Cause americans are superficial bastards =) Thumbs down!
Monday, January 24, 2011
how come military familes have to co pay insurance, dental , glasses etc....?
I mean my husband is in the military we have to co pay for eye wear because I do not live near a base but he WORKS for the government. But all the things we co pay for people on welfare get for free. 100% of dental 100% eye wear all that but when I need glasses I only got my exam for free had to pay for my eye wear. this is crazy..... Welfare gets help with child care but Military with a working spouses get no daycare help unless you live on base. I cant live on base because i live in Oregon and have medical issues that I have been withone doctor through it but even if I lived in Lejeune where he is stationed I would have the same issue almost
Good grief. Army wife here. You need an attitude adjustment. You have such a misguided sense of entitlement! Just because your husband is military doesnt mean that you get everything for free. Think of alllll those things you get for discounts just because of your husbands service. Commissary and PX privileges, good insurance coverage, dental coverage, housing allowance. If you cant afford the copays and glasses, well tell husband to get an AER loan. If you have Prime coverage you shouldnt have copays unless you went to doctors without a referral from your PCM. There are people who are paid by the military to just sit and wait for a phone call from YOU with a problem so they can try to FIX IT. There is a thing called CHAIN OF COMMAND that fields calls from wives with problems, and try to FIX THEM. Do you think employers in the civilian world give a RIP about your problems??? NO THEY DONT!!! I PROMISE they dont. Just because you dont live on a military installation doesnt mean you dont receive those benefits. That is your choice to live in Oregon. I am pretty sure there are doctors close to where your husband is that can treat you. You may have to travel a little, but at least you will be close to your husband....unless you dont want to be near your husband? And as far as the stress of deployments, well, SUCK IT UP! Deployments are a sure thing, they arent going away. So if you dont like the fact that you dont get free eyeglasses and your husband deploys, then divorce him. Good grief why does it bother you for him to deploy? You are apart from him now anyway! And YOU are stressed? How about HIM? You ever think of anyone besides yourself? You have better dental and medical coverage than civilians. Know how I know? Because I have BEEN ONE!! It is wives like you that give US a bad name. Be thankful for what you have and be thankful for a husband who provides for you with his dedicated service.
Good grief. Army wife here. You need an attitude adjustment. You have such a misguided sense of entitlement! Just because your husband is military doesnt mean that you get everything for free. Think of alllll those things you get for discounts just because of your husbands service. Commissary and PX privileges, good insurance coverage, dental coverage, housing allowance. If you cant afford the copays and glasses, well tell husband to get an AER loan. If you have Prime coverage you shouldnt have copays unless you went to doctors without a referral from your PCM. There are people who are paid by the military to just sit and wait for a phone call from YOU with a problem so they can try to FIX IT. There is a thing called CHAIN OF COMMAND that fields calls from wives with problems, and try to FIX THEM. Do you think employers in the civilian world give a RIP about your problems??? NO THEY DONT!!! I PROMISE they dont. Just because you dont live on a military installation doesnt mean you dont receive those benefits. That is your choice to live in Oregon. I am pretty sure there are doctors close to where your husband is that can treat you. You may have to travel a little, but at least you will be close to your husband....unless you dont want to be near your husband? And as far as the stress of deployments, well, SUCK IT UP! Deployments are a sure thing, they arent going away. So if you dont like the fact that you dont get free eyeglasses and your husband deploys, then divorce him. Good grief why does it bother you for him to deploy? You are apart from him now anyway! And YOU are stressed? How about HIM? You ever think of anyone besides yourself? You have better dental and medical coverage than civilians. Know how I know? Because I have BEEN ONE!! It is wives like you that give US a bad name. Be thankful for what you have and be thankful for a husband who provides for you with his dedicated service.
Does regular health insurance pay to get wisdom teeth cut out?
My mother said that you dont have to have dental insurance to get wisdom teeth cut out, regular health insurance should cover. How can i find out for sure? Call my ins. company?
Call your insurance company. The oral surgeons where I got my teeth done won't accept any insurance, but they WILL help you fill out the forms so you can file to get reimbursed. I know my insurance company wouldn't have reimbursed us if I didn't get all four teeth done, so just double check with them first.
