A few months ago, I was picking at my gums with a plastic toothpick, and tip got lodged in my gums. I tried pushing it out at the time, but it was too deep to get out. Eventually, time passed and I forgot about it, but now it's starting to hurt again. How can I get it out myself? I don't have any health or dental insurance so I can't just go and get help.
the gum will reject the foreign body & will try to push it out. take some antibiotic & painkiller.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
I need a tooth pulled, havent been to dentist in years, do i have to have all the x-rays and cleaning done?
2nd molar upper right, is loose and has moved. No dental insurance, don't make much money, just want it pulled none of the other stuff. will it be required?
Considering you have not been to a dentist in years you have saved enough to have your teeth taken care of. In regard to the x-ray, cleaning , etc. How else can the dentist pay for his vacation to Bermuda?
Considering you have not been to a dentist in years you have saved enough to have your teeth taken care of. In regard to the x-ray, cleaning , etc. How else can the dentist pay for his vacation to Bermuda?
My brother has a VERY bad cavity thats giving him major pain, what should he do?
He doesnt have dental insurance and all the dentist are closed...he's in bad pain. What can he do to stop the pain???
There are topical anesthetics that will reduce the pain temporarily. Some are specifically for toothaches. Ask a pharmacist to recommend one.
There are topical anesthetics that will reduce the pain temporarily. Some are specifically for toothaches. Ask a pharmacist to recommend one.
How can i get braces?
I am on medicaid, and my mom keeps telling me that if you are on it that you can't get braces. I really need them. I'm 17 and about to be a senior. I really wanna get them before i go to college. Can someone help me. Also, would it be possible if I got health-dental insurance for me, would that cover the costs of braces?
I paid only $2000 for mine that usually cost around $4-5 thousand. That's because of this great plan that I have: www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I signed up online over 4 years ago now and they have saved me thousands on all services. Cosmetic surgery and dentures are also included. Cleanings, Root canals, xrays, exams...etc. They even had my very affordable plan active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. Good luck.
I paid only $2000 for mine that usually cost around $4-5 thousand. That's because of this great plan that I have: www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I signed up online over 4 years ago now and they have saved me thousands on all services. Cosmetic surgery and dentures are also included. Cleanings, Root canals, xrays, exams...etc. They even had my very affordable plan active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. Good luck.
I was chosen as best answer for a question, and when I went to look at the question it was deleted?
My answer was totally legitimate, boring, non offensive, non-spam answer about dental insurance. It was a good and thorough answer and the Asker chose it as best answer. When I went to look at the question today, it is gone. Not in my activity details or anything. I don't care about whether I get ten pts or not, I just want to know why the question got deleted.
Maybe someone decided that the question was too "chatty." It's a broad term that they use whenever they choose. If you didn't get a notice of violation, then it was probably the question that got a notice of violation and you get to keep the 10 points for "best answer."
Maybe someone decided that the question was too "chatty." It's a broad term that they use whenever they choose. If you didn't get a notice of violation, then it was probably the question that got a notice of violation and you get to keep the 10 points for "best answer."
I need a cheap dentist in Denver, Colorado?
I had a root canal done, which maxed out my Dental Insurance. I still need a crown lenthening done and crown put on the tooth.
Try the Dental School around Colfax and Ursula right by the Fitzimons Medical Center. My wife had her teeth done there and they did a great job at a huge discounted price. Great little secret that most people don't think about.
Try the Dental School around Colfax and Ursula right by the Fitzimons Medical Center. My wife had her teeth done there and they did a great job at a huge discounted price. Great little secret that most people don't think about.
Question about braces and insurance?
Ok my mom's job (she's a hospital nurse) went bankrupt so then another company took over. She had to get a new dental and health insurance thing and they were supposed to start taking money directly from her paycheck. They'll take it this upcoming paycheck and yeah. Well I need braces and my mom said that since it just started I can't get them. Is that true? And is it possible to get braces without insurance and then when it kicks in, you can start using payments with insurance (sorry if that doesn't make any sense!). BTW the insurance is called Aetna.
u could do a payment schedule where u pay every month..and no u don't have to have insurance for that...i would call an orthodontist and see what he says..best of luck to u :-)
u could do a payment schedule where u pay every month..and no u don't have to have insurance for that...i would call an orthodontist and see what he says..best of luck to u :-)
How can I have my dental bill reduced/waived?
