Medical insurance. We are going for her DEER ID tomorrow. What do I do after that? The paperwork he sent from the base gave a # for personnel at Fort Sill, but they NEVER answer. There's no # included for the insurance-(only TriCare Dental). How do we go about getting her medical ID? I don't even know the name of the insurance carrier. Thanks.
Once her information was entered into DEERS she was automatically enrolled into Tricare Standard. With Standard she goes to a civilian provider that is approved and there is a co-pay and yearly deductible. When she gets her ID card she can then go to the base hospital and change to Tricare Prime. With Prime there is no co-pay or deductible, but she is seen on base with her PCM (Primary Care manager) for any other appointments she can need a referral from the PCM. She will not start with Prime until August 1st unless there is an emergency because she is enrolling after the 20th of the month. She will receive her Tricare card in the mail With Dental that is separate through United Concordia. For that she must sign up first and pay the first month, after that it is deducted from his pay.… It is $13 for 1 dependent or $31 for a family. This coverage includes 2 free cleanings a year, then a co-pay on each visit when work is necessary.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Help: Root Canal or Tooth removal?
I am scared and broke....but I have dental insurance...
~Your dentist will decide which one is best. They usually try to save the tooth in as much as they can. Root canals and the subsequent crown you'll need are expensive even with insurance, I had one 6 months ago and my out of pocket was $500.00, the rest was covered by insurance (which was close to $1,000 - insurance covered 80% of the surgery and 50% of the crown) I have had 2 in my life, and fortunately did not duffer any pain afterwards, but some people do have a horrible time of them. Some dentinst do not allow payment plans either... I had to fork $100 deposit when I made the appointment, and the rest right before the surgery. Don't be scared, you will not feel a thing when they do whatever it is you'll end up needing, and you'll get good meds for afterwards, Good Luck!!
~Your dentist will decide which one is best. They usually try to save the tooth in as much as they can. Root canals and the subsequent crown you'll need are expensive even with insurance, I had one 6 months ago and my out of pocket was $500.00, the rest was covered by insurance (which was close to $1,000 - insurance covered 80% of the surgery and 50% of the crown) I have had 2 in my life, and fortunately did not duffer any pain afterwards, but some people do have a horrible time of them. Some dentinst do not allow payment plans either... I had to fork $100 deposit when I made the appointment, and the rest right before the surgery. Don't be scared, you will not feel a thing when they do whatever it is you'll end up needing, and you'll get good meds for afterwards, Good Luck!!
is 27000 too much?
to ask for to work in a call center for a dental insurance company. im in the mid atlantic area eastern part of the us
No. You will soon discover it is not enough.
No. You will soon discover it is not enough.
i need help?
i am 27 years old with no dental insurance. my top teeth are decaying rapidly. im not an ugly person, but i feel ugly and ashamed of my teeh. i dont know what to do. there has got to be some help out there. please give any advice as to how i can get some help. thank you
Some dentist will work out a dental payment plan with you have a dental school in your area if so some of them do dental work for a very low price b/c the student get in practice but dont worry about that b/c its under the supervision of a dentist....GOOD LUCK!!!
Some dentist will work out a dental payment plan with you have a dental school in your area if so some of them do dental work for a very low price b/c the student get in practice but dont worry about that b/c its under the supervision of a dentist....GOOD LUCK!!!
Crater in tooth?!?
A crater has developed on the side of one of my teeth. It's as though the the enamel has literally exploded away in a circular fashion and left a dented brown hole. My dental insurance kicks in in a couple of weeks. At that point, I will get this checked out ASAP. Until then, any suggestions?
go to the pharmacy and find some temporary filling stuff... if not that then make sure to keep the cavity clear.
go to the pharmacy and find some temporary filling stuff... if not that then make sure to keep the cavity clear.
Cracked what?
I went to the dentist yesterday for the 4th time about the pain in my tooth when I bite. Part of the pain was being caused by a filling that was too high. The tooth on the top however is a different story. After much searching the dentist said she could see a crack in my molar! That's what has been causing this pain! I asked her if it was really bad and she said that if I wasn't having problems with it, that it probably wouldn't have been treated. Here's the problem, I have already used up my plan allowance on my dental insurance for the year. I need a crown and I'm broke! Is this something can can be left untreated for at least 6 months? Or, should I suck it up, take out a signature loan with the bank and have it done right away? In the mean time, what can I do to help with the pain until I see my dentist for the crown prep?
IF you wait you could lose the tooth all together. I would get the tooth done right away. However, if the crack is not that bad it could make it. But all it takes is biting the wrong way or on somethig to hard and the whole tooth could just fall apart.