Call your insurance company. The oral surgeons where I got my teeth done won't accept any insurance, but they WILL help you fill out the forms so you can file to get reimbursed. I know my insurance company wouldn't have reimbursed us if I didn't get all four teeth done, so just double check with them first.
I have dental insurance...could that help me out with lumineers?
How much will they cost, estimate...?
You need to find out if your insurance covers it, so call them. Also need to call a dentist that will do it, you have to make phone calls. You need yellow pages not, Y answers.
You need to find out if your insurance covers it, so call them. Also need to call a dentist that will do it, you have to make phone calls. You need yellow pages not, Y answers.
HELP! how much does dental insurance cost?
I have medical now. I'm getting alot of my molars pulled out and dumb medical wont cover any kind of fake teeth! What should I do??????????
Are you paying for your own insurance? My parents were spending 100$ a month for mine.
Are you paying for your own insurance? My parents were spending 100$ a month for mine.
who has the best dental insurance?
i need private personal good coverage in colorado
It depends on the plan you purchase. Insurance companies offer an array of different plans. I have found that patients who purchase their own private dental plans end up paying more for the insurance than what the insurance company pays out. So it is generally not worth it. Remember that insurance companies are in business to make a profit.
It depends on the plan you purchase. Insurance companies offer an array of different plans. I have found that patients who purchase their own private dental plans end up paying more for the insurance than what the insurance company pays out. So it is generally not worth it. Remember that insurance companies are in business to make a profit.
Lost job...cant afford insurance my son needs braces off but need to have low price on removal?
I dont have the dental insurance that I used to have due to layoff. My son needs to have his braces taken off and start again. How do I get them off inexpensivley and quickly?
There are lots of people that have been laid-off and are being led to believe that they have no options if they can't afford insurance and are not poor enough to qualify for financial assistance! On the contrary... There is such a thing called consumer-driven-healthcare organizations where you can get on a family medical and/or dental plans for as low as $19.95/month. These are great alternatives for people who don't want to pay full retail price on procedures they may need! The great thing about these plans is that you don't have high premiums, no deductibles, no co-pays, NO WAITING periods to be eligible and cosmetic dentistry like teeth whitening and braces are included. For braces you get around 50% off and that's significant seeing as how the prices for braces run in the thousands! My niece needed braces after her invisalign and looked for a provider in her area and was able to make some phone calls and found a dentist that allowed her to put her part on payments! Go to and locate a provider link, type in your zip code to see how many docs are in your area. If interested in enrolling email me @ and I can answer any questions or set-up a telephone appointment. Good Luck!
There are lots of people that have been laid-off and are being led to believe that they have no options if they can't afford insurance and are not poor enough to qualify for financial assistance! On the contrary... There is such a thing called consumer-driven-healthcare organizations where you can get on a family medical and/or dental plans for as low as $19.95/month. These are great alternatives for people who don't want to pay full retail price on procedures they may need! The great thing about these plans is that you don't have high premiums, no deductibles, no co-pays, NO WAITING periods to be eligible and cosmetic dentistry like teeth whitening and braces are included. For braces you get around 50% off and that's significant seeing as how the prices for braces run in the thousands! My niece needed braces after her invisalign and looked for a provider in her area and was able to make some phone calls and found a dentist that allowed her to put her part on payments! Go to and locate a provider link, type in your zip code to see how many docs are in your area. If interested in enrolling email me @ and I can answer any questions or set-up a telephone appointment. Good Luck!
hi friends, you know, i need medical and dental insurance for me and my husband are low income?
here in san antonio texas. other then (carelink) our age is 50 yr. old. we don't have dependents, our kids are grown, except grand children that are living we us, my daughter, the mother of two babies is getting ssi for herself and she's not married. those are our only dependants. they are receiving medicated. but us, we can not be going to the emergency every time we get sick, i hate not paying what i owe. please help me find a less expensive health insurance plant. thank you so much. god bless you!
-------------------- - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
-------------------- - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
Is there any way I can get dental work done in Iowa with no income or dental insurance?
