i need about 3000 dollars worth of dental work and only have a plan that takes care of two hundred of it i need a dental insurance policy like my medical where i pay a small co pay and insurance takes care of the rest
Unfortunately, Dental insurance doesn't work that way, you pay a percentage of each procedure.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Does anyone have full health, dental and vision insurance that costs close to McCain's $2500 tax credit?
My individual insurance costs around $7000 a year. I expect it to go up. I have friends that pay more on individual plans just for medical. If McCain's plan were in effect many businesses would no longer be allowed to deduct the costs of the health-care they provide and so would drop them. Anyone that had just about any pre-existing condition would not be able to purchase any reasonable insurance plan. McCain could never find a carrier himself. There are probably at least 50 million "baby-boomers that would not be able to afford insurance because just about everyone over 55 has something that could be called a pre-existing condition. So, do you think there is affordable insurance available for most Americans based on your experience?
I don't think either candidate has a very good health care plan. I absolutely hate anything that comes close to socialized medicine so Obama's plan is not something I'm really crazy about though he says if you already have a plan you like nothing will change (and I currently do). Both my husband and I were self employed for a while. During that time we paid for our own medical plan - no dental or vision, just medical. It had a decently high deductible (maybe $4000). We paid $250 a month ($3000 a year) so that would come in under the $5000 McCain plan. But not if you include the deductible and prescriptions. Also, we were in our twenties and had no pre-existings. My parents at that time also paid for their own plan (my dad was always self employed. He was an upholsterer and ran his own business until the day he died. Doing the math on what I know they paid - again, no dental, no vision, no prescription, high deductible - it was over $8000 a year. Obama's plan would work well for my mom and dad if he were still alive. Neither would work well for my family.
I don't think either candidate has a very good health care plan. I absolutely hate anything that comes close to socialized medicine so Obama's plan is not something I'm really crazy about though he says if you already have a plan you like nothing will change (and I currently do). Both my husband and I were self employed for a while. During that time we paid for our own medical plan - no dental or vision, just medical. It had a decently high deductible (maybe $4000). We paid $250 a month ($3000 a year) so that would come in under the $5000 McCain plan. But not if you include the deductible and prescriptions. Also, we were in our twenties and had no pre-existings. My parents at that time also paid for their own plan (my dad was always self employed. He was an upholsterer and ran his own business until the day he died. Doing the math on what I know they paid - again, no dental, no vision, no prescription, high deductible - it was over $8000 a year. Obama's plan would work well for my mom and dad if he were still alive. Neither would work well for my family.
Will insurance still cover my braces?
I'm 18, just got braces and next year around June I plan to move a few states away to my mother's house. I live with my dad right now and his dental insurance covered what I believe the full amount for my braces. Once I move, will the insurance from my dad still cover the expenses of my monthly brace tightening? or will I have to pay for that myself?
Honestly, you have to call your insurance provider. None of us know who you're provider is, and what their rules/regulations are. I don't see why they wouldn't. You're just moving... Ton's of people move. But usually, when you're 18, you're no longer covered under your parents insurance... At least where I live. Note: If your braces are already paid for at your orthodontist, than you will have a problem. You will have to pay your new orthodontist each month for tightening. I don't know how much it is where you live, because I don't know where you live, where you're moving to or your orthodontist.
Honestly, you have to call your insurance provider. None of us know who you're provider is, and what their rules/regulations are. I don't see why they wouldn't. You're just moving... Ton's of people move. But usually, when you're 18, you're no longer covered under your parents insurance... At least where I live. Note: If your braces are already paid for at your orthodontist, than you will have a problem. You will have to pay your new orthodontist each month for tightening. I don't know how much it is where you live, because I don't know where you live, where you're moving to or your orthodontist.
Can you use two insurances for dental care?
I am in college and my parents each have a different insurance. Can I use both for an expensive procedure?
Get as much resource as you can maybe is one option,however it could be quite time consuming,here http://www.HealthInsuranceFree.info is one resource i have had good experience.
Get as much resource as you can maybe is one option,however it could be quite time consuming,here http://www.HealthInsuranceFree.info is one resource i have had good experience.
Any one know of affordable supplemental health insurance?
I don't work, and my husband's company only offers basic medical insurance. We need to find supplemental dental and vision insurance for our 6 month old son. Any suggestions?
http://healthplans.my-age.net - Try this one. I personally have their health insurance (both basic and supplemental dental). It is affordable and has good coverage.
http://healthplans.my-age.net - Try this one. I personally have their health insurance (both basic and supplemental dental). It is affordable and has good coverage.
