We mainly are looking at it for medical needs. Dental would be nice, but its not necessary. And vision isn't necessary at all.
We live in California too, and have an Insurance through Costco (must be a member to get theirs), but it is excellent. Also has dental available too. Recently, because of the economy, we had to give up the great coverage we had with them, and apply with Blue Shield for more of a major medical coverage. However it still has prescription coverage as well as an annual physical coverage. So it's a good policy and will drop our premiums by almost 3/4 a month. So whether you choose a Costco Plan or decide on a different carrier, I will give yo the name of our agent who is awesome. She really works for you to get you exactly what you want and sells for Costco as well as all the major carriers. Her name is Lisa and you can reach her at 1-800-611-9057 ext #2206. She will do you a fantastic job, that I am sure of.~~
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Military health & dental coverage (for life?)?
If someone joins the military for only 4-6 years (as opposed to serving 20 years and retiring), will they still receive full health and dental insurance for the rest of their life? Someone told me this was true, but I thought you had to retire after 20 years to keep those bennies. Anyone know?
NO, you wouldn't receive them for that period of time. Even after retiring at 20 years, the benefits aren't that great. You can go to the VA, but the waiting list is huge and the care is usually fair. You also have to pay insurance (TriCare) when you get out for you and the family. Also, active duty, you have to pay dental insurance and they don't cover the cost of glasses or anything like that for family members.
NO, you wouldn't receive them for that period of time. Even after retiring at 20 years, the benefits aren't that great. You can go to the VA, but the waiting list is huge and the care is usually fair. You also have to pay insurance (TriCare) when you get out for you and the family. Also, active duty, you have to pay dental insurance and they don't cover the cost of glasses or anything like that for family members.
how long to wait after root canal to get a crown put on?
i had a root canal very recently, and basically paid out of pocket, out of lack of dental insurance (im a student, and pretty damn poor!). i now need to get the crown put on, but i will have to start all over again and start saving for it. how long can i possibly wait before having it done?
You can wait a year or two before the tooth weakens enough to break. The amount of filling material in the tooth will also make a difference, the more fillings the greater the chance of breakage. Remember, the longer you wait the greater the chance of that happening.
You can wait a year or two before the tooth weakens enough to break. The amount of filling material in the tooth will also make a difference, the more fillings the greater the chance of breakage. Remember, the longer you wait the greater the chance of that happening.
dental costs.... help!?
my boyfriend has a cavity on one of his lower front teeth. It is towards the gumline, it's not horrible, i don't think it can be seen by the naked eye but it's got to be fixed. he has no dental insurance though... can anyone give me a ball park estimate as to what this will cost to fix it? also we live in florida, in clearwater... are there any type of assistance programs to help defer the cost if he has no insurance? thanks so much.
The cost of fillings vary depending on how large the cavity is. In my office fillings start at $147 and go up to $307. If no insurance you can look into a discount plan that will cut that cost by almost half. Ameriplan or Careington are good ones but I don't know if they offer them in FL as I live in CA. Hope this helps!
The cost of fillings vary depending on how large the cavity is. In my office fillings start at $147 and go up to $307. If no insurance you can look into a discount plan that will cut that cost by almost half. Ameriplan or Careington are good ones but I don't know if they offer them in FL as I live in CA. Hope this helps!
If my teeth are bad will Dentist or other people think bad if I want to be a Dental Assistant?
I'm going to school for Dental Assisting, because I really enjoy it! However, my teeth aren't completely straight. I'm a little self conscience because all the other girls have perfect teeth, and we have to practice on each other and stuff during class. Do they look at things like that? I thought about maybe getting my teeth fixed once I get good medical insurance. Thanks!!
I'm glad you're enjoying your study. I'd say don't worry about having slightly crooked teeth- the orthodontist I went to once had less-than-perfect teeth... and he was an orthodontist! You shouldn't be discriminated against on the basis of your teeth any more than any other variation in features. It makes no difference to your ability to do a good job! Remember you're probably more conscious of it than anyone else is :) Good luck!
