Here is an example of why hiring illegal aliens is not economically productive. You have 2 families..."Joe Legal" and "Jose Illegal". Both families have 2 parents, 2 children and live in California. "Joe Legal" works in construction, has a Social Security Number, and makes $25.00 per hour with payroll taxes deducted...."Jose Illegal" also works in construction, has "NO" Social Security Number, and gets paid $15.00 cash "under the table". Joe Legal...$25.00 per hour x 40 hours $1000.00 per week, $52,000 per year Now take 30% away for state federal tax Joe Legal now=2 0has $31,231.00 Jose Illegal...$15.00 per hour x 40 hours $600.00 per week, $31,200.00 per year Jose Illegal pays no taxes... Jose Illegal now has $31,200.00 Joe Legal pays Medical and Dental Insurance with limited coverage $1000.00 per month $12,000.00 per year Joe Legal now has $19,231.00 Jose Illegal has full Medical and Dental coverage through the state and local clinics at a cost of $0.00 per year Jose Illegal still has $31,200.00 Joe Legal makes too much money is not eligible for Food Stamps or welfare Joe Legal pays for food $1,000.00 per month $12,000.00 per year Joe Legal now has $ 7,231.00 Jose Illegal has no documented income and is eligible for Food Stamps and Welfare Jose Illegal still has $31,200.00 Joe Legal pays rent of $1,000.00 per month $12,000.00 per year Joe Legal is now in the hole... minus (-) $4,769.00 Jose Illegal receives a $500 per month Federal rent subsidy Jose Illegal pays rent $500.00 per month $6,000.00 per year Jose Illegal still has $25,200.00 Joe Legal now works overtime on Saturdays or gets a part time job after work. Jose Illegal has nights and weekends off to enjoy with his family. Joe Legal's and Jose Illegal's children both attend the same school. Joe Legal pays for his children's lunches while Jose Illegal's children get a government sponsored lunch. Jose Illegal's children have an after school ESL program. Joe Legal's children go home. Joe Legal and Jose Illegal both enjoy the same Police and Fire Services, but Joe paid for them and Jose did not pay.
Illegals get welfare. Period. Because their children are "citizens" they are "entitled" to AFDC, reduced lunch and SSI. I work in a hospital and know for a fact that the children of illegals get Medicaid. Trailblazer's health was created by congress to reimburse hospitals for the care they are mandated to give illegals by EMTALA to prevent hospitals from going out of business. We must mandate E-verify for all employers and end birthright citizenship. Comprehensive immigration reform is liberal code for amnesty. We must not tolerate it. Contact your congressman and demand that these steps be taken. Illegals come here for the welfare when it stops illegals will self-deport.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Why does the Colorado welfare do everything to protect the criminals?
My fiance has been paying massive amts of child support, the ex wife didnt want either of her exes to go on child registry, so she could get government welfare for her and her 2 children. We are going to fight for more custody, however all the government agencies WILL NOT give any info out to protect her confidentiality. We know she is receiving child day care and medicaid. She is not reporting the $1850 a month in child care. She produced a program fee that the Day care center would normally charge for a child but has been getting the care from them for FREE!!!!!!! I have looked all over the internet, it is next to impossible to report these fraudulant jerks. There are NO programs to find out what programs the child is even on. So no way to really report to all agencies what is going on. The ex is setting an example of how to commit fraud and lie to a man to support oneself to the child. Ritter has been finding ways to keep Denver running, like paying to park at the lightrails and doubleing car registrations to people in really tough economic times. And turns a blind eye to Mothers using the system that dont qualify for it. This really pisses me off because there really are women out there who do have dead beat fathers who dont give them any money who get turned down because they might make $10. a year over the minimal standards. This ex as not reported $22,296 a year in child support for the 2 children. My fiance lost his job a month ago and has had to go to mediation, and hire an attorney because ex still wants the 900 a month. This month he will loose his truck , he has no health insurance, no dental insurance. He will be on unemployment. And we have to deal with all of this on top of the economy.He is going to have to take a bicycle to get to his college classes for retraining since his job industry no longer exists.How nice for the ex to have the luxury to drive around in a new suburban. His rights as a father are nonexistent in the eyes of all of the welfare programs. And it looks like he will NEVER be able to really prove this in court. The system is all out of wack, and my taxes PAY FOR THIS!?
As far as the tax issue goes for not reporting income of child support, you can call the IRS fraud line w/ the children's names & SS#'s and report the added income that the mother receives. If you don't have their numbers, just give names, addresses or whatever you have & stress that 22K is an awful lot of income to not be reporting every year. It doesn't really help you out financially, but if nabbed, it might put the scare in her to wonder what next & maybe fly a little straighter. / Fiance can also apply to court for reduced child support based on medical hardship or reduction in employment not his fault. (They penalize for purposely staying under employed.)
