the person is too old to get dental insurance from parents but still young. due to a medical problem she didnt know she had and then the treatment for it her teeth are in horrible shape and shes in a lot of pain. her saliva glands are messed up too from the treatment of her medical problem which made her teeth worse. all the dentists she tried to go to will not work with her about payments because even with insurance the dentist wont let her make reasonable payments to where she can still afford to live. the sliding scale clinics dont do the work that she needs done. thanks for any suggestions. it is very sad to me that they wont help her and would rather see her in pain than to work with affordable payments
-------------------- has a medical payment loan program
Friday, January 7, 2011
What is the best dental plan for large companies?
I work for a company that manufacutres dental products but my employer doesn't offer dental insurance for my family only employees. Employees have free exams & cleanings but have to pay 50% of any work done. My husband is in pain & my daughter needs cleanings. I want to approach my boss about looking into a plan for the company but I'm trying to do research on plans before I do so. When I started 10 yrs ago there was 10 of us. Now we are close to 70. I think it's time to offer dental & vision.
I'd would check either Metlife PPO or Delta Dental DPO or Premier; they're both good companies. Even Aflac which is a supplemental dental coverage.Remember that some policies have waiting periods and you have to wait for major work most of the time. Check with your dentist most of them have payment plans (Carecredit or CapitalOne) they offer one year free interest and very low monthly payments. Good Luck.
I'd would check either Metlife PPO or Delta Dental DPO or Premier; they're both good companies. Even Aflac which is a supplemental dental coverage.Remember that some policies have waiting periods and you have to wait for major work most of the time. Check with your dentist most of them have payment plans (Carecredit or CapitalOne) they offer one year free interest and very low monthly payments. Good Luck.
I am in severe pain, I dont have health/dental insurance I went to the dentist fri/ and today?
I was prescribed tylonol 3 with codeine friday I have been taking that with pennecilin, its not working. I went back to the otral surgeon today he says he cannot pull my teeth untill I take more pencillin . I am and extreme amount of pain my throat is on fire, my head feels like im having a stroke, my ear is aching what is going on he gave me vicoden prescription today this is not helping me either If I go to the er are they going to be able to help me or will I be paying thousands for nothing. I am really feeling suicidal right now I am a married mother of four.
maybe your body hasn't been on the antibiotic long enough for the infection to heal, it does take up to 5 days for some results to kick in. Try just taking aleve without the codeine and see if that helps, it should. the er will not be able to help you. the only thing is holding up the tooth removal is the infection. He cannot do anything as long as the infection is there. As soon as the swelling goes down this is a sign that the antiboitic is working. If the swelling is still there after 3 days than ask your doctor to give you keflex, this antiboitic is for upper infections and you can even drink milk with it. I say this because I am allergic to penicillin and I had to have all my teeth removed and this worked very very well for me. But you make sure that you go to the dentist now, cause with a infection in your mouth can cause, heartattack, stoke and blood disease. Once I had my teeth remove I was able to have a child and I am 46 years old, the infection affects your body in all kinds of ways, take care of this immediately.
maybe your body hasn't been on the antibiotic long enough for the infection to heal, it does take up to 5 days for some results to kick in. Try just taking aleve without the codeine and see if that helps, it should. the er will not be able to help you. the only thing is holding up the tooth removal is the infection. He cannot do anything as long as the infection is there. As soon as the swelling goes down this is a sign that the antiboitic is working. If the swelling is still there after 3 days than ask your doctor to give you keflex, this antiboitic is for upper infections and you can even drink milk with it. I say this because I am allergic to penicillin and I had to have all my teeth removed and this worked very very well for me. But you make sure that you go to the dentist now, cause with a infection in your mouth can cause, heartattack, stoke and blood disease. Once I had my teeth remove I was able to have a child and I am 46 years old, the infection affects your body in all kinds of ways, take care of this immediately.
About how much does it cost to get a dental check up and work done on a cavity without insurance, please help?
