Hey everyone, Ok when i was in 8th grade (10 years ago now) i was playing football, got hit wrong and my left front tooth broke... had a route canal done, post put in and a crown thrown on top, so about 10 trips to 3 different dentists i got a new tooth. Well the last two days it has hurt like crazy... but not the pain normally associated with teeth, more like a dull pain. i do have a horrible habit that i can't exactly control of griding my teeth in my sleep (i know, i know). I thought it was gone until my girlfriend told me otherwise. I have been meaning to get a night mouth guard my dentist suggested but with no dental insurance being a real estate agent/investor that's been put on the back bumper. I was just wondering from a DOCTOR'S point of view should i be worried about it or should i pay the few hundred bucks to get it examined?
If the root canal treatment was succesful, you shouldn't feel pain on the tooth. You definitely should let a dentist check it and have xrays taken on whole mouth. It's possible that the tooth inside broke or traumatized from the metal post being pushed through your grinding habit. But we can never be certain unless we have clinical and dental view of the tooth.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Can Medical cover some of dental work or is it too late?
I currently have Metlife dental insurance and I have already had work done on my teeth. Metlife paid for a portion of the work done but still I had to apply in order to open a credit account with Chase Health Advance to cover what was left over and I still pay out of pocket more than I can afford at the moment =(. I'm going to college and working a bit in order to try to pay for the monthly bill but it's tough. I was wondering if I were to apply for Medical would it cover some if not all of what I have to pay??
No, it will not
No, it will not
No insurance need a root canal!...endodontic specialist immediately what should i do? help?
(Anyone know of a good plan that I can use immediately to get my tooth fixed and not cost me so much money $???? thanks ?) ok, I went for x rays and to see what i needed done because my canine tooth started hurting badly. a general dentist told me i need a root canal but he cant decide what tooth needs it. so i need a specialist ! (endo) but i have no dental insurance. Can someone please give me some advice on what i should do? PPO's make u wait like 3 months?!
I would strongly encourage you to visit this site: www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I signed up online over 5 years ago now and have saved thousands of dollars since. From root canals, fillings, cleanings, xrays...etc. All services are included. Even cosmetic and orthodontics are included in this very very affordable plan. They even had my benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. hope this helps.
I would strongly encourage you to visit this site: www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I signed up online over 5 years ago now and have saved thousands of dollars since. From root canals, fillings, cleanings, xrays...etc. All services are included. Even cosmetic and orthodontics are included in this very very affordable plan. They even had my benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. hope this helps.
Is there some kind of help for a child's dental bills?
My husband is in the military and we have United Concordia Dental coverage. Unfortunately, this plan doesn't cover much because we've had to pay over $500 for one child already this year and now we're looking at at least $750 for his brother. Is there any governmnt agency that helps with dental bills? Or is there some other program that I can combine with our dental insurance so we don't pay so much out of pocket? Any help is appreciated!
What you need is a supplment dental plan. Many people are in your situation..and max out their dental then end up paying full cost the rest of the year. You can be covered under a Dental Discount Plan. (I actually have it and use it myself, so I can give you first hand experience) The plan is called "Dental Plus" and gives 50-80% off al dental services! The plan costs $19.95 a month and covers your entire Household! I'm one of Ameriplan's Regional Health Benefits Specialist, and AmeriPlan accepts all pre-existing conditions, with no limits on visits or use. You can switch dentists whenever you want. There is no co-pays! I can let you know your specific savings for work needed with AmeriPlan, or you can check it out for yourself on the web. Thanks for your time! Sincerely, Erika Beaumont 414-897-7471 CST
What you need is a supplment dental plan. Many people are in your situation..and max out their dental then end up paying full cost the rest of the year. You can be covered under a Dental Discount Plan. (I actually have it and use it myself, so I can give you first hand experience) The plan is called "Dental Plus" and gives 50-80% off al dental services! The plan costs $19.95 a month and covers your entire Household! I'm one of Ameriplan's Regional Health Benefits Specialist, and AmeriPlan accepts all pre-existing conditions, with no limits on visits or use. You can switch dentists whenever you want. There is no co-pays! I can let you know your specific savings for work needed with AmeriPlan, or you can check it out for yourself on the web. Thanks for your time! Sincerely, Erika Beaumont 414-897-7471 CST
Help- I need great dental advice?
