My tooth chipped as I was chewing a nail. It was one of my bottom incisors. Chipped off the back of the tooth. Not really visable--as it's on the back of the tooth. I was actually surprised as it took little force and I've always thought I have healthy teeth (24 y.o., never had a cavity, always--until recently since dental insurance dropped--go to dentists)
if you chip your tooth, all they do is put a white cap on it. I chipped off the top part of my tooth when i was younger, and now i have a white cap on it, where you can't ever tell it was chipped, and it has never come off and had to be replaced.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
dental cavity giving me tremendous pain. what to do?
my tooth is hurting me very badly. i have no words to explain my intense suffering. i have no health insurance and unemployed. what to do plz? should i go to emergency room?
The emergency room will only give you some Tylenol 3 or Vicodin and tell you to call the dentist tomorrow morning. Then you will end up with a huge hospital bill for nothing. Until you get to a dentist, you can go to a drugstore and get some stuff to pack the cavity. This is only a temporary fix. You should also rinse your mouth with luke warm salt water, as this eases the pain & throbbing.
The emergency room will only give you some Tylenol 3 or Vicodin and tell you to call the dentist tomorrow morning. Then you will end up with a huge hospital bill for nothing. Until you get to a dentist, you can go to a drugstore and get some stuff to pack the cavity. This is only a temporary fix. You should also rinse your mouth with luke warm salt water, as this eases the pain & throbbing.
Dental implant referral appointment?
My dentist extracted a tooth about a month and a half ago. He said I would probably be ready for an implant 2-3 months after the extraction and I could contact him for a referral at that time. It seems like a waste to go back to my dentist for an appointment to get referred. My insurance does not require a referral and I'm not sure they will cover the "referral appointment". I imagine the oral surgeon will want to take his own x-rays even if my dentist takes them at this appointment.. Is it practical to have a "referral appointment" in this circumstance?
Did your dentist actually say he wanted to see you for an appointment or did he say to contact him in that time for the referral? I see a big difference. Even if your insurance doesn't require a referral the surgeon probably does. My office does. If it were me, I would call my dentist office and ask for clarification. Does he need to see me? If so, is he taking an x-ray? Will the surgeon be able to use that xray? Will there be a charge for this appointment? I'm sure they are familiar with these kinds of questions on a daily basis. Hope this helps! Good luck with your implant!
Did your dentist actually say he wanted to see you for an appointment or did he say to contact him in that time for the referral? I see a big difference. Even if your insurance doesn't require a referral the surgeon probably does. My office does. If it were me, I would call my dentist office and ask for clarification. Does he need to see me? If so, is he taking an x-ray? Will the surgeon be able to use that xray? Will there be a charge for this appointment? I'm sure they are familiar with these kinds of questions on a daily basis. Hope this helps! Good luck with your implant!
Should my husband put me on his health insurance?
My hubby took me off of his policy last year and I've been without this whole year. Thank the universe nothing too serious happened to me that I couldn't take care of either myself or with the help of my stepmother-the-super-herbalist, I've been rationing my contacts usage and keeping super glue and tape around for my ancient glasses. But open enrollment is this week and he told me that if I really want to go back on his insurance that he will put me on it, but it's going to cost us an extra couple hundred dollars a month. We thought about just putting me on his Dental and Vision as those are things, I know right now, that I need, but I still fear that my accident prone self and my way-out-of-whack blood sugar will kick my patootie and without ins. I'll be in big trouble. Any suggestions? Can he drop me from his insurance if somehow I become eligible for affordable ins. somewhere else?
YES ok, it's an extra couple of hundred dollars a month, but if you need to go to the ER for anything, it's going to be a couple extra thousand dollars for a while. that's just for the visit, imagine if you need an x-ray, an mri, a ct, blood work, or operation. you could be paying for years.
YES ok, it's an extra couple of hundred dollars a month, but if you need to go to the ER for anything, it's going to be a couple extra thousand dollars for a while. that's just for the visit, imagine if you need an x-ray, an mri, a ct, blood work, or operation. you could be paying for years.
What am I going to do about health insurance?! I need to see a doctor.?
So I have been working at my job for about 4 months now. It is a really good job but the bad news is I'm still considered part time although I can end up working 70+ hours in 2 weeks if I cover for some people that are out of the office. So what does that mean? You guessed it...I don't get any health insurance! I am a 24 year old, single woman with no children and no major health problems (that I know of). I live in New York City and here you have to make under $8,000/yr or under $680/month to qualify for Medicaid. I make too much and I can't really afford to go to Healthy NY (which they say is an alternate if you don't qualify for Medicaid but can't afford individual health insurance). The lowest I would be paying there is $218 a month and $267 for HIP which is what I really want. But the kicker is this...I wouldn't even get dental or vision! If I didn't have a job I could go apply for Medicaid and get the works but I work hard and still don't make enough and get jipped! I also tried going to that free medical place but after meeting with a social worker she sent me to Healthy NY again when I already told her I couldn't afford that. I haven't been to the doctor in so long and of course I feel fine. But I need a physical and to see a dentist just for my own peace of mind. I have also started to feel a lump at the back of my head off to the left. It doesn't hurt but I'm not sure what it is. I have had a cyst before and I was thinking that's what it was but I'm no doctor. Are there any places that I can just go get a physical and pay cash for it or get a free physical without having to meet with a social worker and all that mess that ultimately puts me back at square one? Thanks for your help all and have a Happy New Year!
