I am a single male age of 41. HMO would be fine. Thanks!
healthquotes.awardspace.info - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
I need extensive and expensive dental work. I have no dental insurance, and dental schools are too far away.?
There are no dental schools close by. I am running out of time. Any dentists out there who can help?
You should try carecredit.com they will fianance dental work if you cant afford it...My Oral surgeon reccomended me to them (for wisdom teeth) and you can fiancance it for like up to 5 years! Check with them to help you out. Good Luck
You should try carecredit.com they will fianance dental work if you cant afford it...My Oral surgeon reccomended me to them (for wisdom teeth) and you can fiancance it for like up to 5 years! Check with them to help you out. Good Luck
are there any good dental insurance programs out there?
seems like the only thing offered is a smidgen of help on simple routine procedures. but if you have a serious problem, well....your on your own. so am i in the dark? where is the good insurance? or can i work out a plan with dentest/oral surgeon?
Ekial, yes you can work out a plan with some dentists. After all, many are in the business for themselves and can decide to give you a discount. Alternatively, you can join a plan where the savings are pre-negotiated, like dentalservice4less.
Ekial, yes you can work out a plan with some dentists. After all, many are in the business for themselves and can decide to give you a discount. Alternatively, you can join a plan where the savings are pre-negotiated, like dentalservice4less.
Is there a website I can use to find people looking for health and dental insurance?
I want something that does not cost anything.
YOu are not the only one who met this problem,I have met this type of problem before.I have good experience here http://www.HealthInsuranceIdeas.info to solve my similiar problem.
YOu are not the only one who met this problem,I have met this type of problem before.I have good experience here http://www.HealthInsuranceIdeas.info to solve my similiar problem.
What is going on no dental or eye insurance anymore?
What in the heck is going on! No medi-can insurance for eye and dental! please tell me why!!!!! how can they do this! I mean u have a infected tooth and they wont pull it!
It looks like a non easy cracking nut,looking around here http://www.InsuranceFreeTip.info/insurance-for-free.htm ,you may find something useful for you.
It looks like a non easy cracking nut,looking around here http://www.InsuranceFreeTip.info/insurance-for-free.htm ,you may find something useful for you.
I pay dental insurance 100% out of pocket. Can I claim the expense on flexible spending account(cafe 125)?
My employer does not pay for dental insurance or dependent medical insurance; I pay for the insurance 100% out of pocket. We have a Flexible Spending Account (Cafe 125). Can I claim my premium cost for dependent medical insurance and dental insurance on my Flexible Spending Account?
Yes, you can. In case you don't have dental insurance you need to submit to FlexSpend your bill and a written statement that says that you paid this bill out of your pocket.
Yes, you can. In case you don't have dental insurance you need to submit to FlexSpend your bill and a written statement that says that you paid this bill out of your pocket.
If you don't have dental insurance or a credit card,will some dentists work out a payment plan w/you?
Like, him billing you after the major work. You may 1st payment in office, and then pay the rest off in a month?
Usually a dentist will work out a payment plan with you if you have been going to him for a while. They are not as incline to do a payment plan other wise. If you don't have the money, there are dentists that will treat you for FREE They are in every city. Look for your city here at the bottom of page in resources. http://www.ehow.com/how_4616815_free-den…
Usually a dentist will work out a payment plan with you if you have been going to him for a while. They are not as incline to do a payment plan other wise. If you don't have the money, there are dentists that will treat you for FREE They are in every city. Look for your city here at the bottom of page in resources. http://www.ehow.com/how_4616815_free-den…
Do anyone know anything about Dental Insurance?
I am trying to purchase some dental insurance for my family and i would like to know of any good companies for indivdual coverage.
