In other words, if a health insurance plan does not cover normal dental work (checkups, fillings, etc), is oral surgery considered a whole different thing? If so, how often is it covered (particularly wisdom teeth removal)? Thanks!
My dental plan considers this Oral surgery and so would not pay. My medical plan considers anything they have to pay for as not covered and so I had my Wisdom tooth extracted without anesthesia(I didn't have $800.00). It was impacted took 6 hours to extract in several peaces along with part of my jaw. I felt every last bit(except for a few seconds when I passed out and fell out of the chair)
Monday, February 7, 2011
I am 31 and have only really 7 good teeth in my mouth. Can't afford the dental work... have insurance. Ideas?
So my teeth are horrible i have only really two teeth left on the top others are broken or i have done self dentistry because i can't afford to go to the dentist even with my fear of the dentist i want to go. My self esteem is horrible i have to watch what i eat. I never smile, and i have constant headaches and tooth aches. I know my mouth is infected but i need like 10,000 in work done. 14 teeth pulled... partial plate on bottom full plate on top. Anyone have any ideas. I tried the local dental college they wanted payment upfront as well for the extractions ... i am at my wits end... and my self image and esteem are at rock bottom. Help anyone???
Any Universities around you or in the next town. All Universities have dental colleges, and the students under their teachers supervision will work on your teeth and charge only a fraction of the cost of a dentist. I have never heard of them wanting a payment up front, Write the president of the dental college a letter, and explain yourself just as you have here. Also look in the yellow pages and find a free clinic near you. A Doctor there may know how to help you. All Doctors do some pro bono work, dentists too. You just have to find one. This is why the United States needs Health Care. Too many people are doing without. I wish you luck.
Any Universities around you or in the next town. All Universities have dental colleges, and the students under their teachers supervision will work on your teeth and charge only a fraction of the cost of a dentist. I have never heard of them wanting a payment up front, Write the president of the dental college a letter, and explain yourself just as you have here. Also look in the yellow pages and find a free clinic near you. A Doctor there may know how to help you. All Doctors do some pro bono work, dentists too. You just have to find one. This is why the United States needs Health Care. Too many people are doing without. I wish you luck.
i need dental work, but i don't have the money OR insurance. what do i do?
i am in a tight spot here. i know i need a root canal, a check up, and some other things looked at on my teeth, but can't seem to find a dentist in the philadelphia area who can help me out. i am willing to make payments to settle up, but i know it's hard to find a dentist who will work with me. and it's understandable. any advice for a girl in pain?
well you can try to ask some donation you know at church, shops or the shoping malls may be u might be lucky so good luck
well you can try to ask some donation you know at church, shops or the shoping malls may be u might be lucky so good luck
i am unemployed no insurance need 8 broken teeth removed and dentures is there a free dental clinic i can go 2?
i am located at 3319 delmar ln, atlanta, ga 30311
You might try a dental school.
You might try a dental school.
I live in the Middle Georgia area and need help with some dental work. Does anyone know what i can do ?
I don't have dental insurance and my credit isn't in good shape to get it on a payment plan so if there is anything i can do let me know. They really bother me and I really feel bad going into public by the way they look and i really do want help and i want to see a denist to do something about it so if there is anything i can do Please let me know... Please no smart a$$es
Find the closest university offering a dental training program. They have public clinics to train their advanced students. All work is supervised by a licensed dentist. Rates are much cheaper than what you would pay a private dentist. good luck!
Find the closest university offering a dental training program. They have public clinics to train their advanced students. All work is supervised by a licensed dentist. Rates are much cheaper than what you would pay a private dentist. good luck!
Anyone know how to get Dental help in Boise, Idaho with no Insurance?
Im 29 years old. I have not been to the dentist since the early 90's when I had my braces taken off. I recently went to a Local Dental office because of a coupon I received in the mail... To my surprise I have only 4 cavities...not bad. But I guess I have periodontal issues and a severe case of Gum Disease. They are recommending that I have ALL of my teeth pulled and that I either get Dentures or Implants. I don't have insurance, not even medical. I am Diabetic, and have a hereditary health issues that also coincide with that. ANyone know how does a person get good...if ANY dental help in this day and age? I Also don't have a lot of money...and that Dental Care credit thing is out.
