Thursday, June 2, 2011

I need a dentist bad & no where will help!!!!?

i have no dental insurance & I live in NH i cannot find anywhere to help me. The only places i find are for children, elderly, dentures, or to have them pulled. & the other dentists wont take me unless i have money up front i cant afford all money at once i can only do payments i have tried everyone.
wander to massachusetts or your local emergency room in the hospital...most will allow you to do payment plans.... how old are you? call mass health in massachusetts..they might have a list of self pay dentists in nh good luck also look at colleges....i know cape cod community college..they have a dental clinic...since they have a pre dental major course work. it is cheap and operated and overlooked by real dentists..they might have a number for you...or it might be worth the trip to see them...just a thought!

Non Impacted Wisdom Teeth Removal?

All 4 of my wisdom teeth are non-impacted. I'm going to have 2 of them removed soon. 1 of them is kind of chipped in the back, but the majority of the tooth is still up. I'm sure they're both pretty rotten. My question is, will they be able to remove these teeth with only local anaesthesia (novacain shots)? Will they have to cut into my gums and remove bone? I dont have dental insurance, and am trying to have this done as cheaply as possible. Thanks.
if your wisdom teeth are not impacted, it will come out very easly. Simple LA should do.

How2 negotiate lower Dentist fee?

Hubby wants me to ask Dentist for a discount on routine dental care for 2 children. We have no dental insurance & have to pay cash. How does one go about asking for a dentist to lower fees or charge less for routine dental exam? I hate haggling & don't do so. When purchasing car I decide how much I can pay, tell dealer so, & don't go over my alloted amount.
I know that where i work the dentists will give discounts but im not sure how they figure it out. You should probably call and ask to talk to someone in Financial and ask if there are any discounts you could get.

Health Insurance-Fairmont Premier Ins. Co.?

Does anyone have a policy with this company? I'm trying to find new family health insurance because the premiums through work are very high. This health insurance through Premiere quoted me $459.85 per month (me, husband and son). They give you a drug card for Rx's through BCBS of Oregon and its a $15 copay (which is excellent). They also cover a portion of dental through Aetna Dental. She said something about we would be billed a portion of the pre-negotiated bill for a doctor visit after Fairmont pays. Anyway, does anyone have coverage through Fairmont? Are you satisfied with it? Do you end up paying more than you thought?
The company may be OK, although the A.M. Best rating is only B+. The plans are hospital certificates, not major medical. This means they are very limited as to what they pay. For example, if you need an ambulance ride they only pay $50. The average ride in my state is $1000 so you pay $950. They only pay $50 for ONE emergency room visit per year. The average in my state is $1500 so you pay $1450. The average hospital stay in my state is 5 days and cost $15,000. They will pay up to $1000 per day which leaves you paying $10,000. The doctor network is very limited. If you sign up with this plan make sure to search a doctor first to verify that they're still on the plan and that they're accepting new patients. My advice would be to visit a local independent agent. This person can compare the plans available in your area to find out the best plan for your situation and budget. They don't charge any extra for the service.

Dental Work?

Is there a way to get dental work done for free or very low cost for someone with limit cash flow and no insurance in NY?
You might want to check with a college of medicine that has dentistry section. Your worked on by interns who are tops in their class and are supervised. Normally the students are in the top 1 - 3% and are using this experience to get just a better grip on the real world of dentistry. Check your yellow pages for the name and number under colleges, medical schools etc. I know that in Houston it is UTMB I do not however know what the schools name would be for your area. Good luck.

Aspen Dental- Scam?

I am 29 and I had to get a full upper denture, it has been nothing less than a painful experience. To start, they were all nice when I went in and came up with a treatment plan, went over the insurance coverage and even gave me a 5% discount for paying my portion ($1,680.00) in advance. It seemed great, until the day of the extractions. I got a lady who did not speak english to well, spend 4 hours in the chair getting teeth pulled. She numbed me only to walk away for about 20 mins and then started working, even after I told her I wasnt numb anymore. After 4 hours of gripping the chair and the assistant urging her to give me more numbing shots, I looked like I went 25 rounds with a boxer. Now I get a bill stating I owe another 1,200.00 that no one can explain. My EOB from the INS says they owe me 1,000, however in the true "Aspen Shuffle" as I now dub it, I get a new answer and new person each time I call, just like their dentists. They run more of a dental farm than dental office.
I would call the office and get a ledger from them which would show all the services (charges) and all your payments and the insurance payments. Then I would compare the EOBs you have received from your insurance company to their bill. The easiest way to do this is by date of service. So total the charge for each date of service, then subtract out your payment, your insurance payment, and any contract adjustments. (If your dentist is contracted with your insurance company they can only charge the allowable,PDP,Contract allowance,or UCR fee- the difference between their fee and the contracted fee is a write off and you are not responsible to pay it.) After you do your calculations if all the services have been paid for and there is a credit the office owes you, then I would contact them with that information. Due to the "Aspen Shuffle" you may not get very far, this is when I would contact your insurance company, they can then do a 3-way call with you and their billing department to get your bill all worked out. If your insurance denied something or did not pay as estimated then you could still have a balance, but after doing the math you will know for sure. It sounds very frustrating, I hope that helps and good luck!