I have an appt. to see my dentist in the AM to complete work on a cavity that was cleaned up and a temporary filling put on. My dentist said that they can either do a root canal and crown or pull it. Are there any other options? I also have maybe 10-12 other cavities. Gross, I know, but bad teeth run in my family, and I planned on getting false teeth, as my mom did by the time she was my age, so I didn't invest in fixing the cavities. A root canal/crown costs $1600, so if I have to do that to all of the cavities (hopefully not) then that would be spending up to $20,000 on my mouth!! Even though I have dental insurance that pays 80%, I don't have $4,000!! I think my dentist sees $$ in my mouth. Or is he just trying to help? Can you help me decide what 'plan' to decide on tomorrow when I see him? Thanks~
I had the same problems. I had a lot of deep fillings from when I was a teenager and now that I am older they all came back to hunt me. Since some of my older fillings were so deep they started to agitate my nerves and I ended up getting root canals for all of them. I think you're better off getting root canals rather than getting them pulled. Don't get false teeth!!!
I had the same problems. I had a lot of deep fillings from when I was a teenager and now that I am older they all came back to hunt me. Since some of my older fillings were so deep they started to agitate my nerves and I ended up getting root canals for all of them. I think you're better off getting root canals rather than getting them pulled. Don't get false teeth!!!
Help with braces and Orthodontic Insurance?!?
Hey guys! I'm 19 years old and want to get Invisalign (the clear braces). And as I researched I found that they cost a lot more than the regular braces. I needed help with finding an Orthodontic Insurance that will cover atleast 40-50% of my treatment. Currently I do not have any dental insurance and am working part-time, so not offered an insurance by the employeer either. I believe I can afford a maximum of $150 out of my pay check towards my treatment every month, as I heard that some dentists offer a one or two year payment plan, so one would not have to pay $6000+ all at once. Any help and suggestions are greatly appreciated. Thanks! :]
MOst drs for invisalign need the money upfront as the lab costs are very high and all the trays are given to you at the start, so patients can disappear with them
MOst drs for invisalign need the money upfront as the lab costs are very high and all the trays are given to you at the start, so patients can disappear with them
Impacted wisdom teeth, no insurance at all....?
I have two vertically impacted bottom wisdom teeth that need cut out, two other top wisdom teeth pulled and two molars that are completely rotted, pulled. I have no health or dental insurance. I don't qualify for that care credit. I've applied for this discounted dental thing, but it's been three weeks and they haven't found an oral surgeon for the procedure yet. I'm in immense pain and too scared to keep taking 2 ibuprofen every 4 hours. I don't know what else there is for me to do. This pain is horrible! Please help
Try using this dental price engine and find yourself a dentist that will put you on a payment plan. Sounds like you really need to go and see a dentist as quickly as possible. Insurance won't cover these amounts, and you obviously have a pre-existing condition,
Try using this dental price engine and find yourself a dentist that will put you on a payment plan. Sounds like you really need to go and see a dentist as quickly as possible. Insurance won't cover these amounts, and you obviously have a pre-existing condition,
Does Anyone Know about Dental Plans In houston area??
Ok so I go to the dentist today and I have to get my wisdom teeth pulled. Ok they told me it will be 450 to worst case 800.00 per tooth. Is that sound right to anyone?? I know it depends on the dentist but there are alot of crooks out there. Also I do not have any dental insurance. Is there a denta discount card I can get. Anyone with info please help. thanks
Email or instat message me at mrs.mama@yahoo.com There is an EXCELLENT plan in your area that would save you a ton and is only $11.95/month for an individual. Also, there are no waiting periods, no limits on visits or services, and all "pre-existing conditions" are accepted. Everyone qualifies for the plan. This would be a great way for you to save a ton of money, without paying a lot of money in return. Its 100% satisfaction guaranteed, cancel at any time, rates guaranteed for 2 years. Contact me. I just used this plan myself and only paid $216 for a $2600 visit
Email or instat message me at mrs.mama@yahoo.com There is an EXCELLENT plan in your area that would save you a ton and is only $11.95/month for an individual. Also, there are no waiting periods, no limits on visits or services, and all "pre-existing conditions" are accepted. Everyone qualifies for the plan. This would be a great way for you to save a ton of money, without paying a lot of money in return. Its 100% satisfaction guaranteed, cancel at any time, rates guaranteed for 2 years. Contact me. I just used this plan myself and only paid $216 for a $2600 visit
What other companies offer benefits (especially health insurance) to part time employees?
