I have had 2 wisdom teeth come in on my left side. It hurts soo bad. I was given some pain medicine which only takes some of the edge off (Vicodin 5/500), but not much, I'm also taking an antibiotic. I don't have insurance and waiting until I can save up the money to have the two teeth pulled...will this pain stay the same until then? If so, what else can I do to stop the pain? Help!!
A. I have never heard of a dentist who will pull teeth for free if they are really hurting, the dentist after all runs a business as well. If he/she was giving out free dentistry to all the people that needed teeth pulled than they would be out of business. B. You need the services of an oral surgeon, not an endodontist. A endodontist is a specialist that does root canals The pain should subside after the teeth come in fully. They may not be able to come in all the way if they are angled a certain way, then they will just get stuck behind the last molar that they are coming in behind. Make sure that you keep this area very clean. I know that the last thing that you want to do is to brush and floss this area but you must. The more bacteria that is allowed to accumulate the worse things will get. Add 600 mg of motrin, or advil along with your vicodin. Alternate the two meds every six hours and this should help with some of the pain. Also stay away from any hard foods, or spicy foods. Swish all through-out the day with warm salt water and make sure to brush your teeth after every meal so the food does not sit on your teeth. Wisdom teeth are known to come in a little and then stop. Then you will feel sore again, and then it will stop. This could go on for many weeks to months. The most important advice is to keep the area as clean as possible, use warm salt water rinses, and swish at least twice a day with listerine if you can tolerate it. Keep taking that Motrin (as long as you are not allergic to it) on a regular schedule so it can stay in your body. Ibuprofen is an excellent anti-inflamm. which can take away some of the pain associated with the teeth coming in. BTW I went through this my senior year in high school right before prom and I can remember that it was not fun. I went through so much ora-jel that I thought that I actually became immune to its effects. The warm salt water really helped me with the discomfort.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Questions about braces?
Ok so I'm going to be getting braces this summer but I have a few questions about the cost. My mom's job offers dental insurance and she's going to get that but its gonna take like a few weeks for it to be finalized and stuff. Anyways yeah I want to know about how much it costs for your braces each month, if you have dental insurance, and if you go to a local orthodontist or one by a bigger company (sorry if that doesnt make sense)??
The cost of braces varies. If you go to an orthodontist, you'll pay more than if you just go to a regular dentist (but it's worth it to go to the orthodontist, believe me). And various orthodontists and dentists have various payment plans, so it's tough to say how much it would cost per month. I think mine were about $2500 Cdn (from an orthodontist), give or take a couple hundred. My orthodontist had various options in terms of how you could pay for it (i.e., there was some flexibility in terms of the number of payments). Your mom's dental insurance may or may not cover the full cost of the braces. My parents' dental insurances (from their two jobs) didn't fully cover mine. If you want to know how much your braces will cost, your best option is to call the orthodontist him/herself. Then you'll know.
The cost of braces varies. If you go to an orthodontist, you'll pay more than if you just go to a regular dentist (but it's worth it to go to the orthodontist, believe me). And various orthodontists and dentists have various payment plans, so it's tough to say how much it would cost per month. I think mine were about $2500 Cdn (from an orthodontist), give or take a couple hundred. My orthodontist had various options in terms of how you could pay for it (i.e., there was some flexibility in terms of the number of payments). Your mom's dental insurance may or may not cover the full cost of the braces. My parents' dental insurances (from their two jobs) didn't fully cover mine. If you want to know how much your braces will cost, your best option is to call the orthodontist him/herself. Then you'll know.
who knows their paycheck guide?