I need a bridge for 1 of my teeth.Should I do it under a DHMO or a PPO plan under CIGNA dental insurance?
The DHMO plan has horrible dentists very far from me , but it costs only $800 vs a PPO plan which has great dentists close to me but it would cost $1,500 probably. What should I do? i cannot change to a PPO plan until next year.
Remember you get what you pay for. an old dentist i knew once said "you can hide a multitude of sins in someone's mouth" I'd go to the "good" dentists and pay out of pocket, work overtime, do whatever it took. there is nothing more miserable than bad dental work and a toothache. There is a reason those people have the HMO plans, they can't get patients any other way!
Remember you get what you pay for. an old dentist i knew once said "you can hide a multitude of sins in someone's mouth" I'd go to the "good" dentists and pay out of pocket, work overtime, do whatever it took. there is nothing more miserable than bad dental work and a toothache. There is a reason those people have the HMO plans, they can't get patients any other way!
My boyfriend has awful teeth and doesn't have insurance?
Hello my husband has really bad teeth there's not a whole tooth in his mouth. He gets in trouble at his job bc his face swells so often. Is there anywhere close to circleville ohio that would see him with out dental insurance or on a sliding scale to make payments.
is there a dental school nearby?
is there a dental school nearby?
i have a dental need very badly, but no insurance or money....HELP?
i need a extraction very badly, but i am in a very bad budget and i have no insurance, anybody know a good way to get a better finance and better dental plan?
Yes, get financing through Care Credit. Get a dental plan that kicks in immediately like Dental Service 4 Less.
Yes, get financing through Care Credit. Get a dental plan that kicks in immediately like Dental Service 4 Less.
Seeing a dermatologist without insurance for my acne ?
I'm just interested in pricing for a dermatologist to check out my skin and possibly prescribe something. I have no insurance, only dental.
well what i suggest would be knowing the office visit could be possibly between 80 to 300 dollars be prepared. Do understand every office is different i would call and ask them what the office visit would cost. Then usually a physician would know you are self pay and help you out with samples.
well what i suggest would be knowing the office visit could be possibly between 80 to 300 dollars be prepared. Do understand every office is different i would call and ask them what the office visit would cost. Then usually a physician would know you are self pay and help you out with samples.
How does a young adult get health insurance?
I will be turning 21 in 2 months and currently I dont have any medical, dental, or vision insurance. If I didn't want to go through my job for the insurance, how else could i establish it? My monthly income is around 2k/month right now. I'm working 2 jobs and saving up for school coming up in Fall. I dont know if that makes a difference or not in the insurance but I'll listen to your answers!
You can contact insurance companies and compare rates but honestly it will cost you less if you go through your employer. The monthly premiums will be much lower and they take it out of your check so you don't even feel it.
You can contact insurance companies and compare rates but honestly it will cost you less if you go through your employer. The monthly premiums will be much lower and they take it out of your check so you don't even feel it.
i have dental problems and no insurance :(?
Sometimes it feels like i m so miserable that i dont even have money ( that big money ) these Dentist ask for ....i have lots of credit cards debts to pay and my company doesnt provide me any insurance :( please guys tell me where can i get the cheapest dental care ... my molars are rottening and i just take pain killers to let them rot..since i have no money for dentist or doctors ...i live in Oregon ..so any help wud be great thanks
There is a really good dental plan out there, and it is very cheap. it also has no waiting periods like most dental plans, so you can get those molars taken care of right away and not 6 months from now! Go to www.BestForLessDental.com I have this plan for my family and its very cheap and has lots of great features. I looked for a good dental plan for months before I found this, and I couldn't be happier. Plus, you can see any dentist you choose. While I agree that dental schools can be great for someone who's on a budget or just needs a cleaning, I would personally rather go see a reputable dentist with experience.
There is a really good dental plan out there, and it is very cheap. it also has no waiting periods like most dental plans, so you can get those molars taken care of right away and not 6 months from now! Go to www.BestForLessDental.com I have this plan for my family and its very cheap and has lots of great features. I looked for a good dental plan for months before I found this, and I couldn't be happier. Plus, you can see any dentist you choose. While I agree that dental schools can be great for someone who's on a budget or just needs a cleaning, I would personally rather go see a reputable dentist with experience.
does medical/health insurance cover if your teeth is damaged when you fell down ?
does medical/health insurance cover if your teeth is damaged when you fell down ? Or you need Dental insurance to get your broken teeth repaired? Thx, Joe
You will need dental insurance.
You will need dental insurance.
Will insurance pay for cosmetic dental surgery if your teeth got messed up from a type of cancer you had?
