So in the past month, my mom has spent well over 1000 dollars on herself, rather than booking appointments for the dentist, or paying for health or dental insurance and instead lying to the school she works for, saying she gets it somewhere else [when my brothers and I have obvious dental complications. Very. Obvious. For a couple of years now]. She also clips coupons almost daily, buys things she doesn't even need if and only if they're on sale, and freaks out if she has to pay five dollars for homework club, the place my little brother goes if she picks him up from scrabble club late - so I have to walk to school to pick him up, which I don't mind at all, but the fact of the matter is it's five dollars. She'll freak out if she has to pay for absolutely anything. But she'll spend 115 dollars on a fountain she doesn't need, 100 on a new rebounder, and several hundred on clothing and shoes and new jewelery. So I blocked QVC, HSN and NBC. Or SNBC, I think. She'll realize within an hour or two that they're blocked, and she needs a pin if she wants to watch them. She can go online, sure, but everyday she plops down in front of the couch and buys things off the television, and rarely goes on her computer, which she barely knows how to use. So yes. What's your opinion?
I can see how your mother's behavior can be annoying at times. She is smart to use coupons and take advantage of deals but it sounds like she needs to balance her spending on her family and other essentials also. Hopefully your relationship with her will not be affected negatively by your channel blocking.
Friday, August 19, 2011
why is it so hard to explain healthcare to the average person?
Sad thing is that we are the ONLY industrialized nation without standardized healthcare, people should realize if everyone was covered not only would it drive costs down, but it would drive treatment up! DO most know that preventative medicine is excluded or limited from 90% of the policys out there? Does anyone know that insurance companies spend 50 BILLION to try and find ways to DENY people coverage? People think Hillary Clinton would garnish wages and that has NEVER been said! SHE is the ONLY one with a plan that would work. THINK of THIS: imagine paying premiums on a pool of 100,000 thousand people, seems affordable enough? NOW imagine paying premiums on 300 million people? SEE the result, the BIGGER the POOL the LESS it will COST to swim!!!! NOW imagine DENTAL INSURANCE, with Hillary's plan we will all get the exact same coverage for cents on the dollar as CONGRESS!!! Still think 13 bucks a month for a family of 4 is too much? WELL, you will recieve subsidies then!
We have got to get rid of the misinformation that is plaguing this issue, and that starts with what kind of government we have, to the definition of socialism, and the very founding ideals, our constitution, and realize that we do have the welfare of the country and people in mind, thus we are failing that document. ========== Socialism a theory or system of social organization in which the means of production and distribution of goods are owned and controlled collectively or by the government. Communism a theory or system of social organization based on the holding of all property in common, actual ownership being ascribed to the community as a whole or to the state. There are no candidates that even come close to those two models. Currently, in the USA, we are a federal republic with democratic principles under a capitalistic economic system and socialism for needed services. Those needed services are things such as: Military Police Public Education State, federal and city infrastructures are a mixture of socialism and capitalism working together. Welfare etc. The only area where we are lacking socialism with needed services is our medical system for the average American. Yet the ones who pass the laws, our federally elected officials, enjoy a socialistic medical system. We have to put up with the BS from insurance companies. Most people have no idea what we are, what kind of government we really have, how that all breaks down in the most simple terms, which would make it blatantly easy to see the contradictions. I really wish the nay sayers about universal health care would, at the very least, demand that our elected representative stop giving themselves a free ride, or come to the realization that socialism for needed services can be a very good thing for the welfare of our country. Plus, universal health care is guaranteed in our constitution in the preamble. ======== We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. =============== =============== =============== Life is so simple, but we insist on making it complicated Confucius 551 - 479 BC =============== Peace Jim .
We have got to get rid of the misinformation that is plaguing this issue, and that starts with what kind of government we have, to the definition of socialism, and the very founding ideals, our constitution, and realize that we do have the welfare of the country and people in mind, thus we are failing that document. ========== Socialism a theory or system of social organization in which the means of production and distribution of goods are owned and controlled collectively or by the government. Communism a theory or system of social organization based on the holding of all property in common, actual ownership being ascribed to the community as a whole or to the state. There are no candidates that even come close to those two models. Currently, in the USA, we are a federal republic with democratic principles under a capitalistic economic system and socialism for needed services. Those needed services are things such as: Military Police Public Education State, federal and city infrastructures are a mixture of socialism and capitalism working together. Welfare etc. The only area where we are lacking socialism with needed services is our medical system for the average American. Yet the ones who pass the laws, our federally elected officials, enjoy a socialistic medical system. We have to put up with the BS from insurance companies. Most people have no idea what we are, what kind of government we really have, how that all breaks down in the most simple terms, which would make it blatantly easy to see the contradictions. I really wish the nay sayers about universal health care would, at the very least, demand that our elected representative stop giving themselves a free ride, or come to the realization that socialism for needed services can be a very good thing for the welfare of our country. Plus, universal health care is guaranteed in our constitution in the preamble. ======== We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. =============== =============== =============== Life is so simple, but we insist on making it complicated Confucius 551 - 479 BC =============== Peace Jim .