I recently had all four of my wisdom teeth removed. 3 of them were erupted which cost $160 each and the 4th one was not erupted which basically means it had to be removed with additional process and that tooth cost $300. so anyway at the time of the surgery we paid $254 (which the dental assistant had said that is an estimate since the insurance process takes upto 4 weeks) then a few weeks later after everything was done we received another bill witha balance of $89. Long story short, I do not want to pay this bill since we already paid $254. I spoke to them about my issue and she said she would speak to the manager who then said that they could not reduce the bill because they are contracted with the insurance company (no idea what that means) and that if they remove the balance it will be bad (she said it in a more professional way). So I want to know if there is anyway for me to get this $89 waived? I am a student and my parents work at a retail store so money is limited. Any suggestions?
how does dental billing work?
Hi, I went to my primary dental office and they quoted me $25 for the first root canal and $385 for the second. I have two different insurances. One from work and one from the university. They both have a $500 max and the one from work has $360 remaining. The bill shows that the first root canal costs $610-$360-$225(2nd insurance) = $25 out of pocket expense. The second one would be $610-$225(2nd insurance) = $385. However, I just went to another dentist office (a root canal specialist) and gave them both insurances. They claim to be in-network for both of them. However, they told me that the first canal would cost $610-360 = $250. And the second one would cost 610-225=$385. It seems like they did not split bill the first root canal to BOTH insurances but instead to only the 1st insurance. Then they billed the second root canal to the second insurance. I was wondering if you think the first dentist office made a mistake or if the second one did? I am going to call the second dentist office tomorrow to kindly ask them to review it and let them know about the first dental office billing estimate to see if they split billed it properly. I really want to go to the second dentist but if it is going to cost me hundreds of dollars more then I refuse. I work in a pharmacy and I know about how billing two different insurances can sometimes be tricky and sometimes mistakes occur where if the patient does not speak up they would have ended up paying over a hundred dollars extra. However, I have no insight to how dental billing works. Thank you for your advice/insight! Also I was wondering what happens if you cancel your appointment? I know the first dental office has a policy that you must cancel before 24 hours prior to the appointment or you are charged $10 for each 1/2 hour. However, I do not know about the second dentist. I would be canceling several days in advance so what do you think would be the reasonable consequence?
You never quite know how the insurances work until you submit your claims. It should work the same at either office if your sure they are both in-network for your insurance. Our offices cancellation policy is 48 hours before appointment or a $45 per hour charge. Wasted time means lost money.
You never quite know how the insurances work until you submit your claims. It should work the same at either office if your sure they are both in-network for your insurance. Our offices cancellation policy is 48 hours before appointment or a $45 per hour charge. Wasted time means lost money.
Low/no cost dental care?
Does anyone know if there is any low/no cost dental care in Beaverton, Or? My husband has a abscess tooth and has no insurance and we really dont have the money right now but he has to get this taken care of. Thanks for your time.
I would strongly encourage you to visit this great website : www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I signed up online over 5 years ago when I was in college and they have saved me thousands of dollars since on all dental services. From fillings, Xrays, exams, cleanings, ...etc. They even had my very affordable plan active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. Hope this helps
I would strongly encourage you to visit this great website : www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I signed up online over 5 years ago when I was in college and they have saved me thousands of dollars since on all dental services. From fillings, Xrays, exams, cleanings, ...etc. They even had my very affordable plan active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. Hope this helps
Aspen Dental class action law suit?
Aspen Dental seems to be a scam dental business. How does a class action law suit start? Problem: Went to Aspen Dental(in Conn.) who tried to get me to do a deep cleaning which my insurance was not going to pay for. I told them no. The hygenist then told me to come back for a 4 mo. cleaning. The CSR didn't tell me that my insurance was not going to cover it. After the 4 mo. cleaning, the same hygenist told me to come back after 4 months again, but this time the CSR stated that my cleaning may be billed to me cuz the insurance was not going to pay for it (insurance pays every 6 months only). I have complained to BBB but the Aspen Dental replied that it was my decision to do the 4 mo. cleaning. How can it be my decision if I was not disclosed of the fact that my insurance was not going to cover it? It is so sad that this company is scamming alot of people. How can a class action law suit start? Are there lawyers who will suit them? Thanks.