That was my question lol
No not for cosmetic surgery, but ask your insurance agents to be sure
No not for cosmetic surgery, but ask your insurance agents to be sure
dental except insurance?
is there any dental in lansing MI except inturance?
health-quotes.talk4fun.net - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
health-quotes.talk4fun.net - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
should i take a part time job with no health insurance even if i make the same income at my full time job?
i am unhappy at my current retail job of 15 years. i have been offered a p/t job making the same with possibility of full time next year with great benefits too. the job is great and would be a new challenge. is it crazy to take that with no health/dental insurance?
It's simple. Just find out what it would cost you to buy your own health/dental insurance plan. Then subtract this from what your salary would be at the part time job. This way you'll have a more accurate comparison of the P/T job and your current full time job. If you are willing to accept paying for your own insurance for a year until you get bumped up to full time then go for it. Of course, when comparing salaries, factor in your happiness. $50k job that sucks or $35k that you like? Only you can decide that. Keep in mind too that you'll only be working part time so maybe you'd like to work 40hrs/week by getting a 2nd part time job. This would likely mean that you'd be making more then your current full time job and also that it could offset the cost of paying for your own health insurance.
It's simple. Just find out what it would cost you to buy your own health/dental insurance plan. Then subtract this from what your salary would be at the part time job. This way you'll have a more accurate comparison of the P/T job and your current full time job. If you are willing to accept paying for your own insurance for a year until you get bumped up to full time then go for it. Of course, when comparing salaries, factor in your happiness. $50k job that sucks or $35k that you like? Only you can decide that. Keep in mind too that you'll only be working part time so maybe you'd like to work 40hrs/week by getting a 2nd part time job. This would likely mean that you'd be making more then your current full time job and also that it could offset the cost of paying for your own health insurance.
Can a Dentist submit a claim to 2 Dental Insurances?
Recently I canceled my Cigna plan and picked up Metlife, my dentist submitted a claim through Cigna, received payment and then submitted the same claim through Metlife, and received payment....I think Cigna paid because of the carry over and Metlife paid because that is my new plan. Now he is trying to charge me for what Metlife didn't pay....is that legal?
If he billed for the exact same procedure on the exact same tooth to both insurance companies, then that is double billing and is wrong.... You need to take both EOB"S into the dental office, and check on this, and point it out.....if they understand that you know what has happened then you can go from there.....
If he billed for the exact same procedure on the exact same tooth to both insurance companies, then that is double billing and is wrong.... You need to take both EOB"S into the dental office, and check on this, and point it out.....if they understand that you know what has happened then you can go from there.....
Anyone know how to get volunteered free dental work?
i don't have any dental insurance and i have a tooth that is KILLING ME and it needs to be yanked!!
Dental schools are an excellent place to have dental procedures done at a very low cost. The students always need patients to work on and they are well supervised by their instructors who are dentists. Another option would be for you to contact your health department... many cities now have dental clinics in their health departments. However, it is probably not very likely that you are going to be able to have it done completely free of charge, though the fee will be minimal and is often on a 'sliding fee scale'. If neither of the above is an option for you, I would suggest you go to an emergency room to, at the very least, have an antibiotic prescribed to you. If your tooth is hurting that badly then there is likely to be infection in the pulp (nerve) of the tooth and you need an antibiotic to clear that up so the infection does not spread to any other areas of your body. Left untreated, an infection in a tooth could land you in a hospital for an extended vacation or at the very worst, it could possibly even cause death.
Dental schools are an excellent place to have dental procedures done at a very low cost. The students always need patients to work on and they are well supervised by their instructors who are dentists. Another option would be for you to contact your health department... many cities now have dental clinics in their health departments. However, it is probably not very likely that you are going to be able to have it done completely free of charge, though the fee will be minimal and is often on a 'sliding fee scale'. If neither of the above is an option for you, I would suggest you go to an emergency room to, at the very least, have an antibiotic prescribed to you. If your tooth is hurting that badly then there is likely to be infection in the pulp (nerve) of the tooth and you need an antibiotic to clear that up so the infection does not spread to any other areas of your body. Left untreated, an infection in a tooth could land you in a hospital for an extended vacation or at the very worst, it could possibly even cause death.
I need alot of dental work done, and am looking for insurance..
I know that most if not all insurance companies won't cover preexisting conditions, however I have never been diagnosed with a condition since I haven't been to a dentist in forever. So my question is am I out of luck?? Am I gonna have to pay out of pocket?? Thanx.