As far as the tax issue goes for not reporting income of child support, you can call the IRS fraud line w/ the children's names & SS#'s and report the added income that the mother receives. If you don't have their numbers, just give names, addresses or whatever you have & stress that 22K is an awful lot of income to not be reporting every year. It doesn't really help you out financially, but if nabbed, it might put the scare in her to wonder what next & maybe fly a little straighter. / Fiance can also apply to court for reduced child support based on medical hardship or reduction in employment not his fault. (They penalize for purposely staying under employed.)
Pregnant with BAD toothache?
I am 15 weeks pregnant and have the worst toothache in my life. I also am getting a migraine on top of it. My whole head feels like its going to pop off my shoulders and I don't know what to do. I went to the ER last night because it was so bad. They said there was nothing they could do except give me an antibiotic and I have an exposed nerve in my bad bottom tooth. So they basically told me to see a dentist ( duh right?) I don't want to take anything that would have risks to my baby. I also can't find a dentist in my area do to the fact I have no dental insurance and in Florida they will not take anyone who does not have insurance or cannot pay in full at the time of the visit. I cannot afford to do this. I have no money and am doing the best I can while barely getting by. Does anyone have any advice as to what I can do?...please??
Well 1st off, make sure you are taking your antibiotic. 2nd of all, you need to get to a dentist (duh again, I know). You need to either put it on a credit card, borrow the $ from somebody, cry like a baby on the phone so they will see you, etc. Do you have any dental schools or clinics near by? It is very important you get this taken care of ASAP. Having an infected tooth can cause a lot more damage to your pregnancy/baby than actually getting a procedure done. So do whatever you have to do to get in! If all else fails, let your doctor know. They may have some suggestions of dentists that will work w/ you.
Well 1st off, make sure you are taking your antibiotic. 2nd of all, you need to get to a dentist (duh again, I know). You need to either put it on a credit card, borrow the $ from somebody, cry like a baby on the phone so they will see you, etc. Do you have any dental schools or clinics near by? It is very important you get this taken care of ASAP. Having an infected tooth can cause a lot more damage to your pregnancy/baby than actually getting a procedure done. So do whatever you have to do to get in! If all else fails, let your doctor know. They may have some suggestions of dentists that will work w/ you.
Can someone give me a quote on how much I would be looking to spend monthly?
I have one semester left in my college career appart from my internship. I called a place to get some information on it and they pretty much offered my a job over the phone. The salary isn't great (probably like $25,000 a year), but in my field it's not always easy to find a regular salary at all and the job is something I would really like to do, so I am planning on taking it. The problem is they do not have on site housing and there is almost nothing to rent in the area except a couple of trailers about 30 minutes away for $425/month plus utilities. I have only ever lived with my parents and in college housing and so don't really know if I'll be able to afford it. I would have car insurance, gas, electric, water, cell phone, telephone, a horse (likely with free or significantly reduced board so just vet and farrier-and selling him is not an option as he's relavent to my job), most likely cable and internet, groceries, and possibly health and dental insurance.
You should find out how much you are really going to get paid. 25k per year is not alot. After taxes thats like 850 dollars every two weeks. How come you dont want to tell us all what you went to college for? Anyway if your student loans are really high, you are not going to be able to pay them on 25k per year. If you have to pay for your own health and dental i can tell you that will probably run you at least 250 or 300 a month. So heres yoru break down 425 Rent 100 Utilities 50 cell phone 20 water 35 Land line phone 100 Car insurance 200 gasoline for car just to and from work(you did say 30 minutes each way and gas at 3 bucks per gallon is going to kill you) 100 cable/ highspeed internet 300-500 Food (I spend about 350 per month, but im really skinny) So that takes the total to between 1330 and 1530 depending on how much your food is going to be leaving you with between 170 & 370 per month for other things like going out, buying gas for you car for non-work related things, buying clothes and paying off your student loans. If you decided to purchase your own health and will be over budget as that can run 300 per month (and i've seen some people pay 500 per month) I dont know how much vet & "farrier" (whatever that is) for your horse, but it will have to come out of teh 170 to 370 amount.
You should find out how much you are really going to get paid. 25k per year is not alot. After taxes thats like 850 dollars every two weeks. How come you dont want to tell us all what you went to college for? Anyway if your student loans are really high, you are not going to be able to pay them on 25k per year. If you have to pay for your own health and dental i can tell you that will probably run you at least 250 or 300 a month. So heres yoru break down 425 Rent 100 Utilities 50 cell phone 20 water 35 Land line phone 100 Car insurance 200 gasoline for car just to and from work(you did say 30 minutes each way and gas at 3 bucks per gallon is going to kill you) 100 cable/ highspeed internet 300-500 Food (I spend about 350 per month, but im really skinny) So that takes the total to between 1330 and 1530 depending on how much your food is going to be leaving you with between 170 & 370 per month for other things like going out, buying gas for you car for non-work related things, buying clothes and paying off your student loans. If you decided to purchase your own health and will be over budget as that can run 300 per month (and i've seen some people pay 500 per month) I dont know how much vet & "farrier" (whatever that is) for your horse, but it will have to come out of teh 170 to 370 amount.
temp crown pain! omg?