keshawna m, Health insurance can be very tricky. Since I live in Vermont I'm not sure about New York regulations, so I recommend you contact a local insurance agent. They should be able to assist you.
keshawna m, Health insurance can be very tricky. Since I live in Vermont I'm not sure about New York regulations, so I recommend you contact a local insurance agent. They should be able to assist you.
Is it worth it for me to replace my dental implants?
Okay, apparently I have a dilemma. I have dental implants (# 7 and #10 for those dentists out there). The metal of the abutment is showing at the top of the implant (but you can't see it unless I smile abnormally large). My natural teeth, over time from using an electric toothbrush, have actually gotten whiter and the coloring is off now. I was going to have them replaced...thinking "simple enough." Not so. I am a "case" at my dentist's office. The abutment on one side is too far forward and they are too long to replace the teeth and still cover the metal. I have very little gum tissue above the implant. So, here are my options: 1. Do nothing and keep the ones I have. (Noone can tell but me that they look bad) 2. Gum grafting where they add gum tissue from another source about the implant to cover the metal and then replace the teeth after that is done. Now this is a full out surgery which costs about $1490 per tooth (partially covered by insurance) and consultation is between $88 and $208 and all must be paid up front. 3. They can drill down my abutments (the actual metal part) and then add new implants that have a pink top to them that blend in with the gum to help cover up the metal. The bad part with this option is that the drilling may cause the implants to "fail" and if that happens they will have to be removed from the bone completely. That means I would have to completely either replace the implants (a lot of money and a year of healing) or a permanent bridge would have to be put into place if the implants could not be re-implanted into the bone. 4. Have the abutments removed completely and put on a permanent bridge instead where no metal shows. Not a huge fan of the idea of a bridge though at 30 years old, but my options are pretty bleak. Let me know what you think!! I'm pretty disappointed and frustrated at this point at how complicated this situation has become and I need advice!!!
I agree with tarnished angel. There is still a chance that the graft may not solve the problem though. But is is the most conservative treatment to do and is not the most expensive. If that would be the case, I would consider option #1. It is too bad that the implants were not placed a little better to have given you a better chance to avoid this problem. I wish you good luck with your decision.
I agree with tarnished angel. There is still a chance that the graft may not solve the problem though. But is is the most conservative treatment to do and is not the most expensive. If that would be the case, I would consider option #1. It is too bad that the implants were not placed a little better to have given you a better chance to avoid this problem. I wish you good luck with your decision.
how do I get health insurance or health plans if Im not employed ?
I am 25 and work part time at an office, and the rest I work at home, which means I dont have insurance. I desperately need to get to a dentist and have a lot of work done, and Im having earaches lately. I was looking into getting a dental plan because thats most important, but if i can get a health plan that would be even better. I have found lots of places that offer these health plans, but im very confused by them all. I need the plan to start soon [some make u wait up to a yr, some start soon], i need something cheap and good. ive heard of allcare, but i tried signing up and they said i wasnt qualified. i think i put down that i made too little money. also, i need something that will allow me to make small monthly payments [not for the plan itself, but when i get my bill from the dentist after my work is done, because i cannot pay it all up front at once], or does any dentist allow monthly payment plans? any information, links, etc. would be greatly appreciated. thank you ahead of time.
It's not a requirement that you have to have a job in order to purchase health insurance. What you want to look for is an individual health insurance plan. Choose a well known and trustworthy company like a Blue Cross Blue Shield, United Healthcare, Aetna, Humana, Assurant, etc. Stay away from rip off discount plans with limited benefits. Shop around and compare quotes from at least 3 different companies and then work with an independent health insurance agent so that they can help you choose the right plan. Here is some more information on finding individual health insurance:
It's not a requirement that you have to have a job in order to purchase health insurance. What you want to look for is an individual health insurance plan. Choose a well known and trustworthy company like a Blue Cross Blue Shield, United Healthcare, Aetna, Humana, Assurant, etc. Stay away from rip off discount plans with limited benefits. Shop around and compare quotes from at least 3 different companies and then work with an independent health insurance agent so that they can help you choose the right plan. Here is some more information on finding individual health insurance:
I'm looking to get insurance for my family....Oh I need help, lol?
ok its me, my husband and our 4 children. he does not get insurance at work and we been on medical card for the kids he makes to much for us. But the medical card SUCKS! the doctors are quacks, ANYWAYS... We make enough we think to pay for our own and have the Medicaid as a back up for the kids but we want to insure all 6 of us, with medical only, medicare provides the kids dental and eye at no cost so that helps us. info that may help: were both 28 kids are girl 8 son 5 twin boys 15months I have no clue where to start, what i want and dont want to agree to, how much is to much..things like that are what I need some help on. Thanks for the help! you have no idea how much I need it!