Cheap Dental-Dentist Help!!!!?

I need to have my wisdom teeth pulled and probably should of had them pulled a few years ago but I don't have coverage and I'm in enough debt that I wouldn't be able to finance it. I live in MD and there is only one dental school and I plan to call but I think they are very expensive. They take insurance which really makes me think it's high there. Will it be cheaper to get a dentist to pull them rather then a oral surgeon?
call 1-800-929-8344 Ref# 246314 they will cover you for cosmetics and dental procedures.they are very helpful.

dental, regarding phropy verus full mouth debridement?

when full mouth debridement(D1110) is first visit. how should second visit be billed to insurance company
a full mouth debridement is coded D4335 generaly after this service you would have root planing code D4341 in all 4 quads of your mouth then a reevaluation coded D180 to ck the health of your tissue then you would more then likely have a periodontal prophy D4910 D1110 is a prophy used on your periodontal health is stable and put on a 6 month recall program

is it okay to take amoxocillian that is a year and half old?? My wisdom teeth are infecting my gums....?

I called western dental, because I dont have insurance, my teeth have been hurting me since Sunday and I am sure it is my wisdom teeth, I called and the dentist receptionist said that I most likley have an infection, and I need to take amocillian, but I dont have the $cash they need right now to get the antibiotics....
You need to take the advice of 'Dr. Receptionist" with a grain of salt. No one should make a diagnosis over the phone, especially an hourly employee. If the gingival tissue over/around your wisdom teeth is merely inflamed, not infected, you may be taking the amoxicillin without good reason. The indiscriminate use of antibiotics is causing a problem worldwide with the development of resistant strains of bacteria. Find a way to have your problem diagnosed properly so that it can be treated properly. Incidentally, the amoxicillin you have may or may not still be effective.

What's the BEST way to fix healthcare in the US?

If we go to a socialized system we will end up like Canada with 50% tax rates and insufficient practitioners (that's why they come here), or like Britain where you have to wait up to 6 months for operations, and people are so desperate to see dentists they have to pull their own teeth, and a company called DIY Dental that sells over-the-counter filling material and temporary caps does booming business? To FIX the US healthcare--you have to understand the problem. Imagine first having "grocery insurance"---you'd buy prime rib and caviar and champagne with abandon! Or "gas insurance" you'd always buy supreme! Without an incentive of checks and balances, there's no way to reduce costs. In West Virginia, they found that by rebating 10% of the nearly 100% error rate on hospital bills back to clients, that they immediately saved nearly one half on Medicaid costs.
Make people get a job and buy insurance, It works for me. My wife and I both work and pay 466 a month for insurance. It is very good insurance and i work hard to afford it. Why should I pay for someone who is too lazy to work and get their own insurance. If you can't afford health insurance then the govenment should set something up. It would be crappy but better than nothing. I see no reason someone should get the same insurance I get when I work damn hard for it.

where could i go to get Dental Care for cheap?

i dont have insurance... i need help!!!
consider this option. Dental plan for $11.95 mo and you get vision, chiropractic and prescription also for the same price. You can save up to 80%. Go to:

How can I file a complaint to my dentist/dental office?