I have several broken teeth in the back, and my gums are starting to pull away from my front teeth...?
...I was depressed for a really long time (11years) and now coming out of that depression, my looks matter now. I can't smile or laugh without feeling like a retarded meth-head hickabilly even though I've never touched the stuff. I don't have insurance but I do have a full-time job, I've been looking into dental insurance but no plans seem to cover the amount of work it's going to take to get my mouth back to normal. What should I do? I already brush and floss at least twice a day (as thoroughly as I can without cutting my sensitive gums) and I gargle regular listerine. Are there any programs or anything I might have over looked that can help me? Thanks
To cut the expense of your dental work, you could look into a discount dental plan. The premiums are usually more affordable when compared to insurance. I have located a website with top discount dental plans, as I do not have any personal experience with a company other than Ameriplan. I will list both sites as sources. When comparing discount dental plans, I would compare three things - monthly premiums, number/quality of local providers, and savings. I hope that this helps and best of luck to you with your new life.
To cut the expense of your dental work, you could look into a discount dental plan. The premiums are usually more affordable when compared to insurance. I have located a website with top discount dental plans, as I do not have any personal experience with a company other than Ameriplan. I will list both sites as sources. When comparing discount dental plans, I would compare three things - monthly premiums, number/quality of local providers, and savings. I hope that this helps and best of luck to you with your new life.
Did I pick a wrong dentist?
My employer got me a new dental insurance so I picked a dentist from their web site. I visited this new dentist yesterday for the first time. They took X-ray etc... Then they told me that I need a deep cleaning. So I told them I had one already about 2 years ago then been getting regular cleaning every 3 months with old dentist. But they still insisted that I need another deep cleaning. And this is how much they want to charge for it. Per quadrant, Perio Scale : $260 (UCF) : $30.00 (PRIM) : $20 (PATIENT) IRRIGATION : $168 (UCF) : : $70 (PATIENT) On 10 teeth. (x10) ARESTIN : $150 (UCF) : : $85 (PATIENT) Total : $3463 (UCF): $120 (PRIM) : $1210.00 (PATIENT) So the total is $3463 but after insurance $1210. I don't know for sure what that arestin is. The dentist just told me that I have gum bleeding here and there due to infection so I need that treatment. But my old dentist (last visit about 3 months ago) did not tell me any such problem with my teeth. I think not only that price is outrageous but I feel like they are trying to sell me something I don't need. What do you guys think? Should I find a new dentist? What's ARESTIN and IRRIGATION? Do I need those treatment? They even recommended to take out my two wisdom teeth which are just fine. Why????
Just ask your new Dentist to call an ask your former Dentist for information on your records from all of your past dentist appointments and deep teeth cleaning.So if you really don't need another deep teeth cleaning again they shouldn't make you have another one.The patient is always right.
Just ask your new Dentist to call an ask your former Dentist for information on your records from all of your past dentist appointments and deep teeth cleaning.So if you really don't need another deep teeth cleaning again they shouldn't make you have another one.The patient is always right.
Would my fine be reduced?
Is it likely that my speeding ticket fine will be reduced? And is there anyway my points could be reduced? I'm a college freshman, and clean with my driving record. I have no dental insurance and I needed to get my wisdom teeth out. Since I don't have insurance I had to get them extracted at another university that's 2 and a half hours away. If I were to get there late I would have lost my appointment and would have to wait about another month for another appointment. To avoid getting there late I instead chose to speed there (bad idea), and I was pulled over going 30 mph over the speed limit. I have a mandatory court date coming up soon and I was wondering if I told them the reason for my speeding if my fine and/or points will be reduced. I have proof that I got my teeth removed that day, should I take that in to court? I'm in Florida
The appointment will not be a sufficient excuse. You'll be told you should have arranged to leave earlier. It is unlikely that your ticket will be reduced with that story.
The appointment will not be a sufficient excuse. You'll be told you should have arranged to leave earlier. It is unlikely that your ticket will be reduced with that story.
Need to get braces again (adult), Choices and Cost?
I'm a 31 year old female, who needs to get braces again, because just recently I got my wisdom teeth removed (yeah, I know long time to wait). Anyway, before getting my wisdom teeth out I noticed that my two front teeth, after a period of about 10 years or so, had started to seem to separate some. Now, I have a slight gap in between my two front teeth (very small, but still, it is there) and since getting my wisdom teeth out just about 2 weeks ago, it has gotten worse (the two front teeth have separated even more). It is not a big gap, but it is definitely there. What are my options when it comes to getting braces, at this age? I would like to get something that no one can see, or barely see, but still works just as good as the metal braces. I have dental insurance, but also I was trying to look at cost (just an average cost) of what it might be and with and without insurance? And how long would I need to keep the braces on in order for the gap in my teeth to recover back to normal?