Most individual dental insurance does not have a pre-existing conditions clause. Instead they have waiting periods. You have five options with dental. 1. Go without insurance. If you have good teeth and just want the basics you probably don't need any plan. A yearly cleaning and exam and even an occasional filling will cost you less without insurance. 2. Visit a local dental school. You can get many procedures done for a reduced price if you're willing to let them practice on you. You can find one here: http://www.yourhealthplanadvisor.com/Den… 3. Insurance - Depending upon the policy: cost $30-$60 per month. You pay a $50 deductible first, they have an annual maximum that they'll pay per year of $750 - $1500, they have a waiting period up to 18 months for major work and then you're paying 50% of the charges. Example - average cost for a root canal in my area is $919. With insurance you pay $460 after paying 18 months of premium (around $800 or $900). Advantage - you can use any dentist with most plans. 4. Discount plans - Cost - $5-$12 per month. No deductible, no annual maximum and no waiting periods. Also, hardly any dentists will accept the plan and when they do you MIGHT get a 10% discount, which is about the same discount you can get by paying cash. Example - average cost for a root canal in my area is $919. With discount plans you pay around $827. Be very wary of these plans because most are scams. The people that sell these plans have little or no knowledge about health & dental insurance and do not need a license to sell them. The plans are not regulated by the state so you have no recourse when you have problems. Some states are starting to ban these plans from being sold. Here is an informative link http://www.insurancejournal.com/news/wes… concerning these plans. 5. Fee for Service discount plans - Cost $7-$15 per month. No deductible, no annual maximum and no waiting periods. Many dentist will accept the plan (check providers first before signing up with any plan). When you use the plan there is a set fee that the dentist will charge you. Example - average cost for a root canal in my area is $919. With fee for service plans you pay as little as $404. I'm an insurance agent and my personal plan is the fee for service plan. I got mine here http://www.dpbrokers.com/default.aspx?lo… specifically the Aetna Dental Access plan but which one you get depends upon your area and comparing the fee schedule to find the best for what you need covered.
Most individual dental insurance does not have a pre-existing conditions clause. Instead they have waiting periods. You have five options with dental. 1. Go without insurance. If you have good teeth and just want the basics you probably don't need any plan. A yearly cleaning and exam and even an occasional filling will cost you less without insurance. 2. Visit a local dental school. You can get many procedures done for a reduced price if you're willing to let them practice on you. You can find one here: http://www.yourhealthplanadvisor.com/Den… 3. Insurance - Depending upon the policy: cost $30-$60 per month. You pay a $50 deductible first, they have an annual maximum that they'll pay per year of $750 - $1500, they have a waiting period up to 18 months for major work and then you're paying 50% of the charges. Example - average cost for a root canal in my area is $919. With insurance you pay $460 after paying 18 months of premium (around $800 or $900). Advantage - you can use any dentist with most plans. 4. Discount plans - Cost - $5-$12 per month. No deductible, no annual maximum and no waiting periods. Also, hardly any dentists will accept the plan and when they do you MIGHT get a 10% discount, which is about the same discount you can get by paying cash. Example - average cost for a root canal in my area is $919. With discount plans you pay around $827. Be very wary of these plans because most are scams. The people that sell these plans have little or no knowledge about health & dental insurance and do not need a license to sell them. The plans are not regulated by the state so you have no recourse when you have problems. Some states are starting to ban these plans from being sold. Here is an informative link http://www.insurancejournal.com/news/wes… concerning these plans. 5. Fee for Service discount plans - Cost $7-$15 per month. No deductible, no annual maximum and no waiting periods. Many dentist will accept the plan (check providers first before signing up with any plan). When you use the plan there is a set fee that the dentist will charge you. Example - average cost for a root canal in my area is $919. With fee for service plans you pay as little as $404. I'm an insurance agent and my personal plan is the fee for service plan. I got mine here http://www.dpbrokers.com/default.aspx?lo… specifically the Aetna Dental Access plan but which one you get depends upon your area and comparing the fee schedule to find the best for what you need covered.
I am interesed in medical insurance how do I go about looking into it?
I am interested in dental insurance
Talk to a local, indepenent agent for quotes. But I've never seen a private dental policy that was "worth" the money, so be sure to read the coverages carefully - between the exclusions, the copays and the wait periods, they ALWAYS end up costing more per month than they pay out.
Talk to a local, indepenent agent for quotes. But I've never seen a private dental policy that was "worth" the money, so be sure to read the coverages carefully - between the exclusions, the copays and the wait periods, they ALWAYS end up costing more per month than they pay out.
Can I get health/dental coverage for my stepson?