My personal experience is that most families with fairly healthy teeth lose big time buying their own insurance, and that families with unhealthy teeth at best break even. The cost of regular checkups and daily home care (flossing and brushing) is far cheaper out of pocket than out of most individual insurance plans premiums. I would advise you to first do research on how dental insurance works, decide what (if any) coverage you need, and find a good broker if you still decide that you want it. The only time recommend dental insurance to a patient is if their employer is picking up at least half of the premium. Otherwise, you'll save more money going out of pocket and/or using your medical savings (aka Flex spending) accounts. Also, beware of psuedo-insurance: discount plans masquerading as dental insurance. If you pay less than $150 only once a year to go to a limited list of participating dentists, you are getting a discount plan, not insurance. Many of these plans negotiate dentistry at deep discounts. You pay the company a membership fee, they pay absolutely none of it towards your dental care. Be careful; the economics of these plans gives doctors every temptation to bait and switch you into higher priced elective procedures.
My personal experience is that most families with fairly healthy teeth lose big time buying their own insurance, and that families with unhealthy teeth at best break even. The cost of regular checkups and daily home care (flossing and brushing) is far cheaper out of pocket than out of most individual insurance plans premiums. I would advise you to first do research on how dental insurance works, decide what (if any) coverage you need, and find a good broker if you still decide that you want it. The only time recommend dental insurance to a patient is if their employer is picking up at least half of the premium. Otherwise, you'll save more money going out of pocket and/or using your medical savings (aka Flex spending) accounts. Also, beware of psuedo-insurance: discount plans masquerading as dental insurance. If you pay less than $150 only once a year to go to a limited list of participating dentists, you are getting a discount plan, not insurance. Many of these plans negotiate dentistry at deep discounts. You pay the company a membership fee, they pay absolutely none of it towards your dental care. Be careful; the economics of these plans gives doctors every temptation to bait and switch you into higher priced elective procedures.
Why isn't dental insurance normally covered by all health insurances?
Just curious why it isn't usually considered an important health concern, even though when I have a tooth ache it feels like the end of the world. And I wasn't sure what category to put this in as it is also somewhat political.
because dental work is extremely expensive and if you do get dental insurance it still is allot of money so its better to pay for dental work out of pocket. so basically insurance companies will actually have to do their job and provide health care and if they did that for dental care god forbid they would loose a profit from the bloated profits they already make.
because dental work is extremely expensive and if you do get dental insurance it still is allot of money so its better to pay for dental work out of pocket. so basically insurance companies will actually have to do their job and provide health care and if they did that for dental care god forbid they would loose a profit from the bloated profits they already make.
Are dental discount (not quite the same as dental insurance) plans tax deductible as medical expenses?
. . . subject to the 7.5% of adjusted-gross-income gap, of course. In other words, if you don't spend more than 7.5% of your income on medical and dental expenses, then it's not judged to be an undue burden.
Dear Casey: (Yes) You are correct, however remember the 7.5% limitation is Federal and some states allow 100% of medical so check your state regs. This advice was prepared based on our understanding of the tax law in effect at the time it was written as it applies to the facts that you provided. Click on my profile to read more. Errol Quinn Enrolled Agent Master Tax Advisor
Dear Casey: (Yes) You are correct, however remember the 7.5% limitation is Federal and some states allow 100% of medical so check your state regs. This advice was prepared based on our understanding of the tax law in effect at the time it was written as it applies to the facts that you provided. Click on my profile to read more. Errol Quinn Enrolled Agent Master Tax Advisor
Can anybody recommend a good dental insurance provider?
I'm a single male living in Illinois & I'm 26 years of age. Can anybody name a provider that wont kill my wallet & offers extensive coverage for a variety of procedures?
health-quotes.isgreat.org - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
health-quotes.isgreat.org - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
When do I put my 23-month old on my dental and vision insurance coverage?
She turns two in December 2008. Should I put her on my dental and/or vision insurance for 2009? Or is it STILL too early?
I just asked my dental hygenist this question and she said babies should have their first visit around 2 or 3 so that is when I would add her on to your insurance.I would hold off on the vision a bit longer unless you think there is an issue.
I just asked my dental hygenist this question and she said babies should have their first visit around 2 or 3 so that is when I would add her on to your insurance.I would hold off on the vision a bit longer unless you think there is an issue.
Will dental insurance cover my composite resin bonding or crown?
