im trying to find a dental insurance for myself, does anyone know
YOu are not the only person who have ever met this kind of problem,I met this type of problem before.I have good experience here to solve the problem.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Cheap health insurance that will cover dental?
I need some help. I can no longer work at one of my jobs and my new job wont provide insurance since it is part-time I need help and scared that i cant afford anything. i already cant afford student loans. is there any cheap insurance packages i can get in ct?
see this take the quote, they'll come back with prices from different insurers in your area. It's very quick and free of charge.
see this take the quote, they'll come back with prices from different insurers in your area. It's very quick and free of charge.
Dental Insurance Question?
I'm looking for affordable dental insurance. I know this is a broad question, but what insurance company (that has good plans) would you recommend? And while I'm on the subject, what do you think about hmo dental insurance plans? Are the dentists shady?
Common situation you met like many other people,be patient,and check the resource here i found useful.
Common situation you met like many other people,be patient,and check the resource here i found useful.
Dental Insurance?Dental Insurance?Dental Insurance?Dental Insurance?Dental Insurance?
Hi im looking for a good form of dental insurance that will cover multiple root canals. Whats affordable? Im also wondering if i could do a co-insurance thing with my jobs provided dental insurance which sucks by the way. I know that for the most part that i pay out the ###, buy the only other alternative is to go to Mexico . thanks for any advise!
Dental insurance purchased as an individual is almost always a waste of time. Insurance companies know that most individuals trying to purchase a policy need significant treatment, and the benefit level is very low as a result. You might be better off speaking to the benefits manager at work--if it is a group policy it might be possible to upgrade if employees are willing to pay a little more. You are usually given one chance per year to change policies, and the calendar year is ending, so you should check now. Steve Bornfeld, DDS
Dental insurance purchased as an individual is almost always a waste of time. Insurance companies know that most individuals trying to purchase a policy need significant treatment, and the benefit level is very low as a result. You might be better off speaking to the benefits manager at work--if it is a group policy it might be possible to upgrade if employees are willing to pay a little more. You are usually given one chance per year to change policies, and the calendar year is ending, so you should check now. Steve Bornfeld, DDS
no dental insurance, but still getting treated?
i got braces about a year and a half ago. and my dental insurance was covering that. i had dental insurance at the time that i got my braces. my job provided dental insurance. well, i got my hours cut to partime which made me lose my dental insurance, then i lost my job back in march. so i have no dental insurance what so ever. but yet im still going through treatment and i told my dentist office that i have no insurance. however, i am getting monthly statments saying my insurance owes $956, and i owe nothing. so heres the question. even though i lost my insurance, are they still covering my dental treatment because they were covering it to begin with? or am i really responsible for the payment of $956? and is this whole thing a glitch that never got noticed?
i lost my job in 3-2007 and therefore i have no dental insurance & i am needing dental work done very badly.?
i live in southern illinois,is there any dentist who is willing to help me out with free dental or low payment plan?
You can try to go to a teaching clinic where dental students get their training .
You can try to go to a teaching clinic where dental students get their training .
Dental insurance question...?
If I buy dental insurance which covers both extractions and oral surgery, then 2 months later I am officially diagnosed with gum disease and extractions and/or oral surgery is recommended, will the insurance cover it? Or will they say 'pre-existing condition', and tell me to skrew myself?
Check to see if there is a waiting period on any work to be done. Check for a missing tooth clause, deductible, yearly max, and limitations. Each policy is different and you need to find the one that fits your needs.
Check to see if there is a waiting period on any work to be done. Check for a missing tooth clause, deductible, yearly max, and limitations. Each policy is different and you need to find the one that fits your needs.
where is a dentist around or near danville virginia that does dental work for people with no health insurance?
My husband needs multiple teeth pulled but he dosent have heath insurance. we live near danville virginia but can go to lynchburg virginia also.
