Well, I need braces and I am 16 years old but, my dad-- my parents are divorced-- got fired and now I have no dental insurance. My mom and step-dad's work doesn't cover dental so I am stuck here without. Can someone please tell me a good dental insurance that covers Southern California and only one member in the family? All the other ones insist that the whole family gets covered... Thank you.
Try http://www.simplyinsurancequotes.com/den… they start at $80 per year and up
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Does anyone have any info on: vision and dental insurance plans for purchase monthly ?
I only have health insuarance at work. I would like to purchase a dental and vision plan together.Thank You.
There are a lot of options about dental coverage alone, including managed care solutions for dental care called dental health maintenance organizations (DHMO), but I couldn't find a lot of reliable information regarding vision and dental together. I work for a Web site, MostChoice.com, which generates free instant insurance rate quotes and provides access to local insurance agents. If you already have a dentist and an eye care professional, I would talk with them about the different kinds of insurance they accept and what they prefer. Maybe your co-workers have faced a similar decision. After collecting word-of-mouth recommendations, I would check out MostChoice, talk with the agents, and see if they can deliver a solution that fits your needs. Even if they can't, you will still be able to ask them questions and get quick answers. I do know that inexpensive plans from Blue Cross Blue Shield targeting twentysomethings include preventive vision and dental care, so you might start with that when you speak to the agents. The BCBS plan line is called Tonik. You can visit MostChoice here: http://www.mostchoice.com/health-insuran… Hope this helps, Barnes@MostChoice
There are a lot of options about dental coverage alone, including managed care solutions for dental care called dental health maintenance organizations (DHMO), but I couldn't find a lot of reliable information regarding vision and dental together. I work for a Web site, MostChoice.com, which generates free instant insurance rate quotes and provides access to local insurance agents. If you already have a dentist and an eye care professional, I would talk with them about the different kinds of insurance they accept and what they prefer. Maybe your co-workers have faced a similar decision. After collecting word-of-mouth recommendations, I would check out MostChoice, talk with the agents, and see if they can deliver a solution that fits your needs. Even if they can't, you will still be able to ask them questions and get quick answers. I do know that inexpensive plans from Blue Cross Blue Shield targeting twentysomethings include preventive vision and dental care, so you might start with that when you speak to the agents. The BCBS plan line is called Tonik. You can visit MostChoice here: http://www.mostchoice.com/health-insuran… Hope this helps, Barnes@MostChoice
Private dental insurance to lower copayments for braces?
Hello Everybody: Does anybody, by any chance, have information on specific private insurance companies where enrollment and monthly premiums, even if a bit higher, would in turn lower patient copayments significantly when opting for braces? Your knowledgable input is truly valued! Thank you for sharing.
hm. i see you already got the two "spamswers" that always comment on dental questions. but to ACTUALLY answer your question, I do have an idea of what you might you might be able to do. its sometimes a little harder to pick up an insurance right now for braces if you are planning on getting them in the near future because some insurances wont help you on them for a couple of years, or will only help slightly a little bit, but their full benefits would not kick in till later. What i would check out is something called a dental discount plan. Now its not going to cut the price in half, but some do cut 20% off or more depending on which dental discount plan you go with. The nice thing is that they dont have maximums per year (which you might run into on insurance) and they do start right away for any procedure. The top ones in my opion are 1Dental.com, Aetna Dental Access, and DentalPlans. i think pound for pound the 1Dental Plan is the best, especially for an individual because it does have a monthly option to pay for membership. Its the cheapest, But it saves the most... it really is the best dental plan i have seen, but the other ones i have listed are good plans too. Check those out though, and also see if you can use the dental plan at the office and then maybe file the rest with your insurance. that sometimes works and that would SIGNIFICANTLY reduce the costs. Good Luck, I know braces are not cheap, but I hope that helps.