My husband is going to get dental insurance really soon. When I was 16 I had my two front teeth knocked out. Pretty close to the nerve, but I didn't have to have them pulled. Instead they did the resin bonding. I was told that I would need a crown when I got older. Now I'm 24 and I've never had them replaced. Will dental insurance cover them? They are sore sometimes... especially my left one. Thanks everyone. :)
healthplans.bebto.com - here is my health insurance plan. As I remember they can provide such a service.
healthplans.bebto.com - here is my health insurance plan. As I remember they can provide such a service.
I live in South Carolina and i need dental insurance desperatly! Can any one help me!?!?
I live in south Carolina nd i need dental insurance prety badly. I need a lot of dental work done and i cant afford to pay for it all. I honeslty am at my wits end! I know that bad teeth lead to so many more health problems and i am getting worried! Help me please!
Have you ever looked into a discount dental plan? Come check out my site, sign up today and go to the dentist tomorrow $19.95 a month for the whole household! www.mybenefitsplus.com/coberry I'm sorry about the pain you have, lets get it taken care of~ Chrystal O'Berry Program Specialist, AmeriPlan USA 240-418-3117 www.mybenefitsplus.com/coberry
Have you ever looked into a discount dental plan? Come check out my site, sign up today and go to the dentist tomorrow $19.95 a month for the whole household! www.mybenefitsplus.com/coberry I'm sorry about the pain you have, lets get it taken care of~ Chrystal O'Berry Program Specialist, AmeriPlan USA 240-418-3117 www.mybenefitsplus.com/coberry
I am a broke disabled veteran in desperate need of dental insurance where do I turn to?
Where do we as Iraq war veterans turn to when we need dental care? I have no money, work very little and have a young daughter to support. The Department of Veterans Affairs offers us no dental coverage as a disabled veteran because I am not 100% disabled. I can't afford to pay out of pocket and have done my research and it seems that this is a problem that people care very little about. I have an abcess and a decayed toothe that needs to be pulled what do I do? Please anyone I am in desperate need of some answers.
Currently the VA only offers Dental coverage for service connected issues or 100% rated veterans. I'm sorry to say that you'll probably have to find a dentist or oral surgeon who will preform the work with a promise of payment, may not be easy to find. I don't know if you qualify for Medical assistance in your area? That might be an option but each state is different. Couple things to do on the tooth... Rinse your mouth with warm water and salt or baking soda together. This is not going to fix your problem but it may give you some relief. Also look into getting some Oil of Clove at a local health food store and use a tooth pick to put a little around the site of the tooth, inexpensive and may offer temporary relief. If you smoke or chew try to back off till about a week after the tooth is pulled. Good luck!
Currently the VA only offers Dental coverage for service connected issues or 100% rated veterans. I'm sorry to say that you'll probably have to find a dentist or oral surgeon who will preform the work with a promise of payment, may not be easy to find. I don't know if you qualify for Medical assistance in your area? That might be an option but each state is different. Couple things to do on the tooth... Rinse your mouth with warm water and salt or baking soda together. This is not going to fix your problem but it may give you some relief. Also look into getting some Oil of Clove at a local health food store and use a tooth pick to put a little around the site of the tooth, inexpensive and may offer temporary relief. If you smoke or chew try to back off till about a week after the tooth is pulled. Good luck!
does any one know of some good cheap dental insurance?
I need my wisdom teeth pulled and I dont have any insurance?
I paid only $800 for mine, when I was originally quoted $1800 because of this wonderful plan I have. I would encourage you to visit this great site: www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I signed up online over 5 years ago now and they have saved me thousands of dollars over the years. From Cleanings, extractions, xrays, filling...etc. all services are included in this very affordable plan. Though prices may be different where you live, but the savings are still incredible and worth a shot. They even had my plan active in 2 hours and was able to use them the very same day. good luck and hope this helps.
I paid only $800 for mine, when I was originally quoted $1800 because of this wonderful plan I have. I would encourage you to visit this great site: www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I signed up online over 5 years ago now and they have saved me thousands of dollars over the years. From Cleanings, extractions, xrays, filling...etc. all services are included in this very affordable plan. Though prices may be different where you live, but the savings are still incredible and worth a shot. They even had my plan active in 2 hours and was able to use them the very same day. good luck and hope this helps.
Where to get dental insurance?