I'm glad you're enjoying your study. I'd say don't worry about having slightly crooked teeth- the orthodontist I went to once had less-than-perfect teeth... and he was an orthodontist! You shouldn't be discriminated against on the basis of your teeth any more than any other variation in features. It makes no difference to your ability to do a good job! Remember you're probably more conscious of it than anyone else is :) Good luck!
If your insurance doesnt pay for braces..what then? do u have to have credit card or will the dentist..?
put you on a payment plan himself.....so then if you dont pay...what does he do? reposses them? lol..I mean..seriously though..how does this work..my dental insurance does NOT pay for braces....
The billing office will set the payments up for you...Usually a monthly plan.
The billing office will set the payments up for you...Usually a monthly plan.
Has anyone been to Operation Samahan dental clinic in San Diego?
Are they good? Any complaints from anybody? How do you feel the price compares to other San Diego dental offices: $45 1st visit/$100 per filling (no health insurance)
They are about average, prices are very good
They are about average, prices are very good
Can somebody tell me the name of the health insurance?
where I can get a decent health insurance (no more than $10 copay please, no huge deductible, dental plan with at least 70% coverage) for $2500 a year? Can I call McCain's campaign to find out?
I believe it is the insurance plan that Senators have. The one Obama wants to open to all Americans.
I believe it is the insurance plan that Senators have. The one Obama wants to open to all Americans.
How much would it cost to get a "cross-bite" fixed?
My 6 year old daughter has a minor narrow top bite or cross bite. Our current dentist wants to stretch her upper pallet to fix it but unfortunately we are moving and losing our dental insurance in a couple weeks. She said it it very minor but it needs to be fixed soon before her pallet starts to fuse. I anticipate us getting dental insurance fairly soon but in a worst case scenario if we don't how much would it cost to fix if we had to come out of pocket for it?
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here - health-quotes.talk4fun.net
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here - health-quotes.talk4fun.net
since i quit my job to further my education and now have a part time job how do i get insurance?
i can live without vision and dental for the time being but i need medical insurance. even though i never been injured to the point i need medical help and the only time i visit my doctor was for physicals, i still need insurance because a careless driver may smack into me someday. any ideas or help? thx!
An individual policy through your local Blue Cross Blue Shield is an option. Most plans cover annual physicals without having to meet the deductible first, as well as office visits, medication, and urgent care. Because you are healthy and rarely see a physician, the suggestion would be to take a high deductible, hence lowering your monthly premium.
An individual policy through your local Blue Cross Blue Shield is an option. Most plans cover annual physicals without having to meet the deductible first, as well as office visits, medication, and urgent care. Because you are healthy and rarely see a physician, the suggestion would be to take a high deductible, hence lowering your monthly premium.
Can anyone recommend a solution to a dental problem?
About 8 years ago, I had a dentist drill into my mouth before the novocaine kicked in. Since then I have been terrified of the dentist. I need: 5-6 broken teeth in the back fixed / removed, I need 2 dental implants (or whatever) to plug in 2 teeth missing in the back of my visible smile. Cost is a big issue, and I have 2 things to help me. 1. insurance and 2. an FSA (flexible spending account) which is money taken out of my check each week which is put into an account that you can use for medical expenses as you wish (even cosmetic surgery.) I can use $3000 a year. I am wondering about dental colleges- do they do dental work at a discount? What about dentists that cater to people who freak out? Could I just start over w/ dentures? I am new to Columbus and am so confused where to start. Are there medical counselors? The dentist who drilled into my mouth w/out novocaine is being sued by about 40 people for mistreatment and will lose his license, I'm sure. I'm not in the lawsuit.
You mentioned Columbus.. If you mean Columbus in Ohio, you are in luck because the Ohio State University dental school is in Columbus. And yes, dental schools provide dental care at reduced fees, about half that of a regular dentist. It's a great place for cowards to go to, because the dental students know they are being graded for how well they interact with patients so they will be exceedingly gentle with you. Give the dental school a call and see if they are taking patients, and good luck. EDITED TO ADD: Unlike what the below poster thinks, a dental student has no incentive to "find more work than is really there"-- they don't earn any money for doing the procedures. In fact they are more conservative than private-practice dentists and don't tend to push a patient to pay for elective work.