Back molar has a temp crown on it right now... ***** was hurting really bad could hardly function at work & unfortunately I'm still on probation so I have to preform & can not miss any days. Started just using Oral gel & Anbesol to mask it since I'm only 21 & my Dentist apparently thinks I will abuse pain killers or maybe she gets a kick out of torchering me because she gave me 5 pills of 500MG lortab which lasted a whooping 2 days. I'm also getting much more work then that done but the rest is not hurting me... just the one crown. So far this is the run down. Day 2 after treatment hurt like hell went back she re sized it. Day 3 hurt like hell I bought some Vicodin off this black guy in my cousins apt complex. Day 4 was told I might need a root canal was given "5" more pain killers day 6 temp crown fell off while applying oral gel, day 7 dentist was closed day 8 went to the ER was in the fetal position in the bed in the wrost pain in my life after re cementing the temp crown back in when it fell off because i read some stuff online saying my tooth could move around if i do not have in cemented back in. Day 9 called my dentist(reopned monday morning) and bitched about it. Day 10 she brought me back in and told me the pain is my gums flaming up from not putting the crown back in right... which I did put it back in right because IT FIT. And i was already in pain from before that. Unfortunately she is the only dentist around here who accepts my crappy dental insurance "medicaid" because It's emergency work I'm getting done & when my son was born I ended up on his policy some how so I'm just taking advantage of the medicaid insurance and fixing my teeth up but MY GOD is it normal to go through on ordeal like this? And now after the hospital I've been given a lot of pain killers and medicaid denied to pay for the last subscription I got because I've got to many.... but what am I supose to do? i've never even used pain killers in my life until this & i can't wait to be off of them and now that I'm out and I'm trying to cope with this pain again while the stress of being on the phone at work 8 hours a day I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO IM BUGGIN OUT. Anyways my questions was basicly what is the best combination of pills to take with out over dosing that will get rid of this pain? I've tried 2 Tylenol extra strength with some Advil + bottle of JD & it's just not working :(( sorry for all the bad grammar I'm in a lot of pain & I'm tired just typing this up quick
((HUG)) Bless your heart. My heart goes out to you. First off, having had serious pain in my life as well, I understand buying that stuff off the neighbor. But you must be sure to tell the pharmacist what's in your system. What's not normal is the crappy service you're getting at the dentist. I don't understand why this didn't get fixed right away and why you're being left to suffer. Contact the dentist and insist politely that they work you in because you're in excruciating pain. As for the meds: many drug companies have programs that will provide the meds to you at no charge if you can't afford them. If you don't find these programs on the website then bug the pharmacist for the phone # to the drug company so you can call them. They have the number, believe me-- and often it's a # not available to the general public. I've arranged this a couple of times in my work as a social worker. Over the counter: please ask the pharmacist. You don't want to poison yourself.
((HUG)) Bless your heart. My heart goes out to you. First off, having had serious pain in my life as well, I understand buying that stuff off the neighbor. But you must be sure to tell the pharmacist what's in your system. What's not normal is the crappy service you're getting at the dentist. I don't understand why this didn't get fixed right away and why you're being left to suffer. Contact the dentist and insist politely that they work you in because you're in excruciating pain. As for the meds: many drug companies have programs that will provide the meds to you at no charge if you can't afford them. If you don't find these programs on the website then bug the pharmacist for the phone # to the drug company so you can call them. They have the number, believe me-- and often it's a # not available to the general public. I've arranged this a couple of times in my work as a social worker. Over the counter: please ask the pharmacist. You don't want to poison yourself.
my orthadontist is..?
okay so i have had braces three times by this wacko hes a dentist and a orthadontist (a very shitty one) anyways we go to him b/c my moms insures pays for all of it there. and i got braces once when i was seven b/c he tricked my mom by saying theres a chanch that i might not have to have braces again(my moms a ditz okay she falls for every scam) so of course i had to get them again when i was 13 then i had them for like a year and a half or 2 years and when i got them off even then i wasnt to happy but i was to shy to speak up. anyways he didnt give me a temporary retainer while we waited for the other one so time i got it it barley fit. so i wore it for a couple days and then it compeletly stoped fitting and it took my mom a few weeks to take me back and they gotten worse and basically time he did anything my mom took me somehwere else and the guy said a needed braces again but we didnt have dental insurance so she went back to the other dentist again and he said he would cut her a deal for only 1 or 2 thousand dollars. then i got braces again for the third time i had them for a year and a half and for basiclly a half a year he has done nothing and then a month ago he decided it was time to get them off; woohoo not they still look like shittt! he cut the wire so its setting in place or something. im suppose to see him next week; and im not happy what should i do? my mom decided to get braces (again i dont get her) and he gave her, her money back a few months ago because she was upset and he said he couldnt get her bight right so he just took them off. hes a stupid dentist but thats all our insurance covers. gahh all i want is perfect straight teeth and after having braces 3 times is that too much to ask for? jeezeee what should i do?