I haven't worked for the past year. The local low-income dental clinic has been giving me the run around for a few months now. They need proof that I haven't worked for the past year, but the IRS and Social Security can't give me anything proving this until June or July at the earliest. The dental clinic is now telling me that I have to file taxes saying I didn't work. Then I have to wait for the IRS to send me back something saying they agree I didn't work. I've been missing a filling that is 1/3 of my tooth since October and now it's starting to hurt all the time. So how can I get this taken care of if the local low-income clinic won't help me?
If there is a college with a dental school nearby you can get treatment for your tooth there without any paperwork or income qualifictions. The dental schools will take everyone without any qualifying and no or almost no charge. Make some calls and see what you can find out. Here is a link for the University of Iowa Dental School for patients:…
If there is a college with a dental school nearby you can get treatment for your tooth there without any paperwork or income qualifictions. The dental schools will take everyone without any qualifying and no or almost no charge. Make some calls and see what you can find out. Here is a link for the University of Iowa Dental School for patients:…
What health insurance is recommended for a single dad with 3 kids, with a budget but have decent coverage?
I am a single father of 3 kids and looking for health/dental/vision insurance for my family. We don't really go to the doctor as much but still want decent coverage in case I need to do so. Any ideas? Am based in Southern California.
One through your employer. You can't get vision and dental that doesn't cost more than it pays, except through an employer group policy. Otherwise, just go to your local agent, ask them to give you a couple quotes on a private policy.
One through your employer. You can't get vision and dental that doesn't cost more than it pays, except through an employer group policy. Otherwise, just go to your local agent, ask them to give you a couple quotes on a private policy.
Is my dental problem still considered cosmetic, or will my insurance pay or it? Or are they straightening?
I have fangs, basically. When I was a teenager they said they couldn't fix it for free because it was considered cosmetic. This week the left fang has started stabbing my lip in my sleep and it hurts a little- it's swollen. I'm 23. is it possible they are just straightening themselves out now?
maybe you medical insur will pick it up? Bc it is stabbing your cheek?
maybe you medical insur will pick it up? Bc it is stabbing your cheek?
does anyonew know what dental procedures medical insurance will cover?
Does medical cover a bridge, porceline fillings? What other dental procedures will it cover? And where can i get this info/?
Medical insurance does not cover anything relating to teeth. You need separate dental insurance for that. (And if your regular doctor bills anything that is related to dental - it'll be denied.) Call member services (the number is on the back of your card) to confirm.
Medical insurance does not cover anything relating to teeth. You need separate dental insurance for that. (And if your regular doctor bills anything that is related to dental - it'll be denied.) Call member services (the number is on the back of your card) to confirm.
Long term unemployed...extremely depressed no medical/dental insurance?
Hi, I've been unemployed since October of 2008, when my company went under. I worked in urban development/commercial real estate. Because Im younger, 30, it is hard to get another role as the baby boomers are taking them in a small market. I already have a masters degree and dont feel like spending more money as Im already in debt. I apply for jobs daily online for about 5 hours, tried some networking. The places I applied for and got an interview with commented that I would just go back to my field once it picked up again, so Im kind of pigeon holed. I need shoulder surgery and to repair a cracked crown, but i have no insurance. Im on food stamps and my unemployment has stopped. I cant even get a Walmart job to get some income in. Can somebody point me in the right direction ? Thank you
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here -
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here -
This is for anyone working in the dental field?
Do you know where I can get a copy of all of the dental insurance carriers and their groups. Some know it as the "trojan list" (i am in the state of CA)
I don't quite understand the context of your question, but this may help. To find out everything on oral surgery, maxillofacial surgery and dentistry in Australia, go to . This site has great information on dental implants, wisdom teeth removal, oral pathology, post operative care following surgery, and a lot more again. If you want to find out everything from the practical side of surgical dentistry, visit a website that is writen by an oral & maxillofacial surgeon.
I don't quite understand the context of your question, but this may help. To find out everything on oral surgery, maxillofacial surgery and dentistry in Australia, go to . This site has great information on dental implants, wisdom teeth removal, oral pathology, post operative care following surgery, and a lot more again. If you want to find out everything from the practical side of surgical dentistry, visit a website that is writen by an oral & maxillofacial surgeon.
I have an abscess tooth with no dental insurance plz help?