My Fiancee is having major tooth pain, one of his molars has a huge cavity in it and it goes clear down to the root. He really needs to see a dentist, but heres the problem. He doesn't have benefits yet through his work, he has to wait 2 more months to get them but he can't wait that long because hes losing sleep over the pain in his mouth and he doesn't want the problem to get worse. Anyways, About how much would it cost to get a check up along with the work done, he will eather need a filling or maybe even a crown. Keep in mind he doesn't have insurance.
I have a great dental plan! It is not Insurance but a great discount plan! Save anywhere from 50% to 80% on most services and even 25% when you have to go to a specialist. This plan does have their own providers but a very broad selection. Once you enroll for the plan within 24 hours you are issued a member id # so right away you can begin using the plan. Just to give you an example of the savings recently I went to the dentist and had an exam, x-rays, teeth cleaning and some polishing, my total bill came out to $197 but I only paid $59, so I save $138 bucks on that one visit! The plan is only $11.95 a month for an individual or $19.95 a month for household. You also get 3 additional benefits free with the plan vision, RX, & chiropractic! I don't know if this is what you are looking for but at least you will be able to save money on whatever dental services you need. Get more information at:… At this same website you will be able to find out what dental providers are in your area that accepts this plan, just click on the tab that says Locate a provider. Let me know if you can't locate the website or have some questions!
I have a great dental plan! It is not Insurance but a great discount plan! Save anywhere from 50% to 80% on most services and even 25% when you have to go to a specialist. This plan does have their own providers but a very broad selection. Once you enroll for the plan within 24 hours you are issued a member id # so right away you can begin using the plan. Just to give you an example of the savings recently I went to the dentist and had an exam, x-rays, teeth cleaning and some polishing, my total bill came out to $197 but I only paid $59, so I save $138 bucks on that one visit! The plan is only $11.95 a month for an individual or $19.95 a month for household. You also get 3 additional benefits free with the plan vision, RX, & chiropractic! I don't know if this is what you are looking for but at least you will be able to save money on whatever dental services you need. Get more information at:… At this same website you will be able to find out what dental providers are in your area that accepts this plan, just click on the tab that says Locate a provider. Let me know if you can't locate the website or have some questions!
What can i do for a toothache and no dental insurance?
recently on april 24th or so a molar started hurting and i brushed it and it went and then a week later it returned and i did the same thing and it went away for a day and i brushed it and it went away again and then the very next day sunday i brushed it and it went away for a few minutes to an hour or so and then returned and i repeated stuff and still no luck and then i went to bed with garlic in the spot where the Original filling had been and that worked for several hours but then after i decided to brush the tooth the pain mildly returned and it then goes up and down on the pain scale. originally when the tooth was filled it was filled but had been chipped after being filled cause it always felt like something was stuck in between the teeth but then over time the filling started to break away as well as what was left of the outer parts of the teeth the white parts. and then it stayed that way for several months until just about a week or so ago. i don't have dental insurance or any insurance and cant afford any right now. i don't know what i can do to fix this i have tried remedies that people say to do and they work ok but then when i do brush several hours after doing the remedy it seems to be ok a little bit but then the ache is there but not enough to cause sever pain or anything. sometimes when i eat with the bad tooth also it works ok but i end up hurting later anyway or sometimes not at all.what can i do? how do i go about getting the fix done without having to pay or pay out the roof.
I'll give you one guess ... it involves a shoe lace and a door knob. If you know what I mean and I think you do
I'll give you one guess ... it involves a shoe lace and a door knob. If you know what I mean and I think you do
dental insurance??does anyone know of any cheap/good plans?
I have to get 2 root canals and i dont have any insurance right now,and it costs 2,000 that i dont have.does anyone know of any cheap but good plans???please any help will be great!thanks
Hi! I just used It was great. You just have to make sure before you buyit that the dentist accepts it. Sometimes the website isn't up to date. Mine did. I had to have 3 teeth pulled. It cost me right around $345. Without they wanted to charge me like $580. So I paid $100 for the plan and then saved a little over $200. I have to go back for other things too so I will save way more in the long run. I did ALOT of research before I bought it and I think It worked great for me Now keep in mind it isn't INSURANCE it is a savings plan. Make sure to ask dentist what price is with and with out it! I did, but my dentist was outstanding so they were very honest with me. I just had it done I feel your pain!