hm. i see you already got the two "spamswers" that always comment on dental questions. but to ACTUALLY answer your question, I do have an idea of what you might you might be able to do. its sometimes a little harder to pick up an insurance right now for braces if you are planning on getting them in the near future because some insurances wont help you on them for a couple of years, or will only help slightly a little bit, but their full benefits would not kick in till later. What i would check out is something called a dental discount plan. Now its not going to cut the price in half, but some do cut 20% off or more depending on which dental discount plan you go with. The nice thing is that they dont have maximums per year (which you might run into on insurance) and they do start right away for any procedure. The top ones in my opion are 1Dental.com, Aetna Dental Access, and DentalPlans. i think pound for pound the 1Dental Plan is the best, especially for an individual because it does have a monthly option to pay for membership. Its the cheapest, But it saves the most... it really is the best dental plan i have seen, but the other ones i have listed are good plans too. Check those out though, and also see if you can use the dental plan at the office and then maybe file the rest with your insurance. that sometimes works and that would SIGNIFICANTLY reduce the costs. Good Luck, I know braces are not cheap, but I hope that helps.
How do you find a dental school that will work on someone without dental insurance?
My husband has real issues in his mouth including a broken off tooth that is causing a lot of pain. He needs to see a dentist before an infection goes to his brain. He has not worked for most of the year and we don't have extra money laying around to pay for what he needs.
You have four options with dental. 1. Visit a local dental school. You can find one here: http://www.yourhealthplanadvisor.com/Den… 2. Insurance - Depending upon the policy: cost $30-$60 per month. You pay a $50 deductible first, they have an annual maximum that they'll pay per year of $750 - $1500, they have a waiting period up to 18 months for major work and then you're paying 50% of the charges. Advantage - you can use any dentist with most plans. 3. Discount plans - Cost - $5-$12 per month. No deductible, no annual maximum and no waiting periods. Also, hardly any dentists will accept the plan and when they do you MIGHT get a 10% discount, which is about the same discount you can get by paying cash. Be very wary of these plans because most are scams. The people that sell these plans have little or no knowledge about health & dental insurance and do not need a license to sell them. The plans are not regulated by the state so you have no recourse when you have problems. Some states are starting to ban these plans from being sold. Here is an informative link http://www.insurancejournal.com/news/wes… concerning these plans. 4. Fee for Service discount plans - Cost $7-$15 per month. No deductible, no annual maximum and no waiting periods. Many dentist will accept the plan (check providers first before signing up with any plan). When you use the plan there is a set fee that the dentist will charge you. I'm an insurance agent and my personal plan is the fee for service plan. I got mine here http://www.dpbrokers.com/default.aspx?lo… specifically the Aetna Dental Access plan but which one you get depends upon your area and comparing the fee schedule to find the best for what you need covered.
You have four options with dental. 1. Visit a local dental school. You can find one here: http://www.yourhealthplanadvisor.com/Den… 2. Insurance - Depending upon the policy: cost $30-$60 per month. You pay a $50 deductible first, they have an annual maximum that they'll pay per year of $750 - $1500, they have a waiting period up to 18 months for major work and then you're paying 50% of the charges. Advantage - you can use any dentist with most plans. 3. Discount plans - Cost - $5-$12 per month. No deductible, no annual maximum and no waiting periods. Also, hardly any dentists will accept the plan and when they do you MIGHT get a 10% discount, which is about the same discount you can get by paying cash. Be very wary of these plans because most are scams. The people that sell these plans have little or no knowledge about health & dental insurance and do not need a license to sell them. The plans are not regulated by the state so you have no recourse when you have problems. Some states are starting to ban these plans from being sold. Here is an informative link http://www.insurancejournal.com/news/wes… concerning these plans. 4. Fee for Service discount plans - Cost $7-$15 per month. No deductible, no annual maximum and no waiting periods. Many dentist will accept the plan (check providers first before signing up with any plan). When you use the plan there is a set fee that the dentist will charge you. I'm an insurance agent and my personal plan is the fee for service plan. I got mine here http://www.dpbrokers.com/default.aspx?lo… specifically the Aetna Dental Access plan but which one you get depends upon your area and comparing the fee schedule to find the best for what you need covered.