When youre 18 and legally an adult find a new dentist! :D
When youre 18 and legally an adult find a new dentist! :D
Chipped tooth on a rock that was in my granola bar. Can/should I sue?
I was eating a Nature's Path granola bar yesterday and bit into a rock about half the size of an almond. It broke my back tooth and knocked the filling out of it. I wrote them an email, and they sent back an apology, claiming they think it was probably a hard clump of cereal (it's not, trust me, it's a rock), and said if I send the foreign object in they'll send me coupons. I don't want coupons for more rocky granola bars, I want my dental work paid for! I don't have dental insurance, so this is going to cost me a fortune. Should I sue? Or can I even?
I just HAD to reply to your question as a few weeks ago my son bit into a roach in his granola bar. eewww. Whats up with these granola bars?? anyway here is my question, (which is resolved, just putting it here for reference):;… The difference between your situation and mine is that you have actual damage, (your dental work) and I did not, (my son did not end up getting sick). My uncle who is a lawyer said for us to drop it, and they sent us like $50 worth of coupons. I agree that you should hunt for a contingency lawyer and NOT send them your evidence at all!! I just wanted to say good luck and I feel for you, sorry about what happened man. -Dix
I just HAD to reply to your question as a few weeks ago my son bit into a roach in his granola bar. eewww. Whats up with these granola bars?? anyway here is my question, (which is resolved, just putting it here for reference):;… The difference between your situation and mine is that you have actual damage, (your dental work) and I did not, (my son did not end up getting sick). My uncle who is a lawyer said for us to drop it, and they sent us like $50 worth of coupons. I agree that you should hunt for a contingency lawyer and NOT send them your evidence at all!! I just wanted to say good luck and I feel for you, sorry about what happened man. -Dix
Why is money not happiness?
If I had money, I would buy all the clothes I liked. I would feel nice and happy, comfortable. I woudn't feel ashamed of wearing ugly old clothes. I would be more respected by people. Because I have experienced that when you dress nice, people treat you nicer!! not that it matters, but sure it avoids you lots of problems and even pumps you up and motivates you. If I had money, I would buy a new car... If I had moeny, I would get myself a nice decent house, all furnished... I would have money to eat at the healthiest places, I would have money to enroll in a gym I would have money to travel all over the world.. I would move from my mom's house and would not have to deal with her crappy life. I would have money for medical insurance, I would have money for dental insurance for vision... How can this not be happiness? Sure people that say money is not happiness, is because they haven't experienced not having it!! I for one, now that I finished college, and earn a little more... feel much happier than when I was super poor... but still, since I'm just starting up,,, I don't have some of things mentioned above, and I'm on my own... I know that If I was filthy rich, I would be much happier. And about time, or whatever, well, I could just donate my time to some local community center or whatever... Whoever says money is not happiness is lying... all those people that have money and are not happy, they are just stupid, some keep living as if they had nothing, being slaves to a work they don't like, etc etc...
-------------------- is a legal tender that can buy happiness... ...happiness comes in various states or forms: a fluid, pill, powder, winning, emotional, mental, physical, spiritual or given freely from to another...
-------------------- is a legal tender that can buy happiness... ...happiness comes in various states or forms: a fluid, pill, powder, winning, emotional, mental, physical, spiritual or given freely from to another...
Is $5100 a good price for basic adult braces?
I am told I have a very simple, straight forward case. I am being quoted, in Clarksville, TN, $5100.00 for everything start to finish, including retainers once the braces are removed. The only thing seperate is 24.00 per appt. to maintain the retainers afterward. Is this a good price? Should I shop around? I have no dental insurance that covers orthodontics (I don't want any so please don't pitch insurance in your answer). I know it's difficult to give an informed answer. I know you need to be a dentist and see x-rays. I am just asking for an opinion... What do you think? Thanks!
I would shop around if I were you. That sounds like an average price, but you can probably find it cheaper anywhere else. I had the same deal with everything included, and I think it was like $4500 and it that's not including insurance. It doesn't look like that much of a difference, but it actually is.
I would shop around if I were you. That sounds like an average price, but you can probably find it cheaper anywhere else. I had the same deal with everything included, and I think it was like $4500 and it that's not including insurance. It doesn't look like that much of a difference, but it actually is.
Help...I dont want to lose my teeth!?
O.k.....I have always taken pretty good care of my teeth(I haven't always brushed twice a day or flossed like I should) but I was brushing daily and flossing when I thought to do it.I have NEVER had Dental Insurance.The last time I had a cleaning and exam was in 2001....and then last year I started noticing that my gums were becoming inflamed on occasion and starting to bleed when I brushed. Immediately I suspected gum disease but I could not afford to go to the Dentist.Finally my Grandmother agreed to pay for a dental visit for me(I am a 28 yr old newly single Mother of 2) and my fears were realized when they told me I am having a periodontal problem but she said that it is in the early stages with minimal bone loss and receding. In fact if I smile and you look at my teeth, you would never even know there was anything wrong.So she tells me I need to have "Deep Cleaning"/Scaling and Planing done where they will also administer an antibiotic/antibacterial to the gums and this along with regular cleanings should take care of the problem for good.Obviously I cannot afford to pay $600 for this plus another $450 for the 3 tiny cavities I need removed and filled.What can I do? I do not want to lose my teeth! Please Help!!!....Oh and by the way,should I get cleanings every 6 months or every year?