I get benefits in about 4 more months from my company but, I have an abscess tooth that is getting to the point to where its making my gums swell up slightly, I know i need to go to the dentist and have it pulled but i have some questions first! I know they won't pull it without clearing the infection up by giving me antibiotics, how would i get a prescription for that? Do i just go down there and ask the dentist? Would that cost me any money rather than the prescription itself? And how much does it generally cost to get a tooth pulled without insurance??? Thanks
I'm in the same boat except I'll never get dental from work. The pain is horrible. My hub had an abscess tooth pulled. It cost $600.00 for his procedure which I can't pay. Anyway everyone will tell you to find a clinic. I wish you the greatest of luck. I've been actively searching for over a year. No one has yet to help me. If you are in pain, and like me can't find a dentist that is actually a caring human being, swish Vodka, take Motrin, and Sudafed for the pain. Sudafed might sound odd but I found out when I had a sinus problem it helped my toothache go away more quickly.
I'm in the same boat except I'll never get dental from work. The pain is horrible. My hub had an abscess tooth pulled. It cost $600.00 for his procedure which I can't pay. Anyway everyone will tell you to find a clinic. I wish you the greatest of luck. I've been actively searching for over a year. No one has yet to help me. If you are in pain, and like me can't find a dentist that is actually a caring human being, swish Vodka, take Motrin, and Sudafed for the pain. Sudafed might sound odd but I found out when I had a sinus problem it helped my toothache go away more quickly.
Can using a portion of my health insurance affect my dental insurance?
Well a few days ago i asked someone why they hadn't went to the eye doctor they told me the reason was their mother had recently had a root canal. She said she had to pay off the remaining balance of the root canal before the money would be available through her insurance to get him his glasses. Now we both felt that she just didn't feel like taking him to get glasses for other reasons such as saving her money to get a whole new tooth. Are we right to assume this mother is placing her needs in front of her child's or did her root canal really affect the chances of this young man getting his glasses?
This is the first time ive heard about this situation. Most of the time, dental services are separate from your health insurance. In the 5 companies that i have worked for before, i had 2 separate cards - one for my health insurance and one for my dental needs. I can use as much of the benefits available on my insurance card and not worry about affecting my dental insurance and vice versa. I think it would be best if you contact your friend's mother and call her insurance company and inquire about it.
This is the first time ive heard about this situation. Most of the time, dental services are separate from your health insurance. In the 5 companies that i have worked for before, i had 2 separate cards - one for my health insurance and one for my dental needs. I can use as much of the benefits available on my insurance card and not worry about affecting my dental insurance and vice versa. I think it would be best if you contact your friend's mother and call her insurance company and inquire about it.
good dental and medical insurance?
hi i am 19 years old and i work at wallmart...i am no longer eligable for medicade and was wondering of some good insuranc places to go through i want my medical and dental together..and i am also interested in insurance that will cover invisaline. if not invisaline thats ok please help. thanks for your time. sunny
-------------------- - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
-------------------- - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
i need some info on low cost health insurance that includes dental in philadelphia pa?
any info would be greatly appreciated having very bad tooth ache and need to see a dentist but no health insurance
these are quick and about $80 per year:…
these are quick and about $80 per year:…
to see a dentist but have no insurance?
I have a terrible toothache but have no dental insurance and am broke right now. I think I will probably need an antibiotic as I am sure it is infected. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what I can do for right now?
Really the only way that you can get rid of a tooth ache is to visit your DDS. You can work out payment plans usually, but you really do need to get it fixed. If the tooth is infected, you will either need a root canal procedure or getting the tooth out, and it will be less and less hopeful for the tooth if you wait, so get there ASAP. It can really affect your health if you don't get it fixed, sorry. Good luck!
Really the only way that you can get rid of a tooth ache is to visit your DDS. You can work out payment plans usually, but you really do need to get it fixed. If the tooth is infected, you will either need a root canal procedure or getting the tooth out, and it will be less and less hopeful for the tooth if you wait, so get there ASAP. It can really affect your health if you don't get it fixed, sorry. Good luck!
I'm looking for a BBB approved Dental Insurance plan--can anyone recommend one? I live in San Diego, CA...?