I know that Starbucks and UPS do, but what are some other ones? I'm especially looking into companies that provide free or low cost health and dental to part time employees...
Build-A-Bear Workshop
Build-A-Bear Workshop
health insurance?
if I wanted to buy my own health insurance (dental. medical, vision) not though my job. Where would i look online?
The best place to start is by doing what you're doing now – asking for personal recommendations. I'd also check out Consumer Reports (link below), America's Health Plans (link below), US News & World Reports Best Health Plans, and whatever other informational resources you can find. I'd also talk with locally licensed health insurance agents. I've also included a couple of articles about choosing a health plan that might be useful. They are government-authored, but they're actually pretty good (all links below). After you've done some research, you should visit MostChoice.com. It's a Web site that helps you shop for health insurance. They have free instant price quotes and policy information on health plans near you, but their specialty is getting you in touch with state-licensed agents. There's no cost or obligation to buy insurance. You just fill out a short form and wait for the agents to contact you (within 48 hours). Have your questions ready and let them work until one of them delivers the plan that's right for you. You might want to have a set amount you want to spend each month on insurance and tell the agents to work within those parameters. You can find MostChoice here: http://www.mostchoice.com/health-insuran… Hope this helps, Barnes@MostChoice
The best place to start is by doing what you're doing now – asking for personal recommendations. I'd also check out Consumer Reports (link below), America's Health Plans (link below), US News & World Reports Best Health Plans, and whatever other informational resources you can find. I'd also talk with locally licensed health insurance agents. I've also included a couple of articles about choosing a health plan that might be useful. They are government-authored, but they're actually pretty good (all links below). After you've done some research, you should visit MostChoice.com. It's a Web site that helps you shop for health insurance. They have free instant price quotes and policy information on health plans near you, but their specialty is getting you in touch with state-licensed agents. There's no cost or obligation to buy insurance. You just fill out a short form and wait for the agents to contact you (within 48 hours). Have your questions ready and let them work until one of them delivers the plan that's right for you. You might want to have a set amount you want to spend each month on insurance and tell the agents to work within those parameters. You can find MostChoice here: http://www.mostchoice.com/health-insuran… Hope this helps, Barnes@MostChoice
in canada, where can i get the best health insurance?
currently unemployed, so have no health coverage, and have some dental work to take care of.. cleaning and several cavities! so nothing too serious, maybe an insurance that also covers the occasional massage would be nice.. ahah would love some information about company names and their offers if possible.... looking for something short term, monthly possibly? or at most an annual rate? whats the average these days anyways? would it just be cheaper to pay for it all myself? thanks! and all the best!
Depends on your age, smoking status, gender, and what kind of coverage you need. You should expect to pay at least $50-$100 min a month for it. Of course, its worth pointing out that you can claim a non-refundable tax credit on your income taxes for the premiums paid.
Depends on your age, smoking status, gender, and what kind of coverage you need. You should expect to pay at least $50-$100 min a month for it. Of course, its worth pointing out that you can claim a non-refundable tax credit on your income taxes for the premiums paid.
what happens if in the beginning of the year, i get dental help that depletes the yearly max and I lose my job?
can the insurance company refuse to pay because i was not employed the whole time and hence did not pay premiums for the whole year. Am I liable to pay the amount if the Insurance company refuses to pay?
If you were covered when you had the work done, they pay for it (according to the plan),
If you were covered when you had the work done, they pay for it (according to the plan),
Going to turn 19 yrs old, what's up with the new insurance policies?