The following helpful guide has been prepared to help our employees better understand their paychecks: gross pay=$1,222.02 income tax=$244.40 outgoing tax=$45.21 state tax=$11.61 interstate tax=$61.10 regional tax=$6.11 city tax=$12.22 rural tax=$4.44 back tax=1.11 front tax=$1.16 side tax=$1.61 up tax=$2.22 thumb tax=$3.93 carpet tacks=$0.98 stadium tax=$0.69 flat tax=$8.32 corporate tax=$2.60 tic tacs=$1.98 parking fee=$5.00 life insurance=$5.85 health insurance=$16.23 dental insurance=$4.50 mental insurance=$4.33 reassurance=$0.11 disability=$2.50 ability=$0.25 liability=$3.41 unreliability=$10.99 coffee==$6.85 coffee cups=$66.51 floor rental=$16.85 chair rental=$0.32 desk rental=$4.32 union dues=$5.85 union don'ts=$3.77 cash advance=$0.69 cash retreats=$121.35 overtime=$1.26 undertime=$54.83 eastern time=$9.00 central time=$8.00 mountain time=$7.00 pacific time=$6.00 time out=$12.21 water=$16.54 heat=$51.42 cool air=$26.83 hot air=$20.00miscellaneous=$113.2... sundry=$12.09 various=$8.01 net take home pay=$0.02 thank you for your loyalty to our company. We are here to provide a positive employment experience. All questions, comments, concerns, complaints, frustration, irritation, aggravation, insinuations, allegations, accusations, contemplations, consternations, or input should be directed elsewhere. Have a nice week
Thanks for the strain you have taken to post it...
Thanks for the strain you have taken to post it...
who knows their paycheck guide?
gross pay=$1,222.02 income tax=$244.40 outgoing tax=$45.21 state tax=$11.61 interstate tax=$61.10 regional tax=$6.11 city tax=$12.22 rural tax=$4.44 back tax=1.11 front tax=$1.16 side tax=$1.61 up tax=$2.22 thumb tax=$3.93 carpet tacks=$0.98 stadium tax=$0.69 flat tax=$8.32 corporate tax=$2.60 tic tacs=$1.98 parking fee=$5.00 life insurance=$5.85 health insurance=$16.23 dental insurance=$4.50 mental insurance=$4.33 reassurance=$0.11 disability=$2.50 ability=$0.25 liability=$3.41 unreliability=$10.99 coffee==$6.85 coffee cups=$66.51 floor rental=$16.85 chair rental=$0.32 desk rental=$4.32 union dues=$5.85 union don'ts=$3.77 cash advance=$0.69 cash retreats=$121.35 overtime=$1.26 undertime=$54.83 eastern time=$9.00 central time=$8.00 mountain time=$7.00 pacific time=$6.00 time out=$12.21 water=$16.54 heat=$51.42 cool air=$26.83 hot air=$20.00miscellaneous=$113.29 sundry=$12.09 various=$8.01 net take home pay=$0.02 thank you for your loyalty to our company. We are here to provide a positive employment experience. All questions, comments, concerns, complaints, frustration, irritation, aggravation, insinuations, allegations, accusations, contemplations, consternations, or input should be directed elsewhere. Have a nice week
Welcome to the working place. Can you also understand why people go on welfare? The two must go hand-in-hand! To work and to pay. Or Not to work and to receive. What has now become "The American Way"
Welcome to the working place. Can you also understand why people go on welfare? The two must go hand-in-hand! To work and to pay. Or Not to work and to receive. What has now become "The American Way"
Help! Tooth problem!?
I have a crown on one of my bottom, back tooths. It has started to ache really bad but my new job doesn't give dental insurance. What should I do? Is there any cheap dental insurances that you can do on your own? Or is there any dentists that will help me out? I think that it might just have decay under it or something...ahhh!
You will need to get that replaced and no cheap dental insurances...the cheap ones rip you off and dont pay. So asave up some cash and get it sorted out
You will need to get that replaced and no cheap dental insurances...the cheap ones rip you off and dont pay. So asave up some cash and get it sorted out
What is the hole in our health care system that needs fixing?