Check with your local health department and dental schools. They can sometimes treat you even for free at dental schools since they are 3rd year students supervised by dentists.
Check with your local health department and dental schools. They can sometimes treat you even for free at dental schools since they are 3rd year students supervised by dentists.
Do you need dental coverage to have your wisdom teeth out?
My husband's wisdom teeth are causing a lot of pain. He really needs to have them out but we don't have dental coverage. Is oral surgery covered by regular insurance or is it included in dental? We have Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan and we pay for it out of pocket.
If the teeth are fully bony impacted or partial bony impacted, extraction is generally covered under a medical insurance policy. That's the key though - fully or partially impacted in the bone. (With wisdom teeth, that's generally the case.) You can call your insurance company to confirm whether you have a benefit for impacted teeth, and if so...which oral surgeons are in the network? And then confirm with the provider whether your husband's teeth are fully or partially bony impacted.
If the teeth are fully bony impacted or partial bony impacted, extraction is generally covered under a medical insurance policy. That's the key though - fully or partially impacted in the bone. (With wisdom teeth, that's generally the case.) You can call your insurance company to confirm whether you have a benefit for impacted teeth, and if so...which oral surgeons are in the network? And then confirm with the provider whether your husband's teeth are fully or partially bony impacted.
please very important,any dental hygenists? can cavities cause bad breath?
...i have a big cavity,and no dental insurance,im tryin to save up for a visit.worried i might need a root canal.but my main concern now is can food get down far enuff to cause bad breath? i pick,floss constantly.if i stick a pick in far enuff i hit a nerve and it that bad? will a filling suffice?i blow in my hand but it duznt smell to me.
not a dental hygenist, but yes, cavities can. so can bad health and not eating!
not a dental hygenist, but yes, cavities can. so can bad health and not eating!
Dental Assisting, medical Assisting, Medical Insurance , Vocational Nursing, Which one is essay training ?
I'm so busy with my kid, and i don't know which one is a essay for me? help me pick one. please!
-------------------- - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
-------------------- - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
I need to know about dental savings plans.?
I have dental insurance but they only cover up to 1000.00 worth of treatment yearly. I am very close to maxing out and I have a lot of dental work left to do and my insurance does not roll over until next October. So I the question is... Are these dental savings plans through Aetna, Cigna..etc... worth the money? I would like to find one where I don't have to pay up front and be refunded later... Any suggestions?
Look into Care covers the cost of most health care including dentistry. Good luck
Look into Care covers the cost of most health care including dentistry. Good luck
dental plan and insurance?
Is it okay to have both? If not, which one is better? I'm getting a bunch of teeth pulled out for braces.
Both is good. Insurance has deductibles, claim forms and limits. But when you max out your benefits, you can use a Plan as a supplemental. They will cover, what the insurance didn't. I would encourage you to visit this website. I have had them for over 3 years now. I use the for benefits the were not covered by my insurance. They are extremely affordable with pennys on the dollar. I signed up online and had my benefits active in 2 hours and all services are covered, no if's and's or but's about it. Hope this Helps. Good Luck
Both is good. Insurance has deductibles, claim forms and limits. But when you max out your benefits, you can use a Plan as a supplemental. They will cover, what the insurance didn't. I would encourage you to visit this website. I have had them for over 3 years now. I use the for benefits the were not covered by my insurance. They are extremely affordable with pennys on the dollar. I signed up online and had my benefits active in 2 hours and all services are covered, no if's and's or but's about it. Hope this Helps. Good Luck
Which is a good reasonable priced place to go for dental check up in Bellevue, WA?
I haven't had a dental check up for years and am new to the Bellevue area in washington. I was looking to get a Dental check up from a good doctor at a affordable price. Can somebody tell me how much will it cost. I have Regence BlueShield insurance but it doesnt cover Dental. I might follow it up with cleaning.
there isnt one :p The UW has a free dental program for people without dental insurance, try contacting them.
there isnt one :p The UW has a free dental program for people without dental insurance, try contacting them.
Where can I get affordable health insurance in New York State?