IF you wait you could lose the tooth all together. I would get the tooth done right away. However, if the crack is not that bad it could make it. But all it takes is biting the wrong way or on somethig to hard and the whole tooth could just fall apart.
i need help?
i am 27 years old with no dental insurance. my top teeth are decaying rapidly. im not an ugly person, but i feel ugly and ashamed of my teeh. i dont know what to do. there has got to be some help out there. please give any advice as to how i can get some help. thank you
Some dentist will work out a dental payment plan with you have a dental school in your area if so some of them do dental work for a very low price b/c the student get in practice but dont worry about that b/c its under the supervision of a dentist....GOOD LUCK!!!
Some dentist will work out a dental payment plan with you have a dental school in your area if so some of them do dental work for a very low price b/c the student get in practice but dont worry about that b/c its under the supervision of a dentist....GOOD LUCK!!!
ineed free dental work any help?
i took presriptions that i didnt know ruined your teeth so all of my teeth need care and i have no money or insurance at this time
Try Dental School at Local University. Free and good. You just might have to take more time to get work completed.
Try Dental School at Local University. Free and good. You just might have to take more time to get work completed.
Painless Dentistry?
I have'nt seen a Dentist in 7 yrs. Back then I was told I needed deep cleaning, 4 teeth pulled and a root canal. My fear is pain and weirdness of folks poking in my mouth. I have awesome dental insurance but never use it! So , Is there a new dentistry style thats painless?
It sounds like you need to visit this site:…
It sounds like you need to visit this site:…
Wisdom teeth and Jaw clicking ??????
HI im 21 years and and never realy had any wisdom teeth problem untill one of them got inpacted well with out dental insurance i got that one removed........ that others seem to be strait but my dentist keeps on telling me that i have no room in my mouth for them and i should get them all removed.... about a year ago i noticed my jaw started click something when i eat and it dint realy bother me but now its getting worse and worse does it have somthing to do with my wisdom teeth that i have no room for in my mouth??? Thanks
I have a jaw clicking problem too, but they said I did not have TMJ. I ended up getting braces to cure the problem, but it's still a work in progress. My jaw was clicking for a while, until finally it just popped out of place - twice the same night! There are things you can do to not aggrevate it and prevent it from popping out of place. I had to give up chewy things like gum, tootsie rolls, and even certain types of jerky (not the kind that's shaped like a stick). Anything that's super chewy like the things I mentioned are foods I'd try to avoid. I also have a habit of just biting my teeth together, which also causes the popping noise. If you have a habit like this, I'd try to break out of it, because this also leads to your jaw popping out of place. If you don't want braces, then I definitely recommend getting your wisdom teeth pulled.
I have a jaw clicking problem too, but they said I did not have TMJ. I ended up getting braces to cure the problem, but it's still a work in progress. My jaw was clicking for a while, until finally it just popped out of place - twice the same night! There are things you can do to not aggrevate it and prevent it from popping out of place. I had to give up chewy things like gum, tootsie rolls, and even certain types of jerky (not the kind that's shaped like a stick). Anything that's super chewy like the things I mentioned are foods I'd try to avoid. I also have a habit of just biting my teeth together, which also causes the popping noise. If you have a habit like this, I'd try to break out of it, because this also leads to your jaw popping out of place. If you don't want braces, then I definitely recommend getting your wisdom teeth pulled.
sudden toothache?
i don't know if it's a cavity, because i have been to the dentist in january and they said no cavities, but yesturday afternoon my tooth started to hurt....REALLY bad. then it was only when I drank something (cold or not). I know that I have sensitive teeth..and I also have braces, but a tooth has never hurt like this....I have no dental insurance either :( what do you think the problem could be, and will it just get worse?
If the dentist gave you the all - clear in January then I doubt anything serious could have developed in that short time. Sometimes wearing braces can make teeth extra sensitive and flare up very suddenly ( I wore braces) or it could be a bit of broken off filling, or something stuck between braces, teeth or food under your gum. See if you can locate the pain and have a look in the mirror in a good light. It would be best to return to the dentist as soon as possible to rule out anything more serious.
If the dentist gave you the all - clear in January then I doubt anything serious could have developed in that short time. Sometimes wearing braces can make teeth extra sensitive and flare up very suddenly ( I wore braces) or it could be a bit of broken off filling, or something stuck between braces, teeth or food under your gum. See if you can locate the pain and have a look in the mirror in a good light. It would be best to return to the dentist as soon as possible to rule out anything more serious.
zoom whitening?
Does anyone know how much one sitting of this new whitening procedure costs? Without dental insurance!!
W2 vs 1099?