Does dental insurance fall under the Health Care Reform Obama is proposing?
Im trying to see that if Health care also includes dental care. I hadnt been to the dentist for years since it was too expensive. I am writing a paper and I need something that I can relate to the health care discussion.
not to my knowledge you have a good point that dental care can be expensive and there are some links between dental health and heart disease, for example. However, I don't that will be added to the bill. Can you imagine the new wave of stupid talk and fervor that would come out if dental care was included? Ignorant people would rant and rave about poor people and immigrants getting teeth whitenings, caps, gold teeth, etc...basically every ridiculous thing you can think of.
not to my knowledge you have a good point that dental care can be expensive and there are some links between dental health and heart disease, for example. However, I don't that will be added to the bill. Can you imagine the new wave of stupid talk and fervor that would come out if dental care was included? Ignorant people would rant and rave about poor people and immigrants getting teeth whitenings, caps, gold teeth, etc...basically every ridiculous thing you can think of.
Delta Dental Insurance or Discount plans?
I haven't been to a dentist since 9th grade and I know for a fact that I need work done. I really want to take care of things earlier then later and was wondering what would be a good Insurance company to go with. Some companies I've been researching are Aflac and delta Dental Insurance and was wondering if anyone has ever had either one? I just checked out Delta and was wondering if the co payments had to be paid in full on the same day that the procedure is done?
Delta Dental is the oldest dental insurance and is accepted by most dentists. As far as co payments, that policy will vary from office to office, so you'll have to ask your dental office. You can also ask them what there experience with either company has been. Good luck.
Delta Dental is the oldest dental insurance and is accepted by most dentists. As far as co payments, that policy will vary from office to office, so you'll have to ask your dental office. You can also ask them what there experience with either company has been. Good luck.
So I need a lot of dental work, which is better dental insurance or those dental discount programs,?
I know that I may have to travel to specific doctors with the discount problem bUt I am ok with that. Also if anyone know any charities in florida that will help with dental surgeries that would be awesome too.
Go check out www,dentalplans.com. There are several plans available for every budget. And they are real dental plans. Just be sure you review each plan to make sure you are getting the benefits you want. Make sure you watch for pre-existing rules. You definitely want preventative, and basic care. Major care is something like for crowns, bridges, and sometimes root canals are considered major...but most the time they are consider basic. Also you need to consider if the plan requires you to go to specific dentist on a list. If that is the case check and see if your dentist is already on the list or will consider getting on the list. Best wishes.
Go check out www,dentalplans.com. There are several plans available for every budget. And they are real dental plans. Just be sure you review each plan to make sure you are getting the benefits you want. Make sure you watch for pre-existing rules. You definitely want preventative, and basic care. Major care is something like for crowns, bridges, and sometimes root canals are considered major...but most the time they are consider basic. Also you need to consider if the plan requires you to go to specific dentist on a list. If that is the case check and see if your dentist is already on the list or will consider getting on the list. Best wishes.
Where can I get affordable dental insurance?
I am self employed and need dental work.
I was in the same situation. I needed a crown and cleaning, but did not have insurance. I went with a dental savings plan. You actually get 50% off dental services for only around $120 a year. http://www.dentalcarejournal.com/insuran…
I was in the same situation. I needed a crown and cleaning, but did not have insurance. I went with a dental savings plan. You actually get 50% off dental services for only around $120 a year. http://www.dentalcarejournal.com/insuran…
if i get dental insurance now, how long until i can get a root canal?
I need a root canal and it is gonna cost a lot, haha. If i got insurance now, how long till i can get the job done, i know there has to be stipulations for insurance or else people would do that crap all the time. Do i have to sign up for at least 5 yrs or something, i really dont know and am curious. any thoughts?