I hear there are millions of working americans and their families that have no health insurance..due to employers not offering it.....which sounds like a very bad situation. But I also often hear that everyone in this country has access to free health care if they need it. I also know that in politics people will exaggerate things to make their case so they can have their way. Which is it, are millions of americans not getting health care? Are millions of elderly gettting healthcare but its not really adequate, and their prescriptions unaffordable? Is health care too expensive? Maybe we dont have a problem at all as others say.. Which is it? If your positions is that everyone has access to good free preventative health and dental care, then please be kind enough to explain how it works...does it vary from state to state? Are some states not providing adequate free health care for those who need it? So many questions....but I think you get the idea, please give good information
A record 47 million Americans did not have health insurance last year, while the percentage of children without insurance rose for a second consecutive year, according to US Census Bureau data released yesterday, leading Democrats to charge that the Bush administration has ignored a growing, more vulnerable population. The census data found that, compared with 2005, the number of uninsured Americans rose 5 percent last year to 47 million, due in large part to cutbacks in employer-sponsored health coverage. It also found that 11.7 percent of US children under 18 lacked health insurance, compared with 10.9 percent in 2005. In a CNN poll this spring, 64 percent of respondents said the government should "provide a national insurance program for all Americans, even if this would require higher taxes," and 73 percent approve of higher taxes to insure children under 18. Those results track New York Times and Gallup polls last year, in which about two-thirds of respondents said it is the federal government's responsibility to guarantee health coverage to all Americans. Such polls allow Kucinich to joke that, far from being in the loony left, "I'm in the center. Everyone else is to the right of me." More seriously, in a recent visit to the Globe, he accused the other Democratic candidates of faking it on healthcare reform. "One of the greatest hoaxes of this campaign — everyone's for universal healthcare," Kucinich said. "It's like a mantra. But when you get into the details, you find out that all the other candidates are talking about maintaining the existing for-profit system." Kucinich quoted the 2003 study published by the New England Journal of Medicine that found that 31 percent of healthcare expenditures pay not for actual care but for administrative costs. That compares with only 16.7 percent in Canada. Administrative and clerical employees make up 27 percent of the healthcare workforce in the United States, compared with 19 percent in Canada. "With 46 million Americans without any health insurance at all and another 50 million underinsured," Kucinich said, "isn't it really time to look at the other models that exist that are workable for all the other industrialized nations in the world? When you think about it, the only thing that's stopping us is the hold that the private insurers have on our political system . . . corporate profits, stock options, executive salaries, advertising, marketing, the cost of paperwork. . ." The hold of the healthcare industry on the top candidates is already apparent. According to the Center for Responsive Politics, the top recipient of campaign contributions so far from the pharmaceutical and health products industry is Republican Mitt Romney ($228,260). But the next two are Democrats Barack Obama ($161,124) and Hillary Clinton ($146,000).
A record 47 million Americans did not have health insurance last year, while the percentage of children without insurance rose for a second consecutive year, according to US Census Bureau data released yesterday, leading Democrats to charge that the Bush administration has ignored a growing, more vulnerable population. The census data found that, compared with 2005, the number of uninsured Americans rose 5 percent last year to 47 million, due in large part to cutbacks in employer-sponsored health coverage. It also found that 11.7 percent of US children under 18 lacked health insurance, compared with 10.9 percent in 2005. In a CNN poll this spring, 64 percent of respondents said the government should "provide a national insurance program for all Americans, even if this would require higher taxes," and 73 percent approve of higher taxes to insure children under 18. Those results track New York Times and Gallup polls last year, in which about two-thirds of respondents said it is the federal government's responsibility to guarantee health coverage to all Americans. Such polls allow Kucinich to joke that, far from being in the loony left, "I'm in the center. Everyone else is to the right of me." More seriously, in a recent visit to the Globe, he accused the other Democratic candidates of faking it on healthcare reform. "One of the greatest hoaxes of this campaign — everyone's for universal healthcare," Kucinich said. "It's like a mantra. But when you get into the details, you find out that all the other candidates are talking about maintaining the existing for-profit system." Kucinich quoted the 2003 study published by the New England Journal of Medicine that found that 31 percent of healthcare expenditures pay not for actual care but for administrative costs. That compares with only 16.7 percent in Canada. Administrative and clerical employees make up 27 percent of the healthcare workforce in the United States, compared with 19 percent in Canada. "With 46 million Americans without any health insurance at all and another 50 million underinsured," Kucinich said, "isn't it really time to look at the other models that exist that are workable for all the other industrialized nations in the world? When you think about it, the only thing that's stopping us is the hold that the private insurers have on our political system . . . corporate profits, stock options, executive salaries, advertising, marketing, the cost of paperwork. . ." The hold of the healthcare industry on the top candidates is already apparent. According to the Center for Responsive Politics, the top recipient of campaign contributions so far from the pharmaceutical and health products industry is Republican Mitt Romney ($228,260). But the next two are Democrats Barack Obama ($161,124) and Hillary Clinton ($146,000).
Wow,how doe's it feel to have something taken out of context and a joke taken seriously.?
What is a refundable 5000 dollar tax credit for health? To get any half way decent health insurance it will cost upwards of a thousand to fifteen hundred dollars a month. I pay 150 dollars a month for two, and that's with a group discount, and no dental, and my wife pays 100 dollars a month for medicare.
