I need to have my wisdom teeth pulled and probably should of had them pulled a few years ago but I don't have coverage and I'm in enough debt that I wouldn't be able to finance it. I live in MD and there is only one dental school and I plan to call but I think they are very expensive. They take insurance which really makes me think it's high there. Will it be cheaper to get a dentist to pull them rather then a oral surgeon?
call 1-800-929-8344 Ref# 246314 they will cover you for cosmetics and dental procedures.they are very helpful.
Saturday, June 4, 2011
dental, regarding phropy verus full mouth debridement?
when full mouth debridement(D1110) is first visit. how should second visit be billed to insurance company
a full mouth debridement is coded D4335 generaly after this service you would have root planing code D4341 in all 4 quads of your mouth then a reevaluation coded D180 to ck the health of your tissue then you would more then likely have a periodontal prophy D4910 D1110 is a prophy used on your periodontal health is stable and put on a 6 month recall program
a full mouth debridement is coded D4335 generaly after this service you would have root planing code D4341 in all 4 quads of your mouth then a reevaluation coded D180 to ck the health of your tissue then you would more then likely have a periodontal prophy D4910 D1110 is a prophy used on your periodontal health is stable and put on a 6 month recall program
is it okay to take amoxocillian that is a year and half old?? My wisdom teeth are infecting my gums....?
I called western dental, because I dont have insurance, my teeth have been hurting me since Sunday and I am sure it is my wisdom teeth, I called and the dentist receptionist said that I most likley have an infection, and I need to take amocillian, but I dont have the $cash they need right now to get the antibiotics....
You need to take the advice of 'Dr. Receptionist" with a grain of salt. No one should make a diagnosis over the phone, especially an hourly employee. If the gingival tissue over/around your wisdom teeth is merely inflamed, not infected, you may be taking the amoxicillin without good reason. The indiscriminate use of antibiotics is causing a problem worldwide with the development of resistant strains of bacteria. Find a way to have your problem diagnosed properly so that it can be treated properly. Incidentally, the amoxicillin you have may or may not still be effective.
You need to take the advice of 'Dr. Receptionist" with a grain of salt. No one should make a diagnosis over the phone, especially an hourly employee. If the gingival tissue over/around your wisdom teeth is merely inflamed, not infected, you may be taking the amoxicillin without good reason. The indiscriminate use of antibiotics is causing a problem worldwide with the development of resistant strains of bacteria. Find a way to have your problem diagnosed properly so that it can be treated properly. Incidentally, the amoxicillin you have may or may not still be effective.
What's the BEST way to fix healthcare in the US?
If we go to a socialized system we will end up like Canada with 50% tax rates and insufficient practitioners (that's why they come here), or like Britain where you have to wait up to 6 months for operations, and people are so desperate to see dentists they have to pull their own teeth, and a company called DIY Dental that sells over-the-counter filling material and temporary caps does booming business? To FIX the US healthcare--you have to understand the problem. Imagine first having "grocery insurance"---you'd buy prime rib and caviar and champagne with abandon! Or "gas insurance" you'd always buy supreme! Without an incentive of checks and balances, there's no way to reduce costs. In West Virginia, they found that by rebating 10% of the nearly 100% error rate on hospital bills back to clients, that they immediately saved nearly one half on Medicaid costs.
Make people get a job and buy insurance, It works for me. My wife and I both work and pay 466 a month for insurance. It is very good insurance and i work hard to afford it. Why should I pay for someone who is too lazy to work and get their own insurance. If you can't afford health insurance then the govenment should set something up. It would be crappy but better than nothing. I see no reason someone should get the same insurance I get when I work damn hard for it.
Make people get a job and buy insurance, It works for me. My wife and I both work and pay 466 a month for insurance. It is very good insurance and i work hard to afford it. Why should I pay for someone who is too lazy to work and get their own insurance. If you can't afford health insurance then the govenment should set something up. It would be crappy but better than nothing. I see no reason someone should get the same insurance I get when I work damn hard for it.
where could i go to get Dental Care for cheap?
i dont have insurance... i need help!!!
consider this option. Dental plan for $11.95 mo and you get vision, chiropractic and prescription also for the same price. You can save up to 80%. Go to: www.everyonebenefits.com/cgarcia
consider this option. Dental plan for $11.95 mo and you get vision, chiropractic and prescription also for the same price. You can save up to 80%. Go to: www.everyonebenefits.com/cgarcia
So does anybody who lives in Texas have an awesome health insurance plan with dental for a good price?