I am looking for standalone dental insurance. I do not want one of those discount plans. Where is a good place or company to get this coverage?
I've had both and honestly, I hate insurance! They charged me an exorbitant amount every month and they only allowed a limited amount of visits per year! Rip off! The discount plan I have now is only $5 a week for my entire family and i just saved about $2000 on my daughters braces! I save hundreds every time we go to the dentist and best of all, there are no limits on how many times I may visit my dentist. I actually enjoy getting my teeth cleaned and like to go more that 2x a year, I go 3 or 4 times and always save a lot of money. you should try the discount plans, they are 10x better than insurance! check out the one i signed up for below. Good luck!
I've had both and honestly, I hate insurance! They charged me an exorbitant amount every month and they only allowed a limited amount of visits per year! Rip off! The discount plan I have now is only $5 a week for my entire family and i just saved about $2000 on my daughters braces! I save hundreds every time we go to the dentist and best of all, there are no limits on how many times I may visit my dentist. I actually enjoy getting my teeth cleaned and like to go more that 2x a year, I go 3 or 4 times and always save a lot of money. you should try the discount plans, they are 10x better than insurance! check out the one i signed up for below. Good luck!
Typically how much per month are standard dental insurance premiums?
And typically how much do they cover per year?
health-quotes.talk4fun.net - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
health-quotes.talk4fun.net - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
Which dental insurance plan is better for me? PPO OR HMO?
I am planning on taking my wisdom teeth out. However, I don't know if the insurance will cover that. Other than that, everything is fine with my teeth.
There are hundreds of PPOs and HMOs out there so it is impossible to say. Make sure that your medical insurance will cover "surgical removal of impacted wisdom teeth" as part of their oral surgery benefits. Good luck
There are hundreds of PPOs and HMOs out there so it is impossible to say. Make sure that your medical insurance will cover "surgical removal of impacted wisdom teeth" as part of their oral surgery benefits. Good luck
Why are there all these question from ppl in the US about not having health insurance or dental insurance?
I live in Europe and if you have something wrong with you, you just go to the doctor or the dentist. The state pays for it. Easy peasy. No hassle. Live is too short to worry about money as well as being sick at the same time.
You may feel that life is too short to worry about money and being sick at the same time, but there are plenty of people in the US who lay awake at night thinking that somewhere there may be even one single person getting health care he or she does not deserve. ?°)
You may feel that life is too short to worry about money and being sick at the same time, but there are plenty of people in the US who lay awake at night thinking that somewhere there may be even one single person getting health care he or she does not deserve. ?°)
I have no dental insurance and my teeth are literally falling out! What can I do?
Is there such a thing as a pro-bono dentist in Michigan that would take what teeth I have left out -and help me get dentures?
Most cities have free dentisty. Check your city or a larger city near you. Also if you do still have some teeth left maybe go to walmart and get those little brushes and clean inbetween them. Also floss and brush if you can and use warm water if you are having pain. Maybe go to the emergency room at the hospital or call nurse direct there and that will help you. I hope you are okay. Don't worry it will be alright and you will get dentures soon dear.
Most cities have free dentisty. Check your city or a larger city near you. Also if you do still have some teeth left maybe go to walmart and get those little brushes and clean inbetween them. Also floss and brush if you can and use warm water if you are having pain. Maybe go to the emergency room at the hospital or call nurse direct there and that will help you. I hope you are okay. Don't worry it will be alright and you will get dentures soon dear.
I have no dental insurance and horrible credit, any ideas were to go to see a denist that wont charge me a ton?
I live in the portland/ beaverton area. Please help, right now i have a retainer with my tooth on it kinda looking fot the same retainer but with another tooth on it;
Where can I get full coverage dental insurance?