Find an independent insurance agent that handles individual health insurance plans. Go discuss coverage options with him/her and get some quotes. Forget the online stuff - those are crap.
Find an independent insurance agent that handles individual health insurance plans. Go discuss coverage options with him/her and get some quotes. Forget the online stuff - those are crap.
Anyone know of good cat insurance for basic wellness care and some accident/illness coverage?
I'm looking for something that will cover the preventative care like dental cleanings and pay a percentage of the bigger stuff. All the plans I've seen focus on the big stuff with wellness an afterthought (and a surcharge!) It seems like, with people insurance, it would be cost effective for them to cover the relatively cheap preventative stuff 100 percent so that the bigger stuff is caught before it becomes a real problem. I also want a program that insures all my cats, all together for one (preferably small) fee rather than each one individually so that if one cat doesn't use all of his benefits, the others can use his allotment. Of course I also want excellent customer service and quick reimbursement times. Does anyone know of such a plan?
Cat insurance? You're joking, right?
Cat insurance? You're joking, right?
have you heard of this insurance?
I was called by an agent today after filling out an online survey for health insurance quotes. She gave a quote for 119.95 a month which included 30-50 co-pays for doctors, a dental, vision, and prescription coverage. This would be coverage only for my 5 year old daughter. She did not want a social security number and said they do not do medical background checks. She said the name of the company was HealthChoice. She also said I could keep my current doctor because they were a nationwide PPO. This all sounds too good to be true. Has anyone ever heard of this company and if so what reviews do you have about it? Any info is greatly appreciated.
What state do you live in and what website did you use to complete the request for information? If you completed an online insurance quote form then you may have received a legitimate f/u call. I looked up Healthchoice and the name it self is a valid Health Insurance company name used for several State and National Managed care plans. See the various links below. Did they not provide you with a phone number or website? I can check it out and confirm whether or not it's a valid Health Insurance company or Managed care organization or simply a discount plan, which is what was referred to a provider list. A PPO is a Managed Health Care Insurance Policy. We have a PPO plan with my job with United Health Care and I think its 30% or 20% out of pocket. Company pays the rest. The higher the out of pocket the cheaper the premium. Plan covers medical, vision, dental and RX. Also note the Helathchoice name is also used for companies that work with medicare supplement insurance and I also found a shared medical services group called the Health Choice Network, where federally qualified system of healthcare facilities across the US have joined together in a network, but this website is for shared services for the group of healthcenters, not the healthcare plan as I believe the individual states or communities manage the plans. The links to some of which are in my list. I also found a site for a company called Total Healthchoice which appears to be an Insurance benefits company. Can you give some additional information as there appears to be a lot out there about a variety of Insurance or Managed care networks using this name. If you could help narrow it down, I can probably give additional assistance. ~J~ "Update" - Saturday 8-23-08: Thanks for the additional info. The company is called Consumer Health Benefits Association (CHBA). This is not a Health Insurance company, but a Health Program. The representative was likely using buzz words to mislead, you in to thinking that this plan is, or is similar to "real" health insurance. Huge red flag on their website: "PRICING DISCLOSURE: THIS PLAN IS NOT HEALTH INSURANCE. THE INITIAL MONTHLY FEE AND ONE-TIME PROCESSING FEE ARE NOT REFUNDABLE UNLESS GOVERNED OTHERWISE BY THE CONSUMER'S RESIDENT STATE LAWS. " This is like one of those credit card apps you get in the mail for 1000.00, but it costs 500.00 to get the card and 25.00 a month fee to keep it active every month, so you end up owing more than you would ever charge. They say that you're are rebuilding your credit, yeah right. That's just like saying you have "real" insurance with this plan. There are "real" affordable plans available for you that will not require you to pay a monthly fee on top of the plan costs in addition to processing fees. The benefits listed are or seem to be discount or savings plans (possibly significant), but it doesn't appear that there are any guarantees of the actual price reduction/savings. There is a guarantee certificate, but understand that only qualifies, if you end up finding providers on their list. So you have to make sure that everything you need can be taken care of, w/i their discount network. Notice on Choice A is primarily Accident Insurance and Medical financing. I have a feeling that they make their money off of this as well as possibly provider referrals. There are some other services there, but nothing like health insurance. This is a plan specifically designed to sell you something other than Health Insurance. Notice Choice B if you select each of the benefit links to the right it indicates that the majority of benefits, medical, dental, vision, etc. are savings or discounts that the member qualifies for with specific or select providers. This sounds like a decent provider discount and accident insurance type plan, though there are several out there that probably sell for less. The mail order drug program is not what you would typically think. It is basically buying through Canadian Pharmacies. I don't have a problem with that, but it's not a mail order program, it's basically just ordering your meds through a Canadian Pharmacy, which you can do right now at a significant savings, without