We are low income no insurance and I am in pain.
try care credit. they offer 18 mos interest free financing. i applied and used one for my dental work.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Can you see a clinic dentist without filing, even if you have insurance?
Okay, maybe it's a silly question, but is it required to present your dental insurance if you have it? because I needed a crown and I go to a regular dentist; it was going to cost like $730 approximately, and I just can't do that all at once. There is, however, a really affordable clinic dentist I used to go to. Couldn't I just go there and not show them my BCBS? It'd be a whole lot cheaper, I'm sure, if I didn't file, but I just don't want to do something that I might pay for later. I am an HONEST person.
Im not completely sure, but if you want to pay cash, anyone will take it. They may also have a payment plan available! It will probably be a cheaper crown without the quality your dentist would give you. Besides your insurance will pay half of the crown where as a clinic will make you pay about the same price you would pay at the BSBC office. You won't get a free crown there, you have to have denti-cal or a state funded dental insurance. So I would steer you towards your primary dentist :)
Im not completely sure, but if you want to pay cash, anyone will take it. They may also have a payment plan available! It will probably be a cheaper crown without the quality your dentist would give you. Besides your insurance will pay half of the crown where as a clinic will make you pay about the same price you would pay at the BSBC office. You won't get a free crown there, you have to have denti-cal or a state funded dental insurance. So I would steer you towards your primary dentist :)
I may be getting my wisdom teeth in and I have no insurance HELP!!!?
I have good amount of pain (but not unbearbale, have been treating with anbesol and over the counter pain killers) in the bck on my mouth were the mollar meets the skin. The ooth itself doesnt hurt but there is a small noticble amount of sweeling and when i pull the skin u can partiially see some redness under the skin on top of the tooth... I am guessing tht this is due to my wisom teeth, Am I right? and if i am does anyone direct me tword the best way to take care of this because I am 19 and I have no dental insurance :(
I started getting my wisdom teeth around age 16 & they didn't finally make it through until around 20. Every few months for 4 years I'd have pain for about a week or so. Like you I didn't have insurance either. After I got insurance I had them removed (even though they were through) for hygiene reasons (teeth are very hard to reach to brush & floss). My mouth is very small & I already had slight crowding on my bottom teeth. My top teeth were perfectly straight...until my wisdom teeth overlapped the front two. If I would've known that was going to happen, I would've put it on a credit card.
I started getting my wisdom teeth around age 16 & they didn't finally make it through until around 20. Every few months for 4 years I'd have pain for about a week or so. Like you I didn't have insurance either. After I got insurance I had them removed (even though they were through) for hygiene reasons (teeth are very hard to reach to brush & floss). My mouth is very small & I already had slight crowding on my bottom teeth. My top teeth were perfectly straight...until my wisdom teeth overlapped the front two. If I would've known that was going to happen, I would've put it on a credit card.
Will Kaiser cover my medicine from my dentist?
I just got onto a Kaiser Permanente insurance plan and I am needing to get an antibiotic and a pain reliever from my dentist for a severe abscess. I have Guardian dental insurance. Will Kaiser cover my prescriptions and if not, how can I get them cheaper?
If your prescription coverage is through Kaiser, then they will be the ones handling your prescriptions as long as they come from a licensed provider. It doesn't matter that he's a dentist.
If your prescription coverage is through Kaiser, then they will be the ones handling your prescriptions as long as they come from a licensed provider. It doesn't matter that he's a dentist.
Can a person survive on milk, fruit juice, water and mashed, ground food?
My grandma is 60 years old, weights 115 lbs who has no teeth and can't afford dental implant (she lives in a country where there isn't dental insurance). I am wondering can she survive on only milk, fruit juice, water and mashed potato with butter, chowder, or ground food.
Sure. It's even possible to create a healthy diet which requires no chewing. (People with broken jaws wired shut do this all the time.) She'd probably benefit from owning a blender, grinder, or food processor which can turn any food into a liquid or semi-liquid. Stringy vegetables, whole cuts of meat, and such may need to be cooked to softness and pureed with some liquid to allow her to eat them without teeth. Her diet sounds short on protein, vegetables, and complex carbohydrates. Without these, her health will suffer. Consult the food pyramid to learn the proper nutritional balance for healthy eating.