The best plan I know that kicks in right away is endodontist4less.com You can stay on the plan as long as you want, minimum is 3 months I think.
The best plan I know that kicks in right away is endodontist4less.com You can stay on the plan as long as you want, minimum is 3 months I think.
What dental insurance can a person who is on Medicare purchase?
This is becoming such a large expense. Can you please advise? Thank you
Try Delta Dental. Also, there may be plans sponsored through AARP.
Try Delta Dental. Also, there may be plans sponsored through AARP.
What is the best dental insurance to get for my teenage daughter who needs braces badly?? (I am in Canada)?
My daughter is 14 yrs.old, and has recently been referred by our family dentist to an orthodontist for braces, top and bottom. My provincial insurance plan does not cover braces (of course!) and we are a low income family. Anyone know of a low-cost dental insurance plan here in Canada that helps with the cost of braces????? HELP!
YOu are not the only person who have ever met this kind of problem,I met this type of problem before.I have good experience here www.HealthInsuranceFree.info/dental.html to solve the problem.
YOu are not the only person who have ever met this kind of problem,I met this type of problem before.I have good experience here www.HealthInsuranceFree.info/dental.html to solve the problem.
how do I get health and dental insurance and how much does it cost for just one person?
prices and how to get dental and health insurance
Be honest,It will take a while to find the best answer for the your question.give a look at resource here http://www.healthinsurance-onlinetips.info for your reference .
Be honest,It will take a while to find the best answer for the your question.give a look at resource here http://www.healthinsurance-onlinetips.info for your reference .
Does any know a good supplemental dental insurance?
I already have Delta Dental. However I am getting to the age where I need more expensive dental work performed like a root canal or a dental implant tooth replacement. A dental implant alone can cost me more than $5,000 out of pocket. Does anyone know of a good reputable company that will sell me additional dental coverage for these types of procedures?
health-quotes.isgreat.org - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
health-quotes.isgreat.org - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
What type of "silly" jobs offer dental insurance besides jc penney and starbucks?
I believe it was JC penney that offered dental ins. even working only PT!
Macy's offers pt workers benefits.
Macy's offers pt workers benefits.
Free or inexpensive dental insurance that covers major dental procedures?
I currently have dental insurance with my employer however, I need major dental procedures done such as a possible root canal, porcelain veneers, fillings, etc. Does anyone know of any programs in the state of Texas that can assist with most or all of the expenses not covered by my dental plan?
Apply for Canadian citizenship. The only problem is you'd have to quit your job; only the lazy unemployed get free everything in Canada.
Apply for Canadian citizenship. The only problem is you'd have to quit your job; only the lazy unemployed get free everything in Canada.
Cheap dental insurance to cover root canal?
Hello, im hoping someone could help me. Im 19, a college student and live on my own so getting under my parents plan cant happen. Can anyone recommend a cheap dental insurance that would help me cover a root canal procedure? Right now Im considering UNI-CARE 100 Discount Dental Plan, its only $80 a year and covers root canals. Any other plans anyone happens to know about and willing to share would be appreciated!!
something like that would be your best option. the problem with dental insurance is no body thinks they need it until they have problem. everyone wants to sign up for $10/mn and get a $500 procedure done for free. it just doesn't work that way which i'm sure you know already. check out http://www.dentalforeveryone.com/?id=900… also check out http://usdirecthealthinsurance.com/apps/… and this one http://www.usdirecthealthinsurance.com/ these are good sources for dental insurance information and instant price quotes with just your zip code. these guys offer the lowest guaranteed prices so you don't have to shop around.
something like that would be your best option. the problem with dental insurance is no body thinks they need it until they have problem. everyone wants to sign up for $10/mn and get a $500 procedure done for free. it just doesn't work that way which i'm sure you know already. check out http://www.dentalforeveryone.com/?id=900… also check out http://usdirecthealthinsurance.com/apps/… and this one http://www.usdirecthealthinsurance.com/ these are good sources for dental insurance information and instant price quotes with just your zip code. these guys offer the lowest guaranteed prices so you don't have to shop around.