paying someone a monthly fee to learn how. Our prescription drug system is a mess here in the US, so if you can find brand names for less elsewhere then do so. My doctor actually referred me to a Canadian website to get a couple that are not covered under my plan. You can benefit from those savings all by yourself. I did a basic search for a children's hospital w/i 25 miles from my home. I live in Dallas and the search showed no results. Which was odd. I tried looking for a general physician and the search showed 53 doctors. Most were a part of the Three Rivers Provider Network. Nearly all 50 were at 1 facility which I believe is part of Baylor Hospital. My doctor was not on this list. As you know with a major health plan a physician search of 25 miles in a major city should have returned 3 - 5 times the results with providers in various locations. I'm not an agent, but if you are simply looking into insurance for your child, check the state health insurance plans that are available for children, or go to the United Healthcare website. They offer affordable insurance plans and sell direct to the public. I added a link below to their website and also some links to some websites where consumers have made complaints of fraud or sales misrepresentation against this company, so check them out. Check the CHBA website out thoroughly, as long as you understand the program fully, the cost and services provided, maybe it is something that can benefit your family. Just be sure that it is exactly what you need and expect. Confirm if your provider is listed, or if you were to sign up for this program, what are the benefits? Are the doctors close to you? Are the dental and vision providers close or affordable? Call a doctor and see what a basic physical exam, with immunization would cost and what your pout of pocket would be. Contact the participating pharmacies see what the discounts are for your regular prescriptions, or those you might take on occasion like an antibiotic, pain medication, etc. Link to CHBA and consumer complaints:………… Here's a link to United Healthcare. Give them a try to see if they have something you can afford.
What state do you live in and what website did you use to complete the request for information? If you completed an online insurance quote form then you may have received a legitimate f/u call. I looked up Healthchoice and the name it self is a valid Health Insurance company name used for several State and National Managed care plans. See the various links below. Did they not provide you with a phone number or website? I can check it out and confirm whether or not it's a valid Health Insurance company or Managed care organization or simply a discount plan, which is what was referred to a provider list. A PPO is a Managed Health Care Insurance Policy. We have a PPO plan with my job with United Health Care and I think its 30% or 20% out of pocket. Company pays the rest. The higher the out of pocket the cheaper the premium. Plan covers medical, vision, dental and RX. Also note the Helathchoice name is also used for companies that work with medicare supplement insurance and I also found a shared medical services group called the Health Choice Network, where federally qualified system of healthcare facilities across the US have joined together in a network, but this website is for shared services for the group of healthcenters, not the healthcare plan as I believe the individual states or communities manage the plans. The links to some of which are in my list. I also found a site for a company called Total Healthchoice which appears to be an Insurance benefits company. Can you give some additional information as there appears to be a lot out there about a variety of Insurance or Managed care networks using this name. If you could help narrow it down, I can probably give additional assistance. ~J~ "Update" - Saturday 8-23-08: Thanks for the additional info. The company is called Consumer Health Benefits Association (CHBA). This is not a Health Insurance company, but a Health Program. The representative was likely using buzz words to mislead, you in to thinking that this plan is, or is similar to "real" health insurance. Huge red flag on their website: "PRICING DISCLOSURE: THIS PLAN IS NOT HEALTH INSURANCE. THE INITIAL MONTHLY FEE AND ONE-TIME PROCESSING FEE ARE NOT REFUNDABLE UNLESS GOVERNED OTHERWISE BY THE CONSUMER'S RESIDENT STATE LAWS. " This is like one of those credit card apps you get in the mail for 1000.00, but it costs 500.00 to get the card and 25.00 a month fee to keep it active every month, so you end up owing more than you would ever charge. They say that you're are rebuilding your credit, yeah right. That's just like saying you have "real" insurance with this plan. There are "real" affordable plans available for you that will not require you to pay a monthly fee on top of the plan costs in addition to processing fees. The benefits listed are or seem to be discount or savings plans (possibly significant), but it doesn't appear that there are any guarantees of the actual price reduction/savings. There is a guarantee certificate, but understand that only qualifies, if you end up finding providers on their list. So you have to make sure that everything you need can be taken care of, w/i their discount network. Notice on Choice A is primarily Accident Insurance and Medical financing. I have a feeling that they make their money off of this as well as possibly provider referrals. There are some other services there, but nothing like health insurance. This is a plan specifically designed to sell you something other than Health Insurance. Notice Choice B if you select each of the benefit links to the right it indicates that the majority of benefits, medical, dental, vision, etc. are savings or discounts that the member qualifies for with specific or select providers. This sounds like a decent provider discount and accident insurance type plan, though there are several out there that probably sell for less. The mail order drug program is not what you would typically think. It is basically buying through Canadian Pharmacies. I don't have a problem