You mentioned Columbus.. If you mean Columbus in Ohio, you are in luck because the Ohio State University dental school is in Columbus. And yes, dental schools provide dental care at reduced fees, about half that of a regular dentist. It's a great place for cowards to go to, because the dental students know they are being graded for how well they interact with patients so they will be exceedingly gentle with you. Give the dental school a call and see if they are taking patients, and good luck. EDITED TO ADD: Unlike what the below poster thinks, a dental student has no incentive to "find more work than is really there"-- they don't earn any money for doing the procedures. In fact they are more conservative than private-practice dentists and don't tend to push a patient to pay for elective work.
Affordable dental plans in Florida?
I am a college student, and I currently do not have any form of dental insurance. I wanted to know if anyone knows of any affordable dental plans in Florida that I can possibly go on.
Look into dental discount plans instead of dental insurance plans. Discount plans are less per month, and if you don't have any serious dental health issues it'll be less expensive than getting insurance. Plus some insurance companies will deny you outright for having pre-existing conditions. Some dental discount plans come with prescription discount plans, vision plans, etc, all for free. I have a dental plan I absolutely love. I'm self employed so it's the most cost efficient option for me and my family. I put the website I used to research my dental plan in the sources. It's got a great article on there about "dental plans for the self employed", but theres info on other dental plan issues as well. Good luck!
Look into dental discount plans instead of dental insurance plans. Discount plans are less per month, and if you don't have any serious dental health issues it'll be less expensive than getting insurance. Plus some insurance companies will deny you outright for having pre-existing conditions. Some dental discount plans come with prescription discount plans, vision plans, etc, all for free. I have a dental plan I absolutely love. I'm self employed so it's the most cost efficient option for me and my family. I put the website I used to research my dental plan in the sources. It's got a great article on there about "dental plans for the self employed", but theres info on other dental plan issues as well. Good luck!
can I sue someone's homeowner's insurance if a personal injury didnt happen on their property?
My son was in a severe 4-wheeler accident recently with a friend of mine's husband. My permission was not given and my son is only 11 yrs old. The accident did not happen on their property, but I have been told that I can still sue their Homeowner's Insurance for my sons injury and for pain and suffering? He will have to have extensive plastic surgery and dental surgery from his injury? Is it possible to sue the insurance company or will I be wasting my time?
If you sue their INSURANCE, you're going to lose. The INSURANCE didn't own the 4 wheeler, didn't cause the accident, didn't own the land it was being driven on. You have to sue the driver of the 4 wheeler, the owner of the 4 wheeler, and the person who owns the land. Whoever gave you the information to sue the insurance, is dead wrong about a whole bunch of things - the homeowners liability won't cover any accident involving a 4 wheeler, that happens OFF PREMISES. Now, you can still sue the guy driving, and the owner of the 4 wheeler (same guy?), and you'll most likely win. You might even force him to sell his house, and get his wages garnished forever, and force him into bankruptcy. But depending on his assets, it's also possible you'll drive him broke and bankrupt, and not get very much cash at all. But this isn't going to be insured, unless he has a 4 wheeler liability policy. It's not covered under his CAR insruance policy, either, unless he listed the 4 wheeler and paid a premium for it. Just in case someone else mentions that.
If you sue their INSURANCE, you're going to lose. The INSURANCE didn't own the 4 wheeler, didn't cause the accident, didn't own the land it was being driven on. You have to sue the driver of the 4 wheeler, the owner of the 4 wheeler, and the person who owns the land. Whoever gave you the information to sue the insurance, is dead wrong about a whole bunch of things - the homeowners liability won't cover any accident involving a 4 wheeler, that happens OFF PREMISES. Now, you can still sue the guy driving, and the owner of the 4 wheeler (same guy?), and you'll most likely win. You might even force him to sell his house, and get his wages garnished forever, and force him into bankruptcy. But depending on his assets, it's also possible you'll drive him broke and bankrupt, and not get very much cash at all. But this isn't going to be insured, unless he has a 4 wheeler liability policy. It's not covered under his CAR insruance policy, either, unless he listed the 4 wheeler and paid a premium for it. Just in case someone else mentions that.