What dental insurance covers invisalign in california?
Hoping to get an affordable insurance that covers invisalign, so that i can get it asap. Thank you.
I know mine does.. I have united concordia ( husband in the service)
I know mine does.. I have united concordia ( husband in the service)
What is the best dental insurance/discount?
I have been checking the web for a long time. I need alot of dental work and it costs sooooooo much. I need to save as much money as I can so i can get it all done. i just payed $800 for a root canal and i still need 2 more. thats alot of money. any recommendations?
Tricare or United Concordia
Tricare or United Concordia
is this procedure covered under medical or dental insurance?
I was told that anytime you are put to sleep that its covered under your medical insurance. Is this true?
If you are having oral surgery done, such as removal of impacted wisdom teeth, most medical insurance will cover this. If you are having non surgical extractions or other routine dental procedures don, like fillings, they will not cover this.
If you are having oral surgery done, such as removal of impacted wisdom teeth, most medical insurance will cover this. If you are having non surgical extractions or other routine dental procedures don, like fillings, they will not cover this.
I need MAJOR dental work!! What is a good insurance provider??
I am 27, single, self-employed, and live in Ohio. I was wondering if anyone could suggest/recommend a good Dental Insurance Provider/Plan for a person like me?
Delta Dental
Delta Dental
Bad tooth ache with no dental insurance?
My friend has a bad tooth ache and her medical insurance dosen't cover dental. What can she do?
health-quotes.isgreat.org - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
health-quotes.isgreat.org - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
Is there any free dentist here in LA for those who have no dental insurance?
Any free dental clinics you know for filling and cleaning?
Why do you think you should receive FREE care?? Do you know of any free restaurants or free car mechanics? If you do...please let me know, I hate paying for sh-t. A university or college dental program usually offers service at a pretty reasonable and reduced rate. Just not for free.
Why do you think you should receive FREE care?? Do you know of any free restaurants or free car mechanics? If you do...please let me know, I hate paying for sh-t. A university or college dental program usually offers service at a pretty reasonable and reduced rate. Just not for free.
Will my delta dental insurance cover cosmetics for invisalign?
My regular dentist said that insurance doesn't cover cosmetics. I have two gaps in my upper teeth that I could probably put a dime in between. I'm very self conscious. Will a dentist who does invisalign find a way to have my insurance cover some of the cost?
health-quotes.talk4fun.net - here is my health insurance plan. As I remember they can provide such a service.
health-quotes.talk4fun.net - here is my health insurance plan. As I remember they can provide such a service.
What options do I have for personal dental insurance?
I'm a 20 year old deployed army reservist, and I'll be returning home shortly. I recently found out I will need my wisdom teeth out, and plan on getting Invisalign treatment to straighten my teeth. I guess the wisdom teeth will have to come out first. Anyone have any insight on what I can do as far as insurance? Tri-care sucks, and I wouldn't mind getting a discount on orthodontic treatment after my wisdom teeth are out...
I work for a company called ASP. We work with local dentist offices. We offer a dental plan for $2 a week. In all it's $99 a year. They cover just about every dental procedure you can think of. Also they accept pre existing conditions. I'm 18 years old and live on my own. This plan really helps me out. If you are interested, you can email me. I have a representative call you with details if you are interested. Thanks! Leah Humphrey
I work for a company called ASP. We work with local dentist offices. We offer a dental plan for $2 a week. In all it's $99 a year. They cover just about every dental procedure you can think of. Also they accept pre existing conditions. I'm 18 years old and live on my own. This plan really helps me out. If you are interested, you can email me. I have a representative call you with details if you are interested. Thanks! Leah Humphrey
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