Sure. It's even possible to create a healthy diet which requires no chewing. (People with broken jaws wired shut do this all the time.) She'd probably benefit from owning a blender, grinder, or food processor which can turn any food into a liquid or semi-liquid. Stringy vegetables, whole cuts of meat, and such may need to be cooked to softness and pureed with some liquid to allow her to eat them without teeth. Her diet sounds short on protein, vegetables, and complex carbohydrates. Without these, her health will suffer. Consult the food pyramid to learn the proper nutritional balance for healthy eating.
I was on welfare when I got braces. Went to jail. No longer live in same state. No insurance. What to do?
I got braces when I was 17. The welfare insurance covered it. The insurance only covered me until I was 18, but the dentist was obligated to see me to the end. I was going to the dentist just about every month, everything was fine and dandy. I went to Jail for 9 months and when i got out left the state. I stupidly never went to the dentist or contacted them. I still have the braces on and im 20 with no dental insurance. I have not seen a dentist for for almost 2 years. I don't know what to or where to start. I hope i have not done damage to my teeth. Please advise!
If there's no cover then there's no cover. You'll just have to pay for it. I don't imagine that getting braces taken off my a dentist would cost too much, a couple of hundred max, but I could be wrong. You need to get them off though - they can damage your teeth after several years (which is why the dentist will change them every 3-4 years or less) and your only option then is to get your teeth yanked out and use false teeth for the rest of your life... Call a dentist who does non obligatory quotes/meetings and find out what needs to happen, costs etc and go from there... Hope this helps, good luck!!
If there's no cover then there's no cover. You'll just have to pay for it. I don't imagine that getting braces taken off my a dentist would cost too much, a couple of hundred max, but I could be wrong. You need to get them off though - they can damage your teeth after several years (which is why the dentist will change them every 3-4 years or less) and your only option then is to get your teeth yanked out and use false teeth for the rest of your life... Call a dentist who does non obligatory quotes/meetings and find out what needs to happen, costs etc and go from there... Hope this helps, good luck!!
Do patients ever read the paperwork their dentist office gives them?
Along with the standard new patient paperwork (Personal info and medical history), we provide all our patients will certain financial policies or insurance information. The forms are written in normal everyday terminology, not dental or insurance terms, and actually go into detail to help patients understand how dental insurance works and how our office deals with dental insurance. I am really beginning to wonder if anyone actually reads these papers, because at least twice a day I have a new patient question me about something and I know that it was on the paperwork that we just gave them. They usually aren't asking for clarification, but are questioning things I say about their insurance, which I know were clearly explained in the paperwork we gave them to sign. I'm just curious, do people usually read the paperwork before they sign it or do they just skim over it and sign without knowing what it says?
I've worked for an Endodotist and my brother who's a Cardiologist. And know what you mean. But I think it's a combo of other things as well. To some why read what you can ask. But to others they don't really understand the whole insurance thing. Or they either can't read or have trouble with reading and their to embrassed to say anything. So they just ask. What most think their to pay is different then what they pay. Example: When the insurance company say they will pay 80% of an exam doesn't mean the same we take it as. How they work it is this: Say you went to the doctors and the bill was $100. The insurance company will only pay 80% of what they think the bill should be. So if they think your exam should only cost $40 instead of $100 then they will pay 80% of $40. Not $100. Which is about $32. You are then left paying the difference unless you have a HMO insurance plan with a co-pay. Your co-pay is all you payreguardless of the bill amount. There are some procedures that may cost more and you may have to pay not just your co-pay but also a same amount of the difference. Like some Radiologist readings aren't always covered and they will bill you and you have to apy. There's alot of loop holes in the system and lots of physicans offices use them. Here's an example of that. Don't be surprise by this either. Medicare and Medicaid. Your on one of these. You go to the doctors. The bill is $100. Medicare/Medcaid decide the cost should have only been $40. So they pay the 80% of the $40 charged. Which they pay $32. Ok the office can charged you the difference between the full charge of $100 and the $40 they say it should be. Causing you to pay $60 for your visit. Yeah I know it sucks. People on these insurances don't know that can be charged the difference until they get a bill. How do I know this? Because when I worked for my brother his wife work for him too. She was a nurse and greedy as the word B*T*H. She went to a seminar on it and came back gimming that she could charge the difference. And she did. Their was nothing the patients could do. Can you believe that these old pepole on Medicare had to pay more money they didn't have cause of this? So if anyone has questions then they need to start calling their insurance company and ask every quetion until they understand everything. Or they need to go to their Human Resource Office and find out who handles the insurance and ask them. Find out if your on an HMO or a PPO plan or if you even have either one. There's still companys that you still pay 400+ a month for coverage and still have to pay a deductable. Like you may have to pay the first 1,000 buck before the insurance will even kick in for the year. Then if you have question start asking your employer or the insurance company themsleves. And start reading all the information. When people do this they can learn what they have and that there's a possiblity they might owe money before they have an exam of any kind. Understand what your insurance plan is and what they cover.