I stopped going to Aspen Dental in MA for charges that my insurance co. said they paid but I got stuck paying--supposedly the difference. My insurance co wouldn't help out, told me to talk to Aspen Dental. I got screwed out of about $150- I never went back to them. My current dentist has a lot of their former clients too. Unfortunately, there isn't much you can do. Just don't go back.
I stopped going to Aspen Dental in MA for charges that my insurance co. said they paid but I got stuck paying--supposedly the difference. My insurance co wouldn't help out, told me to talk to Aspen Dental. I got screwed out of about $150- I never went back to them. My current dentist has a lot of their former clients too. Unfortunately, there isn't much you can do. Just don't go back.
Tips for shopping for health insurance??
I have no clue about shopping for health insurance but i just go married so they kicked me off of my mom's... any advice would be greatly appreciated!!! I'm gonna need something with maternity and dental anyone have any good policies or companies you recommend?
The best way to attain health insurance is through employment.Buying individual health policies are not only expensive but they also have limitations that larger groups don't have.Blue Cross Blue Shield has an open enrollment every year for individual policies but the deductible is extremely high around $2500-$3000 yearly.If you buy insurance through an employer they not only pay half the premium the yearly deductible is a lot lower $250-$500 yearly.There are allot of companies out there that say they offer health insurance but it falls short of adequate coverage.The true tell tale to any policy is its exclusions.You should always read the exclusions before buying any insurance product.There are a few companies that underwrite true major medical policies.Blue Cross Blue Shield,Aetna and United Health Care are Three of the largest most reputable insurers.Make certain for the coverage you are looking for you are buying a Major Medical Policy and not anything else.Do not fall for Aflac or an accident plan as Medical.Do not fall for the Hospital Indemnity plan either.If you look at the three companies I mentioned you should find what you need at a premium of course.
The best way to attain health insurance is through employment.Buying individual health policies are not only expensive but they also have limitations that larger groups don't have.Blue Cross Blue Shield has an open enrollment every year for individual policies but the deductible is extremely high around $2500-$3000 yearly.If you buy insurance through an employer they not only pay half the premium the yearly deductible is a lot lower $250-$500 yearly.There are allot of companies out there that say they offer health insurance but it falls short of adequate coverage.The true tell tale to any policy is its exclusions.You should always read the exclusions before buying any insurance product.There are a few companies that underwrite true major medical policies.Blue Cross Blue Shield,Aetna and United Health Care are Three of the largest most reputable insurers.Make certain for the coverage you are looking for you are buying a Major Medical Policy and not anything else.Do not fall for Aflac or an accident plan as Medical.Do not fall for the Hospital Indemnity plan either.If you look at the three companies I mentioned you should find what you need at a premium of course.
Can someone view my resume and give me some kind of feedback?
Objective Presently seeking an administrative assistant position where I can work with a creative team of individuals, where promotional opportunities are achievable. Experience 1998–Present U.S. Security Associates New York, NY Supervisor ( Young & Rubicam Brands) • Answer phones, faxes and emails. • Assist customers / clients with incoming questions • Monthly reports and theft reports. • Schedule and payroll. 1996–1998 162nd Dental Office New York, NY Receptionist • Responsible for updating calendar and scheduling appointments. • Filing and creating records for new patients • Assisting patients with incoming questions. • Follow-up calls, after patients visit. • Answer the phones and fax. • Verify insurance coverage / co pay. 1994–1996 Ronald Gerard Delphin, M.D. New York, NY Receptionist • Filing and creating records for new patients • Answer the phones and fax. • Verify insurance coverage. Education 2002-2006 Bronx Community College Bronx, NY A.A., Liberal Arts / Early Childhood Development. 2006-Present Lehman College Bronx, NY B.A., Major: History and a Minor: Early Childhood Education Certificates / SKILLS • CPR/AED, First Aid and Fire guard certificate • Lotus Notes • Microsoft Word, Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Excel, • Customer service skills • Proactive and detailed oriented • Bilingual English / Spanish. *furnish reference up on request.