I had been going to this dental office for the past 2 years. This year we went to our regular yearly consultation and cleaning. Everything went the same. I was just so shocked to received a billing statement amouting to $535. I never paid anything for cleaning/xray in the past. I called my insurance and they informed me that they are already out of Network. My dentist nor the dental office did not us that they were out of my insurance network. We shoudl have not done the procedure and not pay for this huge amount of money. They also did not inform us after the procedure. It was only when I called their office after I verified with my insurance. Is there also a chance that I can lower the amount I need to pay? By the way, I never signed anything explaining about the cleaning charges which we done the past 2 years.. Pls. help. $535 is a huge amount this day. I have not gone back to them and do the procedure if I know I will pay this huge amount.
I agree with Grandpa Walleye for the most part. Here is the issue. Your insurance is a contract between YOU and your INSURANCE COMPANY! YOU are responsible to see if your provider is part of the network. These networks CONSTANTLY change their provisions and fee schedules and force Dentists to drop them due to poor reimbursement. You are responsible for checking with the office to see if they are in the network. I agree, they should have noticed your plan and informed you, but this is a COURTESY! Many offices file insurance as a COURTESY, the Dentist has VERY limited influence with the insurance company as we are basically "bill collectors" to the company. They will do everything in their power NOT to pay a claim, stall a claim, lose a claim, you name it! I no longer accept ANY insurance but will provide a billing statement so the patient can file. You pay the premiums, you deal with their stupidity! RANT OFF! I think the office should discuss fees prior to the appointment. Since you were not informed, please discuss the issue with the Dentist. These issues are usually handled at the "front" desk and the Dentist never hears of the situation and wonders why the patient never returns. Please discuss the situation with the Dentist, not the front desk. I think you will find a sympathetic ear and probably a reduced fee or payment plan. Also, you are responsible for the bill. I know thats tough, but it's the law. I hope this works out for all concerned. Dr. Dan

Help me find free/cheap dental care in NYC?

I know i ask this already but did not got exactly what i was looking for. I need some job in one of my teeth dont have insurance and my credit is really really bad. I need to be fix soon or im going to be infected. HELP!!
In NYC, I would say the NYU College of Dentistry (NYUCD) is a place for a cheap dental care. Dental care at the College of Dentistry is primarily performed by dental students under the close supervision of experienced faculty dentists. Every stage of treatment is checked and evaluated. I was a dental student there a few years ago and I was able to help my patients to get free dentures, RCT, post/core and even bridges. Work things out with their clinic managers and you will be surprised with the free treatments they offer. There is also a "The Stu-Dent plan". I think it's around $200 a year which covers all fillings, cleaning, X-rays and discount for crowns, RCT and bridges.

Health Insurance?

Can someone reccomend some good affordable health insurance policies for people who's work place does not have health insurance yet. I'm looking for something with good coverage that wont cost me an arm and a leg. Here is a list of things i want on this coverage in order of priority: 1.Mental Health Coverage (dont refer state and government run things because i fall through the cracks on their rules) 2.Dental (i love and want to keep me teeth) 3.Doctor visits (i dont go to the doc much even when i am sick)
I know Costco sells good quality health insurance for pretty cheap. Most health care plans don't cover dental, you have to get a separate policy for that.

No insurance, feel like im running out of options. advice?

The state wont give me insurance because I make $100 over their guidelines. The low-cost insurance in my state has a waitlist, and ive been on it for months. i cant afford to purchase any other insurance because I cant afford it. The dr's and dental clinics they offer for low income wont take me because i have no insurance (makes no sense) and the places that will take me want an arm and a leg (that I just cant afford!). What can I do? I have two wisdom teeth that need pulled, one of which has been hurting for the past week. I have cavities that need filled, and i honestly dont want to be 30 with no teeth! I have medical issues that every low-income doctor ive seen wont take me serious because I dont have insurance. What am I to do? Im a college student, who in two years will be able to afford insurance, but in the mean time, my health is lacking and I feel like I have no where to turn unless I have big amounts of $$$$$$ Any advice... and please dont be cruel.
You really really need to find a local dental school. You can get your dental work done there - with about 10 people standing around watching, LOL, at a FRACTION of the cost of a real dentist.

How long to get a settlement check?

I have told my attorney to settle my claim. Does anyone know if I am going to have to wait for months and months or will it only be weeks My attorney told me not to call him after the last meeting cause he doesn't want the insurance co. to think I am in a hurry for the money. Well in a way I am I need dental work and new glasses the ins won't cover. I would just like to know if it usually takes for ever for settlements. Its not as if Im asking for a huge amount of money
Your lawyer gave you good advice. It will not help one little bit by being in a hurry for a settlement

How do I open a home buisness in PA?

I am trying to start my own dental laboratory.I have almost all my equipment I need.I have an EIN, a name,and some work coming as soon as I get set up.I need to know about licence and insurance.thanx.
I believe the following link can help you:

what does child support cover when making these payments?

Does it cover dental bills and medical bills as well. Do I have to go out of pocket to pay for any bills that my insurance did not cover.
Usually it says that you are to provide for 50% of cost not covered by medical insurance. That means dental is CP's responsibility, but you have the choice to contribute if you'd like.

Can a doctor, eye doctor specifically, look up your insurance information if you don't have an insurance card?