with that, but it's not a mail order program, it's basically just ordering your meds through a Canadian Pharmacy, which you can do right now at a significant savings, without paying someone a monthly fee to learn how. Our prescription drug system is a mess here in the US, so if you can find brand names for less elsewhere then do so. My doctor actually referred me to a Canadian website to get a couple that are not covered under my plan. You can benefit from those savings all by yourself. I did a basic search for a children's hospital w/i 25 miles from my home. I live in Dallas and the search showed no results. Which was odd. I tried looking for a general physician and the search showed 53 doctors. Most were a part of the Three Rivers Provider Network. Nearly all 50 were at 1 facility which I believe is part of Baylor Hospital. My doctor was not on this list. As you know with a major health plan a physician search of 25 miles in a major city should have returned 3 - 5 times the results with providers in various locations. I'm not an agent, but if you are simply looking into insurance for your child, check the state health insurance plans that are available for children, or go to the United Healthcare website. They offer affordable insurance plans and sell direct to the public. I added a link below to their website and also some links to some websites where consumers have made complaints of fraud or sales misrepresentation against this company, so check them out. Check the CHBA website out thoroughly, as long as you understand the program fully, the cost and services provided, maybe it is something that can benefit your family. Just be sure that it is exactly what you need and expect. Confirm if your provider is listed, or if you were to sign up for this program, what are the benefits? Are the doctors close to you? Are the dental and vision providers close or affordable? Call a doctor and see what a basic physical exam, with immunization would cost and what your pout of pocket would be. Contact the participating pharmacies see what the discounts are for your regular prescriptions, or those you might take on occasion like an antibiotic, pain medication, etc. Link to CHBA and consumer complaints:………… Here's a link to United Healthcare. Give them a try to see if they have something you can afford.
What if I don't want to have Obama's health insurance or any health insurance?
I have had health insurance through my employer for the past 10 years. It covers everyone in my family and I pay about $70 a month for it. It's very affordable and I hope to keep it that way. The thing of it is though it is nice to have but we really haven't used it. It has helped to pay for a few Rx's for the kids and we do take advantage of the dental plan. My children have never had a cavity, ever. I remember when I was in my 20s I could have bought my own health insurance for about $175 a month and that's just for me only. I thought why should I spend that much on something I will never use? But now that I am older and I have children it is good to have the coverage that I have just in case. My point being though, for those people who are young, healthy and single, can they choose not to have health insurance if they feel they just don't need it? It seems that Obama and his gang will force this down our throats weather we want this or not.
You will be jailed.
You will be jailed.
Can you only have one wisdom tooth taken out or do they try to get you to do all four?
I'm 30 years old and for over a year now one lower wisdom tooth has been slowly coming in but it is impacted. Can I just have the one removed or will they want me to do all four? I'm not having any problems with the other ones. Are the odds high that the other ones will start to come in too? Thanks! ps - what does it usually cost? I have no dental insurance.
You can have one taken out. You don't have to have all of them removed. They can recommend that you have all of them removed, but ultimately the decision is yours. If your tooth is impacted, you will likely have to be knocked out in order to have ti removed. I'm not sure what the cost is, but your dentist will discuss that and any payment plans with you upfront before scheduling the procedure. I have only one wisdom tooth that has come in and one that is partial through. I have two that are still under the gums. My dentist told me to have them removed to prevent future problems and that was about 6 years ago. I still have them all and no problems. So, only remove the one that is causing you problems.
You can have one taken out. You don't have to have all of them removed. They can recommend that you have all of them removed, but ultimately the decision is yours. If your tooth is impacted, you will likely have to be knocked out in order to have ti removed. I'm not sure what the cost is, but your dentist will discuss that and any payment plans with you upfront before scheduling the procedure. I have only one wisdom tooth that has come in and one that is partial through. I have two that are still under the gums. My dentist told me to have them removed to prevent future problems and that was about 6 years ago. I still have them all and no problems. So, only remove the one that is causing you problems.
are you given a choice as to what fillings to have?
why is it that porcelin fillings are not covered by dental insurance and the fillings that are covered dentists don't use anymore?
Composite fillings are usually paid for when they are on your front teeth, otherwise they are considered cosmetic. A lot of dentists don't use amalgam (silver/mercury fillings) anymore because they have A LOT of mercury in them, they have to drill a HUGE hole in your tooth to place them (even if your cavity is tiny), and eventually they expand and break your tooth causing you to have to get crowns later on. Usually offices bill for the silver fillings that are placed in the back of the mouth, and then whatever is left that the insurance didn't pay for, you pay the difference. Some offices don't do silver fillings, so you won't have a choice. I would go to a dentist who ONLY does white/composite fillings.