I need health insurance hopefully that also includes dental. I make to much for state run plans and don't have enough for private plans they want as much as $1,000 and there is no way I can afford that. But I can't afford not having any either. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Dental is seperate from health insurance, and New York is one of the most expensive states to buy coverage in. There's no "bargain". There's no "deal". With health insurance, you get what you pay for, and the better the coverage, the more it costs. Flat out. There's either welfare health insurance - the state plan, private health insurance, which you say you can't afford, or a group plan through your employer - so you might have to switch jobs to find that. You need to talk to a local agent, not online websites which will harvest your personal information to sell it. You can find a local agent at
Dental is seperate from health insurance, and New York is one of the most expensive states to buy coverage in. There's no "bargain". There's no "deal". With health insurance, you get what you pay for, and the better the coverage, the more it costs. Flat out. There's either welfare health insurance - the state plan, private health insurance, which you say you can't afford, or a group plan through your employer - so you might have to switch jobs to find that. You need to talk to a local agent, not online websites which will harvest your personal information to sell it. You can find a local agent at
Where can I get affordable health insurance in New York State?
I need health insurance hopefully that also includes dental. I make to much for state run plans and don't have enough for private plans they want as much as $1,000 and there is no way I can afford that. But I can't afford not having any either. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Now that President Obama's Healthcare Reform has kicked in--(which it did, yesterday, YAY!!! FINALLY)--contact the, and see what options THEY give you for dental care. I do know that they give preventive care. So like I say, find out--I bet you can get a crown and cap or maybe even more than one, out of Denta ins. Co's'. And be sure to thank the President at the polls this year. Kick out all the Demo-Publicans who would reverse this great thing that our President did--bringing affordable healthcare to Americans--and vote in Progressives instead. THEN VOTE TO KEEP THEM!!!! Here's my new bumper sticker: BRING BACK PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS: VOTE REPUBLICAN!
Now that President Obama's Healthcare Reform has kicked in--(which it did, yesterday, YAY!!! FINALLY)--contact the, and see what options THEY give you for dental care. I do know that they give preventive care. So like I say, find out--I bet you can get a crown and cap or maybe even more than one, out of Denta ins. Co's'. And be sure to thank the President at the polls this year. Kick out all the Demo-Publicans who would reverse this great thing that our President did--bringing affordable healthcare to Americans--and vote in Progressives instead. THEN VOTE TO KEEP THEM!!!! Here's my new bumper sticker: BRING BACK PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS: VOTE REPUBLICAN!
Is Health Insurance Paid By Employer During Unemployment OK? Will That Effect My Unemployment Earnings?
Hi, I'm in Michigan. I'm pretty sure I'm going to get laid off for a while after the first of the year. Perhaps for 3 or 4 months. I'm fairly certain my employer will continue to pay 100% of my health and dental insurance for me while I'm laid off. Will this cause my unemployment benefits to be reduced any? If so, what are my options? Thank You! Russ
I'm fairly certain if your employer continues to pay for your health and dental insurance, it would violate several laws. They won't be able to write the premium off on their taxes, like they can for employees, AND, the insurer would have to agree to violate the laws governing eligibility for group plans. It's not going to happen. You'll be offered COBRA, which you can take, and pay at your own cost, or not. Even if your employer is your dad, dad's going to HAVE to keep you on payroll, to be able to keep you on the health insurance plan.
I'm fairly certain if your employer continues to pay for your health and dental insurance, it would violate several laws. They won't be able to write the premium off on their taxes, like they can for employees, AND, the insurer would have to agree to violate the laws governing eligibility for group plans. It's not going to happen. You'll be offered COBRA, which you can take, and pay at your own cost, or not. Even if your employer is your dad, dad's going to HAVE to keep you on payroll, to be able to keep you on the health insurance plan.
If I have PPO health insurance, are there instances where it may cover dental work?
When I was younger, I was on alot of steroids and chemo. Because of that, my teeth are extremely yellow, and deteriorating. I am told I need caps, crowns, or veneers. They will cost me alot of $ that I don't have.