I am looking for a company that is accepted at most dentists and I would like full coverage.
when you type full coverage if you mean that your insurance will pay for 100% of your treatment costs then you are out of luck. no dental insurance company will pay 100% of all treatment. or if you mean that your insurance company will pay a portion of all the different types of treatment you may need then you again are out of luck. insurance companies as you know are not there to help you but are ther to make money period. most insurances will pay for a portion of your treatment while you pay the remaining copay. if you are lucky and brave you may be able to find a "dentist" who will waive the patient copay. good luck! there are many individual dentla insurance palns available from ameriplan usa, dorsey, qcd, cigna, delta dental, aetna etc.........
when you type full coverage if you mean that your insurance will pay for 100% of your treatment costs then you are out of luck. no dental insurance company will pay 100% of all treatment. or if you mean that your insurance company will pay a portion of all the different types of treatment you may need then you again are out of luck. insurance companies as you know are not there to help you but are ther to make money period. most insurances will pay for a portion of your treatment while you pay the remaining copay. if you are lucky and brave you may be able to find a "dentist" who will waive the patient copay. good luck! there are many individual dentla insurance palns available from ameriplan usa, dorsey, qcd, cigna, delta dental, aetna etc.........
would it be smart to buy dental insurance and wait for the 12 months grace period?
I need my wisdom teeth pulled out and some root canals. I'm not in pain or anything. so would it be smarter to wait or just come up with the money for these procedures? what is a smarter move?
You should weigh the cost of premiums for one year, adding your share of cost for these procedures, 50% or whatever it is, and compare that to your cost out of pocket with no insurance and getting the work done now which you may need right away. The root canals may have to get done now. You should get this information from your endodontist or dentist, whoever you saw that diagnosed your root canals. If you wait you might have abscesses in your canals and need extractions. You have to know what the cost will be going for each choice and compare them. You cannot make a decision without the financial information.
You should weigh the cost of premiums for one year, adding your share of cost for these procedures, 50% or whatever it is, and compare that to your cost out of pocket with no insurance and getting the work done now which you may need right away. The root canals may have to get done now. You should get this information from your endodontist or dentist, whoever you saw that diagnosed your root canals. If you wait you might have abscesses in your canals and need extractions. You have to know what the cost will be going for each choice and compare them. You cannot make a decision without the financial information.
can i get dental insurance with prexisting problems?
i had l00% coverage until I retired about 5 years ago. I had a tooth pulled and he wants to put a mini implant or bridge. I don't even know the difference between a mini and regular implant. I also have two small cavities under corwn on the side. Dan I get Insurance and how much.
Medical Discount Plan ideal for those who cannot afford or qualify for traditional health insurance. The companies offer discounted health services for a quite low monthly fee. Benefits include a range of discounts for doctors, hospitals, dental, vision, prescriptions, vitamins, as well as other health services. Individual & Family Health Plans This is a major health insurance plan for individuals and families. If you are looking for comprehensive long term health insurance coverage for yourself and/or your family members who are 62 years old or younger - this is the plan to choose. Short Term Medical Plans This plan is ideal for individuals in transition. Maybe you have just graduated from college and are no longer covered under your student health insurance or you moved out on your own, and you're no longer covered under your parents' medical insurance plan. Or perhaps you're employed part-time, going to school, leaving home for the first time, or even retiring early. Maybe you've found a new job, but your new employer's group health insurance plan won't kick in until you've been with months. YOu are not the only one who met this problem,I have met this type of problem before.I have good experience here www.HealthInsuranceIdeas.info to solve my similiar problem.
Medical Discount Plan ideal for those who cannot afford or qualify for traditional health insurance. The companies offer discounted health services for a quite low monthly fee. Benefits include a range of discounts for doctors, hospitals, dental, vision, prescriptions, vitamins, as well as other health services. Individual & Family Health Plans This is a major health insurance plan for individuals and families. If you are looking for comprehensive long term health insurance coverage for yourself and/or your family members who are 62 years old or younger - this is the plan to choose. Short Term Medical Plans This plan is ideal for individuals in transition. Maybe you have just graduated from college and are no longer covered under your student health insurance or you moved out on your own, and you're no longer covered under your parents' medical insurance plan. Or perhaps you're employed part-time, going to school, leaving home for the first time, or even retiring early. Maybe you've found a new job, but your new employer's group health insurance plan won't kick in until you've been with months. YOu are not the only one who met this problem,I have met this type of problem before.I have good experience here www.HealthInsuranceIdeas.info to solve my similiar problem.
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