In the objective: "where promotional opportunities are available" not are achievable - or just ", with opportunity for advancement" which is probably better Under experience: just questions, not incoming questions - what other kind are there? On your BA - the way you state it, is ambiguous as to whether you've completed it. Since you say "-present", I'm assuming you haven't, so I'd say something like "working toward BA..." or "completion expected xxxxxxx". I wouldn't put SKILLS all in caps unless I put "certificates", experience, and education all in caps also - either way is OK but be consistent. last line - no space in the middle of upon - and might say "References available...: rather than "*furnish reference..." Other than those few minor things, looks pretty good. Good luck.
In the objective: "where promotional opportunities are available" not are achievable - or just ", with opportunity for advancement" which is probably better Under experience: just questions, not incoming questions - what other kind are there? On your BA - the way you state it, is ambiguous as to whether you've completed it. Since you say "-present", I'm assuming you haven't, so I'd say something like "working toward BA..." or "completion expected xxxxxxx". I wouldn't put SKILLS all in caps unless I put "certificates", experience, and education all in caps also - either way is OK but be consistent. last line - no space in the middle of upon - and might say "References available...: rather than "*furnish reference..." Other than those few minor things, looks pretty good. Good luck.
I will turn 64 in March, I am a widow, how can I get affordable health insurance?
Dental and Vision most important No current health concerns
Go to http://www.daveramsey.com He has financial advice for everyone. As far as health insurance, click on Zander Insurance while you are at his site. They can shop around for health insurance for someone your age.
Go to http://www.daveramsey.com He has financial advice for everyone. As far as health insurance, click on Zander Insurance while you are at his site. They can shop around for health insurance for someone your age.
Completely unaffordable procedures ... what is the smart thing to do?
I have a terrible infection in my back molars. The dentist didn't prescribe medicine due to me having surgery later this week. He printed out my treatment plan for me. The prices are debilitating. I'm on SSD due to Lupus. Absolutely no dental insurance. Horrendous credit due to medical bills that piled up while I was waiting for my SSD to start. Having my molars removed is going to mess up my bite and I don't want that. I need 2 root canals, 2 crowns and not to mention all the other work I need on my mouth due to being without dental insurance because of my illness ... since I've been out of work. I'm at a loss because I don't want to lose those teeth but Capital One ... no one is going to give me a loan based on my credit. Is there a way for me to get financed for this? Or should I just go on and get them pulled and no longer be able to chew on that side of my mouth? I feel so hopeless.
Check http://www.nfdh.org/DDS.html to see if your state has a "Donated Dental Services" program. D.D.S. is designed to locate dentists who will give free care to patients who are financially compromised due to medical problems. This is a process that will take a couple of months to get your information and then arrange for someone to see you. Not all states have D.D.S. programs, but you sound like you would qualify. Contact your local or state dental association and and see if there are any dentists who provide free or reduced cost care for low-income, disabled or senior patients. Call your local health department and ask about health centers that provide dental care for free or on a sliding scale. Go to a dental school, if there is one near you, for reduced costs. Check http://www.toothwoman.net to see if low-cost or free dental services are available near you. Check http://bphc.hrsa.gov and choose "Find a Health Center" to see if there is a low-cost clinic near you.
Check http://www.nfdh.org/DDS.html to see if your state has a "Donated Dental Services" program. D.D.S. is designed to locate dentists who will give free care to patients who are financially compromised due to medical problems. This is a process that will take a couple of months to get your information and then arrange for someone to see you. Not all states have D.D.S. programs, but you sound like you would qualify. Contact your local or state dental association and and see if there are any dentists who provide free or reduced cost care for low-income, disabled or senior patients. Call your local health department and ask about health centers that provide dental care for free or on a sliding scale. Go to a dental school, if there is one near you, for reduced costs. Check http://www.toothwoman.net to see if low-cost or free dental services are available near you. Check http://bphc.hrsa.gov and choose "Find a Health Center" to see if there is a low-cost clinic near you.
Newly married in Michigan... trying to figure out most beneficial paycheck withholdings and filing status.?