- Work at a office in NYC full-time - Their insurance they offer isn't the greatest, no dental or eye - Heard you can be under your parents until your 29 ? TRUE or False ? - My dad is under a union (local 6) is the insurance true ? - Is obama changing anything I should know about ? - HELP !? Thank you
1-not every company offers dental or vision 2-ONLY if you are a full time student (min 5 months a year), then you MIGHT be able to be covered under your parents insurance to maybe age 24 (IF their policy has that provision) - you don;t seem to qualify there - you wuld have to take your work policy or have no insurance at all
1-not every company offers dental or vision 2-ONLY if you are a full time student (min 5 months a year), then you MIGHT be able to be covered under your parents insurance to maybe age 24 (IF their policy has that provision) - you don;t seem to qualify there - you wuld have to take your work policy or have no insurance at all
Does It Worth Getting A Health Insurance?
I am 19 years old and I am studying full time. I have found out that even if you go private you will still have to pay for you medical prescription. But you will be seen quicker in hospitals and if I see a dermatologist they will pay for all the cost and treatment and medication is inclusive. Dental treatment is also inclusive but I have to pay for regular check ups. Anyways the cost is £40 a month and a single dental treatment without going private is around £60 for a filling. What do you think?
health-quotes.talk4fun.net - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
health-quotes.talk4fun.net - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
Are there any income based dental clinics?
I live in Hutchinson, KS, about 40 miles from Wichita, & am in desperate need of a dentist! Unfortunately I don't have insurance & I don't have the money to pay for an exam. My teeth are literally falling apart! I'm afraid that if I don't see a dentist soon I'm going to loose them all! I'm only 29.
You might also check around Wichita and see if there are any Dental colleges there. These offer really cheap exams and treatments.
You might also check around Wichita and see if there are any Dental colleges there. These offer really cheap exams and treatments.
Is there anyone out there that is working for AFLAC? If so, how are they doing with it financially?
I understand very soon at they are adding Dental & Vision Insurance. I think for the most part this will be great for small businesses that do not offer insurance as premiums are to high. I am looking forward to possibly having the chance to work for them.
AFLAC's primary market is supplemental coverages to employees of client companies. You'll be primarily calling on small business owners. Your pitch to get in the door will be that you can set up their cafeteria (IRS Part 125) employee benefits plan free of charge, and offer their employees a wide range of additional benefits at no cost to the company. You will be truly saving the company hundreds or thousands of dollars per year and offering the employees options they would otherwise not have. Chances are, you will fail miserably within your first year; but if you succeed, you will likely be into a six figure income within three to five years. It is a fine way to earn a very good living, but it is tremendously difficult early in one's career; and there are much more conventional places to start one's career in the financial services industry.
AFLAC's primary market is supplemental coverages to employees of client companies. You'll be primarily calling on small business owners. Your pitch to get in the door will be that you can set up their cafeteria (IRS Part 125) employee benefits plan free of charge, and offer their employees a wide range of additional benefits at no cost to the company. You will be truly saving the company hundreds or thousands of dollars per year and offering the employees options they would otherwise not have. Chances are, you will fail miserably within your first year; but if you succeed, you will likely be into a six figure income within three to five years. It is a fine way to earn a very good living, but it is tremendously difficult early in one's career; and there are much more conventional places to start one's career in the financial services industry.
advise please.I have an absess in a back tooth,do you think a training dental hospital would do just a good of?
a job at a tricky root canal as a dentist or a specialist,as i cannot afford the money to have it done so i have little choice except a dental training hospital,im scared they wont do a good a job as a endodontist what do you think?i guess the success rate would be lower,i dont know what to do and have no insurance.thank you
if you cant afford it,then better goto the training hospital,atleast they will eradicate your pain.dont worry about the success rate,right now get your pain relieved.
if you cant afford it,then better goto the training hospital,atleast they will eradicate your pain.dont worry about the success rate,right now get your pain relieved.
Affordable health insurance in NC?
Hello everyone. I have been a few months without health insurance and I know I need it. I am looking for some affordable insurance, health, dental, and possibly maternity? I am not pregnant but I want to take some preventative measures just in cause, I know it can be expensive. I keep looking but $700 and such a month is really not in my budget right now. So does anyone know of some cheap insurance? I'm in NC. Thanks everyone!
Contact an insurance broker. A broker works with several companies, and can find the best policy and terms for you. To find a broker in NC, log on to a website like http://www.healthinsurancewiz.com and fill out a form requesting a free quote.