Hes out of touch. I bet he does not know how much health care cost because he doesn't have to pay for it. If he did, that's pocket change to him.
Hes out of touch. I bet he does not know how much health care cost because he doesn't have to pay for it. If he did, that's pocket change to him.
Math Word Problem come one come all to help please :)?
Ink Inc., a publishing firm, offers its 899 employees a cafeteria approach to benefits, in which employees can enroll in the benefit plan of their choice. Seven hundred thirteen employees have health insurance, 523 have dental insurance, and 489 have both health and dental insurance. (a) What is the probability p that one of the employees has either health or dental insurance? p = (b) What is the probability p that one of the employees has health insurance but not dental insurance? p = if you can get this write i will give you best answer if you could show how you got the answer that would be really cool to. thanks for the look and maybe the help
489 have both health and dental insurance, therefore 713-489 = 224 have just health insurance and 523-489 = 34 have just dental insurance. Therefore 899-489-224-34 = 152 have neither health nor dental insurance. (a) The probability that one has either health or dental insurance is (224+34+489)/899 = .831. (b) The probability that one has health insurance but not dental insurance is 224/899 = .249.
489 have both health and dental insurance, therefore 713-489 = 224 have just health insurance and 523-489 = 34 have just dental insurance. Therefore 899-489-224-34 = 152 have neither health nor dental insurance. (a) The probability that one has either health or dental insurance is (224+34+489)/899 = .831. (b) The probability that one has health insurance but not dental insurance is 224/899 = .249.
Can a damaged crown be repaired?
Recently, a gum drop pulled off a back molar dental crown. On the top of the crown, there is a small hole. Can this hole be repaired somehow and replaced on my back molar? I would just like it to last about 6 months until my insurance kicks in to get a new cap made. Thanks.
If something like that is broken, I would think it would be more likely that the dentist would replace it. Repairing it might be harder to do and possibly leave places where particles of food might get in and cause problems.
If something like that is broken, I would think it would be more likely that the dentist would replace it. Repairing it might be harder to do and possibly leave places where particles of food might get in and cause problems.
low or no cost dental help?
I have a bad toothache on my left bottom molar. It started about 4 days ago and is just getting worse. I have a dentist but I owe him on a bill that I am paying on and he has refused to treat me further until I pay of $2700 which I am trying to. Does anyone know of any resources in North GA I can use to get this tooth taken care of? I have a new job and insurance hasnt kicked in yet. I am in alot of pain
You could try a dental school near you. The students there could do the work on you, and it would be cheaper. You could also sign up for a dental discount plan and use that until your insurance kicks in,( or use both). With my company's plan you can use it the same day that you sign up. What city in GA are you in?
You could try a dental school near you. The students there could do the work on you, and it would be cheaper. You could also sign up for a dental discount plan and use that until your insurance kicks in,( or use both). With my company's plan you can use it the same day that you sign up. What city in GA are you in?
math homework help, please?!?
the problem: Your dental insurance reimbursed you $300 on a dental bill of $700. Did you get less or more than 1/3 of your money back? Explain. I've stared at this problem for at least 15 mins and i don't get it, help please?!
1/3 of $700 is 700/3 = $233.33. So yes you did.
1/3 of $700 is 700/3 = $233.33. So yes you did.
Would you stay or leave this marriage?
-He hasn't kept any of his promises. -He lied about having money in savings (none in savings, no retirement, no life insurance, owned nothing, he & his adult son were living with his mother when I met him). -His son's behavior changed drastically after we were married. I now know enough about this lazy 20's something kid to know he did lots of bad things (hurt animals & elderly relative) as a teenager & is likely a sociopath. -He blames his son's criminal activities on our government (He is naturalized US citizen, his son is here on a green card). They both say our laws are wrong. -He works his own business, sleeps in afternoon, no regular hours. -I work 2 jobs, do all housework (groceries, dishes, laundry, cleaning, etc) plus all outside work (mowing lawns, shoveling snow, the trash, auto maintainence, etc) -He sits in his lounge chair watching TV while I do all the housework. -He earns 13-15,000 a year. I earn 4 times as much. I carry all our medical & dental insurance. Stay OR Go?