I have insurance through my parents, however, I only have my dental card in my possession. I can't print temporary cards because I am not the main person on the account. I have tried ordering new cards but I don't have enough information to do so. I do not talk to my parents at all, so calling them is out of the question. Right now I need to order new contacts. I have my last ones in my eyes and my vision is getting blurry. These won't last much longer. Can I walk into a eye office and have them look up my insurance. I have my group number, my SS card, birth certificate. Will they be able to see I have insurance or do they need that card? Right now I can't afford to pay out of pocket.
Yes, as long as you know who the provider is. And, start mending fences with the folks, you will need them down the road someday.

Medicaid application question- what to say on forms when you live with boyfriend but he doen't support you?

I'm a 28yo ft student that hasn't made a dime since Jan. I'm taking to way many credit hours to work. I got a little fin. aid and had to take out a student loan. I haven't even gotten the check yet, so I'm dead broke and in debt. It's not such a big deal, I've been broke before, I can do it again. The problem is, I need health and dental insurance. Every independent plan including student plans cost atleast $100 a month, I can't afford that. I've been told I would qualify for medicaid and it's free. But I know they will ask about who I live with and how much he makes. My boyfriend makes good money, but he doesn't support me. I haven't been paying rent but once I get that check he wants me to pay atleast a little. So, what do I say on the forms? If I say I do pay rent, will he have to mention that when he files his taxes? If I say I don't pay, will they he supports me and want to include his income? I truly am broke, can't work, am not being supported and need insurance. what do I say?
I work as auditor for Medicaid. Just do this! don't put him in the application and he should write a letter of support stating the he helps you with meal you can submit your income and also a letter from your school stating that you go to school or college full-time. They don't count your income if you go to school full-time. If You have resources I mean money in the bank over 2,000 in the bank you wont qualify. You don't have to lie, just say the true you go the school and your boyfriend is helping you. If you have any other question send me an email, I'll be happy to help you.

Genetic dental disorder,can I get claim it as a medical necessity?

Please,no mean comments. I was born with a genetic disorder, I guess you would call it. Its called Amilio Genisis Imperfecta, I hope I spelled that right. Esentially, I have very little, to no enamel on my teeth. It makes me prone to cavaties (which I have always had to deal with) they are extremely sensitive to hot and cold, not to mention they appear discolored. My mom recently had porclein veneers put on hers(she has it too) and her dentist said that I could probably have mine done too, and claim it as a medical necessity for insurance, instead of cosmetic. Does anyone know if this is true? Also,he said I could claim it like that on my tax return too. Can anyone help me out here? I could never afford to have then veneered (almost $30,000 for my mom) but if insurance would cover most of it as nessecary, then I probably could afford it. Thanks
More than likely it is true. Your doctor needs to submit a letter of medical necessity to your insurance carrier. Dental injuries are covered by medical insurance, and I am fairly certain, that your congenital disorder is as well. You can always call your insurance carrier and ask.

Dental/Medical receptionists: busy job?

To anyone who has worked as a dental or medical receptionist: how busy was your job? did you have various tasks when not answering phones, filing, and calling insurance companies? How much downtime was there?
I just started as a receptionist at a Family Medicine clinic and we are constantly busy. You don't do a lot besides phones, filing, & insurance claims but there's always so much of it to do. Sometimes we work on compiling medicine lists of our patients to make sure nothing is conflicting. We have 3 girls in the office everyday and none of us are ever bored. You also have to deal with the representatives from the different pharmaceutical companies that come in to try and have samples of their medicine in our office. We get 2 15 minute breaks and 30 minute lunch break that's paid for in an 8 hour day. But I also have a friend who works as a receptionist in a dentists office and she's no where near as busy, so I guess it depends on the size of the office you're working for.

WAL-MART Insurance?

What is the insurance like at Wal-Mart? How long do you have to be employed to qualify for it? Does it cover dental and vision? Thanks
It's not exactly Blue Cross! Of course this IS Wal-Mart! If you want a low-cost healthcare solution, check this out:

Question on health insurance terms (First Time Buyer)…?

Work offers insurance at $20 that for part-time with pay 25% of health care bills. The plan does not include vision or dental for part-time so was looking into few different insurance companies. Have a question on a quote that talks about deductible. It is a $10,000 deductible the wording makes it sound that additional coverage will not be covered until paid. It seems strange so possibly misinterpreting it. What does deductible mean from health care insurance?
Deductible means the minimum amount that you must pay to have the insurance company pay anything. The deductible is the minimum amount not paid by the insurance company. If the total of all the bills are less than the deductible, then you pay everything and the insurance company pays nothing. If the total of all the bills are more than the deductible, then the insurance company pays something, but you pay the deductible or more.