I would encourage you to visit this great site: I signed up online over 5 years ago and they have saved me thousands of dollars since on all dental services. From extractions, exams, xrays, cleanings...etc. Even my braces had coverage. Medical, Rx, Vision are also availible. They even had my extremely affordable plan active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. Good luck and hope this helps.
I would encourage you to visit this great site: I signed up online over 5 years ago and they have saved me thousands of dollars since on all dental services. From extractions, exams, xrays, cleanings...etc. Even my braces had coverage. Medical, Rx, Vision are also availible. They even had my extremely affordable plan active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. Good luck and hope this helps.
Dental Insurance Question - The Real Scoop?
While I am employed, I work at home for a company in another state, and the dental insurance options through my company were not viable. So, of course, I relied on the internet to research my options, and I looked, specifically, for "dental insurance" Lo and Behold, the stuff that came up, was for Dental Discount Plans. Upon first glance, it seemed like this could actually have been a better deal then anything offered through my firm. The conversation on the websites touted these plans, often with premiums of $7 to $20 per month, to be better than conventional dental insurance in every imaginable way. No issues in applying, no maximums, no deductibles, and no waiting. So, I am sitting here, reading how in EVERY possible way this is better than insurance, and it strikes me. If something seems to good to be true, maybe it is. If these were so much better than conventional insurance, why did my firm have so much trouble finding affordable insurance; they should have simply joined one of these "discount" programs. Well, the site even attached me to an "independent" article which BASHED the conventional insurance...Then it struck me...If I was a dentist, would I be happy joining these discount plans and basically getting 50% to 75% less for my services. Yeah Yeah, I am getting my payment up front and not waiting for the insurance to pay me (again, playing the role of the dentist), but is that worth the tremendously discounted amount (does not make sense when you compare the time value of money). So, I realized that if I were a dentist, I would not want anything to do with these plans...Or would I? Does being a part of these discount programs really bring in enough clients to justify that deep a cut in the fee schedule. Then I started to think...Is it possible that there is something up with these deeply discounted fee schedules I keep seeing on these sites? Are the fees just being jacked up and then discounted back down to the point where I might as well not be a member of the Discount Program, and just a regular walk in? Can I go to a dentist and ask them for the fee schedule, and then after the fact, compare it to the discount program to see that I am really getting a discount, and it is not some number playing farce. I would want to know as a dentist whether these discount programs are worth anything. I need some kind of coverage, and for the few self insurance programs I see, the monthly premiums are incredibly high, and yes, when compared to the discount programs, it seems like NO ONE would EVER join these insurance programs since they are more limited and more expensive...Yet....They are still in the insurance business. Will someone please give me the scoop...I need to have an affordable option here, but don't want to be duped into joining one of these discount programs. Thank You
I am so glad I read this because I can definitely give you the answer you are looking for and you are right on the money! I am a dentist and I accept certain insurances and am very familiar with these plans and I can finally vent my frustration and reasons why to the world! You are absoloutly right. No dentist (including myself) wants or will join them unless they are absoloutly depserate for patients. The fees are discounted so low, that no ethical, quality dentist would join them unless it was to help out one of their friends or a patient that they want to help specifically and are willing to take a loss on. You see, most people think dentists make a ton of money (some do, ther is no doubt) but most people don't understand the cost involved just to run a dental practice. We are subjected to dental supply company monopolies, ridiculously high taxes, astronomical school debt and a myriad of other high cost items whichy I won't get into. The problem with participating with insurance companies is that you have to reduce your normal fees so much, that by the time you pay for your regular operating costs, you are barely even turning a profit. This is even more true with discount plans and usually, if you have a quality dentist, they would be basically paying to do your dental work. The only time when this isn't true is if they are using dental supplies or doing dental procedures that are subquality but legal, or just so rich that they can afford to pay to do your dentistry (or possibly so close to retirement that everything has already been paid off for them). I personally refuse to lower my standards and quality in order to accomodate ridiculously low fees. Because ultimately, though it is much cheaper for you, you get what you pay for. There is just no way that a dentist doing half-way decent work can participate heavily with a discount plan. That being said, your dentist is also not going to lower the fees to that plan for the same reason. You are better of to get regular insurance or just pay out of pocket. Be sure to check out the dental facility and get an overall feel for the practice. If something doesn't seem right, then go with your gut! If you get regular insurance, be sure to check all of the details and specifics, as they often try to put in hidden loopholes to avoid covering things. Hope that helps!!!