I am a proffessional who is looking to go and start contracting on an independent basis. I was employed until now and was payed a fixed salary annually. My question is abt 1099 vs W2. Though i understand the basic diffefrence between them how do i compare a job paying me $50/hr on a W2 vs a job paying $50/hr on a 1099. Keeping other considerations aside such as contribution to 401(k), employee/contractor status, medical/dental insurance etc. , which of the 2 is a a more lucrative contract to take up. PS: Can anybody point me to a website/blog/url that can help me in understanding the market rates for a project manager in the it field.
Keep in mind - as a contracter who is receiving a 1099, that 50/hr is much less. One of the biggest reasons is that you have to cover your entire Social Security and Medicare taxes. Normally as an employee receiving a W2, you and your employer split the cost of those taxes down the middle with each paying 6.2 % for Social Security and 1.45 for Medicare. Now that you are self-employed contracter you must pay the whole thing - 12.4 and 2.9 respectively. Also you must foot the bill for your own medical insurance, etc... often times employees are unaware that their employer subsizes up to 90 percent of these costs as well.
Keep in mind - as a contracter who is receiving a 1099, that 50/hr is much less. One of the biggest reasons is that you have to cover your entire Social Security and Medicare taxes. Normally as an employee receiving a W2, you and your employer split the cost of those taxes down the middle with each paying 6.2 % for Social Security and 1.45 for Medicare. Now that you are self-employed contracter you must pay the whole thing - 12.4 and 2.9 respectively. Also you must foot the bill for your own medical insurance, etc... often times employees are unaware that their employer subsizes up to 90 percent of these costs as well.
root canal crown/WISDOM TEETH question! :)?
hii, i got my root canal done in march and its STILL not crowned! my dentist hasn't told me ANYTHING about even getting it done? is he trying to wait for my tooth to break so i pay him more or something lol :P acutally i asked him about it when i went for my followup about a month later and he just said, "eventually". my next appointement isn't even until february 2008 for a regular checkup :S why hasnt he told me anything??? he put a filling in it so it looks like a regular tooth... when do i need one? my parents own their own business and so we don't have dental insurance so its going to cost them SO much money :( and i also need 4 of my wisdom teeth out and that will be like 1000$ he said too! whats the worst that can happen if i leave my tooth uncrowned for like 5 months so i can earn some money myself. alsoooo for my wisdom teeth.. my bottom front teeth are kinda butterflied together, they point inwards. will my wisdom teeth like push them in more???
I'd get it crowned as soon as possible. I made this mistake. The dentist didn't tell me to come back and get it crowned so i left it. About 5 or six months after i had the root canal done, the tooth started breaking away in little pieces. What happens is that the nerves are removed during the root canal hence why you have no feeling in that tooth. It becomes what they call a "dead tooth." No nutrients are going to the tooth to keep it healthy thats why they have to crown it. Anyways what happened was my tooth cracked to the point of not being able to repair it. I had to get it pulled in the end, so make sure you get it crowned as soon as you can! Good luck.
I'd get it crowned as soon as possible. I made this mistake. The dentist didn't tell me to come back and get it crowned so i left it. About 5 or six months after i had the root canal done, the tooth started breaking away in little pieces. What happens is that the nerves are removed during the root canal hence why you have no feeling in that tooth. It becomes what they call a "dead tooth." No nutrients are going to the tooth to keep it healthy thats why they have to crown it. Anyways what happened was my tooth cracked to the point of not being able to repair it. I had to get it pulled in the end, so make sure you get it crowned as soon as you can! Good luck.
root canal crown/WISDOM TEETH question! :)?
hii, i got my root canal done in march and its STILL not crowned! my dentist hasn't told me ANYTHING about even getting it done? is he trying to wait for my tooth to break so i pay him more or something lol :P acutally i asked him about it when i went for my followup about a month later and he just said, "eventually". my next appointement isn't even until february 2008 for a regular checkup :S why hasnt he told me anything??? he put a filling in it so it looks like a regular tooth... when do i need one? my parents own their own business and so we don't have dental insurance so its going to cost them SO much money :( and i also need 4 of my wisdom teeth out and that will be like 1000$ he said too! whats the worst that can happen if i leave my tooth uncrowned for like 5 months so i can earn some money myself. alsoooo for my wisdom teeth.. my bottom front teeth are kinda butterflied together, they point inwards. will my wisdom teeth like push them in more???