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here -
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here -
How much will my braces cost?
I went to the orthodontist today and i told him that I was very unhappy with my teeth and he told me that I need to have braces for up to a year but if I took good care of them then I wouldn't need them on long. I have delta dental insurance and they cover 1500.00 of my braces. The orthodontist said that it was a very minor and easy fix but I am getting prices like 3000.00 something I didn't want to hear. I won't exactly know how much they will cost until my insurance company gets back with them but I am impatient and I want to know how much they will cost. Will someone please help me out????
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here -
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here -
sinus headache, now extreme toothache...HELP!!?
a couple days ago i had a sinus headache (i get seasonal allergies bad sometimes), now i've gotten a cold (from my careless roommate) and on top of that, i have a really bad toothache! the pain is on and around my wisdom tooth that has been coming in and it hurts so bad. i've tried rinsing with warm salt water, peroxide and listerine but it doesn't work. i've taken 1 aleve....what should i do?? i don't have dental insurance and i only have school endorsed health insurance which covers accidents and illnesses.
How about some Anbisol or some other oral, local analgesic? Make an appointment to see a dentist too! This sounds like "illness" rather than preventative dentistry. ,
How about some Anbisol or some other oral, local analgesic? Make an appointment to see a dentist too! This sounds like "illness" rather than preventative dentistry. ,
Abused by Dentist. Can I pick up my partial without seeing him?
A tooth on my existing partial broke off and I had asked my dentist to make me a new one. I stated that I again, wanted a Valplast partial. He took the imprint and sent it out. It came back a week or so ago and I went to the office to pick it up. It wasn't what I had expected. The teeth were small and discolored and it was set on a metal plate. I thought it was me so I had tried to live with it but the discomfort became unbearable. I developed sores on the inside of my mouth and the teeth looked awful. I tried to like them but friends and coworkers looked at me and their look spoke a thousand words- it looked awful. I called the office and went back. The dentist who was once so very kind was furious as I sat in the chair crying trying to explain why I didn't like the partial. I showed him the sores on the inside of my mouth and he stormed out of the room. He caused a big scene and fellow patients came to have a look. He kept saying he wanted to retire. I did nothing. I just said there, I couldn't believe this was happening. I wasn't hysterical when I came in so don't get the wrong impression. I cried in pain. I'm a Psychiatric Tech. and I know how to handle myself-- which I could say the same for others. He told me "Oh great! Now I have to pay for this!" He tried to force it into my mouth. He tried to force me into keeping it as a supposed "spare" but I said no. His dental hygienist was kind. She agreed the partial did not look right and said I had every right to voice my opinion. Another came in and tried to cheer me up. I left. He did the impression and I now I am waiting on my new partial... I am really very fearful of going back. I don't want to be subjected to his abuse. He already charged my dental insurance company and I will be making a payment arrangement to pay off the remainder. Can I request that I pick up the teeth without seeing him? What do I do?
dont go there on, the dentist sounds like a ******* asshole
dont go there on, the dentist sounds like a ******* asshole
Awful toothache. Tried everything.?
I have no dental insurance and 75% of my tooth is missing. It's been breaking for the past year. I get extreme tooth pain for about a week, then it trickles to not so bad, then it goes away for awhile. Today it's awful and I've tried everything I can: - Vanilla extract. - Tylenol. - Grinding up Tylenol and putting it directly on the tooth. - Anbesol. - Swishing with warm water. - Ice. - Heating pad. - Salt water. - Hydrogen peroxide. - Chloraseptic. - Smoking menthol cigarettes. - Stuffing bread in the tooth. - Brushing my teeth. I tried to get clove oil, but couldn't find any at the store. We have no mouthwash. Help, please. I'm going to call dentists tomorrow, but I don't know if anyone will see me. I have no insurance and I lost my driver's license. I have to get a paper notarized and send it off to Nebraska (I'm in Texas) before I can get it back. I'm desperate. I've considered yanking it out myself, but apparently that won't fix the pain.
Sounds like you may have a cavity. Have you tried oragel? That's the one I didn't see you has listed. You could look into a student dental program at a vocational school or community college and see if they could do something. Often they do it for free. Hope this helps.