I've worked for an Endodotist and my brother who's a Cardiologist. And know what you mean. But I think it's a combo of other things as well. To some why read what you can ask. But to others they don't really understand the whole insurance thing. Or they either can't read or have trouble with reading and their to embrassed to say anything. So they just ask. What most think their to pay is different then what they pay. Example: When the insurance company say they will pay 80% of an exam doesn't mean the same we take it as. How they work it is this: Say you went to the doctors and the bill was $100. The insurance company will only pay 80% of what they think the bill should be. So if they think your exam should only cost $40 instead of $100 then they will pay 80% of $40. Not $100. Which is about $32. You are then left paying the difference unless you have a HMO insurance plan with a co-pay. Your co-pay is all you payreguardless of the bill amount. There are some procedures that may cost more and you may have to pay not just your co-pay but also a same amount of the difference. Like some Radiologist readings aren't always covered and they will bill you and you have to apy. There's alot of loop holes in the system and lots of physicans offices use them. Here's an example of that. Don't be surprise by this either. Medicare and Medicaid. Your on one of these. You go to the doctors. The bill is $100. Medicare/Medcaid decide the cost should have only been $40. So they pay the 80% of the $40 charged. Which they pay $32. Ok the office can charged you the difference between the full charge of $100 and the $40 they say it should be. Causing you to pay $60 for your visit. Yeah I know it sucks. People on these insurances don't know that can be charged the difference until they get a bill. How do I know this? Because when I worked for my brother his wife work for him too. She was a nurse and greedy as the word B*T*H. She went to a seminar on it and came back gimming that she could charge the difference. And she did. Their was nothing the patients could do. Can you believe that these old pepole on Medicare had to pay more money they didn't have cause of this? So if anyone has questions then they need to start calling their insurance company and ask every quetion until they understand everything. Or they need to go to their Human Resource Office and find out who handles the insurance and ask them. Find out if your on an HMO or a PPO plan or if you even have either one. There's still companys that you still pay 400+ a month for coverage and still have to pay a deductable. Like you may have to pay the first 1,000 buck before the insurance will even kick in for the year. Then if you have question start asking your employer or the insurance company themsleves. And start reading all the information. When people do this they can learn what they have and that there's a possiblity they might owe money before they have an exam of any kind. Understand what your insurance plan is and what they cover.
What is the average fee to get a tooth pulled without insurance?
It is not a wisdom tooth. It is a second molar tooth with a large cavity (I believe it had a filling before which ended up falling out). I've had excruciating tooth pain for the past few months but it's gotten worse over the past few weeks. I don't have dental insurance (the reason I've avoided the dentist) but I need to get this tooth pulled out. What is the average fee and usually you have to pay up front correct? Also, do they have to do x-rays first and how much does that cost?
3500 dollars for the surgery. Depending on the x-rays.. sounds like about 1200 dollars.
3500 dollars for the surgery. Depending on the x-rays.. sounds like about 1200 dollars.
wheres a good place to get low cost dental treatment for someone who's terrified of the dentist?
I live in Seattle,wa; I have no insurance right now I need to go to the dentist but am terrified going, where would be a good place to go.
I would like to suggest to try to get as much information as you could before making up your mind,here www.HealthInsuranceFree.info/dental.html is a very resourceful one.
I would like to suggest to try to get as much information as you could before making up your mind,here www.HealthInsuranceFree.info/dental.html is a very resourceful one.