I'd get it crowned as soon as possible. I made this mistake. The dentist didn't tell me to come back and get it crowned so i left it. About 5 or six months after i had the root canal done, the tooth started breaking away in little pieces. What happens is that the nerves are removed during the root canal hence why you have no feeling in that tooth. It becomes what they call a "dead tooth." No nutrients are going to the tooth to keep it healthy thats why they have to crown it. Anyways what happened was my tooth cracked to the point of not being able to repair it. I had to get it pulled in the end, so make sure you get it crowned as soon as you can! Good luck.
I'd get it crowned as soon as possible. I made this mistake. The dentist didn't tell me to come back and get it crowned so i left it. About 5 or six months after i had the root canal done, the tooth started breaking away in little pieces. What happens is that the nerves are removed during the root canal hence why you have no feeling in that tooth. It becomes what they call a "dead tooth." No nutrients are going to the tooth to keep it healthy thats why they have to crown it. Anyways what happened was my tooth cracked to the point of not being able to repair it. I had to get it pulled in the end, so make sure you get it crowned as soon as you can! Good luck.
Help! tooth ache?
I have a bad tooth ache but I don't have dental insurance.My cousin gave me a bottle of acid and told me to put it on the cavity in my tooth.He said it works.Should I put acid on my tooth?
Get LocalDentist4Less membership and get to the dentist ASAP!
Get LocalDentist4Less membership and get to the dentist ASAP!
Getting Braces? help?
I'm getting Braces in a couple weeks and I was wondering the price of Braces? I have dental insurance... My teeth are not completely bad I have a over bite but its not bad and a slight gap on the side! Just looking for answers.. Thanks!! :))
If you have dental insurance, you should be fine. Braces are VERY expensive. Its like, thousands without insurance. But most insurance companies will pay for most of it. You'll have a deductible. Probably $100 or $200, then they'll pay the rest. Just check to make sure there is no maximum amount that they will pay out. Can you answer mine next? I could really use a girl's opinion, and I think you'll have fun answering it!;…
If you have dental insurance, you should be fine. Braces are VERY expensive. Its like, thousands without insurance. But most insurance companies will pay for most of it. You'll have a deductible. Probably $100 or $200, then they'll pay the rest. Just check to make sure there is no maximum amount that they will pay out. Can you answer mine next? I could really use a girl's opinion, and I think you'll have fun answering it!;…
part of my tooth broke off!!!!!!?
the 2nd molar from the back broke off so when i eat food gets stuck inside the tooth and i need to use floss, fingernail, toothpick to get it out. it doesn't hurt but it's irritating to have food stuck in it. so can the dentist fix it and what will they do? but how much does it cost as I dont have dental insurance!
Yes, it can be fixed, and you should have it fixed as soon as possible before the tooth decays or gets infected. Unfortunately it will probably be expensive. Probably you will need to get a crown - they will grind your tooth down and fit you with a cap that goes over your tooth - it will feel like a normal tooth. There are clinics that will be cheaper or even free. You should not wait to fix this!!!
Yes, it can be fixed, and you should have it fixed as soon as possible before the tooth decays or gets infected. Unfortunately it will probably be expensive. Probably you will need to get a crown - they will grind your tooth down and fit you with a cap that goes over your tooth - it will feel like a normal tooth. There are clinics that will be cheaper or even free. You should not wait to fix this!!!
Need braces or DENTURES!? 26 years old...?
SO my teeth are pretty bad. I have all of them, but they are rather crooked. I have dental insurance, but I dont know if it covers braces, and everytime I go to the dentist they say they "cant do braces with the condition or straightness or whatever of my teeth" Should I just get all of 'em pulled and get dentures?