I am so glad I read this because I can definitely give you the answer you are looking for and you are right on the money! I am a dentist and I accept certain insurances and am very familiar with these plans and I can finally vent my frustration and reasons why to the world! You are absoloutly right. No dentist (including myself) wants or will join them unless they are absoloutly depserate for patients. The fees are discounted so low, that no ethical, quality dentist would join them unless it was to help out one of their friends or a patient that they want to help specifically and are willing to take a loss on. You see, most people think dentists make a ton of money (some do, ther is no doubt) but most people don't understand the cost involved just to run a dental practice. We are subjected to dental supply company monopolies, ridiculously high taxes, astronomical school debt and a myriad of other high cost items whichy I won't get into. The problem with participating with insurance companies is that you have to reduce your normal fees so much, that by the time you pay for your regular operating costs, you are barely even turning a profit. This is even more true with discount plans and usually, if you have a quality dentist, they would be basically paying to do your dental work. The only time when this isn't true is if they are using dental supplies or doing dental procedures that are subquality but legal, or just so rich that they can afford to pay to do your dentistry (or possibly so close to retirement that everything has already been paid off for them). I personally refuse to lower my standards and quality in order to accomodate ridiculously low fees. Because ultimately, though it is much cheaper for you, you get what you pay for. There is just no way that a dentist doing half-way decent work can participate heavily with a discount plan. That being said, your dentist is also not going to lower the fees to that plan for the same reason. You are better of to get regular insurance or just pay out of pocket. Be sure to check out the dental facility and get an overall feel for the practice. If something doesn't seem right, then go with your gut! If you get regular insurance, be sure to check all of the details and specifics, as they often try to put in hidden loopholes to avoid covering things. Hope that helps!!!
Legal issue and dental insurance?
So here is my question, I have a PPO dental insurance and went to a participating provider, the dental office charged me 99 for a tooth extraction the negotiated amount with my insurance company is only 64. this was done several times in excess of 1,600. also the dental office just did not submit for prosthetics that I am to receive. I have contacted my insurance company and they have agreed that the amount is do to be refunded but dental office has ignored both their request for reimbursement and mine. My question is what options to I have to receive my reimbursement. Any help would be appreciated.
If they are truly " in network" with your insurance and there are no loop holes, like different levels of insurance or something like that, get a lawyer!! good luck!
If they are truly " in network" with your insurance and there are no loop holes, like different levels of insurance or something like that, get a lawyer!! good luck!
Questions about Supplemental Dental Insurance?
I'm hoping someone out there can help me. I have dental insurance through my employer, however I have a lot of dental problems I need to get fixed. I'm interested in purchasing additional dental insurance but don't know where to go now. I've researched on the internet and heard about Dental Discount Plans, but I don't think these will work b/c I already have primary coverage. Does anyone have any additional information on this topic that would help? I'm looking for assistance on the expenses that my primary insurance does not cover. Thanks!!!
Phone a broker to tailor a package for you
Phone a broker to tailor a package for you
Exactly how does Dental insurance coverage work? Never had insurance before. Had medicaid, no insurance though?
I work at Wal-Mart and recently enrolled in their Dental Insurance. It doesn't kick in until January, so until then, I'm uninsured. Anyways, I get paid Bi-weekly and every pay check they take out $6.20 for the insurance, which isn't too bad at all. Anyways, I had Medicaid up until I was 18, then of course it was discontinued. How does dental insurance work? I know for certain things, it says you have to meet your annual deductible before coverage kicks in. What is that? On my handbook, it says the annual deductible is $50 for associates. So what if I have to have teeth filled or anything and the bill is like $800, what would my portion be? Also, with insurance, is it like a discount plan where you would have to pay your portion BEFORE the work is done or how does that all work?