Tooth Decay, Gum Disease... Where in Denver, CO can I get free or cheap Dental Care, can not afford it?
I have ground my teeth for 16 years w/o my dentist telling me, now I am loosing all my teeth due to NO ENAMEL from grinding. I have 6 or 7 that need root canals and 3 more that have had root canals and all need to be pulled and have implants put in. THIS COSTS A FORTUNE, I have no dental insurance and can not afford it. Please help, and if answered by a dentist... can you help me please?
YOu are not the only person who have ever met this kind of problem,I met this type of problem before.I have good experience here http://www.HealthInsuranceFree.info to solve the problem.
YOu are not the only person who have ever met this kind of problem,I met this type of problem before.I have good experience here http://www.HealthInsuranceFree.info to solve the problem.
where can i get cheap tooth extractions in michigan?
i have no dental insurance and i have a broken tooth that is hurting. where can i look for a place that wont charge me 200-400 bucks just to pull out my tooth?
Can't you go to a local community health care center and get it done for cheap?
Can't you go to a local community health care center and get it done for cheap?
Is it really that hard to get dental work done?
I have some type of dental insurance I have MASS HEALTH but it doesn't cover cosmetic work which I need done really bad, it's getting harder to chew since I have no teeth on the side to support chewing. My front side tooth has a small cavity behind it which was chipped a little while I was brushing to hard. Every where that I call and visit they seem to treat me like trash, they don't even plan out what needs to be done to my teeth if I need more work or not. The last dentist that I visited extracted my wisdom tooth and just sent me home. Why is it that Mass health recipients get treated this way? Some dentists think where poor and trashy and that I we don't deserve the treatment or at least in my case full treatment. It's to the point I don't where to turn for help cause I don't know what needs to be done in my mouth.
You should go to a local dental school or community health care center. They will work with you regardless of your insurance situation. You don't need to get treated that way. There are many people who need affordable dental care.
You should go to a local dental school or community health care center. They will work with you regardless of your insurance situation. You don't need to get treated that way. There are many people who need affordable dental care.
Do dental assistants usually get benefits? I know every office is different. What about if it's an accredited?
Program? Does that make you more likely do receive benefits/health insurance?
Yes most DA get benefits. just search for a dentist offering benefits as well as decent pay.
Yes most DA get benefits. just search for a dentist offering benefits as well as decent pay.
Need to get root canal, Can i buy insurance and get it done ASAP.?
My current insurance plan doesn't pay for root canal. Can i switch to a new dental plan and immediately use the plan to get a root canal done. Do insurance companies allow that?
Depends upon the insurance company. Most do have a waiting period of 6mos to a year for services like root canals but some do not. You could also look into discount plans like AmeriPlan which usually do not have the waiting periods. Not all dentists accept the discount plans so you have some work to do. Get on the phone and call the companies then call the dentists to see if they accept those plans. Hope this helps. Good luck!
Depends upon the insurance company. Most do have a waiting period of 6mos to a year for services like root canals but some do not. You could also look into discount plans like AmeriPlan which usually do not have the waiting periods. Not all dentists accept the discount plans so you have some work to do. Get on the phone and call the companies then call the dentists to see if they accept those plans. Hope this helps. Good luck!
is there anywhere i can get serious dental work done for free or extremely cheap?
when i was 9 years old i was in a accident that broke 4 of my teeth in half, and pushed them back a little bit, since i was so young and i was never able to have them fixed my teeth have grown crooked over the years, so i need 8 (4 top and 4 bottom) teeth fixed, but im only 19 i have no dental insurance at all and unless i can save thousands of dollars (which will take years, since im a single mother), then i have no way of ever getting them fixed, it is a problem that i have had to deal with ever since i was little, and no matter what others my say or think, it is something that makes people treat me differently, i have been turned down at job interviews and have had serious relationship problems because of it and i just want it to be fixed so i feel like my life is a little normal-er....please help me with any answers you may have about probono dentists or free clinics or anything that might help....thanks
Different states often have Donated Dental Services. Just do a google search of "(your state) Donated Dental Services". You can also check to see if anything is listed for your state at this website... http://free-dental-care-nationwide.app-j…
Different states often have Donated Dental Services. Just do a google search of "(your state) Donated Dental Services". You can also check to see if anything is listed for your state at this website... http://free-dental-care-nationwide.app-j…
My fiancé is being difficult with dental work!?