Sounds like you may have a cavity. Have you tried oragel? That's the one I didn't see you has listed. You could look into a student dental program at a vocational school or community college and see if they could do something. Often they do it for free. Hope this helps.
average cost for dentures?
i have/will have lost the 2 molars on my top right. so no molars to chew on the right side. i dont know the number of the teeth involved, but had one extracted in december and the other one was loose and thought it might last another 6 months or so. it is now so loose, it is hanging by a thread and i need puled. (spelling) i cant even brush the tooth, since so loose. i have gum disease and have had for years. i just want to know what the minimum or maximum cost to expect. my bottom left bottom are getting loose also, so expect to have problems in the next 6 months or so with them, possibly getting loose and losing either one of them. i dont qualify for assistance, and have outstanding medical bills for a hernia operation last july in amount of 4k that the insurance did not pay due to 2500 deductible. with the economy and no income (unemployed), husband self-employed and parkinsons disease, dont want to lose house of 35 years and wipe out any savings of our investments. hate the fact that i have to consider if i can eat something or not. i have dental insurance that is crap; wont pay for another 8 months or anything major; took out policy in februabry, wont pay until 1 year, 1k max which is nothing. so i will be paying out of pocket. can anyone tell me what the average cost for dentures for the 2 top teeth on my right side so i can chew or eat certain foods.
Dentures run anywhere from 800 on up depending on the quality of them. Doesn't seem like you need dentures though. If you only have a couple teeth missing go with a bridge.
Dentures run anywhere from 800 on up depending on the quality of them. Doesn't seem like you need dentures though. If you only have a couple teeth missing go with a bridge.
Legal matters or What?
I started working for my present company in May 2007 and upon being hired I was promised Medical and Dental Insurance after my 3 month probation, which would be in August 2007. It is now late January 2008 and I still have not been offered benefits through the company I work with. Even though I do not need them because I am covered under my husbands insurance, I would have liked the option of having them. When an employee opts out of comapny benefits the employee is compensated for not participating, is this mandatory? When I bring this to my bosses attention she informs me that since I am not a salaried employee I do not qualify for the company benefits. Is there anything that can be done legally? This just does not seem legit. Thanks in advance!
Well, if you don't really want the benefits, you don't have much of a legal case. I've never seen a situation where a company compensated someone for opting out of medical or health insurance. Good luck, Dana (attorney)
Well, if you don't really want the benefits, you don't have much of a legal case. I've never seen a situation where a company compensated someone for opting out of medical or health insurance. Good luck, Dana (attorney)
medicaid for a male?
my husband went to the dentist today. everyone in his family was in dentures before the age of 30. we knew his teeth were bad but we had no idea there was infections! he has to have root canals, crowns, teeth pulled, and he even got wrote a prescription for antibiotics and pain killers.( i didn't even know dentist could write prescriptions) we have dental insurance but even after insurance we have to pay $6000!! does anyone know the income eligibility for a man supporting a spouse and one child? can men even get medicaid or is it just for women and children??
Call medicaid. If not then I would encourage you to visit this site: I signed up online over 5 years ago now and they have saved me thousands of dollars since. From exams, xrays, cleanings...etc. Dentures, cosmetic surgery and orthodontics are also included in this very very very affordable plan. They even had my benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. Good luck and hope this helps
Call medicaid. If not then I would encourage you to visit this site: I signed up online over 5 years ago now and they have saved me thousands of dollars since. From exams, xrays, cleanings...etc. Dentures, cosmetic surgery and orthodontics are also included in this very very very affordable plan. They even had my benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. Good luck and hope this helps
Laid off, question about health care expenses?
I work in VT and I just got laid off my job, I've been working there just under a year. My employer paid for my last month of health/dental insurance, but since I only worked one week in the month before my layoff, they are making me pay for the difference for the other 3 weeks of healthcare. Even though I had no choice of finding cheaper insurance or anything. Can they do that? They are deducting it from my last paycheck (about $300). Someone told me that they couldn't because I did work for them for part of the month and they already paid for it. That is different than COBRA, since I was working part of the time. IF they cannot do that, I need to offer them some sort of proof or web reference to get my money back... I've searched the web and cannot find what I'm looking for, but I may not be searching for the right thing. Anyone know the answer?? Please I'm desperate. Unemployment is only about half what I was earning and there are no jobs in the area. I need all the money I can get! Please HELP!
most will cover until the end of the month, but that is the company's choice to do so or not. so yes, you may be responsible for the balance. i wish i could give you better news.
most will cover until the end of the month, but that is the company's choice to do so or not. so yes, you may be responsible for the balance. i wish i could give you better news.
I have an infected impacted erupted wisdom tooth, should I double my antibiotics for two infected teeth?
