same background as yourself. I do that a lot too :) But on the other hand, there is no harm of giving the local dentists a try. Some of them are trained overseas and do a terrific job :)
I don't live in the area so unfortunately I can't be of help. But I do feel complied to tell you that not all Malaysians are like Living a Life, who doesn't even know that Lebanon and Syria are parts of Asia. *roll eyes* Whatever he just said, well seems like he is describing himself. Dont mind him. As a foreigner living on others' land, I understand how you may prefer to obtain services from people who have the same background as yourself. I do that a lot too :) But on the other hand, there is no harm of giving the local dentists a try. Some of them are trained overseas and do a terrific job :)
I'm in dire need of 4 upper front teeth. No insurance. Help!!!?
Lost 4 top front teeth in a car accident. Is there any dental implants that can be done without dental insurance. No job yet and no insurance. I need help. Where can I get the help from?
What is your 'dire' need? If it is for a very very good reason, the government has a scheme where it can loan you the money. However, if you have no great reason (ie. if you're doing it purely for cosmetic reasons) then I'm afraid your out of luck. Plus, if you get insurance, for example, next month, then they will not cover the replacement cost of your teeth since the incident happened before you took out the policy. Was the crash your fault? If it wasn't you could sue the other driver for the cost of the implants. Hope this helped. You can email me (via the link in my profile) if you didn't understand any of this or need more help.
What is your 'dire' need? If it is for a very very good reason, the government has a scheme where it can loan you the money. However, if you have no great reason (ie. if you're doing it purely for cosmetic reasons) then I'm afraid your out of luck. Plus, if you get insurance, for example, next month, then they will not cover the replacement cost of your teeth since the incident happened before you took out the policy. Was the crash your fault? If it wasn't you could sue the other driver for the cost of the implants. Hope this helped. You can email me (via the link in my profile) if you didn't understand any of this or need more help.
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