My fiancé and I have been together for 2 years now, and we've known each other for much longer. I've only seen his teeth I think about twice, and those were hardly good looks. From what I've seen, his teeth are very yellow and in terrible condition because his braces as a kid really weakened his enamel and now probably has about a bazillion cavities. I've been pressuring him to get his teeth cleaned before the wedding, but HE WON'T BUDGE! He says it's too embarrassing to go the dentist, and money isn't a problem since we have dental insurance. How can I get this guy to budge! I keep telling him the dentist will be able to assess the damage done to his teeth and fix it! His hair is already falling out at the age of 21, I want him to at least keep his teeth! Every time we talk about it, he avoids the topic, or tries to make me feel bad for reminding him he has bad teeth. Really what he's doing is making me feel guilty for caring.
He and you do not know how serious it is that his mouth is in such terrible condition!!! With the yellowing an cavities -it shows that his mouth is overcome -saturated -with bacteria!! -EXTREMELY harmful bacteria!! It is now known and recognized -especially by the established medical community that this bacteria will travel throughout his body and can in most cases be the cause of such diseases as heart disease, liver disease, kidney disease besides a host of cancers due to the toxin overload!! Cleaning and taking care of the teeth is basic to health !! His hair loss -since he has been in this condition for a while -is most likely due to the toxin overload -once again- that the body is forced to endure!! Hair and skin are the first victims of poor health!! The embarrassement excuse is just that and perhaps an " don't care attitude" !!! He had better care since bacteria being as it is can and will affect his prostrate and may and will affect his gonads creating early impotence and perhaps sterility or even birth defects on your progeny ( kids)! There is more ,of course, but I will spare you any more!!! If this knowledge does make him swallow his pride and go to the dentist and strive for even the most average health then.......!!!!
He and you do not know how serious it is that his mouth is in such terrible condition!!! With the yellowing an cavities -it shows that his mouth is overcome -saturated -with bacteria!! -EXTREMELY harmful bacteria!! It is now known and recognized -especially by the established medical community that this bacteria will travel throughout his body and can in most cases be the cause of such diseases as heart disease, liver disease, kidney disease besides a host of cancers due to the toxin overload!! Cleaning and taking care of the teeth is basic to health !! His hair loss -since he has been in this condition for a while -is most likely due to the toxin overload -once again- that the body is forced to endure!! Hair and skin are the first victims of poor health!! The embarrassement excuse is just that and perhaps an " don't care attitude" !!! He had better care since bacteria being as it is can and will affect his prostrate and may and will affect his gonads creating early impotence and perhaps sterility or even birth defects on your progeny ( kids)! There is more ,of course, but I will spare you any more!!! If this knowledge does make him swallow his pride and go to the dentist and strive for even the most average health then.......!!!!
Do I have to pay dentist for something my insurance denied?
So my friend went to the dentist for a cleaning and was told she needed a crown. She agreed and got it. She then got a notice from her dental insurance saying the procedure was denied bc to be approved, there needed to be evidence that a filling wouldn't fix the problem and it would get worse...more technical than that, but close enough. She called the dentist and they said she had to pay the close to 500 dollar bill. Her insurance told her that the dentist should have gotten pre-approved for the procedure and she didn't have to pay. The dentist is telling her she owes the money and in thirty more days, they will turn it over to collection. Who is right, does she have to pay it, or how can she fight it? If it helps, it's United Concordia, military dental.
You have a contract with the insurance company. Your dentist has nothing to do with their polices. He was doing what was best for you and what your tooth needed. The insurance company is just trying to get out of paying the claim so as to add to their profit. This is a game they play. There is no legal requirement for a dentist to need approval of an insurance company to do any procedure. The people in the insurance company are not even dentists and wouldn't know how to look at an x-ray. Who do you want telling you what treatment you should have? Your gripe should be with the insurance company rat finks and not with the dentist. You will need to pay the dentist and fight with them.