It is unfortunate but health insurance doesn't cover much when it comes to dentistry. For example: It might cover the extraction of wisdom teeth if they are impacted. It might cover the x-rays necessary for the extraction of wisdom teeth if they are impacted. It might cover a restoration on a tooth if that tooth were dammaged due to an accident. The catch is that the tooth has to be virgin (no type of restoration of any kind at the time of the injury). It might cover surgery to remove cysts of the jaw. If you were in some sort of accident, you might have coverage for root canal therapy of the natural damaged tooth. That's about it. You can have your dentist and physician write reports to your health insurance and perhaps, just perhaps, you might get some coverage but I doubt it. Sorry I could not give you better news.
It is unfortunate but health insurance doesn't cover much when it comes to dentistry. For example: It might cover the extraction of wisdom teeth if they are impacted. It might cover the x-rays necessary for the extraction of wisdom teeth if they are impacted. It might cover a restoration on a tooth if that tooth were dammaged due to an accident. The catch is that the tooth has to be virgin (no type of restoration of any kind at the time of the injury). It might cover surgery to remove cysts of the jaw. If you were in some sort of accident, you might have coverage for root canal therapy of the natural damaged tooth. That's about it. You can have your dentist and physician write reports to your health insurance and perhaps, just perhaps, you might get some coverage but I doubt it. Sorry I could not give you better news.
Do community colleges offer med/dent insurance to their students
I was told that the community colleges in CA, offered free medical and dental insurance to their students. Could it be true?
I don't think so, I know about 2 of the community colleges in the LA area and they charge a small Health Fee (like $30 a year), but that covers their on-campus health clinic -- things like testing blood pressure, STDs, etc. International students must have health insurance or buy insurance through the school which isn't especially cheap. It would be insane if they offered free medical and dental insurance! They only charge $20 a unit to their resident students, so a huge amount of the actual expense of the education is paid for by taxpayers. Taxpayers wouldn't be too happy about picking up medical insurance too! Here is some info, most community colleges probably have a similar program:… (Not sure if they have minor dental too.)……
I don't think so, I know about 2 of the community colleges in the LA area and they charge a small Health Fee (like $30 a year), but that covers their on-campus health clinic -- things like testing blood pressure, STDs, etc. International students must have health insurance or buy insurance through the school which isn't especially cheap. It would be insane if they offered free medical and dental insurance! They only charge $20 a unit to their resident students, so a huge amount of the actual expense of the education is paid for by taxpayers. Taxpayers wouldn't be too happy about picking up medical insurance too! Here is some info, most community colleges probably have a similar program:… (Not sure if they have minor dental too.)……
?Where do I find free or low cost Dental help?? No Insurance!?
I have severe pain , have'nt slept well in 2weeks!! Please help.I'm desperate!!
Can I call 9-1-1 because of extreme dental pain?
It's 3:54 AM here, and not only can I simply not sleep but my mouth is in extreme pain because of this molar tooth. I tried Ibuprofen, and the pain doesn't go away for very long. I even bought some Jack Daniels whiskey and gargled that - STILL doesn't work. I'm in extreme pain, am a college student living alone, I don't have dental insurance, and I simply *for once* just want to be able to go to sleep. Can I call an ambulance for this?
no need. very very expensive for an ambulance to come by the house to pick you up and take you to the hospital, when you could drive yourself over. forget the jack gargle. at home, try brushing the tooth as best as you can, swish warm salt water around the tooth, maybe even brush with some salt. warm compress on the cheek closest to the tooth. ibuprofen OTC will usually do the trick till the next morning. if nothing works at home, you could try the pharmacy and grab some for tooth ache medicine OTC. medicines with eugenol oils work the best. it should soothe the tooth down alot till the next day when you can see someone. remember the medicine is place directly on the tooth and can be tender. there are some other stuff too you can use like orajel which have had some good results. the above suggestions are the more cheapers routes. if you're up for it and feel you need to do something tonight, you can go to the closest ER. if MDs there determine it's some dental infection, then they give you some antibiotic and a Rx pain killer and tell you to visit a dentist tomorrow. but know that you'll be popping the pain kiillers for a couple days before the antibiotics work the infection to a point of relief. even after, the salt rinse, the eugenol med, the trip to the ER, you'll see have to see a dentist at some point. insurance or no insurance. if it's tooth related pain, you're looking at a either a root canal or an extraction. i'd encourage you to go to the dentist, either tomorrow or in the near future. if you don't see someone... you probably will experience this again. good luck and take care. oh.. if funds are tight, try a local dental school and visit their walk in emergency clinic. many times it's much much cheaper than private practice and def cheaper than the ER.