I would go. A marriage is a unity and should be done together if you are not getting any support I would leave as fast as I could. There is no reason why you should put up with the crap that you are putting up with. This is the U.S. and if his son cannot follow our rules then he needs to go. If he is in his 20's why is he still at home and not working and living somewhere else? Good luck. Stand up for yourself as a women. You already know that you do not need a man to survive. I am going through something similar.
I would go. A marriage is a unity and should be done together if you are not getting any support I would leave as fast as I could. There is no reason why you should put up with the crap that you are putting up with. This is the U.S. and if his son cannot follow our rules then he needs to go. If he is in his 20's why is he still at home and not working and living somewhere else? Good luck. Stand up for yourself as a women. You already know that you do not need a man to survive. I am going through something similar.
Price of wisdom teeth removal (Canada)?
I need to have my wisdom teeth removed, and I don't have dental insurance. I know it will likely vary between dentists, but could anyone give me a ballpark price (CDN) for how much it would cost without insurance? (I live in Greater-Toronto-Area, Canada).
Try contacting the Canadian Dental Association. Ask for the name of your local dental society. Contact the dental society to see if you can get the names of dental clinics or dentists that provide free or sliding scale services. You may also want to look into receiving dental from a local school of dentistry clinic.
Try contacting the Canadian Dental Association. Ask for the name of your local dental society. Contact the dental society to see if you can get the names of dental clinics or dentists that provide free or sliding scale services. You may also want to look into receiving dental from a local school of dentistry clinic.
Sealants for your teeth...again?
When I was in maybe 2nd or 3rd grade my dentist had put sealant's on my adult teeth to help prevent cavities. Now that I'm 30, I just got my first cavity. Since my sealants have gone away to nothingness over that last 20 years or so, can I get sealants put back on now as an adult, and will my insurance cover that? (military dental insurance "Concordia")
Im a receptionist @ a dental office and i know that most dental insurance companies have an age limited as to what age they will pay for to get sealants put on what i would suggest you do is call your insurance company and ask them if sealants are covered and if they are to what age. Hope that helps.
Im a receptionist @ a dental office and i know that most dental insurance companies have an age limited as to what age they will pay for to get sealants put on what i would suggest you do is call your insurance company and ask them if sealants are covered and if they are to what age. Hope that helps.
tell me if you know any of these please!?
i'm doing a budget project and i need to know: average dental insurance bills average credit card bill (monthly) average car insurance average child's medical bills cost of a priest for a wedding cost of a limo for a wedding cost of drinks for a wedding cost of reception hall for wedding (and by average i mean the normal or cheapest prices for these things)
$375 $80 $1,000 $50 if she has insurance $20 $300 $350 $250 if in the afternoon and no employees needed
$375 $80 $1,000 $50 if she has insurance $20 $300 $350 $250 if in the afternoon and no employees needed
false teeth?
Ive been looking over the web but havent found what ive been looking for. My teeth are bad, but I cant afford to have them pull the teeth and get false teeth. Im not on welfare, so I cant have it done for free, yet i dont make enough at work to have any serious work done. Is there any kind of program or lower cost dental insurance out there that I can turn to that would help someone who is stuck between the income brackets to get the dental care I need?
Try to find a Dental School in a local Hospital or University. They often have cheap or free clinics where supervised students do the work. The instructors make sure all work is up to standard.
Try to find a Dental School in a local Hospital or University. They often have cheap or free clinics where supervised students do the work. The instructors make sure all work is up to standard.
shady dentist?
Sometimes I feel like all dentists are shady. I have a 2k maximum that my dental insurance will cover (100 percent). The dentist said I need to do 3 crowns, this will take up all the money. My teeth don't hurt, I take really good care of them. I may have a few cavities here and there, but I don't see why I need so many crowns. When are crowns necessary and when are they just cosmetic? Hopefully someone in the dental field will be reading this.