who determines if dental work is considered cosmetic or preventative? the dentist or insurance company?
yesterday i saw the dentist and i have 4 impacted wisdom teeth. two are completely sideways. the dentist and his assistant told me that my insurance would not cover the procedure to remove them because its considered cosmetic. i fail to understand how on earth this is a cosmetic procedure rather than preventative and because i IS a problem. i was given a referral to have them pulled from an oral surgeon next week but canceled my appointment because i want to make 100% sure my insurance covers it (the benefit booklet says they DO cover tooth extraction) and the woman at the place told me theyd have to see xrays and all that to determine how much id owe. so who makes the decision weather this is covered or not, because my dentist said it was cosmetic, while a few months ago another dentist told me it is crucial that they are removed!??
Extraction of wisdom teeth should not be considered cosmetic. Its definitely preventive. If your impacted wisdom teeth are not extracted, it can cause you a lot of pain and even infection. The Dentist should prove to the insurance company that it is really needed for your well being. What does the insurance company know about dental procedure?
Extraction of wisdom teeth should not be considered cosmetic. Its definitely preventive. If your impacted wisdom teeth are not extracted, it can cause you a lot of pain and even infection. The Dentist should prove to the insurance company that it is really needed for your well being. What does the insurance company know about dental procedure?
question about dental cover....?
I live in the uk and I'd like to go to a private dentist so I'm looking into dental insurance. The problem is I'm absolutely terrified of dentists and I would like to be put to sleep if I have any work done (fillings, tooth extraction, etc). Is it possible to get this covered?
Anesthesia is rarely covered under most insurance plans. Try hypnosis
Anesthesia is rarely covered under most insurance plans. Try hypnosis
What is Patient's Financial Responsibility When Insurance Company Adjusts Claims?
My dental insurance company processed a claim by my dentist and denied it because of their contractual agreement with the provider that any fillings re-worked within 2 years are not the patient's responsibility. The provider's benefit statement regarding this service states, "The amounts shown as payable by you and by Delta Dental are in accordance with the terms of your dental plan and the terms of our agreement with your dental provider." The benefits statement shows my 80% benefit level for this service. The insurance company is not saying that I am ineligible for the benefit. Rather, they are saying that the dentist is not eligible to be paid for this service (by either the insurance company or me) based on his contract with Delta Dental and the benefits to be provided by Delta Dental and paid by the customer. The benefits statements includes notes explaining why the claim was denied. The underlying question is: "What is the patient's responsibility when the insurance provider says it is zero in accordance with the insurance agreements that all parties are abiding by?" Said differently, "Is the insurance company the final arbiter of amounts owed by the patient?" Does the insurance agreement prevail? Or does the doctor truly have the right to demand payment for amounts that the insurance company says the patient does not owe? I realize the patient is responsible for co-pays and deductibles. But I am pretty convinced that if the insurance company is denying the claim and also stating the patient has no responsibility, then the patient truly has no responsibility until and unless the provider gets the claim processed differently. The provider agreed to be bound by insurance processing when he agreed to accept this provider and its terms and benefits. Insurance companies routinely adjust the "submitted fee" downward to the "accepted/contractual" fee and providers routinely accept those adjustments (and that is one of the reasons we have this complex insurance system: to adjust charges to reasonable levels and protect patients. We pay tons of premiums for this benefit). It makes no sense to then claim the patient owes other amounts that the insurance company says the patient does not owe.