It's for a family of 5. I have right now bluecross/bluesheild and I love them but if my husband gets this new job the health benefits there stink and we need coverage. We will not be having anymore children (fact!) but we do need the dental. I pay close $500/$600 a month and want something cheaper but not worse in policy. I've already looked and found a few I liked just wondering if anybody has any better policy;s or ideas =^)
Since no one here can know what your current plan covers there is no way to know if anything is cheaper with the same coverage. You should visit a local agent that works with all the major companies in your area. The agent can compare what you currently have to the individual plans on the market and can find the best plan for your situation and budget. There is no extra charge using an agent. Individual dental insurance, in general, is not very good. You have deductibles, annual maximums, and waiting periods before you receive full benefits. I'm an insurance agent and offer several policies but my personal plan is a discount fee for service plan. There are no deductibles, no annual maximums, and no waiting periods. I got mine here http://www.dpbrokers.com/default.aspx?lo… specifically the Aetna Dental Access plan but which one you get depends upon your area and comparing the fee schedule on the website to find the best for what you need covered.
Since no one here can know what your current plan covers there is no way to know if anything is cheaper with the same coverage. You should visit a local agent that works with all the major companies in your area. The agent can compare what you currently have to the individual plans on the market and can find the best plan for your situation and budget. There is no extra charge using an agent. Individual dental insurance, in general, is not very good. You have deductibles, annual maximums, and waiting periods before you receive full benefits. I'm an insurance agent and offer several policies but my personal plan is a discount fee for service plan. There are no deductibles, no annual maximums, and no waiting periods. I got mine here http://www.dpbrokers.com/default.aspx?lo… specifically the Aetna Dental Access plan but which one you get depends upon your area and comparing the fee schedule on the website to find the best for what you need covered.
I have dental insurance but the co-pays are more than I can afford Any help out there?
I live in W.Michigan
My friend found herself in a situation-she left her husband, and has four kids. they all needed to go to the dentist, and her deadbeat husband stopped supporting them. She found a clinic in a dental school, and took her kids to that--the rates are reduced, because dental students are working on you, under the supervision of a licensed teaching dentist. If that doesn't work for you, find a dentist who will accept a payment plan-but they may charge you interest. Good luck and good health!
My friend found herself in a situation-she left her husband, and has four kids. they all needed to go to the dentist, and her deadbeat husband stopped supporting them. She found a clinic in a dental school, and took her kids to that--the rates are reduced, because dental students are working on you, under the supervision of a licensed teaching dentist. If that doesn't work for you, find a dentist who will accept a payment plan-but they may charge you interest. Good luck and good health!
Dental insurance through the canadian government for low income person??
I need my wisdom teeth out and wanted to know if there is any program through the government for low income people. the surgery will cost around $1100.
No there isnt
No there isnt
What insurance will cover dental implant?
I'm planning to have an implant next year, but It's very expensive for me. I need an insurance that will cover some of my payment. Help me guys.....thanks a lot
Implants are expensive, that's for sure.... Dental insurance companies don't usually cover any of the fee for implants, but they do cover some of the cost of the crown that's put over/on it. Beware if/when you do get dental insurance, some companies have a mandatory waiting period for prosthetic work... If you're eligible, AARP has a decent plan with Delta Dental, and the premiums are decent.
Implants are expensive, that's for sure.... Dental insurance companies don't usually cover any of the fee for implants, but they do cover some of the cost of the crown that's put over/on it. Beware if/when you do get dental insurance, some companies have a mandatory waiting period for prosthetic work... If you're eligible, AARP has a decent plan with Delta Dental, and the premiums are decent.
what is the best dental insurance that covers braces? (california)?
i'm thinking of getting braces to fix my teeth and i am on the hunt for a good dental insurance. Any advice? how much is the reasonable monthly payment...
YOu are not the only person who have ever met this kind of problem,I met this type of problem before.I have good experience here www.HealthInsuranceFree.info/dental.html to solve the problem.