Hi! I just used It was great. You just have to make sure before you buyit that the dentist accepts it. Sometimes the website isn't up to date. Mine did. I had to have 3 teeth pulled. It cost me right around $345. Without they wanted to charge me like $580. So I paid $100 for the plan and then saved a little over $200. I have to go back for other things too so I will save way more in the long run. I did ALOT of research before I bought it and I think It worked great for me Now keep in mind it isn't INSURANCE it is a savings plan. Make sure to ask dentist what price is with and with out it! I did, but my dentist was outstanding so they were very honest with me. I just had it done I feel your pain!
is there any way i can get my dental insurance to cover at least part of my cosmetic dentistry?
in 15, and when i was 14 had braces for like 1 year, and thanks to poor judgement of the dentist, my teeth snapped back to their original horrible shape. I have a slight buckness on my top teeth, and a gap in my 2 front teeth. my bottom teeth are fine. How can i get dental insurance to cover this?! I mean they covered part of braces, and I'm doing this as an alternative to braces, so its really being done for the same use. I really just want a nice smile :(
-------------------- - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
-------------------- - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
Is there a good health insurance for college students?
I am a sophomore in college and have not had health or dental insurance since I was a little kid. I can't be on my mom's insurance cause the price will sky rocket. I have a part time job so I don't get health benefits at work. Is there some type of health insurance that has good coverage but also doesn't cost too much since I don't make too much?
I recommend you this site where you can compare quotes so you can find the best option for you
I recommend you this site where you can compare quotes so you can find the best option for you
Please !!What should be the right behavior of my secondary dental insurance(Premera blue cross)?
I have two dental insurances: Primary is Delta insurance which will cover 80% of total. Secondary isPrem eraa Blue Cross which will cover 85% of total. While their allowable amount for each service is different.\ Say I have two services done and the doctor charge 600 of each.Total charges billed by my dentist=1200 For Delta(Primary): the allowed amount is 500 each, then it will pay 500*80%+500*80%= 800. The remaining is 1000-800=200. For Premera: the allowed amount is 550 for the first service and 450 for the second service. It will pay 550-400=140? 480-400=80? Total paid to my dentist =220 > the remaining amount asked by my first insurance??? Is that the correct way? If this is correct, what if my secondary insurace's allowable amount is only 400 each. Then it won't pay my dentist any more. Who will responsible for the remaining 200??? Will the dentist bill me? Please help me !! I think it's ridiculous for Premera, because they use their allowable amount (which could be higher or lower than Delta) as a total. So it end up overpay the doctor or pay less. It won't pay exact the remaining amount unless its allowed amount is same as the primary one.
Assuming you have no deductible with either plan, for the first service, your primary coverage will pay 80% of $500, or $400, leaving you to pay $100. Your secondary carrier would pay up to 85% of $550, or $467, minus what your primary paid - so they pay $67. You will have to pay $83 - the difference between the allowable and what was covered. For the second service, same thing - Primary pays $400, leaving a balance for you to pay of $100. Secondary won't pay anything, because their payable amount is under your primary payment. Although your goal was probably to not pay anything out of pocket, it doesn't work that way in the real world - you still have to pay. In this case, your dentist is going to bill you for $183 - which is how much you will owe.
Assuming you have no deductible with either plan, for the first service, your primary coverage will pay 80% of $500, or $400, leaving you to pay $100. Your secondary carrier would pay up to 85% of $550, or $467, minus what your primary paid - so they pay $67. You will have to pay $83 - the difference between the allowable and what was covered. For the second service, same thing - Primary pays $400, leaving a balance for you to pay of $100. Secondary won't pay anything, because their payable amount is under your primary payment. Although your goal was probably to not pay anything out of pocket, it doesn't work that way in the real world - you still have to pay. In this case, your dentist is going to bill you for $183 - which is how much you will owe.
what insurance wlll cover dental and vision on medicare? WHAT is a spend down?
hosp stay and life support was covered by medicare. Medicare Said i have part d and they covered more . So how can i get my teeth pulled or some help on dental and vision ? and what is a spend down ? A letter came and it says i have 155.00 paid for the month of june so i should be covered right ??