You will not be able to do anything at home that will correct your problem. You are in the initial stages of periodontal disease and need just what they told you. If you don't have it done it will only lead to worse damage,much more expense, and maybe the loss of some teeth. So I would try to finance the payments through the dental office if they offer any options or borrow the money from a bank and pay them the monthly installments. Insurance is hard to obtain unless you can get it through work. Then some insurance may consider your treatment a pre existing condition. And yes, with a history of periodontal disease you should be seen a minimum of every 6 months to prevent this from re occuring. Good luck
You will not be able to do anything at home that will correct your problem. You are in the initial stages of periodontal disease and need just what they told you. If you don't have it done it will only lead to worse damage,much more expense, and maybe the loss of some teeth. So I would try to finance the payments through the dental office if they offer any options or borrow the money from a bank and pay them the monthly installments. Insurance is hard to obtain unless you can get it through work. Then some insurance may consider your treatment a pre existing condition. And yes, with a history of periodontal disease you should be seen a minimum of every 6 months to prevent this from re occuring. Good luck
Delayed fixing a crossbite?
I have needed braces probably for a long time now since my teens and will finally be getting them this year. I have a cross bite (upper teeth shift over to the left) and an overbite. I am 24. I really want to do the invisaglign since how many 24 year olds do you see wearing braces? I have trouble looking my age already. I have been having pain lately, I just got three cavities removed. Sometimes I notice a jaw popping sound if I wake up in the morning and eat right away. It happens as I am chewing. Also I just suffer pain, from what my dentist told me can happen cause of the bite. Also told me I can experience headaches and migraines cause of this. I do not have any dental insurance and wont until October. Is it okay if I wait that long just despite some pain every now and then? I just cannot afford it w/o insurance. What can I do in the mean time?
I don't think the cost for the braces will be covered even with insurance because you are older than 18 (which is the cut off limit for all insurances for braces). In terms of waiting a few more months should be fine. Just stay on soft diet and take pain medication only if it gets unbearable.
I don't think the cost for the braces will be covered even with insurance because you are older than 18 (which is the cut off limit for all insurances for braces). In terms of waiting a few more months should be fine. Just stay on soft diet and take pain medication only if it gets unbearable.
Should you go to the Dentist if you are 5 mos pregnant and have not been in 7 years?
If somebody is 26, is 5 1/2 mos pregnant, and has not been to the dentist in 7 years, how important is it for them to see one? Can you see a dentist while you are pregnant, and if so what can you have safely done? If you can not go, then why? Also if Medicare or Medicade will not pay for cleaning or anything else, what would be the best dental insurance if the person does not have insurance through their place of employment or because of unemployment? What is the most sedation somebody can have at the dentist for something like fillings? I would think only a novacain shot and nitrous oxide. If there are a lot of cavaties that need to be filled can they put somebody "under" What about route canals? I know I was under some anestesia when I had my wisdom teeth taken out.
You NEED to speak with your OB doctor. I can say, I doubt any doctor would recommend ANY sedation or nitrous while you are pregnant, for medical if not for medico-legal reasons. Nitrous has been associated with birth defects and abortions in the offspring of both male and female operatory personel who have been frequently exposed to nitrous. The final conclusion on this is not in - but it is better safe than sorry. IV sedation would probably include benzodiapines and narcotics. Benzodiazepines are category D - probably harmful in pregnancy, and narcotics are category C - uncertain.
You NEED to speak with your OB doctor. I can say, I doubt any doctor would recommend ANY sedation or nitrous while you are pregnant, for medical if not for medico-legal reasons. Nitrous has been associated with birth defects and abortions in the offspring of both male and female operatory personel who have been frequently exposed to nitrous. The final conclusion on this is not in - but it is better safe than sorry. IV sedation would probably include benzodiapines and narcotics. Benzodiazepines are category D - probably harmful in pregnancy, and narcotics are category C - uncertain.
Gotta big hole in my molar and now I have jaw pain. How long can I wait before the dentist?
**My avatar is a current pic of the cavity** I've had a hole in the outer wall of my bottom right molar for about 7 months now. It has grown over time, and now I can probably fit a BB fully into it. It never brought me pain before, but recently I have had pain in my jaw/ear area for about a week and a half. It is not noticeable unless I bite down, and has not gotten any worse since it started, but I am worried. I just got a teaching job and will have dental insurance at the end of september, but for now I have very little money and have not even seen a dentist in about 5 years. Can I wait until I get insurance, ask a pharmacist for antibiotics, or do anything else in the time being, as it seems this could be an expensive fix, and I am living paycheck to paycheck with no savings until mid september? I can care less about the pain- my only concern is my health.