YOu are not the only person who have ever met this kind of problem,I met this type of problem before.I have good experience here www.HealthInsuranceFree.info/dental.html to solve the problem.
Is dental insurance honestly worth it?
seriousely, all the dental plans i've seen are for like $36 a month witha $750 or 1,000 max. annual cost. and they have a $50 annual deductable. then only 80% coverage thereafter.
If you are buying dental insurance for yourself, then no, the insurance isn't worth it. You pay way more into the plan that you'll ever get out of it. You might as well put aside $36 a month then self pay when you go to the dentist for cleaning your teeth. If you can get insurance through an employer, then it is worth it, the coverage is better
If you are buying dental insurance for yourself, then no, the insurance isn't worth it. You pay way more into the plan that you'll ever get out of it. You might as well put aside $36 a month then self pay when you go to the dentist for cleaning your teeth. If you can get insurance through an employer, then it is worth it, the coverage is better
What does it mean when your insurance lists "dental vendor" as part of your benefits?
This is kind of an emergency-I need to hurry up and see a dentist, today, but I do not know if dentistry is covered with my plan. I tried calling, but the recording said they were closed for the holiday. Online it says in the "other benefits" section, that "dental vendor" is included. Does this mean that it will cover my check up at the dentist's office? Please help!
If it is a medical plan, most do not cover dental unless you were involved in an accident (ie. your teeth got knocked out or broken). You need to read you policy, maybe got to their online web page and seek out the "definitions" section to see what is covered. ps. your not going to get to see a dentist on the holiday without going to an emergency room.. thought dentists are not staffed in hospitals. You need to call you regular dentist (they should have an "incase of emergencies" part to their recording... if it is pain... I would suggest going to the ER and see if a doc will get you a script until tuesday.
If it is a medical plan, most do not cover dental unless you were involved in an accident (ie. your teeth got knocked out or broken). You need to read you policy, maybe got to their online web page and seek out the "definitions" section to see what is covered. ps. your not going to get to see a dentist on the holiday without going to an emergency room.. thought dentists are not staffed in hospitals. You need to call you regular dentist (they should have an "incase of emergencies" part to their recording... if it is pain... I would suggest going to the ER and see if a doc will get you a script until tuesday.
has anyone ever used Ameriplan dental, health, and vision insurance before?is it legit?
they supposedly give you fat discounts on vision,dental, and health, and even life insurance.even though they are not an insurance(they send you a card looks like a debit card in the mail and you have coverage the very next day) just a company that works with doctors and other companies that are willing to give you discounted prices.does anyone know of any other insurance that is very low-cost?websites?thanks!
You should read the Federal Trade Commission warning on my site about discount companies. If you end up in a hospital you'll still be responsible for the majority of the bill which could run many thousands of dollars. Buy health insurance. A high deductible plan is cheaper than most discount plans and covers more of the risk. Discount plans for dental are fine because nobody has lost a home having to pay for a root canal (in other words, most dental issues cost less than $1,000...a heart attack can run in the hundreds of thousands). For vision...go to WalMart. $85 gets you a full exam and contact fitting. Oh, and most importantly, you should keep in mind that insurance usually ALREADY gives you these discounts and in some cases the discounts are greater than many discount plans.
You should read the Federal Trade Commission warning on my site about discount companies. If you end up in a hospital you'll still be responsible for the majority of the bill which could run many thousands of dollars. Buy health insurance. A high deductible plan is cheaper than most discount plans and covers more of the risk. Discount plans for dental are fine because nobody has lost a home having to pay for a root canal (in other words, most dental issues cost less than $1,000...a heart attack can run in the hundreds of thousands). For vision...go to WalMart. $85 gets you a full exam and contact fitting. Oh, and most importantly, you should keep in mind that insurance usually ALREADY gives you these discounts and in some cases the discounts are greater than many discount plans.
I need dental insurance with no waiting periods.?
I need to go to the dentist and would like to find temporary insurance with no waiting periods. Do anyone know of any plans like this?
I would encourage you to visit this great site: www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I signed up online over 5 years ago and they have saved me thousands on all services. From Xrays, exams, fillings, crowns..etc. Even my braces. They even had my very affordable plan active in 2 hours and was able to use them the very same day. Good luck and hope this helps.