-------------------- - here is my health insurance plan. As I remember they can provide such a service.
-------------------- - here is my health insurance plan. As I remember they can provide such a service.
Is there a good health insurance for college students?
I am a sophomore in college and have not had health or dental insurance since I was a little girl. I can't be on my mom's insurance cause the price will sky rocket. I have a part time job so I don't get health benefits at work. Is there some type of health insurance that has good coverage but also doesn't cost too much since I don't make too much?
I've never had any sort of insurance before either and I'm not sure how the insurance would work where you live but I'll use my own as an example. I have all-type insurance (same amount for loss of life, limbs, eyes etc) of a £7,500 ($11,868) payout to give you an idea.
I've never had any sort of insurance before either and I'm not sure how the insurance would work where you live but I'll use my own as an example. I have all-type insurance (same amount for loss of life, limbs, eyes etc) of a £7,500 ($11,868) payout to give you an idea.
Why does my dental cost more than my medical insurance?
TO me they are the same if you cant eat properly you get sick and it costs more!
possess as much information as you could maybe is one of the options,however it is quite time consuming,here is the resource i have ever had good experience.
possess as much information as you could maybe is one of the options,however it is quite time consuming,here is the resource i have ever had good experience.
Dental insurance question?
I live in the State of Washington and my employer does not offer Dental insurance until march 2010 . I need a root canal and extraction done on a few teeth it's at the emergency level . Is it possibly to purchase an individual plan from some insurance company just so I can get in the door . 99% of dentists won't even talk to you without insurance and I don't blame them . I don't care if I end up paying 1000's of dollars I just need to get the work done does anyone know an insurance like this and if so will generally a dentist accept it and do the work and take payments ? Sorry if this makes little sense im in a lot of pain .
I would encourage you to visit this great website: I signed up online over 5 years ago and they have saved me thousands of dollars on all of my dental needs. From extractions, xrays, fillings, root canals...etc. They even had my very affordable benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use them the very same day. Good luck and Hope this helps
I would encourage you to visit this great website: I signed up online over 5 years ago and they have saved me thousands of dollars on all of my dental needs. From extractions, xrays, fillings, root canals...etc. They even had my very affordable benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use them the very same day. Good luck and Hope this helps
Dental insurance question?
My mom just quit her job to start a new one, so I've my health/dental insurance. My teeth are really bad, and need to be worked on ASAP. But I have no insurance... Does anyone know how my mom would go about getting insurance for me? I'm still a minor if that means anything.... and I live in Pennsylvania as well.
you could apply for medicaid if your income is low check out medicaid site in your state. if not there are dental plans that are cheap like 12 monthly like ameriplan that give big discounts especially if you need expensive dental work like crowns periodontal treatment or any expensive procedures
you could apply for medicaid if your income is low check out medicaid site in your state. if not there are dental plans that are cheap like 12 monthly like ameriplan that give big discounts especially if you need expensive dental work like crowns periodontal treatment or any expensive procedures
Should I find my own dental payment plan or better to do it thru dentist?
Its been ages since I've been to the dentist & need to go asap. I have no doubt that the cost will exceed $4000. I don't have dental insurance. Ive seen dental plans offered online that discount the payments. But does the rest have to be paid that day? Or maybe I should try & work out payments thru the dentists office?
Medical Discount Plan ideal for those who cannot afford or qualify for traditional health insurance. The companies offer discounted health services for a quite low monthly fee. Benefits include a range of discounts for doctors, hospitals, dental, vision, prescriptions, vitamins, as well as other health services. Individual & Family Health Plans This is a major health insurance plan for individuals and families. If you are looking for comprehensive long term health insurance coverage for yourself and/or your family members who are 62 years old or younger - this is the plan to choose. Short Term Medical Plans This plan is ideal for individuals in transition. Maybe you have just graduated from college and are no longer covered under your student health insurance or you moved out on your own, and you're no longer covered under your parents' medical insurance plan. Or perhaps you're employed part-time, going to school, leaving home for the first time, or even retiring early. Maybe you've found a new job, but your new employer's group health insurance plan won't kick in until you've been with months. YOu are not the only person who have ever met this kind of problem,I met this type of problem before.I have good experience here to solve the problem.