Contact an insurance broker. A broker works with several companies, and can find the best policy and terms for you. To find a broker in NC, log on to a website like http://www.healthinsurancewiz.com and fill out a form requesting a free quote.
HELP!!! How can you cure bad breath??!! I need a cheap cure for bad breath that is likely due to a cavity.?
I think I have a cavity, or maybe my wisdom tooth is messed up, because my husband says that I taste gross when he kisses me, and every now and then, I get stinky breath. I brush and floss, but I have always needed a lot of dental care because of acidic saliva, and apparently my two years without seeing a dentist are taking their toll. I need a quick fix for my breath, because my dental insurance won't be in place until at least a month, and then it still might be too expensive... Any one know of any really good breath cures or mouth washes or ANYTHING??? I am desperate. I really miss being kissed good.
aww. i m sorry to hear that ...but u really need to see a dentist to get a rx, more than likely. however, there are great toothpastes, like extreme clean from aquafresh...and also use strong mouth wash by listerine. are u brushing your tounge when u brush your chompers?? also try an electric toothbrush, even the cheaper ones do a great job...dont forget to scrub the tounge and floss with a minty floss. and if all this doesnt work, def consult a dentist!!
aww. i m sorry to hear that ...but u really need to see a dentist to get a rx, more than likely. however, there are great toothpastes, like extreme clean from aquafresh...and also use strong mouth wash by listerine. are u brushing your tounge when u brush your chompers?? also try an electric toothbrush, even the cheaper ones do a great job...dont forget to scrub the tounge and floss with a minty floss. and if all this doesnt work, def consult a dentist!!
what is a good insurance company for a single guy in his 20s?
I'm mostly concerned about medical because I like outdoor sports. Dental and Eye coverage would be a plus too seeing as how I wear glasses. I take care of my teeth pretty well but we all know sometimes things happen. I'm in my mid twenties and in decent shape with no pre-existing conditions.
Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield....give them a shot. I love them! (ok, I'm a woman drastically closing in on 40, but you might want to look at them anyways)
Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield....give them a shot. I love them! (ok, I'm a woman drastically closing in on 40, but you might want to look at them anyways)
What do You Think of OBAMA Now?Is he the President you expected him to be ?
He Sure has dissapointed me,he took away my dental insurance.
I never did expect anything from him....people just wanted to make history, they don't care about our country.
I never did expect anything from him....people just wanted to make history, they don't care about our country.
Does anyone know of low cost for getting wisdom teeth removed in California?
My son doesn't have dental insurance and needs his wisdom teeth removed-2 are impacted.
I would look into eHealthPlus membership. It will give you a big break on extractions, with general dentists as well as specialists. Look for both general dentists and oral surgeons by zip code.
I would look into eHealthPlus membership. It will give you a big break on extractions, with general dentists as well as specialists. Look for both general dentists and oral surgeons by zip code.
How much do you usually pay for a cavity filling in NY?
I don't have dental insurance cuz I'm not from NY and I think I have a cavity. How much do you have to pay around here (preferably Queens area)? And could you recommend good places? Thanks :)
I pay only $60 for a white filling because of this great plan I have. I would encourage you to visit this site: www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I signed up online over 5 years ago now and they have saved me thousands since. From fillings, root canals, xrays, exams...etc. All services are included in this very affordable plan. They even had my benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. hope this helps
I pay only $60 for a white filling because of this great plan I have. I would encourage you to visit this site: www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I signed up online over 5 years ago now and they have saved me thousands since. From fillings, root canals, xrays, exams...etc. All services are included in this very affordable plan. They even had my benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. hope this helps
How can i tell if its my jawbone i feel or a wisdom tooth?
I have no pain or gum swelling back their and dont have dental insurance or enough money right now. So any. its smooth so im gunna say jawbone. What do you think
you cannot feel the tooth unless its below the gums and outside the bone. you will feel the sharp edges and blanching (whiteness) in the gums if the tooth is there. if the area is smooth then its jaw bone.
you cannot feel the tooth unless its below the gums and outside the bone. you will feel the sharp edges and blanching (whiteness) in the gums if the tooth is there. if the area is smooth then its jaw bone.
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