I would encourage you to visit this great site: www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I signed up online over 5 years ago and they have saved me thousands on all services. From Xrays, exams, fillings, crowns..etc. Even my braces. They even had my very affordable plan active in 2 hours and was able to use them the very same day. Good luck and hope this helps.
how do you get dental insurance?
how do you get insurance for western dental? i heard that if you get insurance for western dental the braces are really cheap!
You apply. http://www.westerndental.com/plans.html
You apply. http://www.westerndental.com/plans.html
im looking for a dental insurance not discount plan, that...?
has no limit on yearly cap on services, low monthly premium, and very minimum to pay on the dentist visits? Any such dental insurance out there?
Sorry, but what you are looking for doesn't exist. You have five options with dental. 1. Go without insurance. If you have good teeth and just want the basics you probably don't need any plan. A yearly cleaning and exam and even an occasional filling will cost you less without insurance. However, it doesn't sound by your question that this is an option. 2. Visit a local dental school. You can get many procedures done for a reduced price if you're willing to let them practice on you. Ask around about the school you might be considering, many people report good results and many people will not ever go back to them again. Expect a 10% to 30% discount off of the average cost. 3. Insurance - Depending upon the policy: cost $30-$60 per month. You pay a $50 deductible first, they have an annual maximum that they'll pay per year of $750 - $1500, they have a waiting period up to 18 months for major work and then you're paying 50% of the charges. Example - average cost for a root canal in my area is $829. With insurance you pay $414 after paying 18 months of premium (around $800 or $900). Advantage - you can use any dentist with most plans. 4. Discount plans - Cost - $5-$12 per month. No deductible, no annual maximum and no waiting periods. Also, hardly any dentists will accept the plan and when they do you MIGHT get a 10% discount, which is about the same discount you can get by paying cash. Example - average cost for a root canal in my area is $829. With discount plans you pay around $746. Be very wary of these plans because most are scams. The people that sell these plans have little or no knowledge about health & dental insurance and do not need a license to sell them. The plans are not regulated by the state so you have no recourse when you have problems. Some states are starting to ban these plans from being sold. Here is an informative link http://www.insurancejournal.com/news/wes… concerning these plans. 5. Fee for Service discount plans - Cost $7-$15 per month. No deductible, no annual maximum and no waiting periods. Many dentist will accept the plan (check providers first before signing up with any plan). When you use the plan there is a set fee that the dentist will charge you. Example - average cost for a root canal in my area is $829. With fee for service plans you pay as little as $404. I'm an insurance agent and my personal plan is the fee for service plan. I got mine here http://www.dpbrokers.com/default.aspx?lo… specifically the Aetna Dental Access plan but which one you get depends upon your area and comparing the fee schedule to find the best for what you need covered.
Sorry, but what you are looking for doesn't exist. You have five options with dental. 1. Go without insurance. If you have good teeth and just want the basics you probably don't need any plan. A yearly cleaning and exam and even an occasional filling will cost you less without insurance. However, it doesn't sound by your question that this is an option. 2. Visit a local dental school. You can get many procedures done for a reduced price if you're willing to let them practice on you. Ask around about the school you might be considering, many people report good results and many people will not ever go back to them again. Expect a 10% to 30% discount off of the average cost. 3. Insurance - Depending upon the policy: cost $30-$60 per month. You pay a $50 deductible first, they have an annual maximum that they'll pay per year of $750 - $1500, they have a waiting period up to 18 months for major work and then you're paying 50% of the charges. Example - average cost for a root canal in my area is $829. With insurance you pay $414 after paying 18 months of premium (around $800 or $900). Advantage - you can use any dentist with most plans. 4. Discount plans - Cost - $5-$12 per month. No deductible, no annual maximum and no waiting periods. Also, hardly any dentists will accept the plan and when they do you MIGHT get a 10% discount, which is about the same discount you can get by paying cash. Example - average cost for a root canal in my area is $829. With discount plans you pay around $746. Be very wary of these plans because most are scams. The people that sell these plans have little or no knowledge about health & dental insurance and do not need a license to sell them. The plans are not regulated by the state so you have no recourse when you have problems. Some states are starting to ban these plans from being sold. Here is an informative link http://www.insurancejournal.com/news/wes… concerning these plans. 5. Fee for Service discount plans - Cost $7-$15 per month. No deductible, no annual maximum and no waiting periods. Many dentist will accept the plan (check providers first before signing up with any plan). When you use the plan there is a set fee that the dentist will charge you. Example - average cost for a root canal in my area is $829. With fee for service plans you pay as little as $404. I'm an insurance agent and my personal plan is the fee for service plan. I got mine here http://www.dpbrokers.com/default.aspx?lo… specifically the Aetna Dental Access plan but which one you get depends upon your area and comparing the fee schedule to find the best for what you need covered.