Your getting whats called a dead tooth where the roots are rotting and your tooth will eventually fall out. The roots are anchored into your jaw hence the jaw pain. Right now theres not much you can do till you see a dentist. Pain medicine might help a little bit, When the rot reaches your jaw bone it will hurt a lot.
Your getting whats called a dead tooth where the roots are rotting and your tooth will eventually fall out. The roots are anchored into your jaw hence the jaw pain. Right now theres not much you can do till you see a dentist. Pain medicine might help a little bit, When the rot reaches your jaw bone it will hurt a lot.
Vomiting immediately after consuming anything?
This is the second time I have gotten what appears to be a stomach virus in three weeks. There has been no fever either time, and diarrhea only this time. I have had an infected wisdom tooth for a couple of months with pus, but have no dental insurance and am waiting on the local dental college to have an opening. Just wondering if that could be why. Anyway, I threw up once tonight for real and now every time I ingest anything it comes back up immediately (like 10-15 seconds later). This includes water. Nothing else comes with it, but I still feel nauseous like I'm going to throw up (for real) again. Should I head for the ER now, or hope it passes?
this is serious, you could be dehydrated and need medical attention. this could get even more serious and harm your body
this is serious, you could be dehydrated and need medical attention. this could get even more serious and harm your body
I lost an adult tooth, and the empty spot smells, help!?
I had a root canal a couple years ago, but then my insurance wouldnt cover the crown to put on it. On top of that I got pregnant and was vomiting the entire time, so the thing never got fixed. It eventually just came out piece by piece, and now it is just an empty spot. I noticed that it was starting to smell bad in that one spot. If I touched it, it would make my finger smell awful, but no other spot in my mouth was like that. Now the tooth is entirely gone (it is a tooth near the back), but the smell has not gone away. Unfortunately, I have no dental insurance now, and no extra money to go get seen. Does anyone have any experience with this? I was thinking about using GSE (grapefruit seed extract) which is anti viral and antibacterial. Maybe it could kill whatever is going on in my mouth? This is so embarrassing, but I don't really know what to do.
If there was an opening for awhile, it could be old foot particles stuck in there. This happened to a relative of mine. She could see like a dark spot and the taste and smell was horrible. Even brushing wouldn't take it away. She went to Wal-mart and bought a relatively inexpensive ($35 at the time) waterpick type machine. She really let the force of the water pick clean out the area and for her, that did the trick. It's worth a try.
If there was an opening for awhile, it could be old foot particles stuck in there. This happened to a relative of mine. She could see like a dark spot and the taste and smell was horrible. Even brushing wouldn't take it away. She went to Wal-mart and bought a relatively inexpensive ($35 at the time) waterpick type machine. She really let the force of the water pick clean out the area and for her, that did the trick. It's worth a try.
What happens after you get married as a minor?
please do not tell me i'm stupid, you don't know my life. me and my boyfriend are getting married and i'm wondering if we'll have to purchase our own health and dental insurance right away, or if our parents can still take care of that for a few years. second, i am wondering if we get married without his parents knowing (because they don't like me that much and don't want us to be together at all). i'm wondering if they could continue paying for insurance and stuff like that without knowing he is married if we don't plan on living together for a few years. yes, why get married if you're not going to live together. we want to be married for an amount of time before he enters the military. the longer you're married i guess the easier it is to get benefits or something like that.
once you get married you are an emancipated adult. It may depend on the insurance company your parents have but 99.9 of them will refuse to cover you. To get married a minor must have their parent's signed consent so he will not be able to unless he lies about his age and that's risking getting into legal trouble which he DOESN'T want while walking into the military. Once married you will be covered by his military benefits.
once you get married you are an emancipated adult. It may depend on the insurance company your parents have but 99.9 of them will refuse to cover you. To get married a minor must have their parent's signed consent so he will not be able to unless he lies about his age and that's risking getting into legal trouble which he DOESN'T want while walking into the military. Once married you will be covered by his military benefits.
Holistic Dentistry How much does it cost?
I need to have the mercury fillings removed from my mouth because they are making me sick..i have a lot. and i have an impacted wisdom tooth and infected gums and possibly a cyst. I do not have dental insurance other than the state medicaid which only covers extractions from their dentists. I am in extreme amounts of pain, and i do not use common medicines and i will not use antibiotics. What can i do to see a Holistic dentist at low cost or at least a payment plan or something. do they offer anything like that? And if not how much does something like that cost without insurance?
I remember working on a patient years ago with the same concerns. Make sure the dentist uses a rubber dam over your teeth when removing the amalgam. Depending upon the size it may be possible to replace it with a composite(white) filling or it may be necessary to use an inlay, onlay or crown. Most of these reso torations don't inckude metal anymore, but if they do you can request that they use Holistic metals only. I don't recommend it, but this woman was SO into natural she used lamaze breathing techniques to manage her pain instead of using anesthetic.