Composite fillings are usually paid for when they are on your front teeth, otherwise they are considered cosmetic. A lot of dentists don't use amalgam (silver/mercury fillings) anymore because they have A LOT of mercury in them, they have to drill a HUGE hole in your tooth to place them (even if your cavity is tiny), and eventually they expand and break your tooth causing you to have to get crowns later on. Usually offices bill for the silver fillings that are placed in the back of the mouth, and then whatever is left that the insurance didn't pay for, you pay the difference. Some offices don't do silver fillings, so you won't have a choice. I would go to a dentist who ONLY does white/composite fillings.
. I need inexpensive dental work.I live in the North Park area in San Diego?
I need 3 crowns, 2 root canals. Has anybody been to a place they can refer me to. I do not have Insurance, and I make 12k a year. The cost is just to great at my normal dentist. I need super discounted dentistry and not in Mexico! Thanks. .
Medical Discount Plan ideal for those who cannot afford or qualify for traditional health insurance. The companies offer discounted health services for a quite low monthly fee. Benefits include a range of discounts for doctors, hospitals, dental, vision, prescriptions, vitamins, as well as other health services. Individual & Family Health Plans This is a major health insurance plan for individuals and families. If you are looking for comprehensive long term health insurance coverage for yourself and/or your family members who are 62 years old or younger - this is the plan to choose. Short Term Medical Plans This plan is ideal for individuals in transition. Maybe you have just graduated from college and are no longer covered under your student health insurance or you moved out on your own, and you're no longer covered under your parents' medical insurance plan. Or perhaps you're employed part-time, going to school, leaving home for the first time, or even retiring early. Maybe you've found a new job, but your new employer's group health insurance plan won't kick in until you've been with months. YOu are not the only person who have ever met this kind of problem,I met this type of problem before.I have good experience here to solve the problem.
Medical Discount Plan ideal for those who cannot afford or qualify for traditional health insurance. The companies offer discounted health services for a quite low monthly fee. Benefits include a range of discounts for doctors, hospitals, dental, vision, prescriptions, vitamins, as well as other health services. Individual & Family Health Plans This is a major health insurance plan for individuals and families. If you are looking for comprehensive long term health insurance coverage for yourself and/or your family members who are 62 years old or younger - this is the plan to choose. Short Term Medical Plans This plan is ideal for individuals in transition. Maybe you have just graduated from college and are no longer covered under your student health insurance or you moved out on your own, and you're no longer covered under your parents' medical insurance plan. Or perhaps you're employed part-time, going to school, leaving home for the first time, or even retiring early. Maybe you've found a new job, but your new employer's group health insurance plan won't kick in until you've been with months. YOu are not the only person who have ever met this kind of problem,I met this type of problem before.I have good experience here to solve the problem.
Do army wives get FULL insurance coverage?
like dental, medical, and vision? I am getting married, and i need to know if i can cancel my regular insurance.
no dental for the family it's 40 a month and I am not sure about vision as long as you live on post and get tricare prime you get full med
no dental for the family it's 40 a month and I am not sure about vision as long as you live on post and get tricare prime you get full med
how to tell how much a dental procedure will cost with 2 insurances?
Last year I got a root canal at a dentist and they were able to tell me how much it would approximately cost after running it through both of my insurances. Now I moved to a different city and went to the dentist and was told I need a root canal and some other dental work. I asked if they could run it through my insurances to find out the estimation and the secretary seemed really busy and told me to call myself because insurances sometimes do not share that information with providers. I am stressed because I don't know how to talk to my insurance about dental procedures. Is there a way for dentist offices to find out an estimated price using two insurances? Also I have noticed prices for root canals range from $612 to $780 and was wondering if they are all about the same price after running it through the insurance? The "before" insurance price on this dental work is $2,500 and I would love to know the "after" using two insurances price before going in. Is it normal for dental offices to tell patients themselves to call to get an estimate? or are they suppose to find out for the patient?
The dental office should either have all the information on their computer, especially if they deal often with the insurance company. Other wise they should have the contact phone numbers to call and get the information. And lastly if the insurance company has questions and needs to see any x-rays or have the paper work for a pre authorization, the dental office can provide them with it. It is a responsibility for the dental office and not for the patient to have to assume. If they refuse to provide this service for you, I would switch to another office. Good luck.
The dental office should either have all the information on their computer, especially if they deal often with the insurance company. Other wise they should have the contact phone numbers to call and get the information. And lastly if the insurance company has questions and needs to see any x-rays or have the paper work for a pre authorization, the dental office can provide them with it. It is a responsibility for the dental office and not for the patient to have to assume. If they refuse to provide this service for you, I would switch to another office. Good luck.
Have you ever tried to get a dentist to pull your tooth?
When you ask a dentist to pull a tooth, even when you are paying him in cold hard cash, they always try to find a way to convince you that you don't want to get that tooth pulled afterall, they can save it. I think this is because the dentist's around the world have entered into a silent pact between them that for every tooth that is pulled from a patients mouth, is one less tooth that some dentist somewhere in the world can not work on, and if everyone got their way in having the dentist pull their tooth, dentists would go out of business. I have had dentist's refuse to pull the tooth that I wanted pulled, even when I offered to pay them in cash and not use my dental insurance, they just hate to do this. Does anyone out there in Yahoo Land know the reason why dentists do this? Please do me the courtesy of enlightening me on this issue, cause I sure would like to know their reasons. Thank you in advance!