if you have the filling done at the same office less than 2 yrs the dentist is entitle to redo it for you if it came off by accident without chargin the patient for it, but if you broke or fracture the tooth while eating then is your full responsibility to paid the full amount of the filling to the dental office because the insurance wont cover your filling less than 2 years apart from the original day to qualify again for payable benefit. therefore, when the dental office submitted the dental claim it was denied due to frequency limitation, eventhough you have a letter saying that you r not responsible for the submitted bill it best to discuss your billing question with them. because dental office most of time take x-ray for proof and patient has to sign consent form for anytype of treatment render. usually the billing the department will adjust the account if a uncorrectly billing was done during claim submission
if you have the filling done at the same office less than 2 yrs the dentist is entitle to redo it for you if it came off by accident without chargin the patient for it, but if you broke or fracture the tooth while eating then is your full responsibility to paid the full amount of the filling to the dental office because the insurance wont cover your filling less than 2 years apart from the original day to qualify again for payable benefit. therefore, when the dental office submitted the dental claim it was denied due to frequency limitation, eventhough you have a letter saying that you r not responsible for the submitted bill it best to discuss your billing question with them. because dental office most of time take x-ray for proof and patient has to sign consent form for anytype of treatment render. usually the billing the department will adjust the account if a uncorrectly billing was done during claim submission
what are good at home remedies for gingivitis?
i went from having an electric toothbrush to a manual one for a month or so and i guess i kept missing a few spots, anywayy its just a little tender under one tooth and i need an at home remedy. please dont tell me to see a dentist as i have no money to spare right now and i don't have dental insurance. so far i've gone back to an electric toothbrush, and rinse with hydrogen peroxide and listerine twice a day. thanks(:
You're really irritating your gums by rinsing with these things. Try warm salt water its the best thing for your mouth, speeds up healing. make sure you keep the teeth very clean, brush 2x/day at least two minutes, floss 1x/day. It should clear up in about one week.
You're really irritating your gums by rinsing with these things. Try warm salt water its the best thing for your mouth, speeds up healing. make sure you keep the teeth very clean, brush 2x/day at least two minutes, floss 1x/day. It should clear up in about one week.
He charged me 595 dollars for a root canal?
The dentist charged me 595 bucks for a root canal and i don't have dental insurance. Good or not?
That's good, I got charged about 900 with insurance.......I had to pay about 200 out of pocket.......
That's good, I got charged about 900 with insurance.......I had to pay about 200 out of pocket.......
How much will I expect for 2009's tax returns?
By the end of this year (2008), I will make $19,000. How much will I expect from my tax refund? I live in Massachsetts and pay medical and dental insurance. Thanks!
Based on the facts you present, it is safe to say you will either owe something or have a refund.
Based on the facts you present, it is safe to say you will either owe something or have a refund.
Self Employed....Health Insurance???
Am looking for health/dental insurance for my family in Colorado. My husband also has a kid in Florida and one in New York he has to have covered. We opened our own business and are looking for him to quit his job within the next 6 months. Any suggestions??
Contact a local independent agent. This person can sell for most of the plans in your area and can find the best plan for your current situation. They don't charge you anything for the service. Do not try to do this over the internet unless you have several days to compare the hundreds of plans available. You will probably need separate plans for each kid because plans are different in different states. The local agent will be able to guide you there as well. You may get offers here from people trying to sell medical discount cards. Be very wary of them. They are not regulated by the Department of Insurance nor do the people that sell them need to be licensed. This means you have little recourse when you have problems with the plan. If you are tempted by the low price and claims of "save up to 80%" be aware that very few doctors actually take these cards. It does you little good if you have to drive 4 hours to find a doctor that will accept the card. One state couldn't find any doctors in that state that took the card and only one dentist who was on probation for unlawful activities so they banned the sale of the card. See this link http://www.insurancejournal.com/news/wes… for more information. Many other states are starting to ban these cards. Before signing up with any discount plan get a list of doctors. If they won't give you a list consider it to be a scam. Call the doctors on the list to make sure they're still taking the card (many don't even know that they're listed as a provider) and that they're accepting new patients.
Contact a local independent agent. This person can sell for most of the plans in your area and can find the best plan for your current situation. They don't charge you anything for the service. Do not try to do this over the internet unless you have several days to compare the hundreds of plans available. You will probably need separate plans for each kid because plans are different in different states. The local agent will be able to guide you there as well. You may get offers here from people trying to sell medical discount cards. Be very wary of them. They are not regulated by the Department of Insurance nor do the people that sell them need to be licensed. This means you have little recourse when you have problems with the plan. If you are tempted by the low price and claims of "save up to 80%" be aware that very few doctors actually take these cards. It does you little good if you have to drive 4 hours to find a doctor that will accept the card. One state couldn't find any doctors in that state that took the card and only one dentist who was on probation for unlawful activities so they banned the sale of the card. See this link http://www.insurancejournal.com/news/wes… for more information. Many other states are starting to ban these cards. Before signing up with any discount plan get a list of doctors. If they won't give you a list consider it to be a scam. Call the doctors on the list to make sure they're still taking the card (many don't even know that they're listed as a provider) and that they're accepting new patients.