His father had coverage on him, but his ex-wife moved out of state and couldn't use the insurance, so she said she would cover him. That was less than two weeks ago, he's been covered by his dad since the day he was born. Well, we've got him this summer and he told me the other day that he has never seen a dentist! He'll be 8 tomorrow! My husband just started a new job and he won't be able to get health/dental insurance for 90 days. I've got coverage at my job, it's a lot better than my husbands, and cheaper per week. I was just wondering if I would be able to add him to my insurance so he can see a dentist in our state while he's here visiting.
Some insurances will cover out-of-state. Are you absolutely sure your step-son wouldn't be covered when he came to visit you? I would call his insurance company to find out. Starting your step-son on a new policy may not be that hard to sign him up, you have to check with your employer to see how often they allow you to add/take off someone from your policy. Some policies allow changes only once a year. Some insurance companies also (once your step-son is enrolled) may have a 6 month waiting period before anything other than a cleaning can be done. Find out all these things before you enroll him. It may be easier this year to pay out-of-pocket and then enroll him next year especially if he ends up not needing a lot of work to be done (you may be paying more for the policy than just paying for a few procedures). Unfortunately some people don't go to the dentist until they have a problem, which creates a vicious cycle... you are doing a good thing by taking your step-son now and instilling good habits. It may mean the difference in him having all his teeth when he gets older.
Some insurances will cover out-of-state. Are you absolutely sure your step-son wouldn't be covered when he came to visit you? I would call his insurance company to find out. Starting your step-son on a new policy may not be that hard to sign him up, you have to check with your employer to see how often they allow you to add/take off someone from your policy. Some policies allow changes only once a year. Some insurance companies also (once your step-son is enrolled) may have a 6 month waiting period before anything other than a cleaning can be done. Find out all these things before you enroll him. It may be easier this year to pay out-of-pocket and then enroll him next year especially if he ends up not needing a lot of work to be done (you may be paying more for the policy than just paying for a few procedures). Unfortunately some people don't go to the dentist until they have a problem, which creates a vicious cycle... you are doing a good thing by taking your step-son now and instilling good habits. It may mean the difference in him having all his teeth when he gets older.
What types of supplemental insurance do people need?
I am talking about things like aflac, stuff for critical illness etc. I know you need basic medical insurance and some dental and vision insurance but what kinds of other stuff do you need. Also does someone who is single need life insurance?
The least appreciated coverage is disability insurance. How do you pay the bills if you get sick and are unable to work. Order of priority would be to purchase long term disability with a 6 month elimination period (an elimination period is like a deductible) and if you can afford it add the short term coverage to coordinate with the long term disability. Do you need life insurance if you are single? No, unless there is someone who depends upon you for their support.
The least appreciated coverage is disability insurance. How do you pay the bills if you get sick and are unable to work. Order of priority would be to purchase long term disability with a 6 month elimination period (an elimination period is like a deductible) and if you can afford it add the short term coverage to coordinate with the long term disability. Do you need life insurance if you are single? No, unless there is someone who depends upon you for their support.
Where can I go to get dental work without insurance that will be cheap?
I really need some dental work I've been putting off because i don't have insurance right now... plus really can't afford the high cost it will likely entail. My back tooth is starting to drop because a few years ago some crazy Dr. pulled the bottom tooth that it was resting on. I'm really worried and don't know what to do- I don't know if they'll have to pull the tooth now or add a bottom fake tooth so push the top tooth back up into place! Ughhh... Any insight would be great.
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here - health-quotes.isgreat.org
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here - health-quotes.isgreat.org
How can i get free dental care without having to go to Prison?
*I need my wisdom teeth removed and a root canal and other work my job only gives Medical insurance not dental and my job doesnt pay me enough
Check your medical insurance to see if they cover " Surgical removal of impacted wisdom teeth". Many of them do so, and that will be a big chunk of expense if your wisdom teeth fall in this category. And Care credit is great. Good luck
Check your medical insurance to see if they cover " Surgical removal of impacted wisdom teeth". Many of them do so, and that will be a big chunk of expense if your wisdom teeth fall in this category. And Care credit is great. Good luck
Where can I find a low cost/free adult teeth cleaning ...I have no dental insurance?
Somewhere in the St Louis/ St Charles area
Free ones are hard to come by. Dental schools can take you if you qualify or I would recommend this site: www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I signed up online over 5 years ago and they have saved me thousands of dollars throughout the years on all services. They even had me benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. Cleanings I pay only $38 compared to the regular average of $100. exam, xrays, fillings all included in this very affordable plan.
Free ones are hard to come by. Dental schools can take you if you qualify or I would recommend this site: www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I signed up online over 5 years ago and they have saved me thousands of dollars throughout the years on all services. They even had me benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. Cleanings I pay only $38 compared to the regular average of $100. exam, xrays, fillings all included in this very affordable plan.
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