no need. very very expensive for an ambulance to come by the house to pick you up and take you to the hospital, when you could drive yourself over. forget the jack gargle. at home, try brushing the tooth as best as you can, swish warm salt water around the tooth, maybe even brush with some salt. warm compress on the cheek closest to the tooth. ibuprofen OTC will usually do the trick till the next morning. if nothing works at home, you could try the pharmacy and grab some for tooth ache medicine OTC. medicines with eugenol oils work the best. it should soothe the tooth down alot till the next day when you can see someone. remember the medicine is place directly on the tooth and can be tender. there are some other stuff too you can use like orajel which have had some good results. the above suggestions are the more cheapers routes. if you're up for it and feel you need to do something tonight, you can go to the closest ER. if MDs there determine it's some dental infection, then they give you some antibiotic and a Rx pain killer and tell you to visit a dentist tomorrow. but know that you'll be popping the pain kiillers for a couple days before the antibiotics work the infection to a point of relief. even after, the salt rinse, the eugenol med, the trip to the ER, you'll see have to see a dentist at some point. insurance or no insurance. if it's tooth related pain, you're looking at a either a root canal or an extraction. i'd encourage you to go to the dentist, either tomorrow or in the near future. if you don't see someone... you probably will experience this again. good luck and take care. oh.. if funds are tight, try a local dental school and visit their walk in emergency clinic. many times it's much much cheaper than private practice and def cheaper than the ER.
I'm in need of desperate and affordable dental care in Austin. help?
I have a filling that is stuck in between two of my upper molars. Ouch! Somehow the filling detached itself from one of my bottom fillings and when I was munching on chips I managed to chew it up into my molars. Now it's stuck and I can't get it out! I've used a toothpick already..... Another thing is I don't have dental insurance. Aargh! I need something I can afford....
If your dental problems are really interesting, you might be able to get some first-year dental student in San Antonio to try his or her hand at fixing them. See:…
If your dental problems are really interesting, you might be able to get some first-year dental student in San Antonio to try his or her hand at fixing them. See:…
does medical insurance cover braces at western dental?
i was wondering if California medical covers braces at western dental?help???
you need to check it up with your insurance company or the dentist.
you need to check it up with your insurance company or the dentist.
Does the new health insurance company cover my examinations?
I've already used up the twice-per-year examinations (insurance covers) according to my dental health plan. I'm wondering if I change my health insurance company now, will the new company cover the examinations? Or they will see that I've already got it done, and won't cover it?
-------------------- - here is my health insurance plan. As I remember they can provide such a service.
-------------------- - here is my health insurance plan. As I remember they can provide such a service.
Does Missouri MediCaid (MC+) cover DENTAL for pregnant women?
So I am pregnant and have Dental Insurance thru work which is at Wal-Mart... Well I need like 4 Root Canals and my benefits are about taken up so I cant rely on that insurance alone... Does anyone know bout Medicaid tho? I do know I can use this as my Secondary Insurance but does it come with DENTAL while ur pregnant? Thanks all for takin the time to read this!
If they do, they usually have limits on services. I would encourage you to visit this site: I signed up online over 5 years ago now for all my dental needs and they have saved me thousands of $$$. From cleanings, crowns, xrays, exams, root canals...etc. They even had my very affordable plan active in 2 hours and was able to use it the same day. Good Luck.
If they do, they usually have limits on services. I would encourage you to visit this site: I signed up online over 5 years ago now for all my dental needs and they have saved me thousands of $$$. From cleanings, crowns, xrays, exams, root canals...etc. They even had my very affordable plan active in 2 hours and was able to use it the same day. Good Luck.
My dentist started to perform dental work on me covered by the Insurance on 08/06. I was laid off in 11/06.?
Is the Insurance company obligated to pay the dentist for work contracted in August/06, or could they now refuse to pay.
Speak to your insurance company, the chances are that because the course of treatment was started before you were made redundant then it should continue to conclusion.
Speak to your insurance company, the chances are that because the course of treatment was started before you were made redundant then it should continue to conclusion.
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