Checks from delta dental, do i just sign them over to the dentist?
I just had dental work done last week, first time being an adult and having my own insurance so im not sure how this works. I Received 2 checks from delta dental, now of course i know its not "my" money, but do i cash them put then in my checking account and then pay the dentist, or just sign them over to the dentist, do i wait to get billed? sorry im new to this insurance thing and not sure how this works, i thought delta would pay the dentist directly of what they cover, and the dentist bills me the rest? lol sorry if i sound dumb i just dont know, thanks for your help
It's best to endorse the checks over to the dentist and take them over ASAP. Return the courtesy given to you by paying your bill promptly and not waiting to be billed.
It's best to endorse the checks over to the dentist and take them over ASAP. Return the courtesy given to you by paying your bill promptly and not waiting to be billed.
Is irrigation necessary during a full mouth debridement?
Dental office wants to charge for it but insurance company says it's my option and not necessary. Who do I believe?
I can't speak to the necessity of any treatment for you. It's impossible to diagnose over the internet. But this is a game insurance likes to play. They will say they are denying your claims and try to shift the blame to the dentist by saying: 1. The procedure is not necessary 2. The dentist is charging too much. The insurance company has no way to know if you need any specific treatment. You are just a name (or more likely a number) that costs them money if they actually have to pay out instead of just collecting your premiums every month. Has anyone from the insurance company come to look at your mouth and see what your needs are? I'm guessing not. LOL Be up front and ask your dentist if you have concerns. It may very well be optional in your case, but it could also be necessary and important. Your dentist will probably be happy to discuss his reasons for prescribing this treatment.
I can't speak to the necessity of any treatment for you. It's impossible to diagnose over the internet. But this is a game insurance likes to play. They will say they are denying your claims and try to shift the blame to the dentist by saying: 1. The procedure is not necessary 2. The dentist is charging too much. The insurance company has no way to know if you need any specific treatment. You are just a name (or more likely a number) that costs them money if they actually have to pay out instead of just collecting your premiums every month. Has anyone from the insurance company come to look at your mouth and see what your needs are? I'm guessing not. LOL Be up front and ask your dentist if you have concerns. It may very well be optional in your case, but it could also be necessary and important. Your dentist will probably be happy to discuss his reasons for prescribing this treatment.
How do you make important budgeting strategies if everything u want to do seems equally imporant?
So, I make a pretty good amount an hour, but have carnote, pay daycare for 2 kids, plus clothes, my half of all expenses from rent, utilities, cheap cell phone bill, blah blah blah........ I am getting child support so that makes it alot easier, but there are sooooo many things that seem high dollar that I need to get done.......I need to make a dental appt (which I know will be about $200), belts replaced on my car engine (up to $400), a new catalytic converter on my car (upwards of $1000 possibly more. Had to afro-engineer it last year to get thru marta), my car painted, get insurance on my car (down payment will hurt on that one - have a high insurable car) and pay off alot of other bills (not big amounts, just small) ...........I need it all done NOW, but I dont know what to concentrate on, I feel like if I do one, then another will bite me in the butt.......any suggestions?
First off I want to say I'm sorry for what you are facing. That is a big load to carry and I tip my hat to you for all you need to do. Well I'm assuming you need your car to make money. If this is the case you need to focus on the mechanical issues first. Painting it should be last on the list. If you can then get it fixed, gt insurance. If you cannot get it fixed, let your insurance lapse and while using public transportation take the extra insurance money and save it to fix the car and get your teeth fixed. Then start making bigger payments on your other debts. The best thing you can do right now is not get overwhelmed, take things day-by-day, don't miss out on the wonder of being a mother by worrying about tomorrow. You can and will make it through this and you will be stronger as a result.