It's hard to tell if your dentist is "shady" without looking at xrays and doing an actual examination of your mouth. Sadly, it has become the norm now-at-days for the dentist to try to "sell" you treatment. Most dentists are concerned more with making more money rather than proper treatment. Let me start off by saying that I am a dentist. However, because of an accident I am no longer able to practice dentistry. I am very saddened by the state of my profession. For example, my wife went to a new dentist the other day becuase of where her new insurance has coverage. The dentist came into the room after all her xrays were done and started to tell her she was going to need a lot of work, and 4 appointments of deep cleaning. She then said to the dentist, "Before you go any further, my husband is a dentist." The dentist then told her that she could probably "get away with only doing 2 fillings and a simple cleaning." I just found so odd that the amount of work my wife needed changed in mere seconds because of the occupation of her husband. I can't say if your dentist is doing the same thing, but I can advise you to do the following, if it doesn't sound right, get a second opinion. Some things to avoid in looking for your second opinion, or new dentist, is to avoid any place that operates a large number of facilities all over the place. Avoid an office that has MANY dentist working under the same location name. Finally, I would avoid any office that looks like Donald Trump owns it. There is a reason why an office looks like a million dollars, and it is not because the dentist is only doing the work that NEEDS to be done. Thanks
It's hard to tell if your dentist is "shady" without looking at xrays and doing an actual examination of your mouth. Sadly, it has become the norm now-at-days for the dentist to try to "sell" you treatment. Most dentists are concerned more with making more money rather than proper treatment. Let me start off by saying that I am a dentist. However, because of an accident I am no longer able to practice dentistry. I am very saddened by the state of my profession. For example, my wife went to a new dentist the other day becuase of where her new insurance has coverage. The dentist came into the room after all her xrays were done and started to tell her she was going to need a lot of work, and 4 appointments of deep cleaning. She then said to the dentist, "Before you go any further, my husband is a dentist." The dentist then told her that she could probably "get away with only doing 2 fillings and a simple cleaning." I just found so odd that the amount of work my wife needed changed in mere seconds because of the occupation of her husband. I can't say if your dentist is doing the same thing, but I can advise you to do the following, if it doesn't sound right, get a second opinion. Some things to avoid in looking for your second opinion, or new dentist, is to avoid any place that operates a large number of facilities all over the place. Avoid an office that has MANY dentist working under the same location name. Finally, I would avoid any office that looks like Donald Trump owns it. There is a reason why an office looks like a million dollars, and it is not because the dentist is only doing the work that NEEDS to be done. Thanks
false teeth?
Ive been looking over the web but havent found what ive been looking for. My teeth are bad, but I cant afford to have them pull the teeth and get false teeth. Im not on welfare, so I cant have it done for free, yet i dont make enough at work to have any serious work done. Is there any kind of program or lower cost dental insurance out there that I can turn to that would help someone who is stuck between the income brackets to get the dental care I need?
Try to find a Dental School in a local Hospital or University. They often have cheap or free clinics where supervised students do the work. The instructors make sure all work is up to standard.
Try to find a Dental School in a local Hospital or University. They often have cheap or free clinics where supervised students do the work. The instructors make sure all work is up to standard.
wisdom teeth?
I have to get 4 wisdom teeth removed but I have to have surgery to have them removed because they have not come out all the why and most likely they wont. I dont have dental insurance so I wanted to see if anyone else without insurance has gotten their wisdom teeth surgically removed and about how much it cost you?
Good luck on that. My bill came out to 700 for only 2 teeth. I only had to pay 100.00 my insurance paid for the rest. all the money comes from the anesthesia. Dont be put to sleep that is an extra 3-400 dollars. I wasn't and didn't feel a thing just a little pulling... trust me have them numb it its a lot less cheaper.
Good luck on that. My bill came out to 700 for only 2 teeth. I only had to pay 100.00 my insurance paid for the rest. all the money comes from the anesthesia. Dont be put to sleep that is an extra 3-400 dollars. I wasn't and didn't feel a thing just a little pulling... trust me have them numb it its a lot less cheaper.
open bite problem?!?!?!?
I am 19 y.o. with limited dental insurance, I have an open bite probl. since I was younger becuz of thumbsucking! I need help! my overbite makes me feel insecure about my smile and when I talk to people! also I am noticing that my teeth are getting worse and are also shifting. my following Question: 1. can I get this fixed with braces and how long will it take? 2. how can I afford dental discounts? (such as Ameriplan) 3. Will veneers help my situation? 4. Should I consider jaw surgery? I want to graduate college with a new smile! please provide your suggestions and ideas!