Typically most dental plans work as follows: If there is a deductible, you must pay that amount once a year before the plan will pay a part of the remaining charges. The plan usually has a maximum per year that it will pay towards your dental care. Usually that is between $2,000-$4,000 per year depending on the plan. Usually the plan will cover a certain percentage of your normal dental care (cleaning, fillings, etc.). That percentage is usually about 70%-80% of the cost. Usually plan will cover a smaller percentage of orthodontic or crowns (typically 50%). Usually the dentist will directly bill the insurance company for their share. Example: Plan has a $50 deductible, pays a maximum of $2,000 per year, pays 80% of normal dental work, and pays 50% for crowns. You have the following bill for work done at the dentist over a period of several days. Exam: $40 Cleaning: $100 Filling: $300 Crown $900 Deductible: $50 Plan pays 80% of $390 or $312 Plan pays 50% of $900 or $450 Plan pays a total of $762 Your cost to the dentist is $578 ($50 + $78 + $450) Plan will pay up to $1238 more towards your dental treatment during the rest of the year. The dentist may bill you before you leave his office after each visit or may bill you later. If you can't afford to pay your share when you receive the bill, you should find a dentist that will accept payments. If you have normal work (cleaning, fillings, etc.), the amount you pay will be relatively small but when crowns are down, you generally pay quite a bit. Some plans also pay 100% for the exam and cleaning.
Typically most dental plans work as follows: If there is a deductible, you must pay that amount once a year before the plan will pay a part of the remaining charges. The plan usually has a maximum per year that it will pay towards your dental care. Usually that is between $2,000-$4,000 per year depending on the plan. Usually the plan will cover a certain percentage of your normal dental care (cleaning, fillings, etc.). That percentage is usually about 70%-80% of the cost. Usually plan will cover a smaller percentage of orthodontic or crowns (typically 50%). Usually the dentist will directly bill the insurance company for their share. Example: Plan has a $50 deductible, pays a maximum of $2,000 per year, pays 80% of normal dental work, and pays 50% for crowns. You have the following bill for work done at the dentist over a period of several days. Exam: $40 Cleaning: $100 Filling: $300 Crown $900 Deductible: $50 Plan pays 80% of $390 or $312 Plan pays 50% of $900 or $450 Plan pays a total of $762 Your cost to the dentist is $578 ($50 + $78 + $450) Plan will pay up to $1238 more towards your dental treatment during the rest of the year. The dentist may bill you before you leave his office after each visit or may bill you later. If you can't afford to pay your share when you receive the bill, you should find a dentist that will accept payments. If you have normal work (cleaning, fillings, etc.), the amount you pay will be relatively small but when crowns are down, you generally pay quite a bit. Some plans also pay 100% for the exam and cleaning.
In regards to dental/vision insurance, do they have pre-existing condition clauses? Is it worth it?
I am thinking about getting dental/vision insurance (I'm working a temp job right now) but I'm not sure if it's worth it for a few months until I find full-time employment (with all the benefit goodies). Do they also look at gaps in insurance (I haven't had dental insurance in almost a year; long story) or pre-existing conditions like health insurance does? I haven't visited my dentist in a year and I have mulled over the low-cost/no cost clinics vs. getting dental insurance and paying insane amounts of money just for some guy to irrigate the quadrants of my mouth. Anyone have any information on this?
Take care of your teeth, anyway you can - wait and suffer the consequences! No, Insurance companies do not refuse or penalize people for preexisting conditions - that would be nuts. Start with a teeth cleaning appointment, and pretend to be shocked, yes shocked that your teeth are in such a deplorable condition, and require work.