First off I want to say I'm sorry for what you are facing. That is a big load to carry and I tip my hat to you for all you need to do. Well I'm assuming you need your car to make money. If this is the case you need to focus on the mechanical issues first. Painting it should be last on the list. If you can then get it fixed, gt insurance. If you cannot get it fixed, let your insurance lapse and while using public transportation take the extra insurance money and save it to fix the car and get your teeth fixed. Then start making bigger payments on your other debts. The best thing you can do right now is not get overwhelmed, take things day-by-day, don't miss out on the wonder of being a mother by worrying about tomorrow. You can and will make it through this and you will be stronger as a result.
Dentist said they participate with my insurance, but they don't. Now I'm stuck with the bill. What options?
My husband has been going to one dentist for years. This past November he had to get his widsom teeth out. They said they verified payment, but they must not have. Wisdom teeth extraction falls under medical, not dental, and they don't participate with my medical insurance. Now we're stuck with a bill for $2300 and I already paid about $500 out of pocket before the surgery. What can I do at this point? I never would have gone to them if I knew it wouldn't be covered. Do I have any recourse??
First $2300 for IV sedation and 4 surgical extractions is very reasonable. The big problem is which insurance, dental or medical, is responsible for the bill. Is the medical and dental insurance the same company? Is this an HMO or PPO and you can only see certain providers? Either or both insurances should be responsible for the procedure. They are probably saying that you did not use one of their providers. Call their offices and file a grievance with them. Also send a letter to your state insurance commission (along with a copy to the insurance companies). You may have to fight for the payment but you should prevail. Good luck
First $2300 for IV sedation and 4 surgical extractions is very reasonable. The big problem is which insurance, dental or medical, is responsible for the bill. Is the medical and dental insurance the same company? Is this an HMO or PPO and you can only see certain providers? Either or both insurances should be responsible for the procedure. They are probably saying that you did not use one of their providers. Call their offices and file a grievance with them. Also send a letter to your state insurance commission (along with a copy to the insurance companies). You may have to fight for the payment but you should prevail. Good luck
Insurance question...?
Can I get divorced and then get remarried in a month so that I can elect to cover my spouse and children under my insurance plan? There is no open enrollment, only when you first get hired or for a major life event. I am married to a great guy with joint custody of his two kids. He is required to provide health insurance for the children. Last year, I took a new job that had union negotiated health care benefits with much better coverage for the whole family, including my step-kids. My premiums for the family were about $350/month and his are $500/month. His deductable is $1000 and total out of pocket is five thousand. My new insurance is $250 deductable and five hundrend total out of pocket. My co pays are $10 and his are $30 per doctor visit. And it is with the same major insurance company and list of providers - the same ppo. Here is the problem, his x wouldn't let him drop his old insurance without us agreeing to some ridiculous terms. There is a court order to provide insurance through his employer, so his employer wouldn't drop the coverage without a court order saying it was ok to cover the children with either insurance. We couldn't afford both monthly premiums, so we couldn't elect to get my new coverage for the family. I was able to get dental and vision though. Vision was free for family and the coverage that they provided for the children's braces was more than the dental premiums so that was a good financial decision. Now that the x is seeing how great the coverage is - the eye doctor told her he had never seen this good of coverage... they cover everything even transition lenses, bifocals, and designer frames 100% - she is starting to be more reasonable. It will save her tons of money too since we split the out of pockets and co-pays with her. Is that legal to do? and how hard would it be to do?
I think there must be an easier way than getting a divorce. I am surprised there is not an annual open enrollment where you can add your family. If you are sure of this, then find out what a life changing event might consist of. Talk this through with your HR benefits rep. I am stunned that they would put a family in the position of getting a divorce. Their logic is to keep healthy people from refusing the insurance and then expecting to be added after they get sick not to keep a young healthy family out of the risk pool, in fact they should welcome that.
I think there must be an easier way than getting a divorce. I am surprised there is not an annual open enrollment where you can add your family. If you are sure of this, then find out what a life changing event might consist of. Talk this through with your HR benefits rep. I am stunned that they would put a family in the position of getting a divorce. Their logic is to keep healthy people from refusing the insurance and then expecting to be added after they get sick not to keep a young healthy family out of the risk pool, in fact they should welcome that.