I am employed part time--EXTREMELY part time, so I'm not eligible for the greatest health benefits and I need a good dental plan. I am willing to pay a higher initial/annual fee to find a plan that will include lower co-payments and I would need them to cover or partially cover for sedation, as well. I know I need a lower bridge and I know I need a crown, too... I live in San Diego and I'm aware of the fact that Google would give me some answers. There are SOOOO many out there that I just wanted some opinions from people that have gotten a dental plan they're happy with so that I can make the decision a bit faster...
I've never seen any private dental insurance policies that pay out more than they cost. And although they'll cover an anesthetic, for sedation, you need to file the claim on HEALTH insurance, if you have it. Anesthesiologists sedate. Dentists numb. Bottom line - your best bet is to find a dental school near you to get the work done cheap. You're NOT going to find private dental insurance to do that kind of work, without you waiting a year, paying 50%, and hitting a cap of $500.
I've never seen any private dental insurance policies that pay out more than they cost. And although they'll cover an anesthetic, for sedation, you need to file the claim on HEALTH insurance, if you have it. Anesthesiologists sedate. Dentists numb. Bottom line - your best bet is to find a dental school near you to get the work done cheap. You're NOT going to find private dental insurance to do that kind of work, without you waiting a year, paying 50%, and hitting a cap of $500.
Is this Dental Insurance any good?
Coverage from Genworth/Sunlife: 100% Preventive 90% Basic services 60% major Services
Those percentages are based on 'usual and customary fees' and not the fees themselves. For example, if the visit for a filling was $100, you would expect the insurance company to cover $90, right? Nope, it would depend on the 'usual and customary fee' schedule they follow... it may end up costing you a bit more if the 'UCF' is $150.... Hope this helped.
Those percentages are based on 'usual and customary fees' and not the fees themselves. For example, if the visit for a filling was $100, you would expect the insurance company to cover $90, right? Nope, it would depend on the 'usual and customary fee' schedule they follow... it may end up costing you a bit more if the 'UCF' is $150.... Hope this helped.
77 Years old need help, No Dental insurance, No money to pay for tooth extraction?
I know a 77 years old male, he is a heart patient. All his teeth are rotten and he needs to have them removed. unfortunately, medicare doesn't cover it. He doesn't have money to pay for it. He lives in Fort Bend county in Missouri-city, Texas. Is there any dentist (individual or group) can help him? I have heard that Dental Schools in Houston area provide pro-bono services to low income families. Could anyone help him? any suggestion on this matter will be highly appreciated. Thanks.
Hi, You should call the health department in the area. They normally have a dental department that han help him with extractions and dentures. Medicare does not cover dentistry, but medicaid does. You may also want to look for dentists that are medicaid providers in your area. Hope this helps. Carlos Boudet, DDS
Hi, You should call the health department in the area. They normally have a dental department that han help him with extractions and dentures. Medicare does not cover dentistry, but medicaid does. You may also want to look for dentists that are medicaid providers in your area. Hope this helps. Carlos Boudet, DDS
Going to the dentist with no insurance?
I am almost positive I have a cavity :( But I have no dental insurance, what normally happens and how much do you think I will have to pay?
As a dentist I can tell you that the cost of a filling depends on the depth of the cavity and the amount of decay associated. Talk with your dentist, he or she will usually be more than willing to help you set up some kind of payment plan. Another consideration might be to contact your local health department or department of family and childrens services, most county services in larger cities have a dentist on staff that provides dental care and little or no cost to the actual patient.
As a dentist I can tell you that the cost of a filling depends on the depth of the cavity and the amount of decay associated. Talk with your dentist, he or she will usually be more than willing to help you set up some kind of payment plan. Another consideration might be to contact your local health department or department of family and childrens services, most county services in larger cities have a dentist on staff that provides dental care and little or no cost to the actual patient.
Does South Dakota offer government help for those without Dental Insurance?
My boyfriend works in iowa but is a lives in south dakota and we can get cheap dental work done at a dental school but he wont drive 2 hours for it, and there is a "based on income" local dental clinic here in iowa where he works but i doubt theyd let him go there since he's a SD resident. i called a dentist in SD and the total with everything he needs done will be close to $1000.00! he has to get major cleaning and at least 2-3 teeth pulled. any help will be great!
All details are on their home page
All details are on their home page
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