Jaw surgery is very safe nowadays. My cousin got her dental implants and Lasik surgery in India by a company called Indian Health Guru Consultants. The Price for dental and Lasik surgery is very less in India. She paid 25% of the price she was quoted in America. Indian Health Guru Consultants is very famous in India They arrange Dental surgery, jaw surgery, Lasik eye surgery, Dental Implants etc for foreign patients in India. I read a lot about them in the Newspapers and magazines- about their patient stories. They arrange financing for USA, Canadian, UK and other international patients who plan to have surgery abroad for low cost, as dental and eye surgery is not covered by insurance. They also have photos pasted of their International patients. You can checkout their website. There are huge cost savings. As a doctor I personally believe that surgery can be easily handled in India, as the quality of healthcare available In India is simply best in the world. The surgeons are USA/UK trained and facilities are 5 star. http://www.indianhealthguru.com Hope this helps.
Jaw surgery is very safe nowadays. My cousin got her dental implants and Lasik surgery in India by a company called Indian Health Guru Consultants. The Price for dental and Lasik surgery is very less in India. She paid 25% of the price she was quoted in America. Indian Health Guru Consultants is very famous in India They arrange Dental surgery, jaw surgery, Lasik eye surgery, Dental Implants etc for foreign patients in India. I read a lot about them in the Newspapers and magazines- about their patient stories. They arrange financing for USA, Canadian, UK and other international patients who plan to have surgery abroad for low cost, as dental and eye surgery is not covered by insurance. They also have photos pasted of their International patients. You can checkout their website. There are huge cost savings. As a doctor I personally believe that surgery can be easily handled in India, as the quality of healthcare available In India is simply best in the world. The surgeons are USA/UK trained and facilities are 5 star. http://www.indianhealthguru.com Hope this helps.
Another question about TMJ.?
I am developing TMJ due to a poor bite and bruxism. I already wear a night-time splint. My dentist wants to refer me to an orthodontist for braces and what ever else needs to be done to fix my bite. I am 28, my dental insurance does not cover ortho for anyone over 18. I have had some work done, 2 root canals+crowns, fillings, but they say I have solid bone structure and could fix my bite. It will cost alot of $$$ do you think it is worth it?
I would get the braces. TMJ pain is nothing to play with and the pain could get worse as you get older.
I would get the braces. TMJ pain is nothing to play with and the pain could get worse as you get older.
TMJ pain on left side?
my jaw was hit on the right side of my face but my left ear is hurting badly..... and it hurts to open my mouth all the way. does anyone out there know what to do about this besides go to the Dr. I have no medical or dental insurance
TMJ can lead to other problems. Since you don't have insurance, consider going to a local dental school for treatment. Work is done by advanced students & supervised by faculty members. Services are offered at a nominal fee. Patients get the care they need & students are given hands on experience under their teachers' supervision.
TMJ can lead to other problems. Since you don't have insurance, consider going to a local dental school for treatment. Work is done by advanced students & supervised by faculty members. Services are offered at a nominal fee. Patients get the care they need & students are given hands on experience under their teachers' supervision.
I am looking for dental insurance that will cover braces already in progress. Any ideas? please help
Medicade or get a good job
Medicade or get a good job
HELP!!! MY filling in my tooth fell out!!!?
Okay so last night the filling in my tooth fell out & now there is a HUGE gapping hole in my tooth! I was told that you can get temporary filling kits at drug stores & they last at least a few weeks? CAn anyone reccomend a brand or tell me a type to get as Ive never heard of this & am in desperate need!! I dont have dental insurance untill Dec. & cant afford to go to the dentist till I get it, there are no dentists in my area that allow payment palns so I need to fix this untill Im insured....Thanks so much
I can not remeber the brand name. But they have them by the toothpaste and orthadontic wax. I have done this twice. they have both a type you have to mix up the paste yourself and one already mixed--check the directions and get the pre-mixed if you have a choice. It is not very expensive--maybe $5. They will hold you until you can get to the dentist. Although they say you can eat on them--do it very carefully and try to avoid. They actually work pretty well. Before using wash your mouth out good with salt water and make sure it real dry. If this does not hold you--and there is still pain--you best contact a doctor, dentist somehow--try an emergency room.
I can not remeber the brand name. But they have them by the toothpaste and orthadontic wax. I have done this twice. they have both a type you have to mix up the paste yourself and one already mixed--check the directions and get the pre-mixed if you have a choice. It is not very expensive--maybe $5. They will hold you until you can get to the dentist. Although they say you can eat on them--do it very carefully and try to avoid. They actually work pretty well. Before using wash your mouth out good with salt water and make sure it real dry. If this does not hold you--and there is still pain--you best contact a doctor, dentist somehow--try an emergency room.
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