i would defiantly go to another dentist or even better an orthodontist for a second opinion. there is not much out there that braces cant do. it may take several years, but it can be done. in my opinion, that dentist probably has limited knowledge on braces and fixed/removable orthodontic appliances. Maybe you need a RME or twinblock appliance prior to braces, and the dentist just doesnt know how to work with them. Hence the reason why i think you should go to an orthodontist. i work directly with patients who wear dentures and they shouldnt even be an option for someone of your age who just wants a better smile.. Dentures have about 10-15% of the chewing strength as natural teeth, and many problems arise from it. Once you pull your teeth out, your gums and bones will start to shrink (and keep shrinking forever), and eventually you will have problems with stability (especially on the lower jaw) unless you get implants to retain the dentures, and even then, you will have problems with food getting stuck under them, bad breath, cracking the dentures, tooth wearing out on the dentures over time.. if you dont get implants (because they are expensive) and just get dentures made to your mouth, you may not have a problem with the upper, but the lower will surly give you problems with sore spots, instability, no retention, and it will be extremely difficult to eat food such as steak and other harder food.. if possible, take a photo of your teeth so we can see how 'bad' they really are.. Maybe cosmetic treatment is all you need on the front 6 teeth to have the appearence that they are straight. A few crowns or veneers may be enough to give you a nice natural smile. in my opinion, do not pull your teeth out and get dentures (not even partial dentures)
i would defiantly go to another dentist or even better an orthodontist for a second opinion. there is not much out there that braces cant do. it may take several years, but it can be done. in my opinion, that dentist probably has limited knowledge on braces and fixed/removable orthodontic appliances. Maybe you need a RME or twinblock appliance prior to braces, and the dentist just doesnt know how to work with them. Hence the reason why i think you should go to an orthodontist. i work directly with patients who wear dentures and they shouldnt even be an option for someone of your age who just wants a better smile.. Dentures have about 10-15% of the chewing strength as natural teeth, and many problems arise from it. Once you pull your teeth out, your gums and bones will start to shrink (and keep shrinking forever), and eventually you will have problems with stability (especially on the lower jaw) unless you get implants to retain the dentures, and even then, you will have problems with food getting stuck under them, bad breath, cracking the dentures, tooth wearing out on the dentures over time.. if you dont get implants (because they are expensive) and just get dentures made to your mouth, you may not have a problem with the upper, but the lower will surly give you problems with sore spots, instability, no retention, and it will be extremely difficult to eat food such as steak and other harder food.. if possible, take a photo of your teeth so we can see how 'bad' they really are.. Maybe cosmetic treatment is all you need on the front 6 teeth to have the appearence that they are straight. A few crowns or veneers may be enough to give you a nice natural smile. in my opinion, do not pull your teeth out and get dentures (not even partial dentures)
invisalign question~?
heyy i have some space between my top teeth and i really want invisalign. but i dont think we have dental insurance and we dont have the extra money to be spending on stuff to fix my teeth right now r there any financial aids for this???
It costs about 7800 dollars
It costs about 7800 dollars
Help. Root Canal, Antibiotics?
I was told I need a root canal. I was having some pains in a tooth where a filling had came out. I saw a dentist and he said I need a root canal and put some meds in my tooth with a temporary filling. How long will the antibiotics help with pain after the infection is gone. How long will it stay infection free if I have a temporary filling protecting the nerves. I know it needs done but I currently have no dental insurance and plan on having it in the near future.
The problem is that the longer you wait,the more risk you have of losing this tooth.Eventually bacteria will get under the filling and cause more decay in this tooth. If the decay goes into the nerve then the tooth will need to be extracted. You also are running the risk of a cracked or fractured tooth. I wouldn't wait more then a month or so.
The problem is that the longer you wait,the more risk you have of losing this tooth.Eventually bacteria will get under the filling and cause more decay in this tooth. If the decay goes into the nerve then the tooth will need to be extracted. You also are running the risk of a cracked or fractured tooth. I wouldn't wait more then a month or so.
What's up with this? Everyone please help,ok?
My boyfriend James & I broke up 9 months ago. This was our 3rd real break-up. Anyway,it seemed like we were very much in love with each other,but we had a huge fight one night at the lake.I was in the process of getting a divorce but I needed the dental insurance for awhile. The man I am divorcing and I don't sleep together at all,and we are trying to help one another with our children and adjust to everything and all the changes. My mother told my boyfriend James that I was happily married and that I have done this before,and that I wouldn't ever leave my husband. He started believing it finally,and we broke up,then it seemed like we were getting back together when he takes his ex girlfriend back whom he had a son with,and she got pregnant again by him she says,and the child is due any day now or they already had the baby? Anyway,he spies on me and watches me,yet won't talk to me or anything,but he spies and he stalks me. I don't know why he's doing it? He knows that I am a nice woman
He is CRAZY, stay away from him the most that you can and report his all of that in the police station from that way you dont have to deal with his crazy ***.
He is CRAZY, stay away from him the most that you can and report his all of that in the police station from that way you dont have to deal with his crazy ***.
Pregnant with severe tooth PAIN!!!!?
I am almost 20 weeks pregnant am I am having the most awful toothpain I have ever had in my life. I tried clove oil that didn't help, tylonol didn't even affect it AT ALL. I have no dental insurance. I can't sleep and I don't know what to do. I just can not take it anymore!
go to the dentist my ob approved it first but i had 2 teeth pulled and i was 36 weeks preggers.
go to the dentist my ob approved it first but i had 2 teeth pulled and i was 36 weeks preggers.
family court and medicaid?
what do family courts feel about my son on medicaid and his father requesting that i stay responsible for maintaining medical and dental insurance coverage.
get him a job, my parents pay their own medical bills like real grownups!
get him a job, my parents pay their own medical bills like real grownups!
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