Take care of your teeth, anyway you can - wait and suffer the consequences! No, Insurance companies do not refuse or penalize people for preexisting conditions - that would be nuts. Start with a teeth cleaning appointment, and pretend to be shocked, yes shocked that your teeth are in such a deplorable condition, and require work.
No Health & Dental Insurance?
Hi, I am a 21 yr male living in TX (Houston area). I live alone, apart from my parents, I work part time and go to school part time. I'm basically a poor struggling college student. Anyways, I know I need some dental work and also it would be nice to have health insurance. I was on medicaid but and went to like a poor peoples clinic where they offered limited dental and medical services but they wont do root canals and crowns, which im pretty sure i need one. My work only offers insurance to full time employees and i hear its really not that good. What in the world can i do??? I'm broke as it is and dont have alot of money for expensive plans but im willing to take out loans. What do poor people like myself do when the need dental work and dont have insurance?
here's free help: Free or low cost dental care United States List of dental providers who provide care to people living with HIV, organ donor cards, etc. (hint: get a donor card!) more government resources at:… these are quick and about $80 per year:…
here's free help: Free or low cost dental care United States List of dental providers who provide care to people living with HIV, organ donor cards, etc. (hint: get a donor card!) more government resources at:… these are quick and about $80 per year:…
Can I have 2 dental insurance with the same insurance provider?
Hi, I'm currently under my wife's dental insurance plan since her company pays 100%. I went to the dentist last week and my doctor told me that I have to replace my super old crowns and the total cost will be approximately $3,800. So I have to pay almost $2,000 out of my own pocket since my insurance will only pay the first $2,000. However, my co-worker told me that if I have another dental insurance policy through my own company then my extra insurance will cover the rest of the cost. Both my wife's company and my company have Metlife dental insurance plan. Has anyone tried such thing? Or is there some sort of restriction to do such thing depending on the companies? Thanks in advance.
Yes you can. Both insurances will pay on the same procedure up to the allowable amount. For example, a filling costs $100. Insurance #1 (Primary - yours) may pay 80% ($80). Insurance #2 (Secondary - Wife's) may pay 80% too but would only pay AFTER primary has paid and will pay the remaining $20. You will probably have deductables for both and will have to pay both. Another thing to consider is that getting a new insurance may have a waiting period for major work such as crowns for a year or so. It may not pay anything.
Yes you can. Both insurances will pay on the same procedure up to the allowable amount. For example, a filling costs $100. Insurance #1 (Primary - yours) may pay 80% ($80). Insurance #2 (Secondary - Wife's) may pay 80% too but would only pay AFTER primary has paid and will pay the remaining $20. You will probably have deductables for both and will have to pay both. Another thing to consider is that getting a new insurance may have a waiting period for major work such as crowns for a year or so. It may not pay anything.
How much are dental crowns in the midwest after insurance coverage of 60%?
I need to have 3 crowns made for 2 molars and 1 bi molar. My insurance is covering 60% of each crown. I had 3 root canals totally around $500 after 80% insurance coverage, done by a endodontist. I gave my dentist $180 when I had the perm filling put in and will be giving him $540 when i am fitted for the crown. He had to insert a post into the molar. Is this about the correct costs after the 60% insurance coverage? This is only for 1 crown and Ill have 2 more to cover. I have yet to see any insurance claims on the insurance company website for the dentist but saw them for the endodotist.
700 for the root canal and around 350 for the crown. I have had several and this seems to be my average out of pocket expense with 60% coverage. It sucks but it's better than the toothless option. Even people with dentures have to have alot of care so take care of what you have for as long as you can whatever the cost. Once you catch up with the other teeth you will be happy. I know I am. Nothing worse than a real painful toothache or the smell of a rotten tooth. Get er done.
700 for the root canal and around 350 for the crown. I have had several and this seems to be my average out of pocket expense with 60% coverage. It sucks but it's better than the toothless option. Even people with dentures have to have alot of care so take care of what you have for as long as you can whatever the cost. Once you catch up with the other teeth you will be happy. I know I am. Nothing worse than a real painful toothache or the smell of a rotten tooth. Get er done.