I remember working on a patient years ago with the same concerns. Make sure the dentist uses a rubber dam over your teeth when removing the amalgam. Depending upon the size it may be possible to replace it with a composite(white) filling or it may be necessary to use an inlay, onlay or crown. Most of these reso torations don't inckude metal anymore, but if they do you can request that they use Holistic metals only. I don't recommend it, but this woman was SO into natural she used lamaze breathing techniques to manage her pain instead of using anesthetic.
I'm more afraid of the bill than I am of the dentist ... what is wrong with this system?
What is wrong with the medical system in this country when I am more terrified of the bill than I am of the dentist? I have a toothache and have not slept in 2 days, not because I of the pain, but because I don't know how I'm going to pay my bills this month considering I could be facing a $900 bill!!!! O and btw i'm a college student and altho I have dental insurance, I still can't afford a $500 bill ... what is wrong with the dental system? why does it cost so much? the price gouging is unbelievable!!!!
If you can't afford the bill, you have no choice but to suffer. Unless your dentist will take payments. I bet she will..
If you can't afford the bill, you have no choice but to suffer. Unless your dentist will take payments. I bet she will..
got my teef knocked out... ufff.... ?
Aw maw toof gawf noff owff.. fawfinell.. uuuuuuhhhhghh... no dental insurance no health insurance no money no nothing.. hell this sucks.. I'm sittin here in front of my computer with a bloody mouth with a few molars left in my maw and in so much pain... I'm gonna have to sell my car and get dentures this week so I won't get fired from my job.. can you imagine that.. dentures at 20 years old? ughhhh... my life sucks.. maybe I should just buy a gun instead? off myself?? I don't want to slave away for the next 5 years just so I can afford tooth implants.. oh geeezzz... i want to die... what should I do??
rinse with cool water. go to a doctor (work out a payment plan. unemployment money?) Please help! It's about my friend. EASY BEST ANSWER!;…
rinse with cool water. go to a doctor (work out a payment plan. unemployment money?) Please help! It's about my friend. EASY BEST ANSWER!;…
Need Dentist advice?
I'm a 20 year old female student in SD. I haven't been to the dentist in the LONGEST time and have always been scared and hesitant to go. I'm currently a student and do not have dental insurance. First, where can I go to get some good and cheap dental services and what should I do to prepare (cos i haven't been in so long)? Second, I have white, opaque spots on the front of my teeth that really stand out. What is it? What can I do to correct it? Is it bad for me? Would one of those whitening strips help? Someone help me...
see if your college has a dental school. their prices are usually very reasonable. if not, look online to see if there is a local private college that offers dental assisting classes. most likely they see patients so they can learn their skills. call - they might even be free in your case. preparation - brush and floss 2 to 3 times a day! this is sooooo important. as for the spots, it's hard to say. you need to have a full exam with x-rays. i'd hold off the strips and use the money you would have spent on those for your dental exam, should you need to pay a little. also, look on craigslist to see if there might be a student needing an exam client for their boards. those should be happening soon - and they love love love patients who haven't been to the dentist in a long time - lots of plaque and stuff to scrape off! and often, they pay you!
see if your college has a dental school. their prices are usually very reasonable. if not, look online to see if there is a local private college that offers dental assisting classes. most likely they see patients so they can learn their skills. call - they might even be free in your case. preparation - brush and floss 2 to 3 times a day! this is sooooo important. as for the spots, it's hard to say. you need to have a full exam with x-rays. i'd hold off the strips and use the money you would have spent on those for your dental exam, should you need to pay a little. also, look on craigslist to see if there might be a student needing an exam client for their boards. those should be happening soon - and they love love love patients who haven't been to the dentist in a long time - lots of plaque and stuff to scrape off! and often, they pay you!
Root canal, crown and now implant?
Hi there Feeling a bit miserable as I still have toothache 8 months down the line, after having several dental procedures. I live in Dubai and went there knowing that I needed a crown. My new dentist here said that I needed a root canal before this could be done. Several weeks later the crown was put on but I started to get pain several months down the line. An x ray revealed that I had a cyst in the gum so I had to have the infection removed via a gum flap being cut. Several weeks on and I have the toothache coming back!!!! My dentist had said that I would need an extraction and implant if the last procedure didn't work. All this is costing my husband a fortune (as we are not covered by dental insurance) and I'm paranoid that my dentist is trying to make as much money as possible out of me!! I would like to get a second opinion from another dentist - is this a good idea? Thanks in advance!
idk why he didnt put the crown on right after the root canal.maybe hes tryign to scam you guys
idk why he didnt put the crown on right after the root canal.maybe hes tryign to scam you guys
I am having severe tooth pain. Im not sure what it is from, but it has been bothering me for about 4 days now.?