As a dentist, it saddens me to see the responses from you people. Seems dentists are thought of in a similar way to car mechanics. Most unfortunate! For the record, nothing is as healthy in your mouth as your own, healthy tooth. If for whatever reason the tooth is damaged, keeping the tooth gives you options for treatment that may be lost if you just remove the tooth, such as a crown or a bridge. Once a tooth is is gone. Dental implants have helped us when attempting to restore a mouth, but even they can fail and they are certainly expensive. I have had many many patients who have regretted so easily parting with a tooth at some point in their lives. Kind of like a tatoo, it comes back to haunt you later. Root canals are perhaps one of the most challenging dental procedures. You are trying to find, access, clean, shape and seal off from bacteria and body fluids, canals that for the most part you can not see. They are curved, blocked and hardly ever like a straw, but more like a river delta or fan. Dentistry is an art and a science. It is rarely easy. It does not help when you have a patients best interest at heart and they are more concerned with the cost. By the way, a dental office is extremely expensive to run. So, all that being said, if you need any more teeth pulled, and don't care what the consequences are down the road for your mouth, come and see me. I have done thousands and am good at slicking them. And if you tell me that that is the treatment you want, then that is the treatment you will get.
As a dentist, it saddens me to see the responses from you people. Seems dentists are thought of in a similar way to car mechanics. Most unfortunate! For the record, nothing is as healthy in your mouth as your own, healthy tooth. If for whatever reason the tooth is damaged, keeping the tooth gives you options for treatment that may be lost if you just remove the tooth, such as a crown or a bridge. Once a tooth is is gone. Dental implants have helped us when attempting to restore a mouth, but even they can fail and they are certainly expensive. I have had many many patients who have regretted so easily parting with a tooth at some point in their lives. Kind of like a tatoo, it comes back to haunt you later. Root canals are perhaps one of the most challenging dental procedures. You are trying to find, access, clean, shape and seal off from bacteria and body fluids, canals that for the most part you can not see. They are curved, blocked and hardly ever like a straw, but more like a river delta or fan. Dentistry is an art and a science. It is rarely easy. It does not help when you have a patients best interest at heart and they are more concerned with the cost. By the way, a dental office is extremely expensive to run. So, all that being said, if you need any more teeth pulled, and don't care what the consequences are down the road for your mouth, come and see me. I have done thousands and am good at slicking them. And if you tell me that that is the treatment you want, then that is the treatment you will get.
what are all the private dental insurances?
for example:barter
-------------------- - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
-------------------- - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
How does Delta Dental handle multiple policies within a family?
I have had Delta Dental coverage for a number of years for my family. My daughter just went through a treatment of braces that went over the "lifetime limit" of $1000 per person. Unfortunately she still requires additional treatment and we're looking at about $3000 more. My wife is about to reenter the workforce and her employer also offers Delta Dental. What I would like to know is if Delta Dental will look at my daughter as a new account if we pick up coverage through my wife's employer? I wouldn't want to purchase Delta Dental twice if the coverage doesn't reset. I realize that most insurance companies won't allow multiple claims against the same incident (i.e. double payments) but if I drop my Delta Dental and go with my wifes, does Delta Dental lifetime limits reset? Thanks
Of course, this depends on the plan, so I'll speak in general terms: If your daughter is not currently in treatment and you pick up a different plan, your wife's plan should pay out up the the new plan's lifetime max (if there is an orthodontic benefit.) Delta offers hundreds of different plans, each with their own clauses and restrictions. The best way to find out is to call Delta and tell them about your situation. If you know your wife's new group number, they should be able to tell you if "another" ortho max will apply for your daughter. Email me if you want more details.
Of course, this depends on the plan, so I'll speak in general terms: If your daughter is not currently in treatment and you pick up a different plan, your wife's plan should pay out up the the new plan's lifetime max (if there is an orthodontic benefit.) Delta offers hundreds of different plans, each with their own clauses and restrictions. The best way to find out is to call Delta and tell them about your situation. If you know your wife's new group number, they should be able to tell you if "another" ortho max will apply for your daughter. Email me if you want more details.
What are some benefits of the career of journalism?