Medical Discount Plan ideal for those who cannot afford or qualify for traditional health insurance. The companies offer discounted health services for a quite low monthly fee. Benefits include a range of discounts for doctors, hospitals, dental, vision, prescriptions, vitamins, as well as other health services. Individual & Family Health Plans This is a major health insurance plan for individuals and families. If you are looking for comprehensive long term health insurance coverage for yourself and/or your family members who are 62 years old or younger - this is the plan to choose. Short Term Medical Plans This plan is ideal for individuals in transition. Maybe you have just graduated from college and are no longer covered under your student health insurance or you moved out on your own, and you're no longer covered under your parents' medical insurance plan. Or perhaps you're employed part-time, going to school, leaving home for the first time, or even retiring early. Maybe you've found a new job, but your new employer's group health insurance plan won't kick in until you've been with months. YOu are not the only person who have ever met this kind of problem,I met this type of problem before.I have good experience here to solve the problem.
How much will it cost to remove a wisdom tooth without insurance?
I'm a stay at home mom married to a graduate student, so we have no dental insurance. I have one wisdom tooth that I think I need removed, however. How much cash will I need to fork over to get it removed?
I am going off the prices at my office in Alaska...... The examination will cost approx. 100.00 The xray will cost about 35.00 or they may take a panoramic xray which is more likely for a wisdom which is 120.00- 150.00 The extraction itself ( if it is what would be considered a simple extraction) 200.00 But quite a few extractions are underneath the gum and considered to be impacted so that runs 300.00 or greater The doctor will need to examine you before he can tell you what type of extraction you will need and if he can do it in his office. About 35% of the time the patient will need to be referred to an oral surgeon (specialist).Then these prices are all greatly exaggerated!!!!! I hope this gives you an idea
I am going off the prices at my office in Alaska...... The examination will cost approx. 100.00 The xray will cost about 35.00 or they may take a panoramic xray which is more likely for a wisdom which is 120.00- 150.00 The extraction itself ( if it is what would be considered a simple extraction) 200.00 But quite a few extractions are underneath the gum and considered to be impacted so that runs 300.00 or greater The doctor will need to examine you before he can tell you what type of extraction you will need and if he can do it in his office. About 35% of the time the patient will need to be referred to an oral surgeon (specialist).Then these prices are all greatly exaggerated!!!!! I hope this gives you an idea
Paying for Houses, medical & dental insurance,moving, education, child care, and much more. Why is that?
I have been living in Japan and see a lot of our tax dollars going for some luxury items in the military bases here. Did you know we are giving housing allowances to people who do not want to live on a base? It goes pretty high $1200.00 a month. Why are military people living here in a resort life style, bases have a host of restaurants, private golf courses, private marina, tons of sport activities, cable TV, schools and day care for kids. I always thought of servicemen being lonely overseas, well they are not they have their wholes family with them and living pretty well. You can not find in the private sector benefits like they are getting here. Remember that we are paying for all this with tax dollars. I get to see the military channel on my TV by mistake, and if you could see it I think you would be as shocked as I to see all that is going on here. I am sure this is the case with all the bases all over the world. We should have this all investigated and accounted for by our government,agree?
Yes!! but how?
Yes!! but how?
Where can i get low cost or free dental work ?
I work very hard, but dont have any dental insurance. My teeth need major work. I would love to smile again. I work in sales and my confidence it low. My little boy passed away last summer and my self esteme is very low. It would help me a great deal to get my teeth fixed. I can make payments and would love for someone to answer my prayers. Thank you.
First of all, my prayers are with you and your family. The death of a child can be extremely dibilating emotionally, physically and mentally. I do pray that your 'spirit' is being refreshed daily in the memory of your son and the friendship of those who love you. Secondly, the suggestion of colleges in your area that have medical/dental schools is a giant help. Also, check with Family Services agencies in your area. They have listings of medical and dental facilitators who are willing to help at a discount rate, and/or allow you to make payments. Finally, I hope you are associated with a local community church. I have found that one of the benefits of belonging to a community of spiritual believers, many within the congregation have the abiltity to help. Your pastor or spiritual advisor should be able to help you with the dental issue as well as helping you and your family move toward a stronger position of confidence and assurance in dealing with your son's demise. My prayers are with you this day.