Dental insurance in florida help?
Im 18 and live in florida and am very low on money.. I actually have no money right now, starting school and work soon. However I seem to be having several problems with my teeth that is scaring me, and i do not want to wait any longer, i need help what can I do? Any suggestions, florida welfare? help!
Check to see if your school offers dental/medical benefits to their students.... There's got to be a dentist in the area that treats the students that go to your school... ask around. He probably gives some kind of a discount plan, or reduced rate, for local students... Good luck~
Check to see if your school offers dental/medical benefits to their students.... There's got to be a dentist in the area that treats the students that go to your school... ask around. He probably gives some kind of a discount plan, or reduced rate, for local students... Good luck~
Insurance for dental work I've had consultations for?
I am a full time student and my father is retired military. He is looking into enrolling in the delta dental plan through his retiree program which is a very good program considering his crappy one that he has from his job. Anyway, I was in the process of getting consultations for my wisdomt teeth extractions. I recently went to a dental school to get my xrays looked at to get the procedure done. I was wondering, if he enrolls in this program, am I able to go back to the same oral surgeon with a new dental insurance, or would I have to go to another surgeon so that it is not looked at as a "pre exisiting condition" so that they will take the insurance?
dentists don't care whose money they are getting as long as they get it in the end. they will work with you to do what it takes to secure your business.
dentists don't care whose money they are getting as long as they get it in the end. they will work with you to do what it takes to secure your business.
What is the best dental insurance for my situation?
I have a broken tooth (number 5 bottom left) which has to be either replaced with an implant or root-canaled and filled. I have been told that either way it will take more than 3000$ to fix it. Obviously, I have no dental insurance plan and I have to fix my tooth before it affect my health. Now, I am thinking about different ways to deal with this, one would be to pay in cash or installment without any dental plan. Another way is to get a dental discount plan or a real insurance. What do you think would be the best choice? If I get a real insurance, can I use it right away? What are some reputable dental insurances in the US? Where do I start to find plans and quotes? Does it worth it to go through all the insurance policies and stuff like that? Or I can just fix the tooth by cash? thanks for your help
I would encourage you to visit this great website: I signed up online over 5 years ago and they have saved me thousands of dollars on all of my dental services. From extractions to xrays, fillings, crowns, Cleanings, and even my braces. They even had my affordable benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use them the very same day. I have been using this plan when I max out my insurance and or when I had a waiting period and needed work done ASAP. Good luck and Hope this helps.
I would encourage you to visit this great website: I signed up online over 5 years ago and they have saved me thousands of dollars on all of my dental services. From extractions to xrays, fillings, crowns, Cleanings, and even my braces. They even had my affordable benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use them the very same day. I have been using this plan when I max out my insurance and or when I had a waiting period and needed work done ASAP. Good luck and Hope this helps.
Individual dental insurance?
I'm 22 years old and I'm looking for dental insurance. I've called a few places that I could find that offer dental insurance and either I do not qualify because of my age or dental insurance isn't available for my state. I'm in the State of NY. I called AARP--- they only deal with senior citizens. I called Delta Dental and they don't serve NY. I called, I forgot their reason but I think it was the same as Excellus reason (they don't offer it individually, I must go through an employer). I can't go through an employer cause I'm self-employed. I turned to but I have a feeling they are a scam. They claim to be a broker for several comapnies. When I run a quick quote on their site, it comes up with "Bay Dental" as the insurer, but they HAVE NO INFORMATION about bay dental to give me. I wanted to research the insurer first but I couldn't cause they didn't give me any info about them. gave me and claim they are something to do with bay dental, then they told me bay dental is underwritten by a comapny called "Standard Security Life" and i can't find any company by that name. The only one I found was Standard Security Life of NY but they are a completely different company. There is a company called bay dental but it's in california and they are a dentist office. So, i'm completely lost. I'm eligible for bay dental pan thruogh but i'm scared to sign up because i don't know if bay dental plan is a true company or if is a complete scam. The weird thing is this. said that I must pay them in full with a credit card for their bay dental plan or they can deduct it each month but i have to give them a bank account. They won't charge my credit card monthly for the plan. Instead they want my bank account # to charge it monthly. They will only use my credit card if i want to pay it in full. DO YOU KNOW anyone who offers dental insurance for the state of NY? I"m not looking for a dental plan where I'm limited to the company's dentist office. I have my own dentist I go to and i want some type of insurance to go to my dentist of choice.