How to REALLY know how much house I can afford!?
OK I know this has been asked many times, but the main thing I want to know is why do they say X% of your GROSS pay should go to housing instead of X% of your NET pay? I live in an expensive area, and spending around 26% of my monthly GROSS pay on mortgage+insurance+taxes (no PMI) is the only way I can buy any kind of house. If I used the 30-40% of NET pay formula I wouldn't be able to afford a shack. So what is the story? I don't want to be house poor, but the amount leftover after tax/medical/dental/401k deductions is much different than the gross income!
The reason they say gross pay instead of net pay. In theory that percentage already takes into consideration that taxes are coming out. They also assume that you can cancel insurance/401k contributions if you have to in order to make your bills, those are all voluntary. Non-voluntary deductions (garnishment, child support payments) are taken out of your income before they figure the ratio. As you've probably been told this is the number the lender will use to qualify you for the amount. Please only use this as a guideline. The main question is if you, personally, can budget the payment. If you don't want to cancel your voluntary deductions or change your lifestyle, the number you can really afford will probably be different. The real way to figure how much you can afford is to get your mortgage payment on a 30 year fixed loan, add in your taxes and insurance, and have all that add up to what you're able and willing to invest in a home. You can find a decent calculator here: http://www.easyonlinerefi.com/Calculator… That will figure out payments on the mortgage for you.
The reason they say gross pay instead of net pay. In theory that percentage already takes into consideration that taxes are coming out. They also assume that you can cancel insurance/401k contributions if you have to in order to make your bills, those are all voluntary. Non-voluntary deductions (garnishment, child support payments) are taken out of your income before they figure the ratio. As you've probably been told this is the number the lender will use to qualify you for the amount. Please only use this as a guideline. The main question is if you, personally, can budget the payment. If you don't want to cancel your voluntary deductions or change your lifestyle, the number you can really afford will probably be different. The real way to figure how much you can afford is to get your mortgage payment on a 30 year fixed loan, add in your taxes and insurance, and have all that add up to what you're able and willing to invest in a home. You can find a decent calculator here: http://www.easyonlinerefi.com/Calculator… That will figure out payments on the mortgage for you.
Comfort Dental - anyone else have bad experience?
Ok, so I went 3 years without a cleaning which is not like me. For one though I had a couple of kids, and decided that since I was on my husband's dental plan I should use that, which unfortunately my Dentist that I have been going to since I was 5 was not on the list. So recently I decided I better get in, and also my son needs his first checkup. I came to realize that the only place I could go is Comfort Dental. The Dr. does a quick check of my teeth and tells me that since it's been 3 years I need a 'deep cleaning'. Come to find out as I was checking out that it will cost me (with my insurance) $320 ! And she said they don't do payment plans, and was snotty with me when I said that I didn't have that kind of money to put up front. I ended up calling my old dentist and the receptionist there said she was disturbed that I was told I needed a 'deep cleaning'. I have decided that I will actually save more by paying out of pocket going to my old dentist who I actually trust. Comfort Dental felt like they were just trying to get money out of me. Plus I was also displeased as I was sitting in the waiting room and I heard the receptionist on the phone (with an insurance company I presume), tell them a SSN# out loud. If I wanted to I could of written it down and used it! Where are the HIPPA laws on that? I guess I'm wondering if others are displeased with Comfort Dental, and if anyone knows who I could make a complaint to. Somehow I think complaining to them won't make much of a difference.
Sounds like a mill....you have to be with someone you trust! Do payment plans, whatever....it is worth it!
Sounds like a mill....you have to be with someone you trust! Do payment plans, whatever....it is worth it!
How to get rid of a huge toothache?
my husband has a horrible toothache, he dont have insurance and is laid off currently, so there for no money, what can we do for this? can we get free dental help somewhere and what can we give him for it to help the pain??
Painkillers such as Tylenol work for the pain, and drinking something cold can also numb it. I'm not sure where you can find free dental help, though. Hope things get better!
Painkillers such as Tylenol work for the pain, and drinking something cold can also numb it. I'm not sure where you can find free dental help, though. Hope things get better!
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