First of all, my prayers are with you and your family. The death of a child can be extremely dibilating emotionally, physically and mentally. I do pray that your 'spirit' is being refreshed daily in the memory of your son and the friendship of those who love you. Secondly, the suggestion of colleges in your area that have medical/dental schools is a giant help. Also, check with Family Services agencies in your area. They have listings of medical and dental facilitators who are willing to help at a discount rate, and/or allow you to make payments. Finally, I hope you are associated with a local community church. I have found that one of the benefits of belonging to a community of spiritual believers, many within the congregation have the abiltity to help. Your pastor or spiritual advisor should be able to help you with the dental issue as well as helping you and your family move toward a stronger position of confidence and assurance in dealing with your son's demise. My prayers are with you this day.
How long is insurance effective after you leave a job?
I put my one week notice in. Im working this thurs and sat, sat being the last day. I want to take advantage of dental insurance while i still have it. Can I get a cavity filled in this week and still be fine?
It depends upon the company and your employer, but most commonly when you leave a job the insurance will terminate either the day you leave or the last day of the month you leave.
It depends upon the company and your employer, but most commonly when you leave a job the insurance will terminate either the day you leave or the last day of the month you leave.
I'm in need of good dental insurance. Any suggestions?
I'm not covered by my employer, so far individual rates look pricey. Thanks!
Look into Blue Shield/Blue Cross...they have pretty good rates. For a family of four it was $43/month - after your on the plan for 6 months everything is completely covered.
Look into Blue Shield/Blue Cross...they have pretty good rates. For a family of four it was $43/month - after your on the plan for 6 months everything is completely covered.
How does an 18 year old about to be a full time student, get dental insurance?
the last time i saw a dentist was 2001. I know i have some serious problems, my teeth hurt a lot. But my parents don't make much and they don't have jobs were they get insurance. Im a senior in high school and plan to go to either community college or a university in the fall depending on how my grants go for college. But right now i really need to see a dentist before it gets worse, and i can tell it is. I cant even find dental insurance online ill i can seem to find is info about discount savings i want a good plan to cover alot of the work ill need i cant afford to pay up front. please help!
What university will you go to? Some colleges will have group health insurance rates for students. It all depends on were you go. I buy health insurance with a group rate for all college students in the University of Hawaii system. It only costs $724 for the semester. That is cheap. IT does not include dental though. Where you go to school may be different, they may have dental, maybe not. If you go to a University with a school for dentists, sometimes students can go there real cheap. You would have a student dentist working with an instructor. They would be learning on your teeth.
What university will you go to? Some colleges will have group health insurance rates for students. It all depends on were you go. I buy health insurance with a group rate for all college students in the University of Hawaii system. It only costs $724 for the semester. That is cheap. IT does not include dental though. Where you go to school may be different, they may have dental, maybe not. If you go to a University with a school for dentists, sometimes students can go there real cheap. You would have a student dentist working with an instructor. They would be learning on your teeth.
What will my dentist do if I have impacted wisdom teeth and no dental coverage till next year?
I am in a lot of pain. One of my impacted wisdom teeth is trying to erupt. My dental insurance will not cover anything until May of next year. I am having a sharp, shooting pain in my head and ear- it has been going on for days and is hardly tolerable. Is there ANYTHING the dentist can do to help me? I am pretty much broke so I can't pay on my own- but I don't think I can wait until May for help with this issue.
It looks like you are pretty stuck. They can not do work and not be paid. They won't do work and bill later with a different date beucase that is considered insurance fraud. You might have to find out if they will let you do a pyamnet plan, or go an apply for credit thourgh their office for a dental credit card. Wisdom teeth are painful and can cause pressure and pain that hurts your mouth, your ears and your sinuses. Everything is close together and connected. I am sorry you hurt so much. Try some Tylenol and warm compresses for now and swich with some warm salt water when you think of it as well. I know how you feel, I have been in the same situation! I hope all goes well for you!