For a few months I've been experiencing the infamous and unescapable growth of my third molars, aka your wisdom teeth. Last saturday night, I ate some spicy pepperoni pizza, and by midnight my jaw line was swollen and I couldn't close my mouth. My gums were very sensitive and the skin 'flap' over my erupted wisdom tooth was very inflamed. I took a couple Aleve and some tylenol, washed my mouth with mouth wash and set about trying to get to sleep for work in the morning. By 5 am I was experiencing full Trismus and extreme sensitivity in my jaw, neck, and temple. I went to emergency, and after sitting in a waiting room for what seemed an eternity, I was brought a prescription for penicillin and kicked out of the hospital. There are no dentists there, and apparently I should have known that. I don't have dental insurance, and I don't have money for an extraction. But I found a dentist who is going to call me in next time a patient cancels a wisdom tooth extraction -- at the charge of the original patient. I was told I needed to take the penicillin for 72 hours minimum before I could have dental surgery. And continue to take it until I have the problem tooth(s?) extracted. Now it's thursday and I'm in the beginning stages of the same infection on the opposite side, it's quite painful and obvious -- Even through the pain killers I'm on for the original infection. So my question is, with two infections now.. should I double my dose of penicillin? I have 10 days worth, with another refill for 10 days. that would get me about another 8 days of antibiotics. Sorry for the long story, and thank you in advance.
Doubling the antibiotics will not help. Just keep taking the prescribed amount. However, you DO NOT need to take them to have extractions. Medical doctors know little to nothing about the mouth. For instance, if they told you that you have an impacted, erupted wisdom tooth, that is wrong and impossible. If a tooth is impacted, it cannot be erupted. Also, they tend to prescribe antibiotics for everything. You need to rinse with a warm salter water solution to help with the healing process. Good Luck
Doubling the antibiotics will not help. Just keep taking the prescribed amount. However, you DO NOT need to take them to have extractions. Medical doctors know little to nothing about the mouth. For instance, if they told you that you have an impacted, erupted wisdom tooth, that is wrong and impossible. If a tooth is impacted, it cannot be erupted. Also, they tend to prescribe antibiotics for everything. You need to rinse with a warm salter water solution to help with the healing process. Good Luck
The back of my crown is black :(!!?
i got my crown for the left tooth out of the two front teeth on the top row (whatever i bite with) and that was maybe 4-5 yrs ago. and i didnt notice until i was joking with my sister and she saw behind my tooth that it looked like there was a black tooth under the porcelain...i stuck a small mirror in my mouth to check, and it did seem like half the tooth inside was black as anything, and on top where the porcelain is theres a crack kind of - like a dark J shaped mark. it never hurt or anything, and i brush after every meal etc, i dont know wha i did? well i dont even know what it my tooth decaying? :(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! which would suck because i dont have dental insurance and id have to wait til november to get included in my moms insurance plan...
Most likely you have a porcelain fused to metal crown and what you are seeing is a little of the metal at the gum line that was not covered with porcelain. This is a common way this type of crown is made and is nothing to worry about.
Most likely you have a porcelain fused to metal crown and what you are seeing is a little of the metal at the gum line that was not covered with porcelain. This is a common way this type of crown is made and is nothing to worry about.
Bf’s immaturity: Cultural difference or a real problem?
My bf's 30, American, an associate attorney. I am Chinese, 29, entry level consultant. We've been dating for 3 years and we are really close. He's been living with him Mom. He told me that he is thinking about spend the rest of his life with me. We just signed an apartment lease for a yr and are moving in together next week. But things he's been doing just keep telling me he is immature. His income after tax is 40K per year, but he spent 10K last year on his teeth procedures, didn't bother to look for a dental insurance plan. I asked him to get a dental plan. It's been two weeks and he hasn't done it yet. He always says "I will do research tomorrow." I don't want to see him spending another 5K on a cavity--he could use that money to buy me a ring. He's been looking for his dream job for 3 years, which requires a career change. He's only got 2 interviews, and is still looking. I told him that he is being unrealistic. If he really wants to change career, he should go back to school and recharge himself with a degree required by his dream job. He told me "I will shine." He is always keeping an eye on TV when he works on his resume, and always waits till the last day to submit job application. I thought because he's been living with his mom so he had no pressure of supporting himself and a family, that's why he didn't have the urgency to look for jobs or manage his finance more responsibly. But now we just signed a lease, he has little money in checking account, and 9K credit card debt. We calculated his income and debt and realize if he doesn't want to pay high interest, there are only 8 months left for him to pay off this debt. Even though currently I am making half of what he's making, I have no debt, and have a few thousand $$ in checking. So I just gave him $2K in cash to lower his credit card debt, and I gave landlord $3K for rent security deposit and first month rent. He said he will pay me back later and pay his share of rent after the first month. May be I am too naïve- I thought with a monthly big payment of rent coming, he will have some pressure and treat his life seriously. I am wrong, because he just told me today is the deadline of a job application so he needs to work on his resume tonight- he spent last night watching football game on TV with his friends. I can't believe this. Some ppl asked: if your bf has so many problems, why are you still with him? Well, he is nonsmoker, nonalcoholic, sweet and cute, doesn't go to bars, no complicated relationship history, generous to his friends and family, homeboy, supporting Obama… Maybe these are common among guys, but I've been dating him only for the last three 3 yrs, and one before him. I don't know if most guys have the same good traits. So, is this a culture difference? Some Americans told me: "You guys are not married yet. That's his life, his money, none of your business. " But to me, if two people are thinking about spending rest of their lives together, aren't they supposed to be thinking about the near future seriously and financially?