Benefits like health benefits ( insurance - dental, medical ) , schedule, stock options, vacation time?
benefits: - you get an indepth look at the news first - you get to take home a free paper - people offer you stuff if only you spill about the anonymous items. all the other factors you are asking about are in the wind except for people with contracts - either individual or guild - and in this climate are about to come apart. you are looking at not a recession or depression here, you are looking at a PARADIGM SHIFT. that means, forget as it was, it is going to be substantially different. and if you are thinking about a career in journalism i would tell you what i would tell anyone who has asked your question over the years - get a different job. if you are asking about benefits etc you are not cut out for this line of work. if you ask about how far an editor would let you pursue a story - well, that's a different matter altogether.
benefits: - you get an indepth look at the news first - you get to take home a free paper - people offer you stuff if only you spill about the anonymous items. all the other factors you are asking about are in the wind except for people with contracts - either individual or guild - and in this climate are about to come apart. you are looking at not a recession or depression here, you are looking at a PARADIGM SHIFT. that means, forget as it was, it is going to be substantially different. and if you are thinking about a career in journalism i would tell you what i would tell anyone who has asked your question over the years - get a different job. if you are asking about benefits etc you are not cut out for this line of work. if you ask about how far an editor would let you pursue a story - well, that's a different matter altogether.
Can tootheache cause my neck pain? How much are fillings?
I've had this toothache lasting for almost a week now. And my back 2 molars are the problem I think. And I have this neck pain and right shoulder pain, but I'm not sure if it's because I slept wrong. Do you think I can get this pain from my tootheache? Also, how much do you think it is to get fillings? I dont' have dental insurance and I'm scared to ask my parents to pay this bill.
Go to the ER and get some pain And antibiotics if the teeth are infected you will feel pain all over the Doctor can give a referral to a place where you you can get a reduce fee the ER visit will cost you couple hundred but you can pay over time or call social services and they might can tell you where you can go. but it;s not going to get any Better by doing nothing. i know what you are going thorough if you go Straight to a dentist you are going to pay 250/300 to pull them and they going to want the money then maybe you can pay haft up front and bill you the rest good luck.
Go to the ER and get some pain And antibiotics if the teeth are infected you will feel pain all over the Doctor can give a referral to a place where you you can get a reduce fee the ER visit will cost you couple hundred but you can pay over time or call social services and they might can tell you where you can go. but it;s not going to get any Better by doing nothing. i know what you are going thorough if you go Straight to a dentist you are going to pay 250/300 to pull them and they going to want the money then maybe you can pay haft up front and bill you the rest good luck.
Help with wisdom teeth extraction costs?
I really cant afford the $2000 dollors I was quoted to remove my wisdom teeth. I really need this proceedure, and while I am seeking advice from my local health department next week, I am still looking for other options as to how to pay for my extraction. Has anyone in need of dental assistance recived a small grant or temprorary insurance to help then? Any advice is apreciated.
I paid about $1200 for mine because of this great plan I have. I would encourage you to visit this great website: I signed up online over 5 years ago now and they have saved me thousands on all services. From cleanings, bridges, xrays, exams, fillings..etc. Even my braces. They even had my very affordable plan active in 2 hours and was able to use my benefits the very same day. I believe prices may vary in where you live, but the savings are still incredible. hope this helps.
I paid about $1200 for mine because of this great plan I have. I would encourage you to visit this great website: I signed up online over 5 years ago now and they have saved me thousands on all services. From cleanings, bridges, xrays, exams, fillings..etc. Even my braces. They even had my very affordable plan active in 2 hours and was able to use my benefits the very same day. I believe prices may vary in where you live, but the savings are still incredible. hope this helps.
Is this good Health Insurance from my work?
I will be paying 182 dollars a month for medical vision and dental coverage. I will have a 50 dollar deductible, 30 dollar copays for primary care visits (50 for specialist) and 80/20 coverage. (They pay 80 percent of the visits and I pay 20 percent, plus the flat co pay. Im new to the whole insurance thing, I just left my parents coverage. Is this considered good? I just think its sorts a lot as I only make 2100 a month.
Excellent coverage
Excellent coverage
Am I paying to much for Health Insurance? ?
So decided to sign up for my company's Health Insurance up to this point I've been in the military so been covered 100% through them. So my question is what is the standard amount that people pay. Right now they are charging $69 per week which includes me and my son. I make to much money for Government assisted Health Insurance (52,000/year). So just wondering if this is high or normal rate. I also signed up for Dental for $12 a week is that normal too? What you think??
That is a pretty good rate. Health Insurance primarily depends on your age. There are rate sheets available online with any company that underwrites health insurance. Two hundred and eighty bucks a month isn't that bad, plus you can't really compete with employee coverage. I'm not sure if your group coverage is through HealthNet or Golden Rule, but I found that those are the two most competitive in my state of Connecticut. Usually individual Dental add-on's are about $15/month so that is average as well. Again, the rate all depends on your age, however if your deductible is low and there is no co-insurance, you honestly cannot beat that in today's market.
That is a pretty good rate. Health Insurance primarily depends on your age. There are rate sheets available online with any company that underwrites health insurance. Two hundred and eighty bucks a month isn't that bad, plus you can't really compete with employee coverage. I'm not sure if your group coverage is through HealthNet or Golden Rule, but I found that those are the two most competitive in my state of Connecticut. Usually individual Dental add-on's are about $15/month so that is average as well. Again, the rate all depends on your age, however if your deductible is low and there is no co-insurance, you honestly cannot beat that in today's market.
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