Does anyone know how much it costs to get teeth contoured?
one tooth is longer than the other, I just want them to be the same size. I have atena PPO dental insurance.
Im a dental assistant, and to contour a tooth it may be any where from $60-$120 . Depends what state or city. It is done with abrasive discs and doesnt hurt. If you have a regular dentist he may even do it no charge since its very fast and easy.
Im a dental assistant, and to contour a tooth it may be any where from $60-$120 . Depends what state or city. It is done with abrasive discs and doesnt hurt. If you have a regular dentist he may even do it no charge since its very fast and easy.
Can anybody tell me something about this Dentist?
I haven't been to the dentist in a while and I ran across the name of a Brailas Jeffrey L DDS, in my dental insurance list of network dentist. Well I am really not comfortable just going to somebody without knowing there work history. I was wondering if anyone out there has been to this dentist, and if so what was the result of the work done and would you return? Honest serious answers only please.
Ask people that live in your area or your physician, nurse practitioner etc. If you get a good feeling from those who work a the front desk when you call that would be a good start. They may be willing to do a free consultation / meet and greet with you. Hope that helps! JAMRDH - a dental hygienist
Ask people that live in your area or your physician, nurse practitioner etc. If you get a good feeling from those who work a the front desk when you call that would be a good start. They may be willing to do a free consultation / meet and greet with you. Hope that helps! JAMRDH - a dental hygienist
I have a temporary filling, and its getting incredibly painful...What do I do?
I had a temporary filling put in on the 2nd of this month, and now its getting very painful. I went to a student dentist (I had no choice, we have no dental insurance) I have seen an endodontist and he told me that the student overshot and went to my nerve. So, a root canal is imminent at this point (luckily he's a family friend, doing it for free) He told me it would be an emergency if its painful, and that I need to call immediately if it is. But, heres the catch: I have to take three Regents Exams tomorrow. My mother won't call him unless I come to her with filling in hand. (even then I don't know if she would) What do I do?
You have to decide if you can take the exams with the pain you're experiencing. Can you postpone the exams? The fillings should not hurt, so you do need the root canal. You're lucky to get it done for free because a root canal is about $1,000. If your mother won't take you, find someone who will. You should not have to suffer. Good luck to you.
You have to decide if you can take the exams with the pain you're experiencing. Can you postpone the exams? The fillings should not hurt, so you do need the root canal. You're lucky to get it done for free because a root canal is about $1,000. If your mother won't take you, find someone who will. You should not have to suffer. Good luck to you.
Why do our pets live better than we do?
Think about it, we clean their house for them, provide them with food, utilities, don't charge them rent for a fully furnished house, they get full medical and dental insurance benefits, free ambulance service, free therapeutic massages, free transportation, don't get charged for entertainment expenses, don't have to worry about voting or politics, can lay around and sleep and not have to work an hour in their lives, only be there for us and love on us when we need their companionship.
All the things you stated are true, but may apply to different kinds of pets. Like, if you were to take wild animals into consideration, then no, they don't have better lives than us because they're either endangered, or already extinct. Take a parrot for example, many people have them as pets but due to forest devastation in Africa, they're currently endangered because of loss of habitat. But you kind of answered your own question. We're the ones responsible for making their lives happy. Of course we can choose to either take good care of them, or make them miserable.
All the things you stated are true, but may apply to different kinds of pets. Like, if you were to take wild animals into consideration, then no, they don't have better lives than us because they're either endangered, or already extinct. Take a parrot for example, many people have them as pets but due to forest devastation in Africa, they're currently endangered because of loss of habitat. But you kind of answered your own question. We're the ones responsible for making their lives happy. Of course we can choose to either take good care of them, or make them miserable.
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