to me it sounds like you guys are one good couple... maybe if you two spoke to a third party more experienced about money would help you guys, but relationship wise u guys are doing good. you have to remember, men will always be men, that means dont disturb him when a football game is on, but he does have to be responsible if you two are now living together.. but i dont know of any dude that spends 10k's on teeth wtf?....
to me it sounds like you guys are one good couple... maybe if you two spoke to a third party more experienced about money would help you guys, but relationship wise u guys are doing good. you have to remember, men will always be men, that means dont disturb him when a football game is on, but he does have to be responsible if you two are now living together.. but i dont know of any dude that spends 10k's on teeth wtf?....
Please help, question about TMJ disorder?
Hello. I am a 23 yr old female. I think I may have TMJ. I am very frustrated with dentists I feel that a lot of the dentists I have seen are only concerened with getting my money and not ansering my questions thoroughly. I have a lot of problems with my teeth... -adult tooth grew in behind baby tooth, still have baby tooth with adult tooth behind it -missing molar on lower left side from a bad abcess -dentist recently told me my jaw alignment is off -dentist recently told me I clench and grind my teeth at night -popping/ clicking sound on left side when I open my mouth -had all four wisdom teeth removed within the last year and a half So those are basically my issues with my teeth. Myparents didnt take me to the dentist much as a kid so I am paying for it now and let me tell you how frustrated I am with all of these issues not to mention its not cheap to fix. any ways I have had this pain in my right temple and also slightly above my right ear. I have also had some ear aches. All of this pain is only felt on the right side. It is not an unbearable pain but it is enough to bother me. I am also a bit of a hypochondriac. I have been worried sick for the past two weeks that I might have some serious problem such as a blood clot or something terrible. I am in sales and have been so worried that I have a difficult time talking with clients and performing at work. I have been a nervous wreck having a few panic attacks over this. I went to an urgent care center one night where the doctor assured me that I probably dont have a blood clot and that he didnt feel it was necesarry to run any further tests. I am still worried thoug. Can any body out there let me know if they have experienced similar pains? and what is causing this? I do not have health insurance at this time so if I need to see a doctor it realy needs to be for an emergency. If this is all TMJ related I can deal with the pain and see a dentist since I do have dental insurance. Please help! Thank you and sorry this was so long!
The popping/clicking can definitely be a symptom of TMJ. Been there. Do you have a stiff jaw or headache when you wake up? I grind/clench at night and often wake with both. IF TMJ is your problem, get a night guard to wear to help alleviate some of the pressure you're putting on your jaw, and so you don't do damage to your teeth. Also take some magnesium to help relax your muscles before bedtime (I recommend Natural Calm). After awhile of this you can reevaluate. Also, consider taking some steps to help alleviate your anxiety and panic attacks as well. Relaxation tapes, EFT, or even a course I really like called Attacking Anxiety and Depression. Hope things get better for you.
The popping/clicking can definitely be a symptom of TMJ. Been there. Do you have a stiff jaw or headache when you wake up? I grind/clench at night and often wake with both. IF TMJ is your problem, get a night guard to wear to help alleviate some of the pressure you're putting on your jaw, and so you don't do damage to your teeth. Also take some magnesium to help relax your muscles before bedtime (I recommend Natural Calm). After awhile of this you can reevaluate. Also, consider taking some steps to help alleviate your anxiety and panic attacks as well. Relaxation tapes, EFT, or even a course I really like called Attacking Anxiety and Depression. Hope things get better for you.
Another Deadbeat Dad Question...?
My Ex Husband is required based on our divorce decree to pay his share of my daughters medical and dental bills. He makes significantly more money than me so his share is more. The decree states that I pay, send him the receipts and he has 10 days to pay me back. So i sent him the receipts for what the dental insurance didnt pay for certified mail but he never picked it up, so technically I guess he never received it. He knows if it comes from me its probably the receipts for her braces which is going to cost him money. So I'm wondering if certified mail isn't working and i dont really know whether he is going to drag this out and make me take him to court or not. So what's a good way to deliver the mail to get it in his hands-- if he doesnt want to get it??
In the UK we have a service, called registered i think, it means it has to be signed for at the other end, and the person who signs for it takes the rap if anything goes wrong, also the post office can inform you of its where abouts at any time with bar codes, if that doesn't work and he has visitation rights, give him the bills when he collects/ drops off your child.
In the UK we have a service, called registered i think, it means it has to be signed for at the other end, and the person who signs for it takes the rap if anything goes wrong, also the post office can inform you of its where abouts at any time with bar codes, if that doesn't work and he has visitation rights, give him the bills when he collects/ drops off your child.