Okay, one of my back molar teeth is killing me. I have had a cavity in it before, but it has been filled. Other than that I have never had any dental problems, so I am really not sure what is going on. It does not appear to be swollen around the tooth, but the pain is intolerable. I take vicodin for another issue, and it is not even touching the pain. I can not get in to see a dentist for a few days, because I dont have dental insurance right now. I have tried the orajel tooth desensitizer, with no relief. Is there anything else that I could possibly use until I get into the dentist in a few days? I have never had a tooth ache, so i am not sure what to do! Thanks in advance!
try taking some panadol to relieve some of the pain...depending on how severe the ache is sometimes nothing works, only going to the dentist. also try warm packs. best adivce is to call around and find another dentist who will see you asap. Waiting a couple of days can make the tooth and pain much worse. As for your dental insurance, if you see a dentist today, pay upfront or ask to do a payment plan, then claim later. Tooth aches are to be seen straight away to avoid further problems and more costs
try taking some panadol to relieve some of the pain...depending on how severe the ache is sometimes nothing works, only going to the dentist. also try warm packs. best adivce is to call around and find another dentist who will see you asap. Waiting a couple of days can make the tooth and pain much worse. As for your dental insurance, if you see a dentist today, pay upfront or ask to do a payment plan, then claim later. Tooth aches are to be seen straight away to avoid further problems and more costs
A Free/Sliding Scale Dentist near/around Atlanta, GA?
I am a female in my midtwenties. I am in serious need of dental care (I don't know exactly what I need but atleast a couple extractions, cavity fillings, possibly crown/bridge/partial denture). I am in alot of pain daily, not to mention the lack of self-confidence I have due to my teeth issues. The economic downturn cost my family and I alot (my husband and I were both laid off). We have no dental insurance. The last time we were able to get an estimate to fix my teeth they were talking tens of thousands of dollars. I desperately need a dentist that will SERIOUSLY work with me on charges/payment or someone who will do it for free/out of the kindness of their heart. I HAVE been to the emergency room when the pain is all-consuming and blinding. They gave me antibiotics, and told me to go to a dentist (Yes I explained to them the situation; they told me I was SOL). The Ben Massell Clinic is not accepting new patients (even though I've been calling them for 6 months now and have never heard back, but c'est la vie). PLEASE if you know anyone who can help I would be greatly appreciative.
Its a bit far, but here in Charleston, SC at MUSC they have a dental clinic. A root canal costs about $300 but you may be able to have it pulled for less if you're desperate. They can set up regular appointments but its done via a student at the university so it often times takes a LONG time to have procedures done...twice to four times as long. Hopes that helps though! Sorry the hospital gave you a hard time...some are like that! :-(
Its a bit far, but here in Charleston, SC at MUSC they have a dental clinic. A root canal costs about $300 but you may be able to have it pulled for less if you're desperate. They can set up regular appointments but its done via a student at the university so it often times takes a LONG time to have procedures done...twice to four times as long. Hopes that helps though! Sorry the hospital gave you a hard time...some are like that! :-(
Crowns across top - 2 at a time a bad idea?
My dentist has advised me for the last 2 or 3 years to get 6 crowns across the top front due to large fillings in the past, weakening etc., not to mention looks. One of them would be a replacement crown from many years ago. Today I said I would finally go for doing 2 of them as my new dental insurance would cover half the cost of 2 of them. My dentist is advising that it is best if all 6 are done at once as it is much easier to have uniformity of the colour of the porcelain and also the fitting of them together with no gaps. I understand about the possibilty of the shades of porcelain not being exactly the same if I get the crowns done in 3 sets of 2 according to when I have enough insurance or spare cash. But is it really that hard for her to fit 2 new crowns to match and fit well with neighbouring crowns so that there are no gaps or wrong angles or whatever that does not look right? Maybe she just wants a good payday for 6 crowns all at once. Should I get a second opinion?
I agree.. she's hearing the ka-ching of the cash register and not hearing you... Get the central incisors done first (front two teeth), then the lateral incisors (the ones next to them) and finally the canines (eye teeth). The porcelain shade for each crown should match (she would just need to select the same shade, it's that simple) so there would be uniformity in the color. The models from the impressions would not be reusable, so you'll have to have a new impression each time you went to have another crown(s) done. The old models would not be any good anymore, since your dentition will have changed from the first set of new crowns placed. Getting the crowns done this way is not a big deal... and if they're done right, there won't be any gaps or incorrect angles... she's just messing with you to 'scare' you into getting them all done at once. Get another consult with a different dentist and see what happens....
I agree.. she's hearing the ka-ching of the cash register and not hearing you... Get the central incisors done first (front two teeth), then the lateral incisors (the ones next to them) and finally the canines (eye teeth). The porcelain shade for each crown should match (she would just need to select the same shade, it's that simple) so there would be uniformity in the color. The models from the impressions would not be reusable, so you'll have to have a new impression each time you went to have another crown(s) done. The old models would not be any good anymore, since your dentition will have changed from the first set of new crowns placed. Getting the crowns done this way is not a big deal... and if they're done right, there won't be any gaps or incorrect angles... she's just messing with you to 'scare' you into getting them all done at once. Get another consult with a different dentist and see what happens....
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