Darling hubby and I live in Michigan. We are trying to figure out the most beneficial way to file our taxes so that we get the maximum return. Also we would like to start withholding less from our paycheck. Hubby has the health insurance & dental as well as our 401K deducted from his pay. I have none of the above. He actually makes less per hour but gets overtime and I only put in 38.5hrs/wk because my employer does not want to pay for health insurance. I also have a second job that doesn't exceed the 1000.00/yr limit. What is the best way to set up our withholdings so we get the maximum amt in our paycheck without jeapordizing our return? And what is the best way to file... married/jointly (for state) or just married (for state)? Thanks!! :o)
For federal, the less you have deducted, the less you'll get in your refund, since your refund is just giving you back whatever amount you had withheld that was above what you actually owe. If you don't own a house or have children, you'd be wise to file as married/zero if you want a refund. I'm not sure what $1000 a year limit you are talking about for your second job - that's taxed from the first dollar, there isn't a $1000 a year limit on anything. Because of that second job, if you file married/zero you could end up owing tax. If you both file married/zero, they won't take out a lot more than if you file married/one, and you'll be a lot more likely to get a refund. If you aren't concerned about a refund and don't mind taking a chance on owing a little, you can both file married/one.
For federal, the less you have deducted, the less you'll get in your refund, since your refund is just giving you back whatever amount you had withheld that was above what you actually owe. If you don't own a house or have children, you'd be wise to file as married/zero if you want a refund. I'm not sure what $1000 a year limit you are talking about for your second job - that's taxed from the first dollar, there isn't a $1000 a year limit on anything. Because of that second job, if you file married/zero you could end up owing tax. If you both file married/zero, they won't take out a lot more than if you file married/one, and you'll be a lot more likely to get a refund. If you aren't concerned about a refund and don't mind taking a chance on owing a little, you can both file married/one.
why is 85% of americans do not have this?
dental insurance. I am doing a project and I chose to do health coverage and it is strange my dental/optical insurance is only 12.95 a month and cover 60% of my bill. Aspnational.com/websites/315004 plus my mom has four kids and the are all covered with this price!
and they say we have bad teeth...
and they say we have bad teeth...
so i just quit my job(my choice wasn't fired or laid off) to go back to school, medical insurance question
my job offered vision, dental, and medical. although i wasnt happy doing my job and it would of been the end of me with stress. so im going to go to a community college and then hopefully a university or state after. i still have a fall back job that pays $14 an hour part time(obviously no insurance) so i can still afford my car insurance along with other things like gas, classes, books, and so on. so how can i get insurance? whats the best way to get medical insurance. i think i can sacrifice vision and dental for the time being but you never know when a bus is gonna shatter your arm.
Your old job also should have offered you COBRA, depending on the size of your employer. This could be cheaper than some of the other individual plans but not as cheap as some of the plans offered through the universities. Good luck!
Your old job also should have offered you COBRA, depending on the size of your employer. This could be cheaper than some of the other individual plans but not as cheap as some of the plans offered through the universities. Good luck!
is there anything i can do for a nerve exposed on my tooth i am 22?
i do not have any insurance for dental. i would like to know if i can do anything at home for the time being.
Having a fear of dentists and their prices I have two nerves exposed in my mouth! I use ambesol and a temporary filling I bought at CVS or Walgreens or any drug store. I swish my mouth with warm salt water twice per day (morning and night) when I brush and It helps. I've also swished with warm Capt' Morgan once in awhile if it really hurts bad and that helps! You can also rub a Bayer children's aspirin (small orange chewable pill)on the sore tooth to make the pain go away! Good Luck!
Having a fear of dentists and their prices I have two nerves exposed in my mouth! I use ambesol and a temporary filling I bought at CVS or Walgreens or any drug store. I swish my mouth with warm salt water twice per day (morning and night) when I brush and It helps. I've also swished with warm Capt' Morgan once in awhile if it really hurts bad and that helps! You can also rub a Bayer children's aspirin (small orange chewable pill)on the sore tooth to make the pain go away! Good Luck!
How can I convince my husband to let me get insurance?
I have Bipolar. I just got disability in April so I have to wait until April 2011 before I get medicare. I will have to pay $110.00 just for part B and A. Then part D for prescriptions, I am figuring out because that will be my prescription drug coverage and apparently you have to pay $40.00 to $100.00 for that depending who I go with. My husbands insurance will not cover me because of preexisting condition and I have to wait a year. He changed jobs after being unemployed for 2 years since he lost his job from GM. He did not get Cobra because we really could not afford it. In the meantime he got appendicitis and we had to file bankruptcy. I found two great deals through Humana and United Health Care. I want covered if I have a medical emergency. Because we can not file bankruptcy again and we are actually getting our credit score back up! I have enough for my psychiatrist and medication which is important. He has me on a sliding scale (I have paid him enough over 10 years) which I am grateful. I can afford my prescriptions because of Walgreens plan for uninsured individuals. It is great! I wish he would let me get insurance. He did give me the OK to get vision and dental. But I need medical insurance. Then I hear people talk and see commercials on TV that you need supplementary insurance for medicare because apparently medicare does not cover a lot but I would still feel at ease just have that alone. How can I convince him to allow me to get medical insurance? I am at a lost. We can afford it with the quotes I got! Thanks!