Big decision i have to make can someone help?
I have been at my job for a little over two years, I make $48,000 per year. Two months ago, the company announced it was going to implement a flexible-benefit plan in conjunction with this year's salary raises. I got a review last week, i was informed that my raise would be equivalent to $3,000. they gave options of how to take it 1. Take the entire raise as a monthly salary increase. 2. Take as much of the $3,000 as you desire in the form of vacation at the equivalent of $200 per day. 3. Have as much as you desire of the $3,000 put into a tax-sheltered retirement plan. 4. Purchase additional term life insurance at the cost of $250 per $100,000 of face value. 5. Purchase dental insurance at the cost of $20 per month for yourself and $10 per month for each dependent Dont know which one is the best for me the offer full health benefits
Wow! I can tell you don't live in Florida (LOL) - the last job I worked not only didn't give any raises in 2009, but made us take mandatory time off, and in 2008 took away our bonuses. The entire 4 years I worked there, the biggest raise they gave was 4%!! You didn't mention anything about health insurance; only dental insurance, and I can't tell from your question if your salary has been adequately supporting your family thus far or if you're really in need of the increased take-home pay. My vote would be to take the entire amount in a tax-sheltered retirement plan. Do you need the extra take-home pay? Because it comes with having to pay additional taxes... Do you need more vacation time? Every day I was off work, stuff just piled up and I needed a vacation again as soon as I got back and saw the mountain of work waiting for me. Plus I didn't enjoy my vacation knowing what I would be coming back to in my in-box. AND you still have to pay taxes on it. I have a State Dept of Insurance License, and term life isn't a big deal unless you're pretty old already and likely to die before the end of the term. When the term is up, that money goes away, it doesn't get paid out! Dental insurance is almost useless since it covers only routine xrays and prophylactic cleanings. If you really need something like a bridge or dentures, the best you get is 50% coverage, and there's a cap on the annual dollar amount you can get in benefits. (My ex-husband got 2 crowns and it used the entire annual benefit amount plus we still owed $1,500 more out of pocket after that. However, if you've got several children, the dental insurance would come in handy. I lost my job in April, and after years of taking payroll deductions for all those benefits, the only thing I got to walk away with was my 401K. So that's my recommendation: the retirement plan, especially since it's tax-sheltered.
Wow! I can tell you don't live in Florida (LOL) - the last job I worked not only didn't give any raises in 2009, but made us take mandatory time off, and in 2008 took away our bonuses. The entire 4 years I worked there, the biggest raise they gave was 4%!! You didn't mention anything about health insurance; only dental insurance, and I can't tell from your question if your salary has been adequately supporting your family thus far or if you're really in need of the increased take-home pay. My vote would be to take the entire amount in a tax-sheltered retirement plan. Do you need the extra take-home pay? Because it comes with having to pay additional taxes... Do you need more vacation time? Every day I was off work, stuff just piled up and I needed a vacation again as soon as I got back and saw the mountain of work waiting for me. Plus I didn't enjoy my vacation knowing what I would be coming back to in my in-box. AND you still have to pay taxes on it. I have a State Dept of Insurance License, and term life isn't a big deal unless you're pretty old already and likely to die before the end of the term. When the term is up, that money goes away, it doesn't get paid out! Dental insurance is almost useless since it covers only routine xrays and prophylactic cleanings. If you really need something like a bridge or dentures, the best you get is 50% coverage, and there's a cap on the annual dollar amount you can get in benefits. (My ex-husband got 2 crowns and it used the entire annual benefit amount plus we still owed $1,500 more out of pocket after that. However, if you've got several children, the dental insurance would come in handy. I lost my job in April, and after years of taking payroll deductions for all those benefits, the only thing I got to walk away with was my 401K. So that's my recommendation: the retirement plan, especially since it's tax-sheltered.
The cost of a Diabetic Check up in the US?
I am a British citizen that has just moved to the US to work for 3 years. I have diabetes and have aetna medical and detal cover, that I am only supposedly have to pay $20 for each visit. Not to bad I thought. I broke my foot 4 months ago playing Football/Soccer and it cost me $120, even though i had medical insurance! I went to the dentist and it cost me $300, even though I had dental insurance! Back in the UK I had my Diabetic prescriptions and check-ups all for FREE, as well as health care alround. I would be very grateful if anyone can anyone can tell me how much I might have to pay on my first Diabetic check-up ? Thanks Andrew
Andrew, it seems cheaper for you to fly back and done all the necessary test in UK.
Andrew, it seems cheaper for you to fly back and done all the necessary test in UK.
Lost filling chewing gum help.?
Today I was chewing gum at work and felt this little tug and yet and behold my filling that I had in the middle of my two teeth. I just turned 19 a month or so ago and I do not think im on my parents insurance plan. My new job, I have to wait 2 years for dental insurance to kick in, but I get everything else after 3 months. My tooth doesn't hurt at all and not sensitive to cold, haven't tried sweet yet... Would the dentist reimburse or do I need to wait 2 years, or could I still be covered under my parents plan. And if I chose to wait, is there anything I need to worry about?