You have a contract with the insurance company. Your dentist has nothing to do with their polices. He was doing what was best for you and what your tooth needed. The insurance company is just trying to get out of paying the claim so as to add to their profit. This is a game they play. There is no legal requirement for a dentist to need approval of an insurance company to do any procedure. The people in the insurance company are not even dentists and wouldn't know how to look at an x-ray. Who do you want telling you what treatment you should have? Your gripe should be with the insurance company rat finks and not with the dentist. You will need to pay the dentist and fight with them.
how successful are dental implants with demineralization occurring?
4yr post gastric-bypass surgery.. with resulting severe hypoglycemia.. dental changes started 2yr ago.. very much like diabetic complications.. receding gums, increased sensitivity.. researching options to preserve what i have as well as plan for eventual loss or replacement of all teeth.. implants vs full dentures.. i am 53yr.. currently no insurance.. that is why i am just researching options at this time..
Not very. The main problem with periodontitis (the reason teeth are lost) is loss of bone in your jaws. This happens because the tissue reacts to plaque and bacteria that builds up on the teeth and under the gumline. Taking the teeth out will stop this process, but putting implants in will just mean going through the same thing all over again. Implants are also a lot harder to take care of than dentures, which you just have to pop out and clean whereas implants have to be taken care of just like real teeth. What you should do now is focus on keeping the teeth you have, and your condition should improve. Make sure your diet doesn't include a lot of sugary or sticky foods (which sit on the teeth and under the gums and create hives of acid-producing bacteria.) It would also be a good idea to see a doctor or dietician to get your hypoglycemia under control. Studies show that periodontal conditions improve in well-controlled diabetics vs. poorly controlled diabetics, although how this works isn't known. Brushing 2-3 times per day is CRUCIAL, as is flossing. If you don't do this, you might as well have your teeth out now while you still have enough bone to hold a denture. You should also go for regular cleanings every 3-6 months to have a deeper root cleaning. If you can find a dental hygiene or dental school close to you, this is very inexpensive. With all of those factors in check, there is no reason for your teeth to be lost. It's much more functional and cheaper for you in the long run to preserve them, although it may take a bit of work.
Not very. The main problem with periodontitis (the reason teeth are lost) is loss of bone in your jaws. This happens because the tissue reacts to plaque and bacteria that builds up on the teeth and under the gumline. Taking the teeth out will stop this process, but putting implants in will just mean going through the same thing all over again. Implants are also a lot harder to take care of than dentures, which you just have to pop out and clean whereas implants have to be taken care of just like real teeth. What you should do now is focus on keeping the teeth you have, and your condition should improve. Make sure your diet doesn't include a lot of sugary or sticky foods (which sit on the teeth and under the gums and create hives of acid-producing bacteria.) It would also be a good idea to see a doctor or dietician to get your hypoglycemia under control. Studies show that periodontal conditions improve in well-controlled diabetics vs. poorly controlled diabetics, although how this works isn't known. Brushing 2-3 times per day is CRUCIAL, as is flossing. If you don't do this, you might as well have your teeth out now while you still have enough bone to hold a denture. You should also go for regular cleanings every 3-6 months to have a deeper root cleaning. If you can find a dental hygiene or dental school close to you, this is very inexpensive. With all of those factors in check, there is no reason for your teeth to be lost. It's much more functional and cheaper for you in the long run to preserve them, although it may take a bit of work.
I want to know how to find a free or low cost Medical/Dental clinic?
My mother has social security as her sole sorce of income which is eaten up by rent, utilities and groceries with not much left over. She is 64 and does not have insurance. She has severe arthritis and diabetes and needs to be seen by a doctor. She also is in need of dentures. Any suggestions?
If you live near Mexico or Canada go there. Otherwise do a web search by typing the name of your state and department of public health. It should list some free and low cost clinics for you. For the dental, I suggest a dental school.
If you live near Mexico or Canada go there. Otherwise do a web search by typing the name of your state and department of public health. It should list some free and low cost clinics for you. For the dental, I suggest a dental school.
broken front tooth!!! confused on how to file with insurance?
i opened my cabinet above my stove to get out a pan and another pan fell out hitting me in the mouth breaking my top front tooth! i have been told by a friend that dental insurance will not cover the cost due to it being an accident... the other thing that i am worried about is my dental and medical insurance doesn't take effect until next month so i don't know what the normal procedures are and if i will be covered! i did find the broken piece is there anyway to safetly bond it back until i can get to the dentist?