Private dental insurance (as opposed to employer dental insurance) is extremely expensive and usually does not make any sense to buy. But, there are affordable dental discount plans. I am self-employed and I have saved thousands in dollars in dental costs over the years by using a discount dental plan. The plan that I selected is the GE Dental Plan, but I don't know if it is available in your state. There are many good plans to choose from. These plans have a low yearly premium, and offer major discounts at participating dentists. See to see which discount plans are available for your zip code.
Private dental insurance (as opposed to employer dental insurance) is extremely expensive and usually does not make any sense to buy. But, there are affordable dental discount plans. I am self-employed and I have saved thousands in dollars in dental costs over the years by using a discount dental plan. The plan that I selected is the GE Dental Plan, but I don't know if it is available in your state. There are many good plans to choose from. These plans have a low yearly premium, and offer major discounts at participating dentists. See to see which discount plans are available for your zip code.
Can you afford medical/dental insurance?? If no why do people on welfare get it for free?
We are all paying for them
You pay pennies to support medical benefits for poor people and denying them coverage is not the answer. But your point is a good one--everyone should have basic health care coverage. I assume you will be supporting Obama's efforts to pass universal health care.
You pay pennies to support medical benefits for poor people and denying them coverage is not the answer. But your point is a good one--everyone should have basic health care coverage. I assume you will be supporting Obama's efforts to pass universal health care.
Dental insurance supplement/gap providers?
My husband is active duty military and we received dental as part of our insurance coverage. While the regular visits for cleanins are completely covered, everything else is paid on a split cost (at my husband's rank, our share averages out to about 50%), plus we are responsible for the difference in what the insurance says is the allowed fee and the actual fee. We also have a yearly cap of $1500 per family member, and this include things like braces, extractions, etc. While we are fortunate to have any coverage, we are struggling to pay our share of the fees (example..out of $5000 in braces for oldest, military only paid $1500 as that is the yearly cap). Does anyone know of any supplementary dental plans?? I'd appreciate any suggestions (I only work PT and am a student).
Unfourtuantely, this is what most dental ins. providers cover. $1500 yearly max is actually pretty good. Plus a lot of insurance don't cover orthodontic work, so it's really not that bad. I find that most people have this problem, thinking their insurance actually covers more. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. I know tons about dental ins.
Unfourtuantely, this is what most dental ins. providers cover. $1500 yearly max is actually pretty good. Plus a lot of insurance don't cover orthodontic work, so it's really not that bad. I find that most people have this problem, thinking their insurance actually covers more. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. I know tons about dental ins.
Which dental insurance do you have & do you like it?
I have ameriplan. The more I use it the more i like it. They have a lot of providers. and it really reasonable. You will need your smile a long time. investing in it is always a good choice and worth the investment. a good alternative for payment insured or not is a quality dental discount plan. there are many out there. the best is ameriplan. on most procedures you will save 30-80%. on braces you will save 25% or more. you can find it at
I have ameriplan. The more I use it the more i like it. They have a lot of providers. and it really reasonable. You will need your smile a long time. investing in it is always a good choice and worth the investment. a good alternative for payment insured or not is a quality dental discount plan. there are many out there. the best is ameriplan. on most procedures you will save 30-80%. on braces you will save 25% or more. you can find it at
Low cost texas child health/dental/vision insurance?
Where can I find low cost health/dental/vision insurance for kids in Texas.
-------------------- - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
-------------------- - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
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