Normally, to replace a filling the dentist shouldnt charge you. How long ago did you get the filling that came out? If you go in and talk to your office and explain the situation Im sure they can cover it. The office I work at, does replacement fillings for no extra charge because they shouldnt be coming out.
Normally, to replace a filling the dentist shouldnt charge you. How long ago did you get the filling that came out? If you go in and talk to your office and explain the situation Im sure they can cover it. The office I work at, does replacement fillings for no extra charge because they shouldnt be coming out.
23 no dentist?
Im 23 and basically my whole life Ive never been to the dentist , I went once when I was 13 to have a tooth pulled but other than than I never went to the dentist , my parents never had enough money to take us. Now that Im older and I have my own kids I know how important it is to take them to the dentist every 6 months. About 4 years ago I noticed my teeth started decaying , the back two molars are almost completely gone from cavities and I have other cavities that are now coming up but it has never hurt until now - I can barely talk and all my words are slurred because my teeth are sooo sensative. I know its important that I see a dentist right away but Im scared and embarrassed that my teeth are soooo bad and Im scared about what the dentist is going to say. Im also scared about how much money it is going to cost me , I dont have insurance for myself . Any advice or tips on how to deal with this situation or maybe a dental Insurance info can help ??? And what can I expect when Igo.
Don't be embarrassed - dentists see patients like you all the time. It's literally their job, and if the dentist tries to humiliate you during the initial consultation, take your business somewhere else. Besides, the momentary blush you might feel when your dentist looks in your mouth and says "Gee whiz" will be nothing compared to the months and possibly years of slow agony you face by letting your teeth rot all the way down into the gums, which will cause you tremendous amounts of pain and cost much, much more to fix in the long run. Although you really should get this taken care of as soon as possible (is money more important than your health?), I understand the financial hardship it may present. When you take the kids, schedule a checkup for yourself as well. Talk to your dentist and tell her you've avoided this because you're concerned about the financial aspect. Dentists are doctors too - they began their careers to help people. It's very likely she'll take pity on you and either give you a discount, refer you to another cheaper dentist, or put you on an affordable payment plan per month.
Don't be embarrassed - dentists see patients like you all the time. It's literally their job, and if the dentist tries to humiliate you during the initial consultation, take your business somewhere else. Besides, the momentary blush you might feel when your dentist looks in your mouth and says "Gee whiz" will be nothing compared to the months and possibly years of slow agony you face by letting your teeth rot all the way down into the gums, which will cause you tremendous amounts of pain and cost much, much more to fix in the long run. Although you really should get this taken care of as soon as possible (is money more important than your health?), I understand the financial hardship it may present. When you take the kids, schedule a checkup for yourself as well. Talk to your dentist and tell her you've avoided this because you're concerned about the financial aspect. Dentists are doctors too - they began their careers to help people. It's very likely she'll take pity on you and either give you a discount, refer you to another cheaper dentist, or put you on an affordable payment plan per month.
Do I have a infected tooth?
My right molar is always throbbing severely, constantly. I haven't chewed anything on that side of my mouth since my son was born two years ago, and about a week ago while chewing a single strand of grated cheese (forgot that, that side of my mouth was messed up) I went into excruciating pain, and the pain has not eased up at all...Here's what my tooth looks like: There is a hole that's the shape of the letter "t" and is dark colored inside (kind of like the gristle inside of a chicken bone) also its very sharp at the edges of the hole, At the gum line of that particular tooth its turning purple and the tooth is starting to chip away (again at the gum line) The entire right side of my face, neck and jaw is always hurting, and I don't have dental insurance. I already spoke with 2 different dental offices and the only way they would look at my tooth is by me paying at least 75% up front, and I wont be able to afford that for another 3-4 months if I'm lucky :( Is my tooth infected? Would I need an extraction, or a root canal? Also, what can I do for the pain? (currently I been taking two 325mg of aspirin every 5-6hours, I gargle 91% alcohol, then gargle anti-bacterial mouth wash, after that I submerge the tooth in a combination of clove bud oil, menthol, and eugnol...This method gives me about 4 hours of complete numbness just until I have a sip of cold water or something.) Any advice is greatly appreciated! Thanks
This tooth sounds like it is headed down the road to extraction. See if you have a clinic in your area, or county hospital with a dental clinic so that you can get this out. Infections like this can kill people. Please see if there is some way to get it out of there. Your son needs his mom.
This tooth sounds like it is headed down the road to extraction. See if you have a clinic in your area, or county hospital with a dental clinic so that you can get this out. Infections like this can kill people. Please see if there is some way to get it out of there. Your son needs his mom.
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