There's no decision or discussion here. His insurance will cover you for anything that is not preexisting, and any other coverage you get will have a similar exclusionary period for the preexisting condition. If you believe that Humana or UHC will cover your preexisting condition immediately, you either misunderstood or were lied to; probably the former.
There's no decision or discussion here. His insurance will cover you for anything that is not preexisting, and any other coverage you get will have a similar exclusionary period for the preexisting condition. If you believe that Humana or UHC will cover your preexisting condition immediately, you either misunderstood or were lied to; probably the former.
Should I be a Dental Hygienist, Sonographer or school teacher?
I want a job that I will enjoy, and gives me the opportunity to work part time. Any one have any advice on these three jobs?? What do you like or dislike about them. How is the pay? The burnout rate???? What about benefits and insurance?? Thanks!!
I say a sonographer. Someone will always have one done! It's seems fun and somewhat easy. Teachers are great, but what is your tolerance level? As far as the hygienist, I say that would get pretty old fast... You would be sick of sitting there with the dentist surround by teeth every day... Good luck with whatever you choose! It must be nice to have very different career's to choose from... Mine are very limited, such as, maid, chef, slave, trash picker upper, or punching bag.... (stay at home mom of 3 girls)... LOL!
I say a sonographer. Someone will always have one done! It's seems fun and somewhat easy. Teachers are great, but what is your tolerance level? As far as the hygienist, I say that would get pretty old fast... You would be sick of sitting there with the dentist surround by teeth every day... Good luck with whatever you choose! It must be nice to have very different career's to choose from... Mine are very limited, such as, maid, chef, slave, trash picker upper, or punching bag.... (stay at home mom of 3 girls)... LOL!
how do i find a dentist?
hi. im trying to find a dentist who accepts pmi(dental insurance). is there any way for me to find out if certain dentists, accepts that insurance?
They should have a web site that provides you that info directly. Otherwise, you might want to try one with better customer service. I use http://www.BestDentalNow.com and simply compare plans by entering my zip code and check local providers and payment schedules ... it's easy and simple to use and pay only 20 dollars monthly and save about 50 to 80 percent on most procedures and I get free vision, prescription and chiro plans. Hope this helps!
They should have a web site that provides you that info directly. Otherwise, you might want to try one with better customer service. I use http://www.BestDentalNow.com and simply compare plans by entering my zip code and check local providers and payment schedules ... it's easy and simple to use and pay only 20 dollars monthly and save about 50 to 80 percent on most procedures and I get free vision, prescription and chiro plans. Hope this helps!
I have very bad swelling on the right side of my gum...?
The right side of my mouth the gum is very swollen and sore. I can not however go to a dentist for a few more weeks as I am waiting for my dental insurance to kick in. What can I possible due in the mean time? I know I broke my tooth and thats what started it all in the mean time. It is very painful though but due to financing of a dentist I have to wait for my insurance. Please help me!
take penicillin V 500mg capsules every 6 hours for 1 week. but its not a cure.it only reduces the abscess and pain. you can have any painkiller such as paracetamol,ibuprofen,mefnamic acid ,etc for your pain.
take penicillin V 500mg capsules every 6 hours for 1 week. but its not a cure.it only reduces the abscess and pain. you can have any painkiller such as paracetamol,ibuprofen,mefnamic acid ,etc for your pain.
Health Insurance UK?
Hi I am looking into taking out some health insurance to cover my optical & dental bills & any extras that are offered. I have a budget of approx £20 per month, any one know any good companies?
In my opinion Norwich union are by far the best. I work for a financial institution and our staff policy is underwritten by N Union. Hope this helps
In my opinion Norwich union are by far the best. I work for a financial institution and our staff policy is underwritten by N Union. Hope this helps
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