A dentist will not bond the piece of broken tooth back on. They'll probably use a composite to replace the missing piece or offer a veneer. If your dental insurance isn't effective yet it probably won't cover the tooth. In most cases they won't cover a pre-existing condition. If they do, the dentist should file the insurance claim and your insurance will pay for what they feel they need to pay for and you'll be responsible for the rest. Remember, most offices will work out a payment plan. Also, in most cities there are low cost dental clinics. Here, dentists volunteer their time to help people that can't afford dental treatment. It can't hurt to check your local yellow pages for a dental clinic.
A dentist will not bond the piece of broken tooth back on. They'll probably use a composite to replace the missing piece or offer a veneer. If your dental insurance isn't effective yet it probably won't cover the tooth. In most cases they won't cover a pre-existing condition. If they do, the dentist should file the insurance claim and your insurance will pay for what they feel they need to pay for and you'll be responsible for the rest. Remember, most offices will work out a payment plan. Also, in most cities there are low cost dental clinics. Here, dentists volunteer their time to help people that can't afford dental treatment. It can't hurt to check your local yellow pages for a dental clinic.
NEED to get my teeth pulled [NO INSURANCE!!]?
I live in San Diego,California and currently do not have dental insurance. I really need to get my top wisdom teeth pulled out asap because they are both breaking away and sometimes hurt really bad..im afraid i cant afford insurance right now,so i was wondering how the dentists were in mexico..because i heard its a lot cheaper..are they clean? did you have any complications before,during and/or after? how much cheaper is it? and would you suggest i go to mexico to get my teeth pulled? or what else can you suggest i do? do you guys know of any realllllllllllllly cheap insurance,or know of any cheap dentist who accept none insured patients? thankyou in advance :)
I would encourage you to visit this site: www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I signed up online over 3 years ago now and they have saved me thousands of dollars. From Fillings, xrays, exams, extractions...etc. All services are included in this very affordable plan. Orthodontics and cosmentic surgery also. They even had my benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. Hope this helps out.
I would encourage you to visit this site: www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I signed up online over 3 years ago now and they have saved me thousands of dollars. From Fillings, xrays, exams, extractions...etc. All services are included in this very affordable plan. Orthodontics and cosmentic surgery also. They even had my benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. Hope this helps out.
How to get wisdom teeth pulled if you dont have insurance?
My girlfriend has her wisdom teeth coming in, and they are hurting her very badly for the past week. She says only the 1 in her bottom back right tooth is hurting really bad. She isnt working, and has no health/dental insurance. I am trying to save up to pay to get this done for her, but can someone give me an idea on how to go about getting this done for her thats not super expensive?? I dont have thousands of dollars to spend on this is why I'm trying to get an idea of what options we have.
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here - health-quotes.talk4fun.net
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here - health-quotes.talk4fun.net
how to repair chipped tooth from home?
Hi, I'm looking for a temporary repair for a front chipped tooth. I'm away at school and my dental insurance won't cover it here since i am out of state. Please help!
There's really not much you can do... nothing will bond to the broken tooth like real dental materials will, so you need to see a dentist for that. Even if you have the chipped part, you don't want to try gluing it on or anything because it could come loose and you could aspirate it by accident (inhale it...not good). Call a dentist in the area and see if they could help you out. Its worth it to get it done correctly.
There's really not much you can do... nothing will bond to the broken tooth like real dental materials will, so you need to see a dentist for that. Even if you have the chipped part, you don't want to try gluing it on or anything because it could come loose and you could aspirate it by accident (inhale it...not good). Call a dentist in the area and see if they could help you out. Its worth it to get it done correctly.
what kind of health insurance does oklahoma carry?
I am moving to oklahoma from minnesota, in december. Does anyone know what kind of health/dental plans they have? and anything for low income families? And where I could go to find out. thank you!
They have soonercare for children/ aka medicaid that covers medical and dental for low income families. For adults they have the same, but dental only covers emergency extractions for adults.
They have soonercare for children/ aka medicaid that covers medical and dental for low income families. For adults they have the same, but dental only covers emergency extractions for adults.
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