It looks like you are pretty stuck. They can not do work and not be paid. They won't do work and bill later with a different date beucase that is considered insurance fraud. You might have to find out if they will let you do a pyamnet plan, or go an apply for credit thourgh their office for a dental credit card. Wisdom teeth are painful and can cause pressure and pain that hurts your mouth, your ears and your sinuses. Everything is close together and connected. I am sorry you hurt so much. Try some Tylenol and warm compresses for now and swich with some warm salt water when you think of it as well. I know how you feel, I have been in the same situation! I hope all goes well for you!
Pre-existing condition / Diabetes for Group Health/Dental Insurance?
The last time I saw my doctor for my Type 2 diabetes in the U.S. was in August, 2003. I went overseas soon after that and didn't come back until recently (I didn't have coverage during this whole time). I just got a job which offers group health insurance, does my diabetes counts as pre-existing condition. (I'm choosing a BCBS PPO plan), and can they impose exclusion period? I live in Pennsylvania, and according to my research, Group health plans in PA can count as pre-existing conditions only those for which you actually received (or were recommended to receive) a diagnosis, treatment or medical advice within the 6 months immediately before you joined that plan. So it appears to be that I should have no problem if I go to see my doctor for my diabetes right after my policy become effective on Jan. 1st, 2008, right? I want to make sure. Similarly, I had dental surgery for gum problems in 2002, will my group dental plan look back 6 month only? Thanks for your answer
If you have diabetes you've had "treatment" for the past 6 months, even if it was just diet to control your blood sugar. So yes, the insurance company will consider that a pre-existing condition. Also, if you have any type of health condition, even if you haven't had any treatment, it is still considered a pre-existing condition. However, it also depends upon the BCBS group plan. Group plans can be tailored in any way (unless it's contrary to state law) so the only way to know is to contact the insurance company or your company HR department.
If you have diabetes you've had "treatment" for the past 6 months, even if it was just diet to control your blood sugar. So yes, the insurance company will consider that a pre-existing condition. Also, if you have any type of health condition, even if you haven't had any treatment, it is still considered a pre-existing condition. However, it also depends upon the BCBS group plan. Group plans can be tailored in any way (unless it's contrary to state law) so the only way to know is to contact the insurance company or your company HR department.
HELP!! Emergency dental issue.. I cracked a front tooth right down the middle & no insurance!PLEASE HELP!?
Somebody please be my guardian angel here! any help at all is much appreciated.. i'm in tears and a sitting duck at this point.......... i'm a ft student, don't have dental insurance, and am supporting myself as best i can. I drank a lot of soda as a kid and long story short, i have quite a few cavities. I brush, floss & waterpik daily but I guess the damage had been done. My tooth right behind my canine, or maybe it is my canine (not sure) got a cavity right in the center of it and even with me caring for it daily has grown and grown to literally become what can only be described as a hollow tooth I guess. Well this morning while eating it finally cracked, of course the half that fell away was the front part of the tooth. Now it looks like i'm missing a tooth entirely. =* ( I don't have insurance, and barely have the money to get by day to day. I work and go to school full time. I'm hysterical and desperate... ANY advice, suggestions, ideas, ANYTHING anyone can offer is GREATLY appreciated. I'm only 24 and i'm lost on this one. Forget smiling, even when im just talking you can see it clear as day. =* ( I live in the greater los angeles area, can anyone point me in the right direction? I'm seriously desperate. Thank you for taking the time to read this, either way. please, ANYTHING!
Go to a local dentist and schedule an appt, they will tell you everything that is wrong or that you need to fix and you should be able to set up a payment plan. Make sure that the dentist that you pick sets up payment plans before scheduling the appt. Most dentists do, so you should not have a problem.
Go to a local dentist and schedule an appt, they will tell you everything that is wrong or that you need to fix and you should be able to set up a payment plan. Make sure that the dentist that you pick sets up payment plans before scheduling the appt. Most dentists do, so you should not have a problem.
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